Gomboc 3d print file
Free STL file Gömböc・3D printer model to download・Cults
Bot Chess Set white #Chess
Bot Chess Set Black #Chess
Escher-Style Tessellating Lizard /
A Dodecahedron Speaker for Desktop Printers
Tube mount
Best 3D printer files of the Various category
Realistic forest trees for tabletop wargaming, maquettes, dioramas and other applications
€3. 70
Ant Barrier For Beehives
Sunshine Recorder
Pegasus - Flexi Articulated Horse with Wings (print in place, no supports)
Bait Hive Entrance Disc
Angled filler for bicycle seatpost lights
Best sellers of the category Various
Moving T-800 Terminator Skull
€15 -25% €11.25
ItsLitho "Swirl" personalized lithophane Christmas ball
€1. 90
Christmas House
Articulated Cute Spider
The Black Phone Movie The Grabber 2 Part Mask 3 Styles Frown Smile Mouthless STL
Charmander - Flexi Articulated Pokémon (print in place, no supports)
Gengar - Flexi Articulated Pokémon (print in place, no supports)
ItsLitho Halloween Pumpkin lantern
Charizard - Flexi Articulated Pokémon (print in place, no supports)
ItsLitho "Drop" personalized lithophane Christmas ball
ItsLitho "Pure" personalized lithophane Christmas ball
€1. 90
Targaryen Crown - Viserys - House Of The Dragon
€11.66 -20% €9.33
Adderini - 3D Printed Repeating Slingbow / Crossbow Pistol
Gyarados - Articulated Seasnake
Middle Finger Keyholder
Ciberpunk 2077 Rebecca's Gun "Guts"
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You like Cults and you want to help us continue the adventure independently? Please note that we are a small team of 3 people, therefore it is very simple to support us to maintain the activity and create future developments. Here are 4 solutions accessible to all:
ADVERTISING: Disable your AdBlock banner blocker and click on our banner ads.
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WORD OF MOUTH: Invite your friends to come, discover the platform and the magnificent 3D files shared by the community!
Purchase - Gömböc
from 1000 €
GÖMBÖC LIGHT from Hungary (1/3)
49 € (Paypal)
GÖMBÖC LIGHT from Hungary (2/3)
79 €
60 $
58.83 €
GÖMBÖC LIGHT from Germany
59. 95 €
GÖMBÖC LIGHT from France
65 €
GÖMBÖC LIGHT from Norway
870 kr
from 230 €
from 3 €
The production of the Gömböc is a technical challenge, its sensitivity is 0.01 mm, the minimal reliable size is 90mm tall. The current option with best price (Gömböc light) is the result of 5 years of experimenting.
One can find several Gömböc files for 3D print on the web. We recommend this option to those who are interested in a shape visually resembling the Gömböc as these 3D printed models have several extra stable and unstable positions.
Individual Gömböc order
1000 €
- Aluminum alloy (AlMgSi)
- 90 mm high
- unique number engraved (chosen by Gömböc kft.
- certificate of origin signed by both inventors
- box set
The numbered Gömböc models are produced through Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) technology in Hungary.
Each individual Gömböc has a serial number between 1 and the latest year, it is unique, the same number cannot appear on another Gömböc. Each piece requires individual manufacturing tools, the machining process lasts for 5 weeks. As the production is unique in every single case, we are open to experiment with special ideas.
Institutions who wish to put an individual Gömböc on exhibit can apply for the Gömböc donation program sponsored by Ottó Albrecht.
Other materials
Plexiglass and steelBronzeTitaniumPrevious
Special solutions
Special sizeEngraving (person's name only)Number: customer's choice (from available ones)Previous
Order process
If you would like to order an individual Gömböc or learn more about it, please fill in the order form below or contact us at info@gomboc. eu or +36-30-9502-307, we will respond promptly. If all details are agreed, a Sales and Purchase Agreement will be prepared and sent for electronic signature.
- The first 50% payment is due upon the signature of the agreement, via bank transfer. At that point the chosen serial number will be reserved and the 5-week-long production process starts.
- The final 50% payment is due once the Gömböc arrives with DHL.
Order form
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name: *
E-mail: *
Phone number:
- Gömböc for individual use.
- Gömböc for an institution, as part of the donation program.
TYPE OF GÖMBÖC (check all relevant fields):
- I prefer the base numbered Gömböc (90mm aluminum alloy, number chosen by the Gömböc kft): EUR 1000.
- EXTRAS: I am interested in express processing (less than 5 weeks, the option depending on the producer's capacity).
- EXTRAS: I am interested in other materials (steel, bronze, plexiglass, titanium, etc.).
- EXTRAS: I am interested in the option to choose a specific number by myself.
- EXTRAS: I am interested in individual engraving (person's name allowed only).
- EXTRAS: I would like to discover larger sizes than 90mm.
- QUICK ORDER: I would like to get an email with the Sales and Purchase Agreement template to fill in.
- I would like to get a price list via e-mail on the options selected in previous point.
- Please call me over the phone.
- Please call me through Skype/Meet/Teams.
If you get an error message while submitting this form or you do not get any prompt feedback from us, please send an email to [email protected] or call us at +36 309 502 307. Further questions, contact/timing details:
Free Gömböc STL file・3D printer model for download・Cults
Bot Chess Set white #Chess
Bot Chess Set Black #Chess
Escher-Style Tessellating Lizard /
A Dodecahedron Speaker for Desktop Printers
Tube mount
Best 3D Printer Files in the Miscellaneous Category
Christmas Village II
Valentine Avocado
3. 25 €
Anonymous custom nozzle
2.47 €
Tactical Grip 1
1,50 €
Ping Pong Paddle
Complementary tracks set: straight (No3, No4) - Euroreprap Railroad System
3.36 €
Sail Boat
Vic Pied Piper
Bestsellers in Miscellaneous category
Wolf - Flexi Articulated Animal (printed in place, without supports)
2 €
Eeveelution articulated mega pack
10 €
Ciberpunk 2077 Gun Rebecca "Guts"
4 €
Mickey Christmas night light Litophane
3,50 €
Key holder for middle finger
1 €
Articulated pretty spider
2. 49 €
Christmas house
6.87 €
Ghost Boom x10
1.99 €
ItsLitho "Pure" personalized lithophane Christmas ball
1,90 €
Adderini - 3D printed repeating slingbow/crossbow pistol
6.25 €
4th planet Fighting pre-Olympic god
12 €
Halloween haunted house lamp with 3d moon - NO PREPARATION AND PAINTING NEEDED
6,87 €
Halloween pumpkin lantern ItsLitho
1,90 €
T-800 Terminator Moving Skull
15 € -25% 11. 25 €
Speeder-Pad support on FLSUN V400 and FLSUN SuperRacer
3 €
Targaryen Crown - Viserys - Dragon House
€11.66 -twenty% 9.33 €
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Do you like Cults and want to help us continue our journey on our own ? Please note that we are a small team of 3 people, so supporting us in maintaining activities and creating future developments is very easy. Here are 4 solutions available to everyone:
AD: Disable your AdBlock banner blocker and click on our banner ads.
AFFILIATION: Shop online with our affiliate links here Amazon.
DONATIONS: If you want, you can donate via PayPal here.
* INVITE FRIENDS: * Invite your friends, discover the platform and great 3D files shared by the community!
10 models for 3D printer calibration. Set up your printer
Before you start printing on a 3D printer, you need to test it. For this, special models are most often used to diagnose and calibrate the device. Next, we will list the top 10 models for calibration, in our opinion.
3D Benchy
Among all 3D printing tests, the flagship is 3D Benchy. This model is a boat that can test everything from protrusions to extrusion. If you want to test your 3D printer, then the benches will help you determine the optimal settings for the ideal result. On Thingiverse, more than three thousand users posted photos with their samples, and the boat itself was printed by more than a hundred machines and no fewer materials.
Model reference
A very interesting model, which is called “all-in-one”. Everything is presented in the model: canopy, bridge, string, temperature and belt tension test, extrusion. This is an ideal model for testing the device at several levels at once. A manual is included with the model to help you troubleshoot any issues you find. On Thingiverse, more than 75 users have posted test results on different 3D printers and different materials.
Model Reference
XYZ Calibration Cube
Very simple and fast model for testing. This is a cube with a side of 20mm. It helps to gain dimension by adjusting the steps in millimeters. Also, the model allows you to test extrusion, vibration, temperature. This cube was printed simply by countless 3D printers and a variety of materials.
Model Link
Cali Cat
Nice little calibration cat or just Cali Cat is a simple model that allows you to test the accuracy of the device, as well as detailing, lugs, bridges, vibration and extrusion. And all this in just one hour. More than 2.5 hundred users have submitted their test results on the service.
Model Reference
Phil A. Ment
The MatterHackers Mascot is a Phil A. Ment test model. It was originally intended for manufacturers. The description mentions the fact that Phil has several functions. And they were originally designed specifically for 3D printers. The model has small inserts, relief details, cylinders of vertical and horizontal orientation, ledges. In addition, the model contains chamfers, bridges and fillets. And this miracle is performed by a domed helmet. The record size on the service is 5,1397mm. A total of 84 models were published.
Model Link
Calibration Temperature Tower
You can use this model to adjust the heat of your 3D printer. You can also test for different materials at what temperature the print comes out better.
NEW model Autodesk
This is a new model, or rather not even a model, but a whole procedure that will allow 3D printer manufacturers to show all the capabilities of devices to Kickstarter supporters. And of course, calibrate. The test was developed by Andreas Bastian and is a consolidated STL file that is able to test the system for the following indicators:
- authorization;
- alignment;
- accuracy;
- bridge, etc.
The model has it all. For example, if the 3D printer is set up well, then the horizontal function will be performed with a minimum of problems.
Model Link
PolyPearl Tower
If you want to test curves, cuts, bridges, cuts, then this model can be a great solution. In the description for this test model, the name "torture tower with a twist" appears. It is worth trying to use it for calibration.
Model Link
Rapid Screening
This model is a very quick test to check temperature, cooling, and retract function. Among the advantages of the model is its cost-effectiveness. The model will weigh only 0.23g. With its help, you can immediately remove the "strings".