3D printed skull for sale
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3D printed jewelry - ideas
The technology of photopolymer 3D printing is rapidly improving and is increasingly being used in the jewelry industry. 3D printing in jewelry is no longer a rumor, but an established reality. Rings, bracelets, brooches, earrings of the most unusual shapes can be printed on a “magic” 3D printer and then cast from metal.
All you have to do is choose a 3D printable file online or create your own 3D model using a 3D jewelry design software like 3Design, MatrixGold, etc. The file is then “cut” into layers in a special slicer program, appropriate settings are selected on the 3D printer and printing is started.
You can read more about the technology, comparing it with traditional manufacturing methods, and application examples on our blog in the Jewelry Making section.
Examples of unique jewelry that can be created with resin 3D printing:
3D printed skull ring
Skull rings are a common fashion accessory. They are worn by both men and women, regardless of style and occupation. The symbol of the skull, as the infinity of life and wisdom of the ancestors, is one of the most common and ancient in the history of mankind. Traditional jewelry making methods require long and painstaking processing of small and intricate details of the ring. A 3D printer will print it out for you, like Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K or Phrozen Sonic Mini 8K.
3D printed flower ring
A flower ring is something that almost every girl wants to have in her collection. For many of them, this is a must-have accessory. Flowers come in different sizes and styles, small and large, thin and graceful, or, conversely, massive.
For 3D printing, you can use model or burnout resin. According to the burnt-out model, in the future, you can cast a metal decoration. The range of resins is very large, there are high resolution 4K and 8K resins for creating highly detailed models. Models shown are in Phrozen Wax-like Castable Violet.
3D printed anchor
Anchor pendant is an incredible piece of jewelry inspired by the sea. It has a special meaning for people close to the sea. The anchor is a symbol of hope, stability and confidence in the future. It is associated with a ship that has landed on its native shore.
3D printed tiger pendant
According to Chinese astrology, this year is the Year of the Tiger! This means that people all over the world will wear tiger-themed jewelry.
3D printed bouquet brooch
A brooch-bouquet is another fashionable decoration. Just look how delicate this brooch is. 3D printing did an excellent job with her intricate details.
With 3D printing, you can create an unlimited number of designer jewelry. You can create a one-of-a-kind unique decoration. The detail is amazing. At the same time, jewelry 3D printing definitely increases the production capacity of the enterprise. Many modern manufacturers are using resin 3D printing technology as a way to save time and money in the long run.
3D printed medical products from CML AT Medical start-up in Kazakhstan
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The engineering company CML AT Medical of the North-West Nanocenter (LVM AT Medicine LLC) made the first delivery to Kazakhstan of an individual cranioplast made on a 3D printer for an operation at the National Center for Neurosurgery in Nur-Sultan.
Cranioplates are 3D printed implants to replace defects in the skull and dura mater resulting from trauma or surgery. Products allow closing injured bone areas of almost any size, location and shape, achieving high functional and cosmetic results in the postoperative period.
To solve the problem of functional and aesthetic restoration of lost fragments of cranial bones, CML AT Medical specialists design individual cranioplasts that repeat not only the shape of the defect, but also the bone architecture of the skull of a particular person: the implant is modeled on the basis of the patient's computed tomography images. Together with the plate, an anatomical model of the injured area is made for preliminary planning of the operation. The use of a set of products reduces the duration of surgical intervention, allows the use of a smaller number of fixing elements, and reduces the likelihood of postoperative complications.
CML AT Medical cranioplasts have a mesh structure and are manufactured from titanium alloy using additive technologies. This reduces the weight of the product, ensures high strength and good osseointegration of the implant. Over the past three years, over 150 operations have been performed in Russia using CML AT Medical cranioplasts.
In the spring of this year, the implants of the engineering center appeared on the market of Kazakhstan. The first operation using an individual set of products of the company took place in April at the National Center for Neurosurgery in Nur-Sultan. The specialists of the medical institution chose CML AT Medical products as a result of a comparative analysis of the technical and cost characteristics of implants from different manufacturers. As a result of the operation, neurosurgeons noted that the company's product was accurately positioned on the patient's skull and did not require adjustment to the size of the defect, which ultimately greatly simplified the implant installation process and reduced the surgical intervention time by about half.
The results of using the product were highly appreciated by the specialists of the medical institution. Successful cooperation with the Center for Neurosurgery has opened up new opportunities for the development of the CML AT Medical distribution network in Kazakhstan. According to Yana Chekryzhova, director of CML AT Medical, as a result of successful cooperation with the Center for Neurosurgery, the company has new business partners in the territory of the union state who are interested in supplying and promoting the products of the engineering center in Kazakhstan.
The North-Western Center for Technology Transfer (North-Western Nanocenter) is part of the investment network of the Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of the Rosnano group, whose activities are aimed at commercializing technologies in the field of nanoindustry based on the combination of laboratory and technological equipment, and as well as a complex of marketing and business support services for small innovative companies. The North-Western Nanocenter carries out a full cycle of venture construction: it creates serially high-tech companies from an idea to the sale of a ready-made business.