Overwatch 3d print
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15 Overwatch 3D Models - Gambody, 3D Printing Blog
Overwatch video game gathers soldiers, scientists, adventurers, and oddities in a single place. The interactive Universe allows gamers to manage a hero and see its skills and abilities grow while the game progresses.
Being a popular video game, with a large community, Overwatch has long been an inspiration for cosplayers and 3D artists. Here’s our selection of 15 Overwatch-inspired 3D models. Check them out.
1. McCree Peacekeeper Overwatch 3D Print
Jesse McCree equals Peacekeeper revolver. If you know the guy, you know that he doesn’t take any mission without his buddy, the Peacekeeper. He handles the Peacekeeper so masterfully, that can empty the cylinder with a single move.
Download the files for free at MyMiniFactory.
2. Jesse McCree 3D Printing Files
The badass hero from Overwatch is known for his illegal past and for his desire to change his life for the better. His ally in his missions is the Peacekeeper revolver.
The 3D model is divided into 2 STL files: one for the revolver and the other one for the figurine. It will stand 16 cm tall.
Buy Jesse McCree STL files at Gambody.
3. Zarya from Overwatch Mini Bust
Aleksandra “Zarya” Zaryanova is a Russian soldier. She loves playing around with particles and gravity. So, it’s not a surprise that her favorite weapon is a particle cannon shooting balls of energy.
Zarya’s 3D printing bust stands about 95mm tall and uses support.
Look for the files at MyMiniFactory and download them for free.
4. Overwatch Soldier 76 Weapon
Soldier: 76 Heavy Pulse Rifle is the signature weapon of the video game character. It remains steady even when is loaded and allows the hero to shoot high-power Helix Rockets.
Its 3D printing replica is made of two parts: the left and the right side. The sides can be glued together. The printing is support free, which means no pain trying to get the parts cleared.
Download the files on MyMiniFactory.
5. Soldier: 76 3D Static Figurine
Another Overwatch hero made ready for 3D printing. The video game figurine stands 16 cm tall and is available for download in STL file format. There are two separate files: for the rifle and for the actual figurine.
The 3D model will 3D print for 1 day but will use only 15.5 m of printing material. Download the files at Gambody for $24.99.
6. Pharah Overwatch Hero
Pharah, the Egyptian-origin soldier, joined Overwatch in her endeavor to protect the innocent. Her combat armor suit and the high-explosive rocket launcher she dreams of making a difference in the world she lives.
The creator of this 3D printing model recommends printing it in 3 separate parts: upper, lower and tips. After having it 3D printed, the 3D model will stand about 16cm tall.
Check the files over at Thingiverse.
7. Overwatch Mercy Hairpin
It’s fun to see accessories and jewelry with the video game logos or inspired by the jewelry and distinctive symbol of the video game heroes. It might seem that this hairpin is not an item to die for, but tell this to an Overwatch fan girl.
Head over to Thingiverse to download the file and print it.
8. Overwatch Reaper Mask
This 3D model of Reaper Mask is perfect for those who cosplay and want to impress. Step into the shoes of mercenary that instigates deathly fear.
Download the file and 3D print it.
9. Genji Shuriken
Another cosplay item, Genji’s Shuriken is easy to print and doesn’t require too much material and 3D printing time.
What is a deadly weapon for Genji in the video game is a cool accessory for a cosplayer in the real world.
The file for the prop can be downloaded at Thingiverse.
10. Genji 3D Figurine
This 16cm-tall figurine will 3D print from a single solid STL file. It comes on a support base, and can be used both as a table-top figurine, or a collectible.
Buy the files at Gambody for only $24.99.
11. Symmetra Photon Projector
Symmetra hero from Overwatch video game manipulates masterfully her Photon Projector, releasing a charged ball that can deal increasing damage. She has also a Photon shield that absorbs the damage directed to an ally.
The 3D printing item can be used for cosplay and the files are available for free download at Thingiverse.
12. Overwatch Genji Helmet
3D printed cosplay props for Halloween or cosplay events are a life saver for those who cosplay regularly and enjoy it. And just like in fashion industry, you can’t wear your cosplay props twice, right.
Thank goodness there are a lot of video games from which to get inspired. Genji helmet for 3D printing is broken down into 5 separate parts that later must be assembled and glued together.
Download the files at Thingiverse.
13. Mei’s Bluster
Freeze the enemy with this Endothermic Blaster for 3D printing. If you have a grudge on somebody, get revenge.
14. Overwatch Logo Ring
Another accessory to go into your jewelry box is the Overwatch Logo ring. You can print it with Shapeways, in a large variety of metals. The price varies depending on the chosen material, though.
15. Reinhardt 3D Model
The 3D print of Reinhardt is probably one of the most impressive Overwatch 3D models available on our marketplace. To make the printing process easier, the hammer of the hero is broken down into 3 parts, which easily connect together, after being 3D printed. The model stands 16 cm tall and requires about 52 m of printing material.
Download the files here.
Bring the Overwatch gang into the real world with the help of the 3D printing. Create or download video game-inspired 3D models.
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Mitsubishi Electric Develops Satellite Dish 3D Printing Technology in Space
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has developed an in-orbit additive manufacturing technology using light-sensitive resin and solar ultraviolet rays that allows satellite dish 3D printing in the vacuum of outer space.
The new technology uses a special liquid resin that has been recently formulated to be stable under vacuum. The structure of this resin allows it to be used for piece production of various structures in outer space by photopolymerization using solar ultraviolet rays.
In particular, this technology makes it possible to solve the problem of ensuring the production of various components and structures for the creation and assembly of small and inexpensive spacecraft, such as, for example, antenna reflectors with a high gain. It also makes it possible to produce various structures directly in orbit, the dimensions of which significantly exceed the dimensions of the fairings of launch vehicles. It is expected that in-orbit production of various structures using the new resin will make these spacecraft elements thinner and lighter than conventional structures that have to withstand the loads during launch and orbit, thereby reducing both the overall weight of the satellite and the cost of its launch.
Spacecraft antennas have a rather complex design, which is due to conflicting requirements for them - they must have a high gain and a wide bandwidth with a low weight. High gain and wide bandwidth necessarily require a large aperture, but the need to deploy antennas in orbit typically requires antenna designs to be lightweight and compact enough to fit folded inside a launch vehicle or satellite deployment mechanism.
Mitsubishi Electric's innovative approach, in-orbit resin fabrication technology, allows the efficient creation of high-gain, large-aperture broadband antennas from a lightweight, vibration-resistant starter pack. Thanks to the development of a 3D printer that compresses a special UV curable resin designed for use in a vacuum, low-energy additive manufacturing of free-form structures in space (without additional supporting structures) has become possible.
Technology features
3D printer for making free-form antennas under vacuum:
- The 3D printer separates antenna legs and angle adjustment motors.
- The size of the antenna is not limited by the size of the radome of the launcher or the size of the satellite bus.
- On-orbit production eliminates the need to design the antenna to withstand vibration and shock during launch, which is a prerequisite for the production of conventional antenna reflectors; this, in turn, reduces the weight and thickness of the antenna reflectors, thereby helping to reduce the weight of the satellite and the cost of its launch.
- Taking into account the technical parameters of a cubesat satellite with a height of 3U (100x100x300 mm), an antenna reflector with a diameter of 165 mm (which is larger than the size of the cubesat bus) was made in the air and a gain of 23.
5 dB was provided, confirmed when used in the Ku-band (13.5 GHz).
World's first (as of May 17, 2022, according to company research) photosensitive resin with stability, pressability and vacuum hardening:
- Commercially available photosensitive resins are low molecular weight, have high vapor pressures and are not suitable for vacuum applications where they boil and polymerize prematurely. The newly developed UV curable resin uses a high molecular weight, low vapor pressure oligomeric base blended with a vacuum-stable non-volatile polyphenyl ether plasticizer to achieve a viscosity suitable for vacuum pressing.
- Since most polymerization inhibitors require atmospheric oxygen as an additional factor to prevent premature polymerization, so they do not work in a vacuum, the new resin formula uses inhibitors that are independent of the presence of oxygen and have almost zero volatility.
- When exposed to ultraviolet light, the resin cures by fusing to a solid that is thermally stable to at least 400°C, which is above the maximum temperature under orbital use conditions.
- The use of sunlight for curing and curing eliminates the need for a separate UV source, enabling energy-efficient production.
Looking to the future
Mitsubishi Electric's in-orbit resin manufacturing technology enables small satellites with the capabilities of large spacecraft, reducing launch costs and enabling satellite technology to be used more than ever in these applications , as communication and observation of the state of the Earth. It is expected that these new, enhanced capabilities will enable more rapid acquisition of satellite imagery and observational data to meet the diverse needs of individuals and organizations.
90,000 St. Petersburg schools received more than 20 3D printers in 2021-February 11, 2022
ALMAZ-Antey concern
11 February 2022, 09:29
6 Comments Obukhovsky Plant in 2021 in 2021 handed over 23 Helios-1 3D printers to five schools in the Nevsky district as part of the city program of the Committee for Education to equip the city's schools with modern equipment. There are plans to equip schools with more than a hundred 3D printers.
Five schools in the Nevsky District: No. 334, No. 572, No. 512, No. 344 and No. 332 received grants from the St. the first 3D printers. The project will be continued in 2022, and the Obukhov plant intends to continue participating in the city initiative.
Recall that the Helios-1 3D printer developed and manufactured by the Obukhov plant with FDM technology and a closed construction chamber is currently the only domestic 3D printer in the Register of Russian Industrial Products.
The additive machine is equipped with a print zone access protection system, making it suitable for use in educational institutions. It is possible to print products of various dimensions from various types of plastic (PLA, ABS, FLEX, PETG).
In April 2022, Almaz-Antey VKO Concern, which includes the Obukhov Plant, will celebrate 20 years since its foundation. As part of the holding's anniversary, various events are planned, including a children's technical creativity competition on additive technologies. Students will complete several practical tasks: modeling, 3D printing and post-processing of the resulting model. The developed 3D models will be printed on Helios-1 3D printers.
The competition will be held in the five largest cities of Russia, where the Concern's enterprises are also located: Moscow (PJSC NPO Almaz), St. Petersburg (JSC Obukhovsky Plant), Nizhny Novgorod (JSC Plant named after the 70th anniversary of the Victory ), Novosibirsk (NPO NIIIP-NZiK JSC) and Yekaterinburg (MZiK JSC).
For the competition, 20 printers will be sent to the cities where the competition is held. Subsequently, the printers will be given to schools and educational organizations.
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