Mini metal 3d printer
Mini Metal Maker, Affordable Metal Clay 3D Printer, Relaunches on Indiegogo to Fund Mass Production -
Affordable metal 3D printing seems like the Holy Grail of additive manufacturing. The ability to print items with metal, on the fly, at prices which don’t break the bank could be a boon for several key markets, like that of the jewelry market. The problem though, is that most printers which fabricate metal objects cost upwards of $1 million, typically out of reach for most small businesses and hobbyists.
Way back in November of 2013, Pueblo Colorado-based Mini Metal Maker launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for one of the most innovative metal 3D printers we have seen to date. Called the Mini Metal Maker, the printer relied on metal clays and a kiln to produce objects from a variety of metal materials. After raising in excess of $34,000, having numerous issues which needed to be resolved, and over 15 months of work, the company has shipped out the initial units to backers of that first Inidegogo campaign. Today they’ve decided to announced the launch of a second Indiegogo camapaign.
This time around, they want to move the company out of their garage and into a full-scale production facility. They are seeking a total of $150,000, which will be used to move to this new facility, develop new software to more intuitively run the machines, purchase tools and machinery for production, and deal with the various licensing issues required to produce these 3D printers.
The printer, which is incredibly sleek, functions in a similar way to a Cartesian-based FDM machine. The only real difference is that instead of thermoplastic filaments, the Mini Metal Maker uses metal clays which users will be able to purchase on the company’s website in 50g cartridges, thanks to a partnership with Metal Adventures. Once an object is printed, it must be allowed to air-dry before being placed into a kiln at 1550˚F(600˚C-900˚C). The intense heat burns the binder material of the clay away, leaving only the metal particles which then fuse together becoming one solid object. Below are a few of the general specifications for this machine:
- Printer Size: 23 cm x 30 cm x 46 cm
- Printer Weight: 10lbs
- Build Envelope: 8 x 8 x 8 cm
- Extrusion resolution: 250 micron
- XY resolution: 10 microns
- Z resolution: 2 microns
- Connectivity: USB port
Priced at just $2,100, this machine falls into a category of metal 3D printers which actually doesn’t even exist yet. If the machine works like the company claims, it could certainly be a game changer for hobbyists as well as many businesses, small and large. The first units are expected ship sometime in October whether the company meets their $150,000 Indiegogo goal or not.
Let us know if you have backed this project, and your thoughts on printing with metal clays in the Mini Metal Maker forum thread on Check out the company’s Indiegogo pitch video below:
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Tagged with: 3d print metal clay • cheap metal 3d printer • crowdfunding • indiegogo • metal 3d printer • metal clay 3d printer • mini metal maker
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Desktop Metal Studio 3D Printer
STUDIO SYSTEM 2™An End-to-End Solution to 3D Print Complex Metal Parts In-HouseIntroducing the new Desktop Metal Studio 2 for metal 3D printing. The first end-to-end affordable solution for 3D printing complex metal parts in-house in a variety of metal alloys including stainless steel, copper and tool steels.
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- Overview
- Key Features
- Advantages
- How it Works
- Materials
- Applications
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Accessible Metal 3D Printing
The Studio System 2 from Desktop Metal was created to enable engineers and design teams to produce complex metal parts faster, more accurately, and in a safe operating environment without the need for special facilities or dedicated operators. Just print and sinter; A two-step process that doesn’t require solvent debinder or tooling as in the case of MIM (metal injection molding).
Explore the Desktop Metal Studio by watching the video
Sophisticated Software
Powerful software creates build and sinter plans for every project and material. Automative supports and control parameters ensure a seamless 3D printing experience.
Maximize Productivity
3D print up to 24 cubic inches per day in a wide variety of metal materials. Maximum resolution for the printer is 50 μm
Built to Perform
The motion control system was built with encoded balls screws instead of belts, and combined with auto leveling and a heated build area you get excellent geometric fidelity and build success rates.
Safe & Simple
Separable Supports
Precise, High-Quality Parts
Make Metal Work Faster
No more waiting for machined or cast parts. Iterate faster by printing highly complex metal parts–without leaving the office.
How It WorksA metal 3D printing process in 3 easy-to-manage steps
Step 1 – Prepare your files
Secure, web-based software fabricates from STL or CAD files, automatically generating supports and control parameters based on part geometry and material.
Step 2 – 3D Print
Layer by layer, a green part is shaped by extruding bound metal rods—metal powder held together by polymer binders—in a process called Bound Metal Deposition™.
Step 3 – Sinter
Once printed, parts are placed in the furnace. As the part is heated to temperatures near melting, the binder is removed and metal particles fuse together causing the part to densify up to 98%.
Introducing the new, swappable 250μm printhead that includes supporting software profiles. This enables new geometries and applications, resulting in achieving smaller parts and fine features with an improved surface.
There are camera’s everywhere, so why not put one in the in-chamber build plate? This camera captures live footage of the part as it prints, and is accessible in your web browser. Users now have complete insight of their part, and have the ability to monitor print success.
Stackable shelving is a new feature that increases part capacity of the debinder and furnace, giving greater throughput. Increased workload volume addresses bottlenecks typical at the debind sinter stages.
To achieve high quality parts, a new retort box design has been added to support thermal uniformity.
Eliminate some cost of consumables and achieve lower cost-per-part with external gas connections.
Studio Fleet is a custom and configurable metal 3D printing hardware solution for producing complex metal parts in low-mid volume.
MaterialsThe metallurgy behind the Studio System™ is built upon the material science and established powder supply chain of the metal injection molding (MIM) industry. When combined with Desktop Metal’s expansive in-house expertise in material processing, binder compounds, and metal 3D printing, the result is high-quality metal parts with affordable material costs.
17-4 PH Stainless Steel
| Studio System 2
Material: 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
17-4 Stainless Steel is a precipitation hardening steel used in a wide range of industrial applications including those with mildly corrosive environments and high-strength requirements.
Specs- XY axis
- As sintered:
- Yield Strength: 695 MPa
- Ultimate Tensile Strength: 925 MPa
- Elongation at Break: 5.3%
- Hardness (HRC): 26
- Density (g/cc): 7.56
- As sintered:
- Manufacturing machinery
- Chemical processing
- Food processing
- Pump components
- Valving
- Fasteners
- Jigs and fixtures
- Bound Metal Deposition™
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316L Stainless Steel
| Studio System 2
Material: 316L Stainless Steel
Characterized by its corrosion resistance and performance at both high and low temperatures, 316L stainless steel is a fully austenitic steel ideal for harsh environments.
- Sintered:
- Ultimate Tensile Strength: 533 MPa
- Yield Strength: 169 MPa
- Elongation: 66%
- Hardness (HRB): 66
- Density (relative): 97%
- Chemical and petrochemical processing
- Food processing
- Laboratory equipment
- Medical devices
- Marine
- Jewelry
- Power generation
- Petroleum refining
- Water treatment
- Pulp and paper manufacturing
- Bound Metal Deposition™
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h23 | Studio System 2
Material: h23 Tool Steel
h23 tool steel is hot work steel with great hot hardness, resistance to thermal fatigue cracking, and stability in heat treatment. This makes it an ideal metal for both hot and cold work tooling applications.
- Yield Strength:
- Sintered: 650 MPa
- Heat-treated: 1250 MPa
- Wrought, heat-treated: 1525
- Ultimate Tensile Strength:
- Sintered: 1325 MPa
- Heat-treated: 1720 MPa
- Wrought, heat-treated: 1950 MPa
- Elongation at Break:
- Sintered: 2.3%
- Heat-treated: 5.8%
- Wrought, heat-treated: 9%
- Hardness:
- Sintered: 35
- Heat-treated: 45
- Wrought, heat-treated: 54
- Density:
- Sintered: ≥93.5%
- Wrought, heat-treated: 100%
- Extrusion dies
- Injection molds
- Hot forging dies
- Die casting cores, inserts and cavities
- Bound Metal Deposition™
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4140 Chromoly Steel
| Studio System 2
Material: 4140 Chromoly Steel
One of the most versatile steels, 4140 steel is characterized by its toughness, high fatigue strength, and abrasion and impact resistance.
- Yield Strength:
- Heat Treated: 1060 MPa
- Wrought (heat-treated): 1500 MPa
- Ultimate Tensile Strength:
- Heat Treated: 1450 MPa
- Wrought (heat-treated): 1990 MPa
- Elongation at Break:
- HeatTreated: 5.5%
- Wrought (heat-treated): 10%
- Hardness (HRC):
- Heat Treated: 40
- Wrought (heat-treated): 52
- Density:
- Heat Treated: 95%
- Wrought (heat-treated): 100%
All-purpose steel industrial applications such as:
- Jigs and fixtures
- Automotive
- Bolts/Nuts
- Gears
- Steel couplings
- Bound Metal Deposition™
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Copper | Studio System 2
Material: Copper
Copper is characterized by its electrical and thermal conductivity and ductility, and it is ideal for electrical equipment, plumbing, and heat transfer applications.
- Sintered:
- Ultimate Tensile Strength: 195 MPa
- Yield Strength: 45 MPa
- Elongation: 37%
- Density (g/cc): 8.75
- Consumer and industrial electronics
- Heat exchangers
- Antennas
- Inductors
- Bound Metal Deposition™
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Ti64 | Studio System 2
Material: Titanium Alloy
Ti64 is an alloy of titanium, aluminum, and vanadium with a high strength-to-weight ratio and corrosion resistance.
Specs- Ultimate Tensile Strength:
- Sintered: 845 MPa
- Yield Strength:
- Sintered: 730 MPa
- Elongation:
- Sintered: 17%
- Density (Relative): 97.
A wide variety of high-performance applications such as:
- Specialty automotive components, including connecting rods and gearboxes for racing
- Prototyping of medical devices, including tweezers, forceps, clamps, suture instruments and more
- Consumer goods, including sporting goods and jewelry
- Bound Metal Deposition™
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Inconel 625 | Studio System 2
Material: Nickel Alloy IN 625
Inconel 625 (IN625) is a high nickel super alloy ideal for harsh environments in or out of water, characterized by its excellent strength, heat & corrosion resistance.
SpecsMechanical Properties [as sintered]:
- Ultimate tensile strength (Xy): 725 MPa
- Yield strength (Xy): 303 MPa
- Elongation at Break: 34%
- Hardness (HRB): 83.
- Young’s Modulus: 199 GPa
- Density: 8.2 g/cc
- Defense
- Aerospace
- Chemical
- Nuclear
- Bound Metal Deposition
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D2 Tool Steel | Studio System
Material: Corrosion Resistance Tool Steel
D2 tool steel is a versatile material that provides tooling grade strength while also offering corrosion resistance, a key benefit for conformally cooled applications.
SpecsMechanical Properties (After Quench & Temper):
- Transverse Rupture Strength (GPa): 3.1, ASTM B528
- Hardness (HRC): 56.5, ASTM E18
- Density: 7.5 g/cm³
- Cutting components
- Conformally cooled injection molding inserts and cavities
- Cold forming tooling components
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Superior Properties
Similar to metal injection molding (MIM), the Desktop Metal Studio System leverages bulk sintering to achieve densities greater than 98%. Part performance is similar to wrought alloys and it is possible to tune part density with closed-cell infill.
Materials Available
17-4 PH Stainless
316L Stainless
h23 Tool Steel
4140 Chrome Moly
Inconel 625 Superalloy
Kovar F-15
Additional Materials: By enabling the use of metal powders from the MIM industry, our systems have access to a wide range of existing materials—from steels and aluminum to superalloys and titanium.
Near-Net-Shape Parts
The Desktop Metal Studio system produces near-net-shape metal parts with the accuracy and layer resolution needed for functional prototyping and a variety of other applications. A seamless 3D printing experience, from printing through to sintering, is created with powerful software and automatic support generation.
Tight Tolerances
± .002 in/in (geometry dependent)
Remove Supports by Hand
The Desktop Metal Studio system does not require any wire EDM or machining to remove support structures. Proprietary separable supports make it possible to remove support by hand because it is no bonded to the part. As a result, highly complex parts and print-in-place assemblies can be easily printed and put to use.
Bring Affordable Metal 3D Printing In-House
The HardwareThe Desktop Metal team designed the Studio 3D Printer to be the most accessible metal 3D printing solution to date.
With powerful web-based software, hand-removable support material, and fast material changes the
Studio System was designed from the ground up for seamless integration into your product development workflow.
The Studio Desktop Metal 3D printer extrudes bound metal rods similar to a plastic FDM system. Unlike laser-based DMLS 3D printers that selectively bond metal powders the Studio system does not require any special safety or facility requirements and creates the opportunity to produce closed-cell infill for lightweight structures as well as work with a wider range of metal alloys.
Build Volume | 300 x 200 x 200 mm (12 x 8 x 8 in) |
Build Chamber | Heated |
Extruder Assembly | Dual quick-release print heads |
Layer height (in green state) |
Nozzle diameter (Build media) |
Download Spec Sheet
The Furnace
The Studio System 2 furnace is designed to be the easiest to use furnace ever made. It first heats parts to remove all binders, then increases the temperature to near-melting point to deliver industrial-strength sintering in an office-friendly package. Built-in temperature profiles tuned to every build and material ensure uniform heating and cooling without the residual stresses introduced in laser-based systems.
Atmosphere | Partial-pressure sintering (vacuum-enabled) |
Heating | SiC heating elements (4 sides) |
Max Temperature | 1400 °C (2552 °F) |
Workload surface area | 3,000 cm2 (465 in |
Workload envelope | 300 x 200 x 170 mm (11.8 x 7.9 x 6.9 in) |
Download Spec Sheet
Software-Controlled Workflow
The Desktop Metal Studio system was designed as a complete workflow, with no third party equipment required. Every stage of the 3D printing process is fully automated and managed by software, making it simple to go from CAD to metal part.
Quick Material Changes
Compared to laser based systems, where material changes can pose safety risks and can take a week or more, the Studio 3D printer was designed to have swappable, safe-to-handle material catridges and quick release print heads.
Office-Friendly Sintering
A first of its kind, the sintering furnace has swappable aluminum gas canisters and optional hook ups for simple to manage gas. Built-in effluent filters, binder cold traps, safety fail safes, and detection systems make this system safe to use on the shop floor.
Expert Metallurgy Built-In
The Desktop Metal sintering oven combines unique materials profiles with part data to construct sintering plans for every part. With closed loop thermal control, real-time heating regulation throughout the sintering cycle is enabled ensuring every part is uniformly heated and cooled.
Low Volume Production with
Studio Fleet
Stainless steel, copper, and tool steels are some of the many critical allows the Studio System brings to 3D printing. Every alloy goes through meticulous qualification by world-leading materials scientists, and our core materials consistently meet or exceed industry standards.
17-4 PH Material datasheet
17-4 PH Stainless steel for strength and corrosion resistance | AISI 4140 low alloy, mid-carbon steel for high strength and toughness | h23 tool steel for hardness and abrasion resistance at elevated temperatures |
316L Stainless steel for corrosion resistance at high temps | Copper for thermal and electrical conductivity | Inconel 625 superalloy for strength and corrosion resistance at high temperatures |
Easy two-step process
Printed parts are placed directly in the furnace. No need for a solvent debind, just print and sinter.
Safety First
Odor-free and environmentally safe due to no solvent debind phase. No need for additional ventilators or respirators. Studio System 2 allows users to get the system up and running in no time.
High Quality Parts
Difficult geometry (which requires tall, thin, complex supports) is now possible thanks to new material formulations and print/sinter profiles.
Software Controlled Workflow
No metallurgist or machinist experience is required with an automated print to sinter workflow powered by Fabricate software
ApplicationsMachine Bracket
Jigs & Fixtures Titanium 64 (Ti64) Alloy
This machine bracket has been designed by using a gyroid lattice infill and titanium in place of 17-4PH stainless steel in order to reduce weight and material while maintaining the required functional strength and stiffness.
Full DescriptionIt would be impossible to produce this part’s geometry using conventional manufacturing processes due to its complexity. Moreover, 3D printing this new design on the Studio System 2 in Ti64 leads to reducing the part’s weight by 59 percent.
Ti64 for Studio System 2 produces lightweight 3D printed parts due to its high strength-to-weight ratio, thus becoming ideal for countless applications from key industries such as aerospace and defence, automotive, oil and gas, and medical.
- Estimated saving in part weight: 55-60%
- Bound Metal Deposition (BMD)™
Flower Nozzle
Industrial Equipment 316L Stainless Steel
This flower nozzle was 3D printed with Desktop Metal Studio System 2™ and it is used to atomize fluid in industrial equipment.
Full DescriptionDue to the complex geometry, this type of part would typically be cast followed by extensive secondary machining. With the Studio System 2™, the nozzle can be 3D printed without the lead times and setup costs of casting, enabling one-off and small-batch orders.
Specs- Size (mm): 123 x 123 x 45
- Cost to print ($): 184.00
Bound Metal Deposition™
Lathe Gear
Industrial Equipment 17-4 PH Stainless Steel
This part is a replacement gear for a vintage lathe. Metal 3D printing allows for the fabrication of legacy parts at a much lower cost.
In some cases, replacement parts are no longer available, either off the shelf or from the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer). Fabricating custom gears via hobbing and broaching is often expensive. With metal 3D printing, the manufacturing of such parts is possible at lower costs and reduced lead times.
Specs- Size (mm): 82 x 82 x 27
- Cost to print ($): 58.00
- Cost to machine ($): 260.67
- Savings vs. machining: 77.70%
Bound Metal Deposition™
APG Thread Checker Fixture
17-4 PH Stainless Steel (Studio System)
This fixture pushes a thread checker into a part on a manufacturing line. It stands for repeated use and must be easily produced to keep the manufacturing line up.
The fixture must be regularly replaced as it wears out. Printing the part with the Studio System eliminates CNC lead time and frees up the machine shop for more critical work.
Specs- Size (mm): 47 x 28 x 15
- Cost to print: $14.00
- Bound Metal Deposition™
Tri Manifold
Manufacturing Alloy 625
This part converges three flow paths into one via internal channels. These channels would be impossible to machine and instead would need to be drilled as straight holes and plugged.
Full DescriptionPrinting on the Studio System allows these channels to be designed for their function rather than their manufacturing method. This part can be produced in just a few days with very little hands-on work.
Specs- Size (mm): 108 x 101 x 98
- Cost to print: ($) 906.
- Cost to DMLS ($): 4069.28
- Savings vs. machining: 77.74%
Bound Metal Deposition™
Generative Piston Head
Generative Design, Prototyping 4140
Prototype piston head for a reciprocating engine, optimized with generative design. Typically CNC machined from aluminum alloy, pistons can be time-consuming and difficult to rapidly prototype and test.
Full DescriptionIt often takes months or even years to move from design to production. With the Studio System, various piston designs can be easily prototyped and tested—speeding up product development timelines, reducing time to market, and introducing new opportunities for optimization, including generative design—all while avoiding CNC backlog and lead times.
Specs- Size (mm): 105 x 105 x 54
- Cost to print ($): 271.
- Cost to machine ($): 568.13
- Savings vs. machining: 52.30%
Bound Metal Deposition™
YE6 Burner Tip
Tooling and Machinery 316L Stainless Steel
This burner tip was originally cast in the 1950s. With the Studio System, the company was able to recreate the part with properties similar to the original cast part, with no tooling cost or long lead times.
Full DescriptionThe quote for new tooling is usually in the tens of thousands of dollars. Thus, Studio System 2, a printer that was designed from the ground up for simple installation and use, allows for significant cost savings, especially when it comes to manufacturing obsolete parts at low costs and without compromising part quality.
Specs- Size (mm): 139 x 139 x 86
- Cost to print ($): 193.46
- Cost to machine: ($) 694.
- Cost reduction: 72.00%
Bound Metal Deposition™
Helical Heat Exchanger
Manufacturing Copper
This heat exchanger enables a much higher heat transfer rate than a traditionally manufactured part. Used in chemical processing to cool a hot gas as it flows through a pipe.
Full DescriptionThe Studio System allows for the complex geometry of the heat exchanger to easily be printed as a single component. It would not be manufacturable as one component via CNC machining due to its thin external fins and a complex, internal helical cooling channel.
Specs- Size (mm): 78 x 64 x 58
- Cost to print ($): 443.00
- Cost to machine ($): 2138.00
- Cost reduction: 79.28%
Bound Metal Deposition™
Zipper Mold
Material: h23 Tool Steel
This part is an injection mold insert for manufacturing zinc zippers.
The 3D printing of the mold inserts shortens production run lead time and allows rapid iteration and refinement of zipper designs. Using a high-resolution printhead allows for smaller parts with finer features, requiring less post-processing.
SpecsSize (mm): 46 x 27 x 18
Cost to print ($): 16.00
Bound Metal Deposition (BMD)™
How metal 3D printers work. Overview of SLM and DMLS technologies. additive manufacturing. 3D metal printing.
Metal 3D printing. Additive technologies.
SLM or DMLS: what's the difference?
Hello everyone, Friends! 3DTool is with you!
BLT metal 3D printer catalog
Selective laser melting ( SLM ) and direct metal laser sintering ( DMLS ) are two additive manufacturing processes that belong to the family of 3D printing using the powder layer method. The two technologies have much in common: they both use a laser to selectively melt (or melt) metal powder particles, bonding them together and creating a pattern layer by layer. In addition, the materials used in both processes are metals in granular form.
The differences between SLM and DMLS come down to the basics of the particle bonding process: SLM uses metal powders with a single melting point and completely melts the particles, while in DMLS the powder consists of materials with variable melting points.
SLM produces single metal parts while DMLS produces metal alloy parts.
Both SLM and DMLS technologies are used in industry to create final engineering products. In this article, we will use the term "metal 3D printing" to summarize the 2 technologies. We will also describe the main mechanisms of the manufacturing process that are necessary for engineers to understand the advantages and disadvantages of these technologies.
There are other manufacturing processes for producing dense metal parts, such as electron beam melting (EBM) and ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM). Their availability and distribution is rather limited, so they will not be presented in this article.
How 3D printing with SLM or DMLS metal works.
How does metal 3D printing work? The basic manufacturing process for SLM and DMLS is very similar.
1. The printing chamber is first filled with an inert gas (such as argon) to minimize the oxidation of the metal powder. It then heats up to the optimum operating temperature.
2. A layer of powder is spread over the platform, a powerful laser makes passes along a predetermined path in the program, fusing the metal particles together and creating the next layer.
3. When the sintering process is completed, the platform moves down 1 layer. Next, another thin layer of metal powder is applied. The process is repeated until the entire model is printed.
When the printing process is completed, the metal powder already has strong bonds in the structure. Unlike the SLS process, parts are attached to the platform via support structures. The support in metal 3D printing is created from the same material as the base part. This condition is necessary to reduce deformations that may occur due to high processing temperatures.
When the 3D printer's chamber cools down to room temperature, excess powder is removed manually, such as with a brush. The parts are then typically heat treated while they are still attached to the platform. This is done to relieve any residual stresses. They can then be further processed. The removal of the part from the platform occurs by means of sawing.
Scheme of operation of a 3D printer for metal.
In SLM and DMLS, almost all process parameters are set by the manufacturer. The layer height used in metal 3D printing varies from 20 to 50 microns and depends on the properties of the metal powder (fluidity, particle size distribution, shape, etc.).
The basic size of the print area on metal 3D printers is 200 x 150 x 150 mm, but there are also larger sizes of the working area. Printing accuracy is from 50 - 100 microns. As of 2020, metal 3D printers start at $150,000. For example, our company offers 3D metal printers from BLT.
metal 3D printers can be used for small batch production, but the 3D printing capabilities of such systems are more like those of mass production on FDM or SLA machines.
The metal powder in SLM and DMLS is recyclable: typically less than 5% is consumed. After each impression, the unused powder is collected and sieved, and then topped up with fresh material to the level required for the next production.
Waste in metal printing, are supports (support structures, without which it will not be possible to achieve a successful result). With too much support on the manufactured parts, the cost of the entire production will increase accordingly.
Adhesion between coats.
3D metal printing on BLT 3D printers
SLM and DMLS metal parts have almost isotropic mechanical and thermal properties. They are hard and have very little internal porosity (less than 0.2% in 3D printed condition and virtually non-existent after processing).
Metal printed parts have higher strength and hardness and are often more flexible than traditionally made parts. However, such metal becomes “tired” faster.
3D model support structure and part orientation on the work platform.

Support structures are always required when printing with metal, due to the very high processing temperatures. They are usually built using a lattice pattern.
Supports in metal 3D printing perform 3 functions:
• They form the basis for creating the first layer of the part.
• They secure the part to the platform and prevent it from deforming.
• They act as a heat sink, removing heat from the model.
Parts are often oriented at an angle. However, this will increase the amount of support required, the printing time, and ultimately the overall cost.
Deformation can also be minimized with laser sintering templates. This strategy prevents the accumulation of residual stresses in any particular direction and adds a characteristic surface texture to the part.
Since the cost of metal printing is very high, software simulations are often used to predict how a part will behave during processing. These topology optimization algorithms are otherwise used not only to increase mechanical performance and create lightweight parts, but also to minimize the need for supports and the likelihood of part distortion.
Hollow sections and lightweight structures.
An example of printing on a BLT 3D printer
Unlike polymer powder melt processes such as SLS, large hollow sections are not typically used in metal printing as the support would be very difficult to remove, if at all possible.
For internal channels larger than Ø 8 mm, it is recommended to use diamond or teardrop cross-sections instead of round ones, as they do not require support. More detailed recommendations on the design of SLM and DMLS can be found in other articles on this topic.
As an alternative to hollow sections, parts can be made with sheath and cores, which in turn are machined using different laser power and pass speeds, resulting in different material properties. The use of sheath and cores is very useful when making parts with a large solid section, as it greatly reduces printing time and reduces the chance of warping.
The use of a lattice structure is a common strategy in metal 3D printing to reduce part weight. Topology optimization algorithms can also help design organic lightweight shapes.
Consumables for 3D metal printing.
SLM and DMLS technologies can produce parts from a wide range of metals and metal alloys, including aluminum, stainless steel, titanium, cobalt, chromium and inconel. These materials meet the needs of most industrial applications, from aerospace to medical applications. Precious metals such as gold, platinum, palladium and silver can also be processed, but their use is of a minor nature and is mainly limited to jewelry making.
The cost of metal powder is very high. For example, a kilogram of 316 stainless steel powder costs approximately $350-$450. For this reason, minimizing part volume and the need for supports is key to maintaining optimal manufacturing cost.
The main advantage of metal 3D printing is its compatibility with high-strength materials such as nickel or cobalt-chromium superalloys, which are very difficult to machine with traditional methods. Significant cost and time savings can be achieved by using metal 3D printing to create a near-clean shape part. Subsequently, such a part can be processed to a very high surface quality.
Metal post-processing.
Various post methods. treatments are used to improve the mechanical properties, accuracy and appearance of metal printed products.
Mandatory post-processing steps include the removal of loose powder and support structures, while heat treatment (heat annealing) is typically used to relieve residual stresses and improve the mechanical properties of the part.
CNC machining can be used for critical features (such as holes or threads). Sandblasting, plating, polishing, and micro-machining can improve the surface quality and fatigue strength of a metal printed part.
Advantages and disadvantages of metal 3D printing.
1. Metal 3D printing can be used to make complex custom parts, with geometries that traditional manufacturing methods cannot provide.
2. Metal 3D printed parts can be optimized to increase their performance with minimal weight.
3. Metal 3D printed parts have excellent physical properties, metal 3D printers can print a wide range of metals and alloys. Includes difficult-to-machine materials and metal superalloys.
1. Manufacturing costs associated with metal 3D printing are high. The cost of consumables is from $ 500 per 1 kg.
2. The size of the working area in metal 3D printers is limited.
• Metal 3D printing is most suitable for complex, one-piece parts that are difficult or very expensive to manufacture using traditional methods, such as CNC.
• Reducing the need for building supports, will significantly reduce the cost of printing with metal.
• 3D printed metal parts have excellent mechanical properties and can be made from a wide range of engineering materials, including superalloys.
And that's all we have! We hope the article was useful to you.
Catalog of 3D printers for metal BLT
You can purchase metal 3d printers, as well as any other 3d printers and CNC machines, by contacting us:
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Metal 3D Printing - The Essential Guide
There is no hotter trend in 3D printing today than metal. We will talk about metal printing at home, how it is done on an industrial scale, about technologies, applications, printers, processes, prices and materials.
Metal 3D printing has grown in popularity over the past few years. And this is quite natural: each material offers a unique combination of practical and aesthetic qualities, can be suitable for a wide range of products, prototypes, miniatures, decorations, functional details and even kitchen utensils.
The reason metal 3D printing has become so popular is because the printed objects can be mass-produced. In fact, some of the printed parts are just as good (if not better) than those made with traditional methods.
In traditional production, working with plastic and metal can be quite wasteful - there is a lot of waste, a lot of excess material is used. When an aircraft manufacturer makes metal parts, up to 90% of the material is simply cut off. 3D printed metal parts require less energy and waste is reduced to a minimum. It is also important that the final 3D printed product is up to 60% lighter than a traditional part. Billions of dollars could be saved in the aviation industry alone—mainly through weight savings and fuel savings.
So, what do we need to know about metal 3D printing?
3D metal printing at home
If you want to make objects at home that will look like metal, it is best to pay attention to metalized PLA filaments (Photo: colorFabb)
where to start if you want to print metal objects at home? Given the extreme heat required for true metal 3D printing, a conventional FDM 3D printer will not be able to do this.It is unlikely that in this decade it will be possible to print with liquid metal at home. Until 2020, you probably will not have a printer specialized for this purpose at home. But in a few years, as nanotechnology advances, we may see significant developments in new applications. This can be 3D printed with conductive silver, which will emit in much the same way as it does in 2D home printers. It will even be possible to mix different materials like plastic and metal in one object.
Materials for metal 3D printing at home
Even though you can't print actual metal objects at home, you can turn to plastic filament that has metal powders added to it. ColorFabb, ProtoPasta and TreeD Filaments all offer interesting metal-PLA composite filaments. These filaments, containing a significant percentage of metal powders, remain pliable enough to be printed at low temperatures (200 to 300 Celsius) on virtually any 3D printer. At the same time, they contain enough metal to make the final object look, feel, and even weigh like metal. Iron-based filaments even rust under certain conditions.
But you can go further. Typically, up to 50 percent metal powder is added to 3D printing filament. Dutch company Formfutura says they have achieved 85 percent metal powder with 15 percent PLA. These filaments are called MetalFil Ancient Bronze and Metalfil Classic Copper. They can be printed even at "moderate" temperatures from 190 to 200 degrees Celsius.
Metallic 3D Printing Filament Spools, in this case from SteelFill and CopperFill colorFabb (Steel and Bronze), Ancient Bronze (Ancient Bronze) from Formfutura
Here are the key points about metal printing at home
- Gets a unique metal surface and look
- Ideal for jewelry, figurines, housewares, replicas
- Durability
- Objects are not flexible (structure dependent)
- Objects do not dissolve
- Not considered food safe
- Typical print temperature: 195 - 220°C
- Extremely low shrinkage on cooling
- No table heating required
- Printing complexity is high, requires fine tuning of nozzle temperature, feed rate, post-processing
Preparing your home printer for metal 3D printing
Since getting metal 3D prints is more difficult than usual, you may need to upgrade your 3D printer nozzle, especially if you are an entry-level printer. The metal filament wears it out quickly. There are hard-wearing hot-ends (like the E3D V6) that are themselves made of metal. They can withstand high temperatures and fit most printers. Be prepared for the fact that the nozzles will have to be changed frequently, because the metal filament is very abrasive.
You will also need to take care of the final finishing of the surface (cleaning, sanding, oiling, waxing or priming) so that the printed metal object shines as it should.
How much does metal filament for 3D printing cost?
And what about metal filament for 3D printing? - you ask. Here are a few examples:
- ColorFabb's 750 gram Bronzefill spool is $56.36
- ColorFabb 750g Copperfill Coil $56.36
- Protopasta's Polishable Stainless Steel PLA Composite is $56 for 56 grams of
- Protopasta's Rustable Magnetic Iron PLA Composite is $34.99 for 500 grams of
Industrial metal 3D printing
But what if you want a better result or even full metal 3D printing? Should a real "metal" 3D printer be purchased for business needs? We wouldn't recommend it - unless you're going to be doing it every day. A professional metal 3D printer is expensive: EOS or Stratasys devices will cost you 100-500 thousand dollars. In addition, the costs will be even greater, since you will have to hire an operator, a worker to maintain the machine, as well as to finalize the printouts (polishing, for example). Just a note: In 2016, an affordable metal 3D printer didn't exist.
Lowering Metal 3D Printing Costs
If you are not going to open a metal 3D printing business, but still need a professionally 3D printed metal part, it is better to contact the appropriate company that provides such services. 3D printing services like Shapeways, Sculpteo and iMaterialise offer direct metal printing.
They currently work with the following metal materials in 3D printing:
- aluminum
- steel
- brass
- copper
- bronze
- sterling silver
- gold
- platinum
- titanium
If you are a jeweler, you can also order wax models for casting in precious metals.
If we talk about wax models, then in most cases they (with subsequent melting) are used when printing with metals (including gold and silver). Not all orders are carried out directly by these firms. They usually turn to other metal 3D printing companies to complete the order. However, the number of such services around the world is growing rapidly. In addition, metal 3D printing techniques are becoming more and more common in companies that offer such services.
The reason 3D printing is so popular with large companies is that it can be used to build fully automated lines that produce "topologically optimized" parts. This means that it is possible to fine-tune the raw materials and make the components thicker only if they must withstand heavy loads. In general, the mass of parts is significantly reduced, while their structural integrity is preserved. And this is not the only advantage of this technology. In some cases, the product turns out to be significantly cheaper and affordable for almost everyone.
Please note that metal 3D printing requires special CAD software for modeling. It is worth paying attention to the recommendations of Shapeways - 3D printing metal guidelines. To delve further into the topic, check out Statasys’ information on related 3D printers and the nuances of metal 3D printing.
Here are some examples of Benchy test model prices for metal 3D printing:
- Metal plastic: $22.44 (former alumide, PLA with aluminium)
- Stainless steel: $83.75 (plated, polished)
- Bronze: $299.91 (solid, polished)
- Silver: $713.47 (solid, mirror polished)
- Gold: $87.75 (gold plated, polished)
- Gold: $12,540 (solid, 18K gold)
- Platinum: $27,314 (solid, polished)
As you might expect, solid metal 3D printing prices are quite high.
Metal 3D printing. Applications
GE LEAP aircraft engine parts 3D printed at Avio Aero (Photo: GE)
There are several industries already using 3D printers to make everyday objects - you may not even know that these objects are printed.
- The most common case is surgical and dental implants, which in this design are now considered the best option for patients. Reason: they can be tailored to individual needs.
- Another industry is jewelry. Here, most manufacturers have abandoned resin 3D printing and wax casting, switching directly to metal 3D printing.
- In addition, the aerospace industry is becoming more and more dependent on 3D printed metal objects. The Italian company Ge-AvioAero was the first to do all-metal 3D printing. It manufactures components for LEAP aircraft engines.
- Another industry targeting metal 3D printing is the automotive industry. BMW, Audi, FCA are seriously considering this technology, not only for prototyping (3D printing has been used for this for quite some time), but also for making real parts.
Before metal 3D printing really takes off, however, there are some hurdles to overcome. And first of all, this is a high price, which cannot be made lower than during molding. Another problem is the low production speed.
Metal 3D printing.
Most metal 3D printing processes start with an “atomized” powder
You can talk a lot about “metal” 3D printers, but their main problems remain the same as any other 3D – printers: software and hardware limitations, material optimization and multimateriality. We won't talk too much about the software, we'll just say that most of the major specialized software companies, such as Autodesk, SolidWorks and solidThinking, try to emphasize as much as possible the fact that as a result of the 3D metal printing process, you can get any shape you want.
In general, printed metal parts can be as strong as parts made by traditional processes. Parts made using DMLS technology have mechanical properties equivalent to casting. In addition, the porosity of objects made on a good "metal" 3D printer can reach 99.5%. In fact, manufacturer Stratasys claims that 3D printed metal parts perform above industry standards when tested for density.
3D printed metal can have different resolutions. At the highest resolution, layer thickness is 0.0008 - 0.0012" and X/Y resolution is 0.012 - 0.016". The minimum hole diameter is 0.035 - 0.045". formed layer)
The metal 3D printing process used by most relevant large companies today is called Powder Bed Fusion. This name indicates that some source of energy (a laser or other energy beam) melts an "atomized" powder (i.e., a metal powder that is carefully ground into spherical particles), resulting in layers of a printed object.
There are eight major manufacturers of metal 3D printers in the world that already use this technology; while we are talking here, there are more and more such companies. Most of them are in Germany. Their technologies are called SLM (Selective Laser Melting - selective laser fusion) or DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering - direct metal laser sintering).
Metal 3D printing No. 2:
binder Jetting (spraying the binder)
under 3DP-technology EXONE Metal objects are printed by binding the powder in the mountain : ExOne)
Another professional approach that also uses a powder base is called Binder Jetting. In this case, the layers are formed by gluing metal particles together and then sintering (or fusing) them in a high-temperature furnace, just like it is done with ceramics.
Another option, which is similar to working with ceramics, is mixing metal powder into metal paste. A pneumatically extruded 3D printer (similar to a syringe bioprinter or an inexpensive food printer) forms 3D objects. When the required shape is reached, the object is sent to the furnace, i. e. in the mountains
This approach is used in the Mini Metal Maker, apparently the only inexpensive "metal" 3D printer.
Metal 3D printing process #3: 9Metal Deposition This is not entirely true. Of course, on some desktop device, simply fusing metal threads onto the base will not work. However, very large steel companies can do it. And they do. There are two options for working with "metal surfacing".
One is called DED (Directed Energy Deposition) or Laser Cladding. Here, a laser beam is used to melt the metal powder, which is slowly released and solidifies as a layer, and the powder is fed using a robotic arm.
Normally the whole process takes place in a closed chamber, but the MX3D project used conventional 3D printing techniques to build a full-size bridge. Another option for metal fusion is called EBAM (Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing - additive electron beam technology), which is essentially soldering, in which a very powerful electron beam is used to melt 3 mm titanium wire, and the molten metal forms very large finished structures. As for this technology, its details are known so far only to the military.
Metal 3D printing. Metals
3D Printing Metal #1: Titanium
Pure titanium (Ti64 or TiAl4V) is one of the most commonly used metals for 3D printing and is definitely one of the most versatile, strong and lightweight. Titanium is used both in the melting process in a preformed layer and in the process of spraying the binder and is used mainly in the medical industry (for the manufacture of personal prostheses), as well as in the aerospace industry, automotive and machine tools (for the manufacture of parts and prototypes). But there is one problem. Titanium is very reactive and explodes easily in powder form. Therefore, it is necessary that titanium 3D printing takes place in a vacuum or in an argon environment.
3D printing metal #2: Stainless steel
Stainless steel is one of the cheapest 3D printing metals. At the same time, it is very durable and can be used in a wide range of manufacturing and even artistic and design applications. The type of steel alloy used also contains cobalt and nickel, is very difficult to break, and has a very high elasticity. Stainless steel is used almost exclusively in industry.
3D Printing Metal #3: Inconel
Inconel is a superalloy manufactured by Special Metals Corporation, its registered trademark. The alloy consists mainly of nickel and chromium and is very heat resistant. Therefore, it is used in the oil, chemical and aerospace (for black boxes) industries.
3D Printing Metal #4: Aluminum
Due to its lightness and versatility, aluminum is very popular in 3D printing. Aluminum alloys are commonly used.
3D Printing Metal #5: Cobalt Chromium
gap). It is most commonly used in the manufacture of turbines, dental and orthopedic implants, where 3D printing has become the dominant technology.
3D printing metal #5. Copper and bronze
With few exceptions, copper and bronze are used in wax melting processes, rarely in layer melting. The fact is that these metals are not very suitable for industry, they are more often used in the manufacture of works of art and crafts. ColorFabb offers both metals as the basis for a special metal filament.
3D printing metal #6. Iron
Iron, incl. magnetic, also mainly used as an additive to PLA-based filaments, which are produced, for example, by ProtoPasta and TreeD.
3D printing metal #7. Gold, Silver and Other Precious Metals
Most preformed melt companies can 3D print precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum. Here, along with the preservation of the aesthetic properties of materials, it is important to achieve optimization of work with expensive starting powder. Precious metal 3D printing is required for jewelry, medical applications and electronics.
Metal 3D printing. Printers
Do not even hesitate - the purchase of a metal 3D printer will not pass without a trace on your budget. It will cost at least 100-250 thousand dollars. Here is a list of a variety of "metal" printers, some of which can be found in firms providing 3D printing services.
Metal 3D Printer #1:
Sciaky EBAM 300 - metal filament printing
If you need to print really large metal structures, Sciaky's EBAM technology is your best bet. By order, the device can be built in almost any size. This technique is used mainly in the aerospace industry and the military.
Sciaky's largest production printer is the EBAM 300. It prints objects in a volume of 5791 x 1219 x 1219 mm.
The company claims the EBAM 300 is also one of the fastest industrial 3D printers on the market. A three-meter-sized titanium part for an aircraft is printed on it in 48 hours, while the material consumption is about 7 kg per hour. In general, forged parts that usually take 6-12 months to complete can be made in 2 days with this 3D printer.
The metal layers are first cut and then ultrasonically welded. The largest Fabrisonic 7200 printer operates in a volume of 2 x 2 x 1.5 m. The metal powder 3D printer is the Concept Laser XLine 1000. It has a modeling volume of 630 x 400 x 500 mm and is the size of a house.
Its German company, one of the main suppliers of 3D printers for aerospace giants like Airbus, recently introduced a new machine, the Xline 2000.
This machine uses two lasers and has a working volume of 800 x 400 x 500 mm. Laser technology LaserCUSING (selective laser fusion) from Concept Laser is used, which allows printing with alloys of steel, aluminum, nickel, titanium, precious metals and even some pure substances (titanium and stainless steel).
Metallic 3D printing. Services
There are more than 100 companies worldwide offering metal 3D printing services. We list the most popular services for consumer needs.
#1 Metal 3D Printing Service: Shapeways
The world's most popular 3D printing service, Shapeways offers two types of services. As a consumer, you can choose from a wide range of professionally designed objects, customize them, and then have them printed to your specifications. Like other 3D printing services, Shapeways offers a platform for designers to sell and print their work. Shapeways is also a good place for rapid prototyping: customers benefit from industrial-grade printers (EOS, 3D Systems) and personal technical support.
3D printing metals: aluminium, brass, bronze, gold, platinum, precious metal plating, silver, steel. There are also wax molds for jewelry purposes.
Metal 3D Printing Service #2: Sculpteo
Like Shapeways and i.materialise, Sculpteo is an online 3D printing service that allows anyone to upload 3D models and send them to fabrication in a wide range of materials . Like its competitors, Sculpteo provides a platform for hobbyists and professionals to showcase and sell their designs. The stable of Sculpteo printers includes highly professional machines from 3D Systems, EOS, Stratasys and ZCorp. Extensive technical documentation will help identify design flaws and select the right material for the project.
Metals for 3D printing: alumide (plastic with aluminum particles), brass, silver.
Metal 3D Printing Service #3: iMaterialise
Materialise is a company that works with industrial customers to prototyping 3D printed products. For casual users and designers, Materialize offers an online 3D printing service called i.materialise. As with Shapeways, this service allows anyone to upload their 3D designs and print them out. Once an object has been uploaded and successfully printed, a designer can list it for sale either in the gallery of the i.materalise online store or by embedding some code into their site.
3D printing metals: alumide (plastic with aluminum powder), brass, bronze, copper, gold, silver, steel, titanium.
Metal 3D Printing Service #4: 3D Hubs
Through 3D Hubs, you can search for individuals and companies that offer 3D printing services in your area, upload STL files (which are immediately evaluated for defects ) and contact service providers directly to get the job done.