Jasa 3d printing murah

Jasa 3D Printing Murah, Cetak 3D

Kami dari meka 3D Print menjual Printer 3D Murah namun kualitasnya teruji dan tak kalah hebat dari printer 3D buatan luar negri.

Jenis mesin cetak 3D yang revolusioner ini di banderol dengan harga murah di bawah 20 juta rupiah.

Dimensi yang bisa di buat adalah 200mm x (P) 200mm (L) x 150mm (T).

Jika Anda masih tentang printer 3D maka secara garis besar printer 3D adalah printer yang mampu mencetak benda benda berbentuk 3 Dimensi dari hasil design menggunakan software 3D seperti solid work.

Printer 3D adalah bentuk teknologi masa depan yang lebih nyata dari hanya sekedar mencetak teks atau gambar di sebuah kertas atau media dua dimensi yang tidak memiliki volume. Teknologi PRINTER 3D bukan hal baru namun masih terdengar awam di telinga masyarakat Indonesia. Printer 3D mampu mencetak atau melakukan proses printing untuk pembuatan alat atau benda di media 3D (3 Dimensi) yang tidak hanya bisa dilihat, tetapi juga memiliki volume atau bentuk.

Dengan menggunakan Printer 3D memungkinkan untuk membuat sebuah karakter-karakter anime, mencetak gelas, mangkuk, peralatan rumah tangga, ataupun benda-benda dengan bentuk sesuai dengan yang kalian inginkan yang tentunya jauh lebih unik dibanding dengan bentuk-bentuk yang sudah ada dipasaran.

Produk yang bisa di buat dengan Printer 3D :

1. Miniatur Rumah / Rancangan Kota / Desain Kantor

Membuat rancang bangun rumah sebelum mendirikannya adalah sebuah kebutuhan, terlebih jika adan seorang insinyur. Lebih besar lagi jika ingin membuat sebuah rancang kota maka di butuhkan miniatur kota teerlebih dahulu untuk di presentasikan ke investor, pemerintah dll

picture by : zmescience.com

2. Alat Rumah Tangga

Alat rumah tangga seperti cetakan kue, tempat pisau, mug, gelas, sendok, garpu, tang, mur baut, dll dapat di buat dengan mudah.  

alat rumah tangga : picture by cocamles.com

3. Action figure /Anime

JIka Anda seorang penggemar action figure dan sulit mendapatkan action figure kesayangan Anda maka dengan menggunakan printer 3D keinginan anda dapat terpeuhi dengan mudah dan cepat. segala action figure dapat dibuat dengan bantuan printer 3D yang revolusioner

Acion figure picture by : dezeen

4. Prototipe Produk Fashion

Produk fashion sebelum di luncurkan kepasaran perlu di buat prototipe nya untuk di presentasikan kepada pemilik modal maupun calon konsumen sehingga mereka memiliki gambaran atas produk yang akan di jual di pasar. 

prototipe produk fashion : pictire by design-milk. com

Beberapa teknik-teknik pada 3D Printing *:

1. Stereolithography (SLA)

Teknik pertama untuk 3D Printing. Caranya adalah menambahkan layer terus menerus pada bahan photopolymer menuju keatas. Material yang digunakan pada awalnya adalah liquid (cairan) dan akan mengeras ketika liquid tersebut terkena sinar ultraviolet.

2. Digital Light Processing (DLP)

Teknik yang hampir sama dengan SLA yang membuat bahan liquid mengeras dengan sinar ultraviolet. Tetapi, pada proses penyinaran digital, objek pada awalnya berbentuk liquid yang penuh. Sebagian dari liquid tersebut akan disinari, yang tentu saja akan mengeraskan liquid tersebut, lalu objek yang mengeras akan tenggelam kebawah dan menaikkan liquid selanjutnya. Proses ini terus menerus dilakukan hingga objek 3D tersebut berhasil dibuat.

3. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

SLS menggunakan tenaga yang sangat tinggi untuk menggabungkan berbagai material, seperti plastik, gelas, keramik, dan metal menjadi output 3D.

4. Electron Beam Melting (EBM)

Proses dari 3D Printing untuk bahan metal. Prosesnya di sebuah vakum dan memulai prosesnya dengan menyebarkan sebuah layer dari metal powser (lebih sering menggunakan titanium). Electron beam akan mencairkan powder menjadi layer yang keras. Objek yang dibuat dengan teknik ini akan sangat kuat.

5. Multi Jet Modelling (MJM)

Mempunyai cara kerja yang sama dengan inkjet printer. Ia menyebarkan sebuah layer dari resin powder dan menyemprotkan sebuat lem yang mempunyai berbagai warna dan akan mengeras pada satu layer. Multi Jet Modelling sangatlah berguna karena sangat cepat dan mendukung penyediaan warna.

6. Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)

Menggunakan bahan nozzle yang dipanaskan dan akan melelehkan bahan seperti plastik pada hasil outputnya. Nozzle tersebut akan berpindah secara horizontal dan vertikal yang diatur oleh komputer. Ketika material keluar dari nozzle, material tersebut akan mengeras.

7. Semua aktivitas 3D Printing kebanyakan akan menggunakan STL File

STL File merupakan format 3D modelling yang membuat 3D Printer melakukan tugasnya dengan nyaman dan efektif untuk memotong objek dari layer pada saat print. Kebanyakan file STL dibuat oleh Computer Aided Design (CAD).

Produk printer 3D yang kami jual menggunakan teknik FDM dalam pembuatan produk 3D, bahan yang digunakan adalah plastik PLA (Poly Lactic Acid) adalah polimer dari sumber yang terbaharui dan berasal dari proses esterifikasi asam laktat yang diperoleh dengan cara fermentasi oleh bakteri dengan menggunakan substrat pati atau gula sederhana (Bastioli, 2002). PLA memiliki sifat tahan panas, kuat, & merupakan polimer yang elastic (Auras, 2002). 

Sumber bahan baku pati di Indonesia sangat beragam, mulai dari beras, ubi kayu, jagung, dan sagu. Dengan melihat kondisi sosial, budaya, dan produktivitas, maka ubi kayu merupakan bahan baku yang sangat potensial untuk dijadikan PLA.

Karena dari bahan yang alami maka hasil bentuk 3D print sangat aman buat anak kecil sekalipun.

Jika anda berminat menggunakan produk 3D maka anda juga perlu membeli printer 3D yang handal. Meka3D Print men Jual print 3D Murah.  

Hubungi kami untuk harga printer 3D

referensi teknik print 3D:

* http://iwijayanto.staff.telkomuniversity.ac.id/

Rekomendasi 10 Penyedia/Jasa 3D Printing Terbaik 2022

Tahukah kamu, bahwa sekarang kita bisa membangun rumah dengan ukuran 60 m2 - dari nol sampai jadi, dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam? Yang lebih mencengangkan adalah fakta bahwa proses pembuatan rumah tercepat itu adalah dengan menggunakan printer.

Meskipun konsep tersebut masih kedengaran aneh di telinga, tetapi yang namanya nge-print rumah sudah bisa dilakukan dengan bantuan 3D printer. Seperti yang bisa dilihat dari namanya, 3D printer adalah alat yang bisa membantu kita untuk mencetak benda-benda dalam bentuk tiga dimensi. Dan untuk mereka yang membutuhkannya, sudah ada beberapa tempat penyedia printer 3D yang bisa dimanfaatkan.

Bagi kamu yang sedang mempertimbangkan penggunaan 3D printer, baik itu menggunakan jasa perusahaan penyedia 3D printing, atau juga membeli sendiri printer 3D, berikut ini adalah beberapa rekomendasi penyedia printer 3D.

Rekomendasi 10 Penyedia Printer 3D Terbaik
  • IndoMakers
  • Kings 3D Printing
  • 3D Solution
  • Raja3D
  • 3D Print Pulse
  • 3DPrint.id
  • FOMU
  • CentralLAB
  • Klik3D
  • Kreasi3D

Menyediakan sparepart untuk printer 3D



Memberikan layanan yang berkualitas

Kings 3D Printing

Kings 3D Printing

Pilihan terbaik dalam memenuhi kebutuhan 3D printer

3D Solution

3D Solution

Memiliki teknologi percetakan yang bagus dengan harga terjangkau



Menggunakan kecerdasan mesin dan algoritma untuk memberikan wawasan yang relevan

3D Print Pulse

3D Print Pulse

Ditenagai oleh mesin yang menjadi favorit para pengusaha

3DPrint. id


Menawarkan produk-produk yang menarik dan unik


Menyajikan kemudahan 3D manufacturing ke ruang kerja



Mempunyai produk yang pintar, handal, dan mudah digunakan



Menawarkan berbagai jasa yang berkaitan dengan 3D



Apa Itu Printer 3D?

Sama seperti printer yang umum digunakan oleh kebanyakan orang, 3D printer juga berfungsi mewujudkan gambar dari file digital ke bentuk nyata. Pengguna menghubungkan printer ke komputer, membuka file yang akan dicetak, lalu memberikan perintah kepada printer untuk mencetaknya.

Bedanya, kalau printer biasa menerjemahkan file gambar dua dimensi ke permukaan kertas (atau bidang lain). Sedangkan printer 3D mencetak bentuk tiga dimensi tanpa ada media perantaranya, hanya dengan bantuan landasan (bed) sebagai dasar untuk memulai pencetakan.

Karena itu printer 3D tidak bisa menggunakan tinta pewarna biasa seperti printer normal, tetapi dia membutuhkan "tinta" khusus yang disebut 3D filaments untuk membuat bentuk benda tiga dimensi. Ada beragam bahan yang biasanya digunakan untuk mencetak. seperti beberapa jenis plastik (PLA), resin, nylon, carbon fiber, dan masih banyak lagi.

Bentuk mesin pencetak ini juga tentu saja berbeda. Pada printer biasa, ujung mata pencetaknya hanya bergerak di sumbu horizontal X. Sementara, kertas atau media cetaknya bergerak di sumbu vertikal Y. Printer 3D memiliki "mata" printer yang bisa bergerak bebas dalam sebuah ruang baik sumbu X, Y, dan Z.

Lalu apa saja yang bisa dicetak oleh 3D printer? Apapun mulai dari bros, face shield, spare-part mesin, senjata, maket bangunan, bahkan bangunannya itu sendiri. Batasannya hanya imajinasi. Tetapi penggunaan printer 3D sudah semakin mainstream karena keuntungan dari segi penghematan waktu dan (untuk penggunaan tertentu) biaya yang dikeluarkan.


Apapun kebutuhan percetakan tiga dimensi kamu, semua bisa terpenuhi oleh salah satu (atau lebih) rekomendasi penyedia Printer 3D di atas. Sekarang semua imajinasi desainmu bisa diwujudkan sebagai objek nyata. Lantas, tunggu apa lagi? Selamat berkreasi!

Konten Lain Terkait Penyedia Printer 3D
  • 10 Pilihan Printer Lasetjet yang Sanggup Mencetak dengan Cepat dengan Hasil Berkualitas
  • 13 Rekomendasi Printer yang Bagus untuk Keperluan Kantor dan Rumah
  • 10 Gadget Elektronik Terbaik yang Wajib Dimiliki oleh Seorang Desainer Grafis
  • 10 Printer Murah di Bawah 1 Juta Ini Ramah di Kantong dan Sangat Mumpuni
  • Dapatkan Hasil Cetak yang Tajam dan Optimal dengan 10 Tinta Printer Unggulan

3D printing: from minority to popularization

Not everyone knows that the now widely known 3D printing technology first appeared in 1983.

In 2012, a British magazine published that 3D printing was one of the main signs of the “Third Industrial Revolution”, which has attracted wide attention around the world. However, 3D printing does not always develop smoothly, for example, under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

So, from the minority to the popularization, what else is there to experience 3D printing?

Eplus3D 3D printed stainless steel pliers

Benefits of 3D printing

2D printing is about conveying a message, 3D printing is about directly realizing a function. 3D printing is also referred to as "additive manufacturing", where you need to create a CAD model and then print layer by layer on 3D printers. Compared to traditional subtractive manufacturing, additive manufacturing can bring many benefits.

1. Reduced production time to improve efficiency.

It usually takes several days to print a single object with traditional production, and only a few hours with 3D printing. In addition, additive manufacturing is very suitable for printing complex-shaped parts. Of course, this is also limited by the performance of 3D printers and the size and complexity of the parts to be printed.

2. Improve the utilization rate of raw materials.

Additive manufacturing produces less waste when printing metal parts, which is more environmentally friendly.

3. Improve product performance by directly printing complex structures.

There are limitations to the fabrication of complex structures by the traditional fabrication method. However, through additive manufacturing, it is possible to improve product performance by directly printing complex structures, which has brought incomparable advantages in aerospace , aviation, tool and other industries.

In fact, 3D printing was first used to print models for the tool industry and industrial design. Later, it was used to directly manufacture products or parts covering aerospace, engineering, medical, educational, automotive and other industries.

As the technology gradually matures, 3D printing is also constantly demonstrating its commercial value, but it still faces some unresolved dilemmas from minority to popularization.

The challenges of 3D printing

On the one hand, traditional manufacturing has greater scale advantages than 3D printing for standard parts.

On the other hand, the materials used in 3D printing are limited. In addition, there are often special requirements for the materials used in 3D printing. For example, metal 3D printing usually requires powders as raw materials, and they have requirements for uniformity, oxygen content, particle size of metal powders.

3D metal powder printing

The future of 3D printing for 3D printers, raw materials, design and software, 3D printing services and aerospace, automotive, medical, educational and other industries.

In fact, the 3D printing industry is growing rapidly both globally and domestically. Eplus3D, as China's leading AM manufacturer, is also developing rapidly, recently releasing a new large metal AM machine EP-M450H . The company's products are exported to more than 40 countries and regions in the world.

3D printing technology has given us endless imagination about the way we manufacture in the future. In the future, the physical and spatial constraints of traditional production will not be as important, and design and production will be more and more open and flat.

Looking forward to the future of 3D printing!

All about 3D printing. additive manufacturing. Basic concepts.

  • 1 Technology
  • 2 Terminology
  • 3 Fundamentals
  • 4 Print Technologies
  • 5 3D printers
  • 6 Application
  • 7 Domestic and hobby use
  • 8 Clothes
  • 9 3D bioprinting
  • 10 3D printing of implants and medical devices
  • 11 3D printing services
  • 12 Research into new applications
  • 13 Intellectual property
  • 14 Influence of 3D printing
  • 15 Space research
  • 16 Social change
  • 17 Firearms


Charles Hull - the father of modern 3D printing
3D printing is based on the concept of building an object in successive layers that display the contours of the model. In fact, 3D printing is the complete opposite of traditional mechanical production and processing methods such as milling or cutting, where the appearance of the product is formed by removing excess material (so-called "subtractive manufacturing").
3D printers are computer-controlled machines that build parts in an additive way. Although 3D printing technology appeared in the 80s of the last century, 3D printers were widely used commercially only in the early 2010s. The first viable 3D printer was created by Charles Hull, one of the founders of 3D Systems Corporation. At the beginning of the 21st century, there was a significant increase in sales, which led to a sharp drop in the cost of devices. According to the consulting firm Wohlers Associates, the global market for 3D printers and related services reached $2.2 billion in 2012, growing by 29%.% compared to 2011.
3D printing technologies are used for prototyping and distributed manufacturing in architecture, construction, industrial design, automotive, aerospace, military, engineering and medical industries, bioengineering (to create artificial fabrics), fashion and footwear, jewelry, education, geographic information systems, food industry and many other areas. According to research, open source home 3D printers will allow you to win back the capital costs of your own purchase through the economy of household production of items.


Additive manufacturing involves the construction of objects by adding the necessary material, and not by removing excess, as is the case with subtractive methods
The term "additive manufacturing" refers to the technology of creating objects by applying successive layers material. Models made using the additive method can be used at any stage of production - both for the production of prototypes (so-called rapid prototyping) and as finished products themselves (so-called rapid production).
In manufacturing, especially machining, the term "subtractive" implies more traditional methods and is a retronym coined in recent years to distinguish between traditional methods and new additive methods. Although traditional manufacturing has used essentially "additive" methods for centuries (such as riveting, welding, and screwing), they lack a 3D information technology component. Machining, on the other hand, (the production of parts of an exact shape), as a rule, is based on subtractive methods - filing, milling, drilling and grinding.
The term "stereolithography" was defined by Charles Hull in a 1984 patent as "a system for generating three-dimensional objects by layering".


3D printed models

3D models are created by hand-held computer graphic design or 3D scanning. Hand modeling, or the preparation of geometric data for the creation of 3D computer graphics, is somewhat like sculpture. 3D scanning is the automatic collection and analysis of data from a real object, namely shape, color and other characteristics, with subsequent conversion into a digital three-dimensional model.
Both manual and automatic creation of 3D printed models can be difficult for the average user. In this regard, 3D printed marketplaces have become widespread in recent years. Some of the more popular examples include Shapeways, Thingiverse, and Threeding.
3D printing

The following digital models are used as drawings for 3D printed objects , powder, paper or sheet material, building a 3D model from a series of cross sections. These layers, corresponding to virtual cross-sections in the CAD model, are connected or fused together to create an object of a given shape. The main advantage of this method is the ability to create geometric shapes of almost unlimited complexity.
"Resolution" of the printer means the thickness of the applied layers (Z axis) and the accuracy of positioning the print head in the horizontal plane (along the X and Y axes). Resolution is measured in DPI (dots per inch) or micrometers (the obsolete term is "micron"). Typical layer thicknesses are 100µm (250 DPI), although some devices like the Objet Connex and 3D Systems ProJet are capable of printing layers as thin as 16µm (1600 DPI). The resolution on the X and Y axes is similar to that of conventional 2D laser printers. A typical particle size is about 50-100µm (510 to 250 DPI) in diameter.

One of the methods for obtaining a digital model is 3D scanning. Pictured here is a MakerBot Digitizer
3D Scanner Building a model using today's technology takes hours to days, depending on the method used and the size and complexity of the model. Industrial additive systems can typically reduce the time to a few hours, but it all depends on the type of plant, as well as the size and number of models produced at the same time.
Traditional manufacturing methods such as injection molding can be cheaper for large-scale production of polymer products, but additive manufacturing has advantages for small-scale production, allowing for higher production rates and design flexibility, along with increased cost per unit produced. In addition, desktop 3D printers allow designers and developers to create concept models and prototypes without leaving the office.

FDM Type 3D Printers
Although the resolution of the printers is adequate for most projects, printing slightly oversized objects and then subtractively machining them with high precision tools allows you to create models of increased accuracy.
The LUMEX Avance-25 is an example of devices with a similar combined manufacturing and processing method. Some additive manufacturing methods allow for the use of multiple materials, as well as different colors, within a single production run. Many of the 3D printers use "supports" or "supports" during printing. Supports are needed to build model fragments that are not in contact with the underlying layers or the working platform. The supports themselves are not part of the given model, and upon completion of printing, they either break off (in the case of using the same material as for printing the model itself), or dissolve (usually in water or acetone - depending on the material used to create the supports). ).

Printing technologies

Since the late 1970s, several 3D printing methods have come into being. The first printers were large, expensive and very limited.

Complete skull with supports not yet removed

A wide variety of additive manufacturing methods are now available. The main differences are in the layering method and consumables used. Some methods rely on melting or softening materials to create layers: these include selective laser sintering (SLS), selective laser melting (SLM), direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), fusing deposition printing (FDM or FFF). Another trend has been the production of solid models by polymerization of liquid materials, known as stereolithography (SLA).
In the case of lamination of sheet materials (LOM), thin layers of material are cut to the required contour, and then joined into a single whole. Paper, polymers and metals can be used as LOM materials. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, which is why some companies offer a choice of consumables for building a model - polymer or powder. LOM printers often use regular office paper to build durable prototypes. The key points when choosing the right device are the speed of printing, the price of a 3D printer, the cost of printed prototypes, as well as the cost and range of compatible consumables.

Printers that produce full-fledged metal models are quite expensive, but it is possible to use less expensive devices for the production of molds and subsequent casting of metal parts.
The main methods of additive manufacturing are presented in the table:

Method Technology Materials used
Extruded Fused deposition modeling (FDM or FFF) Thermoplastics (such as polylactide (PLA), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), etc. )
Wire Manufacture of arbitrary shapes by electron beam fusing (EBFȝ) Virtually all metal alloys
Powder Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) Virtually all metal alloys
Electron Beam Melting (EBM) Titanium alloys
Selective laser melting (SLM) Titanium alloys, cobalt-chromium alloys, stainless steel, aluminum
Selective heat sintering (SHS) Powder thermoplastics
Selective laser sintering (SLS) Thermoplastics, metal powders, ceramic powders
Inkjet 3D Inkjet(3DP) Gypsum, plastics, metal powders, sand mixtures
Lamination Lamination Object Manufacturing (LOM) Paper, metal foil, plastic foil
Polymerization Stereolithography (SLA) Photopolymers
Digital LED Projection (DLP) Photopolymers

Extrusion Printing

Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM/FFF) was developed by S. Scott Trump in the late 1980s and commercialized in the 1990s by Stratasys, a company of which Trump is one of the founders. Due to the expiration of the patent, there is a large community of open source 3D printer developers as well as commercial organizations using the technology. As a consequence, the cost of devices has decreased by two orders of magnitude since the invention of the technology.
3D printers range from simple do-it-yourself printers to plastic...
Fusion printing process involves the creation of layers by extrusion of a fast-curing material in the form of microdrops or thin jets. Typically, consumable material (such as thermoplastic) comes in the form of spools from which the material is fed into a printhead called an "extruder". The extruder heats the material to its melting temperature, followed by extrusion of the molten mass through a nozzle. The extruder itself is driven by stepper motors or servomotors to position the print head in three planes. The movement of the extruder is controlled by a manufacturing software (CAM) linked to a microcontroller.
A variety of polymers are used as consumables, including acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), polycarbonate (PC), polylactide (PLA), high pressure polyethylene (HDPE), polycarbonate-ABS blends, polyphenylene sulfone (PPSU), etc. Typically, polymer supplied in the form of a filler made of pure plastic. There are several projects in the 3D printing enthusiast community that aim to recycle used plastic into materials for 3D printing. The projects are based on the production of consumables using shredders and melters.

FDM/FFF technology has certain limitations on the complexity of the generated geometric shapes. For example, the creation of suspended structures (such as stalactites) is impossible by itself, due to the lack of necessary support. This limitation is compensated by the creation of temporary support structures that are removed after printing is completed.
Powder print

One of the additive manufacturing methods is selective sintering of powder materials. Model layers are drawn (sintered) in a thin layer of powdered material, after which the work platform is lowered and a new layer of powder is applied. The process is repeated until a complete model is obtained. The unused material remains in the working chamber and serves to support the overhanging layers without requiring the creation of special supports.

The most common methods are based on laser sintering: selective laser sintering (SLS) for working with metals and polymers (e.g. polyamide (PA), glass fiber reinforced polyamide (PA-GF), glass fiber (GF), polyetheretherketone) (PEEK), polystyrene (PS), alumide, carbon fiber reinforced polyamide (Carbonmide), elastomers) and direct metal laser sintering (DMLS).
... to expensive industrial plants that work with metals
Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) was developed and patented by Carl Deckard and Joseph Beeman of the University of Texas at Austin in the mid-1080s under the auspices of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). A similar method was patented by R. F. Householder in 1979, but has not been commercialized.

Selective laser melting (SLM) is characterized by the fact that it does not sinter, but actually melts the powder at the points of contact with a powerful laser beam, allowing you to create high-density materials that are similar in terms of mechanical characteristics to products made by traditional methods.

Electron beam melting (EBM) is a similar method for the additive manufacturing of metal parts (eg titanium alloys) but using electron beams instead of lasers. EBM is based on melting metal powders layer by layer in a vacuum chamber. In contrast to sintering at temperatures below melting thresholds, models made by electron beam melting are characterized by solidity with a corresponding high strength.

Finally, there is the 3D inkjet printing method. In this case, a binder is applied to thin layers of powder (gypsum or plastic) in accordance with the contours of successive layers of the digital model. The process is repeated until the finished model is obtained. The technology provides a wide range of applications, including the creation of color models, suspended structures, the use of elastomers. The design of models can be strengthened by subsequent impregnation with wax or polymers.


FDM 3D printers are the most popular among hobbyists and enthusiasts
Some printers use paper as a material for building models, thereby reducing the cost of printing. Such devices experienced the peak of popularity in the 1990s. The technology consists in cutting out the layers of the model from paper using a carbon dioxide laser with simultaneous lamination of the contours to form the finished product.

In 2005, Mcor Technologies Ltd developed a variant of the technology that uses plain office paper, a tungsten carbide blade instead of a laser, and selective adhesive application.

There are also device variants that laminate thin metal and plastic sheets.


3D printing allows you to create functional monolithic parts of complex geometric shapes, like this jet engine nozzle
Stereolithography technology was patented by Charles Hull in 1986. Photopolymerization is primarily used in stereolithography (SLA) to create solid objects from liquid materials. This method differs significantly from previous attempts, from the sculptural portraits of François Willem (1830-1905) to photopolymerization by the Matsubara method (1974).

The Digital Projection Method (DLP) uses liquid photopolymer resins that are cured by exposure to ultraviolet light emitted from digital projectors in a coated working chamber. After the material has hardened, the working platform is immersed to a depth equal to the thickness of one layer, and the liquid polymer is irradiated again. The procedure is repeated until the completion of the model building. An example of a rapid prototyping system using digital LED projectors is the EnvisionTEC Perfactory.

Inkjet printers (eg Objet PolyJet) spray thin layers (16-30µm) of photopolymer onto the build platform until a complete model is obtained. Each layer is irradiated with an ultraviolet beam until hardened. The result is a model ready for immediate use. The gel-like support material used to support the components of geometrically complex models is removed after the model has been handcrafted and washed. The technology allows the use of elastomers.

Ultra-precise detailing of models can be achieved using multiphoton polymerization. This method is reduced to drawing the contours of a three-dimensional object with a focused laser beam. Due to non-linear photoexcitation, the material solidifies only at the focusing points of the laser beam. This method makes it easy to achieve resolutions above 100 µm, as well as build complex structures with moving and interacting parts.

Another popular method is curing with LED projectors or "projection stereolithography".

Projection stereolithography

This method involves dividing a 3D digital model into horizontal layers, converting each layer into a 2D projection similar to photomasks. The 2D images are projected onto successive layers of photopolymer resin that harden according to the projected contours.

In some systems, the projectors are located at the bottom, helping to level the surface of the photopolymer material when the model moves vertically (in this case, the build platform with the applied layers moves up, rather than sinking into the material) and reduces the production cycle to minutes instead of hours.

The technology allows you to create models with layers of several materials with different curing rates.

Some commercial models, such as the Objet Connex, apply resin using small nozzles.

3D printers

Industrial plants

Industrial adoption of additive manufacturing is proceeding at a rapid pace. For example, US-Israeli joint venture Stratasys supplies $2,000 to $500,000 additive manufacturing machines, while General Electric uses high-end machines to produce gas turbine parts.
Home appliances

LOM takes papier-mâché to the next level The development of 3D printers for home use is being pursued by a growing number of companies and enthusiasts. Most of the work is done by amateurs for their own and public needs, with help from the academic community and hackers.

The oldest and longest running project in the desktop 3D printer category is RepRap. The RepRap project aims to create free and open source (FOSH) 3D printers provided under the GNU General Public License. RepRap devices are capable of printing custom-designed plastic components that can be used to build clones of the original device. Individual RepRap devices have been successfully applied to the production of printed circuit boards and metal parts.

Due to open access to drawings of RepRap printers, many of the projects adopt the technical solutions of analogues, thus creating a semblance of an ecosystem consisting mostly of freely modifiable devices. The wide availability of open source designs only encourages variations. On the other hand, there is a significant variation in the level of quality and complexity of both the designs themselves and the devices manufactured on their basis. The rapid development of open source 3D printers is leading to a rise in popularity and the emergence of public and commercial portals (such as Thingiverse or Cubify) offering a variety of printable 3D designs. In addition, the development of technology contributes to the sustainable development of local economies through the possibility of using locally available materials for the production of printers.
Stereolithographic 3D printers are often used in dental prosthetics

The cost of 3D printers has been declining at a significant rate since about 2010: devices that cost $20,000 at the time are now $1,000 or less. Many companies and individual developers are already offering budget RepRap kits under $500. The Fab@Home open source project has led to the development of general purpose printers capable of printing anything that can be squeezed through a nozzle, from chocolate to silicone putty and chemicals.
Printers based on this design have been available as kits since 2012 for around $2,000. Some 3D printers, including the mUVe 3D and Lumifold, are designed to be as affordable as possible from the outset, with the Peachy Printer priced around $100. .
Publicly funded Kickstarter-funded professional printers often perform well: Rapide 3D printers are quiet and fumes-free at $1499. 3D Doodler's '3D Printing Pen' Raised $2.3M in Kickstarter donations, with a selling price of $99 for the device itself. True, it is difficult to call the 3D Doodler a full-fledged 3D printer.

3D Systems Cube is a popular consumer 3D printer

As prices fall, 3D printers are becoming more attractive for consumer production. In addition, home use of 3D printing technologies can reduce the environmental footprint of industry by reducing the volume of consumables and the energy and fuel costs of transporting materials and goods.

Parallel to the creation of home 3D-printing devices, the development of devices for processing household waste into printed materials, the so-called. Recyclebot. For example, the commercial model Filastrucer was designed to recycle plastic waste (shampoo bottles, milk containers) into inexpensive consumables for RepRap printers. Such methods of household disposal are not only practical, but also have a positive impact on the ecological situation.

The development and customization of RepRap 3D printers has created a new category of semi-professional printers for small businesses. Manufacturers such as Solidoodle, RoBo and RepRapPro offer kits for under $1,000. The accuracy of these devices is between industrial and consumer printers. Recently, high-performance printers using a delta-shaped coordinate system, or the so-called "delta robots", are gaining popularity. Some companies offer software to support printers made by other companies.


Using LED projectors helps reduce the cost of stereolithography printers. In the illustration DLP printer Nova

Three-dimensional printing allows you to equalize the cost of manufacturing one part and mass production, which poses a threat to economies of scale. The impact of 3D printing may be similar to the introduction of manufacture. In the 1450s, no one could predict the consequences of the printing press, in the 1750s, no one took the steam engine seriously, and transistors 19The 50s seemed like a curious innovation. But the technology continues to evolve and is likely to have an impact on every scientific and industrial branch with which it comes into contact.

The earliest application of additive manufacturing can be considered rapid prototyping, aimed at reducing the development time of new parts and devices compared to earlier subtractive methods (too slow and expensive). The improvement of additive manufacturing technologies leads to their spread in various fields of science and industry. The production of parts previously only available through machining is now possible through additive methods, and at a better price.
Applications include breadboarding, prototyping, molding, architecture, education, mapping, healthcare, retail, etc.
Industrial applications:
Rapid prototyping: Industrial 3D printers have been used for rapid prototyping and research since the early 1980s . As a rule, these are quite large installations using powder metals, sand mixtures, plastics and paper. Such devices are often used by universities and commercial companies.

Advances in rapid prototyping have led to the creation of materials suitable for the production of final products, which in turn has contributed to the development of 3D production of finished products as an alternative to traditional methods. One of the advantages of fast production is the relatively low cost of manufacturing small batches.

Rapid production: Rapid production remains a fairly new technique whose possibilities have not yet been fully explored. Nevertheless, many experts tend to consider rapid production a new level of technology. Some of the most promising areas for rapid prototyping to adapt to rapid manufacturing are selective laser sintering (SLS) and direct metal sintering (DMLS).
Bulk customization: Some companies offer services for customizing objects using simplified software and then creating unique custom 3D models. One of the most popular areas was the manufacture of cell phone cases. In particular, Nokia has made publicly available the designs of its phone cases for user customization and 3D printing.
Mass production: The current low print speed of 3D printers limits their use in mass production. To combat this shortcoming, some FDM devices are equipped with multiple extruders, allowing you to print different colors, different polymers, and even create several models at the same time. In general, this approach increases productivity without requiring the use of multiple printers - a single microcontroller is enough to operate multiple printheads.

Devices with multiple extruders allow the creation of several identical objects from only one digital model, but at the same time allow the use of different materials and colors. The print speed increases in proportion to the number of print heads. In addition, certain energy savings are achieved through the use of a common working chamber, which often requires heating. Together, these two points reduce the cost of the process.

Many printers are equipped with dual printheads, however this configuration is only used for printing single models in different colors and materials.

Consumer and hobby use

Today, consumer 3D printing mainly attracts the attention of enthusiasts and hobbyists, while practical use is rather limited. However, 3D printers have already been used to print working mechanical clocks, woodworking gears, jewelry, and more. Home 3D printing websites often offer designs for hooks, doorknobs, massage tools, and more.

3D printing is also being used in hobby veterinary medicine and zoology – in 2013, a 3D printed prosthesis allowed a duckling to stand up, and hermit crabs love stylish 3D printed shells. 3D printers are widely used for the domestic production of jewelry - necklaces, rings, handbags, etc.

The Fab@Home open project aims to develop general purpose home printers. The devices have been tested in research environments using the latest 3D printing technologies for the production of chemical compounds. The printer can print any material suitable for extrusion from a syringe in the form of a liquid or paste. The development is aimed at the possibility of home production of medicines and household chemicals in remote areas of residence.

Student project OpenReflex resulted in a design for an analog SLR camera suitable for 3D printing.


3D printing is gaining ground in the fashion world as couturiers use printers to experiment with swimwear, shoes and dresses. Commercial applications include rapid prototyping and 3D printing of professional athletic shoes - the Vapor Laser Talon for soccer players and New Balance for track and field athletes.

3D bioprinting

EBM titanium medical implants

3D printing is currently being researched by biotech companies and academic institutions. The research is aimed at exploring the possibility of using inkjet/drip 3D printing in tissue engineering to create artificial organs. The technology is based on the application of layers of living cells on a gel substrate or sugar matrix, with a gradual layer-by-layer build-up to create three-dimensional structures, including vascular systems. The first 3D tissue printing production system based on NovoGen bioprinting technology was introduced in 2009year. A number of terms are used to describe this research area: organ printing, bioprinting, computer tissue engineering, etc.

One of the pioneers of 3D printing, research company Organovo, conducts laboratory research and develops the production of functional 3D human tissue samples for use in medical and therapeutic research. For bioprinting, the company uses a NovoGen MMX 3D printer. Organovo believes that bioprinting will speed up the testing of new medicines before clinical trials, saving time and money invested in drug development. In the long term, Organovo hopes to adapt bioprinting technology for graft and surgical applications.

3D printing of implants and medical devices

3D printing is used to create implants and devices used in medicine. Successful surgeries include examples such as titanium pelvic and jaw implants and plastic tracheal splints. The most widespread use of 3D printing is expected in the production of hearing aids and dentistry. In March 2014, Swansea surgeons used 3D printing to reconstruct the face of a motorcyclist who was seriously injured in a road accident.

3D printing services

Some companies offer online 3D printing services available to individuals and industrial companies. The customer is required to upload a 3D design to the site, after which the model is printed using industrial installations. The finished product is either delivered to the customer or subject to pickup.

Exploring new applications

3D printing makes it possible to create fully functional metal products, including weapons.
Future applications of 3D printing may include the creation of open source scientific equipment for use in open laboratories and other scientific applications - fossil reconstruction in paleontology, the creation of duplicates of priceless archaeological artifacts, the reconstruction of bones and body parts for forensic analysis, the reconstruction of heavily damaged evidence collected from crime scenes. The technology is also being considered for application in construction.

In 2005, academic journals began to publish materials on the possibility of using 3D printing technologies in art. In 2007, the Wall Street Journal and Time magazine included 3D design in their list of the 100 most significant achievements of the year. The Victoria and Albert Museum at the London Design Festival in 2011 presented an exhibition by Murray Moss entitled "Industrial Revolution 2.0: how the material world materializes again", dedicated to 3D printing technologies.

In 2012, a University of Glasgow pilot project showed that 3D printing could be used to produce chemical compounds, including hitherto unknown ones. The project printed chemical storage vessels into which “chemical ink” was injected using additive machines and then reacted. The viability of the technology was proven by the production of new compounds, but a specific practical application was not pursued during the experiment. Cornell Creative Machines has confirmed the feasibility of creating food products using hydrocolloid 3D printing. Professor Leroy Cronin of the University of Glasgow has suggested using "chemical ink" to print medicines.

The use of 3D scanning technologies makes it possible to create replicas of real objects without the use of casting methods, which are expensive, difficult to perform and can have a destructive effect in cases of precious and fragile objects of cultural heritage.

An additional example of developing 3D printing technologies is the use of additive manufacturing in construction. This could make it possible to accelerate the pace of construction while reducing costs. In particular, the possibility of using technology to build space colonies is being considered. For example, the Sinterhab project aims to explore the possibility of additive manufacturing of lunar bases using lunar regolith as the main building material. Instead of using binding materials, the possibility of microwave sintering of regolith into solid building blocks is being considered.

Additive manufacturing allows you to create waveguides, sleeves and bends in terahertz devices. The high geometric complexity of such products could not be achieved by traditional production methods. A commercially available professional EDEN 260V setup was used to create structures with a resolution of 100 microns. The printed structures were galvanized with gold to create a terahertz plasmonic apparatus.

China has allocated nearly $500 million. for the development of 10 national institutes for the development of 3D printing technologies. In 2013, Chinese scientists began printing living cartilage, liver and kidney tissue using specialized 3D bioprinters. Researchers at Hangzhou Dianqi University have even developed their own 3D bioprinter for this challenging task, dubbed Regenovo. One of Regenovo's developers, Xu Mingeng, said it takes less than an hour for the printer to produce a small sample of liver tissue or a four to five inch sample of ear cartilage. Xu predicts the emergence of the first full-fledged printed artificial organs within the next 10-20 years. That same year, researchers at the Belgian Hasselt University successfully printed a new jaw for an 83-year-old woman. After the implant is implanted, the patient can chew, talk and breathe normally.

In Bahrain, sandstone-like 3D printing has created unique structures to support coral growth and restore damaged reefs. These structures have a more natural shape than previously used structures and do not have the acidity of concrete.

Intellectual property

Section of liver tissue printed by Organovo, which is working to improve 3D printing technology for the production of artificial organs
3D printing has been around for decades, and many aspects of the technology are subject to patents, copyrights, and trademark protection. However, from a legal point of view, it is not entirely clear how intellectual property protection laws will be applied in practice if 3D printers become widely used.
distribution and will be used in household production of goods for personal use, non-commercial use or for sale.

Any of the protective measures may negatively affect the distribution of designs used in 3D printing or the sale of printed products. The use of protected technologies may require the permission of the owner, which in turn will require the payment of royalties.

Patents cover certain processes, devices, and materials. The duration of patents varies from country to country.

Often, copyright extends to the expression of ideas in the form of material objects and lasts for the life of the author, plus 70 years. Thus, if someone creates a statue and obtains copyright, it will be illegal to distribute designs for printing of an identical or similar statue.

Influence of 3D printing

Additive manufacturing requires manufacturing companies to be flexible and constantly improve available technologies to stay competitive. Advocates of additive manufacturing predict that the opposition between 3D printing and globalization will escalate as home production displaces trade in goods between consumers and large manufacturers. In reality, the integration of additive technologies into commercial production serves as a complement to traditional subtractive methods, rather than a complete replacement for the latter.

Space exploration

In 2010, work began on the application of 3D printing in zero gravity and low gravity. The main goal is to create hand tools and more complex devices "as needed" instead of using valuable cargo volume and fuel to deliver finished products to orbit.
Even NASA is interested in 3D printing
At the same time, NASA is conducting joint tests with Made in Space to assess the potential of 3D printing to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of space exploration. Nasa's additive-manufactured rocket parts were successfully tested in July 2013, with two fuel injectors performing on par with conventionally produced parts during operational tests subjecting the parts to temperatures of around 3,300°C and high pressure levels. It is noteworthy that NASA is preparing to launch a 3D printer into space: the agency is going to demonstrate the possibility of creating spare parts directly in orbit, instead of expensive transportation from the ground.

Social change

The topic of social and cultural change as a result of the introduction of commercially available additive technologies has been discussed by writers and sociologists since the 1950s. One of the most interesting assumptions was the possible blurring of boundaries between everyday life and workplaces as a result of the massive introduction of 3D printers into the home. It also points to the ease of transferring digital designs, which, in combination with local production, will help reduce the need for global transportation. Finally, copyright protection may change to reflect the ease of additive manufacturing of many products.


In 2012, US company Defense Distributed released plans to create a "design of a functional plastic weapon that could be downloaded and reproduced by anyone with access to a 3D printer." Defense Distributed has developed a 3D printed version of the receiver for the AR-15 rifle, capable of withstanding more than 650 shots, and a 30-round magazine for the M-16 rifle.

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