David sls 2 3d scanner

DAVID SLS-2 Structured Light 3D Scanner Review

The DAVID SLS-2 Structured Light 3D Scanner is a great value for the money. Not only does it fall in the under $5,000 range, it provides high speed and high precision 3D scanning. The scanner features an innovative Structured Light Technology that enables it to give you precise 3D scanning in mere seconds.

A mobile scanner, the DAVID SLS-2 can easily scan any surface and when used with the appropriate software, you can scan your items in a single click. Seconds later, the images are shown on the screen in 3D. The mobility enables users to scan every side of an object and combine those sides to create a 3D display model. The hardware enables you a more flexible adaptation, and any size object can be scanned. The scanned results can easily be exported into the most common formats for 3D printing such as PLY, OBJ, and STL. Scanned images can be processed in other applications as well.

The scanner features an industrial camera complete with high quality lens, and a video projector features a special lens that allows you a larger focal range, complete with remote control. The scanner also comes with a USB drive that holds the DAVID4 PRO software, as well as a camera slider, rail, tripod, and all the equipment and cables you need to connect.

The mobile scanner can simply be placed in front of the surface that you want to scan, and the included tripod and other equipment make taking images of larger objects easy. This is a great scanner for a number of tasks including those used for product presentations, works of art, computer animation, archaeology, video games, and the list goes on and on.

Scan size ranges from 60 to 500mm, and you get a resolution of up to 0.1 percent of the scan size. Scans take only seconds each, and the mesh density is up to 1,200,000 vertices per single scan. It does require Windows Vista and above operating systems, as well as a 3D graphics adapter, two available USB ports, and an available VGA or HDMI port to use.

The manufacturer recommends are dual core processor 64bit, 2 GHz,4 GB RAM, NVIDIA or AMD graphics processor. For the money, this is an excellent scanner and enables you to grab those images of larger, immovable items quickly and easily, particularly when using the included remote control. Those looking for a 3D scanner that is completely mobile, and one that provides high quality image output, a fast turnaround for snapping images, and the ease of use that you would expect in a far less technologically advanced piece of equipment will find the DAVID SLS-2 Structured Light 3D Scanner right up your alley. All in all, it’s a great piece for the price, and much lower priced than many on the market that tend to give you the same results regarding images, ease of use, and overall efficiency.

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DAVID SLS 2 Structured Light 3D Scanner

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DAVID SLS 2 Structured Light 3D Scanner
NEW: Camera with DAVID firmware (adjusted for SL scanning)
NEW: Slider for easy and faster setup of projector and camera
(enables exact setup in mm and deg)
NEW: HD Video projector with higher capacity and larger focus range
NEW: Stable Glass calibration panels
High-precision and high-speed 3D scanning at an unbeatable price: Experience the innovative DAVID SL scanning system!

The DAVID-CAM-3-M now has improved firmware which insure greater alignment accuracy between scans. Its resolution (1280×960) it has a really crisp image and allows scan resolutions of 0.1% of the object size (down to 60 micron)! Also we include a new megapixel camera lens from Computar – better image quality and easier to handle.

The new DAVID-SLS-2 scanner employs the innovative Structured Light technology, which allows precise 3D scanning in a matter of seconds. The scanner is mobile and can be placed easily in front of the surface to be scanned. A single click in the well-proven DAVID software starts the scan – and a few seconds later the digitized 3D model shows up on your screen!
This way you can subsequently scan all sides of the object, and finally combine them to a closed 360° model. The modular hardware setup allows a flexible adaptation to your object – any size from coin to couch is possible!
The results can be exported into common 3D file formats (OBJ, STL, PLY) and processed in other applications, e.g. for rapid prototyping, inspection, product presentations, archeology and cultural heritage, works of art, computer animations, video games… The limits are set only by your imagination!

Category: 3D Scanner Tag: DAVID SLS 2 Structured Light


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The DAVID-CAM-3-M now has improved firmware which insure greater alignment accuracy between scans. Its resolution (1280×960) it has a really crisp image and allows scan resolutions of 0.1% of the object size (down to 60 micron)! Also we include a new megapixel camera lens from Computar – better image quality and easier to handle.The new DAVID-SLS-2 scanner employs the innovative Structured Light technology, which allows precise 3D scanning in a matter of seconds. The scanner is mobile and can be placed easily in front of the surface to be scanned. A single click in the well-proven DAVID software starts the scan – and a few seconds later the digitized 3D model shows up on your screen!This way you can subsequently scan all sides of the object, and finally combine them to a closed 360° model. The modular hardware setup allows a flexible adaptation to your object – any size from coin to couch is possible!The results can be exported into common 3D file formats (OBJ, STL, PLY) and processed in other applications, e.g. for rapid prototyping, inspection, product presentations, archeology and cultural heritage, works of art, computer animations, video games… The limits are set only by your imagination!
NEW: Camera with DAVID firmware (adjusted for SL scanning)
NEW: Slider for easy and faster setup of projector and camera
(enables exact setup in mm and deg)
NEW: HD Video projector with higher capacity and larger focus range
NEW: Stable Glass calibration panels The DAVID SLS-2 3D scanner uses the Structured Light 3D scanning technology, which allows to generate fast colored 3D scans. The DAVID SLS-2 is equipped with a HD Video projector with a large focus range and stable glass calibration panels. The 3D scans can be exported into common 3D file formats (OBJ, STL, PLY) and processed in other applications.

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Estimated shipping times throughout North America:

Shipping Type: Standard Ground
Cost: Free
Estimated Delivery Time: Product will delivery in 4-6 business hours

Non sive caeli fulminibus dixere formaeque radiis cognati. Nabataeaque effigiem facientes phoebe orbe ponderibus postquam imagine recepta? Capacius sive sidera pluviaque effervescere terrarum. Fossae quem convexi inclusum nova tepescunt metusque illic sidera. Mare recessit hunc quin? Emicuit naturae campoque scythiam dedit habentem levius!

Pondere aequalis erat: regio caesa otia videre principio. Nullus fuerat mutastis unus mutatas imagine innabilis natus postquam. Elementaque quisque liquidas lumina satus liberioris ille recepta eodem. Locum diremit iussit. Grandia pronaque onerosior! Levius terra habitabilis. Fert sine origo campos ulla tollere erat quam.

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David SLS-2 3D Scanner Review


This relatively inexpensive scanner allows you to get high-quality 3D models of objects and will be an indispensable device for both the designer and the jeweler.

David SLS-2 3D scanner specifications.

David SLS-2 3D scanner package:

  • LED project;
  • camera with lens;
  • mounting stand with slider for camera configuration;
  • tripod with case;
  • glass calibration plate + 2 fixing angles 90⁰;
  • DAVID 3D-Scanner PRO Edition USB driver and software, camera drivers;
  • projector accessories: external power supply and power cable; remote control; VGA adapter for universal I/O; VGA cable; HDMI cable; case; user manual;
  • adapter for international outlets;
  • USB cable for camera;
  • cable holder;
  • turntable;
  • scan object mount;

The 3D scanner has user-friendly software developed by David Vision Systems. The software is supplied on a flash drive and runs directly from it.

The DAVID 3D-Scanner PRO Edition software will not be difficult even for an inexperienced user - the program has an intuitive Russian-language interface.

A few words about the scanning process:

In order to start scanning on the David SLS-2, you need to assemble the scanner according to the instructions and prepare it for calibration. Calibration is carried out automatically using a calibration panel and software.

After the calibration is done, you can proceed to scanning. For this, it is enough to simply replace the calibration panels with the object to be scanned. Further, by controlling the scanner using the program, making scan after scan, we get a complete picture of the 3D object.

In order to facilitate the process of scanning and “gluing” scans, David 3D has released a special turntable and mount for scanned objects.

Results of our scans:

Main advantages:

  • Affordable price;
  • Short scan time;
  • Easy to learn;
  • Scan quality;

Main disadvantages:

  • Relatively small scanning area;
  • Recalibrate when scanner is moved;


The David SLS-2 3D Scanner is a high-quality, inexpensive 3D scanner that can handle scanning tasks of varying complexity, such as: reverse engineering, object duplication, digitization of real objects. It is easy to operate and learning to 3D scan is easy and the result is really professional. The David SLS-2 is a great choice for design engineers, jewelers, and anyone else who needs 3D scanning in their work.

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