Cheapest 3d printer for sale
The Best Cheap 3D Printers for 2022
While we'd hesitate to call 3D printing a mature technology, you might say it has reached its teenage years. Through their first decade-and-change, 3D printers have come down in price, grown easier to set up and operate, and become more reliable. And you may pay less than you expect: Many once-high-end features have migrated down to inexpensive models.
PC Labs has been reviewing 3D printers since 2013. Today, the state of 3D printing is strong, but that wasn’t always the case. For the first several years, it was often an adventure getting one of these printers up and running, let alone successfully through our testing regimen. Issues with filament-based—aka fused filament fabrication (FFF) or fused deposition modeling (FDM)—printers were abundant.
(Photo: Zlata Ivleva)
More About Our Picks
Original Prusa Mini
4.5 Outstanding
Best Overall Budget 3D Printer
Bottom Line:
It requires assembly and calibration care (plus shipping from the Czech Republic), but the Original Prusa Mini is a compact, open-frame 3D printer that consistently produces superb-quality output for a great price.
- Top-notch object quality
- Supports a variety of filament types
- Useful, professionally printed user guide
- Great support resources
- Versatile, user-friendly software
- First-layer calibration can be tricky
- Only includes starter packets of filament
- Requires monitoring if young children or pets are around
Read Our Original Prusa Mini Review
XYZprinting da Vinci Mini
4.0 Excellent
Best Budget 3D Printer for Schools, Community Centers
Bottom Line:
The XYZprinting da Vinci Mini is a consumer-oriented 3D printer that provides a winning combination of low price, ease of setup and use, solid print quality, and smooth, misprint-free operation.
- Very low price.
- Reasonably priced filament.
- Good print quality.
- No misprints in testing.
- Easy setup and operation.
- Quiet.
- Prints over a USB or Wi-Fi connection.
- Occasional problems in trying to launch prints.
- Removing printed objects from the print bed is sometimes tricky.
Read Our XYZprinting da Vinci Mini Review
Toybox 3D Printer
4.0 Excellent
Best Budget 3D Printer for Children
Bottom Line:
The Toybox 3D Printer works well as a model designed for children, offering reliable printing from a browser or mobile device and a few thousand toys to print, plus creative options to output drawings or photos. Just bear in mind the tiny build area.
- Reliable, misprint-free printing
- Easy setup
- One-touch operation
- Well-composed help resources
- Access to more than 2,000 printable toys and projects
- Lets you create your own printable designs
- Tiny build area
- Not ideal for importing 3D files created elsewhere
Read Our Toybox 3D Printer Review
Monoprice Mini Delta V2 3D Printer
4. 0 Excellent
Best Budget 3D Printer for Beginners, Non-Techies
Bottom Line:
3D printing gurus will be intrigued by the Monoprice Mini Delta V2's use of the delta rather than Cartesian coordinate system, but beginners will just enjoy its low price, ease of use, and speedy printing.
- Sub-$200 price
- Quick, nearly misprint-free printing
- Easy setup and operation
- Sturdy steel-and-aluminum frame
- Supports multiple filament types
- Tiny build area
- So-so print quality
- Mere one-year warranty
Read Our Monoprice Mini Delta V2 3D Printer Review
Anycubic i3 Mega S
3.5 Good
Best Budget 3D Printer With an Open Design, Big Build Area
Bottom Line:
The Anycubic i3 Mega S, an inexpensive open-frame 3D printer, produced decent-quality prints in our testing. To get the most out of it, though, may require precise calibration.
- Modestly priced
- Large build area for an inexpensive printer
- Supports a variety of filament types
- Generally solid print quality
- Uses well-known Cura software
- Finicky print-platform alignment
- Supported coils of filament are small
- Poorly placed spool holder
Read Our Anycubic i3 Mega S Review
Anycubic Vyper
3.5 Good
Best Budget 3D Printer for the Biggest Build Area Possible
Bottom Line:
Anycubic's modestly priced Vyper whips up large 3D prints on its open-frame design, and provides automatic print-bed leveling. Just know that some minor assembly is required—and printed objects may require a bit of cleanup.
- Relatively large build area
- Automatic bed leveling
- Simple assembly
- Short (one-year) warranty
- Includes only a small starter filament coil
- Using Cura software with the Vyper requires tweaking a couple of settings
- Test prints showed some "hairy" filament residue
Read Our Anycubic Vyper Review
Creality Ender-3 V2
3. 5 Good
Best Budget 3D Printer for Tinkerers and DIY Types
Bottom Line:
Hands-on tweaking defines Creality's budget-price Ender-3 V2, an open-frame 3D printer that you build from a kit. It produces generally above-par prints, but its print bed can be tricky to keep leveled.
- Inexpensive
- Slightly above-average print quality
- Good-size build area for its price
- Supports several filament types
- Manual print-bed leveling can be tricky
- Setup instructions could be deeper, more legible
- Questionable quality control on some parts
Read Our Creality Ender-3 V2 Review
Flashforge Finder 3D Printer
3.5 Good
Best 3D Printer for the Very Tightest Budgets
Bottom Line:
The Flashforge Finder 3D Printer is moderately priced and offers good print quality, but it proved tricky to get up and running in our tests.
- Quiet.
- Good print quality.
- Connects via USB 2.0 cable, USB thumb drive, or Wi-Fi.
- Reasonably priced.
- Some objects pulled off the platform during testing.
- Poor documentation.
- Modest build volume.
- Limited to printing with polylactic acid filament (PLA).
Read Our Flashforge Finder 3D Printer Review
Polaroid PlaySmart 3D Printer
3.5 Good
Best Budget 3D Printer for Dabbling in Small Objects
Bottom Line:
The Polaroid PlaySmart 3D Printer is a compact, stylish 3D printer with above-par overall print quality, but, alas, a tiny build area for the money.
- Small, lightweight for a desktop 3D printer.
- Easy to set up and use.
- Supports PLA, PETG, and wood composite filaments.
- Multiple-color support.
- Wi-Fi camera monitors print jobs.
- Prints from USB drives, SD cards, or mobile devices.
- High price for its capabilities.
- Small build area.
- Too-brief warranty.
Read Our Polaroid PlaySmart 3D Printer Review
XYZprinting da Vinci Jr. 1.0 A Pro
3.5 Good
Best Budget 3D Printer With Closed Design, Roomy Build Area
Bottom Line:
The XYZprinting da Vinci Jr. 1.0 A Pro is a moderately priced closed-frame 3D printer with a large build volume and overall good performance, but a potentially balky filament-feeding system.
- Spacious build area
- Works with third-party filaments
- Self-leveling print bed
- Build plate is not heated
- Limited to PLA- and PETG-based filaments
- Guide tube is prone to detaching
Read Our XYZprinting da Vinci Jr. 1.0 A Pro Review
Monoprice Voxel 3D Printer
3. 0 Average
Best Budget 3D Printer for Cheap Filament
Bottom Line:
The Monoprice Voxel is an under-$400 3D printer that's easy to set up and use. It exhibits generally good print quality, but it was unable to print two of our test objects.
- Easy to set up and use.
- Budget price for printer and filament spools.
- Supports PLA, ABS, and several composite filament types.
- Versatile software.
- Prints over Ethernet or Wi-Fi, or from a USB thumb drive.
- Frequent misprints on certain test objects.
- Slightly balky touch screen.
Read Our Monoprice Voxel 3D Printer Review
Filament feeders had to be coaxed into delivering filament from the spool to the extruder. Print beds had to be manually aligned. The extruder or hot end had to be positioned just right to minimize the gap between the nozzle and the build plate (the flat surface on which the object is printed). Objects frequently stuck to the build plate, and required careful, sometimes unsuccessful, efforts to pry them off. These and other issues required painstaking effort to resolve, often combined with calls to tech support.
Not so much anymore. While they can still be rebellious at times, 3D printers have grown up a lot, and achieving the 3D printer basics has gotten a lot less likely to end in a shouting match over small things.
What to Look for in a Cheap 3D Printer
The big difference is the change that has come to the cheaper models. Nowadays, many of those ornery 3D-printing issues have been resolved (most of the time, anyway), even for consumer and bargain-priced 3D printers. Automatic print-bed leveling is the norm, and you can usually remove 3D-printed objects from heated and/or flexible build plates with a minimum of coaxing. Most 3D printer manufacturers have either developed and refined their own software, or have adapted an open-source printing platform such as Cura(Opens in a new window).
What separates more expensive 3D printers from cheap ones ("cheap" defined as $500 or less, for the purposes of this article) is often a select group of features. These include the build volume, the type of frame, the varieties of supported filament, the software, and the connectivity mix. Let's run through those in turn.
What's the Right Build Volume for a 3D Printer?
A 3D printer’s build volume is the maximum dimensions (HWD) of a part that it can print. (We say “a part” because a 3D-printed object can consist of multiple parts that are printed, then glued or otherwise pieced together.) While the smallest build volume of any 3D printer we have tested is 3.9 by 3.9 by 4.9 inches, we consider any build volume smaller than 6 by 6 by 6 inches to be small, any between that and 10 by 10 by 10 inches as medium, and any printer with at least one build dimension of more than 10 inches as having a large build volume.
(Photo: Molly Flores)
As a general rule, inexpensive 3D printers have small build volumes, while more expensive ones have larger build volumes. This depends in part on the type of printer. Closed-frame 3D printers—and most semi-open models, which have a rigid top, base, and sides but are open in front and, often, back—tend to have small build volumes, while open-frame printers, lacking as rigid a physical structure, often have relatively large build volumes for the price. You'll want to weigh the build volume against the kinds of objects you will print.
Should I Get an Open-Frame or Closed-Frame 3D Printer?
Which brings us to the frame "form factor" question: open-frame versus closed-frame. Closed-frame 3D printers are boxlike devices, with a rigid base, walls (with a see-through door in front), and top. Among their advantages? They muffle the operating noise, as well as reduce the odor from melted filament (which is potentially an issue with ABS plastic), and they provide some protection for people or pets who might inadvertently touch the hot extruder. A downside: They tend to have smaller build volumes than open-frame 3D printers, which have fewer (often, no) walls to constrict them.
(Photo: Zlata Ivleva)
Low-cost 3D printers include both open-frame and closed-frame models, as well as a few stereolithography printers. If a relatively large build volume is a priority, you’re likely to get more bang for the buck with an open-frame model. Open-frames do have some clear downsides by definition: They tend to be noisy, emit odors when certain plastics are melted, and provide little protection for someone who might touch the hot extruder.
(Photo: Molly Flores)
Also, recognize some potential negatives of open frames, depending on the model. Some require assembly, being essentially kits, and most require more setup care than a closed-frame printer, plus more maintenance to keep them running smoothly. Still, these very traits should not deter—and may even appeal to—hobbyists and DIY folks.
What Should I Look for in 3D Printer Software and Connectivity?
Gone are the days when tinkerers had to cobble together several different programs to get a 3D printer to run. Manufacturers either include their own 3D printing program or modify an existing platform such as the open-source Cura.
3D printing software performs three main functions: processing an object file (resizing, moving, rotating, and in some cases duplicating it), slicing it (into virtual layers, based on your chosen resolution), and printing it. These are almost universally combined into a seamless process. Some high-end printers have software that supports a wider range of settings you can tweak, but even the basic suites work at least reasonably well.
More likely to vary among the cheaper set is the array of connection options from model to model. Nearly all have a USB Type-A port to fit a thumb drive for printing from document files. Most also have a USB Type-B port for connecting directly to a computer, and some offer Wi-Fi, too (or as an alternative), while a handful let you connect via Ethernet to share the printer across a local network.
Some printers support storing 3D files on an SD or microSD card (which may also contain the printer’s system files). Most 3D printer manufacturers (even the discount ones) have a mobile app to launch and monitor print jobs, and a few provide access to cloud services from which you can print.
While high-end 3D printers tend to have an abundance of connection choices, discount models vary widely in their choices. Some are generous and some are basic, so it pays to assess what a given model offers.
What Should I Look for in Filament Support?
Filament support tends to be a key area that separates the cheaper models from the higher-end ones. (See our guide to understanding 3D printing filaments for more particulars.) Inexpensive 3D printers tend to support a limited number of plastic filament types, some of them only PLA and/or ABS.
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3D Printing: What You Need to Know
3D Printer Filaments Explained
(Photo: Molly Flores)
PLA (polylactic acid) is a biodegradable, plant-based polymer, while ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is the same tough plastic that Legos are made from. Objects printed from ABS are durable and nontoxic, though the material can be tricky to work with. ABS can emit an acrid, unpleasant odor during printing, and the bottom corners of objects being printed with it have a tendency to curl upward a bit, especially if you are using a non-heated print bed. This can lead to unsightly prints, and/or prints prematurely pulling off the build plate, ruining them.
Many entry-level and low-price 3D printers stick exclusively to PLA. If you want to experiment with a larger variety of filaments—which include water-soluble filament, wood- and metal-laced composites, and both tough and flexible varieties—you may have to pay more, although a few discount models support a wide range of materials.
Should I Consider a 3D Printing Pen Instead?
Although they aren’t printers per se, inexpensive 3D pens are close kin to 3D printers—using the same filament types and a similar extrusion system—and we include them in the 3D printing category. Rather than tracing out a programmed pattern, you use the 3D pen much like a normal pen, except that you draw with molten plastic. You can trace a pattern or draw freehand, and even draw in three dimensions as the plastic quickly solidifies and hardens once extruded.
Most 3D pens cost less than $100, and some cost $50 or less. At a glance, 3D pens may appear to be toys, but some artists and craftspeople have taken to them, as it is possible to make quite complicated and beautiful objects with them. If your aim in 3D printing is something closer to freehand design and free expression than computer-centric, structured, and repeatable output, you might give one a try.
So, Which Cheap 3D Printer Should I Buy?
Buying a budget 3D printer needn’t mean a world of sacrifice. Plenty of capable and reliable models sell at less than $500, and while they may not be as feature-rich as their more expensive cousins, there's no sense in paying for things you don’t need.
Many casual 3D-printing experimenters will be fine with printing over a USB cable or from a thumb drive, and sticking to PLA may be the best choice for a starter 3D printer. If you focus just on the features you want, you may be pleasantly surprised at what you find. Here we feature the best under-$500 3D printers we have reviewed. Also check out our guide to our favorite 3D printers overall.
Best Budget 3D Printer 2022: 6 Great Printers at a Price You'll Love
It costs less than ever to get into 3D printing, with printers available for under $200. The catch is that these budget machines usually require some tweaking to get right. You'll save money, but it's a rough and tumble way to get started.
3D printing -- or additive manufacturing to give it its scientific name -- has been around a long time now. It's a fun way to create models that can be practical, or just for fun. You can print giant pieces of cosplay armor, or small statues to give as gifts. You can even buy a few printers, open your own Etsy store and make yourself a tidy profit.
These budget 3D printers all cost under $500 (though prices can drift a bit month to month), and some are better suited to beginners than others. Our list of picks for best 3D printer overall covers a much wider range of choices, but these are excellent for getting started or for buying several at once!
Dan Ackerman/CNET
Anycubic Vyper
Our top pick
The Anycubic Vyper is easily the best budget 3D printer available now. Unlike a lot of other low-cost printers, the Vyper includes high-end features that make the entire experience better. There's a filament run-out sensor and a power loss detector. The automatic bed leveling helps produce a worry-free finished product.
$430 at Amazon
Creality Ender 3
Community favorite
The Ender 3 is one of the bestselling 3D printers of all time. Its under-$200 price removes a huge barrier to entry for anyone looking to spend as little as possible for their first machine.
Its popularity means there is a huge community of people to help you get it set up and working -- it's not exactly plug-and-play -- and you may need to spend a fair amount of time tweaking the Ender 3 to get it to print as well.
$189 at Amazon
Prusa Research
Prusa Mini Plus
Small but mighty
The Mini Plus is one of the best small-footprint printers you can buy. It has everything you would expect from a Prusa machine: Auto bed leveling, crash detection and great print quality, all for under $450. Building it with my son gave us a lot of good insights into how a 3D printer works, and potentially how to fix one.
$429 at Prusa Research
James Bricknell/CNET
Elegoo Neptune 2
Keep it simple
The Elegoo is one of my favorite ultra-cheap printers. When testing it, I kept expecting it to fail and it just didn't. It produced amazing results for the price, and continues to do so every time I use it. It doesn't have auto bed leveling, but the Elegoo was easy to set up. And because it's based on the popular Ender 3, it has a lot of mods available to make it even better.
$180 at Amazon
Dan Ackerman/CNET
Creality Ender 3 S1
Direct drive with advanced features
As Dan Ackerman said in his review of the Creality Ender 3 S1 "At $399, the S1 version of the Ender-3 is about $100 more than older versions but includes so many upgrades and quality of life features that it qualifies as a great beginner-friendly, plug-and-play printer."
It's also a great budget-friendly Direct Drive printer, making it easier to use for materials such as TPU.
$400 at Amazon
Resin 3D printers for beginners
Most beginner printers use plastic filament to create models, but there are plenty of affordable resin 3D printers, too. Liquid resin is a little more difficult to use than standard 3D printing material, and requires safety equipment. But it also produces amazingly detailed results.
Elegoo Mars 3
The best starter resin printer
This small resin printer is Elegoo's latest model in its popular Mars line. Because of the 4K monochrome LCD (these printers use light from an LCD to cure liquid resin) it can print much faster than older printers. The level of detail on models is something that standard 3D printing simply can't reproduce. At this price, the Elegoo Mars 3 is the best resin printer for the money.
$255 at Amazon
James Bricknell/CNET
Anycubic Mono X
When you need it bigger
This is expensive for a budget printer, but well worth it if you want a large enough print area to make something special. I have been using this as my main resin printer and it can handle anything I throw at it, from a D&D miniature army to highly detailed sculptures.
$500 at Matterhackers
$450 at Amazon
James Bricknell/CNETFrequently asked questions
What material should I use to print with?
Most home 3D printers use PLA or ABS plastic. Professional printers can use all sorts of materials, from metal to organic filament. Some printers use a liquid resin, which is much more difficult to handle but offers sharper details. As a beginner, use PLA. It's non-toxic, made mostly of cornstarch and sugarcane, handles easily, and is inexpensive. However, it's more sensitive to heat, so don't leave your 3D prints on the dashboard of a car on a hot day.
What settings should I use?
Most 3D printers include or link to recommended software, which can handle converting 3D STL or other files into formats supported by the printer. Stick with the suggested presets to start, with one exception. I've started adding a raft, or bottom layer of filament, to nearly everything I print. It has cut down dramatically on prints that don't adhere to the bed properly, which is a common issue. If you continue to have problems, rub a standard glue stick on the print bed right before printing.
What are supports?
Your 3D models probably need some help to print properly, as these printers don't do well with big overhangs -- for example, an arm sticking out from a figure. Your 3D printer software can usually automatically calculate and add supports, meaning little stands that hold up all those sticking-out parts of the model. After the print is done, clip the supports off with micro cutters and file down any nubs or rough edges with hobby files.
How we test
Testing 3D printers is an in-depth process. Printers often don't use the same materials, or even the same process to create models. I test SLA, 3D printers that use resin and light to print, and FDM, printers that melt plastic onto a plate. Each has a unique methodology. Core qualifiers I look at include:
- Hardware quality
- Ease of setup
- Bundled software
- Appearance and accuracy of prints
- Repairability
- Company and community support
A key test print, representing the (now old) CNET logo, is used to assess how a printer bridges gaps, creates accurate shapes and deals with overhangs. It even has little towers to help measure how well the 3D printer deals with temperature ranges.
James Bricknell/CNETTesting resin requires different criteria so I use the Amerilabs standard test -- printing out a small resin model that looks like a tiny town. This helps determine how accurate the printer is, how it deals with small parts and how well the UV exposure works at different points in the model.
Many other anecdotal test prints, using different 3D models, are also run on each printer.
For the other criteria, I research the company to see how well it responds to support queries from customers and how easy it is to order replacement parts and install them yourself. Kits (printers that come only semi-assembled) are judged by how long, and how difficult, the assembly process is.
Top 20 Inexpensive 3D Printers ($199 to $1000)
3DPrintStory     Reviews     Top 20 Inexpensive 3D Printers ($199 to $1000)
Just 10 years ago, a 3D printer cost over $100,000. Today, you can easily find a cheap 3D printer for under $200. This is amazing.
Naturally, the lower the price, the more restrictions. Some of the printers on our list will not have a heated bed and the workspace will be small. Naturally, the quality of most of the models presented below cannot compete with more expensive counterparts.
But with a little patience and diligence, it is quite possible to achieve high-quality 3D printing on a printer that costs half the price of a flagship smartphone. And it's really cool!
Important note : All 3D printers in this top are supplied assembled by the manufacturer. If you have free time and want to spend less money, you can buy DIY kits and assemble the 3D printer yourself according to the instructions.
List of the best cheap 3D printers in the price range from $ 200 to $ 1000
3D Printer | Material Material | Working space (mm) | Price | 459 |
Flashforge Finder | PLA | 140 x 140 x 140 | 499 |
XYZPRINING DA vinci jr. 1.0 Pro | PLA | 150 x 150 x 150 | 499 |
XYZprinting da Vinci Jr.![]() | PLA | 150 x 150 x 150 | 599 |
Printrbot Simple | |||
Dremel Idea Builder | PLA | 230 x 150 x 140 | 899 |
Printrbot Simple Pro | PLA | 200 x 150 x 200 | 999 |
Prusa i3 MK2 | PLA, ABS, exotic | 250 x 210 x 20022 | |
In the article we are considering unfinished, but high -quality 3D printers from AM etc.
If you want to buy them, even if you live in large cities such as Kyiv, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, it may turn out that these models will not be in the online stores of your city, or they may be with a decent mark-up relative to the cost that indicated in the article.
Since most of them are European / American, it is possible that they will not be in stores at all.
Therefore, before making a choice, I recommend looking directly at eBay, Amazon, Aliexpress, etc. - many sellers on these planforms deliver to the CIS countries within 1-4 weeks on average.
It is especially worth monitoring these platforms during the discount period - Black Friday or Chinese New Year (Aliexpress or Gearbest) - prices on such days can be 2 or more times lower than usual and it is worth waiting for a few weeks.
Monoprice MP Select Mini ($199)
Probably the best 3D printer on our list. Why? Because the Monoprice MP Select Mini is an impressive development with a thoughtful, compact design at a very low price. This model has a quick-change steel material feed wheel, a cooler for cooling the nozzle, a color LCD screen, a heated table, plus the ability to transfer models for 3D printing via microSD or USB.
The heated bed and wide temperature range of the extruder are especially pleasing, because for such a small price you get the opportunity to print in different materials: from ABS B to PLA or exotic materials like conductive PLA plastic, wood, metal-based composites and PVA.
For those who are worried about the lack of a guarantee - for such a price it is possible without it. This model is upgradeable. For example, you can install a new nozzle, change the table and add WiFi connectivity.
Small working space - 120 x 120 x 120 mm. Over time, this will definitely not be enough for you.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer Monoprice MP Select Mini
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: ABS, PLA, exotic;
- Working space: 120 x 120 x 120 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- 3D printing speed: 55 mm/s;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: yes;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: SD card, USB.
Back to the list of 3D printers
M3D Micro Retail ($249)
The M3D Micro 3D printer hit the market thanks to Kickstarter. This model was presented with an incredible price of $349.
The working space of the M3D Micro is 109 x 113 x 166 mm. There are several body color options. The company has implemented "Micro Motion Technology" - a set of innovative solutions - thanks to which you get excellent quality 3D printing at a small price.
Today, this inexpensive 3D printer already costs even less than the price announced on Kickstarter. You can buy it for $249 with a 12 month warranty. By the way, it is already possible to pre-order the next "pro" version.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer M3D Micro Retail
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA;
- Working space: 116 x 109 x 113 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 50 microns;
- Maximum layer height: 350 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- XY accuracy: 15 microns;
- Open Source: no;
- 3D printing speed: 55 mm/s;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: yes;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: no;
- Connection: USB.
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XYZprinting da Vinci Mini ($289)
Da Vinci Mini is a successful attempt to make the 3D printer user-friendly. This model has only one button and 5 multi-colored indicators that reflect the current status of 3D printing. In addition, this affordable 3D printer is WiFi capable so you can control it over a network in your home, office or lab.
Unfortunately, you can only use the manufacturer's own 3D materials. On average, they cost 20% more than usual. However, the company also argues that the materials used (PLA) will be 100% non-toxic.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer XYZprinting da Vinci Mini
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA;
- Working space: 150 x 150 x 150 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open Source: no;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: no;
- Heated table: no;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, WiFi.
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Monoprice Maker Select V2($299)
The next cheap 3D printer with a good reputation is the Monoprice Maker Select V2.
This model is an analogue of the Wanhao Duplicator i3, which, in turn, borrowed the design from the Prusa i3. But this does not affect the quality, as the Monoprice Maker Select V2 is easy to use and gives excellent 3D printing results.
Monoprice Maker Select V2 design feature is that the power supply and control panel are placed outside the 3D printer. The working space of this model is 200 x 200 x 180 mm. And this is really a good indicator for the money.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer Monoprice Maker Select V2
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: ABS, PLA, exotic;
- Working space: 200 x 200 x 180 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open Source: software;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: yes;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, SD card.
Back to the list of 3D printers
New Matter MOD-t ($299)
New Matter is a young startup that offers a 3D printer MOD-t - An interesting design with a minimalistic design. This cheap 3D printer is WiFi enabled so you can manage print settings and print from your computer, tablet or smartphone. The working space is 150 x 150 x 125 mm. Thanks to the case, the noise during its operation is reduced. But the most interesting and attractive thing about MOD-t is the price. Only $299. In general, this is an interesting, high-quality model.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer New Matter MOD-t
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA;
- Working space: 150 x 100 x 125 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open Source: no;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: no;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: no;
- Connection: USB, WiFi.
Back to the list of 3D printers
Printrbot Play ($399)
The Printbot Play is a very popular budget 3D printer that is often used in education. This inexpensive, reliable model, which is almost entirely made of metal.
The working space is 100 x 100 x 130 mm. Printbot Play has an extruder manufactured by the company itself - Alu Extruder v2. The body is made of powder coated steel and aluminium. SD slot provided.
You can upgrade the basic design of the Printrbot Play with a heated stand or increase the Y-axis stroke.

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Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus ($459)
The Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus is an upgraded version of the popular Wanhao Duplicator i3 (which in turn is based on the Prusa i3).
The main features of this cheap 3D printer are a large working space of 200 x 200 x 180 mm, a steel frame, electronics integrated into the design itself (previously it was taken out separately), a slot for a full-size SD card and a touchscreen display for control.
Wanhao Duplicator i3 Plus Cheap 3D Printer Specifications
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: ABS, PLA, exotic;
- Working space: 200 x 200 x 180 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open Source: design and software;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: yes;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, SD card.
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Flashforge Finder ($499)
FlashForge Finder is one of the newest 3D printers on our list. This affordable 3D printer offers an average working space of 140 x 140 x 140mm.
This Finder features a transparent sidewall design so you can view the 3D printing process from any angle. A color display is installed, it is possible to transfer data via WiFi network. The printer comes with some supplies and a USB flash drive, so you can start 3D printing almost immediately.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer FlashForge Finder
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA;
- Working space: 140 x 140 x 140 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- XY accuracy: 11 microns;
- Open Source: no;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: no;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, WiFi.
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XYZprinting da Vinci Jr. 1.0 Pro ($499)
What's so special about the da Vinci Jr. 1.0 pro? This is a new model from XYZPrinting, which includes many advanced features, such as support for printing materials from other manufacturers and increased speed of 3D printing.
Also features an auto-calibration mechanism, a closed chamber with a unique cooling system, and a 0.3mm nozzle option for high-quality printing of fine model details. All in all, this is a great 3D printer with a lot of useful features and at a low price.
Specifications for cheap 3D printer da Vinci Jr. 1.0 Pro
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA;
- Working space: 150 x 150 x 150 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open Source: no;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: no;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, SD card.
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XYZprinting da Vinci Jr. Mix 2.0 ($599)
XYZprinting provides a wide range of low cost 3D printers. And paying attention to each model is quite difficult, although many of them are very interesting.
XYZprinting da Vinci Jr. Mix 2.0 stands out because it can print with two different materials and mix them to create multi-colored models. This dual-color 3D printing technology is rare in this price range ($500 to $1,000), so if you're interested in experimenting with multicolor printing, XYZprinting da Vinci Jr. Mix 2.0 is a great choice.
However, there is a drawback. This 3D printer is not compatible with materials from other manufacturers, so you will have to buy special materials from XYZprinting (as we mentioned above, they cost 20% more, but are not toxic).
Specifications of cheap 3D printer XYZprinting da Vinci Jr.

- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA;
- Working space: 150 x 150 x 150 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 200 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open Source: no;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: no;
- Heated table: no;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, SD card, WiFi.
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Printrbot Simple ($599)
Printrbot Simple is the flagship of the Printbot empire. This model has a great open design with a solid aluminum frame and a working space of 150 x 150 x 150mm. This inexpensive 3D printer comes fully assembled at a very good price. As you need and want to experiment, you can add a heated table and expand the workspace in the horizontal plane.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer Printrbot Simple
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA;
- Working space: 150 x 150 x 150 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- 3D printing speed: 80 mm/s;
- Open Source: design and software;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: optional;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: no;
- Connection: USB.
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UP mini 2 ($599)
The UP mini 2 is a low cost 3D printer that packs in impressive design and functionality. For starters, it has a touch screen panel and the ability to connect via WiFi.
But the most interesting is further. Implemented power failure protection system. 3D printing will continue after the emergency stop. Built-in HEPA air filtration system. Automatic detection of the height of the extruder nozzle. A separate, closed container for the material, thanks to which it does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture from the environment.
Great 3D printer for a small price. The only thing that upsets me a little is the small working space - 120 x 120 x 120 mm.
Specifications of cheap UP mini 2 3D printer
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA, ABS;
- Working space: 120 x 120 x 120 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 150 microns;
- Maximum layer height: 350 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open source: no;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: yes;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, WiFi.
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Monoprice Maker Select Ultimate ($699)
The Monoprice Maker Select Ultimate is an extraordinary beast that combines elements from two leaders in the world of 3D printing - Zortax and Ultimaker. The Monoprice Maker has an aluminum perforated printing table, which was offered in the Zortax M200 (thanks to this table, the grip of the base of the model with the table is much better), and the software part is almost identical to Ultimaker 2 (very user-friendly interface and functionality).
This model uses a "Bowden extruder", i.e. the feed units and nozzle are separated, unlike the direct feed. This improves reliability and reduces the likelihood of 3D printing errors (although, most likely, it was necessary to sacrifice printing speed, as the weight of the printing unit increases). Given the cost, this is a good model, the analogues of which are much more expensive.
Specifications of cheap UP mini 2 3D printer
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA, ABS, exotic;
- Working space: 200 x 200 x 175 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 20 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open Source: no;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: yes;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, SD card.
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Robo C2 ($799)
The Robo C2 is a small 3D printer with tons of connectivity options. Using a specialized application, you can monitor the status of 3D printing from your smartphone or tablet. It can be connected to a Chromebook. Thanks to the built-in slicing program, you do not need to install additional printing software.
Probably the most impressive is the integration with Amazon Alexa. Users can stop, cancel and check the status of 3D printing in real time using voice commands.
What does this inexpensive 3D printer offer? Working space 127 x 127 x 150 mm. The 3D printing speed is 300 mm/s and the resolution is 20 microns. There is a built-in 3.5'' color touch screen, a system for monitoring the amount of remaining material for printing, automatic calibration and a removable self-aligning print platform. The only drawback is that the table is not heated, so you have to use PLA plastic.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer Robo C2
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA;
- Working space: 127 x 127 x 150 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 20 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open Source: software;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: no;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, WiFi.
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Wanhao Duplicator 4S ($829)
The Duplicator 4S has 2 extruders. It's essentially a copy of the MakerBot Replicator. Behind the steel body is the MK10 material feed mechanism, which is currently the easiest to use and most sought after in the market for 3D printer components.
One of the features of this model is a high-precision material feed wheel, which ensures the same filament feed speed. The Duplicator 4S is equipped with a 0.4mm precision nozzle.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer Duplicator 4S
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: ABS, PLA, exotic;
- Working space: 225 x 145 x 150 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Maximum layer height: 500 microns;
- Number of extruders: 2;
- XY accuracy: 11 microns;
- 3D printing speed: 40 mm/s;
- Open Source: software;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: yes;
- Nozzle diameter: 0.4 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, SD card.
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Polar 3D Printer ($899)
Polar 3D belongs to a separate category of 3D printers in this top, since this model implements the polar coordinate system. This causes the table to rotate and the print head to move up, down, right, and left.
Thanks to the polar coordinate system, this 3D printer is powered by two stepper motors, so it consumes less power. In addition, it turned out to realize a larger size of the working area: 203 (table diameter) x 152 (Z coordinate) mm.
Nominal price $899, but there are special discounts for educational institutions. The discounted price is only $599.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer Polar 3D
- Printer type: FDM;
- Materials for 3D printing: PLA;
- Working space: 203 (table diameter) x 152 (Z-coordinate) mm;
- Minimum layer height: 50 microns;
- Maximum layer height: 400 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- 3D printing speed: 40 mm/s;
- Open Source: no;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: no;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: no;
- Connection: USB, WiFi, SD card.
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FlashForge Creator Pro ($899)
You've probably heard of this 3D printer. FlashForge Creator Pro is very similar to Makerbot Replicator 2X. This inexpensive 3D printer has 2 extruders, it has a steel closed body.
Other features include a table sizing system, and a guide screw that makes the guide system more stable and durable. The design is nothing special, but this model has earned positive reviews from the 3D community due to its reliability, versatility and ease of use.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer FlashForge Creator Pro
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: ABS, PLA, exotic;
- Working space: 225 x 145 x 150 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Maximum layer height: 500 microns;
- Number of extruders: 2;
- XY accuracy: 11 microns;
- 3D printing speed: 40-100 mm/s;
- Open Source: design and software;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: yes;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, SD card.
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Dremel Idea Builder ($899)
The Idea Builder is plug and play. This 3D printer is designed by Dremel. It has a color touch screen display. Sufficiently large working space - 230 x 150 x 140 mm. Unfortunately, the table is not heated. On the other hand, since only PLA plastics can be used, this model is great for classrooms and teaching labs.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer Dremel Idea Builder
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA;
- Working space: 230 x 150 x 140 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open Source: no;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: no;
- Heated table: no;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, SD card.
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Printrbot Simple Pro ($999)
Printrbot Simple Pro is a significant upgrade from the original Simple. Same open design, no body. Like its predecessor, the Printrbot Simple Pro is compact and portable. All-metal construction for excellent vibration damping and shock resistance.
The main difference is the built-in color touch screen, the ability to connect via WiFi and free cloud service (optional), which greatly improves the 3D printing process. Simple Pro has a 32-bit processor, which ensures smooth and fast movements. And at the same time, this model is included in our top 20 cheap 3D printers, since its cost is $999.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer Printrbot Simple Pro
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: PLA;
- Working space: 200 x 150 x 200 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 50 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- Open Source: design and software;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: optional;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.
75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: USB, WiFi.
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Prusa i3 Mk2 ($999)
This is one of the best 3D printers you can buy in this price range. All nodes are open-source licensed and part of the Rep-Rap project, so there are many copies around ... but all replicas are worse than the original.
The Prusa i3 Mk2 is equipped with a heated table that has technology to compensate for temperature differences in the center and corners. There is an automatic calibration system. And of course, amazing documentation. This is an extremely versatile 3D printer that you will 100% appreciate when you start printing with unusual materials such as PLA, PET, HIPS, Flex PP or Ninjaflex, etc.
The Prusa i3 Mk2 is a 3D printer that is constantly being developed and supported by the manufacturer. Its developer Josef Prusa regularly adds new features, software and design improvements (for example, the ability to color 3D print). If you look for quality competitors in the 3D printing market, then the cost of their equipment will be in the region of $2000 - $3000.
The only drawback is that if you decide to buy a Prusa i3 Mk2, you will have to wait about 2 months, as the company cannot keep up with the high demand.
Specifications of cheap 3D printer Prusa i3 Mk2
- Printer type: FDM;
- 3D printing materials: ABS, PLA, exotic;
- Working space: 250 x 210 x 200 mm;
- Minimum layer height: 100 microns;
- Number of extruders: 1;
- 3D printing speed: 50 mm/s;
- Open Source: design and software;
- Compatible with materials from other manufacturers: yes;
- Heated table: yes;
- Nozzle diameter: 1.75 mm;
- Control panel on 3D printer: yes;
- Connection: SD card.
Which 3D printer to choose for home and hobby
A few years ago, 3D printers were bulky industrial machines, but now 3D printing is becoming more accessible for home use. When buying their first printer, many are disappointed. This may be due to the unsatisfactory quality of the resulting models or the complex setup and maintenance of the 3D printer.
In the reviews that are found on the Internet, printers are often shown after a lot of upgrades or a long selection of settings for printing. This is not at all the result that a beginner who first got acquainted with 3D printing will get.
In order not to be disappointed, before buying, you need to understand which model is suitable for your tasks. First of all, it is worth deciding what the printer will be used for. What is the main property that finished products should have? What is more important, the physical properties of the model or the ideal surface and detail? Not only the model depends on this, but also the technology by which the 3D printer will work.
Which technology to choose? FDM or LCD?
If you need to make a small detailed figurine with a perfectly smooth surface, you should pay attention to models that work on LCD technology (LCD works on a principle similar to DLP - Digital Light Processing or “digital light processing”).
LCD prints using a photopolymer resin that cures under UV light. This makes it possible to produce without deformation, even small and thin products that cannot be manufactured using FDM technology.
Resin model
Now on sale there are many photopolymer resins with different properties. A few years ago the choice was not great. Basically, finished products were not strong enough for use in functional models. Now engineering resins have begun to appear on sale. Products from them are in no way inferior to models made using FDM technology from ABS or even nylon.
If it is necessary to produce large products with different properties, or the tasks will be very diverse, then the choice is with FDM technology. But it is important to understand that finished products will not have a perfectly smooth surface. Of course, you can polish the model, but this is additional time and labor costs.
FDM technology builds a model using molten plastic filament, which is fed from the print head. The print head (extruder) “grows” the model layer by layer on the printing table.
FDM Models
FDM technology became widespread much earlier than DLP. Thanks to this, a wide variety of 3D printers and consumables for them has appeared. You can find many decorative plastics that mimic various materials, or engineering plastics for making functional models or mock-ups.
Choosing an LCD printer
Photopolymer printers work on one of 3 technologies - DLP, LCD or SLA.
As home printers, devices based on LCD technology are usually used due to their availability and low price.
Printer design
SLA technology appeared the very first among photopolymer printers. With the help of a point-focused beam, the desired areas of the resin are gradually illuminated. This is repeated layer by layer.
How SLA 9 works1108
Since the surface of the model is perfectly smooth, SLA has become used in the jewelry and dental industries.
DLP technology appeared later than SLA, but it is very similar to it. The main difference is that the light source is not a focused beam, but a projector. This made it possible to illuminate the entire layer at once, which significantly accelerated the production of models. The quality of the surface was slightly inferior to SLA, but modern DLP printers, in terms of the quality of models, are almost as good as SLA technology.
How DLP works
Faster production of models due to the illumination of the entire layer
Consumables are slightly cheaper than SLA
High surface quality (although may be inferior to SLA)
LCD technology is the youngest of all. The DLP principle is taken as a basis, but an LCD display is used as a matrix or illumination pattern. LEDs are used as a source of UV light in LCD technology. Thanks to inexpensive components, we managed to get a simple, but high-quality and affordable photopolymer printer.
How the LCD printer works
small cost
Cheap parts
Low accuracy compared to SLA and DLP (for jewelers and dentists, the quality of LSD prints may not be enough, although more and more accurate models appear with the development of technology)
Possible stray light
The quality of models may decrease at the edges of the printable area (this can be corrected programmatically)
Resins that are used as a consumable for photopolymer printing can smell strongly and unpleasantly during operation. Try to use the printer in a well-ventilated area, or choose a printer with a sealed cabinet and filter.
When choosing an LCD printer, pay special attention to the rigidity and positioning accuracy of the platform along the Z axis. If there are poor quality guides along the Z axis or even a slight play, then the surface quality of the finished model may turn out to be sloppy or the model will turn out to be unevenly striped.
Rating of the best LCD 3D printers for home
Anycubic Photon Mono
This is an LCD printer with a matrix that allows you to increase the speed and accuracy of printing. Anycubic Photon Mono will be a good helper for hobbyists and modellers.
Anycubic Photon Mono SE
Anycubic Photon Mono SE has an unusual parallel light source. This minimizes distortion at the edges of the printable area. You can effectively use the entire working area of the machine and produce many small models at a time.
Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K
Model with high resolution LCD display and large print area. The monochrome display transmits UV rays better and allows you to print much faster than similar devices with a conventional display. The manufacturer claims a screen life of more than 2000 hours. Phrozen Sonic mini 4k is suitable for almost any task.
Wanhao GR1
Wanhao GR1 has high precision and large print area (140x78x200mm). The manufacturer tried to reduce distortion at the edges of the display, this allows you to make the most of the entire work area. High precision and large print area make Wanhao GR1 not only for hobby use, but also for production.
Anycubic Photon Zero
Small and very budgetary LCD device. Its resolution and small working area (total 97x54x150 mm) is enough for printing small miniatures, figurines or small engineering models. Anycubic Photon Zero is a good choice for beginners who want to get into photopolymer printing without spending a lot of money.
Choose FDM printer
If you plan to produce large and diverse functional models or experiment, a 3D printer that prints using FDM technology is an excellent choice.
First, decide on the size of the printable area and the properties that the finished model should have. After all, some materials require a closed chamber or good airflow to work.
Some printer models can be “upgraded” in the future. For example, if necessary, purchase spare parts for a closed case, put a nozzle of a different diameter, or change the thermal barrier to an all-metal one. But not all manufacturers provide for the possibility of such upgrades.
Printer design
Despite the same principle of operation, there are several different mechanics, which have their pros and cons.
Kinematics “Prusa” (Prusa)
Perhaps the most popular kinematics among home FDM devices. Mainly due to its simplicity and low cost. The main feature is the table that moves along the Y axis, while the extruder moves along the rest of the axes. Because of this, such kinematics was nicknamed “dragstol”.
Prusa kinematics
Slow print speeds.
A massive table with a model is forced to constantly move along the Y axis, because of this, print quality will be worse at high speeds.
Some models have design flaws (for example, insufficient frame rigidity), they can be fixed, but for this you have to be a little inventor. Or find a ready-made solution on the Internet.
This category also includes 3D printers with console kinematics. The same prusa, only halved. Because of this, the frame is less rigid, but the printer itself is more compact.
Kinematics Ultimaker
The extruder moves along the X-Y axes, and the table only along the Z axis. All motors are trying to be fixed on the body to lighten the weight of the moving mechanisms, thanks to which it is possible to achieve high print quality at high speeds.
Ultimaker Kinematics
H-BOT or Core-XY
These are 2 similar but more complex kinematics - the table moves only along the Z axis, and the extruder along the X-Y. But to move the extruder, 1 or 2 long belts and 2 stepper motors work in concert.
Example Core-XY kinematics
High print quality
High print speeds without loss of quality.
Can be easily closed completely
MakerBot Kinematics
Similar to Ultimaker kinematics, but one of the motors is located on the Y or X axis carriage.
Deltas do not have the usual XYZ axes. There are 3 columns in the deltas, along which the carriages move, and the position of the extruder in space is calculated using a complex formula. The table is usually statically fixed to the body.
Delta printer example
Nuances of choosing an FDM 3D printer
In addition to kinematics, when choosing a printer, it is important to take into account some design features.
One or two extruders?
Two extruders can be used for dual color printing, but most commonly the second extruder is used for solvent support printing. If you need to print complex parts with internal cavities, then you should choose a dual extruder printer.
Closed or open printer?
Printing of functional models and parts uses plastic, which usually requires a closed chamber. If you plan to print functional prototypes or various models, you should look at printers with a closed chamber.
Bowden or direct?
There are 2 types of material supply to the print head of the printer - bowden and direct.
In a bowden, the feed mechanism motor is located on the printer body. This allows you to reduce the weight of the extruder and print at higher speeds without losing quality. But because of the long tube, printing with very soft plastics can be problematic.
Bowden Feeding Diagram
In direct feeding, the motor and feed mechanism are located on the extruder. This increases the weight of the print head, but allows you to print with any kind of plastics.
Direct feeding scheme
Heated table or not?
The heating of the table improves the adhesion of the first layer of the model. And engineering plastics cannot be printed without a heated table.
Many manufacturers add useful additional features. They do not affect the quality of the print, but save time and nerves. The most useful additional functions are the filament presence sensor and remembering the print location after a power outage.
Filament sensor.
It will automatically pause printing if the plastic runs out. When there is a little plastic left on the spool, this feature will allow you not to stand over the guard printer until the old spool runs out in order to have time to push in a new bar “on the go”.
Power outage protection.
Remembering where to print when the power goes out can save you a lot of nerves when printing large models. You won't have to worry that after a power outage, you will have to run the model again for many hours or cut and reprint a piece of the model. It is especially disappointing to throw away a complex underprinted model with supports due to a one-minute outage.
There are also many extras. features that make using the printer more comfortable. For example, automatic calibration, touch screen, Wi-Fi and others.
Rating of the best FDM 3D printers for home
Anycubic Mega Zero 2.0
Inexpensive model with Pryusha kinematics. Good for getting started with 3D printing without a big investment. Despite the low cost, Anycubic Mega Zero 2.0 has a heated table and a resume function after a power outage. Thanks to direct feed, printing with soft materials should not be difficult.
Creality3D Ender 3 Pro
A very popular device due to its low price. But despite this, the Ender 3 Pro has a heated table and a decent print area. Can be sold assembled or as a DIY kit.
Flash Forge Finder
Small home appliance intended for children or educational institutions. The Finder doesn't have a heated table, but it does have a calibration assistant, a Wi-Fi module, and other extras that make getting to know it a lot easier. All moving and heated elements are hidden as much as possible in the case so that the child cannot get burned.
Wanhao Duplicator 6 Plus
Wanhao Duplicator 6 Plus was based on Ultimaker kinematics, but instead of bowden feed, they made direct. Because of this, it will not be possible to print super fast, without quality loss, but there will be no problems with printing with soft types of plastics. There are 2 trim levels - with a closed case and without.
Flashforge Dreamer
The Dreamer is a closed body dual extruder printer with MakerBot kinematics. Thanks to this, he can cope with printing models of any complexity. Using a second extruder for soluble support, models with complex geometries can be produced. A good choice for engineers and those who like to experiment with different materials.
FlyingBear Ghost 5
Most commonly sold as a kit (assembly kit). Assembly usually does not cause any great difficulties, even for people far from electronics or mechanics. Flying Bear is equipped with a filament sensor, a function to resume printing after a power outage and Wi-Fi connectivity.
The Flying Bear makes a great first printer for the novice user who is ready to build their own printer.
In order for the printer not to become a useless toy, you should clearly understand what it is for.
For a fan of miniatures or detailed figurines, a photopolymer printer is a good choice. A small work area is more than offset by the detail that cannot be obtained using other technologies.
For an engineer or a fan of experiments, an FDM machine with a closed chamber and two extruders is well suited.