Anet a8 reprap prusa i3 diy 3d printer
[Discontinued] SAINSMART x Anet A8 Prusa i3 DIY 3D Printer –
Brand: SainSmart SKU: 101-91-200
[Discontinued] SAINSMART x Anet A8 Prusa i3 DIY 3D Printer
SKU: 101-91-200 5 reviews UPC: 6959011562400 Product ID: 11073659348 Variants ID: 39375463415887
SainSmart A8 is a a useful yet affordable 3D printer. It is an unassembled DIY kit, providing you an unforgettable step-by-step learning experience of the 3D printer from scratch.
【ENTRY-LEVEL】 For one-fifth of the cost of a new iPhone, SainSmart A8 is the best entry-level 3D printer for home or school use. At 8.66" x 8.66" x 9.45", A8 provides 6x more build volume than its competitors. You are also getting offline printing feature that is not found in other entry-level printers.
【STEM EDUCATION】A perfect gift for any teenagers and adults who are interested in Engineering. The challenging yet fun building experience makes an excellent course on electronics, mechanical engineering and 3D Printing.
【SUPPORT ALL FILAMENTS】 Unlike most other 3d printers in this price range, A8’s heated build plate and direct drive extruder is capable of printing all types of filaments, including PLA, ABS, Wood, dissolvable PVA, as well as the trending flexible TPU filaments.
【FREE SAMPLE TPU】A free spool of our best-selling Flexible TPU filament is included. You will be ready to create your own smart phone cases or GoPro mount right away.
【TRUSTED VENDOR】SainSmart is an established Maker hardware provider and a frequent Maker Faire exhibitor. We provide 6-month manufacturer warranty on all parts. Buy with confidence.
Default Title - Sold OutQuantity Only 0 in stock. Order now!
SainSmart A8 is a a useful yet affordable 3D printer. It is an unassembled DIY kit, providing you an unforgettable step-by-step learning experience of the 3D printer from scratch.
【ENTRY-LEVEL】 For one-fifth of the cost of a new iPhone, SainSmart A8 is the best entry-level 3D printer for home or school use. At 8.66" x 8.66" x 9.45", A8 provides 6x more build volume than its competitors. You are also getting offline printing feature that is not found in other entry-level printers.
【STEM EDUCATION】A perfect gift for any teenagers and adults who are interested in Engineering. The challenging yet fun building experience makes an excellent course on electronics, mechanical engineering and 3D Printing.
【SUPPORT ALL FILAMENTS】 Unlike most other 3d printers in this price range, A8’s heated build plate and direct drive extruder is capable of printing all types of filaments, including PLA, ABS, Wood, dissolvable PVA, as well as the trending flexible TPU filaments.
【FREE SAMPLE TPU】A free spool of our best-selling Flexible TPU filament is included. You will be ready to create your own smart phone cases or GoPro mount right away.
【TRUSTED VENDOR】SainSmart is an established Maker hardware provider and a frequent Maker Faire exhibitor. We provide 6-month manufacturer warranty on all parts. Buy with confidence.
Anet A8 Reprap Prusa i3 3D printer | DIY / Zelfbouw | Bouwpakket
De Prusa i3 is al tijden de populairste zelfbouw 3D printer. Voor een fractie van de prijs van de 'grote merken' heeft u een 3D printer met dezelfde of betere eigenschappen. Waarbij uw printer ook nog modulair uit te breiden is en u niet vastzit aan onderdelen of filament van een bepaald merk. Door de populariteit is er ook zeer uitgebreide informatie te vinden over de bouw, calibratie en (eventuele) upgrades van uw printer.
Let op: Het gaat hier om een zelfbouwpakket. Enige kennis van electronica is vereist.
Het pakket bevat alle onderdelen om een volledig werkende nieuwste (8e) generatie Prusa i3 te bouwen. Deze generatie heeft onder andere een iets groter verticaal bouwvolume, een beter moederbord en ondersteunt auto-leveling .
Printvolume: 220*220*230mm
Laagdikte: 0.1-0.4mm
Framework: 8mm acryl + threaded rod
Heatbed: 3.5mm aluminium
SD kaart: Supported (8GB SD kaart meegeleverd)
Z-as snelheid: 200mm/min
Printsnelheid: 40-120mm/s
Extruder diameter: 0.4mm
Extruder temp: 170-275?C
Heatbed temp: 110?C
XY accuracy: 0.012mm
Z accuracy: 0.004mm
Printmateriaal: Flexible, PLA, ABS, WOOD, PC
Printmateriaal diameter: 1.75mm
Software taal: Engels
3D printer grootte: 500*400*430mm
Gewicht: 8kg
Power supply: 220V 20A
OS: XP/Win7/MacOS
Software: Repetier-Host
Import formats: STL, G-Code
Werkrange: Temp 10-30?C, Luchtvochtigheid 20-70%
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- MPN (Manufacturer Part Number)
- 0634154643709
- Merk
- Kleur
- Zwart
- Printmateriaal
- PLA | ABS | TPC Flex
- Aantal printkoppen
- 1
- Voorgemonteerd
- Nee
- Diameter printmateriaal
- 1.
- Printoppervlak hoogte
- 24
- Printoppervlak breedte
- 22
- Printoppervlak diepte
- 22
- Minimale printdikte
- 0.1
- Maximale printsnelheid
- 100
- Maximale printtemperatuur
- 240
Overige kenmerken
- Gewicht
- 8.
5000 kg
- Maximale printdikte
- 0.3
- Printtechnologie 3D-printer
- Verpakking breedte
- 34.5 cm
- Verpakking hoogte
- 21.5 cm
- Verpakking lengte
- 51 cm
- 0634154643709
Je vindt dit artikel in
- Categorie?n
- 3D-printers & Accessoires
- 3D-printers
- Computer
- Printers & Inkt
- Voorgemonteerd
- Zelf monteren
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- PepijnHamelink
- 30-39 jaar
- Colijnsplaat
- 28 juli 2018
- Heeft dit artikel gekocht
- goede communicatie tussen verkoper en klant
- assemblage instructie zijn helder en duidelijk
- sommige componenten zijn wat kwetsbaar
- het bijgeleverde software pakket is wat gedateerd
Het pakket is volledig en degelijk.
de instructies zijn duidelijk en helder, maar zouden wat geüpdatet mogen worden i.v.m. de juiste plaatsing van de individuele onderdelen. bepaalde onderdelen zijn wat kwetsbaar en soms wat ruim uitgeboord. dit vereist een zekere berusting dat je krijgt waar je voor betaald. Dit hindert het functioneren van het geheel in het eind niet maar kan zeker voor een beginner een onzeker gevoel geven.
1 onderdeel was echt beschadigt de heatplate welke door onzorgvuldig handelen van de koerier krassen had opgelopen, dit is echter in samenspraak met de leverancier tot een wederzijds goed einde gebracht.conclusie:
het is een goede printer voor de beginner maar je moet wel een beetje zelfvertrouwen hebben en een beetje kennis van electrotechniek en mechaniek. -
- idrisgallifrey
- 30-39 jaar
- Schiedam
- 16 april 2019
- Heeft dit artikel gekocht
- kwaliteit
- snel onderdelen stuk
- constant afstellen
Ik zou willen dat ik een positieve review kon geven over deze 3D printer, maar helaas.
Hij is inderdaad niet duur, maar om de haverklap gaat er iets stuk en moet je het onderdeel vervangen. Ook blijft het tabletje waar je op print elke keer niet zitten en moet dus constant afgesteld worden. Al met al kun je dus beter even sparen voor een duurder model, want met het constant vervangen van defecte onderdelen ben je net zo duur uit. Leuk een DIY/zelfbouw printer, maar dit is wel erg overdreven.
- TianaFerrentini
- 20-29 jaar
- Antwerpen
- 13 augustus 2020
- Heeft dit artikel gekocht
- van hout
- rommel
- trage levering
- was gebruikt en had kortsluiting gehad
Toon alle puntenToon alleen de eerste 3 punten
Dikke rommel!! Koop liever de Ender 3 !!
Ook de levering van de winkel VEEEL TE LAAR, en toen het aankwam, waren een brandplekken op de voeding etc... niet elle vijzen wa ren erbij. Heb het uiteindelijk ingepakt en terug gestuurd!
- Liamdh
- 14-19 jaar
- Enschede
- 6 februari 2018
- snelle levering
- goede en snelle hulp bij vragen!
mooie zelfbouwkit om zelf een super 3D printer te assembleren aan de hand van duidelijke YouTube filmpjes om met 3D printen aan de slag te gaan!
- Peteol72
- 3 december 2018
- Heeft dit artikel gekocht
- Voordelige koop
- Kwetsbaar
Goedkoop,maar kan in der tijd goed geüpgraded worden!!! Super gelijk uit de doos!!!
- Mv2000
- 14-19 jaar
- Schipluiden
- 18 februari 2018
- Heeft dit artikel gekocht
- functioneel
- goed in elkaar te zetten
- 100 gram pla meegeleverd
- mist twee m3*25mm
- eindresultaat slechte kwaliteit
Bestelling volgende dag in huis (een dag eerder dan afgesproken). zelf het pakket in elkaar gezet met de beschrijving op de USB. de printer werkt na wat juist afstellen.
alleen het eindresultaat van het printen is matig: gaten in het werkstuk en het PLA blijft niet liggen op het verwarmde bed.
Niet leverbaar
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Stuur mij een bericht Je hoort van onsHoud er rekening mee dat het artikel niet altijd weer terug op voorraad komt.
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My completion of 3D printer Anet A8/Prusa i3 DIY kit
Anet A8
I decided to file my post on finalizing the popular ANET A8 printer.
In general, I bought it on aliexpress from a seller with delivery from Russia, and chose delivery by Russian Post. there were no other delivery services in my city.
Having ordered a printer and received a tracking number, I began to wait. The waiting lasted 14 days (I got on a holiday on February 23).
Having received and unpacked the package, I noticed that the boards were packed in boxes.
A X-axis holders, not printed but molded from plastic a small transfer of the printer and a new table needs to be calibrated.
The frame decided to reinforce 20mm fiberboard.
After thinking about how everything should turn out, I sketched out the dimensions of the hull and set about building.
As a result, it turned out this:
The printer himself decided to fix the corners
to the printer, glued them on a double-sided adhesive tape on a foam basis, and to the plywood with self-tapping screws.
Airflow was also installed on the board and power supply.
Fans used 80mm. Having fixed them to the case and closed them from the outside with a decorative grille
A cover was also installed with a power connector (taken from the UPS) and a power button (from the PC power supply)
As a result, what happened:
FdPlast ABS
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Original or copy Prusa i3.

Prusa i3 is not only a Josef Prusa branded 3D printer, it is also the standard layout for many budget 3D printers. The original Prusa i3 evolved from the RepRap project, which eventually led to the creation of Prusa Research, a popular manufacturer of high quality open source 3D printers.
Since the release of the original i3 in 2012, Prusa Research has released several updated versions of the 3D printer, including the Prusa i3 MK2, MK3, MK3S and finally MK3S+. Meanwhile, apart from the official Prusa i3 releases, many other companies have been making clones of the original Prusa i3.
These clones follow the Prusa i3 design and even use the term "Prusa i3" to describe the layout. i3 clones usually look like the original Prusa i3 but use cheaper parts to lower the overall price and attract more buyers. Clone manufacturers make 3D printers as cheap as possible, which is why they are often sold under open source licenses.
It's worth noting that while 3D printers like the Ender 3 or Anet A8 were inspired by the original Prusa i3 design and are technically i3 clones, they now essentially exist in their own categories. Many of them now have their own development history and are not related to Prusa printers. What this all means is that when we use the word "clone" we are referring to the similar Prusa i3 styling that some 3D printers use, including the Ender 3 and Anet A8.
Although the original and the clones may seem similar, there are significant differences between them. So which is better? The main differences are quality and cost, but there are other factors as well. In this article, we will try to understand these differences.
Original Prusa i3
Original Prusa i3 is one of the most famous open source 3D printers. Its widespread success has led Prusa Research and other manufacturers to create many official and unofficial versions. For this reason, we will be using the official Prusa i3 MK3S+ as our reference Prusa i3 printer.
Currently, when the MK3S is being retired, only the MK3S+ is available for purchase. While the ~$1,200 price tag for a pre-assembled MK3S+ (~$900 per kit) might seem intimidating, you get what you pay for. The MK3S+ is a great deal thanks to the attention to detail and quality assurance.
The main factors that determine the benefits of MK3S + can be divided into three groups: the 3D printer itself, the firmware and the ecosystem.
Original Prusa i3: mechanics and construction
The MK3S+ is assembled from high quality parts and assemblies that you can rely on for your 3D printing work day in and day out.
To begin with, it comes with the official E3D V6 all-metal hot end, a high quality and branded hot end. The MK3S+ also uses a 32-bit motherboard with dynamic stepper motor drivers, making this 3D printer both quiet and powerful. In addition, in the electronics, the MK3S+ uses multiple sensors to improve print reliability.
Unlike the alternate Bowden style many printers use, the MK3S+ has a direct drive system that allows printing on flexible plastics. There are even dual motors in the Z-axis, allowing for higher quality 3D printing. The printer is equipped with a full color display and a quiet Noctua fan, unlike many other copies that use a single color LCD display and noisier fans. And one of the most important advantages of the original Prusa i3 is the PEI spring steel desktop and automatic table leveling features not found in comparable desktop 3D printers.
Overall, the MK3S+ uses higher quality parts that together deliver consistently high quality 3D prints.
Original Prusa i3: Firmware
Firmware is another key aspect of the MK3S+. First, you can easily change the firmware using the PrusaSlicer (attached to the printer's Rambo motherboard). This is partly because Prusa Research uses Marlin-based firmware for all of its FDM printers, including the MK3S+.
In terms of firmware, what sets the MK3S+ apart from other printers in its class is the frequent firmware updates that Prusa releases. Unlike many other 3D printer manufacturers, Prusa has released very stable firmware without sacrificing some of the latest and greatest features such as linear advancement that improves 3D print quality.
Original Prusa i3 User Support
When you purchase a 3D printer from Prusa Research, you get guaranteed company support, documentation, product support and more. You know that you can count on Prusa to help you if you run into problems with your 3D printer.
Since the Prusa MK3S+ is the main printer for Prusa, they also offer a number of upgrades. For example, MMU2S will give you access to multi-color printing. You can also purchase spare parts and assemblies without worrying about their compatibility.
In addition to this, Prusa offers its own 3D file repository known as PrusaPrinters. There you can find 3D models and specific suggestions for setting up 3D printing. Prusa is also very active in the maker community, with a great blog where you can ask questions and learn how to fix, upgrade and set up your 3D printer.
Prusa i3 copies
After the success of the Prusa i3, other manufacturers also looked into 3D printing and created i3 clones. Generally speaking, such manufacturers try to keep the cost of a 3D printer as low as possible while retaining key features.
Below we will use Creality Ender 3 and Anet A8 as examples of Prusa i3 clones. Anet A8 can be considered a "closer" clone as the frame and some features are very similar. On the other hand, Ender 3 is not so much a clone as it is the result of development that was originally inspired by the Prusa i3.
As in the previous section, the important factors influencing the decision to buy a Prusa i3 clone can be divided into three groups: the 3D printer itself, the firmware, and the ecosystem.
Prusa i3 replicas: mechanics and construction
Most clones lack many of the small features that make all the difference when it comes to 3D print quality and usability. For example, the Anet A8 usually comes with unbranded parts and even important parts like the hot end are often less reliable. The Ender 3, for example, uses a Bowden 3D printing plastic feed system because it's a simpler design than the direct drive system on the MK3S+.
Virtually all clones lack automatic table leveling. This means that you will have to manually calibrate the 3D printer bed.
Prusa i3 clones usually use lower quality electronics. For example, using a more budget-friendly motherboard results in fewer features and noisy drive drivers. Both the Ender 3 and the Anet A8 use poor quality fans, and although they are not the most important part of the design, they affect the noise level of the 3D printer. The Anet A8 uses two z-drives, but this is more of an exception to the rule and most copies only use one, resulting in more 3D print quality issues.
Prusa i3 copies: firmware
Prusa i3 clones are usually open source, but changing firmware can cause problems. For example, both the original Ender 3 and Anet A8 require a bootloader (which is often used as an Arduino Uno) to update the firmware. However, most clones can run several different types of firmware such as regular Marlin, Vanilla Marlin and Th4D Marlin.
No matter how similar the clone is to the original Prusa i3, most of them use similar outdated Marlin-based firmware. Unlike Prusa, clone makers rarely release updates to their firmware, and even updates don't include the latest features. Cloned software is known to lack security features and disable many of Marlin's great features, such as "Linear Advance" (a setting that stabilizes filament pressure in the nozzle), because motherboards cannot provide the necessary processing power.
Prusa i3 Copies: User Support
Finally, don't count on good user support, as clone makers usually don't provide good documentation. In the case of copies of Prusa i3 3D printers, there may be problems with the return of goods. Manufacturers usually don't provide model-specific updates like Prusa Research does for their 3D printers.
However, successful copies sometimes form a strong DIY community and you can find a lot of information about modifications and improvements to your 3D printer. Good examples of 3D printers with a large community and a wealth of information on the internet are the Ender 3 and Anet A8. However, it should be borne in mind that it is worth being able to filter information, and you will make all modifications at your own risk.
So what to buy - original or clone Prusa i3?
The original Prusa i3 is a great 3D printer, but the clones have an attractive lower price. However, quality matters a lot. The small individual parts of a 3D printer, such as fans, motherboard, and sensors, may seem unimportant, but they all contribute to a better 3D print.
Although real Prusa i3 printers are much more expensive than clones, they provide more useful features and quality. Copies include only the necessary basis for 3D printing and it is the price that reflects this fact. Prusa i3 clones contain unbranded parts, usually of lower quality. On the one hand, this is a minus, but on the other hand, replacing them will also be cheaper.
Perhaps the biggest difference between an original transaction and a clone is quality control. A genuine Prusa i3 printer with its high quality parts makes 3D printing easy, while a clone will require you to fiddle around to get a good 3D print result.