3D printed sound waves
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The new platform technology uses ultrasound waves to create complex and precise objects -- ScienceDaily
Most 3D printing methods currently in use rely either on photo (light)- or thermo (heat)-activated reactions to achieve precise manipulation of polymers. The development of a new platform technology called direct sound printing (DSP), which uses soundwaves to produce new objects, may offer a third option.
The process is described in a paper published in Nature Communications. It shows how focused ultrasound waves can be used to create sonochemical reactions in minuscule cavitation regions -- essentially tiny bubbles. Extremes of temperature and pressure lasting trillionths of a second can generate pre-designed complex geometries that cannot be made with existing techniques.
"Ultrasonic frequencies are already being used in destructive procedures like laser ablation of tissues and tumours. We wanted to use them to create something," says Muthukumaran Packirisamy, a professor and Concordia Research Chair in the Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering at the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science. He is the paper's corresponding author.
Mohsen Habibi, a research associate at Concordia's Optical-Bio Microsystems Lab, is the paper's lead author. His lab colleague and PhD student Shervin Foroughi and former master's student Vahid Karamzadeh are co-authors.
Ultraprecise reactions
As the researchers explain, DSP relies on chemical reactions created by fluctuating pressure inside tiny bubbles suspended in a liquid polymer solution.
"We found that if we use a certain type of ultrasound with a certain frequency and power, we can create very local, very focused chemically reactive regions," Habibi says. "Basically, the bubbles can be used as reactors to drive chemical reactions to transform liquid resin into solids or semi-solids."
The reactions caused by ultrasound-wave-directed oscillation inside the micro-sized bubbles are intense, though they only last picoseconds. The temperature inside the cavity shoots up to around 15,000 Kelvin and pressure exceeds 1,000 bar (the Earth's surface pressure at sea level is around one bar). The reaction time is so brief the surrounding material is not affected.
The researchers experimented on a polymer used in additive manufacturing called polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). They used a transducer to generate an ultrasonic field that passes through the build material's shell and solidifies the targeted liquid resin and deposits it onto a platform or another previously solidified object. The transducer moves along a predetermined path, eventually creating the desired product pixel by pixel. The microstructure's parameters can be manipulated by adjusting the duration of the ultrasound wave's frequency and the viscosity of the material being used.
Versatile and specific
The authors believe that DSP's versatility will benefit industries that rely on highly specific and delicate equipment. The polymer PDMS, for instance, is widely used in the microfluidics industry, where manufacturers require controlled environments (cleanrooms) and sophisticated lithographic technique to create medical devices and biosensors.
Aerospace engineering and repair can also benefit from DSP, as ultrasound waves penetrate opaque surfaces like metallic shells. This can allow maintenance crews to service parts located deep within an aircraft's fuselage that would be inaccessible to printing techniques reliant on photoactivated reactions. DSP could even have medical applications for remote in-body printing for humans and other animals.
"We proved that we can print multiple materials, including polymers and ceramics," Packirisamy says. "We are going to try polymer-metal composites next, and eventually we want to get to printing metal using this method."
The study received funding from ALIGO INNOVATION, Concordia and the Fonds de recherche du Québec -- Nature et technologies (FRQNT).
Video: https://youtu.be/97vaWUhc3Eo
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Materials provided by Concordia University. Original written by Patrick Lejtenyi. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
Scientific article Original article UDC 004. 9.
The use of sound waves in 3D-
printing technology
The Use of Sound Waves in 3D Printing Technology in
Pukhov Aleksey Petrovich, a student of the North-East Federal University named after m.K. Ammosova, Department of "Power supply", Russia, Yakutsk
Mikhailov Artem Afanasyevich, Student of the North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosova, Department of Power Supply, Yakutsk, Russia
Pukhov Alexey Petrovich, [email protected] Mikhailov Artem Afanasievich, [email protected]
Abstract. The purpose of this article is to consider the prospects of additive technology using sound waves in Russia and to consider the technology itself as a whole. An SD printer is a numerically controlled machine that implements only additive operations, that is, it only adds portions of material to the workpiece. Usually uses the method of layer-by-layer printing of a part.
Annotation. The purpose of this article is to consider the prospects of additive technology using sound waves in Russia and to consider the technology itself as a
whole. A 3D printer is a numerically controlled machine that implements only additive operations, that is, only adding portions of material to the workpiece. Usually uses the method of layer-by-layer printing of the part.
Keywords: 3D printing, sound waves, 3D printer.
Keywords: 3D printing, sound waves, 3D printer.
By 2020, the global market for 3D printing (AT - additive technologies) will reach approximately $ 12 billion. According to GlobalData forecasts, by 2025 the global AT market will be $ 32 billion, and by 2030 - 60 billion dollars. Russia is ranked 11th in the world in terms of production and introduction of 3D printing technologies. the share of the Russian market in this area is only 2%, but at the same time, the Russian market of additive technologies has grown 10 times over the past 8 years.
Additive technologies - AT QD printing), as one of the areas of digital production, is a powerful tool for accelerating R&D and bringing fresh products to market. Additive manufacturing is the process of combining material to create an object from 3D model data, specifically using a 3D printer. These technologies make it possible to quickly design and reproduce objects with the highest labor input in the conditions of ordinary traditional production (from small parts, for example, in aerospace and medicine, to large industrial structures).
Russia, which is currently in the IV technological stage (in fact, in the era of oil and machine production), is striving to reach VI, which Europe and the USA are already in. However, a way out of the situation is impossible without the introduction of AT, for which the state has created conditions in recent years in all industries.
Additive manufacturing is a technology that creates an object based on a finished digital model. 3D printing is the principle of creating a layered material model of a gradually repeating product contour. Essentially, 3D printing is the exact opposite of conventional fabrication and machining methods such as milling and turning, where machining is done by removing excess portion of a workpiece.
Using ultrasonic waves in 3D printing technologies, it is possible to print complex geometries with zero or variable porosity and a feature size of 280 µm using the Direct Sound Printing (DSP) method in a heat-curing thermosetting polymer (dimethylsiloxane), which so far cannot be printed directly in some way.
Ultrasonic wave concept
Photo- and thermally activated reactions are dominant in additive manufacturing (AM) processes for polymerization or polymer melting and precipitation. However, ultrasonic-activated sonochemical reactions represent a unique way of creating hot spots in cavitation bubbles with unusually high temperature and pressure along with high heating and cooling rates that are not available with current AM technologies. This demonstrates 3D printing of structures using acoustic cavitation generated by directly focused ultrasound, which creates sonochemical reactions in highly localized areas of cavitation.
Despite recent significant advances in additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, printed materials for process applications, light and heat are still the only energy sources used in AM to initiate chemical reactions or physical polymer transformation reactions. Therefore, materials used in AM processes are limited to photosensitive resins,
such as stereolithography (SLA) or direct laser imaging (DLW), and thermoplastic fibers or powders similar to deposition modeling (FDM) or selective laser sintering (SLS) . The parameters governing chemical interactions are determined by the amount of energy per molecule, interaction time, and pressure. The existing energy sources am, light and heat, do not use the full potential of chemistry in terms of control parameters, while sonochemistry pushes these parameters to the limit. Extremely high temperature (greater than 15,000 K), high pressure (greater than 1000 bar) and high heating and cooling rates (greater than 1012 K/s) 18 internal active cavitation bubbles, called hot spots, surrounded by bulk liquid at room temperature, are the cause of sonochemical reactions.
If it were possible to unleash the potential of sonochemistry in AM processes, this would also be an unconventional way of conventional printing, since printing with conventional energy sources is not possible. Examples of such materials are thermoset and thermoset polymers. Thermosets can be both optically and thermally cured. Additive manufacturing of optically cured thermosets is possible with light-based AM techniques. However, efficient on-demand curing of thermosetting polymers has not yet been realized due to application difficulties. Very low heating and cooling rates of small localized areas. Sonochemistry could be the solution for printing such materials due to its high localized temperature with fast heating and cooling costs. Acoustic-assisted polymerization has been extensively studied. However, these studies were conducted using an ultrasonic bath or horn that does not have the highly focused reaction zone (similar to SLA or DLW with a laser beam) and the high polymerization speed required for SD printing.
Here, as shown in the picture. 1a, 3D objects are printed inside an assembly chamber filled with building material (starch mixed with monomer, or various mixtures), revealing them in a focused ultrasonic field. This method is called direct sound printing (DSP). The ultrasonic field generated by it reaches the building with a monolithic spherically focused transducer material after passing through the shell of the mounting chamber. The focus is on the building material, as shown in Fig. 1a and in detail in the figure. 1b, an area of chemically active acoustic cavitation, it is hardened with a liquid resin or mixture and applied to the platform or over previously applied and hardened areas.
This area is called the Ultra Active Micro Reactor (UAMR) where the formed bubbles and polymerized resin appear in low pressure zones and then immediately migrate to high pressure zones until they reach a platform or previous solidified pixel where they settle. The sensor is moved by a medium moving manipulator to locate the focus area,
calculated along the trajectory of the assembly camera, to create the desired part of the pixel. The input parameters of the DSP process affect the microstructure of the printed parts. These parameters are the characteristics of the drive pulse of the transducer (for example, electrical power, frequency and duty cycle, which is the active part of the period of the drive pulse), building materials (for example, the ratio of monomer and hardener when mixing, mixture ratio, viscosity and surface tension) and the movement of the sensor (for example, the speed and acceleration of the sensor). Different microstructures result in optically transparent or opaque parts in a DSP. The resulting opacity is due to the porous structure of the printed part, which can be controlled and manipulated using DSP inputs.
As shown in the figure. 1c, the letters "DSP" are printed at various mixing ratios of basic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) one starch. A mixing ratio of 10:1 (polymer-based starch) produces a layered porous/clear structure of the letters "D" and "P" as shown in fig. 1c-1, 1c-2 and 1c-4. However, the ratio of 13:1 gives a transparent structure, as shown in the figure. 1s-3. Thus, DPS is able to print parts from optically transparent to opaque (porous) parts. Although transparent PDMS is desirable in many applications, porous
PDMS (sponge) has a wide range of applications ranging from flexible guides to fabric technologies.
Figure 1D also shows two printed parts with the same impeller geometry, one transparent and the other porous/opaque. We have added dye (commercial oil paint) to create colored parts as shown in the picture. 1e-h. Figure 1I shows a molded PDMS microfluidic channel using a basic silanized PDMS mold printed by DSP.
2 mm
The original idea of DSP came from our experiments with sonochemiluminescence (SCL) on an alkaline aqueous solution of luminol (3-
active chemicals for spatially focused active chemical distribution of amino phthalazide areas. Hydroxyl radicals and the resulting hydrogen peroxide react sonochemically with luminol, emitting blue light. Under certain experimental conditions, localized light was observed in the focal region. If we could use this reactivity from a localized area of the printed polymer, we could stimulate it to polymerize in that area, hence the material hardens. The SLA laser beam spot inspired us to look for the possibility of printing using acoustic waves. In photochemistry (as in SLA), a very large amount of energy is introduced in a short time in the form of electrical excitation. However, in sonochemistry (as in DSP), this energy is thermal energy with very high rates of heating and cooling of the cavitation bubble so that it does not pass into the surrounding liquid. This short-lived thermal energy can lead to the polymerization of heat-resistant polymers in the DSP.
The material characteristics of normal cure PDMS samples are compared with printed walls at room temperature using the DSP method for various PDMS mixing ratios using Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectrum of the printed materials is in good agreement with normally cured PDMS. This shows that DSP technology allows the production of the same material as conventionally cured PDMS.
The PDMS used in this article is Sylgard 184, which is a two component system. Elastomers and starches they contain siloxane fragments with vinyl ends and Si-H, respectively.
This section introduces several possible applications of DSP, including 3D printing of polymers, metal and ceramic composites, in-body bioprinting, a multifunctional integrated plasmonic biosensor platform, and PDMS microfluidic chips. However, DSP is primarily an AM method for printing materials that were difficult to print using existing AM methods. Thermoset thermosets are one example of such materials, and Sylgard-184 (as a PDMS system) is one of the best studied such thermosets in both porous and non-porous (clear) form. Porous (spongy) PDMS29has a wide range of applications such as absorbents, oil-water separation, flexible conductors, and energy collecting and storage devices, while the applications of transparent PDMS include: laboratory devices on a chip, tissue and organ devices on a chip, and biological machines, improved due to their biocompatibility, transparency and gas permeability.
Modern light-based printing technology prints optically cured silicone elastomers. However, this method requires post-treatment of some printed parts to remove residual toxic photopolymer by-products and unreacted solvent compounds. Also, there is no practical solution for printing thermoset, thermoset materials, in this case thermoset PDM, since it is always necessary to introduce an additive to change the rheology of the printed material, mainly to increase the viscosity of the applied material so that it lasts long enough for a thermoset, or completely released for a long time.
Adding another part to the PDMS system (resin base and hardener) changes the properties of the material, and the use of a fill structure or bath
may lead to geometric inaccuracies due to the weight of the PDMS, and post-processing is required to remove the support bath material. Plasma heating of thermally cured PDMs with the addition of gold nanoparticles has shown that the resulting plasma nanosecond heating and cooling cycles can increase the cure rate and provide on-demand cure. However, the practical application of gold nanoparticles has yet to be proven, in addition, gold is expensive, so it must be extracted after printing, which turns out to be not easy. Here we have shown that DSP is able to print this material directly without additives, auxiliary baths or material manufacturing techniques, while maintaining the properties of the Sylgard-184 material. In addition to Sylagrd-184, we have successfully printed DSP on various industrial thermosets and elastomers such as DOWSIL EE-1010, DOWSIL EE-3200, DOWSIL ei-1184, SYLGARD ei-182 and SYLGARD ei-186. We expect DSP to find more suitable materials, mainly other thermoset materials with low exothermic properties, to ensure proper print resolution.
Although the DSP implementation mechanism This document is very general and has some unique aspects such as RDP, it has some limitations in the complexity of printed parts. It is difficult to print on multiple media using the mechanism because the build chamber must be filled with new media each time. Another difficulty is printing overhanging structures using a mechanism because the space for printing must be saved. An alternative mechanism based on the same DSP concept, as well as the use of supporting materials, can help solve these problems. This is a topic for future research by the authors. DSP was applied from
volumetric deposition rate ~15,000 mm3/h, which is comparable to FDM and direct ink printing (DIW). Schematic holistic comparison of volume separation speed and resolution between AM and DSP based on lighting and heat.
We chose this topic to present an alternative printing method, DSP, for printing 3D objects using sound waves. Acoustic cavitation creates chemically active regions in the environment of a printed resin or resin blend, in which the resin undergoes a rapid phase transition from liquid to solid as a result of sonochemical reactions. With DSP, thermally cured polymers such as thermosets that could not be printed directly with photographs or heat sources in AM processes can now be printed directly. The basic DSP mechanism is shown using SCL experiments. The chemically active area of 3D printing in a DSP is similar to the spot of a laser beam in traditional photo or thermal AM technologies.
1. All about 3D printing. URL: http://www.itemprint.ru
2. Affordable 3D printing for science, education and sustainable development / E. Canessa, C. Fonda, M. Zennaro. Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics. 2013. 191 p.
3. Zlenko M. A. Nagaytsev M.V., Dovbysh V.M. Additive technologies in mechanical engineering // manual for engineers. M. SSC RF FSUE "NAMI" 2015. 220 p.
4. Barnatt C. 3D-Printing: Second Edition / CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. 2014. 306 p.
5. Kelly J. F. 3D-Printing: Build Your Own 3D-Printer and Print Your Own 3D-Objects/ Que Publishing. 2013. 192 p.
6. Mohsen Habibi, Shervin Foroughi, Vahid Karamzadeh & Muthukumaran Packirisamy: Direct sound printing/1 Optical Bio Microsystems Laboratory, Micro-Nano-Bio Integration Center, Department of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal , QC, Canada. 2022.
List of literature:
1. All about 3D printing. URL: http://www.itemprint.ru .
2. Affordable 3D printing for science, education and sustainable development / E. Canessa, K. Fonda, M. Zennaro. Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics. 2013. 191 p.
3. Zlenko M.A. Nagaytsev M. V., Dovbysh V.M. Additive technologies in mechanical engineering // handbook for engineers. M. SSC RF FSUE "NAMI" 2015. 220 p.
4. Barnett S. 3D printing: Second Edition / CreateSpace Independent Publishing platform. 2014. 306 pages.
5. Kelly J. F. 3D Printing: Create your own 3D printer and print Your Own 3D Objects/ Que Publishing. 2013.192 pages.
6. Mohsen Habibi, Sherwin Forugi, Vahid Karamzade and Mutukumaran Pakirisami: Direct Sound Printing/1 Laboratory of Optical Biomicrosystems, Center for Micro-Nano-Bio Integration, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC Canada. 2022.
© Pukhov A.P., Mikhailov A.A., Scientific and educational journal for
students and teachers "StudNet" No. 6/2022.
For citation: Pukhov A.P., Mikhailov A.A. USING
educational magazine for students and teachers "StudNet" No. 6/2022
invented a method of printing with viscous liquids // Look
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3D printers and 3D printing September 5, 2018, 09:49
Photo by Daniele Foresti, Jennifer A. Lewis, Harvard University.
Photo by Daniele Foresti, Jennifer A.
Lewis, Harvard University.
Photo by Daniele Foresti, Jennifer Lewis, Harvard University.
Photo by Daniele Foresti, Jennifer A. Lewis, Harvard University.
Photo by Daniele Foresti, Jennifer A.
Lewis, Harvard University.
Photo by Daniele Foresti, Jennifer Lewis, Harvard University.
Printers using sound waves may one day allow people to create structures from droplets of viscous materials like honey, and also print human tissue without damaging cells.
Researchers at the Wyss Institute at Harvard have developed a new printing method that uses sound waves to form droplets from various viscous liquids such as honey. Acoustic waves accelerate the formation of droplets from materials that would take years to form droplets on their own.
Inkjet printing is the most common printing method used today. True, any liquid cannot be used for it: all "ink" for an inkjet printer must be about ten times more viscous than water.
Meanwhile, many liquids of interest to researchers are much more viscous. For example, biopolymer solutions used to create biopharmaceuticals and bioprinting are at least a hundred times more viscous than water.
Some sugar-based biopolymers can even be as viscous as honey, which is 25,000 times more viscous than water. In other words, it is viscosity that prevents scientists from using "unconventional" liquids for printing.
According to the first author of the new study, Daniele Foresti of the Wyss Institute, his team's goal was to eliminate viscosity from a key parameter by developing a printing system that does not depend on this fluid property.
Photo by Daniele Foresti, Jennifer Lewis, Harvard University.
In inkjet printing, drops of various liquids (the same ink) are separated from the bulk by gravity. Actually, due to gravity, drops of any liquid are formed.
Meanwhile, even gravity is not omnipotent in this matter. For this reason, scientists cannot use any liquids of interest to them in their work. A simple example is that resin, which has a viscosity about 200 billion times that of water, forms a drop by itself in a decade. In other words, gravity alone cannot do. In addition, it is difficult to control the speed of falling drops using gravity alone. Meanwhile, for the press the latter is of great importance.
To accelerate the formation of droplets of viscous liquids, scientists turned to sound waves, which often defy gravity (acoustic levitation immediately comes to mind). True, scientists now use them to help gravity, not resist it.
Specialists have built a subwavelength acoustic resonator that can form a narrowly directed acoustic field. It creates a force that exceeds the gravitational force acting on the drop formed at the tip of the printer's outlet, a hundred times.
Foresti explains that their idea was to create an acoustic field that literally pulls tiny droplets of a highly viscous liquid from the nozzle of the printer. This controlled force separates each "slow" drop that emerges from the nozzle when it reaches a certain size and drops it to the desired point. In this case, the higher the amplitude of the sound waves, the smaller the drop size (regardless of the viscosity of the liquid).
Photo by Daniele Foresti, Jennifer A. Lewis, Harvard University.
Researchers have tested a new printing method using a wide range of viscous materials (from honey to stem cell "ink", from biopolymers to optical resins and even liquid metals).
It is important to note that sound waves do not pass through the drop itself, which makes the method safe for working with sensitive biological materials (living cells and proteins).
According to scientists, their development will find application primarily in the pharmaceutical industry. However, they do not exclude the fact that the new printing method will be useful to other industries.
Printers using sound waves could one day allow people to create structures from honey droplets or even print human tissue without damaging cells.