3D burrito printer
3D printing meets fast food
3D Printing
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View gallery - 11 imagesA 3D printer that pops out steaming hot burritos before your very eyes? That sounds like the plot of the next stoner movie turned cult hit. In this case, though, it's actually the thesis project of an NYU masters student. And it's fast becoming a reality.
The first thing we learned about the Burrit0bot is that it needs to analyzed on several levels to be truly appreciated. As the thesis project of recent NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program graduate Marko Manriquez, the idea wasn't conceived as a fast way of preparing a delicious, steaming Mexican meat roll to stifle the midnight munchies. It was far more academic in origin.
"Burritob0t invites critical questions about the food we regularly consume, particularly in regards to fast food (labor practices, environmental consequences, nutritional value)," the Burritob0t website explains. "Mexican fast food is emblematic of the assembly line: it is mass-produced in an era of modern consumables, appropriating a false authenticity. Burritob0t, in turn, aims to encourage dialogue about how and where our food is grown, methods of production, environmental impact, cultural appropriation, and, perhaps most importantly: what our food means to us."
Yeah, yeah, all that sociological talk is really deep and stimulating and all, but we're still talking about a machine that spits out piping hot burritos on command, right? Kind of, but not exactly. The Burritob0t doesn't actually bake your burrito from scratch. What it does is allow you to mix your ideal combination of different types of salsa, guacamole and crema, and extrude it out onto your tortilla. You can control the mixture by way of an accompanying smartphone app.
Unfortunately, there's not much mention of the meat, beans and rice that really make up the bulk of a good burrito. They'd have to be liquified into a fine paste to make it through the machine, anyway, so it's either sloppy, dripping wrap o' mush or add the actual substance on yourself.
Print your way to your ideal burrito
The Burritob0t doesn't appear fully functional just yet, so our dreams of a burrito-making machine-servant popping out savory meat treats at our beck and call may never see fruition. Manriquez does mention that he plans to demonstrate the device at a live event sometime this summer.
There are no plans to sell the unit directly to consumers or to a manufacturer with the means to produce it. Instead, Manriquez is focusing on the creative and philosophical aspects of the endeavor. The project is entirely open-sourced, however, and Manriquez explains the build in detail on the Burritob0t website in hopes that end users will build their own and join in the experiment. He also mentions that people wishing to commission a model for home or business can contact him directly through the website.
Manriquez plans to launch a Kickstarter campaign in July to raise more money to develop the Burritob0t and experiment with conceptualizations of food and man. He also aims to create an exhibition in which a series of bots make a five-course meal, so there may be some other foodie bots on the way.
Source: Burritob0t via Engadget
View gallery - 11 imagesC.C. Weiss
Chris joined the New Atlas team in 2011 and now serves as the automotive and campers editor, traveling extensively to gather the latest news on cars, outdoor sports gear and other innovations designed to help people experience and enjoy the greater world around them.
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3D printing prostheses - industrial revolution
Businesses in the South Park area of San Francisco mainly specialize in Web technologies or the sale of sandwiches and burritos.
Bespoke Innovations plans to produce prostheses for various body parts. Bespoke Innovations uses the latest technology known as 3D printing to create prosthetic limbs decorated with leather, metal or any other material the client desires.
“Our efforts are focused on bringing progressive industrial innovation to the people who need it most. We look forward to new innovations from 3D Systems to bring these developments into our field.”
“I wanted to create a prosthesis that could completely replace a lost human leg,” explains Scott Summit. “In my opinion, it is unfortunate that an item that is an essential part of many people's lives does not have enough durability.”
Technology has undergone a radical transformation from a tool used by manufacturers and designers to create models and prototypes to a tool for creating finished functional devices. And 3D Systems continues to be the market leader and trendsetter, providing a broad selection of 3D printers, prototyping systems, and industrial systems and solutions. The presented prostheses for individual orders were printed on a 3D Systems Selective Laser Sintering device, SLS technology.
Today, 3D printing is opening up amazing business opportunities that were unthinkable until recently, thereby pushing entrepreneurs to start businesses in areas such as selling iPhone cases, lamps, door handles, jewelry and accessories, bags, perfume bottles, architectural models, etc.
As we speculate on how successful new technologies can make the transition from manufacturing application to consumer product manufacturing, this usage is flaring up en masse.
3D printing is production with the click of a mouse instead of a hammer, nails and workers. Supporters of this technology believe that by ridding businesses of manual labor, 3D printing will optimize the economics of production and revive American industry through an innovative and original substitute for labor costs, the reduction of which manufacturers of goods are so worried about. “Thus, businesses will not have to look for better conditions in other countries, which will only increase shipping costs,” says Scott Summit.
Depending on the functionality, the price of a 3D printer ranges from $1,000 to more than $100,000. 3D Systems offers a wide range of 3D printers and production systems, conditionally divided into 6 types depending on the speed of production of parts and processing speed, depending on the metal, or the quality and strength that are possible with the use of SLA and SLS technologies. Today, anyone can use individual parts or assemblies with a complete design for production at 3Dproparts™, a global network of exciting technical solutions. Bespoke Innovations uses this resource.
The introduction of technology in production causes certain difficulties. For example, custom-made products can cost much more than mass-produced products and take longer to produce. Thus, this concept may seem unsuitable in a world where mass consumption is valued.
At Bespoke Innovations, Scott Summit installed a scanning element to examine extremities with a camera. After scanning, the detailed image is sent to the computer, and Scott Summit proceeds to create the prosthesis.
He uses a 3D printer to make a plastic scaffold that holds the shape of the prosthetic limb, and then he wraps the scaffold in whatever flexible material the client wants. "We can do a medieval design or a Harley style, whatever," says Scott Summit.
Scott Summit and his partner Kenneth B.