Where to buy a 3d printer in canada

Canadian Suppliers - My brief experience so far... : 3Dprinting

I've seen this question asked previously in my searches, and often times the info is a year old or older. I'm just getting into 3D Printing and have ordered from a variety of suppliers recently. Here is a breakdown my experiences so far (these are just my experiences, so take them for what they are worth):

Canada Computers - I bought my printer and some filament here. It was more expensive than most places, but had the benefit of having stock. A few weeks later I decided to buy an extra magnetic print bed and got confirmation that I could come by and pick it up. I was told to check the hours before I came, which I did. I showed up 20 minutes before closing and got in line, only to be turned away by an employee at the end of the line. I tried calling the store from the parking lot, but they did not answer the phone.

I called the customer service line and could not get a person or leave message, their automated system would make you press some numbers and then when it went to put you through to voice mail, you just get a busy signal. I emailed them - no answer All in I went about 45 km out of my way for nothing and was unable to get any customer service - even took the 407 so I could get there with time to spare. Not shopping there anymore is an understatement.

3D Printing Canada - ordered a micro swiss nozzle from them and got it in a reasonable time frame, no fuss no muss. it was a bit pricey, but I could see shopping there again.

Botfeeder - I bought some filament from botfeeder.ca and was very happy with the transaction. They had great prices on the "Pure PLA" which I guess is their premium line, came out to something like $15/kg and shipping was cheap and quick. I will shop there again, zero problems.

Canakit - I ordered a Raspberry pi 4 there, there was some issues with being able to charge to my visa, and it took them a while to sort it out. When they did, I got my Pi pretty quick, but the whole process took longer than it should have. I may shop there again, but I will probably try buyapi next time, just to try a variety of vendors.

digitmaker.ca - they have a sale on eSun PETG right now, so I ordered some. I also ordered some 2020 V slot extrusion and 2m of good quality GT2 belt; I chose the free shipping option at check out. A little while after I placed my order I got a call from them telling me that, because I had ordered the 1m aluminium extrusion, that i would have to pay extra for shipping. I pointed out that the site offered free shipping and was told that it was wrong and the product page stated that shipping would be extra. I checked the product page, and there was a line in the description stating that it was store pick up only. So, I guess that's on me for not noticing, but it also shouldn't have shown a free shipping option if it wasn't available to me either, so that's on them. I figure 50/50 blame on that one, so I sucked it up and go out there to pick up my order.

When I got there, i was informed that they don't have all of my order in stock; they only had 1m of the GT2 belt left but they can give the cheaper, lower quality one instead. I didn't want that so they offered a refund but I had to push them to get the correct paperwork. They expected me to just leave and trust that they would refund my money. I wouldn't have been so irritated if they had informed me before I went out there, so I could have decided to cancel my order and get everything I wanted elsewhere. Taking extra trips in a pandemic is not something I appreciate. I'm pretty sure that I won't shop there anymore.

I'll keep ordering bits and pieces for my new build here and there over the next few months and edit this post to update as I get more orders filled. I've ordered from banggood, but am not expecting delivery until early May.

If anyone else wants to weigh in, please feel free.

EDIT#1: I decided to give Digitmakers a second try because I was out almost out of filament and needed to print off a bunch of ear savers for some coworkers, having been given little notice, and almost being out of PLA. Just about every other site was out of most of the PLA and PLA+, but Digitmakers had some in stock and some on sale. I grabbed a 5kg spool of esun PLA+ and some D3D spools of PLA that were on sale. I was able to pick it up the same day from the loading dock (their store front is closed) and there were no problems with my order. Given that this order was filled problem free, I may order from them again in the future, but will keep my expectations low.

I ordered parts from Spool3d on the 8th of May. My order was shipped promptly and I was given a Canada Post tracking number. I expect delivery on May 14th (if I am to believe the tracking info). Like everyone else right now, they had many products out of stock due to the pandemic. I am impressed with their shipping turn around, especially given the current situation. I don't anticipate any problems with the delivery but will update further when I receive the delivery.

Also on the 8th of May, I ordered some more parts and filament from 3dpringtincanada, and received a shipping notice on the 9th of May indicating that my order had been shipped. As I'm in Ontario too, I expect they should arrive this evening per the UPS tracking info. One thing about 3dprintingcanada - the barrage of emails. Leave an item in you cart? That's an email. Make an order expect a bunch of obviously automated emails. The one that really made me laugh was the one that read:

"With your recent purchase, the 200x200mm Heat Bed Insulation Cotton with Foil Self-adhesive Sticker (10mm Thick) is going to have everyone talking! Only a few things can be better than that...'

I've been receiving excited phone calls from friends and family for days, all excited that I bought some stick on insulation! The people who know me well, never expected me to get this far in life. My own mother said "Stick on insulation! Well, I never expected your degree in remedial basket weaving to pay off, but it looks like I was wrong!"

Yeah, if someone from 3dprintingcanada is reading this, please dial it back a bit. Really, most of us will be happy just getting what we ordered in a reasonable amount of time. Seriously, while I was typing this I got another automated email from there.

3D Printers Canada | Buy Stratasys 3D Printers, Rapid Prototyping Machines, Makerbot, Fortus


  Professional desktop 3D printers
  Variety of sizes offering various capabilities, such as multiple colour selection
  Affordable solution for those looking to test their ideas in the early prototyping stages
  Ideal for design iterations, concept development, individual professionals, educators and more

  Test your products design and reduce the time it takes to develop your product
  Save time and money by prototyping to avoid costly manufacturing mistakes
  Wide range of printers offered each with unique capabilities
  Ideal for rapid prototyping, functional testing, design engineers and more
  Offered in various sizes, from small, office friendly machines to large models
  Ability to create fixtures and jigs directly from CAD data in a single build
  Saves you the high costs typically associated with production, making it ideal for short run production, additive manufacturing, assembly tools and more

Canada develops portable 3D skin printer

Canada develops portable 3D skin printer

installs it in the wound within two minutes. The study, led by student Navid Hakimi and led by Associate Professor Axel Günther, has been published in the journal Lab on a Chip.

We have previously reported exciting developments in the ever-expanding field of 3D Bioprinting. Printed skin tissue is arguably one of the most promising applications of this technology, with a range of effective solutions for skin tissue regeneration.

However, current bioprinting equipment used in laboratories tends to be overly bulky and usually quite expensive and complex, limiting its use in clinical situations.

3D printer for UoT printers can provide a solution to these problems by offering a cheap and practical pocket-sized device for healing and healing wounds.

When a deep wound forms in the skin, all three layers of the skin—epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis—can be damaged. The currently preferred treatment is epidermopilar skin grafting, where a piece of healthy donor skin is grafted onto the superficial epidermis and part of the underlying dermis.

Feature of portable 3D printer

The portable 3D printer weighing less than 1 kg, resembling a marking label gun in appearance and function, will cope with the task in about two minutes. The exact time of the operation will depend on the size of the damage to the skin.

The device does not require a sample of the patient's epidermis, since Canadian specialists use the so-called "bio-ink" to form tissue layers. This material enters the skin in the form of strips similar to adhesive plaster, but differing from it in viscosity due to the presence of alginic acid in the composition. Artificial skin is based on living cells together with collagen and fibrin.

Scientists believe that their printer is a platform that can overcome these barriers, improve the healing process of the skin. A pocket skin printer is similar to a toilet paper dispenser, only instead of a roll it has a microdevice that forms sheets of tissue. Vertical streaks of "bio-ink", made up of proteinaceous biomaterials like collagen and fibrin, collectively form each layer of skin. The printer is highly portable and promises to be adaptable to each patient and wound characteristics.

Small, about the size of a shoebox, weighs less than a kilogram and requires minimal operator skills. Scientists hope that one day they will be able to begin human clinical trials and revolutionize the traditional approach to treating burns.


A construction 3D printer is a machine that can build houses by applying material (concrete) layer by layer. The paste type material used, in this case concrete or earth, is forced through the nozzle in layers to print buildings.
Concrete 3D printing in the construction industry saves time, effort and material when compared to traditional methods. However, it is important to note that 3D printers are not yet capable of creating a fully functional home, only the frame and walls can be created, other elements such as windows, electricity or plumbing must be installed separately. Concrete 3D printers can also be used to print bridges, benches, or simply outdoor decorations.
To provide a complete overview of the construction 3D printer market, we have listed the top 12 construction 3D printing solutions. Some of them are 3D printers already available for sale, while others are still in the prototype stage or provide 3D printing services for external structures.


Construction 3D printers use extrusion technology. Some construction 3D printers are similar to FFF/FDM desktop 3D printers, only larger (gantry style), while others consist of a rotating mechanical arm.
In both cases, paste-type components such as concrete are used as the filament. The material is ejected from a special nozzle to form layers. In simpler (very) extrusion of pasta is like using a bag to dispense frosting on a cake.
The printer builds foundations and walls layer by layer. The base is literally the printer's build plate. However, some concrete 3D printers are used to 3D print brick molds. Once molded, the bricks are stacked on top of each other manually (or with a robotic arm).
Benefits of 3D Building Printing
• Eco-Friendly : 3D printed houses can be built with sustainable materials. What's more, some construction 3D printers use solar energy and emit little CO2.
• Affordable: 3D construction printers can build affordable housing, providing great relief to people in poor regions or after natural disasters.
• Scalable: 3D construction printing reduces certain construction costs. For example, the cost of 1 square meter of wall using traditional construction methods is approximately $75, while for an Apis Cor house 3D printer it is only $27.
• Efficient: Because materials are 3D printed on demand, machines produce less waste. In addition, 3D construction printers can complete the foundation of a house in less than a few days, while traditional construction methods take weeks or even months.
• Design flexibility: Curved walls and unique facades can be easily created with a 3D printer
Disadvantages of 3D construction
• Expensive initial investment: These 3D printers can sometimes cost up to a million dollars.
• Partially built houses: only the frame houses are built. The 3D printing process is usually paused to manually install plumbing, wiring, and fittings.
• Rough appearance : The exterior of most 3D printed houses is not as smooth as traditional houses.
• Lack of Certification: Construction sites are regulated by law and there are important safety standards that must be met, which can be difficult with 3D printing methods (different repeatability, dimensional stability, etc.).


We divide construction 3D printers into three categories: house building 3D printers that you can buy, prototype concrete printers, and concrete 3D printing services.
Home 3D printers available

AMT printers

Pictured: AMT S-6044 Long and AMT S-300

), 11 x 31 x 80 (maximum)
• Material : Concrete / Clay / Gypsum
• Country : Russia

Equipment manufactured by AMT-SPETSAVIA - workshop and field portal construction 3D printers (COP-printers, Construction Objects Printing) : and from small format (for printing small architectural forms) to large (for printing buildings up to 30 floors high). Productivity from 0.5 to 2.5 cubic meters per hour, management by 2 people. AMT printers are capable of printing with any kind of concrete, clay and gypsum.

BetAbram P1

• Build size : 1.6 x 8.2 x 2.5 m
• Material : Concrete
• Country : Slovenia
BetAbram has a small Slovenian team working on the 3D equipment - printing since 2012. Their flagship home 3D printer, the BetAbram P1, is currently in its second iteration and is available with additional printheads: basic, "Orto" for smoother layers, and rotatable for more design options.


• Build Size : 11.98 x 45.07 x 1.53 m
• Material : Concrete
• Country : Denmark
This design 3D printer is fast, up to 18 meters per minute . BOD2 is modular and can be adapted to various sizes. COBOD is a 3D Printhuset company.

Constructions-3D 3D Constructor

• Assembly size : 13 x 13 x 3.8 m
• Material : Concrete
• Country : France
Constructions-3D is a subsidiary of French 3D printer retailer Machines-3D. Their 3D Constructor machine is mobile thanks to its rubber tracks and fits in a 20ft shipping container for easy transportation from one construction site to another.

CyBe Construction CyBe RC 3Dp

• Assembly size: 2.75 x 2.75 x 2.75 m
• Material: Concrete
• Country: Netherlands This easy-to-use 3D printer is capable of reaching heights of up to 2.75 meters and only requires two people to operate.

ICON Vulcan II

• Build Size : 2.6 x 8.5 x ∞ m
• Material : Concrete
• Country : United States
ICON wants to revolutionize the construction industry with its Vulcan II printer. The whole process is designed to be user friendly with a tablet-based interface, and the ICON Lavacrete concrete mix is ​​optimized for easy printing.

MudBots Concrete 3D Printer

• Build Size : 1.83 x 1.83 x 1.22 m (minimum)
• Material : Concrete
• Country : United States
MudBots is a manufacturer of concrete 3D printers in the USA. Their smallest model (approximately 1830 x 1830 x 1220 mm) is available for $35,000. Large build sizes are also available, reaching up to 30 meters in length.
According to MudBots, their 3D printers can print a small house in just 12 hours and cut costs by 70% compared to traditional building methods.


Build Size : 10m x 15m x 6m
Material : Concrete
Country : United States
StroyBot, also known as the Rudenko 3D Printer, is a versatile mobile design printing system supplied as a build kit user. On average, he can print a 100 square meter house in 48 hours (walls only).

WASP Crane WASP “Infinity 3D Printer”

• Assembly size : Ø 6.3 x 3 m
• Material : Concrete / Earth materials
• Country : Italy
The Crane WASP is an evolution of the previous WASP construction printer, the BigDeltaWASP 12MT . This open source builder is modular and multiple Crane printers can work together on the same project, giving theoretically endless 3D printing possibilities.

Concrete printers working projects

Apis Cor 3D printer

• Assembly size : 8.5 x 1.6 x 1.5 m
• Material : Concrete
• Country : United States
Apis Cor, a 3D construction company based in San Francisco, claims to be able to 3D print a house in less than 24 hours. Their Apis Cor printer looks like a robotic arm and won first place in NASA's 3-stage 3D printing competition.

Batiprint3D 3D Printer

• Build Size : -
• Material : Concrete / Other
• Country : France
Batiprint 3D made headlines internationally when it completed its 3D print shop at Nantova, France. Their 3D printer not only prints cement but also insulating foam, making it one of the most complete 3D building solutions.


• Build Size : 9.1 x 4.4 x ∞
• Material : Concrete
• Country : United States
S-Squared, also known as SQ3D is working on a scale project "4D printing", which aims to provide fast, reliable, environmentally friendly and affordable housing for poor areas.

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