Vitronic vitus 3d body scanner
Vitronic Vitus 3D body scanner Product Review
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- Last updated: 15.06.2020
- Product Review
- Swann Rack
Vitronic Vitus 3D Scanner Review 02:43
At Vitronic in Wiesbaden, we tested the 3D body scanner “Vitronic Vitus”. This body scanner was developed primarily for the clothing industry to capture people’s body measurements quickly. Besides body measurements, this 3D scanner also captures color information, and thus, established itself for creating 3D figures.
Table of Contents
Fun fact: Vitronic is known in Germany for the production of radar systems for traffic surveillance—
they specialize in speed cameras.
The Vitronic Vitus is a 3D scanner that enables the fast and contactless capturing of 3D body scans.
Immediately after the 3D scanning process, a color 3D model can be exported. The Vitus is a
structured-light scanner that projects an infrared line pattern onto the person to be scanned. In
contrast to photogrammetry, structured-light scanning has the advantage of providing extremely
accurate measurements.
Differences Between Photogrammetry and Structured-light Scanning
In photogrammetry, we use about 70 cameras in a scan cabin, which trigger simultaneously. This
results in a photoset, that is subsequently calculated into a 3D model. Unfortunately, no direct
scaling of the 3D model is possible. Therefore, the person to be scanned must take a measuring stick
with him/her into the cabin to enable a subsequent scaling.
Structured-light Scanning
In structured-light scanning, a stripe pattern is projected onto the surface of the object, which is
recorded by two stereo cameras. A 3D model can be calculated from the distortion of this pattern.
The scaling is done directly during the scanning process. The Vitronic Vitus is a structured-light
How Does the Vitronic Vitus Work?
The Vitronic Vitus consists of a scan cabin and a pedestal for the person to be scanned. In the
corners of the scan cabin, there are four sensor columns with sensor slides, on each of which are
two cameras and a projector for the structured-light.
The scan volume of the Vitronic Vitus is approx. 1 m in diameter and approx. 2 m in height.
Measuring with the Vitus takes between 10 and 14 seconds. For scanning, the person stands on the
pedestal in the cabin. It is important that the person remains still during the entire 3D scanning
process to ensure an exact measurement.
During the 3D-scanning process, the sensor slides move from top to bottom and capture the person
in 3D. An infrared light pattern is projected onto the person, which is detected by two stereo
cameras. While the sensor slides move up again, another camera captures the color information of
the person, so that a colored 3D model can be created. The total recording time, including data
processing with the Anthroscan software from Human Solutions, is about 60 seconds.
The Specifications of the Vitronic Vitus
The Vitronic Vitus body scanner weighs about 250 kg (551 lbs.) and is relatively mobile. According to
the manufacturer, the weight has been reduced since the previous model, making the device easier
to transport and set up. The 3D scanner can be taken along to trade fairs or events and can be by
two people in about four hours.
The total diameter of the 3D scanner is about 2.20 m (7’ 2”), and it’s about 2. 90 m (9’ 6”) tall.
According to the manufacturer, however, a ceiling height of at least 3.10 m (10’ 2”) is required for
the assembly. The Vitronic Vitus also has its own lighting system in the scan cabin, which makes its
use independent of external lighting conditions. The list price of the Vitronic Vitus is currently
approx. 60,000 euros (70,860 USD).
The Vitronic Vitus is a structured-light scanner that has been optimized for body scans. It is cheaper
than a photogrammetry system with DSLR cameras. A big advantage of the Vitronic Vitus is that
directly after the 3D scan, a correctly scaled 3D model can be exported.
Do you need a person (figure) 3D scan with the Vitronic Vitus?
Holocreators offers professional 3D-scanning and reverse engineering services. We are happy to
offer you the 3D scan with the Vitronic Vitus or process your 3D scan data created with this device. Please call us at +49 40 481133 or send an email info@holocreators. com
- Author: Swann Rack
Swann has been enthusiastic about everything 3D for many years. His roots lie in analog holography, which brought him to digital 3D-modeling in 2011.
The rapid progress of various 3D-scanning techniques fascinated himso much thathe founded Holocreators together with his brother Miro Rack in 2015.
Ready to get started?
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Entertainment 3D Scanners
Focus: Entertainment 3D Scanners
"Spider-Man 2". |
The production stage for the creation of computer graphics includes three main stages: modeling, animation and rendering. In this article, we will consider the technology of scanning an object using a 3D scanner, as one of the most developing, promising and frequently used in creating a computer model of an object. Let's analyze the strengths and weaknesses of such a popular technology in work. We will consider 3D scanners in the context of the entertainment industry, namely game development and the film industry. Why the entertainment industry? But because this segment of the market is one of the most promising, developing and, no doubt, the most interesting for most of us.
Historical note
It is known that the first customers of 3D scanners were not Hollywood studios, but various design bureaus working in the automotive and aircraft industries.
It is known that for automobiles and aircraft, the aerodynamic drag coefficient is important, which is largely determined by the streamlining of forms. Car and aircraft bodies are blown in hydrodynamic tubes, where the level of streamlining of forms is determined by the injection effect of the air flow*.
"What does the 3d scanner have to do with it?" - you ask. Let's explain. The work on creating a model of a car, an aircraft is divided into several stages. At the first stage, a drawing of the future model is made, then a copy is made, usually from a plastic material. Further, the form is blown in a hydrodynamic tube and only then, with the help of scanning devices, information about it is transferred to a computer and processed in order to make more accurate drawings of a future car, aircraft, etc. on the basis of virtual models. It would be possible to model manually using special programs, such as Maya, but, firstly, it takes longer, and secondly, the model will be inaccurate, and engineers will be dissatisfied with such work.
Scanning technology was later adopted by the film industry. This significant event took place in the first half of 90-s is now the last century.
The first 3D scanners using laser technology were first released by Cyberware in 1991. Later, in 1992, the Cyberscan company was opened, whose specialists combined a 3D scanner, a 3D printer and an NCC (numerically controlled computer). In addition, a machine was invented in the bowels of the studio to reproduce copies of human bodies using 3D printers, based on the data obtained during scanning. The innovation turned out to be incredibly popular and in demand, orders poured in from Hollywood majors - large studios.
Oliver Reed in Gladiator It should be immediately noted that modeling methods vary depending on the project. Much depends on the goals pursued by the studio or a single developer.
There is a huge difference between scanning a jug for an online store and a human body model for a big-budget film production. The use of the definition "big budget" is not accidental, because the use of full body scanner technology significantly increases the costs of the film studio. Hollywood, as you know, is not scary with a price list, so no modern blockbuster is complete without scanning props and, most importantly, leading actors. For example, during the filming of the notorious film "Gladiator", the wonderful English actor Oliver Reed died, but the shooting was not even suspended, because all the leading actors were scanned in advance, and the deceased actor was replaced by an understudy in the general shots and the same understudy, but with digitized face of Oliver Reed - on large.
Contact scanners
Immersion | Contact Scanner
Experts identify several 3D scanning technologies, none of which are industry standard. This happens largely because there is no technology without flaws. Each of the technologies used has its pros and cons. All existing 3D scanning technologies can be divided into two types: contact and non-contact/remote. A contact scanner is a type of scanner that uses in its work the principle of manually tracing the contour of an object by the operator himself. In other words, scanners that work with this technology have a special mechanical device - a sensor that resembles a "probe". Using this device, the points of the scanned object selected by the operator are transmitted to the computer.
The main advantage and disadvantage of this type of devices at the same time is their semi-automaticity: the model, in fact, is produced by the operator, and not the device itself, which is much slower than more expensive 3d scanners using laser technology. In addition, unlike laser, non-contact scanners, touch scanners do not read the texture, which, in principle, is the determining criterion when choosing a scanner for its use in the film industry.
Not surprisingly, most experts have already written off such scanners, saying that their ceiling is the scanning of small objects. Nevertheless, the demand for these scanners is still quite high due to their low, even low cost. Not surprisingly, contact scanners have already been dubbed as poor man's scanners, which are intended for lazy modelers working in design studios. The use of contact scanners in the presence of non-contact scanners on the market is an inexpedient and inefficient enterprise when working on a film or a computer game.
Proximity scanners
Cyberware Proximity Scanner |
Non-contact 3D scanners use more sophisticated and advanced laser technology. Most of this type of devices combine the following devices: laser sensors that replace the contact sensor, as well as digital photographic equipment, which is used for greater scanning accuracy and, most importantly, it allows you to get an object model with textures.
The disadvantage of this type of devices is their exorbitant cost (prices will be discussed later) and the inability to control the scanning process. After scanning the model with this type of scanner, the object has to be created almost anew, because the model turns out to be of little use for animation in most cases. The advantages include the ability to scan a three-dimensional texture, which requires minimal refinement. In this regard, non-contact laser scanners beat contact ones in all respects with their unwillingness to work with texture. In addition, laser scanners work with much larger objects than their mechanical counterparts.
Laser scanning technology continues to evolve in three main areas: zone, dot and stripe scanning. The best results are demonstrated by stripe scanning technology. A special grid\stripe is projected onto the object, and the contour of the scanned surface is determined by its distortions. In the film industry, the most used are, of course, non-contact 3D scanners using stripe scanning technology.
It is necessary to mention non-contact scanners, which are based on ultrasonic devices. In addition, at the moment, specialists are working on the creation of magnetic scanners that determine coordinates in space by changing the spatial magnetic field. The advantages of this type of scanners include the ability to scan bodies that are in a homogeneous environment or have an internal structure. The disadvantages include high cost and excessive sensitivity to environmental changes. In addition, ultrasonic and magnetic scanners have low accuracy - 1/16 and 1/32 inches, respectively. This type of scanner is mainly used in medicine.
Incidentally, there is a prejudice that laser scanners are dangerous to human eyes. In fact, this was the case before, and modern 3D scanners using laser technology are completely harmless to human eyes. At least that's what the manufacturer says. If he is cheating and you have suffered while working with the 3D scanner, then let us know and we will help you win the lawsuit. By the way, about manufacturers.
Manufacturer and prices
Cyberware WBX 4 Scanner |
There are many companies on the market that manufacture 3D scanners. We will talk about the most famous companies that produce scanners that are used in the film and gaming industry. Prices for products, of course, vary and depend on the volume of services provided and the capabilities of the device. Below we will analyze the products of some of the leading companies that produce full body scanners that can be used in the production of computer games and films.
First of all, we should mention the American company Cyberware, which is rightfully considered one of the leaders in the production of 3D laser scanners. The company is engaged in the production of expensive equipment, the full set of which can be used to work on a film with a large number of complex effects.
The latest version of The Whole Body X 3D Scanner (WBX) will cost the customer $240,000. The set of equipment comes with the DigiSize program, which measures, analyzes and stores data during scanning. But not everything is so simple, because the filmmaker will have to purchase the CySlice program created by the company, which is necessary for converting the resulting image to NURBS, QUADS, SUBD and for ordering polygons.
The editors of the Internet publication contacted Sue Addelman, vice president of Cyberware, and she agreed to answer a few questions of interest to us.
A.Kh.: (Anna Kharkina) How long does it take for a scanner to complete a human body scan?
SA: (Sue Addelman) A complete cycle takes 17 seconds if we're talking about one pass. Generally WBX is used in the military to scan recruits. An acceptable result is achieved after 45 seconds.
A.H.: Can we import the received by the scanner
CyClise Software for file conversion |
information in Maya, Max, etc. software packages?
SA: Of course. Most of our clients use Maya and 3ds Max software solutions in their work. Our software that comes with the hardware supports various 3d formats including .3DS. Most Maya users also purchase CyClise software, which is a powerful package for converting PLY (Cyberware format) files to NURBS, QUADS, SUBD's and organizing polygons.
А.Х.: Is additional lighting required for the correct operation of the scanner?
S.A.: Our equipment is designed to be used in the most ordinary conditions. There are, of course, a number of recommendations. First of all, it is necessary to prevent direct sunlight from hitting the scanning elements of the equipment.
A.Kh.: What is the output texture resolution?
S.A.: The previous model had a resolution of 2000x2000. In general, more detailed information about the previous model is available on our website. As for the new model, the resolution will be about 3072x2048. The new sample is currently being tested.
A.Kh.: How long does it take to correct the material after scanning is completed?
SA: Not much. It takes 17 seconds to scan, the resulting material immediately becomes available for work, thanks to software that immediately "stitches" the received material into a PLV file format.
Let's recap. The total process of scanning a person takes Cyberware's WBX scanner about 17 seconds. On average, the output is a model of 250-300 thousand polygons with a color depth of 8 bits and a resolution along the X axis - 5 mm, along the Y axis - 8 mm, along the Z axis - 0.5 mm. The cost of the device is 240 thousand dollars.
Download the program completely free of charge and examine the sample model obtained as a result of scanning by Cyberware's WBX equipment.
Significantly cheaper to combine several small scanners into one. This method is offered by several companies, including the Canadian company InSpeck. In order to scan a whole person, you will have to purchase 6 scanners, because using only so many devices gives a complete 360-degree view. Such a set will cost 120,000 euros.
InSpeck scanners use directional light from halogen lamps, which has no harmful effects on health. The scanning process takes one second or more, depending on the required resolution. In this case, you can get 550,000 coordinate points, the resolution along the axes varies from 0.03 mm to 3 mm. The advantages of the scanner include a sensor that reads information about texture and color. The kit includes the inSpeck-EM data processing software. It allows you to simplify polygons, edit the received data, convert them to NURBS, and export models to various popular 3D applications: Maya, Max, Lightwave, XSI.
Realscan 3D Photosensor Technology |
Realscan3D was founded in 2004. Nevertheless, despite such a young age, this studio has managed to gain a serious position in the market for providing 3D scanning services. The company, unlike InSpeck and Cyberware, does not sell its equipment and software for 3D scanning, but provides services to large customers from the film industry and game development. Among the latest projects, we highlight the films "National Treasure" and "Aerobatics", as well as the game Spy Hunter: Nowhere to run.
In its work, the company uses a non-contact scanner based on the work of photosensors and a patented object lighting system. The camera takes two pictures per second. The first snapshot scans 90,000 coordinates along the XYZ axes, the second snapshot scans UVs with a resolution of 3072x2048 color map. Thus, by taking a few shots, the studio equipment is capable of producing models with 3 million polygons. At the same time, texture resolution can reach 4096x4096 pixels.
Mesh optimization with Realscan3D software package |
In progress Body scanner Vitus pro 8C |
Olympus offers simplified scanners based on photo sensors. At the same time, the quality of the resulting objects is quite acceptable at a relatively low price. In addition, photosensors not only scan shape and color, but also read texture information. The price of this type of scanner varies from $10,000 to $20,000, which is extremely cheap for the film industry, but the quality of the resulting models and textures leaves much to be desired.
It should be noted that when using photosensor scanners, in both cases, a three-dimensional model is obtained by software, after a lot of photos have been taken from different angles. In order to achieve an acceptable result with this scanning method, you need to work hard.
The German company Vitronic produces two models of scanners: 3D Body scanner Vitus pro 8C and 16 C.
These systems are equipped with video (form reading) and photo (color capture) cameras. This device uses a beam, but the manufacturer, quite naturally, claims that their scanning method is absolutely not harmful to the eyes. The scanning process takes 21 seconds at a resolution of 2 mm in the Z axis and 11 seconds at a resolution of 4 mm in the Z axis. Color and texture scanning is possible as an additional option, while the color is fixed at all 3D coordinate points. General indicators of scan data: color depth - 12 bit, resolution along the X-axis - 2 mm, along the Z-axis - 2 mm, along the Y-axis - 2 mm. The device is offered for 150,000 euros. In addition, the buyer will have to pay an additional $ 13,000 for the Human Solutions software package to work with the resulting image and translate it into working 3D formats.
There are a fairly large number of companies on the market that are ready to offer their technological and engineering solutions in the field of 3D human scanning. None of the technological solutions is perfect, besides, laser technologies, which give the most acceptable results, are expensive, and therefore difficult to access for small studios just starting their way into the world of big cinema or the gaming industry. Not a single modern scanner is able to scan a person in such a way that then the intervention of a professional working in specialized software is not required. A good specialist will need several hours to post-process the information received by the scanner, which, of course, is much faster than modeling an object from scratch. But on the other hand, manual modeling is a completely controlled process, unlike the work of three-dimensional scanners, which are unable to avoid mesh breaks, find it difficult to work with complex surface topography, etc. As a result, many models turn out to be quite accurate in form, but with such a bunch of problems that you can forget about high-quality animation. In any case, even if the modeler has to create the model again, the "blank" at hand will speed up the workflow. But is the game worth the candle?
Of course. But only if we are talking about a large project, like a movie or an expensive computer toy, where the photorealism of the characters and the speed of working on them are important. Less ambitious projects can do without 3D scanning technology, because inexpensive scanners are ineffective, as they do not read texture and, most likely, will be an unnecessary appendage to the work of a qualified modeler or designer, rather than a necessary tool that can improve the quality of the model being created.
P.S. The visual material of the following sites was used in the work on the article:
*Richardson R., Scanning space. "Express-Electronics", No. 10/2003
The author thanks Anna Kharkina for assistance in writing the article.
How to quickly create prostheses and other unique products
Reverse engineering
Implementation stories
Author: Alexey Chekhovich
Author: Alexey Chekhovich
Video: Real-time 3D Face Scan | Order a free test scan | 3D scanner helps victims | 3D scanning of the human body in great detail
3D Prosthetic Design: Era of New Possibilities
As technology improves and becomes more accessible, there are new opportunities to solve the most complex medical problems. A team of researchers from the company Chabloz Orthopedie (France) managed to create a unique and truly revolutionary prosthesis.
Chabloz Orthopédie worked with Denis Gauthier, who had his forearm amputated. First, the experts performed a 3D scan of the patient's healthy arm using a peel 3d scanner to obtain its mirror image. This was done so that the designed product ideally repeated the proportions of a healthy limb. The rest of the amputated arm was also scanned to achieve a comfortable and ergonomic fit for the prosthesis.
Denis Gaultier with finished prosthesis
The team then proceeded to design a CAD model and develop a myoelectric prosthesis. Batteries, sensor cables and an artificial hand were integrated with the fabricated forearm. The prosthesis itself was designed in CAD and printed on a 3D printer. HP Jet Fusion technology was used to print various components of the forearm. After manufacturing, all parts were finished and painted.
The use of 3D scanning and 3D printing guarantees not only the correct fit of the fixture, but also gives complete freedom of movement. A new approach to prosthesis design allows professionals to develop solutions that are lightweight and highly customizable. Did you know that 3D printed parts are 20% lighter than their carbon or fiberglass counterparts? Such products also have the necessary rigidity, hardness and durability.
Later, this innovative prosthesis was combined with the BeBionic hand, one of the most advanced bionic limbs, and a state-of-the-art myoelectric forearm and hand was custom-made. Gauthier's case is a great example of the innovative use of 3D measurement and 3D printing technologies.
The video shows the complete process of digitizing the face and ears using the Creaform Go!SCAN 20 portable 3D scanner (its analogue in white peel 2 is now being produced). This solution provides a detailed digital model for use in areas such as plastic and reconstructive surgery, in particular, facial prosthetics.
Order a test 3D scan for free!
3D scanner helps victims
Unfortunately, tragedies inevitably occur around the world, and those affected need help. But, fortunately, there are organizations such as Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) that do their best to provide them with the necessary treatment and care. Since 2016, the organization has been working tirelessly to solve the problem of providing prostheses to those in need around the world. The goal is to help amputees regain independence. The solutions that are used in this case are 3D technologies.
Upon completion of the medical examination of the patient, doctors determine his needs and expectations. Using the peel 3d scanner, with minimal discomfort for the victim, a high-precision digital model of the injured limb is created. Compared to traditional impression making, 3D scanning is significantly faster and does not require contact. The result of the 3D scan is then transferred to the virtual sleeve and prosthesis design software. The developed component is made on a 3D printer and installed on the patient's limb. If necessary, during the installation process, the prosthesis and sleeve are finalized. After three months of use, the patient is invited to evaluate the comfort of the prosthesis.
MSF has also developed a similar procedure to create compression masks for burn patients. Here, the use of non-contact technology also provides significant advantages over traditional plaster bandages, not only making the procedure less painful for the patient, but also speeding it up, allowing for a much larger number of people in needy countries to be treated.
Physiotherapist Pierre Moreau scans a patient with head burns. Then, based on the scan, a transparent pressure therapy mask is created / Photo: Elisa Oddone, Al Jazeera
Pierre Moreau, a physiotherapist from Médecins Sans Frontières, says: “The purpose of the 3D project is to help patients in need of special rehabilitation care. We launched this project in Amman in 2017, where we started providing upper limb amputees with 3D printed prostheses. But simply printing a prosthesis is not enough - we try to understand the needs of the victims, find individual solutions and keep them in their new position for as long as possible. We are assisted by an interdisciplinary team of rehabilitation workers and engineers. Then our specialists helped more than 30 patients in Jordan.
In 2018, we began to use the technology in another direction - for patients with burns, especially on the face and neck. Skin complications are a very serious problem for burn victims. Hypertrophic scars may form, and pressotherapy is needed. This requires transparent masks, but they are quite difficult to produce on site. Therefore, we started to explore 3D scanning, 3D printing and computer modeling in an attempt to help our team in the production of these devices for patients who so desperately need them. Now we provide more than 50 transparent facial orthoses.
When I think about this project, I always remember one story that demonstrates its development. In 2017 in Jordan, we had a small patient with burns and an amputation - she had no arm, and the condition of her remaining part was too complex to develop a prosthesis. Then we couldn't help her. But she came back the following year and we were finally able to make a prosthesis for her. For the first time, she was able to use her hand. This is one of our best memories of the project and a measure of its success.”
3D scanning of the human body in great detail
There are already more than 7.5 billion people on Earth, and although some are very similar to each other, there are no completely identical people. With such a variety of faces, it is not at all surprising that in the process of evolution the human brain became masterfully recognizing the smallest details that help to distinguish them. To get as close as possible to the original, the 3D scan of the statue must be extremely accurate and have a high geometric resolution.
3D copies: 2013 Kinect scan (left figure) and peel 3d (right figure)
To improve the quality of scanning, the Canadian company USIMM has begun using peel 3d. The company specializes in the machining of non-metallic materials and is constantly involved in artistic projects. The main goal was to show the evolution of CNC machining by comparing the results of a 3D version of one employee made a few years ago with current results.
According to USIMM's Leia Lepage, scanning a living person is not an easy task: “Scanners are usually quite sensitive to the smallest movements, even if it's just breathing. Scanning a person is very difficult.” In order to accomplish such an extraordinary task, the USIMM team needed a 3D scanner that was immune to certain movements - but at the same time had high resolution and accuracy. Peel 3d possesses such qualities: a resolution of up to 0.5 mm and a volumetric accuracy of 0.5 mm/m.
The team scanned the same employee in the same pose as they did a few years ago.