Vialux 3d scanner
3D Scanner BodyLux - ViALUX GmbH
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BodyLux® 3D Körpervermessung
BodyLux® ist eine für die Anwendung im Sanitätshaus optimierte Lösung zur Versorgung von Kunden mit Kompressionsprodukten, Bandagen und Orthesen. BodyLux® ermöglicht einen durchgängig digitalen Arbeitsablauf bis zur Bestellung des Hilfsmittels.
Kontaktlos, unter Einhaltung aller hygienischen Anforderungen erfolgt die Maßabnahme in einem Abstand von ≥ 1.5 m zum Kunden mit einem modernen optischen Verfahren. Eine Mitwirkung des Bedieners ist nicht erforderlich.
Alle für die Kompressionsversorgung erforderlichen Maße werden aus dem digitalen 3D Modell automatisch ermittelt. Die zertifizierte BodyLux® Software liefert Umfang und Länge entsprechend der geltenden Messvorschriften.
Die Auswahl von Standardprodukten aus Größentabellen wird dem Anwender durch grafische Darstellung leicht gemacht. Zur optimalen Versorgung lassen sich die Produkte der Hersteller untereinander vergleichen.
BodyLux® ist ein herstellerunabhängiges System. Der Anwender kann auf die Produktpalette von 15 Firmen zurückgreifen. Für die fachgerechte Versorgung sind die aktuellen Maßtabellen und Bestellblätter in der BodyLux® Software hinterlegt.
BodyLux® erfasst den gesamten Körper und ermöglicht sowohl die Bestellung von Kompressionsprodukten für den Unterkörper als auch für den Torso. Darüber hinaus ist auch die Maßermittlung für Bandagen und Orthesen Bestandteil der Software.
Das BodyLux® System ist standardmäßig an die Branchensoftware angebunden und ermöglicht einen vollständig digitalen Bestellprozess. Die Bestelldaten können auch direkt an Online‑Shops der Hersteller übergeben werden.
Die BodyLux® Kundendatenbank archiviert automatisch alle Messungen und ermöglicht Auswertungen des zeitlichen Verlaufs von Körpermaßen und -volumina. Der Erfolg der durchgeführten Versorgung wird grafisch dargestellt.
Manuelle Messungen beim Hausbesuch werden im BodyLux® LiNK Tablet erfasst und direkt in die BodyLux® Software übertragen. Damit ist die gleiche, komfortable Arbeitsweise für den Bestellvorgang gesichert.
Eine Exportfunktion ermöglicht die Nutzung des mit BodyLux® erfassten, digitalen 3D‑Körpermodells auch für andere Versorgungsaufgaben. Die erzeugten STL‑Daten stehen für die Weiterverarbeitung in der Orthopädietechnik und Prothetik zur Verfügung.
Unser BodyLux® System ist in verschiedenen Farben verfügbar. Damit passt sich das 3D Scansystem harmonisch an die Farbenwelt des jeweiligen Sanitätshauses an.
Das BodyLux® 3D Scansystem lässt sich leicht transportieren und ist sofort nach dem Aufbau einsatzbereit.
Die kompaktere Version des Gerätewagens benötigt noch weniger Platz für den Scanvorgang und kann damit auch in kleineren Räumen verwendet werden.
BodyLux® ist als Medizinprodukt der Klassifikation I und IIa zugelassen. Als erstes System am Markt verfügt es über eine zertifizierte Messfunktion und genügt damit den neuen Anforderungen der Medizinprodukterichtlinie MDR.
BodyLux® ist für die Verwendung im medizinischen Bereich ausgelegt. Der Nachweis der Gerätesicherheit für medizinische elektrische Geräte nach EN 60601‑1 erfolgte durch ein akkreditiertes Prüflaboratorium.
Medizinprodukt der Klassifikation I und IIa
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ViALUX 3D Scanners
4MViALUX extends its product family of zSnapper® 3D Scanners with the addition of a system boasting 4 Million pixels resolution. zSnapper®4M is a convenient solution for 3-dimensional surface acquisition of design models, sample units, and engineering parts of any kind; and, the 4M offers outstanding resolution of details. Highest precision is achieved by combining proven software algorithms of full-field, phase encoded photogrammetry with leading edge hardware technology. The user takes advantage of an easy to operate solution that offers optimal results in various third-party applications. The point density is adaptable to the requirements of the respective task. This 3D measuring device is validated under established VDI 2634 guidelines. Automatic self-calibration is traceable to national standards and can be accomplished by any operator, regardless of the skill level. A calibration check is integrated into the measuring software, ensuring exact results every time.
zSnapper®4M takes advantage of the latest LED generation optimized for use with DLP® projection and yields a very high power density by embedding phonics lattice technology. Advanced digital LED control and monitoring enables continuous thermal management for the passive fan-less cooling of the device. The result is maintenance-free operation for years. zSnapper4M PDF
portableThe small and lightweight zSnapper® portable is a 3D scanner designed to scan objects fast and precisely. The zSnapper® products reflect the company’s long-term experience in full-field optical metrology. In particular, the well-proven ViALUX concept of pixel-by-pixel fringe phase measurement is combined with the advantages of DLP® micro mirror technology and high-power monochrome LED light sources. Unique hardware design and sophisticated software algorithms yield outstanding 3D scanner performance. The zSnapper® 3D scanners are laser-free and eye-safe. Due to full-field operation, the 3D object shape is captured in one shot which gives intrinsic reliability and accuracy compared to any line scan devices.
zSnapper® portable is a versatile solution for a variety of applications. The device is not only suited for point-and-click 3D snapshots from one single viewing direction but multiple views of the same object can be merged automatically. Advanced technology guarantees that all snapshots taken fit together instantly and a real-time display of the merged
3D model can be observed during recording. zSnapper portable PDF
multiple The zSnapper® multiple combines up to 6 fully synchronized zSnapper® scan units. This is an extension of the zSnapper® portable, where patches are taken step-by-step for capturing full 360° scans. The zSnapper® multiple goes beyond and records the different views in one single shot. All scanners work in parallel and are precisely synchronized to guarantee no interference. The zSnapper® multiple is a high performance solution if fully automated scan operation is needed either in industrial inspection or for capturing non-stable objects and dynamic scenes. The scanners may be mounted in any desired position and the scanner ensemble provides aligned 3D data. In this way, the complete geometry is measured instantly from multiple perspective views. High-resolution colour texture is an additional option. Possible motions of the person or object do not disturb the measuring signal. The object can be freely held into the measuring space without the need of any suspension. The zSnapper® multiple is the preferred solution for automatic 360° scanning within milliseconds. It provides access to dynamic 4D data, i.e. time sequences of 3D shape records can be taken with a maximum 3D frame rate of 46 Hz. The total measuring time for various zSnapper® multiple configurations is given in the specifications. zSnapper multple PDF
Geomagic Studio | Moscow
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It is important for the production process that Geomagic Studio has the most powerful point cloud and mesh editing functionality, as well as advanced tools for creating surface models in a well-designed and easy-to-use environment. In addition to highly customizable precision data editing tools, Geomagic Studio provides automated tools that allow users to create high quality models with significant time savings. For reverse engineering, product development, CAD data analysis and transformation, and rapid prototyping, Geomagic Studio is the key tool for working with 3D data. nine0003
Geomagic Studio also simplifies the design process by seamlessly transferring finished parameterized models to major CAD systems such as CATIA®, Autodesk® Inventor®, CREO® Elements / Pro™ (Pro / ENGINEER™) and SolidWorks®.
- Support for a wide range of devices for non-contact and contact measurements.
- The most accurate and comprehensive tools for working with scan data. nine0012
- Transfer of parametric models directly to the main CAD systems.
- Powerful automated tools for editing and filtering point clouds, editing and fixing defects in mesh models.
- Command line and the ability to create scripts to increase the speed of data processing.
- Export high quality 3D models to all major polygon and NURBS model formats. nine0012
- A wide range of interfaces for controlling measuring equipment, as well as support for a large number of data formats, including STL, OBJ, VRML, DXF, PLY and 3DS, at no additional cost.
- Comprehensive support, technical assistance, training and free software demos.
- Support for a wide range of non-contact and contact measuring instruments. nine0012
- Automatic cleaning of point cloud data, wireframe analysis and repair, wireframe rework tools, and repair, repair function, etc.
- Optimized for fast data processing and the ability to process large, dense point clouds efficiently.
- Simplified 3D absolute coordinate system for easier data alignment.
- The Python scripting environment allows you to customize point cloud processing workflows. nine0012
- The built-in command-line version of the software eliminates unnecessary GUI calculations, saving you time and memory.
- Export high quality 3D data to all major neutral polygon and NURBS formats.
- A wide range of plug-ins and supported file formats including STL, OBJ, VRML, DXF, PLY and 3DS are included at no additional cost. nine0011 Direct export of magazine-based models to major mechanical CAD packages including Autodesk® Inventor®, CREO® Elements/Pro™, CATIA® and SolidWorks® (optional).
- Seamless export to SpaceClaim® Engineer direct modeling CAD tool at the touch of a button.
Operating systems
- Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit versions). nine0012
- Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit).
- Windows XP SP3 (32-bit and 64-bit).
Additional system requirements
- Windows .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
- Resolution 1280 x 1024 or higher
- 24-bit color depth / 32-bit color depth recommended
- Compatible with OpenGL 1.1
Support for 3D polygon import and export formats: 3DS, OBJ, DXF, PLY, IGS, STL, LWO, VRML, WRP.
3D CAD import and export support
- STEP 203/214
- Parasolid .x_t* and .x_b
Integrated Mechanical CAD Platform Support
- SolidWorks (2011, 2012)
- Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012)
- CATIA V5 (R20, R21)
- Creo Elements/Pro (Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire (V4.
0, 5.0))
- Space Claim
- Intel compatible processor 2 GHz or higher / 2 GHz dual or quad-core processor recommended
- 32-bit systems: 1 GB or more memory / 2 GB or more recommended.
- 64-bit systems: at least 2 GB of memory / at least 4 GB recommended. nine0012
Free hard disk space
- 10 GB or more.
Geomagic Studio software specifications
Support for scanners and 3D point cloud data formats.
Geomagic Studio supports almost the entire range of XYZ/ASCII 3D digitizers, cameras and scanners and handles ordered and unordered surface and volume data. nine0003
- 3PI - Shape Grabber
- AC-Steinbichler
- ASC - ASCII standard
- BIN, SWL - Perceptron
- BRE - Breuckmann
- CDK, CDM, RGV, RVM, VVD - Konica Minolta
- COP-Pulsetech
- CWK-Kreon
- DBT-Digibotics
- FLS-Faro LS nine0011 G3D, SURF - GOM
- GPD - Geomagic
- GTI - Genex
- HYM - Hymarc
- ICV-Solutionix
- MET, MTN - Metron
- NET-InSpeck
- OPD-Optimet
- OPT - Open Technologies
- PIX - Roland
- PCT - Vialux
- PMJ/X - 3D Digital
- PTX - Leica
- SAB2 - Nikon
- SCN, MGP - Laser Design
- SCN-Next Engine
- STB-Scantech
- XYZ - Opton
- XYZN-Cognitens
- ZFS - Zoller & Frohlich
- Chinese nine0011 English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Japanese
- Spanish
- Czech
- Russian
- Portuguese
Geomagic Studio | Moscow
nine0011 Specifications
It is important for the production process that Geomagic Studio has the most powerful point cloud and mesh editing functionality, as well as advanced tools for creating surface models in a well-designed and easy-to-use environment. In addition to highly customizable precision data editing tools, Geomagic Studio provides automated tools that allow users to create high quality models with significant time savings. For reverse engineering, product development, CAD data analysis and transformation, and rapid prototyping, Geomagic Studio is the key tool for working with 3D data. nine0003
Geomagic Studio also simplifies the design process by seamlessly transferring finished parameterized models to major CAD systems such as CATIA®, Autodesk® Inventor®, CREO® Elements / Pro™ (Pro / ENGINEER™) and SolidWorks®.
- Support for a wide range of devices for non-contact and contact measurements.
- The most accurate and comprehensive tools for working with scan data. nine0012
- Transfer of parametric models directly to the main CAD systems.
- Powerful automated tools for editing and filtering point clouds, editing and fixing defects in mesh models.
- Command line and the ability to create scripts to increase the speed of data processing.
- Export high quality 3D models to all major polygon and NURBS model formats. nine0012
- A wide range of interfaces for controlling measuring equipment, as well as support for a large number of data formats, including STL, OBJ, VRML, DXF, PLY and 3DS, at no additional cost.
- Comprehensive support, technical assistance, training and free software demos.
- Support for a wide range of non-contact and contact measuring instruments. nine0012
- Automatic cleaning of point cloud data, wireframe analysis and repair, wireframe rework tools, and repair, repair function, etc.
- Optimized for fast data processing and the ability to process large, dense point clouds efficiently.
- Simplified 3D absolute coordinate system for easier data alignment.
- The Python scripting environment allows you to customize point cloud processing workflows. nine0012
- The built-in command-line version of the software eliminates unnecessary GUI calculations, saving you time and memory.
- Export high quality 3D data to all major neutral polygon and NURBS formats.
- A wide range of plug-ins and supported file formats including STL, OBJ, VRML, DXF, PLY and 3DS are included at no additional cost. nine0011 Direct export of magazine-based models to major mechanical CAD packages including Autodesk® Inventor®, CREO® Elements/Pro™, CATIA® and SolidWorks® (optional).
- Seamless export to SpaceClaim® Engineer direct modeling CAD tool at the touch of a button.
Operating systems
- Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit versions). nine0012
- Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit and 64-bit).
- Windows XP SP3 (32-bit and 64-bit).
Additional system requirements
- Windows .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
- Resolution 1280 x 1024 or higher
- 24-bit color depth / 32-bit color depth recommended
- Compatible with OpenGL 1.1
Support for 3D polygon import and export formats: 3DS, OBJ, DXF, PLY, IGS, STL, LWO, VRML, WRP.
3D CAD import and export support
- STEP 203/214
- Parasolid .x_t* and .x_b
Integrated Mechanical CAD Platform Support
- SolidWorks (2011, 2012)
- Autodesk Inventor (2011, 2012)
- CATIA V5 (R20, R21)
- Creo Elements/Pro (Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire (V4.
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