Things made with 3d printers
100 useful things you can make with a 3d printer
By Roborefuge
There are a lot of cool things you can make with 3d printers. I’ve seen a lot online and up close. But, wouldn’t 3d printers be more valuable if they can make things that are practical?
Well, I wrote this article for that reason. There are a lot of useful things you can make, especially for the house.
Here are 100 useful things you can make with a 3d printer. Let me know in the comments if you have any more suggestions!
Why Should You Get A 3D Printer?
I believe 3d printers will be in every household in the future. Just like any other technology, 3d printers were originally found in institutions like colleges or labs.
Now, people who are curious about 3d printers can buy one for their homes.
3d printers are the future of manufacturing in my opinion. Getting one now helps you make things around the house. They’re also great for kids who want to get creative. There aren’t a lot of 3d printers in schools nowadays, but that will change soon.
Not only will 3d printers be in schools, but students will be using them in the future to prepare themselves for jobs in the future. But that’s not the best part, 3d printers will also help you save money in the long run.
The best 3D Printer by PRUSA
See best 3d printers
How Much Money Can You Save?
The average household in the U.S pays around $2,000 for furnishings in equipment. A low-budget 3d printer costs $200-$500 and can last years. Think of all the products you can make with the 3d printer and how much those items cost. You can save thousands of dollars over the long run.
1. Covid Mask Breather
Source: Thingiverse.comI had to give the most practical item first. If this doesn’t seal the deal for you, then I don’t know what else to give you.
Mask breathers do what it says. It creates space between the mask and your mouth to filter out condensed air. This’ll help if you have musty breath, or didn’t brush your teeth that morning. And, it’s just nice to breath fresh air.
Besides wearing a mask for Covid, you can print different masks as you’ll see soon.
2. Hand-Made Camera Lens
This one blew my mind. Looking at the material for 3d printers, I didn’t think it was possible. But, here we are. Being able to make a camera lens lets you experiment with different pictures. Another thing that’s cool is how much money you save if you break the original lens.
A camera repair service can cost up to $100-$250 on average. A 3d printer can print you a new lens in hours.
This is another example of how you can save money.
3. 3D Printed Acoustic Guitar
You can also create instruments with 3d printers. Here’s a cool video of a guy playing a 3d printed guitar. 3d printed guitars look cool because you don’t usually see one around. You also have the advantage of designing it the exact way you want.
4. Flutes
I mean if you can print a guitar, you can also print some flutes. There are so many different flutes. There are different types for each culture or occasion. If you’re in middle school, you can print your own recorder flute and bring it to class.
Or, you can make another flute called the “Native American Sparrow Hawk Flute”.
5. Surgical Instruments
Source: 3dsystems.comIf an apocalypse breaks out and you need to perform surgery, a 3d printer can make the tools to do it. Think of all the handheld instruments in surgery. There are clamps, scalpels, forceps, and more.
Surgeons talk about having surgeon-specific tools too. If one tool doesn’t work for you, you can just print another one that’s customized for you. This level of iteration is great for us in the long run.
6. 3D Fetus
You can also make 3d fetuses. This one made me happy. And, the reason why is this type of 3d model can help visually-impaired soon-to-be parents “see” their kids.
3d printed fetuses can be the new ultrasound pic too. Having a “physical” version of your child sounds cooler than a pic to me.
7. 3D Figurines From Children’s Drawings
Once your child is born, you can also print their drawings. Creating and building is fun. Your child can create the drawing and build it with a 3d printer. Taking your ideas and making them real is fulfilling. Letting your child do this will spark their creativity.
Here are some examples of 3d figurines from drawings.
8. 3D Printed Miniature Furniture
Those mini figurines your child makes will need some furniture. Making miniature furniture completes the whole set up. Creating miniature furniture also gives you prototypes for future house decor.
You would take house decor planning to a new level.
9. Iphone Case & Card Holder
The utility of this is self-explanatory. You know what you get just by looking at the title. The question is what type of case/card holder are you going to make. Personally, my case contains a card holder that holds everything snug. A better idea would be to create one that opens up like a door.
10. Electric Bike
Source: Theverge.comYou thought it couldn’t get crazier I bet. Well, this 3d printed bike sounds wild.
This specific bike was made in one go. There was no need for attaching support parts to complete the bike. A 3d printed bike also means less support parts to worry about. Another impressive part is this bike is more durable and stronger than regular bikes.
11. Gun
Technology also makes controversial things. However you feel about guns, just know it’s possible to build with 3d printers. Printing a working gun is another case though. There’s more science to set off the fire arm. Making the actual model is easier as all you need are the files.
Maybe one day 3d printers can print a whole working gun.
12. Camping Wraps
If you’re bringing a lot of things for camping, then you can use wraps to keep things organized. Instead of spending time untangling wires, you can spend a few hours making 3d printed wraps.
3d printing doesn’t only save money, it saves time too.
13. Cantilever Laser Engraver
Just saw this bad boy. I honestly didn’t know what a laser engraver was until the time of this article. But, now that I know of it, I can see how it could be useful. A laser engraver is exactly what it sounds like. It engraves designs through lasers.
This could be used to engrave family names onto some of your property. It can also be used to engrave the entrance of your home too.
A laser engraver isn’t something you come across everyday. But, with a 3d printer, you can get a lot closer than before.
14. Hanging Light
You can print a circular object with an opening and you’re close to having lights. All you need is the bulb and you’re good to go. This is one way you can make hanging lights. If you need light in a specific area, but don’t have all the tools, a 3d printer can help you get creative.
15. Robotic Arm
Source: Thingiverse.comI love this. An industrial robot creating another industrial robot makes me think robots will be creating themselves soon. If you know how to wire and code a robot, you might be able to create a whole army of robots starting with a 3d printer.
A robotic arm can help you with monotonous tasks. Having a bunch of robotic arms can also help you get rid of tasks you don’t like doing. This frees you up for more play time.
16. Coffee Cups
Coffee lovers need their mugs. There’s nothing like waking up to a fresh pot with your favorite cup. Being able to design your own mug is cool. A little morning slogan on your cup is a nice touch. You can also design your own coffee cup holder.
17. Flight Sim Joystick
Future pilots will find this more valuable than others. A flight sim joystick is similar to a practice steering wheel. Instead of buying one, you’ll save more by creating your own. Just remember that an actual flight joystick isn’t fully ready with 3d print.
You still have to finish the base so you can move back and forth mimicking real life.
18. 3D Printed Fabrics
If you want to be stylish and help the planet then 3d printed fabrics is one way. This type of fabric uses less labor, and is recyclable. Saving the planet and having people spend less time manufacturing frees them up. It turns into creating more useful things.
People who want to go out the box can also create unique designs on their fabric. There’s a lot to like with 3d printed fabrics.
19. Customizable 3D Printed Bugdroids
Android fans can make their own bug model. These are usually colored green, but you can use different filaments to color them differently. Try printing some bugdroids and let me know what you think. Bugdroids are great for testing the quality of your printer.
20. Target Pen Holder
Source: Thingiverse.comMessy people like yours truly will find this useful. It seems like I’m always looking for a pen even though I rarely use one nowadays. A pen holder will keep me from embarrassing myself. These things can go from $10-$20 too. Being able to save some change with your own design is fulfilling.
A pen holder is one of the many pieces of furniture you can print.

I’ve never heard of a divers watch, but they look expensive. If you told me this is a Rolex I might believe you. The fact this is even possible with a 3d printer is hilarious. This particular watch is bigger than it looks because it’s made for the desk. It took 131 individual parts with a total of 30 hours of printing time.
22. Jesus Cross Pendant
If you come from a religious Catholic/Christian family, then you definitely have some sort of religious figure in the house. I personally come from one and they’re everywhere. There’s a Last Supper painting in my kitchen as we speak.
3d printers make it possible to print a Jesus Cross Pendant. You can make one for your desk or workspace.
23. Bikinis
A customized bikini sounds like a cost-saver. For women, this sounds like an opportunity to have a new bikini every time they hit the beach. Similar to fabrics, creating your own bikini with 3d printers means less labor, and more green efficiency.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see this in runways soon.
24. Blood Type Tags
Letting people know your blood type is important for survival. This is why some waivers ask for it. 3d printers can make you a blood type tag just in case someone needs to know your blood type.
25. LED Lamp
Source: Thingiverse.comThis is a nice lamp to set an ambience. The 3d printer can handle the build easily. The rest of the build depends on how you handle electronics.
You’re going to need to know information about batteries, and circuitry to finish this. Nonetheless, you can place this LED lamp on your desk along with other items you made.
26. Megaphone
Unlike the LED lamp, the megaphone doesn’t need electronic skills. All you need is the print files and you can make one in hours. A megaphone is useful for parties you throw around the house. There are many ways you can design this, let me know which one you go with.
27. Candy Dispenser
I hate having to open packages up continuously for snacks. A candy dispenser makes this inconvenient problem easy.
If you have kids, you might want to place this in an area that’s hard to reach. Your dispenser will be empty in a day or two if you don’t.
28. Hamster House
It’s hard to print a whole dog house because those are huge. But, a hamster house is the next best thing. If you use the whole print bed, your hamster will be thinking it’s living in a mansion. It should be fun creating this for a pet hamster.
You can create pathways for your hamster to run through which is enjoyable in and of itself.
29. Ratchets
A ratchet is perfect for big cables. You can use this for television cables, equipment cables, and more. There are countless places in the household with cables. The cool thing about printing a ratchet is they’re quick to print. You should be able to print one in an hour or two.
30. Combination Lock
Source: Cults3d.comA combination lock is one of the most interesting products you can make. What’s cool is you don’t need much support equipment. Some glue and bolts will finish the assembly.
One thing you have to understand is 3d printers can’t print with metal. A combination lock, which is usually made out of metal won’t be as secure if it’s made out of plastic. Plastic is easier to break.
The lock should still prove difficult to break though. Just keep your expectations in check.
31. Collapsible Dice Holder
This one reminds me of dungeons and dragons. But, a dice holder like this prevents someone from rolling the dices off the boards. It’s also a cool way to roll the dice. If you’re a big board game person, this is a nice addition to the set.
32. Anti Gravity Planter
Perfect for mini plants. An anti-gravity planter makes a plant look like it’s hovering. Make sure you have soil and give the plant the water it needs.
33. Metric Screw Measuring Device
This is a good tool for all the things you’re going to make. Being able to make things with something you made from a 3d printer is very meta. Get yourself a screw measuring device if you plan on building a lot in the future.
34. Stand For Cotton Swabs
Another great storage furniture. Cotton swabs don’t get mentioned a lot when it comes to household necessities, but they need something to hold them.
You can design this stand which holds swabs and cotton. It’s especially helpful if you, or someone you know wears makeup. This stand can store all the items they need to clean up.
35. Blade Holder
Source: Thingiverse.comIt gets messy when shaving hair. It gets even messier when you place those blades in a bag. What makes having a blade holder convenient is you can find the blade you’re looking for faster.
This also doesn’t take long to make. If you’re looking for a project, then this is an idea. It’s also a great starter project for new 3d printer users.
36. Credit Card Wallet
A credit card wallet can also be the iphone case/card holder. But, if you want to print something less complex, then get this. This specific credit card wallet takes 8 hours to print.
37. Underdesk Drawer
I have a bunch of pencils, pens, and paper on my desk. A nice under desk drawer remedies that. I can just stuff everything in there to keep the illusion of cleanliness. Hanging the under desk drawer shouldn’t be too hard either.
38. Warning Signs
Place warning signs on your backyard doors with this. It’ll warn potential intruders, or first-time visitors. You can also use it for children who might not know better. A couple examples to place warning signs for children are stairs and stoves.
Just make sure to make those warning signs huge. Children can be oblivious when playing.
39. Water Diffuser
A water diffuser is great for backyards. If you don’t want to drown your plants, but need to water them routinely, try out this water diffuser design.
40. Cable Clips
Source: Thingiverse.comThis is similar to a ratchet. But, the difference is the size. Cable clips are smaller and can grasp smaller cables better. Try it on thin cords like phone or laptop chargers.
41. Photo Frames
Yes, photo frames are possible. It’s not that hard to imagine though considering the items on this list. Being able to print photo frames means you can go a little crazy taking pictures. Just make sure you have enough filament.
42. Multipurpose Apple Charging Dock
If you’re in the Apple ecosystem, then you’ll find huge value in this. Having a multipurpose Apple charging dock charges your phone, charges your Airpods, and hangs your Apple watch.
You might even be able to incorporate your laptop somewhere. It all depends on the design you go with.
43. Costumes
The options you have with costumes is crazy. You’re able to print masks, dresses, and accessories. The only limitation is your imagination. Check out this article on some ideas.
44. Rice Paddle
Rice paddles are one of my best friends when it comes to food. It feels satisfying to grab a big portion of rice and placing it on your plate. What’s great about this is it’s not complex for a printer to make. The design is straightforward.
45. Keys
Source: 3dprint.comThis can be a combo piece to your combo lock. Similar to rice paddles, they’re not too difficult to make. I’m surprised 3d printer keys aren’t more popular. If you take the concept of keys and locks, you can create a unique lock that wouldn’t even look like a lock.
This will confuse potential thefts.
46. Towel Holder
Instead of manually rolling paper towels have a towel holder do it for you. The one I linked to is stable and durable. That specific towel holder can be used without holder caps and it can be placed on the bottom of a cupboard.
47. Laptop Case
You’ve seen the different type of laptop cases out there. Some of them look basic in a good way. This means you can print yourself one just by getting the dimensions of your laptop.
You can even go above and beyond and add a batman logo or what not.

Avid Monopoly players rejoice! You can now replace your favorite missing pieces. In fact, you can make new pieces. Add to the experience of board games by creating your own pieces.
49. Golf Ball Clip
This is another way to organize your golf balls. If you have a special golf ball, you can use a golf ball clip to hold it upright in a special place.
50. Toy Kettlebell
Source: Thingiverse.comHaving a toy kettlebell made me laugh. I’m sure this is not as heavy as a real kettlebell. But, you can still use this for exercises.
As long as the handle is right, you can perform the same exercises as if you had a real one.
51. Lunchbox
You probably can’t even tell between a lunchbox that you bought, and a 3d printed one. Furthermore, lunch boxes are usually made out of plastic which is the material most 3d printed items are made out of.
If you don’t have a lunchbox, you know what time it is.
52. Small Toys
Small soldiers, small cars, and more are on the table. While children are playing with small toys less and less, it’s still cool this is possible.
53. Homo Erectus Skull
All my biologists would find this interesting. Shoot, I’m not one and this is interesting. Downloading some files and printing some 3d skulls sounds wild. If I got a chance I would definitely do this as it’s not only fun, it’s educational.
54. Lego Pieces
These things would hurt my feet so bad. Stepping on one is like stubbing your toe on the corner of the bed.
A 3d printer will give you the chance to step on more. In addition, they also help you finish large lego models. If you’re missing a piece, you can just print the remainder to finish it off.
55. Kitchen Utensils
Source: Thingiverse.comHaving a 3d printer make you a spoon and fork is like having plastic utensils.
This person made a spork with their printer. You can even try something new and make a kitchen utensil that combines a spoon, fork, and knife.

Hold your flowers in a spiral shape vase. There’s no big difference between a bought vase and a 3d printed one. You can even make a mix-colored vase if you want to. Try different shaped vases too. Don’t just go with a spiral one.
57. Ventilation Cover
Try making a ventilation cover if you’ve had the same one for years. Sometimes ventilation covers are so old you’ll just be bringing in old air from the cover itself.
58. Piggy Bank
What if you use 3d printed money and put it in your 3d printed piggy bank? Another meta situation. I’m not sure if there is pink filament, but I’m sure a 3d printed piggy bank would be hard to break. Tearing plastic apart isn’t as easy as smashing metal.
59. Microphone Stand
If you have a karaoke mic you can use a microphone stand. Not many karaoke sets come with one that I know of. It’s also nice having a microphone stand because you don’t want your microphone rolling around.
60. Mini Mechanical Mouse
Source: Thingiverse.
Building a mechanical mouse is going to need electronic skills. With a 3d printer, you can print the whole case. You might need to use the insides of another mouse to get your new mouse to work though. Try something similar to what this person did.
61. Dead Blow Hammer
You can also smash things if you want. If 3d printers can make guns, what’s wrong with hammers.
In all seriousness though, the ability to make a hammer helps you make other things. A dead blow hammer helps minimize damage to the targets and is easy to control. This way you won’t bend nails out of shape.
62. Knife Holder
A knife holder is super valuable. Even though it does one thing, that one thing saves a lot of pain. You can do a combo for a 3d printer by making knives and a knife holder. Making a 3d printer knife might not come out as sharp as you need though.
63. Bookmark
A simple, but useful tool. I always lose my favorite bookmarks. Having a 3d printer is a convenient way to replace things.
One thing is a 3d printed bookmark won’t be as thin as a paper one. Other than that, a 3d printed bookmark will work just fine. Just make sure it’s dry before placing it in your book.
64. Headphone Stand
I find this one valuable. People who spend a lot of time on their computer use headphones of some kind. Having a nice headphone stand keeps your desk cleaner than usual.
65. Desk Riser
Source: Thingiverse.comThis is a nice complement to the desk you work on. If you’re starting to have neck problems, having a desk riser helps.
66. HEV Charger
This Half Life USB charger is based on the game “Half Life” and it comes with sounds from the game. This charger is used to charge your USBs. The case can be made with the 3d printer, but the full assembly requires electronic skills.
67. Watering Can
Combine your filter with this water can to grow beautiful plants. There’s nothing special about this tool, but it’s effective. I would recommend giving it multiple colors as one color can be dull.
68. Bottle Pump
There are some messy liquids out there. One of them is syrup. Having a bottle pump helps you dispense the syrup neatly. You can also use this for soap.
Try and make your bottle pump adaptable to different bottle sizes though. Another tip is to not make your pump short. This leaves room for error, and helps the pump get liquid in taller bottles.
69. Measuring Spoons
Retail measuring spoons don’t look much different compared to 3d printed measuring spoons. The set you see here can be customized sizes.
The designer here says there are 2 types of measuring spoons you can make. One that sits flatly on surfaces, and another which allows you to nest a spoon in another.
70. Children’s Chopsticks
Source: Thingiverse.comI remember trying to learn chopsticks. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. Having children’s chopsticks can be beneficial though. Think of it as training wheels. These chopsticks allow you to hold food easily by pinching the 2 sticks together with a larger surface compared to regular chopsticks.
71. Garlic Press
3d printers make a lot of useful kitchen tools. A garlic press is another example. This garlic press is made to be durable. Find the strongest filament you can find to do so.
If you plan on making this, remember to plan on making holes to the press yourself. The designer for this garlic press didn’t like the way the printer made the holes.
72. Bottle Opener
Get yourself a bottle opener if you want to be a hero at the next party. You’re going to need extra equipment to complete this project though. Those items include bolts and rubber bands. At least that’s what the designer of this bottle opener did.
73. Bag Clip
I have a couple bag clips at my place right now. These are great if you need a way to close your chip bags reliably. Nobody likes stale chips. Bag clips are a great first model for printing too. They can print in one piece and are easy to remove from the print bed.
74. Customizable Vacuum Nozzles
Some nozzles reach areas better than others. This is why you need to have customizable vacuum nozzles. You can print a set of vacuum tools, or print one that’s usable for most vacuums.
75. Soap Holder
Source: Thingiverse.comA soap holder is a must. If you’ve ever tried grasping soap in the shower then you feel my pain. Creating a soap holder with a 3d printer isn’t hard either. You can make one in hours.
Some designers use support parts to complete the holder. Most designers use one piece to create soap holders though.
76. Car Trash Bag Hooks
Perfect for long road trips. Once you’re done with your snacks, just place them in the bag which is hanging thanks to these trash bag hooks.
77. Sketch Frames
A sketch frame makes drawing super easy. It’s almost a cheat code. A sketch frame is easy to build too. You don’t need support parts, or any other extra outside parts.
78. Prosthetics
The gun printing can be viewed as bad. Being able to print prosthetics should be looked at as positive though. I’m not even going to get into details of how people get it to work because I have no clue.
But, what I do know is this is a great step for people who need them.
79. Door Stop
Dog stops require detailed layer height. You need to make the ridges good so the stop is stable. This piece can be done in one go.
80. Dog Treat Holder
Source: Thingiverse.comYou can create a simple dog snack container. You’ll need to print 2 times to complete this holder though. This model requires multiple parts. The good news is both pieces aren’t hard to print.
81. Toothbrush Case
Toothbrush cases aren’t hard to print. The thing with toothbrush cases are they accumulate gunk quick. They should be routinely replaced. A 3d printer can print you one easily.
82. 3D Printer Scraper
Filaments can be hard to get off the print bed. Doing so the wrong way causes damage to the bed. A 3d printer scraper makes it easier to remove models from the bed. You can make one using 100% filament, or make one with a real blade at the edge.
83. Bag Holder
Now you can have a place for those shopping bags. Every household accumulates bags. We all know that one place we have.
Creating a bag holder keeps things nice and tidy.
84. Power Card Wall Mount
Create this if you hate those pesky cables on the floor. You might have to manually create the smaller holes yourself. It’s a nice addition to the office, or any place crowded with cables.
85. Napkin Holder
Source: Thingiverse.comThe design of a napkin holder can get fancy. The best ones are simple though. This napkin holder might have overhangs due to the design. You can also do a simple design. Besides, most napkin holders aren’t fancy anyway.
86. 3D Speaker Enclosure
Speaker enclosures can get elaborate. This one looks elaborate, but it’s only 2 pieces created by the 3d printer. It covers the top and bottom.
87. Hose Clamp
This model doesn’t require support. It’s a model that can be done quickly. Another thing I noticed about this hose clamp is it doesn’t require anything too detailed. Similar to the bottle opener, this is a useful yet simple design to help you around the house.
88. Door Lock
You’ve seen 3d printers make utensils, drawers, and now door locks. This piece can be done with 3 separate prints. You have the pin with the pin holder, then the connector on the other side.
89. Dropper Bottle Flat Rack
This rack is useful for artists. You can keep your colors in this rack in an organized fashion. It can also be used for medication. Get yourself a flat rack. You can organize a bunch of items with this.
90. Candle Case
Source: Cults3d.comCandle cases are similar to vases. You can print them in different colors and designs to match the ambience of the room you’re in.
You can get a Christmas candle holder for the holidays, or a single candle case. I would opt for the single case for the first print as it’s easier to make.
91. Chess Set
Printing a chess set takes awhile. You have to print individual pieces and the whole board. Chess is one of those games that make it worth it though. A good set will last you years and bring you more joy if you give it a chance. I highly recommend this for people who want to exercise their brains in their free time.
92. Wall Socket
Wall sockets can be done in one print. What’s great about 3d printers is you can use different material for each product.
Find the material which works best as a protective barrier.
93. Pulley System
My cousin literally built his own pulley system a couple weeks ago. They’re great for pulling heavy things with leverage. Instead of lifting something from dead weight, use a pulley to make moving things easier. You just need 3 parts and some rope to make one.
Those 3 parts include the pulley wheel, pinwheel, and pulley housing. Here’s a pulley system model to get started.
94. Origami Inspired Forceps
This tool is something I haven’t seen. The designer says you can use this for surgery, space tools, and more.
Forceps like this make me excited for the future of 3d printers. Customizable tools are optimal for unique situations.
95. Center Finder
Source: Thingiverse.comThe more tools you make, the more products you can produce overall. A center finder is applicable for a lot of projects. This tool also helps you save a lot of time.
96. Dial Caliper
A dial caliper is a measurement tool. It measures length, height, and diameter of a specific part. The markings on this tool need to be detailed though or else it’s useless.
If you print this, make sure your printer has great precision.
97. Precision Screwdriver Racks
If you print a lot of screwdrivers, you’ll need screwdriver racks. You don’t need support parts for this either. It’s easy to make. A design like this is common for screwdriver racks.
98. Finger Wrench
You will get in awkward positions building things. A finger wrench can help you when you need to attach a nut to a bolt. Other times you’ll use it for tight corners.
99. Wrist Rest
3d printers can also make comfortable furniture. A wrist rest is essential for modern life. Think of how many times we’re needed in front of a computer. This wrist rest is made with PLA filament. Use material that are soft so your wrists are comfortable.
100. Small Windmill
Source: Thingiverse.comWindmills provide clean energy. They can get noisy, but impactful. It’ll take awhile to print one though.
Wind energy is used for electricity. Print a lot of these and you can help the whole neighborhood.
There are a lot of things you can make with a 3d printer. Please don’t think of this as the limit to what a 3d printer can do. We’re in the early stages of the 3d printer revolution. Soon, printers will be faster, and will be able to do more. The room for home manufacturing looks bright.
By Roborefuge
20 Amazing Stuff You Can Make With 3D Printers
If you can print in 2D, can you print in 3D? Well, the technology is already here. You can print out 3-dimensional objects based on a working template, and they aren’t just for show. They actually work! Manufacturers can provide you with a template where you can print a broken part of a machinery, let’s say, a screw, rather than order then wait for a replacement to come in.
Alternatively, you can make a model replica of an expensive car, like a 1960 Aston Martin DB5 in a 1:3 scale then crash and burn it for entertainment, like how the makers of the James Bond flick, Skyfall did.
3D printing is made possible by fusing layers upon layers of materials made from durable plastics and metals based on a template, designed with a 3D Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. Each layer is about 0.1 mm thick and consist of liquid, powder and sheet materials.
With this technology and a 3D printer, you can create designs or print 3D models of just about anything under the sun, provided you have the templates. Just to give you a taste of what 3D printing can do, here are 20 amazing masterpieces made from 3D printing.
10 Cheap and Affordable 3D Printers to Buy
10 Cheap and Affordable 3D Printers to Buy
There was a time when 3D printers were a novelty - but not anymore. You see hundreds of... Read more
1. A Working Gun
In the past, 3D printed firearms easily break after firing a few rounds. However today, non-profit corporation Defense Distributed offers users to download the necessary files to print your own firearms provided you have a 3D printer at home.
Here’s a video of one of their creations firing at semi-auto and full-auto modes.
2. 3D Printed Acoustic Guitar
Scott Summi created the world’s first 3D printed acoustic guitar, which means the rest of us now know it can be done.
With 3D printing, guitars can be made with plastic, complete with the metal soundhole cover and heel joint. Apart from making working musical instruments, avid guitarists can also make a 3D replica of the guitars of their favorite musicians or idols.
3. Hand-made Camera Lens
A camera lens is complex to create, but with 3D printing you can make your own lens and even stumble upon some creative and unique results.
The creator of this camera lens used acrylic to replace the glass on the lens and other tools and machines to combine the many small parts together. And best of all, the lens works! Check out these few pictures taken with 3D printed lens.
4. Shakuhachi Flute
This is a beautiful Japanese flute made out of stainless steel, 3D printed. It comes with a few different finishes such as gold plated matte or glossy and antique bronze matte (pictured below). The flute is 9.4 inches long and has a tiny dragon design if you look closely enough.
You can buy this beautiful music instrument for $239.95. Can you imagine what this means for fans of fantasy movies?
5. Rigid Heddle Loom
If you’re into weaving fabric then you could create this rigid heddle loom with a 3D printer and some raw plastic material; the whole thing held together by screws. The creator used a 3D modeller program called openSCAD to design this.
History class would be a whole lot more interesting when you can see actual tools of the trades from a period in time.
6. 3D Figurines From Children’s Drawings
Ever wanted to turn one of your child’s drawings into something ‘real’, from a drawing to maybe a sculpture? Well now you can, for 99 Euros. Your child’s colorful drawing can be turned into a work of art thanks to 3D printing.
The object is about 4 inches in length and can be used to decorate your work desk or home or be used as a trophy for your kid’s artistic talents.
7. 3D Fetus
"3D scans" of your unborn child is taking on a whole new meaning. Instead of a picture of your ultrasound, a Japanese company is now giving you a ‘Shape of an Angel’, a 3D print of your foetus for $1275. The 3D model is created by 3D processed image data with BioTexture.
8. 3D Printed Medical Models
When it comes to tech, science has to have a dab in it. With 3D printing, doctors would have a cheaper alternative to learn about the human anatomy and also be able to inject realism into surgery practice without the use of cadavers.
Since the printing of these medical models is so accurate, surgeons can also plan a surgery on a printed model like this before the real patient goes under the knife.
9. Electric Light Shoe
This shoe filled with intricate detail and lights is 1 meter long and not a pair of shoes you can wear. It was used as an Onitsuka Tiger commercial and created with a 3D printer. The link says you can purchase it for 5879.83 Euros and keep it as a modern sculpture in your home.
10. iPhone Case & Card Holder
This creation by Janne Kyttanen might look like a well designed iPhone 5 case, but it’s really more functional than that. It can also hold two cards too.
It’s named the Mondriaan Case which is derived from the painter, Piet Mondrian, who liked the design of multiple horizontal and vertical lines. There are 3 colors to choose from for a price of $34.99.
11. Gear Wraps
If you like to bring your gear around with you and want it to be organized neatly, then you could buy this 3D printed Gear Wraps that can save you the hassle and time of untangling your many cables.
It can be printed in a wide variety of different colors and ranges from a price of 10 to 20 Euros depending on the color you choose.
12. Infinite Sisu – iPad Stand
This stand is inspired by a Finnish concept of determination; the little muscular ‘man’ holding up the iPad is pretty hard to miss. This is definitely a work of art which you can purchase at a price of $161.
It might seem pricey for an over-glorified smartphone or tablet stand, but it’s the hefty price you pay for any kind of beautiful art.
13. Customizable 3D Printed Bugdroids
Android enthusiasts would love an Android figurine to display on their desks, but what’s awesome about these 3D printed ones is that they have custom themes to describe your personality.
There are 25 designs to choose from for a price of $21.99; if you don’t find something that describes you, there is the option to customize your own Bugdroid at a starting price of $29.99.
14. Hanging Light
From the same person who created the iPhone 5 case above, here is the Palm Lamp. Janne Kyttanen created this eye-catching work of art which comes in a variety of sizes. Use it as part of your decor, as a standing lamp, a table or ceiling light fixture.
15. Kaleidoscope Clock
Here is a two-piece 3D-printed clock, which comes in two parts, Part A and Part B. The clock is split into 2 ‘faces’, the purple numbered face and the design face behind it.
With a few instructions, you can put the two together and have it up and running in no time. The white Kaleidoscope Clock kit is available for a total of $51 or a black one for $61.
16. 3D Anatomica di Revolutis Sculptural
This work of art is the creation of one of the most recognized 3D printing designer Joshua Harker. It’s printed with polyamide, a combination of nylon and glass fused together with a laser. Check the link out for more close-up photos of this fascinating and intricate creation.
17. Coffee Cups
These are espresso coffee cups printed out of Glazed Ceramics. The printing process takes almost a full day, and the One Cup a Day project aims to design and create 30 unique cups in 30 days. You can purchase their creations from this website where prices range from $36 to $77.
19. 3D-Printed Fabrics
Designer Jiri Evenhuise worked together with Janne Kyttanen to make the needle and thread obsolete by using a software that collects a person’s body data to instantly create perfect fitting clothing.
This type of technology is recyclable, requires less labor, shortens production time and ultimately lowers the carbon footprint for a greener way to create clothing. Plus, you can be sure that clothing you buy online can fit you like a glove.
20. 3D Printed Bikini – N21
This high-tech bikini is made from Nylon 12, a strong, flexible and 0. 7 mm thin material that is waterproof. Because of this, the creators said it’s ideal for swimwear and actually becomes more comfortable when exposed to water. This futuristic 3D clothing costs $200-300 and can be ordered from this website.
20 Amazing 3D Printed Things
If you can print in 2D, can you print in 3D? Well, the technology is already here. You can print 3D objects based on a working template, and they are not only meant to be looked at. They actually work! Manufacturers can provide you with a template from which you can print a broken machine part, say a screw, rather than placing an order and then waiting for a replacement.
In addition, you can make an exact copy of an expensive car, for example, 1960 Aston Martin DB5 in 1:3 scale, and then, for example, knock it down or burn it for fun, as the creators of the James Bond movie Skyfall did.
3D printing is made possible by fusing layer by layer of durable plastics and metals based on a pattern designed with ARPA (Computer Aided Design). Each layer, about 0.1 mm thick, consists of liquid, powder or whole sheets of material.
With this technology and a 3D printer, you can design, construct, or 3D print almost everything around you, as long as you have the templates. Just to give you an idea of what you can do with 3D printing, check out these 20 amazing printed masterpieces.
In the past, printed firearms broke easily after a few shots. Today, however, the non-profit corporation Defense Distributed is offering users to download the necessary files to print your own firearms if you have a 3D printer at home.
Here is one of the videos of the semi-automatic weapons they have created:
Acoustic guitar
Scott Summi printed the world's first 3D acoustic guitar, which means everyone else knows it's possible.
3D printed guitars can be made from plastic complete with a metal sound hole cap and heel. In addition to creating working musical instruments, guitarists can also make exact 3D copies of the guitars of their favorite musicians or idols.
Homemade camera lens
A camera lens is quite tricky to make, but with 3D printing you can make your own lens and even get some creative and unique results with it.
The creator of this lens ( used acrylic to replace glass in the lens, as well as some other parts and mechanisms to bring them together. And, most importantly, the lens works! Check out some pictures taken with this lens:
Shakuhachi Flute
This beautiful Japanese flute is 3D printed stainless steel. It comes in a variety of finishes such as gold plated matte or glossy and antique bronze matte (pictured below). The flute is 9.4 inches long and if you look closely you can see a small dragon on it.
You can buy this beautiful musical instrument for $239. 95. Just imagine what this technology means for fantasy lovers.
Simple Loom
If you are going to weave a small amount of fabric, you can create this simple loom with a 3D printer and some plastic. All parts were fastened with bolts. To model this loom, the author used a 3D modeling program called openSCAD.
The lessons of history would be much more interesting if you could see real goods that were sold during a certain period of time.
Machine model:
3D kids drawing figures maybe a sculpture? Well, now you can do it for 99 euros. Thanks to 3D printing, your child's colorful drawing can be turned into a work of art.
Approximately 4" long object can be used to decorate your desktop or home, or as a trophy for your child's artistic talents.
3 D- embryo
“3D scanning” of your unborn child takes on a whole new meaning. Instead of a picture of your ultrasound, a Japanese company is offering you the so-called Angel Shape, a 3D print of your embryo for $1,275. A 3D model is created based on the processed image data using BioTexture.
Medical models
When it comes to technology, science has to be involved. Thanks to 3D printing, doctors will have a cheaper alternative to study human anatomy, as well as the ability to introduce more realistic models into surgical practice without the use of cadavers.
The printing of these medical models is so accurate that surgeons can use them to plan operations before operating on the real patient.
Illuminated shoes
This sneaker has a lot of intricate details and 1 meter of wires to light it up, so it's not a shoe you could wear. It was 3D printed and used for a commercial advertisement for the Onitsuka Tiger. The link says you can buy it for 5879.83 euros and use as a modern sculpture in your home.
In this video you can see how this amazing shoe was made:
Case for your iPhone with card slot
This Janne Kyttanen creation might look like a good iPhone 5 case design, but it's more functional than a normal case. It can also store any two cards.
It is called the "Mondriaan" case, after the artist Piet Mondriaan, who liked the design of horizontal and vertical lines. This case costs 34.9$9 and available in 3 colors.
Wire Storage Device
If you bring your USB cables or other wires with you and want them to be neatly folded and not tangled, then you can buy this wire storage device to help you get rid of from the hassle and save your time.
It can be printed in a wide range of colors and its price ranges from 10 to 20 euros depending on the color and size you choose.
Infinite Sisu iPad Stand
This stand is inspired by the Finnish concept of determination; The little muscular "man" holding your iPad is pretty hard to ignore. This is definitely a work of art that you can purchase for $161.
You may find it expensive compared to the standard and more well-known stands for smartphones and tablets, but this is the price you have to pay for any work of art.
Bugdroid according to your design
Fans of the Android operating system and especially its splash logo figurines will also love these 3D crafted figurines, where the most amazing thing is that you can customize and choose different themes that suit you best.
There are 25 standard themes to choose from, priced at $21.99; If you don't find one that's right for you, then there's the option to customize your own Bugdroid for a starting price of $29$. 99
Your attention is the so-called palm lamp or lamp (Palm Lamp) from the same designer who made the iPhone case in the 10th item of our list. Janne Kyttanen has designed this rather eye-catching piece of art that comes in a wide variety of sizes. This lamp can be used as part of the decor, as a floor or table lamp or even a chandelier.
Kaleidoscope watch
This is a 3D printed watch that consists of two parts: part "A" and part "B". The first part is the purple dial itself, the second is the design part behind the dial.
With the instructions, you can quickly and easily assemble and set them up. Two versions of the watch are available for order: the kaleidoscope watch in white design will cost a total of $51, while the black one will cost $61.
Revolution in 3 D Anatomical Sculpture Prints
This piece of art is the creation of one of the most famous 3D designers Joshua Harker. This sculpture is printed in polyamide, obtained by laser sintering nylon and glass. Follow the link to see more photos of this intricate creation:
Coffee cups
ceramics. The printing process takes almost a full day, and the One Cup a Day project aims to design and create 30 unique cups in 30 days. You can purchase their creations from this site where prices range from $36 to $77:
High heels
This pair of 3D high heels called "Morphogenesis" was designed by Pauline Van Dongen and made from laser sintered nylon. She collaborated with Freedom Of Creation on the design, which in turn won the Most Creative Collection award at Mittelmoda 2010.
These shoes come in a variety of colors and truly define the future of 3D printed accessories. .
Fabrics printed with 3 D
Designer Jiri Evenhuise together Janne Kyttanen has worked hard to make needle and thread a thing of the past. In their work, they use software that collects data on the physique of a particular person and instantly creates clothes that will fit exactly on the figure.
This type of production is recyclable, less labour-intensive, reduces production time and is ultimately a more sustainable way to produce clothing. Plus, you can be sure that the clothes you buy online will fit you just as perfectly as gloves.
Bikini N21
flexible and waterproof material with a thickness of 0.7 mm. Manufacturers claim that it is thanks to these qualities that this underwear can be used as a swimsuit and, in fact, it will be the most comfortable to wear in the water. This futuristic 3D clothing costs around $200-300 and is available to order on this website:
50 cool things to 3D print / Sudo Null IT News
No ideas for 3D printing? Tired of worthless trinkets? Here is a list of 50 cool really useful things for 3D printing.
Like us, you're excited about the possibilities of 3D printing. But, unfortunately, the horizon is littered with trinkets, trinkets and other unnecessary things. We are in danger of being buried under a heap of useless rubbish.
Throw off the shackles of mediocrity! Let's create really useful things! Here is a list of cool things that you can make on a 3D printer right now. Prove to your family and loved ones that this wonderful technology can be used daily and in practice.
Don't have access to a 3D printer? No problem. Just upload your files to our 3D printing price comparison system and choose the best price, ONLINE!
Don't have a 3D printer to print these amazing things? Then come to
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3D Printing Cool Thing #2: Socket Shelf
Attach a shelf to your wall outlet to support your phone while it is charging. The shelf has a slanted recess that allows you to keep your smartphone or tablet upright.
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3D Printing Cool Item #3: Soap Dish
Elegant bathroom soap dish with two washable compartments. You can change the pattern of the inner pallet if you wish.
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3D Printing Cool Item #4: Nightstand Tag Handles
The art of storage doesn't have to be boring. The Hobb Knob is a small pen with a label to describe the items in the drawers. Now you will never lose your socks!
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3D Printable Cool Item #5: Coasters with Geometric Patterns
When it comes to hot drinks, mugs are an inevitable risk. Things take a much more serious turn if there is a coffee-addicted inhabitant in the house. Available in three designs, these coasters help you avoid unsightly stains.
Download from Pinshape
3D Printing Cool Thing #6: Hinge Lamp
This hinged modular lamp consists of 6 main elements: a base, a body and a top with LEDs. To make the lamp taller, you can add the required number of elements.
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3D Printable Cool Item #7: One-Handed Bottle Opener
This boomerang-shaped bottle opener is useful for people who have difficulty performing activities that require force, such as opening a plastic bottle. Print it out and give it to your grandmother. She will appreciate this gesture.
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3D Printable Cool Item #8: showerhead
Is swimming under a waterfall on your list of things to do before you die? The next best thing is a 3D printed shower head (probably).
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3D Printing Cool Item #9: Secret Shelf
Hide valuable documents and stash from prying eyes on this secret shelf.
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3D Printing Cool Item #10: Jar Handle
Enhance empty jam jars with a printed handle. What could be easier?
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3D Printing Cool Thing #11: Plastic Wrench
Fully-fledged general purpose plastic wrench. Actually for screwing and unscrewing around the house.
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Cool 3D Printing Item #12: business card holder
"What a delicate yellowish hue, and the thickness is tasteful, oh my, even the watermarks." Do you have such a business card? Find her a pair in the form of this business card holder, printed in its entirety (yes, already with a hinged lid). Instructions for adding a custom logo are included.
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3D Printable Cool Item #13: Alien Invader Shaped Toilet Paper Holder
Brighten up your bathroom with a functional print of your classic toilet paper holding alien invader… ahem.
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3D Printing Cool Thing #14: lift platform
Here is a fully assembled lift platform. Printed in full. No need to fiddle with a bunch of details. The adjustable height can be used to lift or support an object of acceptable weight.
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3D Printing Cool Thing #15: Plant Drinker
Houseplants fallen victim to neglect? FORGET ABOUT IT. Print out this simple automatic plant drinker and your conscience will be clear.
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3D Printing Cool Item #16: earbud holder
We spend a lot of money buying headphones on the go, but we don't protect them enough when we use them. Hide your headphones safely in this 3D printed holder.
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3D Printing Cool Thing #17: Package Pen
We all know this situation. You trudge home from the supermarket, loaded with bags of groceries. The force of gravity causes plastic to crash into your palms, am I right? ENOUGH. Print these bag handles and forget about chafed palms forever!
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Cool thing for 3D printing #18: tablet stand
There are times when you need to free your hands when using your smart device, such as watching TV shows or cooking recipes. This simple stand supports 7" and larger tablets in both portrait and landscape modes.
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Cool 3D Printing Item #19: Plant Drinker #2
Another horticultural art contraption. It is especially suitable for kitchen plants. The next time you buy fresh herbs for cooking, transplant them into this neat device and they'll stay fresh all week long.
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Cool thing for 3D printing #20: door stop
Tired of everyone slamming doors at home or in the office? Then you need an UNCOMPROMISING door stop. Light weight, child safe, designed for easy installation and easy fabrication on an FDM 3D printer. The creator of the stop also claims that the device can be used to repel zombie attacks, however this version has not been verified.
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3D Printing Cool Item #21: Windshield Scraper
If you want to quickly and easily get rid of snow and ice on your car windshield with this handy scraper. Printed without support, at the end there is a hole for a lace.
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3D Printing Cool Thing #22: Water Hose Flow Control
This special nozzle regulates the water flow in the garden hose, about 2 liters per minute. It’s great if you have water limits set in the height of summer.
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3D Printing Cool Item #23: Modular Wine Rack
Whether you're new to the world of wine or a wine connoisseur, this modular wine rack is the perfect storage solution for your fine drink. bottles of WIRA. It can be expanded (or narrowed) according to your collection by printing only the required number of modules.
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Cool thing for 3D printing #24: whistle for protection
This original design whistle is easy to make and carry. Durable and very loud. How loud? How about 118 decibels? This is more than enough to get people to hear about your emergency.
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3D Printable Cool Thing #25: Apple Headphone Holder
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3D Printable Thing: Cool Thing #20013 Holder of an umbrella for a wheelchair
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Cool thing for 3D printing No. 28: Protection for disk
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Cool thing for 3D printing No. 29: Form for Snegles
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Cool 3D Printing Item #30: Wine Bottle Protector
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Cool thing for 3D printing No. 31: Pocket ashtray
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Cool Press No. 32: Rodist Rodper
9000 9000 download from Myminifac.
3D Printable Cool Item #33: Apple Remote Stand
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3D Printable Cool Item #34: Key Holder
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Cool thing for 3D printing No. 35: Holder of cutlery for people with disabilities
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Current Passing No. 36: Cover wine bottle
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Cool thing for 3D printing #37: Paper cup holder
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Cool thing for 3D printing No. 38: Case for blades
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Cool thing for 3D printing No. 39:
0 9002 900 from
MyMiniFactory3D Printable Cool Item #40: Towel Rack
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3D Printable Cool Item #41: Holder for a glass
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Cool thing for 3D Press No. 42: Holder for a phone in the shower
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Twisting thing for 3D printing No. 43: Holder No. 43: for beer glasses
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Cool thing for 3D printing #44: MacBook Pro stand
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Cool thing for 3D printing No. 45: Protection for SD-Cart
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Cool thing No. 46: Corps for batteries 0
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3D Printable Cool Item #47: Ice Cream Cone Holder
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Printable Cool Item #40013 Shower set
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Cool Press No.