Stony brook 3d printing
Additive Manufacturing Prototyping & Applications Center
Summer REU research by Anna Schoonen on cell interactions with 3D printed steel
School of Dental Medicine to Pilot “Digital Dentistry” Curriculum
Article on 3D printing conference at Stony Brook, 2014
Microstructure and Corrosion Resistance of Laser Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel , Jason R. Trelewicz, Gary P. Halada, Olivia K. Donaldson and Guha Manogharan, Journal of Metals, Vol. 68, No. 3 (2016)
Chemically etched surface of 3D printed (selective laser sintered) 316L stainless steel
Impact of the Fused Deposition (FDM) Printing Process on Polylactic Acid (PLA) Chemistry and Structure, Michael Arthur Cuiffo, Jeffrey Snyder, Alicia M. Elliott, Nicholas Romero,Sandhiya Kannan and Gary P.![]() |
Engineering flame retardant biodegradable polymer nanocomposites and their application in 3D printing, Yichen Guo, Chung-Chueh Chang , Gary Halada, Michael A. |
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Additional information can also be found on the Stony Brook wiki page for 3D printing.
3D Printing the Future at Stony Brook University « Fabbaloo
[Source: SBU Homepage]Charles R. Goulding and Warren Buzzell Jr. look at the contributions to 3D printing that are taking place at Stony Brook University.
Over the past few year, we have seen a significant increase in popularity surrounding 3D printing technologies.
As a result, colleges and universities have successfully integrated this technology through coursework, research and development, and recreational purposes. In addition, 3D printing is paving the way for rapid prototyping and gives innovators the ability to assess the feasibility and functionality of their designs quickly.
The State University of New York, Stony Brook University (SBU) is among the colleges and universities that have successfully implemented 3D printing technology for all students, staff, and faculty to use. SBU is the leading public research university in the greater NYC area, and a proud member of the SUNY system.
While currently consisting of 26,782 students, SBU has been ranked 23rd among public universities and 62nd overall in Forbes 2021 America’s Top College rankings. New York State governor Kathy Hochul announced that Stony Brook University was one of New York State’s flagship universities—providing vital leadership in the advancement of public higher education in New York. SBU takes pride in bolstering both creativity and innovation among students and faculty. It has done so through the creation of its iCREATE department and services provided. Our firm currently consists of five SBU graduates.
SBU’s iCREATE is a department within the Division of Information Technology that provides students and faculty with the tools for fostering creativity and innovation. The Innovation Lab is a space within the department that offers cutting-edge technology and a collaborative space for students and staff to work on educational and recreational projects.
iCREATE[Source: iCreate Community]Innovation LabThe Innovation lab provides both the training and resources necessary for students to adequately design models and 3D print tangible prototypes. The lab offers the option to self-service projects or to add the project to a print queue. The self-service option is available for students that want to set up and adjust the printers themselves. This option is typically used for smaller projects due to the time needed to process designs. The print queue is the alternative and is focused on much more complicated and bigger parts. It allows for parts with longer processing times to be run on bigger printers and receive more resources.
The lab currently has eight PLA 3D printers and one nylon 3D printer. The different 3D printers they have are the Ultimaker 3, Ultimaker 2+, Ultimaker Extended, Taz 5, and Taz 6. Both students and faculty can bring their computer-aided design (CAD) drawings to the lab to be processed within a few minutes to hours.
Solutions for Powered Air Purifying RespiratorsAnalogous to hospitals around the world, Stony Brook University Hospital (SBUH) has experienced many hardships due to COVID-19. The hospital’s Emergency Management Office predicted the possibility of a shortage of battery packs used in Powered Air Purifying Respirators (PAPR). Although the hospital currently possesses three different PAPR systems, they each utilize non-interchangeable hoods and batteries. This requires the hospital to purchase different components for each PAPR system.
After engaging in discussion with the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences to identify possible alternatives, a diverse team of faculty and students from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering identified feasible solutions. The team utilized the Engineering Design Process to evaluate alternatives before beginning the project. After the appropriate design was developed, the team 3D printed and assembled 140 breathing hose adaptors for each of the three different PAPR systems. This allowed for the combination of different hoses and motors to be used, which was one solution to resolving the supply shortage issue by increasing interchangeability between the parts.
The team also found ways to improve the current system by redesigning the battery packs. The current battery system utilizes nickel-metal hydride battery packs, which are no longer readily available. After considering alternatives, the team incorporated C cell battery packs in a new design that incorporates a 5-volt switch-mode regulator circuit. They designed and developed unique 3D printed connectors housed in a water-resistant case. The team made quick use of 3D printing technology in their labs to rapidly manufacture components for the PAPR systems.
In addition to PAPR, personal protective equipment (PPE) was also experiencing shortages amidst the initial COVID-19 outbreak. To combat that, SBU’s iCREATE lab refocused its resources and began using its 3D printers to manufacture PPE face shields. SBUH personnel reviewed the face shields and validated that they were medically compliant before ramping up production.
The lab’s project team designed certain parts of the 3D printed face shields to be replaceable. This added improvement allows for a more sanitized product due to medical personnel now having the ability to change out certain parts. The team was able to successfully fulfill an order for 5,000 3D printed masks halfway through 2020.
Alexander Orlov, a professor in SBU’s Material Science and Chemical Engineering Department, was awarded the 2017 ACS-CEI award. Orlov received this educational award due to his outstanding contribution to incorporating sustainability into Chemistry Education.
Orlov developed a novel educational model for students that incorporated 3D printing technology in graduate and undergraduate courses focused on sustainable materials. He translated sustainable design principles into 3D printed projects. Green chemistry and life cycle assessment approaches were utilized to validate their analysis. The students were encouraged to use tools and resources located in the University’s Innovation Lab to design and manufacture 3D parts for course assignments.
ChemCubed[Source: Electro UV3DD]ChemCubed is sponsored by and located within SBU’s Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC). ChemCubed is a research, development, and manufacturing company that produces nanocomposite material for the 3D printing industry.
ChemCubed develops and manufactures 3D printing solutions for printed electronics and nanocomposite materials for 3D printing. Their solution’s come in the form of Electrojet materials and NanoCubed materials.
Their designed Electrojet material substrate is used in 3D printing electronics. The material provides end-user benefits due to its’ conductive and insulative properties regarding UV curable and non-UV curable nanocomposite requirements.
ChemCubed’s NanoCubed materials are designed with the intent to be utilized for more than just prototyping and visualizing concepts. NanoCubed materials’ physical and mechanical properties closely resemble that of common polymers used in 3D printing, thus encouraging implementation for end-use applications. Both NanoCubed rigid and flex series materials portray industry-leading performance in tensile, tear, flexibility, and other durability features. The material formulations are suitable for thermal resistance, chemical resistance, and supplementary features outside of mechanical performance.
Brookhaven National Laboratory is a multipurpose research laboratory that is partnered with and managed by SBU for the Department of Energy. A team of scientists utilized the laboratory’s Soft Matter Interfaces (SMI) beamline to examine the physical structure of the filament—down to several micrometers—while the machine was processing a part. The SMI beamline enabled the team to gather and analyze high-resolution spatial and morphological data from a 3D printed structure while the filament layers were being deposited. The data gathered can provide useful insight into the structure of the filaments, at an atomic level, and how we can optimize the process for higher quality parts.
The Research & Development Tax CreditThe now permanent Research and Development (R&D) Tax Credit is available for companies developing new or improved products, processes, and/or software.
3D printing can help boost a company’s R&D Tax Credits. Wages for technical employees creating, testing, and revising 3D printed prototypes can be included as a percentage of eligible time spent for the R&D Tax Credit. Similarly, when used as a method of improving a process, time spent integrating 3D printing hardware and software counts as an eligible activity. Lastly, when used for modeling and preproduction, the costs of filaments consumed during the development process may also be recovered.
Whether it is used for creating and testing prototypes or for final production, 3D printing is a great indicator that R&D Credit eligible activities are taking place. Companies implementing this technology at any point should consider taking advantage of R&D Tax Credits.
ConclusionApplications for 3D printing technology are rapidly growing and the opportunity for more diverse utilization is on the rise. Stony Brook University is proof that by providing people the tools to foster innovation and creativity, we can see novel improvements and implementation surrounding 3D printing technology. Regardless of the obstacles, Stony Brook University takes pride in its incorporation of this technology for recreational, educational, research, and industrial purposes.
Construction 3D printing in anticipation of a breakthrough / Sudo Null IT News
3D printing technology originated in the 80s of the 20th century, but construction 3D printing appeared much later. The first construction projects using this technology appeared only in 2014. We are talking, first of all, about the so-called small architectural forms (benches, flower beds, fences). They never even dreamed about building houses. But already in 2015, the Russian startup Apis Cor made a splash - it printed a whole house in the Moscow region. Since then, news about new 3D printed houses has periodically appeared. However, despite the fact that the technology proved to be very promising in terms of the speed of construction of housing and the reduction in the cost of construction, no mass implementation followed.
Construction is the world's number one market. And, if many technological innovations are being introduced in the field of high-rise construction, then little has changed in the field of low-rise construction over the past decades. The last 30 years have seen the availability of the Internet, mobile phones, mobile internet, robotics taken to a new level, etc., but when you get to a house construction site, you are unlikely to find many technological innovations. Automation is practically non-existent, and manual labor prevails. 2020 was a test of strength for the whole world, and also led to the highest level of inflation, which, first of all, hit the construction market, there was a dramatic change in prices for metals, cement, wood and much more.
This Internet meme shows what happened to the cost of building materials in just a year. And the process is still going on. At the same time, there is a serious rise in the cost of labor, and there is an acute shortage of it. All this leads to a sharp rise in the cost of building houses. No matter how strange it may sound, statistics show that the growth of automation does not occur when everything is fine, but precisely in crisis situations, during increased competition, reduced demand and the need to urgently look for new technologies to increase production efficiency. So it happened this time, and after some stagnation, construction 3D printing received a new impetus for development.
Preparing to write an article, I turned to the founder of Arkon - Boris Kozlov y. Arkon was established in 2020 and is engaged in the production of construction 3D printers, both a workshop type for creating prefabs (prefabricated houses) and a portal one capable of printing a two-story house. I asked Boris the key, in my opinion, question:
- Construction 3D printing appeared in 2014, but no mass introduction of this technology followed in 7-8 years. Why do you think this happened, and why is there a surge of new projects right now?
- It seems to me that the reason is the snowball effect.
The technology had to mature, grow from a hypothesis to a pilot implementation, and finally to commercialization and scaling (what is happening now). In addition, it should be taken into account that construction is one of the most conservative industries, where, unlike even aviation and the automotive industry, there is still an extremely low introduction of digital solutions and automation in the field of the production process itself - the construction itself. The issue of regulation and certification also plays an important role - this process is long and creates an additional lag.
In 2014-2016 the first samples of building 3D printers and prototypes of printed buildings appeared. The concepts of various form factors of construction 3D printers and types of printing materials were tested.
In 2017-2018 in the world, the first notable investments were made in a number of construction 3D printing start-ups. Further, by 2020, these investments "rolled" in the form of reaching a certain level of technology maturity - the first commercial products (3D printers and houses) appeared.
Finally, in 2020-2022 it became clear that the hypotheses of the effectiveness of construction 3D printing were justified (cheaper, faster, more environmentally friendly), and large investments began in the industry. A striking example is the investment of GE (the French division of General Electric) in the Danish COBOD or the achievement of a capitalization of $ 2 billion by the American company ICON.
In 2022-2023 over 1,000 buildings will be printed worldwide already, scaling from single buildings/pilot projects to entire villages and major infrastructure/reinforced concrete implementations. In addition, in a number of countries, by now, a regulatory framework has been created or is being actively created for the introduction of additive technologies in the construction industry.
Thus, I believe that the specified time period is a fairly natural cycle of technology development, which is likely to experience exponential growth in the next decade.
According to ResearchAndMarket report, the global construction 3D printing market is valued at USD 354.3 million in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 11068.1 million by 2027, growing by 99.04%.
Various market processes affect the prices and behavior of participants in the global 3D construction printing market. They create price signals that are the result of changes in the demand and supply curves for a product or service. They can be associated with both macroeconomic and microeconomic factors. Even human emotions can also drive decisions, influence the market, and create price signals.
Now let's take a quick look at what the construction 3D printer is. Without delving too deeply into the technology, we can say that construction 3D printers are very similar to classic FDM/FFF printers that print with plastic, but instead of plastic, the material here is a cement mixture, which is fed directly into the nozzle and forms an object by layer-by-layer overlay. Printers are also portal, on the basis of a flying boom, with a robotic arm.
Pictured left is a construction printer based on a boom. The figure on the right is a gantry construction 3D printer
In the figure above, a construction 3D printer in the form of a robot arm installed on a mobile platform.
Everything changed completely when, in the summer of 2021, the American company ICON, which was trying to introduce 3D printing into the construction of various auxiliary facilities, signed a contract with one of the largest American developers, Lennar, to build a village of 100 houses in Texas and immediately became a unicorn , having received 200 million dollars of investments from several investment funds.
Pictured is a 3D printed house in Austin, Texas. A 3D printed house in Austin, Texas. At the same time, the Danish company COBOD, created by the world's largest construction formwork company PERRI, began selling its gantry 3D construction printers and participating in construction projects around the world. In the photo below, a modern two-story house built in Germany and a school building in Malawi, built in record time with a minimal budget.
There is little that unites developed, developing and poor countries, everywhere their problems and tasks, but Affordable housing shortage is a global agenda . If in poor countries there is an acute problem with the increase in the number of homeless people due to a lack of housing, as such, then in developing countries it is necessary to dramatically accelerate the number of new housing being built to meet the needs of a growing population. In developed countries, the problem is primarily in the cost of housing, which has risen in price to such an extent that it has become practically inaccessible to young people. And with the simultaneous increase in life expectancy in these countries, this problem is only getting worse.
At the same time, the trend towards "green agenda ", CO2 emission reduction, building with more environmentally friendly materials, etc. is developing. But, unfortunately, so far the construction industry is the absolute leader in CO2 emissions, as well as in the amount of garbage that each construction site leaves behind. This is not to say that construction 3D printing solves all these problems, but at least it is moving in the right direction. Let's look at this with a few illustrative examples.
Today, when we talk about 3D printing houses, we are talking about printing walls. Everything else (foundation, windows, doors, ceilings and roof) is done in the traditional way. 3D printed walls are built as fixed formwork, which significantly saves the amount of cement used , and this, in turn, reduces the cost of construction and reduces the environmental impact of cement production. In addition, with this method of construction, no additional waste is produced, the strength of the structure does not suffer. It can be reinforced, as shown in the photo on the left, and engineering communications can be immediately laid, as shown in the photo on the right, which also affects the final speed of the construction of the object. At the same time, the total weight of the structure is reduced, the remaining cavities can be filled with lightweight foam concrete, insulation, straw or any other available material. Such a lightweight design can use a lighter foundation. The construction method itself is more economical in terms of material, and therefore environmentally friendly.
Eco-concrete with the addition of polymers is being actively developed, the production of which reduces CO2 emissions from 30% to 100%. The Apis Cor company mentioned at the beginning of the article, which built a house in the suburbs in 2015, is now based in hot Florida, plans to start using this material in its projects.
Another startup from Russia, Mighty Buildings, headquartered in California, initially relied on a polymer with the addition of mineral chips. And while the company doesn't build entire houses, only wall panels, it has won numerous design awards, as well as a $400 million valuation in several investment rounds.
As a result, with a rough calculation, we can say that the total savings on the construction of walls can reach 30%, and the total cost of the house can be reduced by 10%. This is true for houses designed for conventional construction. And if you initially design with 3D printing, you can improve this ratio by optimizing the laying of communications, the ability to immediately print interior walls, bookmark niches for bathrooms, fireplaces, built-in wardrobes and kitchens, as was done in the house built by COBOD in Germany.
"There are spots on the sun." Despite all the advantages of construction 3D printing, has several significant disadvantages of . The main one is layering, which cannot be avoided at the current level of technology development.
The photo above shows the layering of the 3D printed walls.
This task can be worked in several directions:
Ribbed walls can be plastered, painted and played with as a design element.
This is how ICON does it in the USA, for example their latest project House Zero is done this way and has won a number of design awards.
Use special "shutters" on the print head that allow smooth layers, as COBOD and other manufacturers do. The photo below shows that this does not ensure the complete absence of layering.
Fully sand the surface to get the usual smooth wall for plastering, painting, wallpapering or other finishing. It is possible, but it will require huge labor costs, which can reduce the overall efficiency of using 3D printing.
Pictured above is a 3D printed wall sanded smooth.
The second problem is the required temperature. Ideally, printing should take place at temperatures between +5C° and +30C°. Humidity is also important. Using additives, you can push these boundaries, but not indefinitely. At strong sub-zero temperatures, printing will be possible in the field only if the construction site is covered with a dome and the required temperature is reached inside with the help of heat guns. In conditions of intense heat, it is preferable to print at night. Another solution could be to print the wall panels in the shop and assemble them on site. Of course, each of these decisions will have a negative impact on the economic efficiency of the project.
Building 3D printing can be useful not only for the construction of houses . With its help, you can solve many other problems, and there its disadvantages will not matter. For example, the American concern GE uses COBOD printers to build towers for wind turbines in the shop. Ribbed surface and temperature restrictions in this case do not play any role. Construction takes place in the shop, after which the object is transported to the installation site.
3D printed wind tower. 3D printed wind tower. Construction 3D printing, or, as it is also called, additive construction, has just appeared, and I want to believe in its bright future. There are many prerequisites for this, but much still needs to be done for success. First of all, it is necessary to develop principles for designing houses for building 3D printing. Then it is necessary to attract top architects to create landmark projects, which can be followed by the mass introduction of a new and very promising technology. Construction 3D printing can help solve the global housing shortage and also bring more automation to other areas of construction.
Alexander Kornveits
Expert in the field of additive technologies and 3D printing, head of Tsvetnoy Mir company
3D printing - the impossible is possible?
3D printing is used in many industries. This method is also being tested in some pilot projects in the construction industry. But does this technology have a future in the construction industry? Can it reduce the cost and speed up the construction process?
How can you build cheaper and faster?
Engineer Chuck Hull invented the first 3D printer in 1984.
3D printer
What is 3D printing really?
It is an additive process for printing 3D products. The component is designed in the CAD program, then the information is sent to the printer. The object is then printed in separate layers. This technique is interesting for the production of prototypes, models, tools and prefabricated parts.
Unlike traditional processes, there is no longer a need for complicated molds or mold replacements. Many work steps are omitted. Products of complex geometry are possible and they can be mass-produced. Overall, these benefits lead to more energy efficient production.
This innovation allows for many interesting approaches. In addition to working with plastics and metals, clays, waxes or resins can also be used.
A good example is an airplane. The more weight, the more kerosene. However, 3D printing makes curved structures much easier to create. 3D printing is also applicable in medicine, for example, for the manufacture of individual prostheses. The industry is even printing meat made from vegetable proteins with the chewy texture of real meat.
3D printed dentures
Onsite production is an important step in 3D printing. This allows savings over long distances, since only digital information is transmitted.
Can 3D printing be used in construction? Will there be a revolution in construction?
In construction, 3D printing is still in its infancy. It is not yet possible to predict how this trend will develop in the future.
There are already more sustainable alternatives to concrete, such as clay or loam. In 3D printing, liquid concrete is usually laid in layers. You can think of it as a cream cake with a piping bag button. The construction industry already has projects created with a 3D printer. The pioneer countries are China, the Emirates (Dubai) and the USA.
There are still no norms and standards for 3D printing in Germany, and therefore there are few printed buildings. However, the Technical University of Munich has been researching this innovation for many years. Therefore, a permit for the construction of two printed multi-storey buildings was issued in Germany.
The first two-storey mansion was built in Beckum, North Rhine-Westphalia. In total, it takes 100 hours to print.
In Wallenhausen, Bavaria, the first residential building was built on three floors, with a total of 380 m² of living space. Specialists developed concrete that was used exclusively for 3D printing.
Composition is a big problem here. The recipe of the company is still kept secret. The concrete must meet the following requirements: On the one hand, it must be easy to pump, like fresh concrete. It must be well shaped to pass through the nozzle opening. The composition is said to set quickly, so that the structure will not collapse when a new layer is applied to the bead. On the other hand, the concrete must not harden too quickly, because otherwise there will be no connection with the underlying layers.
Once the right mix for the concrete is selected, the 3D printer is screwed to the foundation. Peri took on this challenge and developed the printer. It is a portal system with various modules that can be configured individually. The maximum speed is one meter per second. However, to allow manual work to be done at the same time, printing is only done at a speed of 25 centimeters per second, so it takes about five minutes per square meter.
Additional work includes, for example, window openings or electronics, such as sockets. In addition, not continuous walls are printed, for example, the same width of 24 centimeters, but two separate walls with a width of three to ten centimeters, which form a hollow wall. The inner part is not completely filled with concrete, but is supplemented with insulating material. It's lighter and requires less material.
Will 3D printing revolutionize the construction industry?
Theoretically, the use of 3D printing in construction offers many advantages.
3D printing could fill the shortage of skilled workers because far fewer skilled workers are needed. Less waste because only the material that is really needed is used. Every cut is planned from the start.
It is interesting to note that recycled products can also be used. There are 9 companies in Italy0191 . Instead of concrete, natural mud is used here. Rice production wastes are used as impurities. An idea came up in Amsterdam to print a canal house out of bioplastic. In general, 3D printing also reduces energy consumption because many transportation routes, such as raw materials and workers, are omitted.
Individual geometry can be applied. Conventional technologies cannot be programmed in this way because no formwork is required. Therefore, architects have more opportunities for self-expression.
But is 3D printing even possible?
However, barriers associated with this technology still prevail. People have not yet accepted 3D printed houses. They look very unusual with ledges on the walls. This will most likely take a while if you look at other trends such as precast concrete construction.
Technology sometimes reaches its limits as only certain materials can be used. In the US, houses are advertised to be made within 24 hours. However, this only affects walls and not other objects such as B. interior work. It also takes time to set up and calibrate the printer.
3D printers will be beneficial in times of crisis. After natural disasters, reconstruction could be faster and cheaper. The idea is also that in developing countries building materials on site can be faster and cheaper. In countries where war is nearby, new buildings could be quickly built so that people do not have to flee far and can stay in their homeland.
However, there are other obstacles. How should the 3D printer be transported? Are the required materials available locally?
Another problem is that it is currently only possible to create vertical structural members or support members subject to compression. Wherever bending or tensile forces occur, it becomes difficult to print components.
Is 3D printing as sustainable as its proponents think? During printing, waste is minimized because you can accurately calculate what is needed. However, special pressure operation requires much more cement, the production of which leads to significant emissions. In comparison, harmful emissions are even worse than those from air traffic. In the case of 3D concrete, approximately twice as much cement is used as in the case of conventional cladding.
In the future, it will be impossible to refuse concrete. For example, for large foundations and bridges, this durable material will have to be used even longer. Theoretically, the benefits of 3D printing are clear, but not proven enough.
Of course, it can be used for further digitization in the construction industry. However, if you look at the problems, it soon becomes clear that these developments still need to be looked at critically.