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Leica BLK360 Imaging Laser Scanner
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- Leica BLK360
The next generation of the smallest and lightest imaging laser scanner has arrived.
The all-new Leica BLK360 is an advanced precision imaging laser scanner. At the push of a button, users can capture a full scan with spherical images in only twenty seconds - over five times faster than the BLK360 G1. Blaze through job sites with best-in-class rapid scanning that doesn’t compromise on quality, while the Visual Inertial System (VIS) Technology automatically combines your scans on-site to speed up your workflow and help you make sure your datasets are complete. The BLK360 enables users to work faster and smarter while getting the data they need immediately.
BLK360 data is valuable for many uses, from traditional AEC to mind-bending VFX and VR, and users can easily transfer and work with it in your software ecosystem to create immersive and highly accurate deliverables and experiences.
Key features:
- Four scan settings capture data in 7, 13, 30, or 75 seconds at 680,000 points per second
- Rich High-Dynamic Range (HDR) imagery with 5 bracket HDR
- Small and light, measuring 155x80mm and weighing just 850g with batteries
- Five times faster than the BLK360 G1, taking 20 seconds for a full-dome scan with photospheres
- Visual Inertial System (VIS) automatically pre-registers scans in the field
- High-speed data transfer via USB-C and Wi-Fi
Users can control the imaging laser scanner with the Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile-device app and easily pre-register captured scans enabled by the VIS technology. Image and point cloud data is streamed to a smartphone or tablet or final project data to Leica Cyclone REGISTER 360 or Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition) via Wi-Fi, with full data synchronisation between devices. With automated workflows in both software offerings, the new BLK360 dramatically streamlines the reality capture process. Simple export of LGS, RCP, or E57 files makes working with point cloud data downstream simple and efficient, allowing users to spend less time processing data and more time creating meaningful deliverables.
The BLK360 also includes a free companion app, BLK Live, allowing the user to control the imaging laser scanner and immediately view captured data for on-site feedback, quality assurance, quality control, and export E57 files. Available for iOS and Android.
The new BLK360 also makes it easy to get your data into your preferred software and to share your scans with others. Directly upload your data to HxDR with automatic conversion to OBJ and cloud-based visualisation, allowing others to work with and download your data. Or transfer your data to Cyclone REGISTER 360 or export to E57 via USB-C or WLAN for Scan-to-BIM workflows.
Immersive HDR Imaging
The BLK360’s four 13-megapixel cameras capture high-quality photospheres, and 5-bracket HDR imaging captures all the details in challenging lighting conditions and environments for more immersive photospheres and colourised point clouds.
VIS Scan Alignment System
Leica Geosystems patented VIS, available with our Leica RTC360 3D laser scanner, is now built into the new BLK360 to combine scans automatically. Each scan captured in the field combines with the previous scan so you’ll spend less time aligning data in the office and more time creating valuable deliverables.
Ultra-Fast Scanning
The enclosed LiDAR sensor in the new BLK360 captures point clouds at a rate of 680,000 points per second and completes a scan with spherical images in 20 seconds, with flexible scan settings to ensure you capture everything you want and need.
High-Speed Data Transfer
The USB-C port on the BLK360 gives you a faster, easier way to transfer your data, nine times faster than the BLK360 G1. You’ll benefit from fast and stable data transfers without relying on WLAN.
Upload to HxDR
The new BLK360, like the BLK2GO, BLK2FLY, and BLK ARC, connects directly to HxDR, Hexagon’s cloud-based storage, visualisation, and collaboration platform for reality capture and geospatial data.
Download the App!
The Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile-device app is free to download. A valid Cyclone REGISTER, Cyclone REGISTER 360 or Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition) licence is required to activate Cyclone FIELD 360 as the login credentials are the same. Download the Cyclone FIELD 360 app from the App Store and Google Play.
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Leica BLK360 Data SheetContact Sales for BLK360
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Get in contact with our BLK360 sales for more information.
Get to Know the New BLK360
We caught up with BLK Product Manager Gian-Phillip Patri to discuss the ins and outs of the next-gen scanner and what sets it apart from its award-winning predecessor, the Leica BLK360 G1.
We caught up with BLK Product Manager Gian-Phillip Patri to discuss the ins and outs of the next-gen scanner and what sets it apart from its award-winning predecessor, the...
Which Should I Buy?
Learn the Differences between the BLK360 G1 and the new BLK360.
Learn the Differences between the BLK360 G1 and the new BLK360.
Hands on With the New BLK360
As one of the first reality capture professionals to test the new Leica BLK360, Corey Weiner sat down with us to answer a few questions about his first impressions, performance improvements, and what it means for his AEC-heavy business.
As one of the first reality capture professionals to test the new Leica BLK360, Corey Weiner sat down with us to answer a few questions about his first impressions,...
Dataset Downloads
Individual datasets of BLK360 scans are available for download
Individual datasets of BLK360 scans are available for download
Disrupting the Disruptor
Watch Video
Leica BLK 360 Camera | Matterport
Leica BLK360 G1
Bereitstellung der genauesten Punktwolkendaten.
Ab 18.500 $ USD
Kaufen Sie bei Leica
Qualität & Leistung
LIDAR-basierte Kamera liefert die genauesten 3D-Tiefendaten. Mit dem LEICA BLK360 G1 und einem Matterport-Abonnement erhalten Sie Zugriff auf Premium-Funktionen..
Häufig gestellte Fragen anzeigen
Gut für das Scannen im Freien und in großen Räumen. Passt hervorragend zu diesem Zubehör und der Matterport Capture-App.
Erhalten Sie zusätzliche Details mit E57-Dateien
Schöpfen Sie das volle Potential Ihrer Leica BLK360 G1 oder Pro-Serie Kamera mit E57-Punktwolken aus. E57-Dateien liefern mehr als das Zehnfache der Details des traditionellen MatterPak XYZ-Formats. Sie sind herstellerunabhängig und werden von den meisten 3D-Konstruktionsprogrammen weitgehend übernommen. Sie ermöglichen die Integration von Punktwolken mit höherer Dichte in Ihre Dokumentations- und Modellierungs-Workflows.
- Automatisierte Punktwolkenregistrierung in der Cloud ohne die Notwendigkeit von Umfragetools für nur 89 USD (75€)
- Fügen Sie mit Leica BLK aufgenommene Outdoor-Aufnahmen zu Ihrem Matterport 3D-Workflow hinzu
- Koordinieren Sie Projekte von überall aus und laden Sie E57-Dateien in Ihre bestehenden cloudbasierten Anwendungen hoch
Mehr erfahren
Erstellt mit LEICA BLK360 G1
Entdecken Sie alle Beispiele
Mitchell Caverns
Aufgenommen mit dem Leica BLK360 G1
Lake Shastina Golf Resort
Aufgenommen mit dem Leica BLK360 G1
Sheepdrove Organic Farm
Aufgenommen mit dem Leica BLK360 G1
Kompatible Pläne
Pro & Business
69 $ / monat
25 Aktive Modelle
5 Benutzer
Funktioniert mit iOS, Android-Geräten und allen unterstützten Kameras und Capture Services
Top-Features- Enthält alle Funktionen im Starter-Abonnement
- Team-Kooperation
- Automatische Unkenntlichmachung von Gesichtern
- MatterPak™ technische Dateien von 39 $ (außer 360°-Kameras, iOS- und Android-Geräte)
- Schematische Grundrissansichten von 12,99 $
- Bei „Express“ werden Grundrissansichten innerhalb von 6 Stunden ab 34,99 $ geliefert
- Export von Raum-Zugriffsanalyseberichten
- Neu: Capture Services™ aktiviert (in ausgewählten Städten)
- BIM-Dateien, Add-on-Preise variieren je nach Größe (für Pro2- und BLK-Geräte)
Kontaktieren Sie uns für ein Angebot
Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen, die Active Spaces und Benutzer nach Bedarf skalieren
Kontaktieren sie uns
Funktioniert mit iOS, Android-Geräten und allen unterstützten Kameras und Capture Services
Top-Features- Beinhaltet alle Funktionen des Pro- und Business-Plans
- Leistungsstarke, vollständig skalierbare unternehmensweite Zusammenarbeit
- Zentralisierte Kontoverwaltung
- Technischer Support auf Unternehmensebene
- Zugang zu einem Customer Success Manager
- Zugang zu Single Sign-On /SAML
- Zugang zu robusten APIs & SDKs für unternehmensweite Automatisierung und Integrationen
- Mengenrabattpreise für MatterPak™ technische Dateien
- Mengenrabatt für schematische Grundrisse
- Zugang zu Capture Services für Unternehmen
Wir übernehmen die Erfassung für Sie.
Capture Services ist bereit, Ihre Immobilie in einen detaillierten digitalen Zwilling zu verwandeln, sodass Sie jederzeit und von überall auf Ihren Raum zugreifen, ihn verwalten und bewerben können.
- 24-48 Stunden Bearbeitungszeit
- Perfekt für kleine und große Räume
- Erschwingliche Preise in über 700 Städten auf der ganzen Welt
Weitere Informationen
Leica BLK360 3D Laser Scanner | Leica Geosystems
The Leica BLK360 captures the world around you in full color panoramic images superimposed on a high-precision point cloud. The BLK360 is the smallest and lightest laser scanner in its class with simple, intuitive one-button operation. Anyone with an iPad tablet can now capture their surroundings in high resolution panoramic 3D images.
Combined with the Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile app, the BLK360 can stream image and point cloud data to an iPad, or send completed design data to the Cyclone REGISTER 360 or Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK version) over Wi-Fi. Both software solutions offer automated workflows that, together with the BLK360, allow you to capture reality even without special surveying skills. Users can easily and efficiently work with point clouds in Leica Geosystems and Autodesk environments thanks to streamlined export in LGS and RCP formats, focusing on the end result instead of routine data processing.
BLK360 laser scanner
- High, standard and low resolution scanning
- Weight 1 kg, height 165 mm, diameter 100 mm
- 3 minute spherical scan (standard definition) with 150 MP spherical image
- Laser scanning at 360,000 points per second
- Thermal and HDR imaging
Specialized software for your needs
- Upgrade your Cyclone REGISTER 360 subscription to run medium to large projects with additional data sources.
- Cyclone REGISTER 360, the next generation scan data logging software for medium to large projects, is included with the instrument.
- Use the BLK360 to automatically capture, log, and explore scan and image data directly from the Cyclone FIELD 360 app on any iOS or Android 9 mobile device0010
- Upload collected data from Cyclone FIELD 360 directly to Leica TruView Cloud to quickly share design data before import and registration.
On-the-fly image processing and point clouds in the field and office workflows for automated data logging in Cyclone REGISTER 360 and Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK version).
Scan anywhere, anytime with this compact and lightweight laser scanner that fits into a shoulder bag.
Ease of use
One click is all it takes to perform a scan with automatic stitching and registration of the captured data for immediate visualization in the mobile version of the Cyclone FIELD 360 and subsequent transfer of the data to the Cyclone REGISTER 360 or Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK version) via Wi-Fi for final processing.
Cloud connection
Enhance collaboration and virtualization with cloud sync.
Simplified data collection
Two in one - spherical imaging documentation and laser scanning data collection.
Fully compatible with Leica Geosystems software for complete laser scanning.
Get the app today!
The Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile app is free to download. Cyclone FIELD 360 activation requires a valid Cyclone REGISTER, Cyclone REGISTER 360, or Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK version) license. Download the Cyclone FIELD 360 app from the App Store or Google Play.
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Take events to the next level with BLK360
Bakery Design Co. develops design solutions for the event organization and entertainment industry. Often they are engaged in concerts and unique events, placing special emphasis on visual design and scenography in projects.
Digitization of Frank Lloyd Wright's Desert Laboratory
Taliesin West, built by Frank Lloyd Wright, has always been considered a place of innovation and discovery. The famous architect returned there every fall, seeking to push the boundaries of architecture, design and construction engineering.
BLK360 combines augmented and virtual reality technologies
Programmers and visualizers are working on a digital replica of the world in which they want to embody the beauty and history of Central America, starting from all over Guatemala.
Any questions?
Contact Leica BLK360 Sales
Leica BLK360 3D Laser Scanner
Declaration of Conformity
Leica BLK360 EC Declaration of Conformity
Contact Sales for BLK360
Get in contact with our BLK360 sales for more information.
Get in contact with our BLK360 sales for more information.
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The power of scanning
Quality is a tradition, built deep within our DNA. We have a commitment to excellence and exceptional attention to detail.
The power of scanning
Quality is a tradition, built deep within our DNA. We have a commitment to excellence and exceptional attention to detail.
Cyclone REGISTER 360 is now available with BLK360
Cyclone REGISTER 360 is now available with BLK360
Leica BLK360 Mission Kit
All the accessories you may need!
All the accessories you may need!
BLK360 Blog
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News, articles and more.
Official YouTube channel dedicated to BLK360
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Subscribe to learn more about the BLK360 laser scanner!
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Comparison table of laser scanners
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Which laser scanner is right for you?
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Leica BLK360
Now anyone who knows how to use a tablet or smartphone can collect data with high resolution panoramic 3D images.
When using the Leica Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile app, the BLK360 transmits the image and point cloud to the mobile device or the final project data to the Cyclone REGISTER 360 or Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition) via Wi-Fi. With automatic workflow in both software products, BLK360 plus your optional software solution greatly simplifies the data collection process, thereby opening up this technology to non-experts in scanning and surveying. Easy export of LGS, RCP files allows further work with point cloud data in Leica Geosystems and Autodesk software packages simply and efficiently, allowing users to spend less time processing data and more attention to creating other important materials and reports.
Laser Scanner BLK360
- Allows you to scan in high, standard, and fast modes
- Weight 1 kg / Size 165 mm high x 100 mm diameter
- Less than 3 minutes for full panoramic scan (standard mode) and 150 MP spherical image creation
- Scanning speed 360,000 dots/sec
- Measurement range 60m
- Accuracy 4mm at 10m / 7mm at 20m
- Operating temperature from +5C to +40C
- Water and dust resistant IP54
HOW IT WORKS - video summary:
- laser scanner and 3D imaging software;
- activate the scanner with the Power button;
- scanner viewing angle 360 degrees, i.e. circular review;
- get a spherical HDR image;
- scanning speed - up to 60 meters per minute;
- we get the result in real time;
- we can view the results in a flat or 3-dimensional image;
- we can view the thermal version of the image;
- individual scans are stitched automatically into a single image;
- you can exchange the received data with a remote subscriber;
- use the Autodesk software package to design from the data obtained as a result of the scan;
- BLK360 scanner RECAP PRO software for smartphone;
Software for every need
- For medium to large projects you can use the Cyclone REGISTER 360
- The Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile app for iOS and Android allows you to control the BLK360 and automatically collect, stitch and validate scan data
- Post collected data from Cyclone FIELD 360 to Leica TruView Cloud for fast project data sharing before import and registration
Benefits BLK 360 :
On-the-fly processing of images and point clouds directly in the field, automatic registration with Cyclone REGISTER 360 and Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition).
The laser scanner is small and light, fits in a small bag and allows you to scan anywhere, anytime.
One-button scan that automatically stitches and registers received scan data for field imaging in the Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile version, easy transfer to Cyclone REGISTER 360 or Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition) via Wi-Fi for final processing.
Improved collaboration and visualization with cloud sync.
Simplified data collection
Two-in-one collection: 360° images and laser scan data.
Fully compatible with full Leica Geosystems laser scanning software products.
Download the app now!
The Cyclone FIELD 360 mobile app is free to download. Activation requires a valid Cyclone REGISTER, Cyclone REGISTER 360 or Cyclone REGISTER 360 (BLK Edition) license.