Orrery 3d print
3D file Solar System Orrery・3D printable model to download・Cults
Aladdin Magic Lamp
Dilophosaurus Skull
Spinosaurus Dinosaur Skull
Deinonychus Skull
Life Size Bull Skull
Chatterer (Hellraiser) Bust
Palpatine (Darth Sidious) Bust
Best 3D printer files of the Art category
parametric table
Gonk Droid
Hey, Arnold.
Fallout Workbench PipBoy 3000 Kit display
Halloween - Spooky Ghibli diorama
Pinky from Animal Crossing
Best sellers of the category Art
Adorable Articulated Axolotl, Print-In-Place Body, Snap-Fit Head, Cute Flexi
Cute Flexi Print-in-Place Sloth
Cute Flexi Print-in-Place Squirrel
Flexi Print-in-Place Triceratops
Cute Flexi Print-in-Place Frog
€1. 87
Flexi Print-in-Place Astronaut
Bat articulated toy, print-in-place body, snap-fit head, cute-flexi
Bearded Dragon Articulated Toy, Print-In-Place Body, Snap-Fit Head, Cute Flexi
Cute Flexi Print-in-Place T-Rex Dinosaur
Flexi Print-in-Place Phoenix
Rose Dragon, Valentine's Day, Articulating Flexi Wiggle Pet, Print in Place, Fantasy
Elf on a shelf in Carbonite
€8.65 -50% €4. 32
Crystal Dragon, Articulating Flexi Wiggle Pet, Print in Place, Fantasy
Cute Flexi Print-in-Place Elf
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Our 3D Printed Solar System - Man Creates a Working Orrery & It's Amazing! - 3DPrint.

Boy, have times changed. I remember my days in grade school, learning about our solar system, our planets and the rest of outer space. In order to do so, we turned through countless pages of our boring textbooks, in what seemed like a never-ending endeavor to learn about places in space where we will probably never actually go. Now, through the use of technology, there are new, exciting ways of teaching kids about everything from the Milky Way Galaxy to 3D printing and other STEM topics. I only wish I was a child growing up in today’s times, as I can only imagine how much more interesting school would probably be.
For one 68-year-old FAA Air-Frame design and repair specialist, named Joel Leathers, 3D printing is a technology that has really piqued his interest lately. In fact, Leathers is the owner of 8 desktop 3D printers, including a FlashForge printer, a FormLabs Form 1+, (3) iBox SLA printers, and (3) Delta style machines.
“Some might ask what I do,” Leathers says to 3DPrint.
com. “Well most of the time when I am not doing work for the FAA, I scour engineering drawings or take my Vernier and convert things to STL files to post [on Thingiverse].”
Recently, Leathers read a post by someone in a Thingiverse Group who was looking to find a 3D printable model of an Orrery that he could use to teach children about gear ratios, and outer space. (Where was this teacher when I was in school?)
For those of you unfamiliar with what an Orrery is, it is a working mechanical model of our solar system, providing us with a look into how the rotations of the planets interact with each other. It is also a tremendous method of teaching those interested in engineering about how gear ratios work.
Leathers, who works with Solidworks and MOI on a daily basis, set out to create a working Orrery that would demonstrate the movement of the Earth and Moon in one year’s time, circling around the Sun, along with planet Venus. Once he had finished designing all of the files needed, he then spent approximately 4 hours printing out the 10 individual parts.
In additional to the 3D printed parts, the Orrery also requires the use of a motor, in order to automatically turn the gears and make the solar system spin. As you can see in the video below, Leathers’ design actually turned out amazingly well.
The design files for this Orrery can be downloaded for free from Thingiverse, where Leathers also has uploaded some of his other clever creations. What do you think about the potential a 3D printable device like this could present to the classroom? Not only could this be used to help children learn about our solar system, in place of the books we are all familiar with, but it is also a great way to help kids learn about gears and gear ratios. Discuss in the 3D Printed Orrery forum thread on 3DPB.com. Check out the video of Leathers’ Orrery below.
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Tagged with: 3d printed orrery • 3d printed solar system • joel leathers • orrery • our solar system • solar system • thingiverse • thingiverse groups
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Orrery 3D File (Solar Model)・3D Printer Model Download・Cults
3.99 €
2.99 €
6.99 €
LED pumpkins
6.99 €
Gifts and Ribbons
Christmas decor
12.99 €
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6.99 €
Gingerbread house
16.99 €
Best 3D printer files in Game category
Octopus finger toy with tentacles
1 €
Lazy Dogs
4. 79 €
Evoli and Articulated Evolution Pack
3 €
Fallout Mini Nuke Cross-Section TRIMIX (reupload)
Squid suit - free sample
Castle Cooler & Drink Holders
Iron Giant Robot Mini
3.20 €
Bestsellers in the Game category
4.25 €
6.72 €
Healer conversion kit SM
6 €
Lev Fu
5.50 €
Articulated dragon
3. 83 €
Lazy Cat
3.83 €
USS EnterSurprise - printable game container for tiny F14 jet fighters
3.83 €
Vodfolk Explorer
9.61 €
Chopper motorcycle print-in-place
1 €
Destroyers of Nehron Lochust
3 €
Savages Fotianna
9.61 €
CRAMER Truggy RC 4x4 Full 3D Printed
Flying unicorn
1.77 €
Cute flexi unicorn
1.05 €
Abandoned damaged spaceship compatible kill team in the dark or boarding action game
€14. -fifty% 7.20€ 41
Snake and rattlesnake
3.83 €
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Do you like Cults and want to help us continue our journey on our own ? Please note that we are a small team of 3 people, so it is very easy to support us in maintaining activities and creating future developments. Here are 4 solutions available to everyone:
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* INVITE FRIENDS: * Invite your friends, discover the platform and great 3D files shared by the community!
Solar System Orrery 3D File・3D Printed Download Model・Cults
Aladdin Magic Lamp
2. 84 €
Dilophosaurus Skull
13.47 €
Spinosaurus Dinosaur Skull
10.57 €
Deinonychus Skull
14.58 €
Life Size Bull Skull
10.57 €
Chatterer (Hellraiser) Bust
5.24 €
Palpatine (Darth Sidious) Bust
5.25 €
Best Files for 3D Printers in the Art Category
Totoro Sun Catcher
Valentine's Day Pack
6,90 €
Grinch 3D printed STL
1. 25 €
Buzz Lightyear (easy printing and easy assembly)
1,50 €
Articulating koi fidget koi, flexible seal in place (without supports)
3.82 €
3d printable movable alien figurines
3.69 €
Artifact 20
4.80 €
Recoome - Dragon Ball Z - Ginyu Forces 5/5
Art category bestsellers
Bearded Dragon Articulated Toy, Imprinted Body, Snap Head, Cute Flexi
3.34 €
Crystal Dragon Articulating Animal Flexi Wiggle Pet Printing In Place Fantasy
3.84 €
Adorable articulated axolotl, imprinted body, snap head, cute flexi
3,34 €
Biting dragon
3 €
Flexi Print Imperial Dragon
€3. 79
Cute little fox with flexi print
2,40 €
Elf on shelf in carbonite
€8.65 -fifty% 4.32 €
Leopard Gecko Articulated Toy, Printed Body, Snap Head, Cute Flex
3.34 €
Cute elf with flexi print
1,87 €
7 €
Pink Dragon, Valentine's Day, Flexi Wiggle Articulating Animal, Print on the Spot, Fantasy
3,90 €
2.83 €
Triceratops on flexi printer