Journal of 3d printing in medicine

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Medical Applications for 3D Printing: Recent Developments

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review of the article of the journal Science and Technology No. 6 for 2020.

3D printing is widely included in the application of modern medicine, the use of 3D printing in medicine is expanding significantly every month, as we are told by Science and Technology magazine No. 6, 2020, which describes how 3D printing can be used to produce ears , parts of the skeleton, respiratory tract, jawbone, parts of the eye, cell cultures, stem cells, blood vessels and vascular networks, tissues and organs, new dosage forms and much more.

But just as important in medicine is the use of 3D models for training surgeons and students, with the help of 3D printing you can create a model of any organ with any known pathology.

The main industry for 3D printing is undoubtedly bioprinting, one of the many types of 3D printing used in the medical field. Where bioprinters use a syringe dispenser to apply bioink (layers of living cells or a structuring base for them) when creating artificial living tissue. In addition to being used as an alternative to donor tissues, such tissue constructs or organoids can be used for medical research.


3D bioprinting systems can be laser, inkjet or extrusion, inkjet bioprinting is the most common and effective. Where, with this method, several printheads are used to accommodate various types of cells (organ-specific, blood vessel cells, muscle tissues), which is the main task in the manufacture of heterocellular tissues and organs.

A separate branch of 3D printing in modern surgeons was assigned to the production of surgical instruments. Today's surgeons are trying to perform operations with as little trauma for the patient as possible, so they often require a personalized instrument. The use of 3D printing makes it possible to create such tools within hours.

Now the doctor can create a ready-made model for convenience and efficient work.

Using 3D printing, pharmacists can analyze a patient's pharmacogenetic profile and other characteristics such as age, weight or gender to determine the optimal dose of drugs and the order in which they should be administered. If necessary, the dose may be adjusted, depending on the clinical response. With 3D printing, it is possible to produce personalized medicines in completely new formulations, such as tablets containing multiple active ingredients, either as a single mixture or as complex multi-layered tablets.


3D printing has been successfully used in medicine for the manufacture of complex custom prostheses or surgical implants. Implants and prostheses of any possible geometry can be made by converting X-ray, MRI or CT images into a 3D printable model using special software.

The rapid production of custom implants and prostheses solves a pressing problem in orthopedics, where standard implants often do not fit the patient. This is also true in neurosurgery: skulls are individually shaped, so it is difficult to standardize a cranial implant.

A real revolution in medicine occurred with the advent of 3D technologies.


3D bioprinter with Nano master SMP-III microextrusion system, Musashi Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, with the following parameters:

print speed 130mm/min;

  • extrusion speed 0.0024 mm/s;
  • nozzle diameter 0.29 mm;
  • print temperature 4 °C.
  • Until now, doctors could only rely on a 3D model on a computer screen created from CT and MRI images, and such a reconstruction is not always enough to get a complete picture of the real organ and possible complications.

    Having a highly detailed, tactile model of a patient's living organ during preparation for an operation can be critical to its success. Even experienced surgeons have appreciated the potential of the new technology.

    But hand-held 3D scanners used to determine the size and depth of the wound have also found their indispensable application. Based on this information, the 3D printer prints subcutaneous, dermal, and epidermal skin cells at appropriate depths to completely cover the wound, which has changed the operation and efficiency of burn center rehabilitation.


    The use of additive technologies in medicine is expanding so rapidly that it is more like a revolution in healthcare. The use of 3D printing in medicine enables the individualization of medical devices, medicines and equipment, increases cost efficiency and productivity, reduces waiting times for patients and improves the availability of medical care.

    Compiled by Oleinik N.A., Berestnev A.V., Farafonova O.A.


    3D printing applications in medicine, Additive technology applications in medicine, 3D printing, 3D models, bioprinting, 3D bioprinter with Nanomaster SMP-III microextrusion system, 3D handheld scanners, 3D -technologies

    Application of modern 3D printing technologies in medicine

    Author : Kalagova Anna Valerievna

    Category : Medicine

    Posted by in young scientist #2 (240) January 2019

    Publication date : 01/13/2019 2019-01-13

    Article viewed: 2643 times

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    Kalagova, A. V. Application of modern 3D printing technologies in medicine / A. V. Kalagova. - Text: direct // Young scientist. - 2019. - No. 2 (240). - S. 54-56. — URL: (date of access: 06.11.2022).


    The article describes the main directions of the use of 3D technologies in the treatment and diagnosis of various diseases, the advantages and disadvantages of these methods are indicated. The analysis of cases of their application is carried out and the corresponding conclusions are drawn.

    Keywords: 3D printing, prosthetics, tumor, 3D printer, model.

    Recently, modern 3D technologies have been actively used in many areas of society. Their rapid improvement allows the use of 3D printers in various fields of science and technology. Today, the unique methods of modern printing are actively used in medicine, and the list of objects that are already quite successfully created using 3D printing technology demonstrates the huge potential that 3D printing can bring to modern healthcare.

    Although 3D printing technology has been around for over 30 years, it still seems to many to be nothing more than an exotic way of making 3D plastic souvenirs. But this is far from the truth.

    At the moment, 3D printing is used in dentistry, transplantology, plastic surgery, traumatology, prosthetics and many other branches of medicine.

    Among the many areas of 3D printing in medicine, the most developed ones can be distinguished:

    1. Skull replacement;
    2. Joint prosthetics;
    3. Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery;
    4. Printing of medical equipment;
    5. Assistance in surgery.

    1. Skull Replacement . In 2014, Dutch scientists and doctors at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC) performed an operation to replace the upper part of the skull with a custom-printed plastic implant. The patient was 22 years old, she suffered from a rare disease associated with softening of the bones of the skull, which greatly increased intracranial pressure. The girl suffered from severe headaches, gradually lost her sight, and began to lose coordination of movements. The unique operation was performed under the guidance of the famous surgeon Bon Verweij and lasted 23 hours.

    Three months after the operation, all the patient's symptoms leveled out: headaches ceased to disturb, vision was restored, and the appearance did not leave traces of surgical intervention [1].

    Shortly thereafter, a similar operation was performed in China, where a man with a damaged skull received a 3D-printed titanium replacement.

    To date, such operations have become relatively frequent, and the technology itself is being improved and is rapidly developing.

    One of these was held by the head of the Regional Vascular Center from Nalchik (Russia, KBR) Zaur Kozhaev. After the accident, the patient's skull had a defect 15 cm in diameter. Employees of the scientific laboratory of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University modeled the patient's skull, and the model obtained from the 3D printer made it possible to select an exact copy of the desired implant. The model was sent to the forge, where a titanium prosthesis was made exactly according to it.

    2. Joint prosthetics. One of the priority areas of 3D printing in medicine is the production of individual joint prostheses (most often the hip, knee and shoulder), made on the basis of computed tomography data. Modeling of the joint and the future prosthesis is carried out in a special computer program that allows you to get the exact shape of the product, taking into account the individual anatomical features of the patient. This allows you to create not standard titanium implants, but bone models, the structure of which is as close as possible to real ones.

    The 3D printing process begins with a CT scan of the patient's damaged joint. Further, the results obtained are converted into a three-dimensional computer model, which is sent for printing. A 3D printer grows an exact copy of the joint, according to which a titanium prosthesis is created.

    A 3D printed implant has a number of advantages over conventional prostheses. Usually, a standardized prosthesis is selected for prosthetics of the joint, after which the bone is turned to fit it. In the case of 3D printing, CT results are taken as the basis and a joint is created that most naturally fits the patient. In addition, standard prostheses are destroyed 10–20 years after implantation, losing their functional ability.

    The first such operation was performed at the beginning of 2014 in the United States by employees of the Conformis clinic, where the patient was implanted with a 3D-printed knee joint. The patient notes that now he walks normally and even goes in for sports, without stopping every quarter and without feeling a foreign body in the body [2].

    3. Dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. Dentistry owes 3D technology to individual crowns, caps (an alternative to braces) and dental prostheses; it has become easier, faster and cheaper to create casts of teeth and jaws.

    4. Printing of medical equipment. 3D printing is being used to produce some surgical instruments, including forceps, hemostatic forceps, hand scalpels and staples. The iLab group is also using 3D printing to create umbilical cord clamps for hospitals in Haiti. The main advantage of such tools is their low cost, which is 10 times less than a high-quality stainless steel equivalent.

    5. Help at surgical operation. In the spring of 2015, Chinese surgeons at the XiangYa Urological Hospital of Central South University managed to remove a kidney tumor from a 60-year-old woman. Thanks to a preliminary study of a 3D printed tumor model, they not only successfully removed the tumor, but also saved the kidney itself. This is simply an unprecedented case among operations of this kind.

    Like some other Chinese doctors, Dr. Qi Ling chose 3D printing technology to plan ahead for the operation.

    CT scans of the kidney, tumor and adjacent areas were used to make an exact copy of the patient's kidney. They have been carefully processed in 3D modeling software and prepared for printing. When the models were printed, the doctors were able to map out the exact locations of the future incisions and also discussed other details of the operation.

    On May 11, Dr. Qi Ling and his assistants performed an operation and successfully removed the tumor without affecting the kidney itself. Thanks to the use of a 3D printed copy, they managed to reduce blood loss to 50 ml, and the operation time to 90 minutes.

    “On the example of 3D printing technology, you begin to understand that it is really better to see once. We were able to study the tumor from all sides in advance, determine the location of the arteries and adjacent tissues. This allowed us to choose the most correct option for the operation,” said Dr. Ki Ling.


    1. The article outlined only a small part of the application of the possibilities of 3D printing in medicine; every day this technology is being improved by scientists from different parts of the world and the possibilities of its application in medicine are only growing, capturing new areas.
    2. 3D printing greatly simplifies the technique of performing a surgical intervention and allows you to clearly plan its course.
    3. In the future, it is necessary to carry out work to improve the existing technical base, develop and implement the Federal Program for the Development of 3D Technologies.


    3. Operative surgery: manual / under the general editorship of prof. I. Littmann. — 3rd edition in Russian. - Publishing house of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences "Akademiai Kiad6", Budapest, 1985.

    Basic terms (automatically generated) : 3D printing, UMC, skull replacement, medicine, medical equipment, surgery, tumor, joint replacement, kidney itself, titanium prosthesis, surgery, patient's skull.


    model, tumor, 3D printing, 3D printer, prosthetics

    3D printing, prosthetics, tumor, 3D printer, model

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