Ebon hawk 3d print

Gambody STL files of Ebon Hawk for 3D Printer

Source Files




Printing Details

This 3D Model consists of files in StereoLithography (.Stl) format that is optimized for 3D printing.

Before printing the files, we strongly recommend reading the PRINTING DETAILS section.

Ebon Hawk 3D Printing Model comes in 2 versions for each 3D printer type (FFF/FDM/DLP/SLA and SLS). Files for each version are available for download after the purchase.

Detailed information about this model is available in the DESCRIPTION section.

version: FFF/FDM/DLP/SLA 1.0 version: SLA 1.0
File Name File Size Time / Filament Object Size
(x/y/z mm)
ebon 50cm_1 (repaired). st l
8.21 MiB 8 h 39 min
5 m
87 x 32 x 92
ebon 50cm_2 (repaired).st l
4.31 MiB 23 h 29 min
17 m
120 x 49 x 133
ebon 50cm_3 (repaired). st l
3.97 MiB 23 h 32 min
17 m
128 x 49 x 133
ebon 50cm_4 (repaired).st l
7.33 MiB 8 h 47 min
5 m
88 x 32 x 92
ebon 50cm_5 (repaired). st l
13.13 MiB 19 h 3 min
13 m
104 x 37 x 125
ebon 50cm_6 (repaired).st l
6.38 MiB 23 h 30 min
18 m
120 x 56 x 134
ebon 50cm_7 (repaired). st l
6.76 MiB 23 h 9 min
18 m
128 x 56 x 134
ebon 50cm_8 (repaired).st l
11.93 MiB 19 h 16 min
13 m
106 x 37 x 125
ebon 50cm_9 (repaired). st l
1.54 MiB 14 h 45 min
10 m
105 x 46 x 135
ebon 50cm_10 (repaired).s tl
1.87 MiB 12 h 55 min
9 m
120 x 36 x 135
ebon 50cm_11 (repaired). s tl
1.81 MiB 11 h 16 min
7 m
128 x 48 x 141
ebon 50cm_12 (repaired).s tl
1.56 MiB 14 h 53 min
9 m
96 x 46 x 135
ebon 50cm_13 (repaired). s tl
3.58 MiB 10 h 29 min
7 m
105 x 46 x 77
ebon 50cm_14 (repaired).s tl
1.66 MiB 16 h 53 min
13 m
120 x 40 x 135
ebon 50cm_15 (repaired). s tl
0.96 MiB 11 h 29 min
9 m
45 x 40 x 126
ebon 50cm_16 (repaired).s tl
3.50 MiB 10 h 11 min
7 m
96 x 46 x 77
ebon 50cm_17 (repaired). s tl
4.74 MiB 7 h 5 min
4 m
87 x 29 x 92
ebon 50cm_18 (repaired).s tl
3.10 MiB 21 h 40 min
15 m
120 x 62 x 133
ebon 50cm_19 (repaired). s tl
3.23 MiB 21 h 34 min
15 m
128 x 62 x 133
ebon 50cm_20 (repaired).s tl
4.79 MiB 7 h 9 min
4 m
88 x 30 x 92
ebon 50cm_21 (repaired). s tl
7.69 MiB 17 h 13 min
12 m
104 x 43 x 125
ebon 50cm_22 (repaired).s tl
8.76 MiB 24 h 39 min
19 m
120 x 54 x 134
ebon 50cm_23 (repaired). s tl
7.13 MiB 23 h 31 min
18 m
128 x 54 x 134
ebon 50cm_24 (repaired).s tl
7.89 MiB 17 h 49 min
12 m
106 x 43 x 125
ebon 50cm_25 (repaired). s tl
2.25 MiB 14 h 12 min
9 m
105 x 42 x 135
ebon 50cm_26 (repaired).s tl
1.66 MiB 14 h 40 min
10 m
120 x 56 x 144
ebon 50cm_27 (repaired). s tl
1.81 MiB 10 h 32 min
6 m
128 x 63 x 141
ebon 50cm_28 (repaired).s tl
2.35 MiB 13 h 53 min
9 m
96 x 42 x 135
ebon 50cm_29 (repaired). s tl
3.54 MiB 9 h 9 min
7 m
96 x 51 x 77
ebon 50cm_30 (repaired).s tl
1.17 MiB 16 h 15 min
13 m
120 x 58 x 135
ebon 50cm_31 (repaired). s tl
0.83 MiB 13 h 36 min
11 m
45 x 58 x 126
ebon 50cm_32 (repaired).s tl
3.27 MiB 9 h 13 min
7 m
96 x 51 x 77
ebon 50cm_33 (repaired). s tl
20.71 MiB 3 h 49 min
2 m
23 x 41 x 126
ebon 50cm_34 (repaired).s tl
19.66 MiB 4 h 10 min
3 m
35 x 21 x 100
ebon 50cm_35 (repaired). s tl
20.95 MiB 3 h 53 min
2 m
24 x 41 x 126
ebon 50cm_36 (repaired).s tl
0.70 MiB 1 h 58 min
1 m
15 x 32 x 68
ebon 50cm_37 (repaired). s tl
0.70 MiB 2 h 46 min
2 m
23 x 40 x 68
ebon 50cm_38 (repaired).s tl
0.70 MiB 1 h 57 min
1 m
15 x 32 x 68

This is the Ebon Hawk 3D model as seen in the Star Wars game Knights of the Old Republic. The ship was a freighter widely used during the Jedi Civil War. 

Its history sees it passing from hand to hand until it reached Raven, who made it its personal starship. He used it for search and destroy missions. After Raven escapes the Republic space, the faith of the starship remained unknown, until five years later is suddenly reappeared.

Ebon Hawk starship is equipped with incredible weaponry: dual turbolaser turret at the dorsal and underbelly side and dual heavy quad laser cannons. It holds a crew of up to 3 members and up to 8 passengers. 

The ship consists of 38 parts.

Scale: The model's scale was calculated from the Ebon Hawk's actual length that is 24 meters. The 3D printing model's chosen scale is 1/48 for the FFF/FDM version and 1/96 for the SLS version.

FFF/FDM version dimensions:
A printed model is 100 mm tall, 490 mm wide, 500 mm deep;

SLS version dimensions:
A printed model is 50 mm tall, 245 mm wide, 250 mm deep;

It does include landing gear but you may need to enforce it with a rod to hold the weight of the ship in case you want to display it in landing position.

The Ebon Hawk 3D model was created in Autodesk Maya and converted to STL files for 3D printing. The files are checked and corrected in Netfabb. The parts have been prepared for printing bed 14cm ×14cm ×17cm or larger.

Download Ebon Hawk 3D model STL files by clicking the green Buy button in the top right corner of the model's page. Add the files to your shopping cart. Continue to checkout. Pay securely with PayPal or your credit card. Download the files in a .zip folder together with the printing recommendations.

Use the services of our partners, 3DHubs and Treatstock, to print the model directly from our website.

This model was tested in Cura 2.3.1. To avoid printing problems, we recommend the following settings:


Layer Height: 0.1 mm
Initial Layer Height: 0.3 mm
Line Width: 0.4 mm
Wall Line Width: 0.4 mm
Outer Wall Line Width: 0.4 mm
Inner Wall(s) Line Width: 0.4 mm
Top/Bottom Line Width: 0. 4 mm
Infill Line Width: 0.4 mm
Skirt/Brim Line Width: 0.4 mm
Support Line Width: 0.4 mm


Wall Thickness: 0.8 mm
Wall Line Count: 2
Top/Bottom Thickness: 0.8 mm
Top Thickness: 0.8 mm
Top Layers: 8
Bottom Thickness: 0.8 mm
Bottom Layers: 8
Top/Bottom Pattern: Lines
Outer Wall Inset: 0 mm
Compensate Wall Overlaps: Check
Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps: Check
Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps: Check
Horizontal Expansion: 0 mm
Z Seam Alignment: Shortest


Infill Density: 25%
Infill Line Distance: 3.2 mm
Infill Pattern: Grid
Infill Overlap Percentage: 10%
Infill Overlap: 0.04 mm
Skin Overlap Percentage: 5%
Skin Overlap: 0.02 mm
Infill Wipe Distance: 0.1 mm
Infill Layer Thickness: 0.1 mm
Gradual Infill Steps: 0
Infill Before Walls: Check


Enable Retraction: Check
Retraction Extra Prime Amount: 0 mm3
Retraction Minimum Travel: 0. 8 mm
Maximum Retraction Count: 90
Minimum Extrusion Distance Window: 6.5 mm
Standby Temperature: 175°C
Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance: 16 mm
Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed: 20 mm/s
Nozzle Switch Retract Speed: 20 mm/s
Nozzle Switch Prime Speed: 20 mm/s


Print Speed: 60 mm/s
Infill Speed: 80 mm/s
Wall Speed: 30 mm/s
Outer Wall Speed: 30 mm/s
Inner Wall Speed: 60 mm/s
Top/Bottom Speed 15 mm/s
Support Speed: 60 mm/s
Support Infill Speed: 60 mm/s
Travel Speed: 120 mm/s
Initial Layer Speed: 15 mm/s
Initial Layer Print Speed: 15 mm/s
Initial Layer Travel Speed: 30 mm/s
Skirt/Brim Speed 15 mm/s
Maximum Z Speed: 0 mm/s


Combing Mode: All
Avoid Printed Parts when Traveling: Check
Travel Avoid Distance: 0.625 mm


Enable Print Cooling: Check
Fan Speed: 100%
Regular Fan Speed: 100%
Maximum Fan Speed: 100%
Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold: 10 s
Regular Fan Speed at Height: 0. 3 mm
Regular Fan Speed at Layer: 2
Minimum Layer Time: 5 s
Minimum Speed: 10 mm/s


Enable Support: Check
Support Placement: Everywhere
Support Overhang Angle: 50°
Support Pattern: Zig Zag
Connect Support ZigZags: Check
Support Density: 30 %
Support Line Distance: 1.3333 mm
Support Z Distance: 0.1 mm
Support Top Distance: 0.1 mm
Support Bottom Distance: 0.1 mm
Support X/Y Distance: 0.7 mm
Support Distance Priority: Z overrides X/Y
Minimum Support X/Y Distance: 0.2 mm
Support Stair Step Height: 0.3 mm
Support Join Distance: 2.0 mm
Support Horizontal Expansion: 0.2 mm
Use Towers: Check
Tower Diameter: 3.0 mm
Minimum Diameter: 3.0 mm
Tower Roof Angle: 65°

Build Plate Adhesion

Build Plate Adhesion Type: Brim
Skirt/Brim Minimum Length: 250 mm
Brim Width: 8.0 mm
Brim Line Count: 20
Brim Only on Outside: Check

Mesh Fixes

Union Overlapping Volumes: Check

Special Modes

Print Sequence: All at Once
Surface Mode: Normal


Extra Skin Wall Count: 0

Disclaimer: This model will look outstanding if printed on SLA/SLS 3D printer. The accuracy of the model printed on FFF printer can vary from the result shown in the pictures.

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Star Wars Ebon Hawk 3d Print

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STL file SIKORSKY UH-60 BLACK HAWK・3D printing template to download・Cults

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3DQuality Sparky.

The black box of your print

I was very surprised by the fact that Russian companies decided to give their printers to bloggers for review. Apparently, they have reached a quality that is no longer ashamed to show. Already Picaso classic was given to Sergey, Imprint only promises, now they decided to give me 3Dquality. nine0006

In my memory, the company did not have printers with H-Bot kinematics, all deltas, but jerks in different cases. Of course, they were scolded for the quality of assembly and development, but courage is fine. This is a desire to admit your mistakes (and they are) and change for the better, a little later I will explain why I had such a feeling.

In my humble opinion, this printer is an alpha version of what is planned for release, because there are many weak points that definitely need to be reworked. Plus, during the testing process, the company asked to write about various shortcomings, shortcomings that could be added to the list of things that need to be resolved before release into the series. nine0006

In general, we finish in philosophy and move on to practice.


Box with a bunch of stickers, in the form of technical specifications and shipping signs.

Printer inside, bagged and lined with yoga mats. It is useful, though not just to throw out foamed polyethylene. You can put the printer on the rug and work out. Solid benefit and how fashionable now - eco-friendly.

Bound instructions with color pictures. nine0006

The cat was the first to try the rugs, they liked them very much.


From what was in two boxes a small list:

1) PLA coil.

2) Spare parts and tools box
3) Power cord
4) Hairspray.

Damn, it was unexpected, I thought everyone refused such a tool, there is the usual 3D glue.

There are two flash drives in the box, one SD for printing from it, and the second USB - it contains all instructions and software. nine0006

Two spare fuses.

Spare PT100 from triangles, heater and cooler 40 mm.

More wrenches, spare nozzle and spatula. The black key is interesting, it is 5.5 * 7. On the one hand, for M3 nuts, and on the other, for replacing the nozzle.

Unusual marking, I did not expect that the name of the plastic would be written on the bottom of the box, which, judging by the marking, cannot be turned over like that at all.


And so, the printer has a dibond case, inside of which there are two steel plates: for XY-kinematics and mounting the Z axis from below. nine0006

The printer's designer was inspired not by Pablo Picasso, like his competitors, but by Kazimir Malevich, the printer has the shape of a cube, the color matches.

The printer is closed with acrylic caps: one for the spool compartment, with magnets, the second from the top and the third from the front.

The one on the side has two rubber handles to open without breaking nails and close without pinching fingers. I will remove the nuts sticking out everywhere in the next part.

The remaining two are closed with swivel hooks. They are small, it is not very convenient to turn, you can make more for convenience. At the same time, the top cover can be moved to remove, but the front one cannot be pulled out like that, you will have to turn two hooks to pull it out. What prevented them from making them also on magnets is not very clear.

The stark black design is broken up with yellow acrylic panel mounts and a printed head cover.

Display form factor - 1264, mini version with LCD screen with twist. This is the only strongly protruding part, in fact, as on all printers equipped with an encoder to the display. But the SD card is recessed almost flush, pulling out and inserting is convenient. nine0006

Russified menu, understands Cyrillic files.

There is a hole for the reset button. Apparently, the plans were to make the printed button flush, but they were in such a hurry that they did not focus on such trifles.

In general, uberdesign is not bad. No protrusions sticking out for you to hang the coil, there is a separate section for this, this is really cool. The brains from the usual basement have moved to the side part and it is no longer necessary to turn the printer over for repairs. nine0006

Inner world

It wasn't me who was the first...

In addition to the intestines, it is interesting to see everything that is inside the case.

The head is covered with a printed cover with slots. Why such slots were chosen, I do not know, but the air passing through them whistles.

The top cover slides on rails and does not lock in any way.

Under the cover - a switching board screwed to the radiator. And then, we didn’t get something.

Steel beam, everything runs on 12 rails from KGT. Not the worst that could be. nine0006

Feeder - E3D Titan clone.

Spool seat made of two pieces of shaft.

Table - steel, welded, painted. The seams are neatly cleaned. Heating - silicone heating pad. Bearings in a block housing, bolted to the table.

Shafts - 12 mm. Mountings are milled.

The Z-axis motor is on top. The table under its own weight after turning off the motors smoothly falls down.

Nut - black POM. nine0006

Electronics compartment on the opposite side of the coil, screwed on with 4 screws. A piece of strap is provided for fixing in the open position. The solution is interesting, but unfinished. It would be much more convenient, for example, to have 2 loops at the bottom and another piece of belt on the opposite side.

Cable management... well, it's gone, no offense. Yes, several bundles were made with nylon ties, but it’s probably not worth releasing in production with such wire design.

They were too lazy to shorten the thermistor for the heat chamber, wrapped it up as best they could.

Board - BTT SKR 1.3 with A4988 drivers. I was afraid that they would kick me out of the house with this black box and replaced all the drivers with TMC2209. Well, somehow it’s not serious, to put A4988 for home use.

Platinum thermometer as head temperature sensor. They did not install the amplifier separately, they hung it on 1 screw to the board. The firmware is Marlin 2.0. I don’t know the subversions, the menu has been somewhat redesigned. nine0006

As PSU - PSU for LED backlight, 300 W at 12V.

Print examples and rakes

Some things print just fine, but when PLA needs airflow, the printer fails. It is lacking catastrophically, even though everything around is blown by two radial coolers.

White PLA kit.

Remains of the old SBS from BF. Which I decided to use with a 0.5 mm nozzle and a layer height of 0.35. It was printed at 70 mm/s multiplied by a factor of 350%, which was set with a twist. For me, he keeps the speed well. In the next post I will tell you about the improvements that I will make and in general, in terms of print quality with different tests. nine0006


The printer as a phenomenon is not bad, but given the still very crude version that came to me, it needs to be improved before mass production.

The list of improvements is sufficient:

1) Camera illumination. It is required if you have a closed printer. Well, no one will climb into it with a flashlight on the phone. It is not comfortable.

2) The covers must be removed easily and quickly, without turning the stops. One cover on magnets is already there, why not do the same for all the others? nine0006

3) Drivers in the printer. I would like a careful and thoughtful approach to the client, do not torture his ears, installing TMC drivers is unlikely to greatly increase the price of the printer.

4) Cable management must be. Well, this is not some kind of DIY, this is a printer that, according to the plan of 3DQuality, should work with sparks. Accordingly, in case of any problems, by opening the electronics compartment it was immediately clear which cable was connected to what and so that it could be replaced without unraveling the tangle of wires. nine0006

5) Radiator. In it, the lower part, which is most heated, does not have fins for cooling, and the formation of traffic jams is a matter of time. In this design, it is the bearing element of the kinematics, two ends of the belt are attached to it.

6) Belt tensioner. This important design element must be present in H-bot/CoreXY. In this case, the belt is fastened to the radiator with two plates. And the tension is done with the help of hands. Yes, the motor mounts have cutouts so that by loosening the motor screws and pulling it back, you can tighten the belt. But everything is limited to the body, inside which there is no way to crawl, unscrew and move the motor. nine0006

7) Firmware. She is a full-time Marlin, the menus are completed so that it is convenient. But the plastic change point does not provide for pulling out the entire piece of the rod from the tube and replacing it with a new one, i.e. this menu item simply heats the hot end and pulls out something about 20 mm, and then we squeeze the clamp by hand and change the plastic. Not a very convenient thing, because. Not enough space for two hands.

I could not stand it and redid it as best I could, because they forgot to put washers between the flange bearings, and the bearing installation level was crooked, so that the dust from the belt fell on the upper part of the compartments. nine0006

Nominally, it is, but it blows everywhere, and not under the nozzle. With the camera closed and ABS printing, I turn on at full power, it prints well, no cracks, no overheating.

Inserted the printed washers, modeled the mounts for the bearing assemblies and redid the belt mount and put a tension spring.

The list of positive aspects is present:

1) In the minimum amount of space, the most useful is used. This applies to the compartments on both sides of the table. In one of them electronics, and in the other - a coil with plastic. nine0006

2) There is no need to turn the printer for repairs, the electronics compartment opens so that you can check the operation during repairs.

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