Bird 3d print
3d Printed Birds -
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For The Birds - Collections - glitchpudding
by glitchpudding, last updated
These 3D printed birdhouses and bird feeders will make you popular with the feathered crowd. (Bird Feeder 4.0 by printednest)
152 193
227 260
87 105
1820 2324
12315 15862
712 884
1329 1378
2414 2952
701 730
357 519
2717 3108
73 85
3D printing and.

The precious wife, as usual, is rather skeptical about the hobby for 3D printing - there is no income, solid crooked owls are stuffed in the corners .... But the fact that in the near (quite a long) time you will not have to buy filament (according to the results of my graphomania), she was certainly pleased. And also, looking at what I was writing at all here, she reasonably asked me why there was no article about the really applied benefit. Well, here it is.
We have a small but very loud and destructive zoo of lovebirds and finches (zebra and Japanese). The wife mainly nurses the parrots, and the finches are my patrimony. And if I print toys for parrots (all sorts of balls, beads), then the finch approached the arrangement of life more thoughtfully. There is such a problem - cages and accessories for birds are often produced by aliens with strange logic, supplying their products with a number of fatal flaws. Which we have to fix.
Here, for example, is a meter-long open-air cage, in which four zebra finches are placed. From a distance it looks convincing, but upon closer inspection it turns out that the design is very liquid, curved, everything bends, dangles and rattles. There is nowhere to fasten the lighting, on the blank walls there is practically nothing for attaching perches, swings, feeders and other necessary things. In short, a gallim semi-finished product.
The process of finalizing this dubious item was quite lengthy, I won’t talk about iron here in detail (a bunch of new holes, a couple of dozen additional screws, a lamp hatch insert into the roof), but I’ll go over all the printed parts.
Small feeder
Top photo. Amadins do not need large feeders, they climb into them entirely and hang out there, scattering food. For some reason, small industrial-made feeders are made very deep, and it is inconvenient to eat from them. So, the 'correct' feeder has to be made independently. The volume is reasonable to accommodate a teaspoon of food. Relatively thick perch, on which the bird can hold properly. Ears for hooks made of thick wire, for hooking on horizontal bars of the lattice or a special crossbar, which will be discussed below.
Hanging bar
To attach hanging feeders to a 'blank' wall (holes were pre-drilled in it), a bar is used. Stops are needed so that the feeder is more or less horizontal.
Swing hangers
At first they were modeled as feeder bars, only longer and without stops. I began to print - they jump off the table. The length is large, the contact area is scanty, so even minimal shrinkage is sufficient. And then a funny thought came to me: do not try to print everything at all. So, two cylindrical fasteners with side holes, a heat-shrink-coated wire is inserted there.
Perch holder
Again, considering the blank wall and hole. First, a screw is fixed in the mount, then a perch is inserted (holes for self-tapping screws are provided, but it really holds well just by friction), and then the whole structure is inserted into the hole in the wall and screwed on with a nut with a wide washer.
Protective pad
The aviary has a removable partition, and the stop for it is quite sharp. So these micro-eagles got into the habit of sitting on the support, which in the long run can lead to leg injuries. And the paws of birds are generally a weak point. So, I had to urgently invent wide linings with slots that securely close this piece of iron.
The slot, of course, was not cut with micron accuracy. The edges are painted over, but the gap between the lamp and the metal is annoying. Not aesthetically, but purely practically. I wrote at the beginning that we have parrots. They fly. And they climb. And they may well not only sit on the finches lamp, but also stick their foot into the designated slot . .. Therefore, I had to print here too. A frame on both sides, into which the lamp fits tightly. I can’t print this as a whole, so in parts, followed by gluing with dichloroethane. At first, I simply glued the frames onto thin double-sided tape, then I thought about it, and, to be sure, pulled it through with screws. Actually, the lamp is minimally modified - four small glued corners serve as stops.
To all this, it remains to add that the parts are made of PLA REC unpainted and Filamentarno! Prototyper S-Soft (white). Processing - scraping with a piece of glass, a file, sandpaper. Modeled in OpenSCAD, specifically this described set here and here. I do not think that these particular details will still be useful to someone, but suddenly. The essence of the article is a little different. The refurbishment of the enclosure was thought of before I got into 3D printing, and many of the things described were already conceived with 'classic' techniques, mainly sawing with PVC foam handles. But in this case, printing made it possible to do many things more beautifully and quickly.
🐦 Best 3D Printable Birdhouse STL Files・Cults
🐦 Best 3D Printable Birdhouse STL Files
Download Free Birdhouse 3D Files
-Print to your garden, balcony or even window sill. In this collection you will find all 3D models for helping and observing birds!
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Here is our selection of best Birdhouse and Bird Feeder 3D printer files, all of these creations are taken from the Cults website STL files and are 100% 3D printable .
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