3D printing sculptures
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3d Print 18,000 Famous Sculptures and Artifacts Such As Rodin’s "Thinker"
From upper-left corner, clockwise: lamassu of ancient Assyra; the Lewis chessmen; 18th-century vase; bust of Nefertiti. All scans available to download on Scan the World.
The world's grand museums—such as the Louvre and the Metropolitan Museum of Art—present sculpture to the masses. Ancient marble and modern bronzes are placed in vaulted halls and beautiful gardens so that guests can admire them. The digital developments of the past decade are now bringing the world of famous sculpture to you. If you have access to a 3D printer, you can download and create over 18,000 sculptures and artifacts from around the world thanks to the Scan the World collection on 3D-printing collaborative platform My Mini Factory.
Scan the World is an open-source collection of detailed scans taken of real-life works of art from all across the globe. These scans are downloadable and can be used to 3D-print your own mini masterpieces. An ongoing project by both art lovers and the 3D-printing community, Scan the World has partnered with Google Arts & Culture to acquire scans from museum collections around the world. For some works of art that are publicly displayed or difficult to reach, drones have been used to scan the object.
Included among the thousands of scans are ancient artifacts—such as an Egyptian fish flask, ancient stela with inscriptions, and even the legendary bust of Nefertiti (which can be found at the Neues Museum, Berlin). You will also find works of sculpture stretching from ancient Roman busts to modern abstract creations. Among the famous works you can download and print are Michelangelo's La Pietà, Rodin‘s The Thinker, and The Capitoline Wolf (which shows a young Romulus and Remus, founders of Rome).
The possibilities are endless while exploring Scan the World. Search by artist, artwork title, or popularity. Scan the World also hosts virtual visits to Paris and Vienna which can satisfy any travel lust. While 3D-printing technology is making huge advancements in the medical fields and offering creative solutions to some of the world's more challenging material science problems, Scan the World proves that the technology can also help bring an interactive art experience to a wide audience.
The project
Scan the World has collaborated with Google Arts & Culture and countless museums to collect over 18,000 scans of artwork, artifacts, and statues from around the world.The Capitoline Wolf at The Musei Capitolini, Rome. (Photo: Scan the World, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
These scans can be downloaded and 3D-printed to make scale models of world-famous art, including Michelangelo's
La Pietà.La Pietà by Michelangelo. (Photo: SMK – Statens Museum for Kunst, Public domain)
An open-source project, the scans include a bust of Nefertiti and other ancient artifacts.
Lamassu from Ancient Assyria. (Photo: Caz Egelie, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
What would you print?
The Thinker at the Musée Rodin, France. (Photo: Musée Rodin, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
The Lewis Chessmen at The National Museum of Scotland. (Photo: Scan the World, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Bust of Nefertiti at the Neues Museum, Berlin. (Photo: Scan the World, Public domain)
Vase with the attributes of Spring, commissioned in 1742 by Philibert Orry, Director of the King's Buildings, for the park of the royal Chateau de Choisy. (Photo: Scan the World, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Scan the World: Website | Instagram | Facebook | MyMiniFactory
h/t: [Colossal, Open Culture]
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Unique custom-made 3D sculptures at Sprint 3D
We have repeatedly said that we print miniature figures of people on a 3D printer, but did not mention another relevant service - the creation of copies of architectural monuments . Fixing it! So, what is this service, for what purpose can such 3D sculptures be made, and what opportunities does modern 3D printing open up? Let's talk about this!
Like a souvenir, only better!
Perhaps the first association that arises when looking at the miniature 3D sculptures is exactly souvenirs. Actually this is not true. Yes, souvenir shops in many cities have similar products - local miniature sights. But! Firstly, these are not copies, but only souvenirs that approximately repeat the shape and style of an architectural monument. Secondly, they differ little from each other, because they are created on the conveyor. No originality or authenticity. And the quality is usually below average.
Copies of architectural monuments are copies. We create the most detailed products with the most precise proportions. Every detail, every element - all this is taken into account and reproduced with maximum accuracy. As a result, it seems to you that you are holding in your hands an ideally accurate, just a greatly reduced copy of an architectural object.
See how we work
We mainly make sculptures according to photo . The client provides us with several pictures of an architectural object (or we take them on the Internet), we create 3D models of monuments , approve them and send them to print. But in some cases, the work is much more difficult.
For example, we advise you to familiarize yourself with how we created the figurine for the "Person of the Year" award in Orenburg , where the main decoration was a miniature stele "Kind Angel of the World". The real stele is located in the city itself, has a height of 3 meters, and the pedestal itself is 6 meters. In short, we had to use drones to create high-resolution images, shoot from all angles, and only after that create a three-dimensional model.
This is to say that the approach to creating sculptures on the 3D printer in Sprint 3D is really complex. Our copies of architectural monuments are true works of art. Albeit in miniature.
Copies of architectural monuments as gifts and not only
3D sculptures are primarily an association with the city, its architecture and sights. Accordingly, the first option for using such products is as an exclusive souvenir. We can organize the printing of such miniatures in the quantity you need. And you decide how to dispose of them in the future - sell, donate, etc.
There are many options for using copies of architectural monuments:
- a gift to guests of the city;
- elements of the award: goblet, figurine, etc.;
- present to a business colleague and much more.
Do you have a favorite attraction in the city? Or some monument from another city or country impressed you a lot and you want to keep a reminder of it for yourself? Just a few days - and we will create such a figure for you.
We are repeatedly contacted by representatives of universities, architectural bureaus and museums who need to make miniatures of city sights or, in the case of architects, small copies of structures, monuments, and other objects created by them.
Original compositions with miniature monuments
At Sprint 3D you can order not only copies of architectural monuments separately, but also entire compositions. For example, a human figurine next to an architectural monument. To do this, you need to provide several pictures of the person whose figure you want to make. We will model all the elements of the composition, approve with you and print.
Printing compositions greatly expands the possibilities of using copies of architectural monuments. There are a lot of options, and almost all of them we are ready to implement for you!
Order a copy of architectural monuments now
Discuss the details of the future order with the manager and provide us with a photo of the architectural object that needs to be recreated in miniature. The more shots and angles, the easier it will be for us to create a model and the more accurate it will be. If an architectural object is popular and there are many photos of it on the Web, we will select the appropriate ones ourselves.
When the desired photos are available, we will discuss the dimensions and features of the future product. We will create a three-dimensional model, approve it with you, make adjustments if necessary and send the layout to print. You will receive your order in just 7-10 business days. And if necessary, we will perform urgent printing - no more than a week.
3D printing helped to make copies of the famous sculptures of Michelangelo
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If you think about the Renaissance, one name immediately comes to mind. Well, of course, we are talking about Michelangelo, and his work is still considered one of the best in the history of mankind. Over the centuries, many have tried to copy his works of art, but always to no avail. The reason is simple: few can boast even a fraction of the talent of a legendary master.
However, we live in an era of technology. Thanks to advances in 3D scanning and 3D printing, we have learned to recreate ancient works of art with incredible precision and precision. Recently, the three companies Studio FATHOM, Artworks Foundry and Scansite have partnered to bring to life an incredibly ambitious project dedicated to the production of reproductions of the most famous works in history.
FATHOM specializes in 3D printing, Scansite specializes in 3D scanning and Artworks Foundry specializes in professional bronze casting. In their experience, they proved that if you combine these three technologies, you get something amazing.
Piero Moussi, founder of Artworks Foundry, has been using traditional lost wax casting techniques for over 40 years, but recently came up with the idea of using 3D scanning and 3D printing technologies to create more accurate replicas of ancient art.
“We now have the ability to create copies that are indistinguishable from the original,” Moussi explains. “This was unthinkable before. We make great reproductions. No artist is capable of this. It's only technology that can do it."
Studio FATHOM has a long history of specializing in 3D printing technology, so when she received an offer to take part in such an amazing project, she jumped at it immediately.
“The uniqueness of this project lies in the use of 3D scanning and 3D printing technologies in an area that has remained unchanged for over a thousand years,” explains Rich Stump, director of FATHOM.
The project would not have been possible without the participation of Renaissance Masters, which received the rights to reproduce 28 works by Michelangelo. It was she who granted Scansite permission to scan bronze copies of Michelangelo's works, made from original molds made by the Marinelli Pontifical Foundry in Italy.
Scansite 3D specialists scanned the statues and converted the resulting data into STL files, which were transferred to FATHOM for subsequent printing. Once the reproductions were printed, the Artworks Foundry staff used the lost wax casting technique to cast them in bronze.