3D printing heart model
Collection: Heart Library | NIH 3D Print Exchange
Image Credit: Dr. Matthew Bramlet; Jump Trading Simulation and Education Center.
Welcome to the 3D Heart Library, a collection of digital reproductions of human anatomic hearts, with a specific area of interest in congenital heart disease. The highly accurate 3D representations of hearts have been created directly from patient MRI data. The goal of the 3D Heart Library is to serve as a platform for sharing, collaboration, and education.
If you are a medical or engineering professional with questions about the 3D Heart Library or are interested in submitting a case study, please complete the contact form on the Jump Simulation website.
More models and info are on the way as this exciting new collaboration develops!
- Any -Normal heartSeptal Defects-Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)--PFO--Secundum--Primum--Sinus venosus--Coronary sinus--Common atrium (single atrium)-Ventral Septal Defect (VSD)--Type 1 (Subarterial) (Supracristal) (Conal septal defect) (Infundibular)--Type 2 (Perimembranous) (Paramembranous) (Conoventricular)--Type 3 (Inlet) (AV canal type)--Type 4 (Muscular)--Gerbode type (LV-RA communication)--Multiple-AV Canal--AVC (AVSD) Complete (CAVSD)--AVC (AVSD) Intermediate (transitional)--AVC (AVSD) Partial (incomplete) (PAVSD) (ASD primum)-AP Window--Aortopulmonary window--Pulmonary artery origin from ascending aorta (hemitruncus)-Truncus Arteriosus--Truncus arteriosus + Interrupted aortic arch--Truncal valve insufficiencyPulmonary Venous Anomalies-Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection--Scimitar-Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection--Type 1 (supracardiac)--Type 2 (cardiac)--Type 3 (infracardiac)--Type 4 (mixed)Cor TriatriatumPulmonary Venous StenosisSystemic Venous Anomalies-Anomalous Systemic Venous Connection--Systemic venous anomaly-Systemic venous obstructionRight Heart Lesions-Tetralogy of Fallot--Pulmonary stenosis--AVC (AVSD)--Absent pulmonary valve-Pulmonary Atresia--IVS--VSD (Including TOF PA)--VSD-MAPCA (pseudotruncus)--MAPCA(s) (major aortopulmonary collateral[s]) (without PA-VSD)-Tricuspid Valve Disease and Ebsteins Anomaly--Ebstein's anomaly--Tricuspid regurgitation non-Ebstein's related--Tricuspid stenosis--Tricuspid regurgitation and tricuspid stenosis--Tricuspid valve - Other-RVOT Obstruction and/or Pulmonary Stenosis--Pulmonary stenosis - Valvar--Pulmonary artery stenosis (hypoplasia) - Main (trunk)--Pulmonary artery stenosis - Branch - Central (within the hilar bifurcation)--Pulmonary artery stenosis - Branch - Peripheral (at or beyond the hilar bifurcation)--Pulmonary artery - Discontinuous--Pulmonary stenosis - Subvalvar--DCRV-Pulmonary Valve Disease--Pulmonary valve - Other--Pulmonary insufficiency--Pulmonary insufficiency and pulmonary stenosisShunt failureConduit failureLeft Heart Lesions-Aortic Valve Disease--Aortic stenosis - Subvalvar--Aortic stenosis - Valvar--Aortic stenosis - Supravalvar--Aortic valve atresia--Aortic insufficiency--Aortic insufficiency and aortic stenosis--Other-Sinus of Valsalva Fistula/Aneurysm--Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm-LV to Aorta Tunnel-Mitral Valve Disease--Mitral stenosis - Supravalvar mitral ring--Mitral stenosis - Valvar--Mitral stenosis - Subvalvar--Mitral stenosis - Subvalvar, Parachute--Mitral stenosis--Mitral regurgitation and mitral stenosis--Mitral regurgitation--Mitral valve - Other-Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)-Shones syndromeCardiomyopathy-Cardiomyopathy (including dilated, restrictive, and hypertrophic)-End-stage congenital heart diseasePericardial Disease-Pericardial effusion-Pericarditis-OtherSingle Ventricle-DILV-DIRV-Mitral atresia-Tricuspid atresia-Unbalanced AV canal-Heterotaxia syndrome-Other-Single Ventricle + Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC)Transposition of the Great Arteries-Congenitally Corrected TGA-Congenitally corrected TGA + IVS-Congenitally corrected TGA + IVS-LVOTO-Congenitally corrected TGA + VSD-Congenitally corrected TGA + VSD-LVOTO-IVS-IVS-LVOTO-VSD-VSD-LVOTODORV-VSD type-TOF type-TGA type-Remote VSD (uncommitted VSD)-DORV + AVSD (AV Canal)-DORV, IVSDOLVThoracic Arteries and Veins-Coarctation of Aorta and Aortic arch hypoplasia--Coarctation of aorta--Aortic arch hypoplasia--VSD + Aortic arch hypoplasia--VSD + Coarctation of aorta-Coronary Artery Anomalies--Anomalous aortic origin of coronary artery from aorta (AAOCA)--Anomalous pulmonary origin (includes ALCAPA)--Fistula--Aneurysm--Other-Interrupted Arch--Interrupted aortic arch--Interrupted aortic arch + VSD--Interrupted aortic arch + AP window (aortopulmonary window)-Patent Ductus Arteriosus--Patent ductus arteriosus-Vascular rings and Slings--Right arch aberrant left subclavian artery--Double aortic arch--Circumflex aortic arch--Pulmonary artery sling-Aortic Aneurysm--Aortic aneurysm (including pseudoaneurysm)-Aortic DissectionMiscellaneous-Aneurysm--Ventricular Right (including pseudoaneurysm)--Ventricular Left (including pseudoaneurysm)--Pulmonary artery--Other-Dextrocardia-Cardiac tumor-Endocarditis-Hypoplastic LV-Hypoplastic RV-Cardiac - Other-Atrial Isomerism--Left--Right-Levocardia-Pulmonary vascular obstructive disease (Eisenmengers)-Pulmonary AV fistula-Rheumatic heart disease-Situs inversus-Mesocardia-Postoperative bleeding-Prosthetic valve failure-Myocardial infarction-Primary pulmonary hypertension-Persistent fetal circulation-Status post - Transplant--Heart--Lung(s)--Heart and lung-Other
Segmentation Method
- Any --Myocardium-Solid blood pool-Blood pool border
'Augusta UniversityBarry University School of Podiatric MedicineBINZHOU MEDICAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITALBoston University School of MedicineBrigham and Women's HospitalBrooklyn Department of Emergency Medicine has been working with me for the design and prototyping processCase Western Reserve University School of MedicineChildren's Hospital of IllinoisChildren's National HospitalDecatur Memorial HospitalDepartment of Veteran Affairs - VA BronxDivision of Surgery and Interventional Sciencee-NABLEEmbodi3DHarvard Medical SchoolHospital Quiron VallèsIlumens Paris DiderotINDIANA UNIVERSITYInstituto Nacional de Salud del Niño. LimaIsrael & Stony Brook UniversityKennebec Valley Community Collegekennedy kreigerKing's County Hospital/SUNY DownstateLearning Resource CenterMassachusetts General HospitalMaterialiseMayo Clinic RochesterMcGuire Veteran's HospitalMedical College of GeorgiaMeSegmenter.comMidwestern UniversityMySegmenter.comN/ANational Institutes of HealthNIH Clinical CenterNoneNova Southeastern University Health Professions Division LibraryNRICPNYOhio Universityonmouseover=OSFPanorama Centre for Surgical OncologyPenn VetPeruPhilipps University of MarburgPOLIRADIO23Pontificia Universidad Católica de ChilePreston Smith LibraryRabin Medical CenterRochester General HospitalRowan UniversityRoyal Free HospitalSheba Medical CenterSibley Memorial HospitalSingaporeStellenbosch UniversityTest HospitalTexas Tech Health Science CenterThe Cancer Imaging ArchiveThomas Jefferson UniversityTTUHSCTTUHSC // UMCUCSF Benioff Children's HospitalULTRAMEDUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesUniversity at BuffaloUniversity College LondonUniversity of AlbertaUniversity of California San FranciscoUniversity of Colorado School of MedicineUniversity of MassachusettsUniversity of Rochester Medical CenterUniversity of Test StateUniversity of Toronto/Toronto General HospitalUniversity of VirginiaUniversity of WashingtonUniversity of Washington Medical CenterUS Food and Drug AdministrationUSAVA Sierra Nevada Health Care SystemVeterans Innovation Challenge
Materialise HeartPrint | 3D-Printed Cardiovascular Models
3D-printed cardiovascular models
Gain better insight into complex pathologies with realistic, 3D-printed heart models. Get a deeper understanding of complex spatial relationships between different structures by using an exact replica of your patient’s anatomy. Transform your patient’s experience and increase their understanding by using the latest 3D planning and 3D printing technology.
On this page:
Communicate more clearly
Discuss heart conditions more precisely with your multidisciplinary team, patients, and their families to achieve true informed consent.
Educate with detailed models
Use the latest 3D printing technology to educate and train the whole heart team on complex anatomy, new procedures, and the latest device innovations.
Precise anatomical representation
Get a one-to-one replica of your patient’s anatomy and appreciate the spatial understanding in 3D thanks to accurate segmentation tools.
Improve patient selection in clinical trials
Perform tests with personalized and anatomically accurate models and increase the chance of success in clinical trials by improving patient selection and planning.
Communicate more clearly
Communicate clearly with physicians to ensure they’re better equipped to prepare for cutting-edge procedures.
Avoid surprises in the cath lab
Ensure that physicians are fully prepared before entering the cath lab to avoid surprises and minimize on-the-spot decision-making.
Material and color options
HeartPrint Flex
Premium material to best represent the compliance of cardiac tissue. Useful for creating flexible representations of anatomy to create a more realistic planning and training experience.
Discover where HeartPrint makes an impact
Structural heart
“I think 3D-printed models offer a completely new method for testing our instruments, allowing them to be tested in scientifically valid models that can be easily extended with additional requirements.
— Ir. Awaz Ali, Bio-Inspired Technology research group, TU Delft
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Material Characterization of Materialise Heartprint Models and Comparison
3D-Printed Heart Model Helps 16-Year-Old Heart Tumor Patient
2 min read
Material Characterization of Materialise Heartprint Models and Comparison
3D-Printed Heart Model Helps 16-Year-Old Heart Tumor Patient
2 min read
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SPbPU scientists have learned how to create 3D models of the heart in twenty seconds
digital models of the heart based on computed tomography images.

The developers claim that before the advent of this technology, it took specialists at least two hours to complete such tasks. 3D printed models will help surgeons make accurate preoperative assessments of the anatomy of heart defects and develop optimal individual plans for surgical correction. In addition, doctors will be able to perform planned operations directly on models and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention, according to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
“In our project, we focused specifically on 3D printing of objects intended for cardiac surgery: we brought the algorithm for converting computed tomography images into a digital model to a high level, selected the most suitable materials, similar in structure to a living heart, and worked out the printing technology. Due to this, the created model of the heart in high accuracy corresponds to the anatomical organ. There are no analogues to such technologies in Russia,” said Olga Loboda, researcher at the Laboratory for Modeling Production Technologies and Processes of the NTI Center at SPbPU.
3D printing uses photopolymer resins. Due to the plasticity of the material, the heart model is similar to organic tissues both anatomically and structurally. This makes it possible to use such models not only for test operations, but also for training future specialists: students will be able to study the structure of an organ, the anatomy of defects, as well as perform basic surgical interventions and work out possible methods of treatment.
“We intend to create more advanced models of other organs to accurately simulate a number of important surgical procedures. This approach will improve the training of surgeons,” Olga Loboda explained.
In the near future, the university plans to introduce the developed technology into medical institutions, negotiations are already underway with cardiac surgeons of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Institute. The development of the algorithm was carried out under the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Priority-2030".
Do you have interesting news? Share your developments with us, and we will tell the whole world about them! We are waiting for your ideas at [email protected].
the medicine SPbPU
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