3D printer price hong kong
3D Printers, Filaments and Printing Service
New Arrival+
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HK$ 3,999.00
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HK$ 735.00 – HK$ 935.00
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HK$ 218.00
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HK$ 3,369.00
3D Printers+
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HK$ 5,899.00
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HK$ 5,199.00
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HK$ 3,999.00
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HK$ 3,999.00
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HK$ 3,369. 00
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HK$ 298.00
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HK$ 468.00
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HK$ 428.00
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HK$ 218.00
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HK$ 138.00
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HK$ 1,930.00
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HK$ 864.00
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HK$ 735.00 – HK$ 935.00
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HK$ 185. 00
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Out of stock
HK$ 368.00
TestimonialsMy sincerest gratitude to the Addify group for being a great technical support for thenins and outs of 3D printing. Time and time again, when would face issues like our 3D printer breakingndown, or our prints were not optimal, you would be there to provide us with a solid explanation of thenissue, and of course the solution. Over time, I have learnt the ins and outs of 3D printing thanks to yournpatience and professionalism in providing us a truly wonderful customer experience. It is very rare to see such detailed advice, it is almost like you were our consultant with regards to 3D printing technologies. I look forward towards more future collaborations, especially in this interesting field of Soft, Compliant,nand Flexible Underwater Robotics!
Timothy Ng / Project Director, Vayu Project: Fastest Robotic Fish Bionics and Control Lab Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong.
I would like to forward my sincere gratitude to you and Addify for working with me and my team, the Digital Materials Group, and providing exceptional services and the most relevant product options. Time and time again, your incredible knowledge base, outstanding expertise, and practical advices have boosted our confidence in a 3DP market filled with not only diverse but also rapid releases of new options and products. Your patience in learning the nature and needs of our project has been truly invaluable in helping us identifying the best solution possible. I can’t be more grateful with the feeling of “man, that was so informative and helpful!” every time we finish a meeting! So, thank you for all you do! A pleasure to be your customer!
Sarina Sun / Assistant Professor, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
I am writing recommendation testimonial letter for Addify. Addify has worked with me in the past. Their knowledge in 3D printing technology and materials have helped me in my research studies. I feel confident in recommending Addify services.
QingYun Huang / PhD Fellow, City University of Hong Kong
3D Printing Workshop has widen my view a lot more. It has great potential to develop but the market is still very narrow when few people knows about it… From 3D printing a toy model, deco, home appliance etc. are just basics, while it has already been using to print food and testing to print organs
100% Biodegradable 環保物料❤️ 韌性高,耐高溫 並且可以生物降解 🤩完全符合循環經濟嘅原則,可以多次重複使用!減少浪費 🌍 呢隻物料係出自Filamentum 嘅 NonOilen 好多謝@FaychuCafe 同我哋購買左呢隻物料然後3D打印咗杯、筷子、醬汁碟同埋碗仔🫡 如果你都對呢隻物料有興趣嘅話,可以上我哋嘅網站研究研究❤️ #保護地球人人有責 #3d printing #addify3d #環保
Teletubbi ❤️ laa-laa 今期大熱嘅天使得得B laa laa 唔使捱貴價,想要嘅話就自己print 要幾大有幾大,要幾細有幾細🫣 小編特別想介紹呢一隻金色有暗閃嘅Filament 係由 Fillamentum 出嘅 Gold Happened 🤩 print出嚟嘅嘢好靚好高質 ,print 出嚟嘅料都幾實 (起碼唔會掂一掂就爛🫢)有興趣嘅話可以上我哋嘅官網睇睇 Credit: thingiverse.com/thing:5395534 玩具嘅存在價值係要令小朋友開心🙂 ,並唔係玩具所值嘅價錢 🧸 #addify3D #3Dprinting #teletubbies #laalaa #3D打印 #filament
連續咁多日落咁大雨空氣嘅濕度好高 小編建議大家,如果屋企冇防潮箱就記得將filament 放喺膠箱入邊再放無限包吸濕包 filament 處喺濕度太高嘅空氣中, print 出嚟嘅嘢會起晒絲,唔靚㗎! 🫠🫠 #fillament #addify3D #記得好好保養fillament #3dprinting
Miniature Hong Kong ❤️ 啱啱先發現咁正嘅場景竟然冇post🫠 自己畫圖自己3D print 係咪好正呢😏 #最正應該係塊廣告牌😆😆 #3Dprint #addifyhk #miniature #微縮場景 #香港 #譚仔 #陽光檸檬茶 #邊度都有陽光 #香港縮影 #3Dprinting #ilovehongkong #7仔
Happy Easter!!! 祝大家復活節快樂🥚❤️ 記得趁住呢幾日假期print多啲得意又正嘅 3D print 😉 We will be closed for Easter April 15th to 18th Office將會喺4月15號至4月18號休息!4月19號照常營業🈺️ We are wishing you a very happy Easter 🥳
仲未用晒消費券嘅話,係時候買返部3D打印機或者添加多啲唔同顏色嘅filament 喇❤️ 我哋接受 AlipayHK, Wechat pay 同埋 Tap&go 😉
用3D打印加樹脂黏土整嘅 迷你肯德基爆脆雞筒餐(堂食版) 睇完呢個post會唔會即刻想食? 🤤🤤🤤🤤 如果想睇教學video,就喺樓下留言話我知😎 KFC chicken bucket miniature using 3D printing & polymer clay ❤️ If you want to watch the Tutorial video, let us know in the comment below ! #KFC爆脆雞筒餐 #蘑菇飯#雞皇飯 KFC chicken bucket miniature using 3D printing & polymer clay ❤️ #addify3d #3D打印 #miniature #polymerclay #miniaturefood #KFC
你最鍾意食嘅麥當勞早餐係邊款? What’s your favorite breakfast @mcdonaldshk ? 3D print + polymer clay 3D打印加樹脂黏土 3D打印其實可以有好多可能性,配合樹脂黏土可以製造出好多迷你玩具😎 製作過程 video coming up soon ! #addify3D #3dprinting #3D打印 #miniature #polymerclay #微型 #早晨全餐 #bigbreakfast
3 D printed Chess Set ♟ Printer : Artillery Genius Print Time : One week 🥲 Material: PLA Credit : thingiverse. com/thing:4857660 #chess #3Dprint #artillerygenius #addify3d #3D打印 #kexcelledfilament
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3D Printing FAQ - ADDIFY Hong Kong 3D Printing
We will need a 3D model slicing software first, which slicer is recommended?
We would recommend Cura from Ultimaker as it is free and quite easy to use.
ideaMaker from Raise3D is also a great choice, its launching speed is super fast and it is also free.
Why are there so much strings? (We call them oozing/stringing/hairy)
– Retraction setting has not been fine tuned
– The filament is too wet. Hong Kong has high humidity, the moisture in the air can be absorbed by the filament. Dry it with dehumidifier or something like camera box.
– Another reason is about the calibration, try this below:
3D Printing encyclopedia
If you feel you have got some problems with your print but you can’t describe it, check this website below. Bookmark it. There are photos for you to match your problem and you will be able to find an answer.
Creality Ender 3 V2 - 3D printer - Unbox & Setup
Creality Ender 3 Pro - 3D printer - Unbox & Setup
Creality Ender 3 Series - Easy way to level your bed
Being successful in 3D printing, first thing first, do your leveling right.
What material can I use with Artillery Genius?
You can print PLA/ TPU/ ABS/ PETG with a stock Artillery Genius. You can print more like PC, Nylon if you wish but you will need to modify the printer by uploading Marlin 2.X and TFT to unleash the beast. To modify it you will need to get access to the board and you will void the warranty.
You can find us to modify or you take your own risk. Reminder: No matter who is the one who modify the printer, the manufacturer will only provide limited warranty thereafter, if there is any malfunctioning afterwards produced by the modification, the manufacturer can reject the warranty.
Artillery Genius Setup & Installation
Artillery Sidewinder X1 Setup & Installation
WhamBam Build System For Better Adhesion
Addify Youtube Channel
How much does the most affordable 3D printed house cost?
What was your first home like? Perhaps soon many young people will be able to say that they have printed a house on a printer. At least the technologies for creating accessible square meters already exist.
How are they?
The problem of lack of housing has been acute in the world for a long time. According to the international organization World Resources Institute’s Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, more than a billion people are deprived of a roof over their heads. Recently, we wrote that Hong Kong architect James Low proposed to solve this acute issue in his homeland by developing the concept of nano-houses created from concrete pipes with a diameter of 2. 5 meters. Perhaps it's a lucky break in tiny and hyper-urbanized Hong Kong, with intimidating prices per square meter.
The Vulcan 3D printer allows you to literally print cement houses - quickly, economically and with high quality. A potential solution to the housing shortage is to use the Vulcan printer, which takes only 12 hours to a day to build a one-story building with a living room, a bathroom, a bedroom and an outdoor terrace! The printed building is almost ready for occupancy - its owner will only have to carry out the finishing, install the roof, windows and doors, supply electricity, water and sewerage. The cost of building such a mansion is $10,000 today.
It takes 12 hours to a day to build a one-story 3D-printed house
Jason Ballard, one of the founders of ICON, says that in the near future the company will be able to reduce the price of such a house to $ 4,000
“This is much below the cost of a typical American mansion,” says Jason. ICON is certainly not the only company in the world to develop architectural 3D printing technology, Ballard said. At the same time, the developer emphasizes that the method presented by the company not only wins the competition in terms of price and speed, but also has a decent design.
Jason Ballard, co-founder of ICON
Jason points out, “I've seen several of our colleagues' homes that look like Master Yoda's hut from Star Wars. And for success in this business, design is an important component.” Probably no less important than structural strength. But cement as a building material is a fairly convincing argument.
The first building from ICON presented in Austin, Texas in the middle of March 2018
The first printed mansion from ICON was presented to the general public in mid-March in Austin, USA, the home of ICON. And now it is used as the office of the company. This will allow a comprehensive check of the structure by installing, among other things, air quality monitors.
Once the testing and final setup of the Vulcan printer is completed, the equipment will be transported to El Salvador, where next year ICON, together with the non-profit organization New Story, plans to build an affordable housing program of 100 such houses.
Owners of the ICON house can enjoy fresh air on the outdoor terrace
The house has a cozy living room
… a small bedroom
… and a decent bathroom
ICON house plan
What about us?
The domestic company PassivDom (founded by Maxim and Yulia Gerbut) offers its customers completely ready-to-live-in modules created using 3D printing from a composite material, including carbon and fiberglass, with roofs equipped with solar panels. They promise to print the basis for such a design on a printer in an incredible 8 hours - this is the floor, walls and ceiling. Next, windows, doors are installed, communications are connected and finishing is done.
True, the cost of such a unit is much higher - depending on the model and configuration, the price varies from $64,000 to $97,000
modulOne from PassivDom includes a living room, kitchen and bathroom, and is designed to comfortably accommodate 2 people
At the same time, the authors of the project assure that PassivDom is the warmest residential building in the world due to the unique developments of the company's engineers and the use of advanced materials:
Minimalistic interior of a finished house from a Ukrainian startup
“The walls of PassivDom are as warm as a 7. 33 m thick brick wall. We had a difficult task: to create windows that are as warm as walls. And we succeeded - PassivDom windows are the warmest in the world. Therefore, the houses have really large windows through which a lot of light enters. At the same time, record thermal performance of the house is maintained: so it is cool in summer and warm in winter. The PassivDom performance exceeds the PassivHaus Institute and LEED energy efficiency requirements.”
Desktop 3D printers for the home
Anet Anycubic Creality3D CreatBot Dremel Elegoo Felix FlashForge FLSUN Flying Bear Formlabs IBRIDGER imprinta MakerBot Peopoly Phrozen PICASO 3D QIDI Raise3D Tiertime Ultimaker Uniz Voxelab wanhao XYZPrinting ZENIT Zortrax
In stock
Phrozen Raise3D Creality wanhao FlashForge
PICASO 3D Anycubic Formlabs Tiertime Flyingbear QIDI Uniz CreatBot Dremel DigiLab Felix Zortrax XYZprinting Ultimaker imprinta Elegoo MakerBot Anet FLSUN IBRIDGER Peopoly snapmaker Voltera Voxelab ZENIT
Assembled printer Assembly kit
Architecture For large objects For beginners The medicine Education
Orthopedics Production prototyping Reverse engineering Advertising, exhibitions Sculpture Dentistry Hobby jewelry
Print technology
Thread diameter
1. 75 mm 2.85 mm 3.00 mm
Material type
ABS PLA PETG Photopolymers Flex
Nylon (Nylon) ASA Carbon HIPS PC PEEK PP TPU other Metal (Ultrafuse 316L, Ultrafuse 17-4PH)
Number of extruders (print heads)
Heating table
Yes Not
Wi-Fi or other wireless network
Yes Not
Country of origin
China Russia USA Taiwan Hong Kong
Netherlands Poland
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Creality |
Custom/Transit | Goods in transit |
Construction area size | 220x220x250 mm |
Number of extruders (print heads) | 1 |
Country of origin | China |
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Creality |
Custom/Transit | Goods in transit |
Construction area size | 220x220x250 mm |
Number of extruders (print heads) | 1 |
Country of origin | China |
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Creality |
Construction area size | 220 x 220 x 250 mm |
Number of extruders (print heads) | 1 |
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Creality |
Custom/Transit | Goods in transit |
Construction area size | 220x220x250 mm |
Number of extruders (print heads) | 1 |
Country of origin | China |
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Voxelab |
Construction area size | 200*200*200 mm |
Number of extruders (print heads) | 1 |
Country of origin | China |
Free shipping
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Creality |
Custom/Transit | Goods in transit |
Construction area size | 200x200x200 mm |
Number of extruders (print heads) | 1 |
Country of origin | China |
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Flyingbear |
Construction area size | 255x210x210 mm |
Number of extruders (print heads) | 1 |
Country of origin | China |
Free shipping
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Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Anycubic |
Construction area size | 102x57x165 mm |
Country of origin | China |
Free shipping
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Creality |
Custom/Transit | Goods in transit |
Construction area size | 250x250x400 mm |
Number of extruders (print heads) | 1 |
Country of origin | China |
Manufacturer | Phrozen |
Construction area size | 134x75x130 mm |
Country of origin | Taiwan |
Free shipping
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | QIDI |
Construction area size | 260x200x200 mm |
Number of extruders (print heads) | 1 |
Country of origin | China |
Free shipping
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Anycubic |
Custom/Transit | Goods on the way |
Construction area size | 197 x 122 x 245 mm (5.![]() |
Chamber volume | 5.9 L |
Country of origin | China |
Free shipping
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Creality |
Custom/Transit | Goods in transit |
Construction area size | 198 x 123 x 210 mm |
Country of origin | China |
Free shipping
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Anycubic |
Construction area size | 102x57x165 mm |
Country of origin | China |
Free shipping
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Creality |
Construction area size | 200x170x∞ mm |
Number of extruders (print heads) | 1 |
Country of origin | China |
Free shipping
Add to compare
Product added to compare Go
Manufacturer | Phrozen |
Construction area size | 165x72x180 mm |
Country of origin | Taiwan |
3D printing is one of the most promising areas of technological development in the 21st century. Having gone a long way from bulky and heavy boxes to compact desktop devices, 3D printers have ceased to be something inaccessible to a wide range of users. The era of mass additive manufacturing has already arrived, and every home can now house a real desktop factory.
You can buy a 3D printer capable of printing small models and prototyping of medium complexity today at the price of an entry-level laptop. The price of PLA or ABS plastic, which acts as a consumable, also no longer seems exorbitant. In a word, if you have long dreamed of getting to know the world of 3D printing and joining the ranks of makers, the right moment has come!
To save you time and make it easier to select equipment, we have collected in one section all desktop 3D printers optimized for home and office use. These are the real "workhorses" with the perfect balance of functionality, quality and price. Even a beginner can understand the settings, mount and calibrate a 3D printer, and as he gains experience, he will be able to print more and more complex three-dimensional models.