3D printed flash logo
▷ flash logo 3d models 【 STLFinder 】
Flash Logo
Flash logo
Flash Logo
Flash Logo
Flash logo
flash logo
flash logo
flash logo
flash logo
the flash logo/ plaque
Flash logo
Flash logo, badge
Flash Logo
My Flash Logo Didn't find a Flash logo that I liked so I made my own. ...No supports required.
Flash Logo
Flash logo. ...Print at 0.05 mm without support and 10% infill.
Flash Logo
Flash Logo / Symbol. Print with supports !!! ...The rest of the details you can figure them out from the other files that I made.
Flash Logo
Flash Logo / Symbol. Print with supports !!! ...The rest of the details you can figure them out from the other files that I made.
Flash Logo
Flash Logo with no support on the lightning bolt. ... Print Settings Printer: Trinus Rafts: Doesn't Matter ...
flash logo
this is my verson of the flash logo and i printed it along time agao and i lost it and i just got back to printing it again. ...i disided to make the flash logo beause i wached the show on tv and it was great
Flash Logo
A friend of mine asked me to 3D print him the flash logo as he is a huge fan of the series. I agreed but wanted to practice my modeling a bit more. As such I decided to create a new model from scratch rather than use a pre-made one here on...
Flash Logo
Here is a Flash logo for any self-respecting fan =) Feel free to contact me by email if you have a recommendation, or even for any other project: [email protected] Finally, if you like this model, do not forget to drop a "like" and / or...
Flash Logo
This is the Flash logo based off of the show. It is the exact replica to the smallest details. It is ready to 3d print. The big one has a 5in diameter, and the small has a 2.5in diameter. I have currently printed 5 of them and they all turn out fine. ...
Flash Logo
Logo of the DC superhero Flash inspired from the CW show 'The Flash'.
Flash Logo
This is a flat Flash (DC not Adobe) Logo
Flash Logo
This is the logo from the popular television series "The Flash".
Flash logo
Printable flash insignia. .. ...made it for a relative.
Flash Logo
Created this in Blender because Flash is one of my favorites. I started collecting the DC comicbooks in the 60's, but mostly have the first of every Marvel superhero. I have included the x3g files so that the model may be directly 3D...
The Flash Logo
Flash Logo 2014
The Flash Logo Keychain
The flash Logo Keychain
The Flash Logo Keychain
The flash Logo Keychain
The Flash Logo Keychain
The flash Logo Keychain
The Flash Logo
Flash Logo 2014
The Flash Logo Keychain
The flash Logo Keychain
The Flash Logo Keychain
The flash Logo Keychain
The Flash Logo
Flash Logo 2014
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Free STL file The Flash logo・3D printer model for download・Cults
Batman Ring Mk.

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Batman Ring Mk.II 🦇💍
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Batman Ring 🦇💍
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Requirements for 3D models for 3D printing and CNC processing
01/16/2017 in 3D Modeling Instructions
- Introduction
- Product creation process.
- Requirements for models for 3D printing and CNC processing.
- Fixing non-critical bugs with NetFabb.
- Fixing non-critical bugs with MeshMixer.
- Fixing non-critical bugs with Materialize Magic.
- Examples of the most common errors.

In this article, we will talk about the main and general parameters that a model must meet in order to obtain high-quality 3D printed products. Let's discuss common errors that occur in the process of creating three-dimensional models in terms of a high-quality polygonal mesh and how to quickly fix them. Requirements for 3D models and quality issues in terms of the accuracy of manufactured parts are described in another article: The actual size of the product after 3D printing.
The process of creating a product.
Structure of the additive manufacturing process for the production of products:
Designer / 3Dartist | 3D Printing Service | Bugs discussed |
1. Create a 3D model of | ||
2. Export/convert 3D model to required format | 3. Checking the model for suitability | 4. Pass/Fail to minimum allowable thicknesses.![]() |
6. Preparation of control program for 3D printer (GCode) | 5. Compliance / non-compliance with the requirements for the polygonal mesh of the 3D model. | |
7. 3D printing process. | ||
9. Quality control. | 8. Post-processing process. |
In accordance with the presented algorithm, at the first stage of product creation, a 3D model is developed using modeling programs in accordance with the terms of reference and the requirements of standards. After that, it is necessary to export the data of the simulation result program file to a format accepted by the program of the additive manufacturing control machine (for example, “STL”). The modeling process can now be done not only in solid format, but also immediately in STL. Before the next stage, possible defects in the model are identified. A model intended for 3D printing must be hermetic, monolithic and not contain cavities and gaps in the walls, which is ensured using special programs. Next, the information from the STL file is converted into commands, following which the 3D printer produces a product, this is the so-called GCode.
During this procedure, you must select the desired scale of the part, the correct position in space, and accurately position the model on the work surface. The result of the whole process, strength, surface roughness of the part and material consumption depend on this . After the settings are made, the model is divided into layers of material, which are “fitted” into the body of the part in one working cycle of the additive machine. This process is called slicing. Slicing is done using the software supplied with the machine, or using special tools (Simplify, Skein-forge, Slic3r, KISSlicer, MakerWare, etc.). The G-code obtained in the previous step is transferred to the 3D printer via flash memory or via a USB cable. In the process of preparing and setting up the additive machine, calibration, preheating of the working bodies, selection of the model material and setting the parameters of the equipment operation modes that depend on it are performed. On professional level devices, this step can be combined with the slicing process procedures. After all the preparatory operations are completed, the printing process starts, that is, the layer-by-layer combination of materials. Its duration depends on the type of technology and the selected parameters for the accuracy and quality of the part.
Requirements for models for 3D printing and CNC processing.
- List of file formats by 3D technologies.
- SLS (polyamide): .STL .OBJ
- SLA, DLP (photopolymer): .STL .OBJ
- Multicolour plaster: .OBJ+texture .WRL+texture
- Polygon mesh.
- The mesh must be uniform and closed. A model consisting of several polygonal meshes is not allowed! Intersection of polygonal meshes is not allowed! Holes in the grid are not allowed!
- Multiple models in one file are not allowed.
Each object needs to be saved as a separate file.
- The number of polygons must not exceed 500,000.
- Wall thickness must be at least the specified values for each technology.
- Inverted normals are not allowed! The outer normal should face outward. This problem is especially common when mirroring the model in some 3D modeling programs.
- The dimensions of the model must correspond to the dimensions of the real object.
In 95% of cases, file errors are not critical and can be easily corrected using specialized programs that can be easily found on the Internet. Even if you are sure that everything is in order with the model, it does not hurt to check it once again for correctness.
NETFABB - as a solution to most file errors.
MESHMIXER is a powerful and convenient alternative.
- Wall thickness analysis of the model.
It should be understood that there are several 3D printing technologies. They differ not only in the materials used, but also in the accuracy of the equipment. Different equipment has its own resolution. Therefore, before sending the file for printing, it is necessary to make sure the quality of the model in terms of the specified thicknesses in the walls, rods, mesh ceilings. Detailed article about checking models for thickness.
Fixing non-critical bugs with NetFabb.
NETFABB (download for PC or download for Mac) is a program that allows you to solve almost any issue related to 3D printing. Let's go through the main functions of this software, which AutoDesk itself bought at one time.
The program shows the outer part of the polygon in green, its inner normal in red. Ideally, the model should be all green. If you observe red spots, then these are polygons that are turned outward. If the entire model is highlighted in red, then the entire mesh is turned inside out.
Even if the model is green, but there are errors in your file, the program will display a big exclamation mark in the lower right corner of the screen, and will also not be able to calculate the volume of your model.
To treat the model, click on the red cross on the toolbar at the top of the screen. The program will put you into the treatment mode, and will indicate in yellow the breaks in the polygonal mesh, if any.
This program has functions for removing or adding polygons, changing sizes or proportions. (I will leave these functions for independent study). I recommend that you study the entire toolbar in order to easily understand how, where and which polygons we can select and what we can change.
To invert normals, select the polygons that look “in the wrong direction” and click on the “invert normals” button. Then click on the “Apply Repair” button.
If your model was originally all green or inverting the normals didn't remove the exclamation mark, and the volume has not yet been calculated, you need to apply automatic treatment. To do this, go back to the treatment mode by clicking on the red plus. In the treatment mode, select "Automatic treatment", then select "Default Repair" and click "Extrude".
The program has now done its best to repair the model automatically. Click "Apply Repair".
Typically, these steps should have fixed your model. If after the performed operations an exclamation mark is on and there is still no volume, then you are among those 5% when the model has critical errors and errors are laid down at the modeling stage.
Fixing non-critical bugs with MeshMixer.
Autodesk MeshMixer is a free software for working with 3D mesh models. You can download the program from the link. The program does not have tools for creating 3D models, but a wide range of tools for modifying them and preparing them for 3D printing. The main difference between this software and NETFABB is that MESHMIXER officially supports the latest versions of macOS. For me, this is a decisive factor, because I always carry a MacBook with me, and a Windows computer is only in the office. In turn, NetFabb stopped supporting software for macOS.
As in the case of Netfabb, you need to drop the model in STL format into the MeshMixer program window.
At first glance, the model looks good, but let's try to test it for suitability for 3D printing (mesh requirements). To do this, you need to analyze the model for errors. To do this, go to the “Analisis” section, then click on the “Inspector” button.
On the screen, we can see how the program highlighted areas on the model with bright colors that do not meet the requirements, which means they have errors.
In order to fix (cure) these errors, click on the “Auto Repair All” button. The program will try to remove errors automatically. Checking before 3D printing is a must. Even if outwardly the model seems suitable to you, it is still worth checking. In the picture below, you can see the errors that are inside the mesh, although everything looks good with the model.
However, this treatment does not always help. For example, if the model has a huge number of errors that the program is not able to remove automatically, then you will have to correct the model yourself in the program where the model was originally created. In case of a large number of errors, the program will indicate their presence even after you have tried to do automatic treatment. The picture below is an example of a very large number of shortcomings and errors that the program is not able to remove by itself.
This usually happens when the model is being prepared for rendering rather than 3D printing. That is, there is a huge number of surfaces, but they are not connected into a single grid.
Fixing non-critical errors with Materialize Magic
The 3D model healing feature in Materialize Magic is located in the Fix tab.
After that, select the “Correction Wizard” command. Next, you need to alternate the “Update” and “Autocorrect” buttons.
Do this several times.