3D print keys
3d Printed Keys - Etsy.de
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Keys best 3D printing models・Cults
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3D printed keys | Kaspersky Blog
Hackers are different. For some reason, many of them like to hack not only virtual computer systems, but also quite material objects, such as offices and houses. It is logical that such hackers have to work hard with locks and locking systems. Not surprisingly, at specialized conferences like DEFCON or Chaos Communication Congress, competitions are regularly held to see who has the best master key. nine0003
At the 32C3 conference in Hamburg, University of Colorado professor Eric Wurstow gave a talk on the use of 3D printers in the difficult task of counterfeiting cylinder lock keys used in most locking systems.
Before the advent of 3D printers, it was not so easy to make a copy of a key: an experienced metal carver or a specialist with experience in setting up and programming specialized machines would have coped with such a task. In addition to qualified personnel, a burglar would need a suitable blank and, most importantly, the original or at least a cast of the key. With the advent of 3D scanning and printing technology, copies have become much easier and even cheaper. nine0003
There are at least three ways to use 3D technology to make a fake.
First, it's enough to take a picture of the original key with a high-resolution camera and turn the picture into a 3D model. It is enough to print a valid copy. In addition, modern telephoto lenses are so good that you can really take a suitable picture from afar.
The second method is called bumping. The burglar prints a special bumping key, inserts it into the lock and lightly taps it with a hammer. From the impact, the pins in the lock are thrown up. With due skill, the burglar turns the bumping key at the right moment and opens the lock. 3D printed plastic keys are even better for bumping than regular metal blanks, as the plastic is not as noisy, transfers shock better and reduces the risk of damage to the lock. And, of course, printing a key is easier than filing a metal blank by hand. nine0003
The third way is probably the most interesting. It allows you to crack the master key system itself, so Wurstow called it "Privilege Elevation" by analogy with the computer hacking technique of the same name. The master key system is based on the popular practice of producing locks that are compatible with two different keys at the same time. Manufacturers supply locks with two sets of pins - for ordinary keys and for the master key, respectively. Typically, a master key will fit multiple locks in the same business, as they contain the same extra set of pins. nine0003
The problem is that not all sets of pins are completely different from each other. If a burglar has a regular key for a similar lock, he can scan it, create a 3D model and print many keys with a modified set of grooves. Sooner or later one of the keys will fit.
So, one by one, a burglar can modify the grooves - and as a result, he will receive a master key that fits all doors. In this case, 3D printing will come in especially handy - this method requires many approaches, and each approach requires a new, modified key. nine0003
Of course, not every printer can print a normal key. Depending on the media selected, copies may come out too fragile or too soft. But there are printers that work with materials suitable for this. In addition, if home 3D printers print mostly plastic figures, you can always contact a special service where 3D printers can work with copper, steel, or even titanium alloy.
It is worth noting that the keys printed on a 3D printer are not a theoretical problem at all. It has long been possible to find both key forgery software and 3D printers on the market. The most notorious master key incident was the leak of images containing images of TSA master keys, which the US Transportation Security Administration uses to unlock locks on travel suitcases. The craftsmen made a fuss and quickly published 3D models based on these pictures on the Web, so now anyone can print out the cherished key to your luggage. nine0003
REVEALED: TSA has a master key for your luggage and people are making copies @BI_Video http://t.co/P5bod70zUK pic.twitter.com/oZ9jspPXqB
— Business Insider (@businessinsider) September 11, 2015
So how can you protect yourself and your property? From our point of view, it is most obvious to draw a parallel with passwords, which, in fact, are digital analogues of keys. We offer you a few simple rules, which, of course, will not provide you with 100% protection, but it will make access to your apartment so difficult that a burglar will most likely prefer to look for an easier victim. nine0003
Very useful topic: how to use passwords - 10 simple rules: https://t.co/RtQTf2Mm7T pic.twitter.com/XP6vrwJShJ
— Kaspersky Lab (@Kaspersky_ru) December 21, 2015
1. Do not use "simple" keys, just like simple passwords. An ordinary cylinder lock is almost as insecure as the password "123456" and "masha1975". If you are concerned about security, install a comprehensive door lock system.
2. Use an analogue of "two-factor authentication". Two different types of locks will be much more effective than one. nine0003
3. Don't compromise your "password", that is, try not to get the keys to the apartment in front of the cameras and, of course, do not publish their photos online. Even a bad photo is enough to create a working 3D model, and with it a copy.
4. The master key is a kind of "backdoor", a loophole to your office. Do not install such locks in rooms where security is important.
5. A professional security solution never hurts: the alarm will protect you from the most persistent burglars and thieves. nine0003
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3D printing technology can be used to break doors / +1
Attackers make duplicate keys from a photo
Photo: iStockThe British company Protecting.co.uk, which develops security software, told about one of the ways to enter the premises. Attackers get a photo of the keys and create a model for printing on a 3D printer. Experts recommend not publishing snapshots of keys on the network and being more careful about your own security. nine0003
To create a 3D model, criminals can use telephoto cameras that capture high-resolution images from long distances. But for experienced crackers, a photo of the key posted on a social network will be enough. Images are processed in rendering programs (rendering, or drawing, is obtaining an image based on a two- or three-dimensional model. - Approx. Plus-one.ru). Metals and polycarbonates (hard plastic) are used for printing - high-strength materials, thanks to which the key will not break in the keyhole. nine0003
To protect yourself from risks, according to Protecting.co.uk employee Mark Hall, you can use simple rules. He advises to hide the keys from prying eyes and use locks with complex locking mechanisms that cannot be broken by picking keys. It is also recommended to install several locks of different types and equip the apartment with an alarm system. At the entrances to commercial premises, it is necessary to install video surveillance cameras and, if possible, hire security guards. “We know that many people will not be able to afford advanced systems, but even small changes in the approach to security can significantly reduce the risks,” says Mark Hall. nine0003
The possibilities of using 3D printing technology to make duplicate keys have been talked about for a long time. In 2011, American engineer Nirav Patel printed a plastic key on a simple and inexpensive RepRap open source printer. To do this, he measured the Schlage SC1 lock key model, which is popular in the USA, with a ruler and calipers, and then created a three-dimensional model of it in the OpenSCAD 3D modeling program. Today, anyone can download a .scad file and edit it depending on the parameters of their key, Nirav Patel writes in his blog. After that, you need to create a three-dimensional model in .stl format, after which the key is ready for printing. nine0003 Photo: iStock
What tools help you print keys on a 3D printer
In 2013, MIT students David Lawrence and Eric Van Albert created a program that allows you to make duplicates of "restricted keys" Schlage Primus keys. These are keys with a high degree of protection, the manufacturer of which monitors the release of blanks and limits their free distribution. After studying the manufacturer's information, the students learned how to match the code to the pins (internal parts that interact with the key) and accurately reproduce it in simulation programs. To print finished 3D models, students used Shapeways and i.Materialise, which work with various materials, including nylon and titanium. nine0003
Researchers from the University of Michigan also worked with duplication-protected keys. In 2015, they introduced the KeysForge tool. Based on data about the key and a photograph of the lock, the program creates a CAD file (from Computer-Aided Design - "computer-aided design systems", used, among other things, when creating architectural plans. - Approx. Plus-one.ru), which can be printed on any custom 3D printer. “We have shown that anyone with a 3D printer can quickly and easily hack into restricted systems,” said one of the authors of the development, Ben Burgess. The program works with a large number of lock systems with classic latches and is in the public domain. nine0003
3D printing technology can also be used by attackers who break cylinder locks using bumping. When using this method, a specially machined key is inserted into the lock, which is struck with a small hammer. During the impact, the lock mechanism can take the desired position, and if the key is turned at this moment, the door will open.
In 2014, security experts Jos Weyers and Christian Holler created the Photobump bumping app. With the help of a photo of the lock mechanism and information about the position of its code pins - according to Jos Weyers, their depth can be measured with any thin tool or found in the descriptions of key cutting programs - Photobump creates a model of a lock pick suitable for printing on a 3D printer. nine0003
The developers have printed out a bump key for the German-made ABUS E20 lock. They did it with the help of the Dutch 3D printing service Shapeways, and the cost of one piece of nylon was less than €5. According to Wired, which published material about Photobump, the developers did not have a goal to tell attackers about a new hacking method. The main task of the specialists was to warn lock manufacturers about the possible danger.
There is a problem, there is a solution
Some lock manufacturers are aware of burglar tricks and create highly secure keys.