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3D Printing Chicago

3D Printing Chicago


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3D printing labs and design services at rates you can afford.
We make it easy to order 3D prints. With four 3D printers available 24/7, we can print your design from most common 3D file formats and ship it to you quickly, usually in a matter of days. We offer many materials including PLA Plastic, Nylon, Flexible Filament, PETG, ABS, high resolution Resin. and the newest addition to our line-up, PolySmooth, which virtually eliminates layer lines. Please see our Materials page for further details.

Need your idea rendered a into 3D computer format? From prototypes, mods, or just a broken part that needs to be replaced, we can design your idea in CAD software and make it "3D-Print Ready". We can print the final design for you, or if you prefer simply provide the file so you can have it reproduced anywhere you like. We can work over email, phone, or meet you personally at our convenient location on Chicago's Great Northwest side.

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Get an instant quote and order a 3D Print.

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to life, create or fix a 3D model?
Contact us to discuss your
project and hire a designer.

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3D Printing Chicago

3D Printing Chicago


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3D printing labs and design services at rates you can afford.
We make it easy to order 3D prints. With four 3D printers available 24/7, we can print your design from most common 3D file formats and ship it to you quickly, usually in a matter of days. We offer many materials including PLA Plastic, Nylon, Flexible Filament, PETG, ABS, high resolution Resin. and the newest addition to our line-up, PolySmooth, which virtually eliminates layer lines. Please see our Materials page for further details.

Need your idea rendered a into 3D computer format? From prototypes, mods, or just a broken part that needs to be replaced, we can design your idea in CAD software and make it "3D-Print Ready". We can print the final design for you, or if you prefer simply provide the file so you can have it reproduced anywhere you like. We can work over email, phone, or meet you personally at our convenient location on Chicago's Great Northwest side.

Where to start?
Choose one of the options below to get an instant quote without having to sign up, log in, or make any commitment.

Get a Quote

Get an instant quote and order a 3D Print.

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Hire a Designer
Need help bringing your idea
to life, create or fix a 3D model?
Contact us to discuss your
project and hire a designer.

Contact US

5 benefits of 3D printing

Until recently, 3D printing equipment was seen as exotic. The technology was too expensive and underdeveloped. Today, 3D printers are used in a wide variety of industries. The devices have replaced labor-intensive work and are capable of creating an object of complex configuration or from a material that is difficult to process in a short time.

Let's take a look at the features of 3D printing and 5 obvious benefits that innovation gives us. nine0003

Low cost

The 3D printing sector has an active service offering online ordering of a specific part. The service implies that the client uploads his project to a certain platform, instantly receives an offer for creation and can personally see how his object is made. This is a huge step forward from the complex process of bringing a product to market using traditional manufacturing. Moreover, the algorithm is implemented much cheaper. Additive technology brings great benefits to businesses in need of spare parts. Practical applications compatible with 3D printing are progressing every day - there are already daredevils living in 3D printed houses. As digital additive manufacturing advances, more ordinary people will begin to reap the benefits of this huge growing industry. nine0003

Manufacturing flexibility

Traditional manufacturing methods make complex designs much more difficult to create. 3D printing has opened the door to the previously unimaginable for designers and entrepreneurs. With the constant addition of new print materials, including metal and fabric, the possibilities for 3D printers to adapt to different sectors of the economy seem endless. Already, industries such as automotive, energy and aerospace are tapping into the potential offered by technology, and its presence is being felt throughout the industrial sector. nine0003

Advances in healthcare

The benefits that 3D printing can bring to new medical developments are already well understood. Victims of accidents and diseases have received 3D printed bone implants that are created with absolute precision. The metal plates or attachments are not surgically removed once the bone has healed. Medicine is also becoming more personal to the patient as scanning allows the creation of 3D models of affected areas. Preoperative mock-ups can significantly affect the treatment, while the operation time is significantly reduced. New developments in the field of medicine and 3D printing appear almost daily. nine0003


Optimizing 3D printing processes speeds up production schedules, and reducing production time means lower energy consumption in the long run. Additive manufacturing is safer - it generates less waste than many other manufacturing processes. When it comes to plastic, modern technology could be a key factor in trying to clean up the oceans. Other benefits include online services such as Chicago 3D Printing, where production is closer to the customer, reducing pollution from heavy traffic. And with an Amsterdam-based project already using waste plastic to print outdoor furniture, the 3D industry is looking more environmentally friendly. nine0003

Economic Growth

3D printing has ushered in a new era of creative possibilities, and the continuous development of innovative materials means that advancements will continue to grow. Ideas that were once impossible to realize are now within reach, and the world of design and manufacturing has suddenly expanded to new horizons. Entrepreneurs are already using additive technology to create products they didn't even know they had before. The global economy benefits from the emergence of innovative enterprises. Soon we will be buying things that have not yet been invented and wonder how we managed without them. nine0003

Despite the slow start of 3D printing, the benefits have already been appreciated by companies operating in various market sectors. The technology is gaining momentum, and the peak of its popularity is ahead.



3D printing equipment, 3D printers, Additive technology, digital additive manufacturing, 3D printing, 3d printed bone implants, Additive manufacturing

Other materials:

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  • 3D printing in mechanical engineering - a vision 2020
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We accept news, articles or press releases
with links and images. [email protected]

nine0000 Top 3D Shop, Moscow - Your expert in the 3D technology market / Articles / Sudo Null IT News Top3DShop

Top 3D Shop Blog insane in scale and probably the largest international manufacturing exhibition IMTS 2016.

The exhibition presented truly advanced technologies for processing metals, plastics and other materials, and, of course, additive technologies. nine0066

Total votes 13: ↑11 and ↓2 +9



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Top 3D Shop blog Top 3D Shop has selected the most interesting novelties in the 3d industry and will talk about them in this review. nine0066

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Total votes 9: ↑9 and ↓0 +9



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Top 3D Shop Blog


  • Examples
  • Do It Yourself: How You Can Help Fight the Pandemic
  • In Russia
  • What 3D companies are doing during the pandemic
  • Safety and regulatory matters
  • Total

Countries around the world have rushed to fight the coronavirus pandemic, and, of course, 3D printer manufacturers and printers cannot stand aside, donating their efforts, time and printing materials to suppress the spread of the deadly virus. Let's look at a few examples of how 3D printers are helping the planet get rid of the main infection of 2020. nine0066

Total votes 18: ↑13 and ↓5 +8



Comments 1


Top 3D Shop Blog 3D Printers Health

Heart cells under a microscope.

The dream of 3D printing heart tissue is one step closer, thanks to the development of scientists from the Heart Research Institute (HRI), Sydney, Australia.

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Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0 +8



Comments 3


Top 3D Shop Blog -Jet Fusion 500/300 printers and an industrial installation using SHS technology - Jet Fusion 4200.

Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0 +8



Comments four


Top 3D Shop Blog 3D printers

Hello everyone! Top 3D Shop is with you and in the next review we will talk about the Cafe Maker coffee printer.


Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0 +8



Comments 2 nine0003 Top3DShop

Top 3D Shop blog was organized at the conference with the help of our friends from Foliplast.

Total votes 12: ↑10 and ↓2 +8



Comments five

Top3DShop nine0074

Top 3D Shop Blog 3D printers

Stereolithographic photopolymer 3D printers are becoming more and more affordable. Before us is one of the most interesting budget models of 2018 - the Anycubic Photon LCD printer, a photopolymer 3D printer for printing at home, in the office and in the workshop.

Total votes 12: ↑10 and ↓2 +8



Comments four

Top3DShop nine0074

Top 3D Shop Blog xBC, MfgPro230 xS SLS printer, and MfgPro180 xPf and 220 xPF ultra-fast printers.

Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0 +8



Comments 1


Top 3D Shop Blog 3D printers


We talk about the properties of the Wanhao D9/300 3D printer. This is a desktop FDM printer with a print area of ​​300x300x400 mm.

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Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0 +8



Comments 8


Top 3D Shop Blog This is a larger and improved descendant of the WANHAO D7, in many ways not similar to its predecessor.

Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0 +8



Comments 8


Top 3D Shop Blog Prototyping *3D printers

Hello friends! Vasily Kiselev is with you and we are in Nizhny Novgorod, the capital of the Volga region. Nizhny today is a large industrial center, where digital production is seriously developed - from digital modeling, reverse engineering and prototyping, to industrial 3D printing and robotics, automated machining and thermal vacuum forming.

Today we will look at how the "kitchen" of one of these industries is arranged.
Meet! Foliplast Company! nine0066

Total votes 14: ↑11 and ↓3 +8



Comments 1


Top 3D Shop Blog 3D printers

Hello! Let's talk about the properties of Photocentric's Liquid Crystal HR 3D printer. This is a desktop stereolithographic 3D printer that prints three-dimensional models with photopolymer resins.

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Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0 +8


3. 8K

Comments five

Wrrr 03 May 2018 Vasily Kiselev is with you and we filmed this episode of our video blog in St. Petersburg, with which I have many warm memories, because here I was born, grew up and founded my company Top 3D Shop in 2013, and only in 2015 we decided to open an office in Moscow. A full-fledged back office with a staff of about 30 people still operates in St. Petersburg. nine0066

Total votes 18: ↑13 and ↓5 +8



Comments four


Top 3D Shop Blog 3D printers

Recovery mode

Hello everyone! My name is Vasily Kiselev, I am the owner and managing director of Top 3D Shop, and this is the first release of my video blog dedicated to the development of 3D technologies in Russia.

Total votes 10: ↑9and ↓1 +8


2. 3K

Comments 0


Top 3D Shop Blog Wanhao not only continues to upgrade existing 3D printers, but also replenishes the lineup with new devices. The Duplicator 9 is not one, but three printers built according to the same principle, but differing in the dimensions of the printed area. Before the release of D9the company did not aim at a large print area, except for the D5s, but it has an impressive height only, and this printer belongs to a higher price category.

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Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0 +8



Comments 8


Top 3D Shop blog metals, between them - equipment and materials in assortment. To understand what materials are needed to obtain a strong and lightweight part, we are moving from personal printing to industrial printing. PLA, ABS, SBS are consumables that are familiar to all printers. PETG, nylon, polycarbonate - rather exotic. But these are far from the most serious materials. nine0066

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Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0 +8



Comments 21


Top 3D Shop Blog Peripherals Lasers

Recovery mode


This is the story of how we tested the Laser Solid laser cutter/engraver. Here you will see: the characteristics of the machine, an overview of the test of working with photos and videos, product samples, the pros and cons of the device and the general impression of working with it. nine0066

Total votes 8: ↑8 and ↓0 +8



Comments 25


Top 3D Shop Blog Robotics 3D printers

What is it?

This article is about the industrial application of robotics. The use of robots in industry began, by historical standards, not so long ago - a little more than half a century ago, but now there is hardly any production that can be imagined without automatic lines, without steel manipulators and vigilant glass pupils of robots - these iron guys have firmly entered the majority production processes and are not going to leave. nine0066

Total votes 20: ↑14 and ↓6 +8



Comments 23
