3D body scanner scale
A 3D Body Scanner Comparison
Individuals weigh themselves after a week of working out only to see the same old number staring up at them. Traditional scales don't tell individuals the whole story. This can lead to discouragement.
Looking in the mirror to track fitness progress isn't reliable. To see fitness progress in a mirror is misleading because it relies on memory. And photos only capture specific angles and lighting.
Often, individuals make fitness improvements but their scale doesn't reflect that. So people are without the positive feedback they need to stay motivated. 3D body scanners are the new fitness tech that will change the game forever.
When weighing up the Styku vs. Shapescale, which 3D body scanner is superior? We explain the pros and cons of each in this comparative guide.
These days, it's easy for people to make excuses as to why they overeat or skip workouts here and there. But with Shapescale, they see the data clearly, and they can't argue with it. It'll completely change the way fitness goals are achieved.
Shapescale is a revolutionary new scale that scans an individual's body. It does this from every angle in 3D. They can step onto the Shapescale and its mechanical arm rotates around 360 degrees.
It takes less than a minute and captures hundreds of pictures with an infrared camera.
Who Is It Geared Toward?
The 3D, photorealistic image is then uploaded to the Shapescale app. This allows them to track their fitness. They update the image and metrics by stepping onto the scale again.
This is just one reason why fitness centers and fitness fanatics alike can enjoy this. There are many selling points businesses can choose from to help educate customers.
Users will clearly see fat loss and muscle gains as they rotate the 3D model of their body. They can do this right on their smartphone. With high precision and accuracy, Shapescale transfers data from the real world right into the palm of their hand. This allows them to analyze the photorealistic model of their body.
Individuals can see themselves from every angle and use the "Heatmaps" feature. This helps them see exactly where they've been losing and gaining.
They'll see whether the change involved fat or muscle*. No more annoying, cumbersome, and painful fat calipers or tape measures.
*Please note that it doesn't measure visceral fat (the fat around internal organs). With Shapescale, any loss is "associated" with fat loss. Any sculpted gain is "associated" with muscle gain. This is still better than human eye detection of fat and muscle changes.
It doesn't use underwater weighing, bioelectric impedance, or DEXA scans. Nor does it use ultrasound, x-rays, or skinfold calipers. These are tools and procedures individuals can use to supplement Shapescale's data.
This can be useful if people want to add to their personal fitness record-keeping and metrics.
Why Is It Effective?
Individuals can now scan themselves every day (or at any time interval) in order to see what has changed between two specific dates. This functionality allows them to optimize their fitness routines and nutrition plans more effectively. These changes are presented in "Difference View" on the Shapescale app for easy data access.
Accurate, data-driven feedback is essential to eliminating excuses. It keeps people on the right track. They'll be less likely to skip workouts or feast on ice cream. They'll see the body changes right there in the app.
Localized data such as fat and muscle mass percentages are represented. This includes each section of the individual's body. The Shapescale app allows everyday people to set their fitness goals in advance, so they can stay focused and motivated to achieve them.
This incredible new technology detects body changes that human eyes can't see, so fitness fanatics and patients alike get that valuable feedback from the AI -- even when they don't see changes in the mirror.
Body Shape Index
In the general population, Body Mass Index (BMI) indicates the percent body fat and several disease states. BMI is not perfect at predicting percent body fat in heavily muscular individuals such as athletes and bodybuilders.
Since BMI is limited, the Shapescale offers a slightly different measurement, that being the Body Shape Index (ABSI), which was developed by health experts to address the shortcomings of BMI.
ABSI includes body circumference and height, as well as the BMI of an individual, and studies show it more accurately predicts obesity, some diseases, and even mortality.
Recently, Body Volume Indicators (BVI) entered the scene, but sadly, these apps were only made available to medical professionals, and for now, are still restricted.
The BVI Pro App is more thorough than BMI indicators. But, let's face it -- going to a doctor, exercise physiologist, or dietician to check their BVI isn't practical or affordable, especially when someone wants to check their progress daily or weekly.
Shapescale has improved the world of health by bringing that ABSI and BVI technology to the general public. Shapescale can bring this opportunity right into homes, all types of fitness centers, and anywhere people like to workout.
The Skyku S100 is essentially the same as the Shapescale, however, instead of an arm rotating around the individual, the machine rotates the individual on a platform. The Skyku is also the fastest scanner on the market, taking only 35 seconds. This still allows the stationary camera to take hundreds of pictures from every angle.
It's non-invasive, intuitive, lightweight, and portable. The Skyku body scanner is interactive and illustrates to the individual their body shape and any gains and losses just like the Shapescale.
Set and track fitness goals by entering desired burn rate, activity level, and weight loss. Users just log in, from anywhere in the world, and manage their accounts, view data analytics, and set preferences.
Who Is It Geared Toward?
The Skyku Body Scanner is more geared toward the medical field but works just as well as the Shapescale for everyday fitness needs. It has a dropdown menu where people can choose which metric or area they'd like to analyze.
Interactive graphs show metrics changes can also be seen within the 3D model graphic area, allowing the mind to more accurately understand the feedback.
Skyku is a better tool with which to see contours, before and after photos, etc, so it's ideal for plastic surgeons, aesthetic professionals, and dermatologists. Physical therapists, chiropractors, and functional trainers can keep track of patients' muscle gains, and posture.
Medical doctors can use this new, intelligent tool to measure waist circumference, body fat, and waist-to-hip ratio in order to help assess the track the risk of obesity-related diseases and more.
Why Is It Effective?
It provides a digital tool to examine for musculoskeletal risks. It will show exact bone density/mass and even posture by using its state-of-the-art 3D camera. Customer experiences are enhanced by this streamlined process.
Fitness centers can use this just like the Shapescale and can choose one depending on how customers react to each experience. Skyku leverages body measurements and precisely calculates body fat percentage. Fitness pros can set goals, highlight changes, etc. using the 3D model.
Bariatric surgeons and weight-loss professionals can assess the health of patients and their health risks.
3D Body Scanner Studies
Skyku has dedicated themselves to working with only the best and brightest, most accurate safety analyzers, and fitness experts to bring you safety testing and research.
If you're interested in conducting a Skyku study yourself, just set up a meeting with one of our team members and we'll help you get access to a body scanner to fulfill your research needs. We're open to working with anyone with a genuine interest in fitness and educating the public on their benefits and any data associated with Skyku.
Studies indicate that 3D body scanners are precise and provide stable measurements of body composition and shape. As software is updated, certain biases will be resolved, such as detecting slight differences between landmark locations on the body.
For now, the results are incredible and show how amazingly informative and safe our fitness body scanning technology is today. Even more detailed correlations between body composition, shape, and metabolic health factors will be discovered in future studies. These factors include age, sex, BMI, ethnicity groups, any metabolic disorders.
North Dakota University found that Skyku 3D Whole Body Scanner has "nearly perfect reliability". They looked at the data analysis and compared it to the combination of other clinical types of fitness data gathering procedures.
3D Fitness Scanners Will Shape The Future
So, which will it be -- Shapescale or Styku? Look at the goals they help achieve and how. Consider "all angles" when assessing the options. Know that either one you choose will upgrade any fitness center or health-related facility to the next level.
Stay up-to-date with the new 3D scanning fitness and health technology. In this world of quickly-changing assessment tools, we'll be better equipped with 3D fitness body scanners. These keep people informed of their health progress without visiting doctor.
Contact us to learn more about how 3D body scanners such as Shapescale and Skyku can help you or your business!
3D Body Scanning for Fitness, Health, & Wellness
Notable Clients
Lightweight, Portable, and Intuitive
Perform a 3D body scan in seconds using just a simple turntable and 3D camera. In only 35 seconds, we extract millions of measurements with 2mm accuracy and reconstruct your body in 3D.
Styku Body ScannerLearn More
See the Difference in your Body's Shape in 3D.
Weight scales often mislead you into thinking you're not making progress. Nothing is more illustrative and more motivating then to actually see your body transform.

Analyze Hundreds of Body Measurements
Extract measurements like your waist, hip, thigh, and more with less than 1% error.
Differentiate your business with 3D body scanning.
Whether you're a fitness professional, doctor, or even a tailor, Styku's technology enables you to extract key body shape and measurements relevant to your industry.
Fitness & Sports
We leverage body measurements to calculate body fat % with incredibly high precision. Fitness professionals can use the 3D model to highlight changes in shape and/or to set goals.
Plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and other aesthetics professionals use Styku's technology to validate the effectiveness of body contouring devices. Before/after 3D images illustrate real change.
Medical Weight Loss
Body measurements are correlated with obesity related disease, which doctors use to assess and stratify risk. Bariatric surgeons and weight-loss professionals track progress using precise and accurate measurements.
Physical Therapy
We enable therapists, chiropractors, and functional trainers a precise and digital tool to address musculoskeletal risks. Precise bone density/mass estimates, posture analysis, using a 3D camera streamline and enhances your customer's experience.
Learn More
Extract hundreds of measurements. 76% more precise than an expert tailor, and way easier.
3D Model
Rotate, pan, and zoom a full body model from a body scan. Visualize shape and landmarks.
Shape Analysis
Analyze a subjects profile, silhouette, and waist-to-hip ratio. View asymmetries in shape.
Track Progress
Chart your key measurements over time. Keep your clients, patients, and members motivated.
Fat Analysis
More consistent than traditional methods, such as calipers and BIA and possible even DEXA (currently under scientific review)
Risk Assessment
Track risk of obesity related disease using waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat.
Goal Setting
Meet fat loss goals by setting desired weight loss, burn rate, and activity level.
View data analytics, set preferences, and manage your account from anywhere in the world.
What appealed to us about Styku is the accuracy of the measurements and how it has a small (square footage) footprint.

Aaron Cave
Gold's Gym International, VP Fitness
We researched this category extensively and we also executed a side-by-side test against the two best options. Styku was clearly more consistent and accurate. Our test clubs showed a double digit increase in Personal Training revenue during the test period and we also had a nice increase in the average dues per member by bundling a free monthly body scan with our results based membership.

Craig Pepin-Donat
Crunch Fitness, Executive Vice President
“The risk assessment tab has been very motivating for some clients. Seeing that they are at risk for disease based off their body scan has launched several of my individual clients into action. And I'm happy to report that they are improving week over week. I would hands down recommend this product. If you're looking to take your business and your clients to the next level, then this piece of equipment could be the missing piece. What gets measured gets improved.”
Marly Paulus
Certified Body Composition Analyst, BodymetRx Owner
I finally have an objective measure that validates the results from body contouring devices. Styku’s Scanner has become the most valuable tool in my body consultation and follow-up. Forget the tape measure and 2D photography - 3D is today’s technology.
JD McCoy
Contour Medical
Monthly group training EFT has increased 250% since we have implemented Gold’s 3D (powered by Styku).

Jeronimo C Provencio
General Manager, Gold's Gym Cheyenne Wyoming
more testimonials
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Naked Truth: Naked Lab 3D Scanner Scale
Naked Truth: Naked Lab 3D Scanner Scale
Finally, the inventors of Silicon Valley got to such a prosaic gadget as home bathroom scales. Now, from a device that reports sad, as a rule, news, one can expect more than just an abstract number - essentially nothing that says nothing to those who look at it on the display.
Naked by Naked Lab. is not just a smart scale, but also a 3D body scanner hidden in a full-size mirror. Both devices work as a team, communicate through the cloud service and are controlled using a mobile application. As a result, a person who decides to weigh himself receives a detailed fitness report, including the ratio of fat mass to muscle mass, symmetry (more precisely, asymmetry) of the body and other nuances that are inaccessible to ordinary scales gathering dust in bathrooms.
The latest generation of Intel's RealSense cameras built into the mirror are responsible for the merciless exposure of the facts - in anticipation of their upgrade, the company delayed the launch of the project for many months, but it was worth it. In 15 seconds, the cameras manage to do enough work so that after a few more moments, an accurate 3D model of his body with accurate parameters and the necessary analytics appears on the screen of the user's smartphone. Having studied the numbers, it is easy to see what the conditional “+5 kilos” on the scales actually mean - fat or muscle mass gained as a result of training. If you constantly monitor the state of your body, then it becomes not only interesting, but also useful to follow the progress: the understanding of how the body works increases and the motivation to work on improving its condition increases.
“By becoming aware of the processes that take place in our bodies, we begin to truly “own” them, and it doesn’t matter whether you are working on accepting the external data that nature has endowed you with or want to qualitatively change,” says Sam Winter, host project researcher. “In our world, everything is tied to numbers: how many calories you consumed per day, how many steps you walked. But this says absolutely nothing about what is actually happening with your body,” continues Naked Lab CEO Farhad Farabakshyan, “This figure on the display of ordinary scales is not just meaningless, it can cause real harm. ” .
The creators of the scales of the future - which are already sold to themselves in the present, despite the price tag of $ 1395 - expect that their gadget will be useful not only to professional athletes and fitness maniacs, but also to everyone who cares about their body.
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Screen diagonal 43'' / 109 cm
Optimal screen distance for HD viewing: 2.
8-3.3 m Optimal screen distance for Full HD or 3D viewing: 1.4-1.6 m
Screen type
Screen backlight technology
LED-backlit LCD is a liquid crystal display that uses LEDs for backlighting.
Screen diagonal 43"
Screen resolution
Resolution refers to how densely the pixels are on the screen.
3840x2160 4K UHD
Update frequency 50 Hz
Screen backlight DIRECT LED
Color Accuracy 8 bit
Number of pixels horizontally 3840 pix.
Number of vertical pixels 2160 pix.
HDR energy efficiency class G
CI (Common Interface) CI+
Tuner analog
Smart TV Yes
Netflix Yes
Disney+ Yes
Apple TV
Apple TV+ brings critically acclaimed original movies and TV shows from Apple, only to the Apple TV app.
Connection systems Simplink (HDMI-CEC)
Apple AirPlay 2 Yes
AI features Amazon Echo, Apple HomeKit, Google Home
Image optimization
A technology that provides a wider color gamut and higher contrast between dark and light tones.
Image enhancement systems HDR10 Pro, HLG, FILMMAKER MODE
Sound power (RMS) 20 W
Audio systems AI Sound, Clear Voice Pro
bluetooth audio Yes
Channels 2.
Bluetooth bluetooth 5.0
HDMI 2 pcs
LAN (network interface, RJ45) Yes
USB 2.
0 (480 Mbps) 1 PC
WiFi Yes
The weight
Product weight without packaging
8.1 kg
Weight without stand 8 kg
Width 97.
3 cm
Height 62.3 cm
Depth 21.6 cm
Height without stand 57.2 cm
Depth without stand 8.
5 cm
VESA mount size 200x200
Common parameters
Manufacturer LG
Energy efficiency class
Products are divided into energy efficiency classes A->G, which help determine the level of energy efficiency.
A = maximum energy efficiency, G = minimum energy efficiency.
Decree number 2019/2013
Model ID 43UQ76903LE
Energy consumption 54 kWh/1000h
HDR power consumption 80 kWh/1000h
Operating system webOS
LG NANO783QA, 43", Ultra HD, LCD, NanoCell, silver - TV
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