What software does 3d printers use

What software to use for 3D printing: The complete guide

David Roberson13 May 2021


Before starting to 3D print, you will need to make sure you have gathered all the necessary software “ingredients” that will guide you through the printing process, from preparing your 3D model to managing printers themselves.

These include:

  • CAD software to create a 3D model (you can also use an existing 3D model, if you do not wish or need to design one)

  • Slicing software

  • Software to operate your printer remotely (this is optional, but can be convenient)

This article will go through each of these ingredients, and will also touch on how the Ultimaker platform creates a seamless end-to-end flow between hardware, software, and materials, empowering you to unlock the magic of 3D printing and make innovation happen.

What is a “slicer”?

A 3D printing slicer – also known as slicing or print preparation software – is a program that converts a 3D model into a language your 3D printer understands.

Slicing software, such as Ultimaker Cura, digitally cuts a model into flat layers, which your printer can then print one by one. With the Ultimaker platform, however, slicing software is not always needed, thanks to integrations that allow you to print directly from CAD or the Ultimaker Digital Library.

Preparing a 3D print using Ultimaker Cura software

What is the best CAD software to design 3D prints?

CAD, or computer-aided design, software enables you to design a 3D model from the ground, up. There are many types of CAD software, each with its own benefits. AutoCAD, created by Autodesk, is perhaps the best-known among them since it was one of the first CAD software programs available for personal computers when released in 1982. Other CAD platforms include:

  • Fusion360 – great for designing and creating efficient mechanical parts

  • 3ds Max – used in all types of 3D model creation, including video game design, architecture, and 3D printing

  • TinkerCAD – A free, browser-based CAD tool that allows users to build 3D models out of various shapes. Popular with CAD novices and for STEAM education

  • Blender – free, open-source 3D model creation software

  • Siemens NX – for designing and creating advanced 3D models

  • Solidworks – for designing and creating professional parts for industrial use

  • Catia – Advanced design software used for creating surfaces and engineering systems

Before you begin 3D printing, be sure to do your research and pick the CAD software that’s right for your use case. This way, you’ll get the most out of the model you choose to design and print.

Also check which file types your slicing software is compatible with, so you can make your 3D designs into 3D prints.

A design in CAD software (left screen), slicing software (right), and the finished print

How to design parts for 3D printing?

When designing for 3D printing, there are best practices to help you get the best results from your 3D printer and the parts it creates. Design parts optimized for 3D printing will improve print success rates, reduce costs through lower wastage, and boost the speed of your product development cycle.

Consider build volume. Your 3D prints can only be as large as your printer’s build volume. Be sure to know its dimensions, then create a part that can either be printed within those dimensions in one go, or plan to use modularity (printing then combining separate parts). 

Decide orientation early. Because FFF prints layer by layer, determining the print orientation early in the process helps drive design choices, text alignment, and snap features.

Evaluate overhang support requirements. FFF printed parts are self-supporting up to 45 degrees. Overhangs below 45 degrees must be supported from below with support material.

Follow bridging support guidelines. For most basic filaments, FFF printing does not need support when bridging materials within a 10 mm gap. 

Pay attention to nozzle size. When designing small features, you should consider height, wall thickness, and nozzle size. Larger nozzles will print faster than smaller nozzles, but at a cost of increased minimum thickness and height for your models.

Design with hole diameters in mind. Generally, 3D printed hole features should not be smaller than 2 mm. If accurate holes are required, it is recommended to design the holes smaller than intended and post-process with a drilling operation. 

Avoid sharp corners. Sharp corners can be modelled in CAD, but the print may warp. Increasing the area of the surface in contact with the bed will decrease the likelihood of the warpage.

For a deep dive into these factors and more, check out our blog on design for 3D printing.

What software do I need to start a 3D print?

This depends on how much of the 3D printing workflow you need to perform.

As long as you already have access to a 3D model, you will typically need software that can slice that model, so your printer can get to work. Once you have started to print, you can also use software to manager your 3D printer (or printers) remotely.

But as we saw earlier, the slicing step can be avoided if you have a 3D printer integration installed in your CAD tool. If you already have access to a 3D printable file (such as a G-code on a USB stick) you can also go ahead and print without the need for any slicing software, as your digital file is already ready to print.

Controlling 3D printers remotely with Ultimaker Digital Factory software

Managing 3D printers remotely

Ultimaker S-line printers, the Ultimaker 2+ Connect, and the Ultimaker 3 can make use of a network connection to access cloud-based services on Ultimaker Digital Factory. By linking a printer to your Ultimaker account, your printer can then be controlled remotely, from outside of its local area network.

Want to learn more about 3D printing software?

Download our free white paper, “Important 3D printing software features,” which will help you determine the best 3D printing software for your business needs, as well as examine settings, print profiles, and other features that can help you get the most out of your printing experience.

Get the white paper

What Software Do You Need for 3D Printing? – 3D Printerly

Depending on which 3D printer you buy, it can be a fairly quick or long process to put it together. Once that’s done, we have to look for software to aid our 3D printing journey, so most people wonder what software they need for 3D printing.

I’ll answer that question in this article, so hopefully, you have a better idea of this topic.

3D printers don’t usually come with the software unless they specifically have branded software, such as the PrusaSlicer for Prusa 3D printers or ChiTuBox for Anycubic resin 3D printers. Most other 3D printers are open-source, meaning they can be used with other open-source software such as Cura.

That’s the basic answer, so I will go into more detail about dedicated slicer software and what software you need for 3D printing.

What Software Do You Need for 3D Printing?

Technically speaking, you don’t need any software for 3D printing but it would be very inconvenient without it. You could download the exact G-code file for your 3D printer which has the settings perfect for your 3D printer, although this wouldn’t be practical.

For 3D printing, you should at least be using a slicer software which takes a 3D model file and translates it into a language which your 3D printer can understand called a G-code file. 

If you want to make your own 3D printed models which can be a personalized item or DIY project around the house, you’ll need to use a modeling software to create it. They provide model files in an STL or OBJ format which then goes into your slicer to compute the information.

There are so many tools in the market for that, some are free, and some are paid, and it also depends on your level of expertise.

So in summary, you’ll the software you need for 3D printing is slicing software and modeling software.

Examples of common software used in 3D printing:

Slicer Software

  • Cura
  • Simplify3D (paid)
  • Slic3r
  • KISSlicer

3D Model Design Software

  • TinkerCAD
  • Blender
  • Sculptris
  • SketchUp
  • FreeCAD

Multi-Purpose Software

  • OctoPrint
  • Repetier-Host

They have differing levels of features and abilities depending on what stage you are at. If you are just starting 3D printing or are in the early days, you want a 3D printing software that has a small learning, so you can concentrate on other things.

Some are browser-based and others need to be downloaded as an application, both still will generally give you similar results.

Slicing software is something that you must have for 3D printing.

The software converts the digital 3D model into printing instructions for your 3D printing by generating a G-code, which is then executed by the 3D printer and then turned into a 3D printout.

It basically cuts your model into different layers, and the printer then gives the output in the form of layers one by one.

It tells your printer what nozzle temperature to use, what infill pattern to extrude, advanced settings such as adaptive layers, randomized layer starting points, printing speed, and several other settings that create a successful print.

Do 3D Printers Come with Software?

Depending on what type of 3D printer you purchase, they may come with slicer software ready to download on a USB stick. Most of the time, you simply research which software you want to use, then download it or use a browser-based software.

Some 3D printers do some with software which are specialized for that type of 3D printer, along with firmware setting updates and so on.

Some manufacturers send open source projects to you from where you can download the software and can use it.

You can get discounts on paid software with professional 3D printers out there.

What is Open Source Software?

Open source software is those who come under the source code that is available to anyone for inspection, modification, and enhancement. You can access this software and can even customize it according to your need and requirements.

The legal terms of open source software must be accepted, but they are totally different from those of proprietary licenses.

The open source software accepts the way how you want to use, study or modify it and does not hinder your ideas. It grants you permission the way you want to modify the software for your own purpose and get things done.

Examples of open-source software are:

  • MeshLab
  • Cura
  • OpenSCAD
  • Blender

Meshlab is an open source software for processing and editing 3D triangular meshes, which provides you the tools for rendering, texturing, and creating 3D models for printing purposes. Its open source capability allows you to modify and customize it according to your need.

Pros of Open Source Software

  • Open source software is cost-effective and free to use.
  • You can add any number of plug-ins and add-ons in the software for your use.
  • You can customize it for your use according to your changing demands.
  • The open-source software is reliable, and you can work with other developers in making it better.
  • You can keep improving your software with time without hurdles.

Cons of Open Source Software

  • Some open source software can be quite complex to navigate
  • The support you get in the open source software is not always reliable, since its free
  • Some open source software don’t receive many updates, so they don’t keep up with the standard practices.
  • The software could be abandoned by the support, but there are usually forums for assistance.

What is a Dedicated Software?

Dedicated software is such a software which is designed for a specific purpose to meet the needs of an organization or user. Dedicated software follows a specific route in their formation as they are to be created for a specific purpose.

You will find this software adjusted according to the individual needs, which makes it easier to use. You can even ask the company to create dedicated software to add different tools that you need in your 3D modeling.

They are more likely to have consistent upgrades since it is an ongoing project which corresponds with current users.

Examples of dedicated software are:

  • ChiTuBox
  • PreForm
  • Z-Suite
  • PrusaSlicer – still open source
  • Formware

Pros of Dedicated Software

  • The software is aligned with the major goals which you want to achieve.
  • Created with the user and 3D printer in mind
  • You can scale up your operations according to your need through this software.
  • Can still work with many other open source 3D printers

Cons of Dedicated Software

  • Less ability to customize certain features
  • Having to wait until the specialized team implements upgrades which can take some time
  • Don’t have the freedom to use custom plugins and add-ons unless allowed by the company
  • Less freedom to choose a software which you are already familiar with

Which 3D Printers Have Dedicated Software?

Dedicated software are usually pretty good compared to their open-source counterparts, but some have definitely had some trouble getting things in order.

The ChiTuBox slicer which works with Anycubic resin 3D printers is well-known to be very fast at slicing, and is fairly simple to get used to. There have been complaints about supports not being generated very well.

As time goes on, and upgrades happen, software usually increase in their features and overall printing sucess rate. ChiTuBox has gotten a lot better since the early days, but the timing of upgrades can be quite slow.

PrusaSlicer has gone through a recent update (at time of writing), releasing the PrusaSlicer 2.2 which has plenty of upgrades as shown in the video below.

6 Best 3D Printing Software for Beginners

  1. Cura
  2. TinkerCAD
  3. Slic3r
  4. SketchUp
  5. FreeCAD
  6. PrusaSlicer


Cura is a great slicer which is probably the most popular slicing software out there. It constantly gets updated with awesome features and experimental options that you extra control over your 3D print files.


TinkerCAD is a simple, beginner-friendly model design software which allows you to get started making simple models yourself. It’s a great starting point if you are looking to get into 3D print model design.

You can save your models within the browser, saved for whenever you revisit your TinkerCAD profile. It has some default shapes for you to start from, going up to more complex shapes like threads on screws and much more.


Slic3r is an open-source slicing software which is great at providing several features to get your perfect 3D print model file ready for you to print. It has many infill options, experimental support and features which make it a comprehensive slicer.


SketchUp is quite similar to TinkerCAD which gives a simple, yet effective platform to create objects for beginners. It happens to be one of the more popular 3D model designing software out there.

It is also tailored to advanced users with the pro version, which has tools that go into more depth than the basic ones.


FreeCAD has many features and resources that help you to improve your designing skills. It doesn’t use the well-known drag and drop method of creating models, but rather one where you edit parameters (parametric).

You use a 2D shape as your foundation, build extra objects then manipulate those pieces in ways that create whole new designs. You can really go into detail on how objects are edited as you get more experience and creativity.


PrusaSlicer actually began around the foundation of Slic3r then grew in popularity because of the work that was put into it. There has been a recent release of the PrusaSlicer which has several new features.

Many people who do resin 3D printing implement this software to auto-generate supports and use the auto-orientation function to get their resin prints coming out successfully.

It has multi-material support and doesn’t have issues with giving you smooth variable layer height functions. It can be used for resin 3D printing, as well as FDM printing.

Depending on your level of expertise, you can use the basic settings or get into more-depth with your customizability.

Do All 3D Printers Use the Same Software?

No, all 3D printers don’t use the same software. 3D printing software is usually separated by filament and resin 3D printers. Some 3D printer software like Cura can only be used by filament 3D printers, while others like Lychee Slicer can only be used by resin printers. Some can be used by both like PrusaSlicer.

Top 20 Free 3D Printing & 3D Printing Software

Looking for 3D printing software? We've rounded up the top 20 software tools for beginners and professionals alike. Most slicers are free.

What is a slicer? This is a program for preparing a digital model for printing. Models for 3D printing are usually distributed in STL files. To turn an STL file into G-code (a language that a 3D printer understands), a slicer program is required. It is called a slicer because it cuts (to slice - English) a 3D model into many flat two-dimensional layers, from which a 3D printer will add a physical object. nine0005

Which slicer should I choose? In this article, we will tell you which slicer is best for 3D printing for each stage of your work. Which one is better for preparing a 3D model for printing? But what if you need to create a 3D model from scratch? And if you are only taking the first steps in 3D?

Don't be afraid: we've answered all of these questions, including the required skill level for each program and where you can download it. The great thing is that most of these programs are completely free and open source. nine0005

  1. Cura
  2. CraftWare
  3. 123D Catch
  4. 3D Slash
  5. TinkerCAD
  6. 3DTin
  7. Sculptris
  8. ViewSTL
  9. Netfabb Basic
  10. Repetier
  11. FreeCAD
  12. SketchUp
  13. 3D Tool
  14. Meshfix
  15. Simplify3D
  16. Slic3r
  17. Blender
  18. MeshLab
  19. Meshmixer
  20. OctoPrint

#1: Cura

For beginners who need a slicer to prepare STL files for 3D printing

Cura is the default slicer software for all Ultimaker 3D printers, but can be used with most others , including RepRap, Makerbot, Printrbot, Lulzbot and Witbox. The program is completely open source, its capabilities can be extended using plugins.

This program is very easy to use and allows you to manage the most important 3D printing settings through a clear interface. Start in Basic mode to quickly get up to speed and change print quality settings. If finer control is required, switch to Expert mode. nine0005

Cura can also be used to directly control the printer, but then the printer and computer must be connected to each other.

Download: Cura

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux

#2: CraftWare

3D printers by the Hungarian startup CraftUnique to support their CraftBot crowdfunding machine. However, the program works with other printers. nine0005

Like Cura, CraftWare allows you to switch from "Easy" to "Expert" mode, depending on how confident you feel. It's a colorful application featuring a visual G-code visualization where each function is represented by a different color. But the most outstanding feature is the individual support service. As far as we know, only the paid program Simplify3D has this.

Please note, however, that this program is still in beta, so bugs may occur. nine0005

Download: CraftWare

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac

#3: 123D Catch

-systems, smartphones and tablets, which allows you to convert images of objects into a 3D model. Pictures can be taken with a smartphone/tablet or digital camera.

You need many photos of the object from different angles - the more the better - after which they will be compiled into a 3D model. nine0005

123D Catch is more of a fun app than a professional 3D printing tool, but after some tambourine dancing, you can get good results, especially when paired with an STL editor like MeshLab or Meshmixer.

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Android, iOS, Windows Phone

#4: 3D Slash

and surprisingly simple, and refreshingly new. With 3D Slash, you can design 3D models using your dice skills. nine0005

You can start with a large block and, like a virtual sculptor, remove small cups from it with tools such as a hammer or drill, or start from empty space and build a model from cubes and other shapes. You can paint with flowers or use template pictures.

Other features worth mentioning are tools for creating logos and 3D text. The Logo Wizard imports an image and creates a 3D model, while the Text Wizard allows you to enter and format text, and then turn it into 3D. nine0005


Download: 3dslash.net

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux, Browser

#5: TinkerCAD

- A computer-aided design (CAD) system for 3D printing, which is a good starting point for beginners. Since its capabilities are limited compared to Blender, FreeCAD and SketchUp, many users switch to more powerful tools after some time. nine0005

As in 3D Slash, here you can build models from basic shapes. At the same time, unlike 3D Slash, TinkerCAD allows you to create vector shapes in 2D and convert them into three-dimensional models.

Come in: Autodesk TinkerCAD

Price: Free

Systems: Browser

#6: 3DTin

For beginners who want to create 3D printable models

another easy and intuitive online tool choice for beginners in 3D modeling. All you need is a Chrome or Firefox browser with WebGL enabled. nine0005

Choose from a huge library of 3D shapes and add them to your sketch. All sketches are stored in the cloud, access to them is free if you honor the Creative Commons license. Everything can be exported to STL or OBJ formats.

Enter: 3DTin

Price: Free

Systems: Browser

#7: Sculptris

For beginners who want to create 3D printable models

clay. This is a fantastic 3D modeling program if figurines are your main task. For example, you can make a bust of your favorite video game or comic book character. Sculptris is completely free and bills itself as a stepping stone to the more complex (and expensive) ZBrush tool. nine0005

Download: Pixologic Sculptris

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac

#8: ViewSTL

For beginners who want to view STL files

ViewSTL is the easiest way to view STL files . Simply open a web page and drag the STL onto the dotted box.

The STL online viewer allows you to display the model in one of three views: flat shading (for a quick view), smooth shading (for a high-quality image), and wireframe. nine0005

Enter: ViewSTL

Price: Free

Systems: Browser

#9: Netfabb Basic

some nice features that allow you to analyze, "repair" and edit STL files before moving on to the model cutting stage.

A good choice if you need more than just a slicer and want to be able to quickly fix STL files without having to learn programs like MeshLab or Meshmixer. nine0005

Don't let the 'Basic' in the title fool you, Netfabb Basic is actually a very powerful 3D printing tool. It's "basic" only in the sense that it doesn't cost €1,500 like Netfabb Professional!

Download: netfabb.de

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux

No. 10: Repetier

For advanced to prepare STL files for 3D printing

9002 the next level of 3D printer slicer software, but if you want to stay open source, you should look into Repetier. It is the great grandfather of 3D printing software and a favorite of the RepRap community. nine0005

To date, the program is moving by leaps and bounds from the level for beginners to advanced users. Packaged in an all-in-one configuration, it supports up to 16 extruders, multi-slicing via plug-ins, and virtually every fusing 3D printer on the market. Get ready to tinker!

What's more, Repetier Host works remotely via Repetier Server, so that the 3D printer can be controlled via a browser, tablet or smartphone. nine0005

Download: Repetier

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux

#11: FreeCAD

The program is a great option for developing your design skills. More technically, this parametric 3D modeling program allows you to easily change the project by rolling back through the history of the model and editing the parameters. nine0005

Download: freecadweb.org

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux

#12: SketchUp

For beginners who want to create 3D printable models

SketchUp is the perfect combination of simplicity and the perfect combination functionality, with a user-friendly interface and a relatively flat learning curve (i.e., as experience grows with the time spent), the ideal program for developing three-dimensional models.

The Make SketchUp version is free and will include everything you need for 3D modeling if you also download and install the free STL exporter. There is also a professional edition for architects, interior designers and engineers. nine0005

Download: sketchup.com

Price: Free (SketchUp Make), $695 (SketchUp Pro)

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux

#13: 3D-Tool Free Viewer

view and validate STL files

3D-Tool Free Viewer is a sophisticated tool that, among other things, allows you to check the structural integrity and printability of your file. With the Cross-Section function, for example, you can look at the model from the inside and check the wall thickness. Very useful if you want to check your STL file for killer errors before printing. nine0005

Download: 3D-Tool

Price: Free

Systems: PC

#14: Meshfix

your model for errors.

Price: Free

Systems: Browser

#15: Simplify3D

For professionals to prepare STL files for 3D printing print. A flexible algorithm checks the model for problems, fixes them, shows a preview of the printing process (ideal for identifying potential problems), and then slices it. nine0005

This slicer offers the best infill pattern options in the competition. For models that require supports, Simplify3D will create the appropriate structures on its own and give you full control over their placement. For printers with a dual extruder, when printing with different materials, the Dual Extrusion wizard will help, as a result of which, for example, it will be easier to remove the dissolving filament.

Simplify3D supports 90% of today's commercially available desktop 3D printers and is compatible with Marlin, Sprinter, Repetier, XYZprinting, FlashForge, Sailfish and MakerBot firmware. Simplify3D can also be used to directly control the printer, but then the printer and computer must be connected to each other. nine0005

Download: simplify3d.com

Price: $149

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux

#16: Slic3r

source code, which has a reputation as a carrier of super new functionality, which you will not find anywhere else. The current version of the program is able to show the model from multiple angles, so that the user gets a better preview experience.

There's also an incredible 3D honeycomb infill, the first of its kind that can extend over multiple layers rather than repeating itself like a stamp. This significantly increases the strength of the internal filling of the model and the final printout.

Another option is direct integration with Octoprint. Once the files on the user's desktop are sliced, they can be directly uploaded to Octoprint with one click.

Download: Slic3r

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux

#17: Blender

For professionals who want to create 3D printable models

Blender is a popular computer-aided design (CAD) system with a steep learning curve. Not at all the best choice for beginners, but what you need if you are quite experienced and need something more complex for modeling and printing.

In short, Blender is one of the most powerful tools out there. Its community is always ready to help, there are a lot of educational materials. It's also open source, so enthusiasts often write extensions to make it even better and more powerful. nine0005

Download: blender.org

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux

#18: MeshLab

For professionals to prepare STL files for 3D printing

MeshLab - advanced editor. It allows you to remove parts of a 3D model, merge two models into one, patch holes. If you need a program to modify models for 3D printing or some kind of "repair" work, MeshLab is the right choice.

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux

#19: Meshmixer

For professionals to prepare STL files for 3D printing files. It's especially good for identifying potential problems and fixing them automatically. For example, it will show paper-thin walls that can lead to problems with 3D printing. Meshmixer is part of the Autodesk family of 3D printer software, so it should work well with tools like TinkerCAD. nine0005

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac

#20: OctoPrint

start, pause or interrupt 3D print jobs. Combined with Wi-Fi capable devices, it makes for a great monitor for remotely monitoring the 3D printing process.

Octoprint understands the G-codes of almost all 3D printers and slicers and includes a gCodeVisualizer to visualize this code before or during printing. nine0005

If you want to work away from your 3D printer and control it remotely, Octoprint is the best you can find.

Download: octoprint.org

Price: Free

Systems: PC, Mac, Linux


REC Wiki » Best 3D printing software in 2022

you need to design a 3D model, check it for errors, convert it to machine code, and only then the 3D printer comes into play. In this article, we will share examples of programs that can help at every stage of preparatory work and directly during 3D printing. nine0005


  • ZBrushCoreMini
  • 3D Builder
  • SketchUp Free
  • Fusion 360
  • FreeCAD
  • Blender
  • 2. Editing and repairing STL files:

    • Meshmixer
    • MeshLab
    • nine0405

      3. Slicers:

      • Cura
      • PrusaSlicer
      • ideaMaker
      • ChiTuBox Basic
      • Lychee Slicer
      • Kiri:Moto
      • IceSL

      4. Control programs:

      • OctoPrint
      • MatterControl 2.0
      • AstroPrint

      5. Programs for visualizing G-code

      • UVTools
      • WebPrinter
      • Gcode Analyzer
      • Design Software
      1. 3D modeling software

      If you are ready to create from scratch, you will have to learn special 3D modeling software. Many of them, especially professional computer-aided design systems, can be expensive investments, but on the other hand, there are plenty of quite capable and at the same time free offers on the market. nine0005


      Tinkercad is a browser-based application from Autodesk that is great for no-experience users, even kids, because of its simplicity. In this program, 3D models are built on the basis of basic blocks - simple geometric shapes that are joined together and then "filed" to the finished look. You can also convert 2D vector images into 3D models. Of course, you have to pay for simplicity - in the case of Tinkercad, rather primitive functionality that makes it difficult to create truly complex models. But such a task is not worth it: having gained basic skills on Tinkercad, you can always move on to more complex and more capable programs on our list. nine0005

      ZBrushCoreMini official website


      ZBrushCoreMini is primarily a 3D sculpting tool, especially popular among those who create figures of people and animals, computer games and comics characters, and the like. This software is mainly aimed at beginners and users with moderate experience, but at the same time, it is full of impressive features that make the work easier. For example, dynamic tessellation algorithms constantly analyze the surface of the working model and automatically add polygons so that detail is not violated. nine0005

      ZbrushCoreMini is offered free of charge and billed as an entry-level program for learning and gradually moving up to the more capable and sophisticated options ZBrush and ZbrushCore.

      Official website

      3D Builder

      Developed by Microsoft, this program was originally bundled with Windows 10, although now it needs to be downloaded and installed separately. 3D Builder allows you to edit models in STL, OBJ, and 3MF formats, as well as create models from scratch. In this regard, the program is quite primitive, but it is simple and understandable even for novice modelers. nine0005

      One of the interesting features of 3D Builder is the ability to simplify meshes by reducing the number of polygons, file weight and processing time in the slicer - useful in cases where the original designer obviously went too far with polygons. Additionally, you can import models from the library and even use Kinect sensors to 3D scan and import models of physical objects.

      Official website


      SketchUp is a web application with a great combination of simplicity and functionality. The user-friendly interface is intuitive and greatly facilitates learning, and the set of tools is quite diverse even for advanced users - hence the wide popularity of this program. nine0005

      The free version was formerly called SketchUp Make, but is now simply called SketchUp Free. It includes everything you need for 3D modeling for 3D printing, just don't forget to download the module for exporting STL files - it's also free. The kit comes with 10 GB of storage for projects in the cloud and access to the 3D Warehouse, a repository with open source user-generated content.

      Official site

      Fusion 360

      Professional CAD developed by Autodesk and famous for its ease of use and advanced functionality. This includes parametric modeling and mesh analysis and load distribution tools, including through generative design with topological optimization. The program is great for those who are engaged in 3D printing of functional products, for example, for industrial applications. nine0005

      Some versions of Fusion 360, such as hobby and student versions, are even available free of charge. FreeCAD FreeCAD The program relies on a parametric approach: at any point in history, you can scroll back and make changes to the parameters. The program even includes finite element analysis and a robotic system simulator. nine0005

      Official site


      One of the most popular 3D modeling programs, but quite difficult to master. Not the best choice for a novice designer, but a great tool for those who have already gotten their hands on simpler editors. Fortunately, the popularity of Blender has led to a huge number of guides, tutorials, and visual examples published by experienced users for beginner colleagues.

      Developers are trying to make the program more convenient without sacrificing functionality: the interface has recently been updated, rendering has been improved, and 3D design and animation capabilities have been expanded. And yes, it's open source and freeware, so you don't risk anything. nine0005

      Official website

      2. Editing and repairing STL files

      If you find an interesting 3D model on the Internet, this does not mean that it can be immediately sent to a 3D printer. Many models are created for completely different needs, such as animations or video games, and in principle are not intended for 3D printing. But there is a solution: before processing such models into G-code, they must first be repaired so that the slicer can do its job well. The following programs on our list will help you cope with the repair. nine0005


      Meshmixer is an advanced and free program from Autodesk that allows you to view and check 3D models for errors in polygonal meshes that can ruin 3D printing. If such problems are detected, the program can automatically repair meshes. One example of an application is finishing 3D scans to a state suitable for 3D printing.

      Additional functionality includes mesh blending, 3D sculpting, surface writing, cavity creation, support branching, mesh smoothing, and more. nine0005

      Official website


      MeshLab is another open source program for editing polygonal meshes. MeshLab has the necessary tools for editing, checking, cleaning and converting meshes with the ability to combine meshes into one model and patch holes that can lead to incorrect processing of models into G-code.

      Official website

      3. Slicers

      Having received a 3D model, it must be converted into machine code - a series of commands understandable to CNC machines, including 3D printers. Slicers are responsible for this task - programs that accept digital models (usually in the form of files with STL, OBJ or 3MF extensions), analyze their structure, and then compile lists of actions for 3D printers, called G-code (Gcode). Such lists contain all the information necessary for the equipment: to what temperature to warm up the extruders and tables, whether to use airflow, along what trajectory and at what pace to lay the plastic. nine0005


      Cura is a slicer from the Dutch company Ultimaker, designed primarily for proprietary 3D printers, but open source and compatible with most other FDM/FFF systems. The program is easily customizable with various plugins. Since this is a very popular program, the chances are that it already has a profile with optimal settings for your 3D printer. If not, then nothing prevents you from creating a profile manually or using profiles prepared by other users. nine0005

      The program has several levels of difficulty depending on the level of training - basic, advanced, expert and complete. The higher the level, the more access to customizable options. At a basic level, the program takes the bulk of the work on itself, helping inexperienced users.

      Cura is constantly being developed and improved through regular updates and is also offered free of charge, although a paid version of Cura Enterprise is available to professional users with licensed plug-ins from the Ultimaker Marketplace, technical support and additional security measures. nine0005

      In addition to converting 3D models to G-code, Cura can also take on the role of a control program, but this will require a constant connection between the 3D printer and the computer throughout the 3D printing. Professionals appreciate another feature of Cura - seamless integration with professional computer-aided design systems such as SolidWorks and Siemens NX.

      In general, Сura is suitable even for novice users, especially since a huge number of training videos and step-by-step guides are available for this program from both developers and enthusiasts. nine0005

      Official website


      3D printer manufacturer Prusa Research, under the leadership of the legendary Czech engineer Josef Prusa, whose designs are copied and refined around the world, has developed its own open source software based on the Slic3r slicer. PrusaSlicer quickly gained popularity as it not only retains the original program's extensive customizations, but also adds a number of useful features not found in Slic3r. nine0005

      A redesigned interface, support for Original Prusa branded 3D printers, and profiles with settings to work with many common polymers are just some of the improvements. Additionally, algorithms for generating support structures have been improved, support for multimaterial 3D printing and the ability to dynamically adjust the layer thickness have been added.

      PrusaSlicer can process models not only for FDM 3D printers, but also for stereolithographic systems printing with photopolymers. As with Cura, the user can select a difficulty level with appropriate access to fine-tuning. nine0005

      Official website


      Raise3D's slicer is optimized for branded additive hardware in the same way that PrusaSlicer is optimized for Original Prusa 3D printers, and Cura is optimized for Ultimaker 3D printers, but this does not mean that it cannot be use with third party systems. The organization of workflows and the interface is somewhat more complicated than in Cura and PrusaSlicer, but on the other hand, ideaMaker allows you to set up individual layers and apply textures for product customization. nine0005

      ideaMaker users can connect to the cloud platform and access hundreds of 3D printer profiles and materials created by other operators, or create their own library of settings.

      Add the ability to customize support structures, split models for more efficient 3D printing of large parts, integrated mesh repair tools, and OctoPrint compatibility, and you have a flexible, versatile program to suit the needs of most 3D printers. nine0005

      Official website

      ChiTuBox Basic

      This is a specialized slicer for those who use stereolithographic 3D printers that print with photopolymer resins. Most budget LCD masked stereolithography (MSLA) 3D printers rely on motherboards and firmware from ChiTu Systems, which also developed this software.

      Users gain control over technology-specific parameters such as layer exposure time, as well as access to predefined profiles with settings for many popular 3D printers. The slicer takes into account such moments as the orientation of the model and the automatic construction of support structures with the possibility of manual optimization. nine0005

      Official website

      Lychee Slicer

      A program from the independent Franco-Belgian team Mango 3D, not associated with 3D printer manufacturers, but with support for many popular stereolithographic 3D printers, including those from Elegoo, Anycubic, Phrozen and Creality.

      One of the special features of this program is the high level of automation. If you wish, you can simply click on the "magic" button (it's called Magic), and the slicer will do everything by itself: it will orient the model on the platform, generate supports, and so on. Although, here you are lucky: the results are not always optimal, but usually adequate for relatively simple models. Otherwise, everything can be configured manually. nine0005

      The program is offered in free and paid versions. The functionality of the free version is slightly reduced, but it has everything you need.

      Official site


      Browser solution for those who lack computing power. Kiri:Moto can prepare 3D models for both 3D printing and laser engraving or milling. The settings are somewhat more primitive than in locally installed slicers, but are sufficient for most users. nine0005

      Official website


      IceSL is a combination software that combines slicing with 3D modeling. In the left window, you can edit 3D models using scripts in the Lua language, which makes it possible to perform parametric modeling. On the right side, the 3D printing settings are displayed. For beginners, pre-configured settings are available, while experienced users can take advantage of features such as specific adjustment of parameters for individual layers with automatic gradation of intermediate areas. For example, this allows you to gradually reduce or, conversely, increase the filling density of the product as it is built, or gradually change the thickness of the layers. nine0005

      Official website

      4. Control programs

      Control programs are designed for exactly this - managing workflows during 3D printing. Although you can insert a G-code drive into almost any 3D printer and press the start button, this is not always convenient, especially when you have to work with several 3D printers at the same time, and even more so when you do it remotely. This is where control programs come to the rescue. In addition, some of them offer additional functionality, including slicing and even editing 3D models. nine0005


      A web-based hardware and software system that requires connection to a 3D printer via a microcomputer such as a Raspberry Pi equipped with a Wi-Fi module. This system allows you to control 3D printers remotely. OctoPrint accepts G-code from almost any slicer and provides the ability to visualize - view files before and during 3D printing. Alternatively, STL files can be loaded and processed directly in OctoPrint.

      OctoPrint not only provides all the necessary tools for remote management, but also allows you to track the work in progress using notifications via various instant messengers. nine0005

      This is a completely free, open source program with many plug-ins created by enthusiasts and available on the official website.

      Official website


      MatterHackers offers its own control program, slicer and 3D editor in one package. MatterControl allows you to directly control and observe 3D printing, slice, export G-code to SD cards for offline printing, and even create 3D models from scratch. The 3D printer will need a Wi-Fi or USB connection to run MatterControl. nine0005

      The interface is well structured: on the left side there is a file browser and a library of simple geometric shapes. Interestingly, these shapes can be dragged into the 3D model and used as support structures.

      Basic functionality is available in the free basic version, advanced users can pay to upgrade to MatterControl Pro.

      Official website


      AstroPrint is a cloud-based management platform that allows you to remotely monitor and control multiple 3D printers simultaneously, store files, convert 3D models to G-code, and track workflow statistics. The functionality ranges from basic in the free version to advanced with different levels of paid subscriptions. nine0005

      The 3D printer will require a Wi-Fi module to fully work with AstroPrint. In conjunction with the Raspberry Pi, the system is similar in functionality to OctoPrint: you can process models and send the finished code to a 3D printer via a web interface without the need for additional software. Another plus is integration with popular repositories of 3D models Thingiverse and MyMiniFactory, as well as 3D editors 3D Slash and Leopoly.

      Official website

      5. Programs for visualizing G-code

      What to do if you find an old file with a G-code, but you have no idea what it is and why - maybe garbage, or maybe an excellent, but long-forgotten model without a clear marking in the file name? The programs in this section will help you visualize the contents of such files.


      This program combines file browsing with layer editing and even model repair for stereolithographic 3D printing. The program can also be used as a plug-in for PrusaSlicer, adding support for third-party photopolymer 3D printers - although PrusaSlicer is open source, support for stereolithographic systems is still limited to branded equipment. At the same time, UVTools allows you to print calibration samples to check the exposure time and other parameters, which can be useful, for example, when working with new photopolymers that have not yet been tested. nine0005

      Official website


      A simple browser tool for quick G-code preview, developed by the same team that created the IceSL slicer and 3D editor. The application works very simply: follow the link, upload the file with the G-code and see how the 3D printer will grow the model according to the commands provided. Unfortunately, the functionality is limited: for example, the application does not provide information about temperature settings. On the other hand, you can quickly figure out what kind of model is hidden in a file with an incomprehensible name. nine0005

      Official website

      Gcode Analyzer

      An old but still very capable and popular G-code analysis web application. The 3D simulation doesn't work very well, but the 2D and G-code previews work great.

      Learn more