Risk of rain 2 how to use 3d printer
3D Printed Mercenary From Risk of Rain 2
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STL file Rex Planter/Pot Risk of Rain 2・3D printing idea to download・Cults
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Description, ways to open all items in Risk of Rain 2
Description of the guide links to wikis, took information from Russian Wikipedia and reduced the length of the text that does not affect the main meaning of the item in Risk of Rain 2.
Varieties of items in Risk of Rain 2
Items are things that can be obtained during the game. Divided into:
- White (common) - Dropped from chests, terminals and temples of fortune;
- Green (uncommon) - Dropped from chests, terminals, temples of fortune and after killing teleport bosses;
- Red (legendary) — Dropped from chests and temples of fortune;
- Yellow (unique) - Dropped only after killing certain teleport bosses;
- Blue (lunar) - Dropped from moon pots, also can be bought in the hidden area: intertemporal bazaar;
- Orange (active) - Dropped from equipment barrels and temples of fortune;
- Void - Items from the "Survivors of the Void" DLC.
Can only be obtained from the Void Cradle by sacrificing health.
White items
increases the speed of the attack by +15% over the sites.
Initially opened
Hard times
+15% per item chance to block incoming damage. Not affected by luck
Die 5 times
Floor Goat Hoof
Increases movement speed by +14% per pcs.
Three times in a row, fail in the sanctuary of good luck
Brooch with topaz
gives temporary armor for 15 health after the murder
The initially opened 9000
Lensmaker Points
Your attacks have a chance +10% per pcs. can deal a critical hit that deals double damage.
Initially unlocked
While standing still 1 second spawns a 3m area (+1. 5m per item) that heals for 40051 4.5% per 5% health2 2 a second to you and your allies
Initially unlocked
Deals 75% (+75% per piece) damage to enemies with more health than 90%
Find 10 unique white items chance to bleed enemies that deal 240% damage
Initially unlocked
Battle banner
Leveling up places a banner on the ground that grants +30% attack and movement speed in a radius of 16m (+8m per piece)
Initially unlocked
Alert Slug
Increases passive health regeneration by +3 HP/sec (+3 HP/sec per item) out of combat
9005 Initial unlock
Personal Shield Generator
Gives the player +8% per piece . shield that regenerates outside of combat. Cooldown 7 seconds after last hit
Initially unlocked
First aid kit
After 2 sec. after taking damage, heals for 20 HP +5%(+5% per unit) of max HP
Defeat an elite monster
Repulsive Armor Plate
Reduce all incoming damage by +5 per unit. Cannot be reduced below 1
Initially unlocked
Killing an enemy ignites nearby enemies within a radius of 12m (+4m per unit) . Burning enemies deal 150% (+75% per pcs.) damage
Initially unlocked
Stun grenade
Chance +5% per pcs. stun the enemy when it hits 2 seconds
The initially discovered
bunch of fireplace
when using any object 8 (+4 per pcs) missiles, which are applied 300% of the damage
9000 copy one the same object on a 3D printer seven times in a row 9+1 charge to your second skill
Fully charge the teleporter without taking damage
Sticky Bomb
Chance +5% per pcs. attach a bomb to an enemy and detonate them, dealing 180% damage
Initially unlocked
Rusted key
A box containing an item with a chance of 80% green/20% red appears. Opening the drawer uses a key.
Defeat the teleport boss within 15 seconds
Armor Piercing Rounds
Deals bonus damage to bosses equal to +20% per pcs.
Complete the teleport event
Monster Tooth
Killing an enemy creates a healing ball on the ground that heals for 8 HP +2% (+2% per pcs.) of Max. FW
Initially unlocked
Crystal of Focus
Increases damage dealt to enemies by +20% per pcs. within 13m radius
Initially unlocked
Fresh Meat
Increases Max. HP +25(+25 per item).
Initially Unlocked
Green Items (Uncommon)
9003 Unlock 0005
Wax Quail
When jumping while running, you are thrown forward +10 m. per pc.
Achieve +300% movement speed (including running)
Berserker's Shoulders
Killing 3 enemies in 1 second infuriates you for 6 sec. (+4 secs per pcs), increases movement speed of by 50% and attack speed by 100%0005
When an enemy is killed, a lava column spawns that has a 12m radius.
Predatory Instincts
Critical hit increases attack speed by 10% for a short duration. Max 30% (+20% per pcs) Attack Speed
Achieve +200% Attack Speed
Hop Feather
Gives +1 jump per piece.
Initially unlocked
Red whip
Increases movement speed by +30% per pcs. out of combat
Initially unlocked
Each attack has a 25% chance to release a chain lightning that deals 80% damage to 3 targets (+2 per pcs. +2m per piece)
Initially opened
Marked for Death
Enemies with 4 or more debuffs are marked for death. Damage received by them from all sources +50 per pcs. for 7 seconds
Initially Unlocked
Old Stealth Combat Pack
When you take damage, there is a chance to gain +40% movement speed and invisibility for 3 sec. (+1.5 sec per item). The more damage you received, the greater the chance
Initially unlocked
Rose Shield
Increased armor while running by +30 pts. per piece
Initially unlocked
Reaper's Sickle
Gives 5% critical hit. Critical hit heals for 8 (+4 per pcs) units
Complete a Prismatic Trial
Runald's Bracelet
On hit deals 400% to enemies and explodes dealing 250% damage (+250% per pcs), slowing at 80% lasts 3 seconds. (+3 sec per item). Recharges every 10 sec.
Find and kill Chiaro and Runald in the secret room at the Abandoned Aqueduct
Chiaro's Bracelet
Hit deals 400% to enemies and explodes for 300%(+300% damage per item). Recharges every 10 seconds
Find and kill Chiaro and Runald in the secret room at the Abandoned Aqueduct
Fuel Cell
Gives +1 per unit. charge for the active item, and also reduces its cooldown by +15% per item .
Pick up five different types of equipment
Bloodsucker Seed
Each attack heals you for +1 health. per piece health
Initially unlocked
Killing an enemy gives +1 per piece. health unit permanently , adds a maximum of +100 health. per piece health
Kill 3000 enemies
Chrono Thing
Slows enemies for 60% for +2 sec. per piece
Initially opened
Atg missile mk. 1
Each attack has a 10% chance to fire a homing missile that deals +300% per unit. damage
Initially unlocked
Octopus polyp
When activated, summons a turret to attack nearby enemies +100% per pc. attack speed. Lives 30 seconds
Activate 6 turrets for the race
gives a chance to 18% (+10% per pc.) After the murder of the enemy, disclose a box with cartridges, which reloads all abilities of
Antique Guillotine
Instantly kills Elite monsters with less than remaining +20% per pcs. health.
Defeat 500 Elite Monsters
Battle Horn
When equipped, you gain 70% Attack Speed for for 8 seconds. (+4 sec per item).
Use 3 Shrines of Battle on the same level
Lepton Daisy
Detonates a healing explosion while charging the teleporter and heals allies within the portal radius for 50% of their max. health stock. Works +1 per piece. times
Originally opened
Barbed wire
Fires a barrage of blades when damaged, dealing 160% of damage. Hits up to 5 (+2 per pcs.) targets within a radius of 25 m. Chance of getting treasure worth 25$ on kill. Reward increases with difficulty
Originally unlocked
Red (legendary)
Ceremonial dagger
Murders of the enemy creates 3 Marticiary of dagger , which are applied +150% per sess. damage
Initially unlocked
Sentient meat hook
Each attack has +20% per pcs. chance to fire 10 (+5 per unit) homing hooks that deal 100% damage
Return to the first level
Lucky Mask
Killing an enemy has 7% chance to summon the enemy's ghost, which deals 500% base damage The ghost lives +30 sec. per piece
Originally Opened
57 Leaf Clover
All random effects get +1 per piece. extra roll for luck
Complete 20 levels in one attempt
Blinding Makhina
All attacks explode, applying 60% damage to all enemies within a radius of 4 m (+1.5 m per pcs.)
The initially discovered
9000 a storm that spawns around you and deals 600% damage per second over a maximum distance of +6m per piece. . The range of the ability increases after each kill by 1 m. , up to the limit set by the number of
Initially unlocked
Vibrating Disk
Charged by killing enemies. The disk itself shoots at the target, passing through enemies, dealing damage to them + 300% per piece. base damage, then explode +1000% per pcs. base damage, returning to the owner, passes through enemies and deals them + 300% per pcs. damage[/u]
Initially unlocked
Alien head
Reduces the recharge time of abilities by +25% per pcs.
Initially Unlocked
Regeneration Stand
Healing restores +100% per pcs. more health
Reach the third teleporter and go through it without healing once. Reload speed depends on your rate of fire
Initially unlocked
G0l080-60y ver.2
Increases jump height. When landing, it causes a kinetic wave, which applies 2300% damage to all enemies within a radius of 10 m. recharge 10 seconds (-50% per pcs. )
The initially opened
The unstable coil of Tesla 9000,0004 beats with lightning, beats with lightning. 3 (+2 per stack) nearby enemies, dealing 200% of base damage every 0.5 sec. Every 10 sec. Tesla Coil Turns Off
Deal 5000 damage with one shot
N'kuhana's Opinion
Saves 100% per pcs. treatments in the form of soul energy. When your soul energy reaches 10% of your maximum health, shoot out a skull that deals 250% of your soul energy as
damageLocate N'kuhana's altar )
Hard radiation chamber
Adds +2 per item. charges to an auxiliary skill and reduces its cd by 33%
Initially unlocked
Dio's best friend
Revives +1 per pcs. after death. After respawning, you are invulnerable for 3 seconds.
Don't die for 30 minutes
Wake the Vultures
Grants the power of any elite enemy for 8 seconds (+5 seconds per item)
Initially unlocked
Personal Catalyst
Killing reduces active item cooldown by 4 sec. (+2 secs per item)
Find and activate eight unique triton altars
abilities have 3 sec. (+2s per item) no cooldown after killing an elite enemy
Defeat an elite boss on Monsoon difficulty
Healing beyond maximum health grants a temporary barrier up to +50% per pcs. Max Health
Initially Unlocked
Killing Justice
After 5 hits (stacks) on an enemy, their armor is reduced by 60 for +8 per stack sec.
Originally Opened
Interstellar Table Plant
Plant, heals 5% max. of health every second within 3 meters (+1.5 meters per unit). Duration 10 sec.
The initially opened
Yellow (unique)
with whom falls/where to take
of the queen iron
calls every 30 seconds. Guard Beetle that has 100% health and deals 300% base damage . Max +1 per item Guard beetle at the same time
Titanic Bump
Increases Max Health by +40 HP. per piece and regeneration for +1.6 health/sec. per piece
Serenity Seed
Summons a zlatitan during a teleport event.
Zlatitan deals 100% (+50% per item) damage and has +100% per item. Health
Little Follower
Shoots homing bolts that deal +100% per pcs. damage . Clots are released every 0.5 seconds. while running
Increases maximum health by +10% per pcs.
Can be exchanged (96%) in Cleansing Pool
Radiant Pearl
Increases all stats by +10% per pcs.
Can be exchanged (4%) at Cleansing Pool
Cycle of Existence
When your health drops below 25% , you explode, dealing 6000% base damage to . Restores every 30 seconds. (-50% per piece)
Artifact key
Needed when opening one of the artifacts, used to kill the orb in the artifact zone
+1 per unit) the nearest creature within 13 meters sticks to you and deals 100%(+100% per unit) damage to it per second. Heals you for 100% of damage dealt
The molten crusher
if 10% gets a chance to call 3 fire balls, each inflicts 300% of damage (+300% per pcs)
Curvated spleen
Crete. hits cause bleeding for 240% of base damage. Bleeding enemies explode 400% (+400% per unit) +15% (+15% per unit) of their max. health
Empathy Cores
Every 30 sec, calls Probes, gives +100% damage (+100% per pcs.) for each ally in the team
Charged Impaler
10% Chance on Attack to Strike with Lightning for 500% damage(+500% per pcs.)
Heals for 15 HP (+15 per pcs) when damaged
Blue (Lunar)
Fragile crown
gives 30% Chance to get +3 per sides. gold, dealing damage. When you take damage, you lose 9 gold0051 +100% per item of the number of hits on you, or lose gold in an amount equal to +100% per piece. of % of Max Health Lost
Initially Unlocked
Stubborn Chisel
Enemies spawn using shrines. Amount depends on time
Initially unlocked
Quicksilver Spine
Spawns a Ward of Power at random location, buffing enemies and allies by +50% damage, within 16 yards (+50% per pcs)
Initially unlocked
Skill cooldown reduced by 2s (+1 per pcs.), but now all random effects are replayed +1 times (+1 per pcs.) for an unfavorable outcome.
Beat the game on Monsoon
Converts all but 1 health into shields. Gives 50% Max Health +25% per pcs. Shield is restored after 7 seconds after the last damage taken
Initially unlocked
Increases healing by +100% per item. , but all healing is delayed. Also limits healing at a time to 10% (-50% per stack) of max health
Initially unlocked
Drowned Gesture
Reduces active item cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack) , but the recharged item will be automatically activated
Throw 20 Hermit Crabs off the edge of the map
Molded Glass
Increases damage by +100% per pcs. , but reduces maximum health by -50% per pcs.
Originally unlocked
Hellfire tincture
Sets all characters on fire within 8 meters, dealing 5% health/sec . from maximum health. Deals 0.5 times less damage to allies and 24 times more damage to enemies
Kill 15 enemies at the same time
Totem Gereli
is ejected when used, slows down all the characters within the radius and reduces their armor by 20%
The initially opened
charges the portal by +30% 30% per piece, but the portal area is -50% per piece. less. No more than 3 items result
On 4 floors in a row, do not leave the teleport radius until it is fully charged
Luminous meteorite
Causes a meteor shower that lasts 20 seconds . Each meteorite deals 600% to all characters
Take five lunar items in one attempt
Spinel Tonic
Lasts 15 sec. , increases damage by 100% . Increases attack speed by +70% . Upgrades armor by +20 . Increases max. +50% health . Increases passive health regeneration by 300% . Increases movement speed by +30% .
When the tonic wears off, you have a 20% chance to get a 5% reduction in all parameters.
Find 3 unique portals and enter them. skill. You disappear from reality and gain +30% Movement Speed. Instantly heals for +25% per pcs . from maximum health. Valid +3 per piece. seconds
Kill 15 bosses in one attempt
Vision of Heresy
Replaces the main skill.
Fires a barrage of tracking shards that explode after a certain amount of time, dealing 120% of base damage. To +12 per piece that recharge after +2s. per piece
Kill 15 bosses in one attempt
Beads of Loyalty
Doesn't seem to do anything... but... Opens a hidden location after completion at the Obelisk (just use it after game ends)
Destroy yourself at the obelisk
Heresy Hooks
Replaces Secondary skill. Charges a shot that deals 175% damage to nearby enemies, explodes after 3 seconds dealing 700% damage and immobilizes for 3 seconds. (+3 per item). Cooldown 5 sec (+5 per pcs.).
Kill 15 bosses in one run
Essence of Heresy
Replaces Special skill. Deals damage and adds charges to abilities, 10 sec. (+10 per item). Activating the ability explodes all charges, unlimited radius, deals 300% damage + 120% damage per ability charge. Cooldown 8 sec. (+8 per piece)
Kill 15 bosses in one race
Active (Orange)
Encab. grows wings that allow you to fly and increase your movement speed by 20%. Lasts 15 seconds
Initially unlocked
60 sec.
Primal Cube
Launches a black hole that sucks in all enemies within a 30m radius. Lasts 10 seconds.
Initially opened
60 sec.
Gorag's Opus
Infuriates allies for
7 seconds. Increases movement speed by 50% and increases rate of fire by 100%.
Initially unlocked
Please forgive me
Throws a doll that uses items with an after-kill effect (which lasts at least 1 second). Duration 8 seconds
Die 20 times
45 sec.
Very Large Leech
Gain 20% of the damage dealt. Last 8 seconds
Initially opened
60 sec.
Eyepiece Interface
When used, grants 100% critical strike chance for 8 seconds
Initially unlocked
60 sec.
Royal Capacitor
Deals 3000% damage to an enemy and stuns nearby targets
Defeat the teleport bosses by activating two Shrines of the Mountain
20 sec.
Preon Accumulator
Fires an energy ball that travels in a straight line, dealing 600% damage/sec to all enemies within 35m. Explodes on contact, dealing 4000% damage to all enemies within 20m
Open a protective chest with a timer at the Delta Rally
140 sec.
Strange Fruit
Instantly heals 50% of max health
Initially opened
45 sec.
Fuel Array
Looks like it could charge something. Too unstable. Needed to unlock one of the characters, used on the lava floor
Can be picked up behind the launch pod
Unleashes a continuous barrage that deals 100% damage with a single bullet. Spends 1 gold for 1 bullet. Cost increases over time
Collect $30,480 gold
Summons 4 battle drones for 25 seconds to fight for you
Repair 30 drones or turrets
10 sec.
Gnarled Dryad
Gives you a Forest Spirit that follows you and restores 1. 5% of your maximum health/sec (Passive). Can be cast on an ally, healing up to 10% of their maximum health
Upgrade the Shrine of the Woods to max
15 sec.
Jade Elephant
Gives 500 armor for 5 seconds
Initially unlocked
45 sec.
Useless Rocket Launcher
When used, fires 12 homing missiles, each dealing 300% of base damage
Initially unlocked
45 sec.
Can recycle an item or active into another item, but of the same tier
Destroy 20 flying stones in the Skyfield
45 sec.
Throw three large saws that cut through enemies for 3x400%. They also deal an additional 3x100% bleeding damage per second. Returns to you hitting enemies
Initially unlocked
45 sec.
Strange Vessel
Creates a Quantum Tunnel up to 1000m long. Lasts 30 seconds0005
100 sec.
Volcanic Egg
Transform into a ball of dragonfire for 5 sec. Deals 500% damage on hit. Explodes afterward, dealing 800% damage
Initially unlocked
30 sec.
Hail of Explosions
Removes all debuffs and destroys nearby projectiles
Die from fire 3 times
20 sec.
Elemental Orbs
Obtained from monsters that have elements. The drop rate is less than 1%. It is put on instead of "active".
gives the owner of the fiery elite. Horns appear on the character and it turns red. Running leaves a trail of fire that damages enemies and hits set enemies on fire.
Initially unlocked
The Calm Between Two Hits
Gives the wearer the power of an overloaded elite. 2 horns appear on the character and it turns acid blue. When hitting an enemy, attaches electr. a bomb that explodes after some time, dealing 50% damage. Half health replaced by shields
Initially unlocked
N'kuhan's objection
Become an aspect of corruption
Initially unlocked
Her prickly embrace
Empowers the wearer with the power of the ice elite. Ice crystals appear on the character and it turns blue. When hit, slows down the enemy. Upon death, an icy sphere appears that explodes after 2 seconds, dealing 150% damage and freezing all enemies within range
Initially unlocked
Spectral circle
Become an aspect of incorporeality (there is no detailed information on this on the wiki)
Originally unlocked
General design
Player attacks cripple enemy, -20 armor and -50% movement speed, sometimes fires 4 bombs into enemies that will increase movement speed by 30% and increase max health by 25%, but turn all health into armor except for one point of health (similar to Transcendence (blue item)).
Initially opened
His Consolations
The player sometimes heals nearby allies, leaves a healing orb upon death. Fuel cell and recharge reduction items have no effect
Initially opened
Garbage (white, green, red, yellow)
Please note! Each trash exchanges only a certain color. White on white (and so on):
0005 Opening Garbage - White quality is priority to priority - Green quality is priority to priority in the printer
9000 9000 used in printer
Garbage - yellow quality
Priority used in printer
items from DLC Survivors of the Void
This is a separate section dedicated to objects from DLC Survivors of the VOID in the game RISK of Rain 2.
White Sotv
Fine Clock
Increases damage by 20% (+20% per item). When hit, if HP < 25%, the item breaks
Increases attack speed by 7.5% (+7.5 per item) and movement speed by 7 (+7% per item)
Boost from Paul's Hoof (+14% running speed) and Syringe (+15% attack speed) halved
Odd Shaped Opal
Increases armor by 100 (+100 per piece) out of combat
Elixir of Strength
When health drops below 25%, heals for 75% of max. health
Heals first, only then the watch may break if health is below 25%
Roll of Penny
Gives 3 (+3 per piece) gold for taking damage from an enemy. Depends on time
Damage to itself does not give money
Green Sotv
Garpun hunter
Killing the enemy increases the speed of 125%, by 1 second (+0, 5, 5, 5
Special sound heard when activated
Incendiary Tank
Ignite effect deals 300% (+300% per pcs) over time
Increases the burning debuff on enemies
Recycling waste
Used in a 3D printer or in the market. Each new stage (floor) it is restored
Delivery request
A delivery containing 2 items (79% - white / 20% - green / 1% - red) appears in a random place, on each floor
mechanics similar to Rusted Key
Activating the Primary skill throws shurikens for 400% (+400% per pcs.) base damage. Can hold 3 (+1 per piece) shuriken. 10 seconds cooldown 9
- Elemental Rings Cooldown.
- Singularity Band Cooldown.
- Safer Spaces Cooldown.
are not removed by Bena
chaos in a bottle of
Activates an accidental effect of an active object 1 (+1 per pcs.) Times
except for the lunar
Laser sight
Critical hits add 100% (+++++ 100% per piece) damage
Pocket M.K.B.R.
All missile devices fire 2 more missiles, increase missile damage by 50% (+50% per unit)
Affects Characters, Items, Active Items, Turrets, Drones
Drone Spare Parts
Gives Col. DroneMan. Drones gain +50% (+50% per pcs) Attack Speed and reduced cooldowns. Gives drones a 10% chance to fire a missile per hit, dealing 300% of their total damage. Drones gain miniguns that deal 6x100% damage when bouncing at two enemies
Scorpion Symbiosis
Hitting an enemy will remove 2 (+2) Armor from that enemy.
Stacked multiple times
Yellow SotV
Defense core
Creates an "Alpha" construct after killing an elite monster. Maximum 4 (+4 per pcs.)
falls out with the XI Defense System
Lunar Sotv
every 3 (-50% per pits) seconds , gives an Orbital Bomb that explodes on contact for 360% damage. Maximum 3 (+1 per piece) bombs. Every 60 seconds your random item turns into a bomb
Does not replace already used Potion of Strength or Fine Clock items. The head is replaced with an orb
Praise is zero
Items have a 5% (+5% per piece) chance to turn into a lunar item
Affects various chests, 3D printer and Chalice in the Bazaar
Light streaming shoulder
Reduces cooldown of abilities by 50% (+50% per pcs.). Reduce attack speed by 50% (+50% per piece)
Flood Stone Spaulders
Increases the max. health by 100% (+100% per unit). Reducing the speed of hal -50% (+50% per pcs.)
Active SOTV
Executive map
When you spend gold, 10% is returned to you gold back. If the purchase was in the Multi-store, then the remaining cells in the store will be opened
It cannot be activated, it is activated automatically with each purchase
0.1 with
creates a sticky clone, which has 700% damage, 700% of health
disappears after 30 seconds
100 with
hammers (6-set)
Throws 6 Molotov cocktails, setting them on fire and dealing 500% base damage
Each cocktail leaves a flaming puddle that deals 200% base damage per second
Trophy Hunter's Tricorne
Execute an enemy that can drop a unique item, he will 100% drop it (including boss items)
Three-cornered hat is spent on use
No photo yet
Remote Caffeinator
Call the Eclipse Zero vending machine from UES Safe Travels. Delivery takes 5 seconds, deals 2000% damage. Heals up to 3 targets for 25% of their maximum health
Heals by spending gold on it. can't be obtained with Command Artifact
60 s
Void SotV
When picking up a damaged item, it replaces the real one.
Benthic Bloom
Improves 3 (+3 per pcs.) Rasual objects to the following rarity (from white to green) at the start of each floor
Encrusted key
Hidden box, which has an item (60% white/ 30% green/ 10% red), appears on the location randomly. Opening a drawer uses this item
Lost Seer's Lenses
has 0, 5% (+0, 5% per pc.) A chance to instantly kill the enemy that is not bosses
Lysate Cell
(+1 per item) special ability charge
Has a 10%(+10% per item) chance to place a "collapse" debuff that activates after 3 seconds and deals 400% base damage
Newly hatched zoea
Every 60 (-50% per) seconds, gain an ally from the void. Can have up to 1 (+1 per item) allies at a time
All yellow items
Plasma shrimp
Grants a shield equal to 10% of maximum health. When the shield takes damage, fires a missile dealing 40% (+50) per stack) of all damage.
Pluripotent larva
If you die, this item is also used to life with 3 seconds of immortality, and all your items may become corrupted
25% chance to shoot with lightning 60% of the total damage, 3 (+3 per pcs) times at the same time
Safer Spaces
blocks the incoming damage once. 15 second cooldown (-10% per item)
Singularity band
Absorbs all of Runald's and Chiaro's bracelets. Hits deal 400% more damage and create an area that sucks in all enemies within 15 meters, explodes over time and deals 100% (+100% per pcs.) of all damage. Cooldown 20 seconds
5% (+5% per item) Chance on Damage to Root Enemy for 1s (+1s per item)
Voidsent flame
on Hit 9 Damage with 90% HP or more, creates a column of lava in a radius of 12 meters (+2, 4m per stack), dealing 350% (+280% per stack) of base damage.
Weeping fungus
Heals 2% (+2% per pcs) of your health for you while you are running
These are all game items as of 03/04/2022. Thank you for visiting and using this guide. Items are collected from several sites at once - English and Russian fandom. That's all.
Guide author: Milkmaid.
Risk of Rain 2 - environment guide
In this guide you will learn what is in the world of Risk of Rain 2 and how to interact with objects in it.
Altar of Gold
Is this from a previous version? No, it's new.
Where can I find it? Currently Stage 4 - Abyssal Depths.
What does it do? Donate a bunch of money, unlock the GOLD portal for you, that is, if you manage to survive the teleport event.
Unlock other things? N/A
Temple of Chance
Is this from a previous version? Yes.
What's the difference? While teleporting, you will no longer use.
Where can I find this? Almost at every stage.
What does it do? You can get an item or lose a coin.
Unlock other things? You will unlock "Is this bugged?" if failed 3 times in a row.
Temple of Battle
Is this from a previous version? Yes, but with a different concept.
What's the difference? The previous one is summoning 5 imps, once you kill them all within 20 seconds, the item will drop. Will now only summon one type of enemy, no longer drop the item.
Where can I find this? Almost at every stage.
What does it do? Summon 4 or more of the same type of enemies in this level.
Unlock other things? N/A
Temple Woods
Is this from a previous version? No, this is new.
Where can I find this? Currently Stage 1 - (Name required).
What does it do? Create an orb that provides HP recovery (similar to Bustling Fungus).
Unlock other things? N/A
Temple Mount
Is this from a previous version? No, it's new
Where can I find it? Almost at every stage.
What does it do? Added another creature with a boss while teleporting.
Unlock other things? You will unlock "Ascendant: Defeat the teleportation boss after activating 2 Shrines of the Mountain."
Temple of the Blood
Is this from a previous version? yes
What's the difference? Don't drop an item anymore, only gold.
Where can I find this? Almost any level.
What does it do? Take 50% or more of your HP for some gold. You feel a burning pain. You have received (some amount of) gold.
Unlock other things? N/A
Is this from a previous version? No, this is new.
Where can I find this? Almost at every stage.
What does it do? First, you must earn Lunar Coin by defeating enemies. Either way, you will receive one Lunar Item (either in your inventory or in your item slot).
Unlock other things? N/A
3d printer
Is this from a previous version? No, this is new.
Where can I find it? Currently stage 1.
What does it do? You must have a shared item (white) in exchange for the provided printer. And you can't choose which one.
Unlock other things? You unlock "...Maybe another one" if you duplicate the same item 7 times.
Is this from a previous version? Yes, and you must find it.
What's the difference? Earlier, you can activate it and go somewhere to wait until it is fully charged. And you can still buy a drone, offer a shrine, or make purchases, but now you'll need it in an area where it can be charged. and you can't make a purchase, just stick with your current equipment.
Where can I find it? You must find it.
What does it do? Found, activated, made a boss, moved to the next stage and so on. Once you've activated the teleporter, if you go outside the orb, you can't offer a shrine, buy/loot items from a box/barrel, or loot drones.
Unlock other things? Performing for the first time unlocks Advancement (Armor Piercing rounds).