Presentation about 3d printing

How 3D Printing Works in the Real World

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How is 3D Printing Used in the Real World?

Additive manufacturing has been revolutionizing industries across our planet for several decades now. What was originally intended for speedy prototypes, has now become integral to the manufacturing process; many even suggesting that we are experiencing the fourth industrial revolution thanks to this technology. From body parts, animal prosthetics, cars, homes, food and nearly everything in between, this technology is helping to enhance people’s quality of life, make the manufacturing process more efficient, and foster innovation across virtually all industries. The below presentation serves to illustrate all of this and more. 

How 3D Printing is Changing the World Part 1

How 3D Printing is Changing the World Part 2

We’re excited to announce that we’ve decided to release our entire additive manufacturing presentation! We used to present this in school systems across the tri-state area and beyond, but while the world is on pause, we do not want to deprive students, instructors and enthusiasts from utilizing this learning resource. If you are an instructor using this for your class curriculum, then please consider donating at the link below so that we can continue making more of these presentations. 

In Part 1 we do our best to explain the 3D printing process in the simplest way possible using real life examples and distinguishing between two and three-dimensional creations. We discuss how Computer-Aided Design programs are utilized to design the idea in three dimensions and then show time lapse videos to exemplify the creation process. We also dive into transferring of files and post-processing including a detailed explanation of why supports are utilized and how they are typically removed prior to a finished product is presented. The two most popular additive manufacturing methods – Material Extrusion and Stereolithography are discussed.

To illustrate how this innovative technology is revolutionizing industries across the world, we provide a plethora of real-life examples in Part 1 and Part 2 of this video series:

  • Tissue, Body Parts, and Organs
  • Casts, Orthotics, and Prosthetics
  • Sustainable homes built in 24 hours
  • Vitamins and Medication
  • Garments and Jewelry
  • Impressive Cars
  • Motorcycles and bikes

The Downside of 3D Printing

The Negative Aspects of 3D Printing

Yes, Additive Manufacturing does have negative disadvantages and far-too-often these get overlooked because of the plethora of benefits and revolutionizing aspects of additive manufacturing across virtually all industries. In this video, we aim to educate you on some of the limitations and downsides attributed to this technology.

Topics covered in the video include:

  • Labor: Many lower income manufacturing jobs that are especially relied upon in third world countries will be rendered obsolete by additive manufacturing.
  • Weapons: It has been proven that both guns and bomb parts can effectively be created using this technology and the implications of digital blueprints for these weapons being disseminated to millions through open-source platforms is troubling. This being an international issue and the topic of plastic weapons having the ability to bypass metal detectors is also explored.
  • Unhealthy Air Emissions: The melting of material during the creation process releases very small particles and volatile organic compounds into the air. The health consequences along with some helpful measures to avoid this issue are discussed.
  • Learning Curve: We dive into the difficulty level and common problems associated with this technology that is preventing it from being a common household item which families can rely on for printing necessities. The 3D Printing workflow process challenges are mentioned.
  • Intellectual Property Theft: Infringement on design patents, trademarks, and creative commons licenses is highlighted and the risk posed to original designers and businesses that rely on original designs is discussed.

Please support the release of this Workshop Presentation for free use by educational institutions all over the world as well as the creation of future videos by making a donation below…

The Future of 3D Printing

The Future Applications of 3D Printing Technology

Additive Manufacturing has only been around for a few decades now, but has already been integrated into the supply chain of most industries. As the process becomes more affordable and print times exponentially faster, there will be a boom in innovation and new possibilities for the adaptation of this technology in many sectors.

Topics covered in the video include:

  • On-Demand Solutions in Operating Rooms – a tech medical professional will have a station set up to scan and print body parts on command for surgical solutions.  
  • Custom Clothing Stations – Kiosks will exist in malls where individuals can get scanned and measured precisely and then on a digital screen can try out different clothing and customize it to their unique preferences.  
  • Custom Medications in Pharmacies – 3D Printers in pharmacies will give pharmacists the ability to print meds in custom dosages with unique delayed-release properties. 
  • Personalized Vitamins – After a quick vitamin profile test, ideal custom-made multivitamins will be created for customers.
  • Future Home Solutions – More prevalent use of 3D Printed homes across impoverished countries will occur.
  • Custom Shoes for a Perfect Fit – scanned and created for personalized use with desired brand, shape, design, etc. 
  • At-Home Dental Guards – There will be affordable at-home bio-compatible dental guard solutions.
  • Custom Jewelry & Accessories Kiosks – One will be able to customize the design, the message, the intricate pattern and have your finger scanned for the perfect fit
  • Integration into the School Curriculum – CAD and other 3D software will be taught to students from elementary school onwards causing them to be proficient by graduation. 

Please support the release of this Workshop Presentation for free use by educational institutions all over the world as well as the creation of future videos by making a donation below..

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