Failed 3d print recycling

How to Recycle Your Failed 3D Prints – Fargo 3D Printing

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure… or your trash could be your own treasure.

As great as 3D printing is, it tends to create a bit of wasted material. In fact, failed prints and support structures are two major causes for wasted 3D filament.

Do you ever find yourself looking at your box of scrap material and wondering, “What can I do with these failed prints?” We think that same thing. So we’ve done some investigating and came up with a list of ideas to reuse or recycle your 3D printer filament.

Get a Filament Recycler

A recycler system is a great way to turn your excess filament or failed prints back into usable filament. The system grinds up and melts the plastic. Then extrudes it and coils it onto a spool. Many machines only grind or only melt, meaning you may need two machines. Of course, there is a machine that does all in one.

Although this seems like an ideal system, there are plenty of factors to consider. You’re likely to end up with some wonky colored spools depending on what scraps you put in the machine. Getting a spool with perfect diameter and ovality will be a bit difficult. Also, these systems are pretty spendy.

But don’t worry! We have some more cost effective options you can try out.

You’ll need some filament before you can recycle it. Check out Pro, Workday, Standard, and Specialty filaments.

Explore Filament

Repurpose Your Scraps

Take left over filament strands and blend them up. If you’ve got large failed print pieces, place them on a sturdy surface, cover with a towel, and smash them with a mallet until they are small chunks.

Choose a cookie sheet or shaped non stick pans and fill with the ground up filament pieces. Then place in an oven or toaster oven until they all melt together. (About 220℃ for ABS or 180-200℃ for PLA)

If you used a larger pan, you can seal the plastic with a food safe resin and use as a cutting board. Or, carve out any shape you want to use as a coaster, keychain, or customized item.

PLA Recycling Service

In some locations, you may be able to take your scrap PLA to your local recycling center. Although many places will not take it. How do you recycle it then? Search for an online filament recycler where you can send them your scraps and they will recycle it for you.

It is also possible to compost PLA, either at an industrial facility or at home. This process is likely to take around 6 months.

Make ABS Juice, Glue, or Slurry

Get more use out of your extra ABS.
ABS Juice

ABS Juice is a great way to make your ABS prints stick to the surface. Only apply on glass or on kapton tape on glass.

  1. 50mL of acetone
  2. 50cm of 3.00mm ABS filament – or 4g of ABS scrap
  3. Snip the filament into small bits for better dissolving
  4. Mix the ABS with the acetone
  5. Let sit overnight – should have the consistency of milk
ABS Glue

Use ABS Glue to stick two ABS parts together. ABS Glue works even better than super glue as it fuses the pieces.

  1. 50mL of acetone
  2. 100cm of 3.00mm ABS filament – or 8g of ABS scrap
  3. Snip the filament into small bits for better dissolving
  4. Mix the ABS with the acetone
  5. Let sit overnight – should have the consistency of glue
ABS Slurry

ABS Slurry can be used to blend the seam between two ABS pieces that were glued together. It can be used to fill in or build up areas.

  1. 50mL of acetone
  2. 250cm of 3.00mm ABS filament – or 20g of ABS scrap
  3. Snip the filament into small bits for better dissolving
  4. Mix the ABS with the acetone
  5. Let sit overnight – should have the consistency of putty

Bonus Idea

Use left over bits to complete your next print. Print these cool maracas and fill them will small scraps to make some noise.

4 Ways to Recycle Failed 3D Prints

You've purchased yourself one of the best 3D printers around. You've learned how to dial it in with our ultimate beginner's guide to 3D printing. Maybe you've even designed your own 3D models with OpenSCAD. You're no longer a 3D printing beginner.

But no matter how good you are at 3D printing, you will have unwanted or failed prints. Maybe you were experimenting with a new filament. Perhaps you were still calibrating your machine, or an accidental nudge ruined the latest batch. Whatever the reason, failed prints happen.

Today I'll be showing you some of the coolest things you can do with all these failed parts.

1. Build Something Cool

One of the easiest ways to recycle prints is to combine two or more into something new and unique. Consider combining something like a Yoda bust or low-poly Darth Vader into a new, unique figure. The best part is, you only need simple supplies such as glue or tape.

This project totally depends on what you have available. If you only design and print prototype parts, this may be difficult, but if you're printing the best 3D printables for tabletop fantasy RPGs then you may have all you need already!

If you don't have any useable parts, but still want to make something cool, then checkout this video from the Make Anything YouTube channel.

As illustrated, it's possible to break up, melt down, and shape several failed prints into a new and unique item. You can even achieve a multi-colored pattern by combining prints of different colors -- or stick to one solid color, the choice is up to you!

2. DIY Filament Recycling Machine

Did you know that it's possible to recycle 100 percent of your failed prints? I'm not talking about your local recycling facilities, I'm talking about reprocessing your parts into a brand new filament, ready to print again.

Using a machine that looks more like an industrial process than a DIY project, this recycling workflow is "loosely" referred to as a filament extruder.

Filament extrusion is nearly always a three-step process:

  1. Smash old parts
  2. Melt down and extrude filament
  3. Coil filament onto new reel

First, each failed print is smashed into very small pieces. This makes it easier to melt down. Once melted, the now liquid plastic is forced through a small opening, and then cooled down before wrapping onto a plastic reel. It's a very cool process that's actually a form of injection molding.

As YouTuber Hugh Lyman shows us in this video, this a complex project, but don't let that prevent you from saving the planet!

Machinery such as the Filabot is available to purchase, but is very expensive. If you want to know more about this project, check out the many extruders you can print yourself! Popular models include the Lyman/Mulier or the Yalfe.

3. Make ABS Juice

This recycling technique only applies to Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) filament. As ABS is oil based, it can be melted down with acidic liquids. By combining a small piece of ABS with acetone, it's possible to make three different liquids, all with slightly different use cases.

ABS Juice: Used to help parts stick to the bed.

ABS Glue: Used to glue or weld two parts together.

ABS Slurry: Used to fill in any small holes between parts---the filler of the 3D printing world.

By sacrificing some bad prints, you can improve the quality of the good ones!

YouTube channel Hoffman Engineering shows us how to make the stuff:

Be careful! Even when combined with ABS, acetone is still a solvent, which has the capability to injure you if misused. While acetone is very mild, it can still cause skin irritation. Always follow the manufacturer's recommend advice.

4. Recycle Locally

Our final recycling technique is exactly that: recycling!

Most 3D-printed parts can be recycled in theory, but you'll struggle to do so curbside. This also depends a lot on what material you print in. Once again, ABS is the big offender here. ABS can produce some very nasty chemicals and fumes, so it will nearly always end up in a landfill.

If you're not keen on recycling, then this short video from YouTuber Amanda Anez explains why it's so beneficial:

Environment friendly material PLA is often touted as being biodegradable---but it has a catch! For PLA to degrade, it can take several hundred years if the conditions are not perfect. While PLA does not release any harmful substances while degrading, many recycling providers may refuse to take it, as it can be difficult to sort from other plastics.

One of the simplest solutions you can do is to compost it in an industrial facility or at home. Composting simply accelerates the natural decomposition process. Composting at home may take a long time, but you should do anything you can to prevent plastic from going to a landfill.

You can also use a filament recycling service, like the one provided by Filabot. Just box up your PLA, mail it in, and they'll recycle it.

How Do You Recycle Your 3D Prints?

Today we've covered a few of the ways to recycle your failed 3D prints, but there are so many more things you can do. Truthfully, you're only limited by your prints and your creativity!

If you're looking for something to print, why not take a look at these awesome Star Wars props or educational toys!

What do you do with failed 3D prints? Do you have a complex sorting process based on color, material, and size? Or do you just throw them in the trash?

(There is a solution) What to do with bad/unwanted 3D prints?

pla filament abs recycling

I'm planning on getting a 3D printer soon and I'm just wondering what you do with 3D prints that either failed or were prototypes you no longer need?
I tried searching the web but the closest I got was environmental impact turning 3d prints back to filament or restarting a failed print halfway through. But none of them was the information I was looking for.

The solution should be somewhat environmentally friendly, and just storing unwanted prints in some box is also not a good solution.
Completion of failed prints is not entirely applicable because it does not apply to prototype prints that you do not want to keep.

Is there anywhere to send failed 3D prints for professional recycling, or is there any advice on how to properly dispose of 3D prints?

Just in case it's helpful, the printer I plan to purchase uses filament that can be made from PLA, ABS, nylon, and possibly other materials. This is the printer ( from KickStarter.

@koppany Horvath, iry