Enamel paint on 3d print

What Kind of Paint to Use for Painting 3D Prints

by Valentin

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3D printing is an amazing technology that becomes more and more accessible to hobbyists. So you probably already finished your first few 3D prints and now you want to paint them but you are wondering what kind of paint to use for the job. In this article, I will tell you exactly what you have to watch out for and what kind of paint is best for painting 3D prints.

As a whole, acrylic, oil, and enamel paint can all be used to paint 3D prints. For beginners, the best paint to use is acrylic paint because it is easy to use and quite cheap. It is highly recommended to apply a primer on the 3D print before painting it regardless of the paint used.

I personally almost always use acrylic paints for painting my 3D prints. My favorite acrylic paint is from Vallejo but you can use any decent acrylic paint that you like.

You can see how I usually paint my 3D printed Sculpture right here in this video.

If you want to know how to properly paint 3D prints in detail then consider reading my guide on how to paint 3D prints or my guide on how to paint plastic. Or keep on reading if you want to know more about choosing the right paint for painting your 3D prints.

Can Every 3D Printed Object be Painted?

This is a very general question that I still get asked quite frequently so I will try and answer it as best as I can.

Every 3D printed object can be painted as long as no industrial style 3D printer that prints metal. Even prints that were printed with special filament like wood or glow in the dark filament can be painted as long as the prints are being prepared by applying a primer first.

There are some crazy printers out there that will print in metal by making a sand mold and then casting the mold with metal but as long as you don´t use any of these printers but a regular resin or regular 3D printer then you will be fine.

Resin and plastic filament, even if it is a special filament, can easily be painted but you need to prepare the surface before painting it.

This is usually done by sanding the surface first to get rid of any imperfections and then applying a primer that will prepare the surface for painting and will ensure that the paint will adhere to the surface of the 3D print properly.

You can read a detailed guide on how to properly paint 3D prints right here.

The Best Way to Paint 3D Prints

There are several ways to paint 3D prints including using special paints that will simply adhere to the plastic surface of the prints without the need of a primer but the best way to paint 3D prints involves a few steps.

As a whole, the best way to paint 3D prints is by preparing the surface of the 3D print by sanding it first and then applying a primer. Now the surface is ready to be painted with any type of paint but it is best to use acrylic paint as it is easy to use and quite beginner-friendly.

I tried quite a few ways to paint 3D prints including simply painting the model without any sort of preparation but the best way that I found and also the most reliable way is to prepare the surface by sanding and then priming it.

Here you can see how the model looks like before priming it and then after priming it.

And here is what it looks like after applying the primer.

As you can see, the primer will be a very fine layer of paint that will preserve all the details of the print while giving the surface the perfect conditions for painting it.

Sanding will get rid of imperfections and it will make sure that the primer adheres to the surface of the print, even though it is not necessary.

Applying the primer will prepare the surface for painting. The primer will adhere really well to the surface and any paint applied to the surface of the primer will adhere just as well.

This will ensure that the paint won´t come off easily even when the surface is being scratched.

How to Paint PLA Plastic

One of the most often used filaments for 3D printing are PLA filaments. So it is no surprise that most people are curious about how to properly paint PLA.

To paint PLA plastic first sand the surface slightly to smooth it and remove imperfections. Then apply a well adhering primer to the surface before finally applying the paint directly to the surface. Acrylic paint is the best choice for beginners but enamel and oil paints can also be applied.

As you can see the process is pretty much exactly the same for almost any kind of 3D printed model.

If you want to know more about the process then consider reading my full guide on how to paint 3D prints right here.


Hi, I am a passionate maker and professional prop maker for the entertainment industry. I use my woodworking, programming, electronics, and illustration know-how to create interactive props and puzzles for Escape Games and marketing agencies. And I share my knowledge and my experience on this blog with you so that you can become a maker yourself.

How to Paint 3D Prints Properly and Avoid Paint Peeling

by Valentin

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3D printing can be an amazing tool for a lot of creative crafts but newcomers often face the same issue when painting their 3D prints: The paint comes off rather easily. So in this article, I will tell you exactly how to paint your 3D prints correctly and avoid issues like peeling paint!

As a whole, to paint 3D prints the surface of the prints has to be prepared first. The surface needs to be sanded and then a primer has to be applied to ensure that the paint will stick properly to the surface of the print. After that, the print can be painted with acrylic, enamel, or oil paints.

You can see how I usually paint my 3D sculptures in this video right here.

3D prints are basically plastic, so if you want to know more about painting plastics then consider reading my guide on how to paint plastic right here.

I recently got my hands on the Mars 2 Pro resin 3D printer from Elegoo and I instantly started creating a small sculpture to see how 3D printing can be used in the arts and crafts world.

In this article, I will share how I painted the model and what I did to prepare the model for the painting, so that you know exactly how to paint your 3D prints and ensure that they will turn out great.

How to Sand 3D Prints Properly

The first thing you need to do is prepare the surface of the 3D print for painting. So we will smooth the surface, if necessary, with some sandpaper.

To sand the 3D print it is important to get rid of any access like printing supports or threading from the print by removing those with a craft knife, or pliers. Then remove any rough parts of the print with some 100 to 120-grit sandpaper and move your way up to 300 grit to smooth the surface of the print.

This process needs to be done with regular 3D printed models as well as resin prints. But you will have much less smoothing to do with resin prints.

A pro tip when working with non-resin prints that have a lot of visible print lines is using spray-on spatular.

Simply apply a few thin layers of spray-on filler to your 3D print and then start the sanding process. The filler is easier to sand than the plastic of the print itself and it will fill in the small uneven surface details like print lines.

This way you don´t have to sand as much.

You can find spray-on filler right here on Amazon or in your local hardware store in the section for car appliances.

What Kind of Paint Can be Used for Painting 3D Prints?

There are some paints that can be applied to 3D prints directly without printing them first but I generally recommend printing the prints before painting them as it is just more reliable.

As a whole, 3D prints can be painted with any type of paint as long as the print has been sanded and primed beforehand. The easiest type of paint to work with is acrylic paint but the prints can also be painted with oil paints or enamel paints.

There are some paints that can be directly applied to 3D prints and I have a separate article where I go into detail about how and what kind of paints can be used for that.

You can read all about that in my article: How to paint plastic, right here.

But the easiest and safest way to paint 3D prints is sanding and priming the print before applying the paint.

You can use any type of paint that you want but I highly recommend using acrylic paint. Especially acrylic paint from Vallejo is great for painting plastic.

You can also use different paints to paint your print. For example, you could paint the whole print with acrylic paint and then apply an oil wash over the whole thing to weather the paint job underneath.

How to Paint 3D Prints With Acrylic Paint

If you are a beginner then I highly recommend using acrylic paint for painting your first few prints. They are easy to use and you can get them quite cheaply.

To paint 3D prints with acrylic paint the prints first have to be prepared for painting by sanding them and applying a primer to the surface. Then the acrylic paint can be applied directly to the print. After the paint has dried a thin coat of matt acrylic sealer can be applied to protect the paint.

This sculpture that I made was almost entirely 3D printed with the Mars 2 Pro and I painted it with acrylic paints.

But, as always, before painting something like resin you apply a primer. In my case, I used a flat black primer from Krylon that you can get here on Amazon.

It is possible that you need multiple layers of acrylic paint to sufficiently cover the surface. I usually need two or three layers.

After the acrylic paint has dried you can apply a thin coat of matt acrylic sealer to the whole print to seal the paint. This will add another layer of protection to your paint job.

You can get an acrylic sealer at your local hardware store or right here on Amazon.

How to Paint 3D Resin Prints

Resin 3D printers are getting more and more affordable and the quality of the prints is getting absolutely insane, as you can see in my Mars 2 Pro review right here. But are they any different to paint than regular 3D printed models?

As a whole, 3D resin prints can be painted with acrylic, oil, or enamel paints but the print has to be sanded slightly and a primer has to be applied to make sure that the paint will stick properly and permanently to the surface of the print.

It´s pretty much the same as painting regular 3D printed models with the sole exception that you don´t have to do as much sanding or clean up of the print in general because the print lines are so much finer compared to a regular 3D printer.

Do Resin Prints Need Primer?

Resin printers are fairly new for the crafts community so I get a lot of questions regarding priming the 3D resin print.

As a whole, a primer should be applied to the 3D resin print before painting it but there are paints that will adhere to the surface of the resin print directly. However, the easiest way to paint resin prints is by priming them first and then painting them with acrylic paints.

So they don´t need a primer but it is highly recommended to use one.

If you don´t apply a primer to the resin before painting it then you run the risk that the paint won´t adhere properly to the surface. This will in turn result in the paint peeling or chipping off.

Do 3D Prints Need Primer?

3D printing, in general, has been around for quite some time now but it is becoming more and more mainstream so I get asked a lot if you need to prime all 3D prints for painting.

3D prints don´t need a primer if they are not being painted. And even if they are being painted then using a primer is highly recommended but not necessary as there are paints that will adhere directly to plastic without a primer.

But, as I stated before, applying a primer before painting the print is highly recommended as it ensures that the paint won´t peel off later on.

Really the big takeaway here is that using a primer is always the best cause of action when painting 3D prints in general as it ensures that the paint always adheres properly to your 3D print and you will also need less paint because a primed surface will accept the paint much better.


Hi, I am a passionate maker and professional prop maker for the entertainment industry. I use my woodworking, programming, electronics, and illustration know-how to create interactive props and puzzles for Escape Games and marketing agencies. And I share my knowledge and my experience on this blog with you so that you can become a maker yourself.

Painting advice for 3D models (PLA, ABS, PETG, NYLON)
