Captain america helmet 3d print
▷ captain america helmet 3d models 【 STLFinder 】
Captain America helmet
Captain America helmet
Captain America Helmet Emblems
Wings and "A" emblems for Captain America helmet. The wing is designed for the left side and must be mirrored to print the right side. ... When I sliced it, the model was 10x the size so just scale it down.
Captain America Helmet (one file)
SMARTDAGGER's Captain America Helmet remixed as one object.
Captain America Helmet
I did an experiment and I tried to draw the helmet captain of America decomposed in all its details to allow assembly.
Captain America Helmet
Pictures are of the actual helmet and my Captain America costume at the Avengers Age of Ultron premiere with the rest of my family. Its current size fits 24" circumference head, measured at the brow line. ... ...
captain america helmet
remix of another helmet, cut into 4 pieces for smaller print beds
Captain America Helmet Original - Marvel Cosplay Helmet
Captain America Helmet Original STL File Now available in our store: https://3dprintmodelstore. com/product/captain-america-helmet-original/ 3DPRINTMODELSTORE.COM Premium STL File for Cosplay, Costume, Halloween, Toy
Captain America Helmet from Civil War
Captain America Helmet from Civil War Width mask 17 cm The model is ready for printing Thickness of all parts 3mm
$45.00Samurai Heroes Captain America Helmet
Samurai Heroes Captain America Helmet Marvel Comic Cosplay Mask Files Type: STL 2 Version Easy to Print The helmet is:H = 25.2 CMW= 17.1 CMD= 23 CM This helmet can be resized to fit the smaller head / larger head by 3d print software Please let me. ..
Captain America Helmet Avengers Endgame Cosplay
Best Choise 3D Print Paint: Best Precision Knife: BEST 3D PRINTER UNDER $200: BEST 3D PRINTER UNDER $300: #1 BEST SELLER 3D...
Captain America Helmet Avengers Endgame Cosplay
Amazon's Choice Face Mask 50Pcs: Best Choise 3D Print Paint: Best Precision Knife: BEST 3D PRINTER UNDER $200: https://amzn. to/2XFVt9M BEST 3D PRINTER UNDER $300:...
Captain America Helmet
The 3D model was created on real base. It’s created accurately, in real units of measurement, qualitatively and maximally close to the original. Model formats: - *.max (3ds Max 2008 scanline) - *.max (3ds Max 2008 vray) - *.fbx (Multi Format) -...
captain america helmet
Captain America Helmet from Civil War 3D print model
Captain America Helmet from Civil War Width mask 17 cm The model is ready for printing Thickness of all parts 3mm
Like Captain America from an alternate universe, you too can now become the Civil Warrior with your own Civil Warrior helmet. Fancy going bad? Go green and become the evil Captain America from universe 616 and take over the USA in the name of Hydra!...
Captain America Helmet - Infinity War - Endgame - marvel 3D print model
The captain America Helmet 1:1 Format file : STL Ready to printing Current Size: 22cmx33cmx30cm (distance between the ears) I hope you like it. ...if you have any question or problem with model, please contact me thank you,
Captain America Helmet Chin hinges, Clasp (glue on version)
First Design atempt. ...These are Captain America Helmet Hinges, Clasp, thingys whatever. Feel free to modify in Fusion. ...They have been revised a little and turn on Ironing for the finishing pass.
Captain America Helmet Avengers Endgame Superhero Comic 3D print model
Captain America Helmet Endgame Stl file for 3d printing This is just the STL files to be able to print your own model on a 3D printer. The model is ~164mm high,~167mm width and ~220mm depth. This model can be scaled or expanded according to your...
Captain America Helmet 3D model
The model has a fully textured, detailed design that allows for close-up renders, and was originally modeled in 3ds Max 2012 and rendered with V-Ray. Fidelity is optimal up to a 4K render. Renders have no postprocessing. INFO ABOUT 3D MODELS:...
Captain America Helmet 3D model
The 3D model was created on real base. Itâs created accurately, in real units of measurement, qualitatively and maximally close to the original. Model formats: *.max (3ds Max 2008 scanline) *.max (3ds Max 2008 vray) *.fbx (Multi Format) *.obj...
Captain America Helmet 3D model
This model made with Cinema 4D R20 and lower as native program, and exported to some other formates with backing UVs. ...
Captain America - Wearable Helmet
In World War II patriotic solider Steve Rogers recipient of the "Super Soldier Serum" became the living symbol of freedom, Captain America. Left for dead while frozen in ice, the star-spangled hero with an indestructible shield awoke years later to...
John Walker Captain America Helmet - High Quality Model - Marvel Comics
John Walker Captain Merica Helmet - Marvel comics - High Quality Model, Scale 1:1 for cosplay or custom Figure The STL is for personal use only. ...Do not copy or redistribute work (please contact me if you want to use it for Commercial Purposes ) if...
Captain America Helmet Cardboard DIY_2D cutting
Making video at Youtube
https://youtu. be/NyrnQ6e0VTw
If you need Drawing file, send e-mail for me.
e-mail Add: [email protected]
Thank you!1
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Captain America Helmet from Avengers Age of Ultron Free 3D model
Captain America Helmet from Avengers Age of Ultron 51k polys on 2 subdivisions 6k polys on no subdivisions Fully uncollapsed for editing with standard 3DS Blinn Materials I do not own the copyrights to the helmet or to Captain America. ...
Captain America WWII Helmet
<p>A file from my Pepakura making days that I discovered in Pepakura Designer you can export to . OBJ and in "Windows 10 3DBuilder or 123Design" export to .STL. Unfortunately I don't have the skills yet to improve further on the model, but maybe...
Captain America WWII Helmet
A file from my Pepakura making days that I discovered in Pepakura Designer you can export to .OBJ and in "Windows 10 3DBuilder or 123Design" export to .STL. Unfortunately I don't have the skills yet to improve further on the model, but maybe someone...
Captain America Helmet - Character Design - Marvel Hero Low-poly 3D model
Captain America Helmet - Character Design - Marvel Hero Mask created inspired in Captain America Character from Marvel Comics, can be used as character costume/outfit/skin, or even as a decorative item. In low poly version: 1588 polygons. In highest...
Captain America Bust + Helmet - Avengers: Endgame
This bust was created based off of several promotional art leaks from Avengers: Endgame, and the helmet seems to be very similar to the one used in Civil War so Screenshots from the Hot Toys figure were used as reference. The helmet is missing the...
Helmet Captain America Low-poly 3D model
Helmet Captain America 3D model done in Blender. .blend (blender tool) -Almost all parts are decimated and you can use it in most popular 3d programs. Check out my profile to see the other cool stuff! ...
Weekly Roundup: Ten 3D Printable Things - Captain America: Civil War -
Spoilers from the Captain America: Civil War trailer, so stop reading if you’re a weirdo who doesn’t want to get spoiled about a trailer. Weirdo.
I think the only people who didn’t feel the Earth move yesterday when the new Captain America: Civil War trailer was released was the crew of the International Space Station. To say that it was an awesome movie trailer would be an understatement, and it has probably sent the movie to the top of the nerd expectation list. Some people think that it was too early in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to have heroes fighting each other. But those people need to keep their talking holes in the closed position, because heroes fighting heroes has been part of comic books since comic books were invented. Don’t worry Debbie Downer, at the end they’ll all get it together, kumbaya it and go beat up a bad guy, it’ll be okay.
And if you haven’t seen the trailer yet, congratulations on waking up from that coma, you’ve missed a lot of awesome stuff since you’ve been under. The trailer was, I want to say full of fan servicing, but that makes it sound like a bad thing. Maybe fan servicing goodness? Fan pleasuring? Oh nah, that sounds gross. Look, I’m just saying that Hawkeye shoots Ant Man into battle on an arrow you guys, and if you haven’t waited your whole lives to see that, then congratulations on the healthy social life and successful career. But for some of us, that’s all we have, so don’t take it from us!
Also, then there was this:
His mask eyes squint you guys! They squint!
Anyways, in honor of Marvel releasing such a great trailer here are Ten 3D Printable Things – Captain America: Civil War edition!
Captain America Helmet by SMARTDAGGER
Found on: Thingiverse
Cost: Free
Look, there is still time to 3D print yourself a Captain America costume for the movies opening night, and this awesome helmet from the first Captain America movie is beautiful. The helmet prints in two parts, so yes it will need to be assembled and heavily post processed, but look, fandom isn’t easy you guys, and sometimes it takes dedication.
Captain America Wings by Pierrimus
Found on: Pinshape
Cost: Free
Ever since we first met Steve Rogers in Captain America: The First Avenger there has been a bit of a controversy in the Kingdom of Nerd Pedantry. You see, in the comics Cap has a set of three-dimensional protruding wings on his helmet. Yes, that sounds like a terrible idea, but it’s comics dammit, dressing up in a costume to fight crime is a terrible idea but that’s what we like about it. So if you’re a purist, then here is a simple set of wings that can easily be attached to your helmet so you can proudly show off your nerd authenticity cred.
Captain’s Shield by ironQ
Found on: Thingiverse
Cost: Free
You didn’t think that I would make this list without a Captain America shield did you? Of course not, and this is one of the coolest 3D printed shield models that I found. This project is going to be a lot more involved that the helmet, sorry, but boy is the finished project worth it.
It prints out in several smaller pieces that will need to be joined together, glued, sanded and painted before it looks good enough to take into battle (please don’t take this into battle, it’s made of plastic) but just look at that thing, it’s worth every drop of sweat. Again, made of plastic, so don’t throw it at your enemies no matter how tempted you are.
Winter Soldier Knife by nmosh
Found on: Thingiverse
Cost: Free
Now, one of the sources of drama for the upcoming movie involves Captain America’s bromantic love interest, Bucky Barnes aka the Winter Soldier causing trouble somehow. When last we saw him he was a brainwashed assassin for Hydra, but he doesn’t do that anymore. Now he just looks confused and remembers what shoes Steve wore back in the 1940s.
Will they be reunited in totally platonic friendship, or will this superhero civil war cost one of them their lives until the sequel? We’ll know in a few months, but one of Bucky’s favorite weapons is his knife, which he knows how to use almost as well as those brooding eyes. You could almost say that his small tactical knife is the Winter Soldier’s Captain America shield. So make sure that you print this replica out and give it to someone that you love in a strictly heterosexual way. Maybe put it in a little heart-shaped box or something.
Arc Reactor from Iron Man 2 by Landru
Found on: Thingiverse
Cost: Free
Of course what is a civil war without an opposing force that is causing the rift? In the movie, it’s Cap’s frenemy, the motor-mouthed genius, philanthropist and billionaire Tony Stark aka Iron Man. Tony has always had a thing for Steve in a super, macho bro way, just like his father. But sadly, there is always a very thin line between totally like and really dislike but still sort of like, and it looks like it’s going to be a thumbs down from Iron Man. All because Cap’s ex just keeps messing with their lives.
I guess I can sympathize, but look Tony, it’s totally uncool to try to steal Steve’s friends away from him. Just be an adult here and don’t make everyone choose. I mean, some of them may stick with you for a while, but come on, we all know how this ends; with you alone watching Naked and Afraid eating pizza in your underwear.
I just realized that I haven’t written anything about this 3D printing project yet. Yadda yadda yadda light up Arc Reactor prop that is really cool and can be used for cosplay or just as a night light.
Hawkeye Style Arrows for Cosplay by RobertGM111
Found on: Thingiverse
Cost: Free
What good is a guy who shoots arrows on a team with a super soldier, a really smart dude in a metal suit that doubles as a tank, a god of thunder, a Hulk and a lady who can actually move while wearing a skin tight catsuit? No one knows, but we all love poor Hawkeye anyways. And it looks like the Steve and Tony ship isn’t the only bromance being interrupted by this superhero feud. Poor Hawkeye will be facing off against his best bro, the Black Widow, and let’s be honest she’s totally going to kick his behind. But, he’s going to shoot Ant Man on an arrow, so that’s rad. Okay, you can stay an Avenger, Hawkeye.
And here is an awesome set of 3D printed arrowheads that can be used for cosplay or just as cool props to hang around your house. It should go without saying that these are plastic, so please don’t carry them into battle, that wouldn’t go well for you.
Captain America Shield by mming1106
Found on: Thingiverse
Cost: Free
So let’s say that you’re totally #TeamCap. But let’s also say that you have a day job, or maybe a full-sized Captain America shield is just a little too ostentatious for your tastes? I get it, you need an alternative. Just 3D print yourself this small, pocket sized shield, and you can freely show your Cap pride, but hide it away when non-nerds show up so no one makes fun of you. It’s perfect!
Captain America Bookend by Laura Pantaleone
Found on: MyMiniFactory
Cost: Free
I certainly hope that you read, because if you don’t then i’m not really sure why I’m writing all of these terrible jokes for you. But if you do, then I’m going to assume that you have books, and sometimes books have this problem of falling over on a bookshelf. Some genius invented this amazing gadget to solve the problem and is calling it a bookend. And for some reason the very first time that they made one it was Captain America-themed. Weird. Oh, and they also made one with Thor’s hammer.
Heroes by faberdasher
Found on: Thingiverse
Cost: Free
You may have heard by now, spoiler space, that a certain web-headed wall crawler is going to be making an appearance in Civil War. Yes, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man will be jumping into the fray at some point, which seems super awkward. Kind of like making a comment on a friend of a friend’s Facebook wall by mistake because you thought it was your friend’s wall because stupid Facebook keeps showing you your friends’ friends racist crap. And then you end up in the middle of a big flame war, but you can’t step away because man is your friend’s friend a jerkface, and you have to get the last word in and oh-no-he-di’int, he just insulted your mother and eventually you just start posting sarcastic gifs. I kind of feel like that’s what Spider-Man is going to end up feeling like at the end of Civil War.
Anyways, here is a cool Spider-Man head keychain, with a matching Captain America keychain because come on, we all know that Spidey is eventually going to start hanging with Cap. (There are a bunch of other superhero keychains available too!)
Iron Man Toilet Roll Holder by Marco Antonio
Found on: MyMiniFactory
Cost: Free
Do I really need to say anything about why this is awesome?
Okay, there you go, the ten coolest Captain America and Friends 3D printable things!
As always, if you liked this list of models and decide to 3D print one or two yourself, I would love to see the final results. Just drop me one of those tweet things @SJGrunewald or email me!
And in case you’re just getting up from that coma and you have no idea what the internet is*, here is the new trailer for Captain America: Civil War:
*okay, that joke doesn’t make sense, if you didn’t know what the internet was then you probably wouldn’t be reading this. Unless a friend or a nurse printed it off for you to read, but it would be weird if they printed an article about 3D printable things for you to read because if you don’t know what the internet is then you certainly don’t know what a 3D printer is. I’ve made a mess of this entire joke haven’t I? Oh well, deadline, I’m leaving it in.
Stay up-to-date on all the latest news from the 3D printing industry and receive information and offers from third party vendors.
Tagged with: 3d printed cosplay • 3d printed cosplay accessories • 3d printed cosplay props • ant-man • avengers • Black Widow • captain america • Captain America Civil War • cosplay • Hawkeye • Iron Man • Marvel • Marvel Comics • MCU • spider-man • superheros • Ten 3D Printable Things • Winter Soldier
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Iron Man Ultron Motorcycle Helmets 3D printing, gas mask, motorcycle, iron Man, motorcycle Helmets png
Iron Man Ultron Motorcycle Helmets 3D printing, gas mask, motorcycle, iron Man, motorcycle Helmets pngAbout this PNG
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- Iron Man Mask Computer Icons, others, marvel Avengers Assemble, superhero, fictional Character png 512x512px 239.31KB
- Gas mask Goggles Personal protective equipment Paintball, gas mask, wish, mask, dust Mask png 800x800px 336.7KB
- Gas mask, gas mask, mask, art, gas png 809x988px 551.48KB
- Black Panther superhero, Black Panther Captain Iron Man Ant Sharon Carter, Avengers role, superhero, fictional Character, alliance png 731x1094px 953.66KB
- Wall decal Bumper sticker Gas mask, gas mask, label, textile, monochrome png 1250x2400px 78.
- Iron Man Marvel Cinematic Universe, iron, electronics, avengers, superhero png 1570x1600px 2.12MB
- Honda Motorcycle Helmets KTM Motorcycle accessories, motorcycle helmets, technic, racing, bicycle png 1161x1130px 838.25KB
- black gas mask, Gas mask Gas masks, masks, gas Station, gas Mask png 500x608px 194.79KB
- Marvel Iron Man helmet illustration, Iron Man Drawing Bruce Banner Mask Captain America, Iron Man, marvel Avengers Assemble, superhero, motorcycle Helmet png 600x600px 338.37KB
- Iron Man graphics Logo, Iron Man, cdr, superhero, logo png 512x512px 65.
- Dust mask Personal protective equipment Occupational safety and health Respirator, mask, label, sign, mask png 600x600px 10.72KB
- Personal protective equipment Face protection Respirator Mask Goggles, mask culture, angle, face, head png 600x800px 306.71KB
- Marvel Comics Antman poster, Ant-Man Captain America Hank Pym Wasp, Ant-Man, superhero, fictional Character, film png 1027x1314px 1.15MB
- astronaut illustration, Apollo program Motorcycle Helmets Project Gemini Space suit Astronaut, astronauts, technic, space, motorcycle Helmet png 800x603px 334.5KB
- Gas mask Anime Drawing, background hacker, manga, desktop Wallpaper, mask png 1000x1000px 1016.01KB
- Motorcycle accessories Car Motorcycle helmets, bikers, motorcycle, vehicle, helmet png 566x630px 428.43KB
- Bicycle Helmets Motorcycle Helmets AGV, solar diaphragm, motorcycle, sports Equipment, motorcycle Helmet png 700x700px 424.95KB
- Motorcycle Helmets Locatelli SpA Visor Racing helmet, motorcycle helmets, technic, orange, sports Equipment png 800x723px 517.38KB
- Marvel Iron Man, War Machine Iron Man Captain America Ant United States, thanos, marvel Avengers Assemble, fictional Character, film png 973x2051px 1.
- Motorcycle helmet Visor, Motorcycle helmet, moto helmet, technic, sports Equipment, motorcycle png 1402x1574px 2.09MB
- Iron Man Computer Icons, steel, avengers, superhero, car png 512x512px 170.27KB
- man riding motorcycle, Motorcycle helmet Honda Sport bike Bicycle, Sport Bike s, sport, monochrome, car png 720x935px 359.45KB
- black gas mask, Gas mask Personal protective equipment Face, gas mask, game, mask, swat png 1000x1000px 338.09KB
- Motorcycle Helmets AGV Integraalhelm, motorcycle helmets, technic, racing, sports Equipment png 700x700px 505.
- gas mask illustration, Gas mask Cartoon, gas masks, comics, logo, usa Man png 600x540px 84.13KB
- Motorcycle Helmets Car Suzuki, motorcycle drive, bicycle, car, motorcycle png 684x994px 654.33KB
- zombie riding motor scooter illustration, T-shirt Scooter Motorcycle Boot Cartoon, Halftone pattern motorcycles, comics, geometric Pattern, retro Pattern png 908x948px 528.81KB
- Motorcycle Helmets Integraalhelm Arai Helmet Limited, motorcycle helmet, miscellaneous, sports Equipment, motorcycle png 1180x1200px 1.46MB
- Motocross Enduro Pants Motorcycle clothing, motocross, motorcycle, jersey, sport png 384x1239px 550.
- Iron Man Spider-Man Iron Fist Wasp Pepper Potts, Iron Man, marvel Avengers Assemble, comics, orange png 510x750px 287.35KB
- Freestyle Motocross Motorcycle Helmets Supermoto Endurocross Motorcycling, Rodeo Show, sport, racing, motorcycle png 1394x1094px 730.57KB
- Bicycle Helmets Motorcycle Helmets Lacrosse helmet AGV, bicycle helmets, motorcycle, sports Equipment, windbreaker png 700x700px 438.71KB
- Gas mask GP-5, gas mask, face, first World War, mask png 654x787px 1.98MB
- Motorcycle Helmets Space suit Astronaut Outer space, motorcycle helmets, technic, motorcycle Helmet, space png 2401x1327px 153.
- gray and red skull art, Gas mask Personal protective equipment Headgear Skull, gas mask, sticker, eye, smoke png 500x500px 240.27KB
- Personal protective equipment Goggles Industry Hard Hats Mask, safety first, visor, motorcycle Helmet, industry png 2391x2553px 1.86MB
- Terminator illustration, John Connor Sarah Connor Skynet, Terminator, heroes, motorcycle Helmet, product png 850x1300px 1.1MB
- Power Ranger, Jason Lee Scott Red Ranger Motorcycle Helmets YouTube, Power Rangers, sports Equipment, motorcycle Helmet, protective Gear In Sports png 750x750px 586.96KB
- Tommy Oliver Power Rangers Mask Kimberly Hart Costume, others, child, sports Equipment, tommy Oliver png 972x1279px 1.76MB
- Face shield Personal protective equipment Mask Sign Safety, gas mask, face, label, logo png 1000x1000px 78.98KB
- boy wearing gas mask, T-shirt Hoodie Drawing, mask print, tshirt, poster, prints png 2393x3276px 1022.68KB
- Respirator Surgical mask Goggles Personal protective equipment Dentistry, mask, pin, laboratory, industry png 500x500px 130.48KB
- Ultron Iron Man Captain America Vision of Loki, Ultron, fictional Characters, marvel, motorcycle Helmet png 1536x1899px 3.68MB
- green and brown gas mask, Gas mask Guetta s, gas masks, masks, eye, mask png 903x1473px 1.76MB
- Ichigo hallow mask, Ichigo Kurosaki Bleach Hollow Mask, bleach, sports Equipment, fictional Character, cartoon png 2828x4313px 583.4KB
- Face shield Personal protective equipment Dust mask Respirator, mask, face, visor, sign png 2356x2356px 207.46KB
- black AGV full-face helmet, Motorcycle Helmets AGV Sports Group Visor, Motorcycle Helmets, technic, racing, motorcycles png 965x1200px 4.42MB
- Gas mask T-shirt Gas mask detector, ink, eye, headband, mask png 639x581px 127.61KB
- Marvel Ant-Man helmet illustration, Wasp Logo YouTube Marvel Comics, Ant-Man, marvel Avengers Assemble, comics, avengers png 555x555px 87.99KB
- Iron Man helmet illustration, Iron Man Drawing, Iron Man, marvel Avengers Assemble, heroes, fictional Character png 800x600px 130.29KB
Italian company Momodesign's experience with 3ntr 3D printers in the development of a motorcycle helmet
The Italian company Momodesign is an important player in the vehicle accessories market. From 19In the 80s, Momodesign creates design projects for city bikes, including electric ones, helmets and other accessories. 20 years ago, the design bureau introduced its first motorcycle helmet to the market, which subsequently won serious international recognition. Today, the company is breaking new ground with its latest product, the innovative Aero Helmet, featuring a unique design and high performance.
The Aero motorcycle helmet project was realized with the help of 3ntr 3D printers, which once again confirmed the ability of the latter to meet the requirements of professional 3D printing. In this case, we are talking about the use of 3D equipment for rapid prototyping, but not for the production of final products. Nevertheless, the solutions offered by 3ntr provided the project with a number of important competitive advantages.
“The aim of the Aero project was to offer a revolutionary solution to the market, using tools that our competitors have never used,” says Commercial Director Mirco Rigo. “3D printing has made it possible for us to get functional prototypes in a very short time and it is quite easy to find answers to all questions related to product development. Moreover, this technology was extremely helpful whenever we needed to make the right choice between several possible design and functional solutions.”
It's easy to imagine how important the prototyping stage is for such a project. At the same time, the production of prototypes using classical methods was not economically feasible and took an extremely long time. However, their production using 3ntr 3D printers has become much more profitable both in terms of material costs and in terms of their production time. At the same time, the printed models were reliable and had all the necessary functionality.
“We were extremely short on time,” continues Mirco Rigo. “We set ourselves the goal of completing the project in 1.5 years, although it usually takes two to three years. With clean 3D-printable plastics at our disposal, we were able to make various helmet parts from several materials, compare them and choose the best solution.”
The result of this work was a high-tech helmet, the design of which combined futuristic and military elements. Innovative solutions include a smart ventilation control system (Tornado ventilation system, an optional accessory activated with a special application) and the absence of a classic external visor, which raises rider safety to a new level. The visor of the Aero helmet is integrated into the main body of the helmet and is fixed, this linear design significantly reduces the risk of the helmet getting stuck in the event of a fall from the motorcycle.
As Momodesign CEO Paolo Cattaneo points out, the Aero helmet is designed specifically for motorcyclists and fully meets their needs. “People with their desires, needs and urban lifestyle have always been at the center of our attention, and the ongoing evolution of the metropolis and the emergence of new trends remain a constant source of inspiration for us. All this is the starting point for creating products whose design, style and functionality best meet the needs and expectations of our customers”, - Paolo Cattaneo.
The Aero Helmet is a striking example of the benefits that great design can bring to a product, as well as how useful 3D printing technology can be to bring the most daring and complex projects to life. The new Momodesign product perfectly demonstrates the desire for innovation, including at the level of tools used in production.