Buy chocolate 3d printer


Temper in Chocolate - What it is and why it matters

Any chocolatier worth their cocoa butter will tell you, real chocolate needs to be “tempered.” But what is temper and why is it important? To answer these questions, we should start by understanding a little more about the composition of chocolate, and how the various ingredients interact.

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Custom Chocolate Making Process

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Using your own chocolate with Cocoa Press

There are two ways to get chocolate for printing with Cocoa Press. If you want a simple, proven method, you can buy our pre-tempered chocolate refills. The printer is not locked into these chocolates, so the other way is to use your own! This blog post will show you how to use your own chocolate, and what to keep in mind in the process. 

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The Daily Pennsylvanian: Craving chocolate? This Penn alum’s 3D printing business can make you some.

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Tech Crunch: Meet Cocoa Press, The Philly Startup Making a 3D Printer for Chocolate

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How to Start Printing Chocolate

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We are live at 5PM EST! Get ready for our launch event!

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Check out our Brochure!

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Cocoa Press Combines Forces to Fabricate 65,000 Face Shields

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Ok Xoomer: Shaping the Future of Chocolate With 3D Printing

Turns out the future of 3D printing is pretty delicious. In this episode of Ok Xoomer — Zoom chats with creative engineers and more — Aaron Lichtig, the Xometry guy and former Jeopardy champion, interviews Evan Weinstein, recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and owner/founder of Cocoa Press, on the future of chocolate 3D printing and why it's a great time to be a mechanical engineer.

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NPR Radio: Hosts Cocoa Press

NPR Radio discusses Cocoa Press with CEO Evan Weinstein.

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Mashable: Chocolate lovers may fall in love with this 3D printer — Future Blink

A sneak peek at the innovations that will change our everyday lives in the future. Appropriately named “Cocoa Press,” the printer molds chocolate into any shape.

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Daily Mail: Now anyone can be a chocolatier!

Student develops 3D printer that creates custom artisanal chocolates on demand Watch the Cocoa Press, created by Evan Weinstein, use its 3D printer with chocolate to create chocolatey and edible works of art at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Penn Today: Evan and The Chocolate Factory

Engineering student Evan Weinstein fixated on the idea of liberating bespoke chocolates from the confines of both the bar and the mold. Rather than cast a chocolate shape, why not build it? Cocoa Press is his solution.

Penn Today

The Edge of Tech: 3D Printing Chocolate!

I was at ERRF, the East Coast Rep Rap Festival, and I came across a 3D Printer that prints Chocolate!! It was awesome and the Chocolate was great!

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Xometry: Case Study, The First Commercial 3D Chocolate Printer

From a high school project to a commercial-grade product, Evan Weinstein’s Cocoa Press will allow bakeries, chocolatiers, and consumers to print their sweetest desires

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If you haven’t figured it out by now, the hype over desktop filament printers is pretty much over. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t new avenues worth exploring that use the basic FDM printer technology. If anything, the low cost and high availability of 3D printer parts and kits makes it easier to branch off into new territory. For example, experimenting with other materials which lend themselves to being “printed” layer by layer like a thermoplastic. Materials such as cement, clay, or even chocolate.

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Philadelphia Inquirer: Flying robots, hot glass, Google, 3-D flesh, NextFab: Philly’s first Maker Faire at Pennovation

Cool nerds from across the region convened Sunday for a first-of-its-kind carnival for start-ups in Philadelphia. More than 1,200 engineers, investors, students and artists signed up to spend the sunniest hours of the weekend challenging and celebrating more than 100 start-ups and small businesses that showed off prototypes and perfected products they hope to bring to mass production.

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Maker Faire: Exhibit Cocoa Press Chocolate 3D Printer

In 11th grade I joined my school's FIRST robotics program. I had heard of 3D printers, but I had never seen one. By the end of the semester, I had become "the 3D printer guy" at my school, helping to maintain the various printers in our lab. I slowly realized the potential of these machines and decided that I wanted to dig deeper into the mechanisms behind the magic.

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5 Best Chocolate 3D Printers (2022 Update)