Ben heck 3d printing
3d printer | Web Portal for Benjamin J Heckendorn
No Jones this time, so Parker and I discuss engineering topics:
- Why use a Streaming Box with a Smart TV? Isn’t that redundant? Also Ben & Parker discuss Windows 10 Calculator.
- Cars have too many electronics! (unless they’re Jeeps)
- ESP8266 modules.
- The challenges of making an Alexa controlled beer fetching robot.
- Projects we’d like to do if we had the time.
- Parker’s FPGA Gameboy VGA adapter
- Parker’s Internet of Things Air Compressor
- Ben’s Accessibility Controller for PS4
- Ben’s Portable Raspberry Pi Kit
- 3D printers – techniques and what models we use.
We discuss the Amazon Alexa a lot in this episode, so if you have one and are listening with speakers, probably should mute it 🙂
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Parker’s holding a thermal detonator! 3d printerair compressorsalexaamazoncomputersesp8266jeepsWe ramble more than usual this month! Topics include:
- No Man’s Sky / planet math
- We learn some new number types as we discuss the alleged number of No Man’s Sky planets.
- Why it would take insane amounts of server space to actually save all 18 quintillion possible planets & custom names.
- We learn some new number types as we discuss the alleged number of No Man’s Sky planets.
- If Ben and Jones ran for president / vice president
- Pot.
- A long, boring, discussion about the age of candidates.
- Our proposed “Irony / Coincidence Mis-use Tax”
- More PS4 / PS4K Neo news
- Console market trying to become like cel phones
- Will it go down in history as a watershed “stupid” idea, like 32X, 5200 and Atari Jaguar?
- Movie stuff!
- Sony’s crappy early 90’s movies, like Hudson Hawk & Hook.
- Our idea for a crappy network comedy.
- Ben watches some movie remakes! Why are things called remakes when they aren’t.
- Jones saw Suicide Squad, and didn’t commit suicide like some reviewers did.
- Tom Cruise: The Last Movie Star / Samurai Who Will Fight a Mummy
- GI Joe AKA Live Action Team America
- Stranger Things, the Right Kind of Reboot
- A long, boring story about my noise-canceling headphones.
- What we didn’t like about Super 8.
- Why people like it more than all the remakes/reboots
- Emily Blunt & NBC Comedy Action Terrorist Fighters
- A long, boring story about my noise-canceling headphones.
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3d printerage of adelineemily bluntmcdonald'sno man's skyPS4 neostranger thingsArticles, Ben Heck Show
benheck 8 Comments
printrbotGO and a Companion Cube. Click for larger version
I just can’t stop building portable 3D printers! Check out my new printrbotGO – an all new design in collaboration with
The goal here was to create an interesting, functional, sturdy design and then have it be available pre-built or as a kit. This is the first prototype and will be demonstrated at World Maker Faire New York weekend of September 28th – 30th.
- Printrboard electronics, steppers, pulleys, extruders and hot ends (all existing commodity parts from one source)
- Print size 200mm x 185mm x 150mm.
Not sure why I lost that 15mm on the Y axis, will probably have that at 200 as well in the future.
- Runs off a wall wart power brick or internal Li-Polymer batteries. We estimate 2 hours print time in PLA.
- Folds up to a size of 19″ x 14.5″ x 5.5″ – can fit in a plane’s overhead bin.
- Much smaller “deployed” footprint than my previous models.
For lots of build photos and more details, click below!
Continue reading printrbotGO →
3d printerprintrbotprintroardBen Heck Show
benheck 3 Comments
This episode was a doozy. I had roughly 2 weeks to design and build a custom 3D printer and get it to print something.
But I did – by the skin of my teeth – and you can watch the process by checking out episode 19 of the Ben Heck Show. Enjoy!
3d printermaker faireplasticWeb Portal for Benjamin J Heckendorn
Here you can find many of my original vector drawings of my past projects. Most are in Adobe Illustrator format, versions 10 – CS5.
Terms of Use:
- There is NO EMAIL SUPPORT for any of these files. Please search this site to read the original articles if you have any questions, join our forums or buy my book off Amazon.
- You may use these files to recreate my old projects, as long as you give credit to this site.
- If you recreate a project and sell it, you must label it as a “Ben Heck Reproduction” and give credit to my website.
- At this time we do not offer CNC routing services for these old designs. However it’s more likely we’ll offer standard new kits of only the most popular projects (such as NES or Xbox 360 portables).
Woodworking – Includes desks, work benches and pinball cabinets / playfields.
Design files for my home computer desk with stand for dual 24″ monitors | benheck_desk_09.![]() |
Folda-Table, a table that folds up against the wall when not in use to save space | |
Design files for the L-shaped work bench I used in my shop, with Rotating Project Base | |
Original white-colored portable work bench, with 3 stage locking mechanism | |
Second revision of portable work bench that we built on the Ben Heck Show | |
Custom Neo-Geo arcade cabinet | |
Retro-style arcade cabinet for CRT monitor / MAME use | |
Bill Paxton Pinball – all mechanical files (cabinet, playfield, mechanics and toys) | bill_paxton_pinball.![]() |
Lost Pinball – playfield design file | |
Lost Pinball – cabinet design | |
System 3 Pinball cabinet – our new design which we intend to be open source | |
RepRap style Porta-Printer – The 3D printer we built spring 2011 on Ben Heck Show | |
Portable Gaming Systems – Includes Atari, Nintendo and the more recent Xbox 360 and PS3 laptops.
NESp – A portable NES that uses a NES-on-a-chip (NOAC) | NESp.![]() |
VCSp Special Edition – A popular Atari portable I used to make from around 2003 | VCSp_SE.AI |
VCSp Rev 5 – One of the most popular Atari portables – I made around 30 of these | VCSp_rev5.AI |
Vagabond 2003 – A custom unit that was auctioned off at the 2003 Classic Gaming Expo | Vagabond_2003.AI |
STELLA – The very first, original design file for my legendary Atari 2600 VCSp (2000) | STELLA.AI |
PS1 LCD – Mechanical drawing of the 5″ PlayStation 1 clamp-on LCD | PS1_LCD.AI |
VCSp Gold – An overly complicated unit I built in 2001 | vcsp_gold.AI |
PS2p – Design file for my 2004 model PlayStation 2 portable | PStwo_Portable.![]() |
PS1 Guts – Drawing of the PSOne’s internals and a basic portable layout | |
Atari 2600 4 switch – Mechanical drawing once it’s been cut down to a 4×4″ square | |
Atari 2600 CNC Rev 4 – An aborted design not used in my book. Looks like a taco | |
Vagabond 2000 – Uses a heavily modified 2600 JR and has a flip-up screen | |
Sega Exodus – Uses a Radica mini-Genesis. The portable nobody wanted until I sold it | |
Nintendo 64 Portable – Here it is. Now don’t make it, and never ask me to rebuild it | N64p.![]() |
Atari 05 (Pheonix) – For some reason, this has the most detailed drawings I’ve ever done | |
SNES 05 – Pretty good design but for whatever reason, I never actually built it | |
Xbox 1977 – The retro styled Xbox 360 as seen on The Ben Heck Show | |
NES Micro – A really small NES that uses a NOAC. | |
Neo Geo Console – Uses the MV1F board. Get an AD725 chip to make your own Supergun | |
Xpod – Never finished portable based off original Xbox | |
Colecovision Portable – Design files from a tough project I’ll never revisit.![]() | |
PS1 2006 – Why I was designing a PSOne portable in 2006 is beyond me, but here it is | |
Sega CDx Portable – As seen on The Ben Heck Show | |
Atari Pancake – Weird design from 2007 | |
Atari 800 Rev 1 – First one I built, using an XEGS and Mr Atari’s MyIDE | |
Atari 2600 Rev 7 – A folding Atari I built in 2007 | |
Wii Laptop – Built only a few weeks after the release of the Wii. Whee! | Wii_laptop.![]() |
Yobo NES – A portable that uses the fairly common Yobo NES NOAC console | |
Storm iM2600 PS3 Case – As seen on The Ben Heck Show | |
Xbox 360 Original – The original, water-cooled behemoth. Do not attempt. | |
Xbox 360 Rev 2 – Second portable I built | |
NEStari – Half NES. Half Atari. All Cop! | |
Xbox 360 Halo – An Xbox 360 portable with Halo-inspired graphics | |
New Technology Atari 2600 – One of the last 2600 portables I built | newtech_2600.![]() |
PS3 Laptop Rev 1 – The first one I built. Uses a launch 60 gig unit | |
IIgs Laptop – My favorite Apple computer, now in portable form! | |
Xbox 360 Portable. A 2008 model that worked pretty well. The last version before the Slim | |
Atari 7800 – First and only time I ever worked with that console | |
Pelican 1490 Case Xbox 360 – Pretty self-descriptive. | |
Commodore 64 Rev 1- Failed Version | |
Commodore 64 Rev 2 – Success! One of my personal favorite projects ever.![]() | |
Commodore 64 Rev 3 – Slightly different version of Rev 2 | |
Neo Geo Peo – Portable Neo Geo using MV1F hardware and a 5″ PS1 screen with RGB | |
Atari 800 Revision 3 – With a pop-up full keyboard! Quite possibly my favorite project ever. | |
Xbox 360 Slim – The laptop seen on the Ben Heck Show. Be sure to keep the PSU cool | |
PS3 Slim Laptop – Based off new 2009 model PlayStation 3 | |
Stella 2012 – The latest and greatest (?) Atari 2600 portable | ??? |
Assorted Documents – Includes pinouts, how-to’s and PCB designs.
Add a cartridge slot to the cheap Radica Sega Genesis thing | radica_pin |
A disk image for an Atari 800 game I programmed long ago | stripfunmaze |
NES – Famicon cartridge conversion chart | nes_famicom_pinout |
Horrifically ancient WinAmp Atari-based skin | winamp_atari_skin |
Old Wallpapers from the site that probably aren’t even big enough for a phone now | |
Neo Geo MV-1C Stereo Audio Mod (where to get the signals) | PIC 1, PIC 2 |
Programs – Includes code from episodes of our show and other projects
Description | Platform | Code |
Motion sensing hand sanitizer | Parallax Propeller | sanitizer.![]() |
Macro controller for Xbox 360 | chipKit Arduino (PIC32) | |
Super Clock! | Parallax Propeller | |
Safe-T-Pup bike proximity sensor | chipKit Arduino (PIC32) | |
Cat Exerciser (Let’s Get Physical!) | Parallax Propeller | |
Expedition Awareness Camera Control | Arduino (Nano) | |
Xbox 360 Disc Changer System | Arduino (Uno) | xbox_disc.![]() |
Tweet Heart – Arduino LED Text Drive | Arduino (Uno) | coming soon! |
Tweet Heart – Twitter-to-Heart code | Windows | coming soon! |
128×32 Pinball DMD Driver | Parallax Propeller | |
All About 3D Printing - Free Hardware
Advanced Powders & Coatings or AP&C has just announced the establishment and opening of a new plant for the production of metal powders for 3D printing.
This unusual 3D printed sheet was designed to dramatically improve satellite coverage.
LimitLess ILC is a 3D printer designed and manufactured in Galicia, Spain, which is sold fully assembled and calibrated.
The French company Pollen AM surprises us with the presentation of a new FFF-type 3D printer capable of working with two different materials.
The US Navy says it has solved a problem on one of its aircraft carriers thanks to 3D printing.
Thales Alenia Space and Poly-Shape were the companies responsible for producing the largest printed metal to be sent into space.
After a long wait, the project to create a universal camera called Mercury is finally a reality.
OESH has just announced that its engineers are working on the design and development of a 3D shoe printer.
Leon3D has entered into an agreement with Laboral's Kutxa division to be responsible for funding the purchase of their 3D printer for any customer.
Grupo Unceta will join forces with Tumaker to offer 3D printing services to all its customers in Spain, Portugal and Cuba.
Prodintec, Corposa and Grupo Masaveu will collaborate to develop a technology for the production of concrete buildings using 3D printing.
Barcelona-based startup Natural Robotics announces that they are finalizing parts for the launch of a new SLS-type 3D printer.
The Seville project, which made it possible to develop printed hearts, received 3 important national awards.
Plastics Technology Center, Andaltec, has just announced the acquisition of a new 3D scanner capable of digitizing objects of any size.
Curious puzzle box hit the internet with its new features and combination of 3D printing with Arduino board, all fully released...
MarkForged Onyx is a new material created by MarkForged, featuring a nylon base and reinforced with carbon fiber particles.
Taking advantage of Additive Manufacturing Europe 2016 being held these days, Zortrax introduces the new 3D Zortrax M300.
The XYZprinting da Vinci miniMaker is XYZprinting's new big bet in the world of education and training.
The house was built entirely using 3D printing in just 45 days. A record of time, as well as construction equipment in the form in which it was printed.
Ninjatek announces the immediate availability of two new exclusive filaments for use in FFF type 3D printers.
A team of scientists at the University of Pennsylvania have succeeded in creating a biotin filament capable of creating a 3D printed katilga.
It's rare to see twelve year olds building a business, but it's even rarer that their business center uses 3D printing. Rowan Pritchard is an entrepreneur.
Boulanger, a French chain of home appliance manufacturers, has just announced the creation of a warehouse so that everyone can produce their own spare parts.
The merchandising field has a great future with 3D printing. Currently, there are many small and medium-sized enterprises that cannot spend large sums on merchandising.
The Disney Research Center has just surprised us with the creation of a new technology that can create flexible objects using 3D printing.
Be More 3D is a Valencian company responsible for the creation and design of the first 3D concrete printer made in Spain.
Aesthetically enhance your Raspberry Pi card with this peculiar aluminum case, created and designed by the guys at Kodi.
At the Eurecat Technology Center they announce the development of a new technology for the production of carbon fiber reinforced parts.
IN (3D) USTRY From Needs to Solutions and Leitat Institute of Technology announce an accelerator for 3D printing projects.
The Archaeological Museum of Madrid is implementing a project that will allow the study of mummies thanks to 3D printing ...
XYZprinting da Vinci Jr. 1.0 is a new compact model recently introduced by XYZprinting that can be yours for 659 euros.
Barilla reveals that his 3D food printer can now print the equivalent of a plate of pasta every five minutes.
3D printing saved the life of a small American baby who was born with a brain outside of his own skull.
After years of development, NASA is finally giving us the first details of its new 3D food printer.
Kudo 3D has just announced the official launch of their new SLA-DLP 3D printer called Titan 2.
Local Motors, in collaboration with IBM and Intel, is showing us an interesting 3D printed autonomous bus concept.
Qatar is gearing up to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup and has turned to the help that 3D printing can offer.
Adrian McCormack, a young Australian in his third year, proudly shows us his self-designed printed guitars.
Nexeo Solutions 3D is a new online store specializing in 3D printers where you can purchase DSM filaments such as Novamid and Arnitel.
Israel-based Utilight has just unveiled the first 3D printed solar panels.
Thai company O'Qualia is finally the first to release the first commercial 3D printed drone.
Eiro is a cute 3D printed humanoid-like robot that comes on the market as a very interesting training kit.
Urban architecture studio WATG shows us their concept of a 3D printed house of the future.
After the presentation, the Spanish importer of the Chinese firm has just announced that the new Colido X3045 is finally coming to Spain.
Janjaap Ruijsenaars is the architect who surprised us with the creation of an endless building using 3D printing technology.
Titan 2 is the name of the new Kudo3D 3D printer, a printer that uses Raspberry Pi for its work and SLA technology ...
Stratasys has just released a press release highlighting the improvements it has made to its FDM printers.
Dynamical Tools is an Aragonese company that has made a name for itself on a European level with machines like the DT600.
Siemens has started to innovate in the world of 3D printing by creating a kind of printer out of spider robots.
Dubai is showing us its 3D printed building for the first time as it aims to become the 2030D printing capital in 3D.
101 Hero is a new, very simple 3D printer that can be yours if you help fund it through Kickstarter.
Under the name HP Jet Fusion 3D, the American company presents its first offering related to the world of 3D printing.
Those in charge of AutoCAD have just announced that the 2017 version of the renowned software will finally include full 3D printing support.
PiGGRL Zero is the name of a project where you can create your own handheld console using a Raspberry Pi as a base.
Pasta specialist Barilla has just launched a new 3D printer capable of creating pasta of any shape.
A small guide to the 5 most important boards to use in our projects to have wireless internet for little money...
A team of engineers from the University of Bristol has just shown the public how to use ultrasound to make composite objects.
XYZprinting has just announced the sale of their new da Vinci Pro printer, a 3-in-1 professional printer that all professionals are sure to love.
The Mexican company Viwa has just officially announced that they already have a machine capable of 3D printing on metal and offer CNC services.
Pockulus VR is a completely free virtual reality glasses made with CHIP board and 3D printing, but its features are not as expected...
A short post about 5 websites where you can get 3D printing files for free and are available to all interested people
Chitu 5.1 is a low cost 3D printer electronic whiteboard with many features such as Wi-Fi printing...
Peter Smakman from Delft University of Technology shows us his Curatio project, in which he created an inexpensive 3D scanner that is very easy to recreate.
Through the cooperation of the two Valencian institutes AIMME and AIDIMIA, research will start on the production of printed home furniture.
Thanks to this project, you can create your own RC SUV and print it on your 3D printer. A toy that you can control with your smartphone
Voltera V-One is a new startup that has just unveiled a complete 3D printer capable of making printed circuit boards on PCBs easily and simply.
If you have a 3D printing company, you will definitely like the Glowforge, a very interesting laser cutting machine to complete your offer.
A student at the University of Oslo has unveiled a 3-Axis 5D Printer, a 3D printer that is based on RepRap but adds two more axes.
A University of Maryland student has created a mobile tripod that will allow you to shoot in landscape mode with your mobile phone thanks to 3D printing.
Centrolandia is an Alicante-based company created exclusively for the production of designer furniture printed using 3D printing technology.
User RegisHsu has posted plans and information for a spider robot, a robot whose parts have been printed and uses an Arduino Pro Mini board.
Zhuai CTC surprises the market with the first 3-in-1 3D printer, cutter and router on the market, a product they hope to sell for $1,000 each.
ToyRep 3D is the name of a 3D printer with free hardware that was able to be built for less than 100 euros, a milestone in the market.
Cosine Additive surprises with the launch of a new large format 3D printer ideal for composite materials.
According to the latest statement published by i.materialise, Blender is the 3D modeling program most commonly used by companies internationally today.
Many of us have already been surprised, but it finally seems that 3D printing has started to appear in Formula 1.
Avrid Larsson created an instant thermal camera with a Raspberry Pi A+, similar to the old Polaroid cameras that printed photos instantly.
From Brazil we get information about how a team of graphic designers managed to recreate the face of St. Mary Magdalene.
STL files have been greatly improved by I+D Technologies, which allows you to print your own topographic levels in 3D.
Ben Heck shows us very simply how he managed to make his own graphing calculator from a Raspberry Pi.
Gilbert300 is a spider robot that was built using free hardware and printed parts. The robot works great on almost any floor.
Adafruit user printed out the Nexus 5 Google Cardboard and showed it off, completely freeing up the design so we can make it.
An article in which we will show you how to print your own weapons is fully functional, although not recommended.
Spanish Doctors Develop a Treatment for Clubfoot Using 3D Printed Splints
Punch! This is a fun accessory for our 3D printer that will allow us to quickly and have fun removing parts without using a spatula.
3D printing is already useful in some sectors such as agriculture where many tools can be economically created using 3D printing.
PiBoy is a personal project with the Raspberry Pi that tries to recreate the old Nintendo Game Boy game console, the game console that marked an era in his world.
A little tutorial on how to turn your Raspberry Pi B+ into a full-fledged gaming console to watch TV in your living room
An article in which we know a 3D printed beehive that allows us to collect honey without fear of a bee sting.
An article in which we know which city in the world is the first in the world to be 3D printed and which is located in Spain.
Meikian Live is a developer community based Gnu/Linux distribution that has everything you need to create and manage objects with our 3D printer.
3D printing continues to find more and more applications, and this time we know how the next item to be printed will be your glasses.
Filastruder is a machine that creates plastic filament for our printer, and printing with this type of material is more economical.
Printder is a company that promises to revolutionize the world of printing with paper and inks that allow a 2D printer to print 3D objects.
James Bruton, passionate about robotics and free hardware, is developing a genuine R2D2, this version will be 3D printed.
An article in which we can see a curious 3D printer created from parts of the popular LEGO game and using a hot glue gun.
An article in which we know that dentures can also be 3D printed.
3D Printed and FreshFiber have announced Apple Watch bands that will be interchangeable and printable so we can be fashionable for very little money.
TheAlligator Board is a 3D printer board that takes all the advantages of its competitors and extends it by providing new features to printers.
Subtractive manufacturing is much more precise than 3D printing and in this article we will show you why and its main features.
A hobbyist 3D printer user managed to build a 3D printer out of Lego blocks and parts that also uses a glue gun.
A fan of old video games has introduced PS4 modifications that will allow us to use old cartridges in the new console.
An article where we know about 3DRacers, cars that can be 3D printed and driven with a smartphone.
A mechanical engineer managed to print a Toyota engine on a Prusa, this engine is made of plastic and represents a big savings in engine rebuilds.
Bq has recently released all the documentation for the ZUM SCAN board, making it easy to create and customize your own Ciclop scanner.
A keychain has been created printed on a tritium vial that allows a lamp to be produced that will shine for 20 years without any battery or cell.
LibreCalc is a free calculator of French origin that aims to create a scientific, free and cheap calculator that anyone can modify.
An article in which we know Voxel8, a dual-head 3D printer capable of printing electronic circuits and offering us new possibilities.
Organovo is a company that is already creating living organs through 3D printing and cell culture. An innovation acting only as a therapeutic pathway.
Diwo is the name given to the latest project by Bq Readers, a Spanish company that distributes free equipment to Hispanics.
TheTheta is a free printer that, in addition to using four extruders, changes Cartesian coordinates to polar ones, which speeds up printing.
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