3D printing product ideas

17 Products Ideas You Can 3D Print to Make Money in 2022


3D printing isn’t new. It has been around for long. However, the utilization of this technology into product printing is something that has sparked recently.

The ongoing advancements and researches around 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing had led to many innovations. The technology is no more restricted for industrial applications, however, it has been available for home users too.

The commercial 3D printers come for different budgets, hence affordable. While the accessibility is surging, the industries, hobbyists, and professionals are trying their best to make the most of it.

With 3D printing, the production of products becomes easier. One can print the objects in one go. If the object is larger than the print space, one can print in parts and then connect those together to create the final product.

There are many companies as well as individuals who have already made 3D printing a part of their overall manufacturing process. And, there are many who seek to do so.

Hence, it is important to check the ideas which can help one earn money with the help of 3D printing technology.


17 3D Printing Ideas for Making Money

The number of 3D printing business is rising exponentially. It is inevitable to ignore the benefits that these machines add to the overall profit of a business.

This is the reason why people keep looking for unique and better ideas for the best 3D printing service. Hence, here is a list of those options that can help you earn handsome profit by selling products printed with 3D printers.

3D Printed Animals

Credit: cults3d. com

Do you know kids love owning animal figures? Either its an elephant or a lion, animals are favorite toys for every growing child.

And, if these toys are printed to give them some weird looks and shapes, even young children would also admire these. How can we forget about the Jurassic Park sequels?

Time flies by, however, some movies remain forever in our hearts. Printing dinosaurs and letting your imaginations play around with the material or finishing, could get you great popularity.

Hence, you can make a decent profit when selling 3D printed animals. You can also accept orders for customized designs when printing these animal figures.

3D Printed Props

Credit: iamsambigman

A lot of fantasy movies use pros which become popular among kids sooner. The craze of props shoots up faster. One such example is Harry Potter’s Wand. Harry Potter has become a trend among kids and many youngsters as well.

The different wands and stylish designs are being fascinated by kids from around the world. It is definitely possible to create wands through traditional methods. However, the efforts would be too high.

With 3D printing, these wands could be created in less time without much money and effort needed. And, these make for fantastic gifts for those who love Harry Potter.

You will also find a lot of designs online for different looking wands. By using these designs, you can easily print these or any other wand with ease.

You can also color and finish the product as desired. Making it even closer to the actual prop. 3D printing is a cost-effective method for taking care of such tasks. However, the demand is something one must asses before investing in the 3D printer supplies.


Architectural Models

3D printing has made things easier for every niche. From artists to engineers, every profession is thanking the ease that the technology has brought with itself.

One example is the utilization of 3D printers for making architectural models. These models are very important for every construction project.

Before 3D printing came into play, these were manually created which took a lot of time and effort. Moreover, the finishing achieved wasn’t much satisfactory.

With 3D printing, the job has become easier. These models can now be created in less than half of the total time taken by traditional methods. Also, these can be made with durable material. The ones prepared earlier were created with foam and cardboards which broke easily.

You do not have to print on your own. However, you can create some samples for showcases. To complete the order, print on demand. By adding more diversity to the construction and architectural projects, you can earn a handsome profit.

The best part is that the idea is lucrative and has great future prospects. However, knowledge is key here. You must know how to design models. Or else, you can hire someone to get the job done.

Credit: designboom.com

Although you may find a huge number of vases created with the help of traditional methods lying on the shelves of the store, they all demonstrate a few common challenges.

These are difficult to carve, usually heavy and highly brittle. With 3D printing, you can leave all these challenges behind and create masterpieces and unique designs that are not possible otherwise.

One can even create customized designs in hours. These vases serve as an important part of home décor. Almost every house has one resembling its style.

As the priorities are becoming more crucial, the demand for customized products is surging too. Even the smallest item of the house is selected taking care of the tiniest details. In such a scenario, one can foresee the growth of this technology clearly.

By creating vases that do not break and are easy to handle, companies can make a huge profit. There are so many awesome designs available online. One can also choose to create one’s own design. And, can print these beautiful vases with different materials and finish.


3D Printed Mobile Cases

Credit: techrepublic. com

Mobile phones are everywhere. Users go to any length for ensuring that their mobile phones are safe. Hence, the use of mobile covers and cases has increased too.

However, these cases aren’t always attractive and usually hide the beauty of the phones too. But with 3D printing, one can create customized mobile cases with unlimited designs.

For years, the market for mobile cases has stayed on top of various other fashionable accessories. Apart from the savior of the most loved possession, these are a depiction of personal style.

The demand varies in terms of style and durability. Some like to own cases that are very stylish or stronger enough for rough handling of phones. And, some prefer lighter as well as flexible cases that are scratch-free.

The cases are always going to be in high demand. Every time a new phone is purchased, a new case is required. So, one can build amazing profits through this 3D printing business.

The level of customization possible through 3D printing can give an edge to your business over those making cases with old and conventional methods.

3D Printed Eyeglass Frames

Credit: sculpteo.com

Eyeglasses frames aren’t cheap. These are expensive and do not guarantee comfort. Because they are made in bulk, often users have problems getting used to these frames. However, looking for a customized eyeglass only adds to the expense.

Eyeglasses are important accessories. These must suit our face structure to complete our look. One can look completely out of place if the choice for eyeglasses goes wrong. Hence, one must not compromise with style and comfort when buying an eyeglass.

With the help of 3D printing, the cost can be brought down. Because this industry is huge, one can easily make a profit by entertaining only 1 to 2 percent of the market. Moreover, by earning loyalty, you can count on returning customers.


3D Printed Earbuds

Credit: theverge.com

We all like listening to music using high sound quality earbuds. However, the manufacturers often forget to include comfort with these earbuds.

The earbuds with unrivaled sound quality can get to the back seat in popularity if they aren’t comfortable with the user’s ears. This problem is well tackled by 3D printers. There are companies that are already offering such services.

Formlabs have been working on the same. The company can create 3D printed earbuds that take the size of the user’s ear and provide the highest comfort. These also come with high noise cancellation features. However, one must own a 3D scanner for perfection and accuracy.

3D Printed Earrings

Credit: shapeways.com

It is very true that 3D printing provides freedom of expression through designs. And, this expression could be easily replicated through fashion accessories.

The most common among these accessories are earrings. There is no woman known who does not wear earrings. And, you can easily find a collection of earrings in every woman dressing kit.

These are also perfect gifts and can make a huge impression. Women like to have a different pair for every dress and occasion. This is why customized earrings could be your thing to go.

With 3D printing, you not only get the provision to print any style you want, but you can also brand yourself as the most reliable company being able to sell nickel free earrings.

Nickel causes allergy to some skin. And, with 3D printing, you can get rid of nickel completely. Moreover, the earrings printed with these machines are lighter and durable.

The competition is already rising though and you must decide sooner to reap the maximum benefits.


3D Printed Jewelry

Credit: designboom.com

Customized pieces of jewelry are popular since forever. Individuals like to own pieces of jewelry that accentuate their style and beauty. Also, jewelry is one of the popular gifting options.

Finding a wedding ring eats months. And, it is all because these fashion accessories remain with us forever as footprints of special occasions.

However, customized jewelry takes time for creation. Also, not all complex designs are possible to realize with conventional methods. But with 3D printing, this can be made easy and simple.

The market is huge. You can tap into the same by offering an edge to your customers. With customized jewelry, you can offer styles that are very complex, hence, highly gorgeous. And, the orders can be completed in hours. Without making users wait for days and weeks.

However, you must have prior knowledge and experience with the jewelry industry and must excel at 3D designing.

3D Printed Flip Flops

With 3D printing, nothing seems impossible. And, some ideas seem too funky to be given a serious thought. The same goes for the 3D printed slippers or flip flops. However, there are lots of opportunities for companies offering customized flip flops.

The number of users having trouble getting into the standard sizes is high. You would be surprised to see the numbers.

Start your research from shoe shops and make a note of customers who are unhappy because of their feet sizes and shapes, being unable to find the perfect match. For those customers, even paying a high price won’t be a problem.

This is where you can get inside the market with the help of 3D Printers. By offering such customers the customized flip flops that are made only for their feet would earn you a higher return.

Who likes to fight foot pain only because their feet aren’t among the standard sizes offered by the companies?


3D Printed Material for Bone Replacement

Credit: 3dnatives.com

3D printing has been welcomed with an open heart by medical experts. There are many developments that are being carried around the medical niche with 3D printing as the backbone of the invention. One such example is the project that tested the printing of 3D materials for bone transplants.

This idea is still fresh and would require some more time for getting to the operational stage. However, if you are looking for a big bait, this could be your thing. The projects include the creation of Hyperelastic Bones via the 3D printing process.

Customized Shoes

Credit: thefabricator.com

Similar to flip flops, the shoe manufacturing industry with 3D printing is also a great choice for those looking for a 3D printing business idea. Adidas is already into the niche and is offering athletes the provision to own customized shoes for comfort and durability.

Individuals can take pictures of the foot for the preparation of the model. Later, the company prepares the shoes according to the size and shape of the individual, offering the highest comfort. These shoes are very durable and can be used for long without any problem.

These can even be prepared according to the specifications required for each sport. Hence, providing more room for improvement.


3D Printed Miniatures

Credit: gambody.com

Long gone the days when kids used to accept whatever their parents bought for them. Nowadays, even a 3 years old child has a preference in clothing or toys. And, there is no way a kid won’t love Marvel movies.

Printing miniatures of the superheroes can bring a lot of business in no time. Even the adults are fans of these miniatures and would pay hefty amount for a customized version.

So, why not take a step back, think of all the basic setup you have. And, if you feel you cannot afford the budget for a bone replacement material or customized pieces of jewelry, you can anytime think of printing miniatures. These require less setup costs and can be printed with some of the best budget printers.

The build space is also not of much consideration. Owning a decent build volume 3D printer could help you get started. However, you must have expertise in printing complex geometries as faces and other details must come clean and perfect when making with 3D printers.

3D Printed Customized Prosthetics

Credit: inhabitat.com

Prosthetics are built taking care of specific sizes and requirements of individuals. And, getting a prosthetics hand or limb isn’t cheap, especially, if one wants a comfortable one.

These can cost thousands of dollars, keeping many individuals away from the benefits of an independent life that these can add to their usual routine.

Hence, 3D printed prosthetics can make a huge difference in bringing that number down. These are cheap and can be customized according to their specific needs. One can even choose the design one wants to wear. These are also lighter and easy to carry.

One can choose from the many designs you come up with. You can also print the designs selected or prepared by the users. And, can earn a huge profits.


3D Printing in Robotics Learning

Credit: weareprintlab.com

Robotics and automation go hand in hand. With robotics, one can achieve automation. And, automation has made many things easier and simpler for humans.

Either it’s the robotic sweeper of the robot delivery boy, the technology is getting inside many niches. With 3D printing, learning robotics can be made easy.

If you are one of those enthusiasts who use kits like Raspberry Pi, 3D printing would help realize things that are just your imagination by now.

Wouldn’t that be exciting to create things all by yourself when learning the most captivating field? Your practical can go hand in hand with the theory you learn.

3D Printing Homes

Credit: kut.org

Do you think building a home would cost millions of dollars? What if someone offers you a cheaper option? It is completely possible with 3D printing. A 3D printer can print an entire house and can be done in very little time.

Icon, a 3D printing company built a structure spanning around 2,000 sq ft with 3D printing. And, the project was completed in only 24 hours. The entire project cost around $4,000.

You can also cover markets where it is difficult to construct houses such as hard terrains. But one must consider building small houses. As these are more convenient and cost-effective when building with 3D printing.


3D Printed Fake Nails

Credit: pinterest.com

Fake nails are used by women worldwide. These nails are reusable and can be glued to the original nails for desired looks of hands. Not every woman possesses beautiful nails, but every woman desires too. Hence, fake nails have been in the market for long and would continue to stay forever.

With 3D printing, one can create fake nails with more designs that are unique and stylish. Moreover, one can eliminate the challenge that affects the fake nail industry. A best fit fake nail is difficult to find.

These come off and aren’t very durable. However, with 3D printing, one can create customized nails that can be printed as per the sizes of the individual’s nails.

This is not only cheap but can be done quickly. One can order and receive the fake nails on the same day. Moreover, you can even create fake nails with nail arts without a need to do that later. Above all, by keeping all the details precise and accurate.

The Conclusion

3D printing is a progressive technology. Every now and then, we hear about new inventions being carried around 3D printing. This is because of the fact that there are so many things that are possible because of it.

The things that we were not able to accomplish before have been made possible with the help of 3D printing. And, the search is on. Researches and studies are carried further by different institutions for finding a better solution every time.

Looking at the prospects, one can easily calculate the profit associated with the business. However, capital investment and skills required to deliver what customers expect is very high at the same time.

The better the 3D printer you choose, the better the results you can deliver. A 3D printer cost starts around $200. However, for a decent print, one must choose the one that ranges around $1000 or even more. Depending on the task, the budget would vary. Be sure to check our ultimate buyer’s guide of the best affordable 3D printers.

Moreover, one has to think of different materials that are used for 3D printing. The FDM printers work on filaments. PLA is a cheaper option, but won’t be enough for every application.

One may have to choose the advanced materials that are expensive. This may further increase the cost of the end product. So, finding a reasonable balance between quality and price is a must.

In addition, one must consider the variable cost associated with the business. You may be hiring people and if nothing else, then, counting electricity cost is anyway the basic expense than you would be making.

Taking into consideration every smaller detail and, then finding a detailed plan would help you place the first foot in the right direction.

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14 Things to 3D Print and Sell in 2022 – Clever Creations

Thinking about starting a 3D printing business? Want to try to sell 3D printed items on the side? You may be wondering where to start.

There are several ways to make money with a 3D printer, for example, you can open an online shop to sell 3D printed items, or offer print-on-demand 3D printing services.

In this article, we’ll cover how and where you can sell 3D printed items. We’ll also show cool (and profitable) ideas for things to 3D print and sell, and explain what you need to know before you turn your passion for the hobby into a business.

What to keep in mind when selling 3D prints

Selling 3D printed items can be a lucrative business. However, you need to consider a few things before opening your shop and taking your first orders.

Profit margins

Before setting a price for your 3D prints, you should calculate your costs and margins. This isn’t unique to 3D printing, since all business owners need to know if their product will make a profit.

You need to consider all costs associated with 3D printing the item and selling it. This includes the 3D printer cost, but also the print materials, shipping supplies, 3D printer power usage, seller platform fees, and wages for your time. The more thorough you are, the more accurate the results of your calculations will be.


The issue of copyright when selling 3D prints is twofold. If you are printing and selling a 3D model created by someone else, you must follow the designer’s license. If the designer has listed the model as non-commercial, you cannot sell it. If you still choose to do so, they can take legal action against you or your business for infringing on their copyright.

Another layer of the copyright issue is that you cannot sell prints of copyright or trademarked material. This is true even if the model has a commercial license. For example, Bulbasaur is a trademarked and copyrighted character of Nintendo. Thus, you can’t sell Bulbasaur planters even if the 3D model has a public domain license.

Where to sell 3D prints

You can sell your 3D prints using many different channels. Live events like craft fairs, festivals, and trade shows are a great way to garner in-person sales. Consignment shops and displays in local businesses can give your 3D prints a brick-and-mortar presence without the overhead.

Online eCommerce platforms are by far the easiest and most widespread sales channels to use. You can start your own website and sell directly from there or use an existing marketplace.

Image: crosslink via MyMiniFactory

3D printed vases are a hit on almost any platform

The latter option is much easier for beginners who don’t know much about online retail. By using existing marketplaces, you can leverage their existing audience and make money with a 3D printer in no time.


The online marketplace Etsy focuses on handmade, vintage, and handmade supply products. They charge a $0.20 listing fee per item every four months (or until it sells and is relisted). They also take a percentage of the sales revenue when an item sells.

Many 3D printing shops have been very successful in selling items like planters, cookie cutters, and toys on the Etsy platform. Aside from those, there are plenty of other things to 3D print and sell on the platform.


The 5 Best 3D Printers for Making Cookie Cutters


The Amazon marketplace is the largest eCommerce platform available. Amazon integrates third-party sellers into their warehouse system. An independent 3D printing shop using the platform can send their prints to the nearest warehouse and Amazon would process them and ship them out as they sell.


More dated than most of the other platforms on this list, eBay never quite left its days as an auction site behind. It has at least integrated the ‘Buy It Now’ functions that allow it to work more like an eCommerce platform.

New sellers get free listings to get started, then pay a flat fee per listing and a percentage of their revenue.

eBay shouldn’t be your main eCommerce platform for making money with your 3D printing business. However, it works well as a supplement to the other services we’ve listed.


Starting as a place to pay people to do menial tasks for $5, Fiverr has grown into a labor outsourcing giant. They are now competing with the likes of Upwork, Freelancer, and so on.

Fiverr’s system pays you for your labor, so you are not listing your product. You are listing your ability to 3D print cool 3D prints for other users.

Best 3D Printed Items That Sell

1. Miniatures (D&D, Warhammer, etc.)

Image: BaconuCrazy via MyMiniFactory

One of the best things to print and sell with your 3D printer is miniatures for tabletop games like D&D and Warhammer.

These figurines are small and highly detailed. This means that if you want to make money by 3D printing miniatures, you are best off with a resin 3D printer. On the other hand, larger terrain pieces are best suited for traditional fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printers.


Resin vs Filament 3D Printers: What’s the Difference?

Part of the appeal of miniatures is that they are customizable. They are sold unpainted (similar to some model kits) so the buyer can decorate and paint the miniatures as they see fit. This is excellent news for anyone looking to make money printing by selling 3D printed miniatures. No painting means there is less need for post-processing work.

3D printed miniatures are well-liked among consumers, as customers can buy miniatures that aren’t available to them through traditional manufacturing companies.

Consumers also enjoy commissioning customized minis. These figurines are often original characters in their campaigns or stories. If you have the level of skill needed to model and/or sculpt these personalized minis, that can be a significant upcharge for your 3D printing business.

If you want to go this route, you might want to check out our article on the best 3D printers for miniatures.

2. Cosplay items (helmets, armor, props, etc.)

Image: TieKai via MyMiniFactory

Cosplay items are one of the most labor-intensive options on the list of things to 3D print and make money with. Taking hours or days from start to finish, making cosplay costumes and props to sell is not for the faint of heart. These items (especially 3D printed armor sets and 3D printed helmets) are large parts that take hours to print and post-process.

Most users expect their cosplay items to be finished and painted to a professional level when they buy them. This takes a great deal of time and effort on your part as the seller. The upside to this is that you can charge a premium price for these items to make up for the extra time spent 3D printing and assembling them. Customers are often willing to pay well for these items.

If you want to make money 3D printing and selling cosplay items, it is a good idea to use a 3D printer with a large build volume. That way, you won’t need to spend time splitting parts to fit the build plate and gluing them together when the printing is complete.

Use a large 3D printer for cosplay, and you can simply 3D print full-size pieces in one go.



Image: Muttonheid via MyMiniFactory

The jewelry market is a high mark-up market with excellent profitability if approached correctly. Its main problem is that it is oversaturated with artisans and hobbyists. Your designs and marketing both need to be unique and strategic in this space. Otherwise, it is impossible to have any visibility on most of the eCommerce platforms mentioned in this article.

Since jewelry pieces tend to be small, you need negligible amounts of raw material to print each piece. This keeps production costs low and makes it possible to create many at once. Like miniatures, jewelry requires a high level of detail. For the highest-quality pieces, you will need a 4K resin printer or higher (6K/8K).


The 8 Best 4K+ Resin 3D Printers

FDM 3D printers are not entirely ineffective for jewelry making. They can still print forms for silicone molding material. Then use those molds with things like polymer or precious metal clays, resins, low-temperature metals, and other castable materials.

3D printed mold forms need to be smooth and non-porous before molding. You’ll need to sand, fill, or use other extensive post-processing work to achieve the right look.

If you can keep the cost low and produce (customized) jewelry that you promote effectively (e.g. through social media), you will have a good chance at creating a successful 3D printing business in the jewelry niche.

4. Toys

Image: animm07 via MyMiniFactory

3D printed toys are a great option to sell. However, you need to be cautious about regulations on children’s products when choosing to manufacture them with your 3D printer. Some countries require certification to make and sell certain items. This mainly pertains to products for babies and very young children. The guidelines vary from country to country.

Fidget toys and articulated creatures geared towards older kids and adults run a much lower risk of liability and are quite popular. These items are even more memorable when printed from something like color changing, glow in the dark, or filled (Woodfill, Copperfill) PLA filament.


The 8 Best 3D Printers for Kids

Most toys are quick and efficient to make. They print easily on a traditional FDM 3D printer and don’t require much post-processing. Plus there are plenty of cool toy ideas out there that you can 3D print.

5. Nerf gun accessories

Image: GoKidd via MyMiniFactory

Customized or unique Nerf gun accessories and gun bodies are a popular niche in the 3D printing community. They also have quite a demanding retail market.

Items like sights, dart holders, extra clips for discontinued products, larger magazines, and improved barrels are all popular Nerf-related 3D prints. They are easy to create on most 3D printers and fit well with the other ideas of things to 3D print and sell.

It is also not uncommon for Nerf-enthusiasts to want custom guns that the company has not or will not make. Sometimes this means turning a cosplay prop into a functioning dart gun. Other times it means making a gun body that is not commercially available.

Cosplay prop and customized Nerf gun designs are great designs to sell. They have high markup potential and popularity. You can have a profitable business in this niche as long as you don’t overstep trademark rules.

The name Nerf is technically protected under trademark laws. It can help to use generic terms like dart gun, foam dart weapon, etc. in place of the brand in your product listings. This makes sure you don’t gain the attention of any corporate lawyers. They do periodic intellectual property sweeps on popular eCommerce platforms.

Accessories have a lower profit margin than 3D printing full Nerf guns. However, most users don’t care if their dart holders or magazines are not sanded smooth, so they are a quick and easy way to make money with a 3D printer.

6. Architecture models

Image: Format3D via MyMiniFactory

Architectural models are a difficult 3D printing project. They often recreate both the interior and exterior design of a building. They are usually printed in pieces so that the roof and separate levels can be removed for easy access to all the interior elements. Because of their complexity, they can be sold at a high markup and are a great option to 3D print and sell.

Architectural prints can be used for prototyping/visualization, education, play, and decoration. Selling house models as a dollhouse toy or a recreation of a famous building for education or decoration purposes is a great way to market them to consumers.

Some architectural and engineering firms like to have tangible models of their designs. This is helpful for prototyping, sales meetings, and even for troubleshooting the design. Aligning yourself with local companies looking for this 3D printing service could be a beneficial opportunity.

7. Figurines and statues

Image: philippeb66 via MyMiniFactory

Figurines and statues are yet another group of 3D printed products that sell exceptionally well. Many of the figurine and statue 3D models that are available online are of copyrighted content. Things such as characters from video games, movies, or tv shows. These are not particularly helpful resources for making commercial items.

Yet, there are still plenty of options for unbranded designs either through ready-made models or customized ones that you design yourself. Animals, mythological creatures, etc. are all popular designs to 3D print and sell without fear of copyright infringement.

Custom figurines of either customers or their pets are another option to diversify your product offerings. This does require an advanced skill level for 3D modeling and/or sculpting. If you aren’t there yet, keep it as an option for the future. In the meantime, you are welcome to look at our recommendations for free 3D modeling software.

8. Phone cases

Image: Malex via MyMiniFactory

Phone cases are a large market, and 3D printed versions are no exception. There are countless possibilities for making and selling phone cases with your 3D printer. You can print basic stretch cases using a flexible filament like TPU, or decorative hard cases made from PLA or ABS.


The 10 Best PLA Filaments for 3D Printing

Basic cases are inexpensive and readily available to the consumer from most stores and online retailers. If you want to sell cases, it’s best to use unique or customized models.

The most eye-catching 3D printed options emphasize the technical capabilities of 3D printing. The geared iPhone case is a great example.

A large difficulty with 3D printing a phone case to sell is that there are so many different phone models available and they update constantly. As such, you may find it difficult to source consistent phone case models. You may also realize your designs are becoming quickly outdated if you model them yourself.

The best solution to the variability of phone case compatibility is to start out 3D printing and selling cases for only a handful of different phone models. From there, you could make the decision to scale up or down as needed.

9. Self-watering planters

Image: diegopvp via MyMiniFactory

Planters in general are a hot seller in the 3D printing world, but self-watering planters are even more popular. They are hard to find in stores, making them a fantastic item to add to your business’ offerings.

Self-watering planters are typically designed in two parts: the planter and a water reservoir.

Since both pieces are in contact with water, they need to be watertight in order to not leak. Typical 3D prints have microscopic gaps between each layer. Water can seep through these layers and onto whatever surface the print is sitting on. A clear, non-toxic sealant is a great solution for this problem and gives customers a much better experience with their planter.

10. Designer vases

Image: didierklein via MyMiniFactory

3D printed vases are another home décor product capable of generating a large number of sales. With the exotic shapes that can be created in CAD and made on a 3D printer, the end results are far more modern and sophisticated than vases that are commercially available.

Like the planters mentioned above, vases need a sealant to make them watertight. They are quick and easy to make and can be 3D printed as one continuous spiral. The continuous print lines that this creates improve the speed and quality of the print job.

Items like vases can be printed on either FDM or resin 3D printers (if the print bed size is not an issue for the latter). Extruder-driven ceramic and clay 3D printers are also an excellent option if you are lucky enough to have access to one.

Regardless of the type of 3D printer you use, vases are an excellent choice for making money with a 3D printer.

11. Raspberry Pi cases

Image: Laza via MyMiniFactory

Raspberry Pi boards are a common component in homemade electronics projects. Pi boards are inexpensive single-board computers that are suitable for many projects. For example, they can control smart home equipment, act as a controller for other projects, power a video game emulator console, or run as an underpowered but functional DIY computer.

Since Raspberry Pi’s are so small, it is easy to print cases and enclosures for them. The cases not only protect their components but also make them look more functional and professional. Selling the cases to interested tinkerers has sales potential by itself. If you happen to be handy with electronics, you could also sell fully assembled Raspberry Pi projects.

12. Eyeglasses frames

Image: Sacha_Zacaropoulos via Thingiverse

3D printed eyeglass frames have risen in popularity over the years. Several major eyewear companies have started selling FDM-produced 3D printed eyeglass frames. These products are usually made from WoodFill and other specialty filaments.

Even so, consumers are also flocking to smaller businesses that can design a new pair of frames. Sometimes they want new frames designed for their existing lenses if their store-bought frames break. Other times, they want to transfer blue light or sunglass lenses to a new pair of 3D printed frames for comfort or aesthetic reasons.

We don’t recommend using PLA or other low-temp filaments on this project. If the person wearing them spends enough time outside on a hot day, the frames could soften and warp from the heat. ABS and Nylon are safer filament choices, as they have a higher glass transition temperature (i.e. they melt at higher temperatures).

13. Lamps

Image: Frank Cheung via MyMiniFactory

You can make a variety of different types of lamps on a 3D printer. They are popular choices when it comes to making and selling 3D printed items. Home décor is a thriving market. When you can offer something unique for their living space, design-minded consumers take notice.

Lamps (especially pendant lights) most often require a 3D printer with a medium to large build volume. Because of their shape and texture, most designs don’t fare well when split and glued back together. Seams also change the way light passes through the filament, so they may be noticeable once the light is on.

14. Landmarks

Image: ShakeandB1ake via MyMiniFactory

Landmark models and statues recreate well-known buildings, places, statues, and other monuments. They vary from highly-detailed architectural models of famous buildings to sites like Stonehenge. They don’t usually come apart as architectural models do.

These models are popular sellers with tabletop gamers. They are sometimes used in tabletop campaigns and world or story-building exercises. They also make excellent educational tools and are great additions to the modern classroom.

Frequently asked questions

What are the most popular 3D printed items?

Cosplay props, planters, and miniatures are some of the biggest sellers. The popularity depends on which platform you are selling on. For example, on Etsy, the main customer base is looking for pretty, trendy things. Beautiful planters, jewelry, and the like will be most popular.

The best way to learn what is selling on your platform is to do a little research. Find the shops with the best sales numbers, see what their bestsellers are. Use that as an estimate of which categories and niches are most popular. It will be much easier to make money with a 3D printer by finding the niche that works best for you and to fill it with unique products.

Is it legal to 3D print and sell?

It is perfectly legal to sell your 3D prints. Issues rarely arise if you follow licenses of the models you download and you don’t sell trademarked goods. There are some extra considerations for certain groups of products. For example, you sometimes need special certification to make or sell items directed at young kids or babies.

Certifications vary from country to country, so research the limitations and laws of your country to find out more.

The easiest way to avoid liability is to design your own models to 3D print and sell. Creating your own models avoids the complications of using other people’s intellectual property.

Image: TobiasKuijper via MyMiniFactory

Designing your own 3D models is a good way to avoid copyright issues when selling 3D prints

Is selling 3D prints profitable?

Depending on what you make and how you market it, selling your 3D prints can be a very profitable way to make money online. To get the best results from selling 3D printed items, you need to do thorough market research.

You should look at what items are selling, where they are selling, and what you can do to stand out.

Do people buy 3D printed objects?

They sure do! As awareness of 3D printing technology increases, more people understand it is an easy way to get their hands on custom or unique items.

Be sure you are very clear in your descriptions about what material the item is made from. It is common to see customers confuse 3D printed items with wood in their reviews.


That’s everything you need to know about selling your 3D printed items. Do you sell your prints? What’s the most difficult part of running a 3D printing business? Let us know in the comments below!

50 3D Printing Ideas

It looks like we'll soon be drowning in useless stuff made for 3D printing projects. But you can do something that will really be useful! If you're running out of ideas, here's a list of 50 3D printable items you're unlikely to throw away.

Bag clip with screw cap

Now the bag clip will have a new feature - a hole with a lid for quick access, as in the photo. This clip is easy to print and convenient to use. Strange that no one thought of this before.

Author: Minkix

Download: Thingiverse

Modular Furniture Connector

This connector allows you to quickly assemble modular furniture. The default model is designed for 17×17 mm wood, but the size and material can be changed to suit your needs using a parametric file for customization.

Author: LeFabShop

Where to download: Cults

Sealant cap

No more throwing open sealant tubes away. The screw cap for the nozzle presses the o-ring tightly against the body of the tube and closes the access of air to the solvents inside.

Author: The-Mechanic

Where to download: Thingiverse

Laptop niche

Now the laptop will always be at hand, but hidden from prying eyes in a special niche that is attached to the bottom of any coffee table.

Author: Too Snide

Download: Thingiverse

Phone holder - Candice

Elegant and simple, perhaps the easiest thing you can print on a 3D printer.

Author: Clem.C2

Where to download: Cults


The idea for Polypanels came from Devin Montes. A polypanel is a series of three-dimensional building blocks. The individual elements of a Polypanel look simple, but if you print a lot of them and different types, you can create all sorts of complex designs. Something like LEGO where you can design each brick.

Author: MakeAnything

Where to download: MyMiniFactory

Coat Hook

This coat hook is designed as an E3D attachment and can be printed multiple times to fit all your clothes.

Author: Filar3D

Where to download: Cults

Plant Pot

This anatomical brain flower pot is easier to print than it looks, creator DrFemPop says. For assembly, it is only necessary to glue the parts after printing. It turns out an original house for plants.

Author: DrFemPop

Where to download: Cults

Door Holder

This is a simple solution for holding a door. Double-sided adhesive tape is sufficient for surface mounting.

Author: Akiraraiser

Where to download: Thingiverse

Piggy bank

A simple piggy bank for beginners, no complicated settings.

Author: lecaramel

Where to download: Thingiverse

Cable ties

This tie is perhaps the simplest and most ingenious of all devices. Clips are printed as a whole sheet at once, and then the required amount can be cut off from it.

Author: Sunshine

Where to download: Cults

Roller ruler

An indispensable device if you need to measure the length of something non-linear: a piece of rope, a curved line, a perimeter with bends, etc. The ruler is called Geneva and has step 5 mm.

Author: MechEngineerMike

Where to download: Thingiverse


This small, solid piece of plastic can easily replace your pliers / pliers. These forceps take the force to the handles and redistribute it at the end of the grip. It's definitely pliers. Just smarter.

Author: BYU CMR

Where to download: Thingiverse

Cylindrical textured box

Beautiful tube from Syboulette decorated with hexagons. Well suited as a kitchen utensil for storing oatmeal, rice and other crumbly substances.

Author: Syboulette

Where to download: Cults

Door stopper

This stopper is modeled after the Guyer Anderson cat statue in the British Museum. The design is hollow, which allows you to fill the limiter with something for additional weight.

Author: Duaneindeed

Where to download: Cults

Plague Doctor Mask

Not exactly the most useful item on the list since bubonic plague is a thing of the past. But a mask can come in handy, for example, when you need to clean up after your pet. And you can also go to the carnival in it.

Author: Odrivious

Download: Cults

Universal Spool Holder

This adjustable spool holder uses a spring and an adjustable rewind clutch. It's the perfect place to store those pesky wires.

Who made it: Vincent Goenhuis

Where to download: Thingiverse

Sturdy waterproof box

This tight-fitting box will keep things from getting wet. Print it in PLA or PETG, add a flexible TPU seal and M3 screws for the spring hinge, and you're done.

Author: ZX82

Where to download: Cults


This dice is suitable for flat 3D printing and has a face size of 16mm.

Author: Devin Montes (MakeAnything)

Where to download: MyMiniFactory

Collapsible Coat Rack

Really cool coat rack. That's all there is to say about her.

Author: Komaru

Where to download: Thingiverse

Business Card Holder

Great for showing off your new business cards to your Wall Street friends. What could be more delightful than this Zippo card holder with flip-top lid.

Author: PentlandDesigns

Where to download: Cults

Pencil and pen holder

Iceberg or melting beehive? Be that as it may, this is a handy pen and pencil holder that is cheaper to print than to buy.

Author: BeeVeryCreative

Where to download: Cults

Groovi Monster Audio Amplifier

This is a passive smartphone audio amplifier that looks stylish and does the job well. It's called Groovi Monster for a reason.

Author: 3DShook

Where to download: Cults

Cup holder

Can be used not only as a cup holder, but also as a coaster for hot dishes. The dimensions of the template are easily adjusted to suit any size cookware.

Author: jmdbcool

Where to download: Thingiverse


Designed for fixing various materials, including the ends of the wire in the coil. Also great as a clothespin replacement.

Author: Med

Where to download: Cults

Pencil Box

Suitable for storing all your desk trivia and trinkets (memory cards, rubber bands, pencils, paper clips, etc.).

Author: Monkey3D

Where to download: Cults

Headphone holder

This is a duck. Yes, you can hang headphones on it.

Author: Toshi_TNE

Download: Thingiverse

Polyhedral Succulent Pot

Unusual geometric pots for your growing succulent collection. These small pots can be configured to be connected together.

Author: PrintFutura

Download: Cults

Survival Whistle

This is a survival whistle with original design. It is durable, easy to make and very loud (118 dB is more than enough to be heard in an emergency).

Author: Joe Zisa

Where to download: Thingiverse

Measuring Cube

Simple and original measuring cube for the kitchen. On each side there are recesses for measuring the volume of ingredients (in cups - according to the American system, and in metric units for everyone else). It is best to print with PETG material, it is the safest for products.

Author: iomaa

Download: Thingiverse


This is a parametric hinge that can be sized to fit your needs.

Written by Rohin Gosling

Download: Thingiverse

Car Eyeglass Holder

Attaches to your car's sun visor. Glasses will always be at hand.

Author: Trevor Long

Download: Thingiverse


The simplest things are usually the most useful. Convenient and easy to print opener. Covers the sharp edges of the cork as much as possible, protecting you from injury.

Author: Jeremy Peterson

Download: Thingiverse

Superhero Keychains

Sometimes you need to remind yourself of your hidden superpowers. Stylish and cool keyrings are well suited as a small gift.

Author: Formbyte

Where to download: Cults

Headphone stand

It will be useful for music lovers and gamers who use headphones a lot and often. After all, now they will no longer roll around anywhere.

Author: MakerBot

Where to download: Thingiverse

Bag Clip

The model consists of two printed parts. Allows you to keep packages closed and keep food fresh longer.

Author: Walter Hsiao

Download: Thingiverse

Plastic wrench

Handy wrench, but don't choose soft plastic to make it.

Author: Daniel Noree

Where to download: Cults

Sliding Decal

No more worrying about whether cups are clean or dirty right now in the dishwasher! With the help of a special mechanism, the slider easily changes the inscription on the plate.

Who made it: MiddleFingerBoss

Where to download: Thingiverse

Collapsible basket

Cool picnic item. A folding square basket with five sections is printed from several parts and then glued together. For product safety, it is recommended to use PETG plastic.

Author: PatternToPrint

Where to download: Cults

Self-watering plant pot

Houseplants are dying from your forgetfulness? This will not happen again! This pot will water them by itself, and your conscience will be clear.

Author: Parallel Goods

Where to download: Cults

Maze Gift Box

Cash is not the most original gift. But if you present them in such a gift box, your friend will surely like it. The lucky recipient will have to work hard to get to the prize, because there is only one right way.

Author: Robert

Download: Thingiverse

Wired headphone holder

The headphones will now be protected from tangling and breakage.

Author: Robert

Where to download: Thingiverse

Tube Squeezer

Will help squeeze out the contents of the tube to the last drop. Wide enough to fit most tubes on the market. Printed in three separate parts.

Author: Justin Otten

Where to download: Thingiverse

Webcam Shutter

The best thing for the paranoid and just for those who are uncomfortable being under the gun of a webcam. Instead of sticking tape or sticky tape over the lens, attach a slider shutter to the body and open it when you need a video call.

Author: Horizon Lab

Where to download: Cults

Hexagonal Prefabricated Drawers

Useful to free your desk from the noodles of cables, wires and just every little thing. The design can be easily expanded if necessary.

Created by Dan O'Connell

Where to download: Cults

Wall Phone Shelf

Attach the shelf to a power outlet and place your phone on it while charging. The model also has a corner slot that holds your smartphone or tablet upright for watching videos.

Author: Tosh Sayama

Where to download: Cults

Card Shuffle Machine

Awesome item for poker lovers. This device will help to shuffle the cards and deal them during the game.

Author: LarsRb

Where to download: MyMiniFactory

Box with a secret lock

Box for storing things in a place inaccessible to prying eyes with a secret multi-stage opening mechanism.

Author: 3DPrintingWorld

Where to download: Thingiverse

Digital Sundial

Yes, your eyes don't deceive you. This is a digital sundial and it really works. They are designed to pass only the right beams at the right time and at the right angle to display the actual time in 20-minute intervals. Only works during daylight hours, of course.

Author: Mojoptix

Where to download: Thingiverse


Designed in the shape of a stylish Swiss Army knife, it looks amazing. Printed from two plates and the keys are held in place with standard hex nuts and bolts.

Author: Craig Blanchette

Download: Thingiverse

50 Cool Things to 3D Print in June 2019

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