3D printer mirror bed

Glass/mirror print bed. - 3D Printers - Talk Manufacturing



I just upgraded the bed on my Flashforge Dreamer to a mirrored bed. I mainly did this to have better support for printing nylon and switching out the bed per print.

Little did i know though how much my prints would improve with the glass bed. I have only printed a single test print so far but I am speechless at the glossy finish that resulted on the surface that was touching the print bed. The heated glass kept the PLA stuck very well with no issues and when the temperature dropped the part literally fell off.

For Anyone contemplating on upgrading their print bed to glass or mirror, Do it now! you will not regret it. I have no idea why I waited this long.

I have including a few pictures although the glossiness was very hard to capture, you can see reflections on the surface. I have also included a reference part that was printed on buildtak for comparison. While the camera might not be able to capture it, the difference in person is miles apart.

- light reflects right off the surface unlike the below identical part printed on buildtak.

-on Buildtak

-side by side comparison. Left is glass right is Buildtak

What do you guys think of glass beds? Do you prefer buildtak or glass? or others?

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For me, there are times I like the glossiness of a mirrored plat, and at times I like to have a flat finished on the bottom. It all depends on the usage though. The only problem I have with using bare glass is that little chips sometimes breaks while taking of the printed object, unlike glass covered with buildtak you can use it so many times without worrying about breakage, Note, I do not use buildtak, but use the blue sticker that came with my flashforge creator pro.



Agreed, I use 1/8" window glass cut to 6x9" squares. I got 5 squares from a glass shop for 5 bucks and filed the sharp edges off with a fine file. Prior to printing, I spray it down with a layer of aqua net. Every couple weeks, I run the plate under hot water and scrape off the accumulated hairspray with a razor. To secure the glass to the build plate, I used to use binder clips, but now I just use 2 4" strips of 2" blue tape on the sides, which is much more forgiving for an extruder hits it. Another little trick is to remove the glass and object at the conclusion of a print, flip it over and run cool water on it in the sink to release the print. This is way better than trying to pry it up with a 1" wood chisel like I do with smaller items. With this glass method, my original kapton tape is still in pristine condition.

One of of my favorite parts of 3 d printing is finding ways to improve and optimize my printer. My next favorite is the active cooling fan I installed.

Take care! J



hmm I still need to add an active cooling mod.

I currently designed my own kind of glass corner supports and release system in order to easily switch out the glass sheets. I also have one glass sheet with a Flashforge blue tape thing that i referred to earlier as buildtak. If you are interested in the glass release system I made I will be posting it on thingiverse eventually after i finish testing it thoroughly. It effectively adjusts depending on the size of the piece of glass to insure a perfect fit each time without moving around.

Im gonna be trying various materials now to start seeing how they react and stick to the glass surface like ABS, Nylon and Alloy 910.



I also switched to using a glass print bed and am very glad I did. I bought a couple 6"x9" pieces of borosilicate glass, and in addition to improving the surface finish of the initial layer, removing the part from the bed is dramatically easier. I either use hair spray or PVA-based glue stick on the glass to improve adhesion. Another bonus of the removable glass plate is that you can swap the plates out and start another print job right away.

There are a number of models on Thingiverse for adding corner clips and shims for glass build plates. Search for FlashForge Dreamer on Thingiverse to find them.



Yea switching out plates is really advantageous. I did look at the corner clips on thingiverse but wasnt really happy with any of them so i made my own. Personnaly i bought a 4 pack mirror from ikea for 10$ and cut them myself. Since it was my first time cutting glass theyre not exactly perfect size so my clips allow for slightly smaller or larger sheets of glass (some not perfectly rectangular) while keeping them secured. I need to either get better at cutting glass or just find a local place to get them cut. For now however the clips solve the issue.



I also use mirror glass for my pla prints and give me good results. For abs,i’m still looking for a good sollution without abs juice.



I may stick to the supplied blue tape that flashforge supplies for abs. I dont want to deal with abs slurry and i habe great results with that blue tape/buildtakish surface.



I’m using glass all the time, for ABS. Combined with hairspray this sticks like crazy and it’s easy to remove after cooling down. For those interested: I also sell glasskits that include all components needed to start printing on glass on a Creator Pro.



Greatest upgrade ever!



Hi just wanted to know if you are experiencing what I have been experiencing with glass plate. I use it, and every time I remove my objects from the bed, I can see a couple of potholes on my glass plate. I use ordinary glass, and print with ABS, 230C Extruder, 110C Heated Bed. Thanks in advance.



Not at all! I remove the build plate when the print is done and pop it into the freezer for 2min and the parts just fall off. Glass looks Brand new still.

3D Print Bed Plate – Glass Vs Aluminum Vs Spring Steel – 3D Printerly

Most 3D printers will be equipped either with a glass or aluminum bed surface, both having their own advantages. You also have another candidate which is spring steel, so how do you know which one you really want to print with?

Choosing the right 3D printer bed is something that will affect your 3D printing journey, either for better or  worse. This post will help you to identify which print bed plate you should be using on your 3D printer.

There is a difference between your 3D print bed plate and the build surface. Here we are talking about the bed plate, directly on top of the heated bed, so let’s look into the comparisons between glass, aluminum and spring steel.

3D Printer Glass Beds

You have a few types of glass print beds, so I’ll go through each one to give you a better understanding of the choices you can make.

  • Borosilicate glass bed
  • Tempered glass bed
  • Normal glass bed (dollar store, scanner glass etc.)
  • Mirror

Glass beds usually tend to be flatter, easier to clean, and simpler to use overall. Many people love the nice bottom surface finish you get on PLA and other materials from printing directly on a heated glass bed.

They are also cheaper depending on what type of glass you get, but the more you pay, the better quality you’re likely to get.

Borosilicate Glass

Borosilicate glass is the print bed material you want for ideal print quality.

It’s very popular in the 3D printing space for many reasons, the main ones being:

  • It’s very strong and durable
  • Has high temperature resistance and low thermal expansion
  • It can chip, but it’s very less likely to with the right care
  • Easy to try build surfaces with (glass in general)
  • Cleaning glass is much easier than aluminum or steel
  • Known to sometimes have adhesion issues

Borosilicate glass is made by combining many chemicals together, with the magic one being boron trioxide. You can actually use this type of glass in a freezer or pour boiling hot water in it.

You can purchase a high quality Dcreate Borosilicate Glass from Amazon at a great price. It’s highly-rated, easy to clean and comes with a 12 month, hassle-free warranty and replacements for quality.

Trying to remove a print from a heated borosilicate glass can result in chipped glass.

You’ll find this type of glass being used in some Pyrex products because it has more resistance and is stronger than your normal glass.

Compared to other types of glass, borosilicate has a higher level of thermal shock resistance and a lower thermal expansion factor.

Once this glass has been tempered and in its final form, it can’t be cut or physically altered.

Tempered Glass

There is also Tempered glass which is a good print bed for you to use.

The chances of this print bed flaking while trying to remove prints is very rare and it is stronger than normal glass and shatter-resistant. This type of glass is usually found in laboratories, safety glass windows or doors.

Rather than shattering, it breaks into several fragmented pieces that still connect together. This is why hockey rinks use this same glass to protect people in the crowd.

The way Tempered glass is treated, it is a lot stronger and heat-resistant compared to normal glass.

In a 3D printing environment, some people have had Tempered glass beds run for thousands of hours of printing without running into any issues.

It’s a fairly popular choice to add to your 3D printer so definitely consider Tempered glass.

  • Much stronger than regular glass
  • More heat-resistant
  • A lot safer because it is shatter-resistant
  • Less likely to chip under high temperatures

Normal Glass

Some people even use picture frame glass or cheap dollar store glass for their 3D printers, and although it might work for some time, they are a lot more prone to chipping and breaking.

You can even use normal glass plates on top of your heated borosilicate glass. You won’t have to wait for prints to cool down to start a new print, just put another sheet of glass on top and begin printing.

There are some cases where people have seen their PLA or PETG prints actually take out pieces of glass from sticking down too hard. The force needed to get these pieces of the glass bed would’ve been too much so you don’t want a low quality glass bed.

As most people know, normal glass has tendencies to shatter in several pieces on impact. This also occurs with sudden changes in temperature so in a 3D printing environment, it wouldn’t be an ideal choice.

One person managed to get a glass plate from a flatbed scanner that was thrown away, he then cut it to size using a glass cutter and it has been doing a great job with printing. This glass is more likely to be treated in some way to give it structural strength.


This may seem like an odd suggestion for a build plate, but you might be surprised! A mirror used as a 3D print bed has heard many praises throughout the 3D printing community, it just gets the job done so well.

It does take some tough work to get this done, but it is worth doing if you enjoy doing some DIY.

Extra Info on A Glass Bed

  • Requires raising the temperature around 10° to compensate
  • It’s advised to try printing without using adhesive, then depending on the result use a small bit if necessary.
  • Depending on the strength of the glass, Z endstop failures can crack a weak glass bed
  • Let them cool down after a print and parts usually pop right off due to thermal expansion
  • Ensure your nozzle isn’t too close to the build plate as it can make prints stick down too hard
  • A heavy glass bed isn’t ideal since it can cause print imperfections like ghosting
  • Leveling is easier with glass beds

3D Printer Aluminum Bed

This material has many properties that are admirable:

  • It’s a lightweight material that reduces the load on the Z axis
  • Has a significantly high measure of conductivity compared to other bed materials
  • Very widely available to be used on 3D printers

Aluminum is widely used due to its ability to conduct heat so well, so it helps in getting an even temperature across the whole print bed. Some adhesion issues arise from uneven bed temperatures so this works out well in that regard.

My Ender 3 has a standard aluminum heated bed which works great and ihas been giving great prints so far.

If you are looking for a solid aluminum heated bed replacement, your best off going with the Official Creality Heated Bed. It’s mainly for an Ender 3 and Ender 3 Pro with 235 x 235 x 3mm dimensions.

To achieve adequate adhesion, people that use Aluminum beds usually need an adhesive substance such as Blue Painter’s Tape or Hairspray when printing difficult materials. It’s more so true for large ABS prints since they can have trouble sticking to the build plate rather than PLA.

When you 3D print on aluminum, it is likely to expand when it’s heated, resulting in a convex or concave shape over time (center higher than sides) due to its physical characteristics. You don’t get this with glass, at least at a significant enough level to affect prints.

The video below shows how you can compensate for a warped print bed with simple post-it notes!

It’s less likely to happen with filament that doesn’t require heating up your bed so high, but when it comes to ABS and other similar materials, it can definitely be a problem.

On the other hand, the expansion of aluminum from heat can be prevented by increasing the thickness of the aluminum bed (around 3mm), while at the same time, making sure it heats up evenly.

Many people actually choose to place a glass plate above their aluminum bed which works well, but it does require a longer heating time overall.

When you are trying to clean the residue (dried hairspray, glue etc) off of an aluminum bed, it is quite prone to scratching so having a build surface on top is a good idea.

If you do want to check the flatness of your bed you want to do it while it’s heated up. Aluminum beds may be flat when cool, but after reacting to the heat, you can start to experience warping.

Extra Info on An Aluminum Bed

  • Aluminum conducts heat the best out of all bed types
  • Needs replacing more often due to warping tendencies
  • Works well with the popular inductive probe for bed leveling
  • Won’t break due to a hotend crash

3D Printer PEI Spring Steel Bed

Spring Steel is actually used in tandem with your standard aluminum plate that comes with your 3D printer so, you just remove your original plate and stick this one down.

The adhesive behind the Spring Steel is very strong so make sure it is aligned properly before putting it down.

Spring Steel sheets have very high strength and heat-resistance, making it ideal for high temperature filament out there like ABS and PEEK.

You would see this type of bed used with a magnetic PEI bed because it sticks very well, and gives you a smooth surface for the first layer. All you have to do it let it all cool down before removing the steel plate, then flexing it until your print pops off.

Spring Steel is an addition that many people wish they had gotten sooner, to save them several hours of trying to get extruded filament to stick down.

I would recommend getting the Sovol PEI Magnetic Flexible Spring Steel Bed from Amazon. It comes with a PEI plastic sheet attached with your Spring Steel sheet and a magnetic sheet.

Assembly is easy, printing is made easier, and you get better quality prints! It’s a simple choice to make if you are a 3D printer hobbyist. 


There are many people out there who have made the switch to a glass print bed and never went back. Depending on your printing needs, glass might be a great choice for your 3D printing journey.

For adhesion, simply applying a few coats of hairspray or glue stick does the trick every time. If you exclusively print with PLA, you probably won’t even need adhesive at all because the glass bed surface works just great.

You can use a build surface like PEI, BuildTak, or some other material to add to your glass bed if you print with less manageable materials like ABS.

It seems like one of the best options is to have an aluminum build plate, then have a glass surface on top of that so you can detach the prints from the printer if need be. Just use binder caps or ZUPAYIPA Silicon Thermal Pads (Amazon) to adhere them with each other.

Instead of covering your whole bed with the silicon pad, you should cut it up into 2-inch squares and spread them out. This is beneficial because the heat rises between them so the areas which have small spaces get enough heat transferred.

It’s also a good idea doing this because it won’t act like a suction cup, making it hard to remove.

They have a good amount of grip so you don’t have to worry about your glass plate sliding around, when heat is being applied.

People have reported seeing binder clips be the cause of glass warping when they are too strongly clipped. Having multiple glass plates you can swap out is ideal, so you can remove it to wait for it to cool, then use that glass plate to start another print.

Hotels of the future: A smart bed, a talking mirror and a virtual view from the window

Komsomolskaya Pravda

TourismTourism: Hotels, apartments, sanatoriumsHotels, apartments, sanatoriums: New hotelsTourism: Choosing a hotel

While the resorts are in the off-season, it's time to dream about how we will rest in ten years. Or through 50

The bed in the room of the future is still an intellectual. The mattress has a built-in module that connects to a sleep monitoring bracelet or a guest's smart watch.Photo: GLOBAL LOOK PRESS

Queue at the reception? Balcony with sea view? Room without air conditioning? Yes, you live in the last century - and rest there! Hotels in the 21st century are not like that at all. Well, they will change very soon.

At the recently held FITUR tourism exhibition in Madrid, an entire hotels pavilion is not for hotels and beach resorts (as is usually the case at similar exhibitions around the world), but for technical and computer innovations for the travel industry. The hotel of the future, created by the Spanish Institute of Hotel Technology (Instituto Tecnológico Hotelero), has become one of the main exhibits of the Fiturtech pavilion. nine0004

And this is the future that has already arrived: technologies have been created, and not today, so in a year or five they will appear in many hotels in the world.

So what awaits us?

Smart mirror. No, it will not say that you are the nicest person in the world (although if I were programmers, I would add this phrase to the lexicon of artificial intelligence. Guests and especially hotel guests will be pleased). The mirror analyzes the person's face and clothing. And depending on what he sees, he offers options. For example: dress warmly, it's -5 outside (the mirror also knows the weather forecast). Or - oh, are you ready, can I call a taxi? The mirror is connected to the Internet - that goes without saying. So, while you preen, you can ask him how to get to the museum and whether your flight is delayed. By the way, smart mirrors and seisas are already appearing in hotels. But not that advanced. nine0004

The memory of the guests. If you are not in the hotel for the first time, the same smart mirror will recognize you and will quickly inform its equally smart “colleagues” how to please you. The TV will display your favorite series on the screen (the TV, by the way, itself disguises itself as a mirror - it becomes a screen only if you decide to watch a movie), the air conditioner will set a comfortable temperature, and even the aroma in the room will appear similar to your perfume.

If you are not at the hotel for the first time, then the smart mirror will recognize you and quickly inform its no less intelligent “colleagues” how to please you.Photo: GLOBAL LOOK PRESS

The bed in the room of the future is also an intellectual. The mattress has a built-in module that connects to a sleep monitoring bracelet or a guest's smart watch (you can't surprise anyone with these even now). If you put the module into “sleep” mode, in the morning it will tell you whether the body has rested and give advice on how to improve sleep. Because all night the mattress measured the temperature, heart rate and your movements. There is also a “love” mode, with which the fun begins. The mattress will also measure all the necessary parameters. And then it all depends on how to configure the program. The Spaniards are diplomatic: in the “love” mode, the mattress does not say anything so as not to offend the guest in his subtle feelings, but shows a picture that symbolically depicts the level of passion. Although...that smart hotel bed of yours is a dangerous thing. And if someone has his smart watch connected to the same watch of his wife, who stayed at home? nine0004

Virtual reality. The view from the window is already in the past. In the hotel of the future, you can set up virtual reality as you like. Since it was in Madrid, the guests in this very virtual reality were sent directly into the painting “Las Meninas” by Velasquez, stored in the Prado Museum. When such technology appears in Moscow hotels, it will probably be possible to take a walk among the cubs in a pine forest from Shishkin's canvas or think about life next to Vrubel's Demon.

The view from the window is already in the past. In the hotel of the future, you can set up virtual reality as you likePhoto: EAST NEWS

Augmented reality. However, virtual reality glasses are already quite affordable. Hoteliers use them more often at the stage of choosing a hotel and a room: rather than looking at photos on the Internet, it is much more interesting to walk around with virtual rooms. Although in the future the matter will not be limited to glasses - it will be possible to “finish” the room to your liking, change the color of the walls, “hang” pictures on the walls and even choose the view from the window (this is augmented reality technology). nine0004

Robots at the reception. What would a hotel of the future be without robots? They meet the traveler, show the way to the room and take his luggage there. Perhaps later they will replace the maids - they will make the beds and wash the floor.

Yes, in fact, you can do without robots. At the same exhibition, a technology was presented that allows the guest to register himself at the hotel in 30 seconds using a smartphone or smart watch. The system remembers the face of the guest. To open the door to the room, just look at the screen of the mobile phone, as if taking a selfie. nine0004

What would a hotel of the future be without robots?Photo: EAST NEWS


Arrived, welcome!

Ideas that famous hotel chains such as Hilton, Marriott and Melia are already using or will launch in their hotels in the near future:

- Smart windows change light and color. Curtains and blinds time to scrap. The glass in the windows will change its transparency and shade at the request of the guest. He said “Sleep” - they darkened, he wanted the sun - they shone. nine0004

- Mobile check-in, , that is, check-in at a hotel, is already a reality in the Marriott and Hilton networks. True, only for regular guests and with the help of a special application. You don’t have to go to the check-in desk at all, go straight to your room – it will open from your iPhone or Apple Watch.

- Voice control with everything you can. Thanks to the now very popular topic of “Internet of things”, there will simply not be a single item in the issue that would not have access to the Web and would not understand the human voice. Air conditioning, something is hot for me, organize a coolness. Wake me up tomorrow at 7 am (the TV will hear you, the alarm clock will ring at exactly 7 o'clock, and soon it will be displayed on the screen for a yoga lesson). nine0004

- If not by voice, then by mobile: in some Hilton hotels, through the application on the phone, you can adjust the air conditioning, lighting and TV.

- Stay connected all the way. We have everything now in a smartphone: an electronic plane ticket, a boarding pass, a hotel reservation... And hoteliers are thinking about how to establish communication with airlines and airports. The hotel computer system will immediately receive information: passenger Ivanov has arrived, he has received his luggage, he is already on his way - meet us! nine0004

- Translator headphones. Until all hotel employees are replaced by robots, this thing will help staff and guests communicate freely in any country in the world.


Tourist avatar and dream menu

What if we look further into the future? What will hotels look like in 20, 30, 50 years? At least those that are on Earth, and not in orbit or under water? Here are some of the forecasts of futurologists - in particular, Dr. James Canton of the Institute for the Global Future and Hotels. com.

- Hotels changing shape. Some people like minimalist white walls and straight lines. For some, bright colors, lush greenery and intricate designs. Thanks to nanotechnologies, hotels will be able to change even the real form, if augmented reality seems to be not enough for someone.

- 3D printer in every room to quickly print yourself a new suitcase, toothbrush or phone charger.

- instead of the "pillow menu" that many hotels now offer (well, you know, harder and softer, with down and synthetic fibers, scented and hypoallergenic), there will be a menu of dreams. Neuroprogramming in a sleep capsule will allow you to choose any plots - and at the same time get enough sleep. nine0004

- tourist avatar. In general, not you, but your avatar will deal with planning trips and booking hotels. Now there is Siri in the iPhone - each of us will have our own one. The main thing is that the avatars do not start sunbathing instead of us, like those two from the chest, they are the same from the face!

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10 interior design trends that will be relevant in 2022 – TECHNONICOL

The end of the year is the best time for forecasts and discussions of new design trends. All major interior exhibitions have passed, and well-known brands have released fresh collections in the autumn.

We tell you about everything that will be important to know when decorating apartments in 2022: general trends, current colors and materials.


So called a combination of Japanese respect for nature and Scandinavian minimalism. Japandi is characterized by moderation in everything, natural materials, the absence of visual noise and a calm palette of colors. nine0004

Photo - treehouse.co

Another feature of the style is thoughtful storage of things. To clear the space as much as possible, you need to buy only the most necessary things and put everything in boxes hidden in the interior. For example, as in the photo below.

Photo – www.studiojeandre.com

The more free space you leave, the “cleaner” the apartment will seem. And to make it brighter in it, leave a minimum of textiles on the windows and take a closer look at the glass partitions between different zones. nine0004

Vintage elements

Furniture and decorative elements in retro style are harmoniously combined with modern design solutions - for example, with the same japandi.

Photo – sassytownhouseliving.com

To dilute the interior with a touch of antiquity, use polished chests of drawers, like in a grandmother's apartment, strange lamps from the last century, as well as carpets, poufs or pillows with geometric prints.

Home offices

After a series of lockdowns, many companies have partially switched to remote work: thousands of people work from home and are not going to return to the office. Therefore, a comfortable workplace is an obligatory detail of modern interiors and a long-term trend.

It's okay if you can not allocate a separate room. Sometimes even a small piece of wall is enough for a cozy and comfortable home office.

Photo - www.organized-home.com nine0004

The companion of this trend is multifunctional furniture. For example, you can convert the window sill into a work desk or use shelves on the back wall of the closet, which acts as a partition between the bedroom and the workspace.

Photo - www.countryliving.com

Streamlined lines

Rigid forms and sharp corners are gradually giving way to smooth lines and streamlined outlines, and interior details are softened. Now the trend is half-moon sofas in the living room, round mirrors in the hallway, oval tables in the kitchen, beds with a soft and rounded headboard in the bedroom, and so on. nine0004

Photo - treehouse.co

Part of the trend for streamlined shapes is due to the return of vintage fashion. Therefore, the “softened” modern furniture and home decorations are perfectly combined with the retro aesthetics of other interior details.

Photo – www.studiojeandre.com

Timeless Base

It is black, white, all shades of gray, brown and beige. They can be safely combined in different proportions without fear of making a mistake: they are great for decorating at least a hallway, even a bathroom. nine0004

Photo - treehouse.co

Sun Shades

If the interior in restrained colors is not to your liking, here is a brighter trend: caramel and yellow shades. They cool the rooms, fill the space with comfort and warmth.

The main thing is not to overdo it with “sunny” details: just paint one of the walls in this color or choose a sofa, pouffe, curtains or pillows in one of the shades of the yellow palette.

nine0140 Photo – stylebyemilyhenderson.com

Cold palette

It is also called "mineral" for its similarity with stones such as quartz, malachite, sapphire and graphite. Especially the trend for natural cold colors is relevant for those who do not like bright colors in the design of the apartment.

Photo – nazmiyalantiquerugs.com

Mineral shades look stylish and expensive, but can be too "cool" and darken a room with small windows and poor natural light. Light neutral colors are more suitable for such rooms. nine0004

Stone and wood

Decorating rooms with natural materials means supporting the trend towards minimalism and conscious consumption. Wood and stone serve for a long time, allow you to get closer to nature and perfectly dilute the interior with their texture.

In addition, they practically do not need additional decor. These materials can be used both in the decoration of rooms and in furniture.

Photo - www.pinterest.com / Photo - renoguide.com.au nine0004

Textured glass

Glass makes any interior more airy and elegant. This material can be used in decoration - for example, replacing part of the wall with glass blocks, as in old school gyms. And you can make partitions or screens out of it, so that more light enters the rooms and they seem more spacious.

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