3D printer illustration

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3d-drucker-blaupausen - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole


Stilisierte Vektorillustration von Blaupausen des 3D-Druckers

sla 3d-drucker, laptop auf dem tisch in der werkstatt des additiven 3d-herstellers. 3d-druck isometrisches konzept. arbeitsplatz des engineerings. 3d-drucker gedrucktes computermodell auf laptop entworfen. prototyping von details. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

SLA 3D-Drucker, Laptop auf dem Tisch in der Werkstatt des...

3d-drucktechnologie verwandtes vektorbanner-designkonzept, moderner linienstil mit symbolen - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Drucktechnologie Verwandtes Vektorbanner-Designkonzept,...

vektor futuristische welle. digitaltechnik. big data. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Vektor futuristische Welle. Digitaltechnik. Big Data.

Futuristische Vektorwelle auf blauem Hintergrund. Digitale Technologien. Big Data.

3d vr designlinie symbole. vektor-illustration enthalten symbol - virtuelle augmented reality, brille, ar simulator, drucker, prototyp umriss piktogramm für ar. 64 x 64 pixel perfekt editierbaren strich - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3d vr DesignLinie Symbole. Vektor-Illustration enthalten Symbol -

3d-drucktechnologie verwandtes vektorbanner-designkonzept, moderner linienstil mit symbolen - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Drucktechnologie Verwandtes Vektorbanner-Designkonzept,. ..

engineering-technologie-konzept. cad-system. generatives design des 3d-modells, 3d-druck von metallteil. computer-software der technischen konstruktion von mechanismus detail. moderne industrie maschinenproduktion. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Engineering-Technologie-Konzept. CAD-System. Generatives Design...

rufen sie low poly wireframe auf blauem, dunklem hintergrund an. kommunikationstelefon von punkten, linien und dreiecken. telekommunikationstechnisches konzept. vektorillustration fantastisches digitales design. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Rufen Sie Low Poly Wireframe auf blauem, dunklem Hintergrund an....

3d-druck farbsymbol im dunklen modus mit additiven herstellung (am) drucktechnologie glyphensymbole: druckermaschine, digitaler computer cad prototyp, kunststoff-würfel-modell, materialien, zubehör. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Druck Farbsymbol im dunklen Modus mit additiven Herstellung (AM

prisma 3d hintergrund zusammenfassung - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Prisma 3D Hintergrund Zusammenfassung

3d-drucker. 3d-druck - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Drucker. 3D-Druck

3D-Drucker, Vektorillustration

minimalistischer blauer hintergrund mit welliger 3d-linie - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Minimalistischer blauer Hintergrund mit welliger 3D-Linie

weiß abstrakte fließende welle, glatter hintergrund, modernes poster mit farbverlauf 3d-flussform, innovation hintergrunddesign für cover, illustrator-vektor. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

weiß Abstrakte fließende Welle, glatter Hintergrund, Modernes...

3d-visualisierung sumriss-symbol set mit virtual & augmented reality (vr & ar) visuelle technologie editierbarstrichlinie symbole: architektur-design, software, digitales zeitalter, präsentation und diagramm graph. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Visualisierung Sumriss-Symbol set mit virtual & Augmented. ..

smart industry infografik-vorlage - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Smart Industry Infografik-Vorlage

3d-drucker-symbol. vektor. volumetrischen druck. gliederungsstil. illustration für website oder druck. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Drucker-Symbol. Vektor. Volumetrischen Druck. Gliederungsstil.

3d-drucker, vektorisometrische illustration. additive fertigungstechnologie und prototypenkonzept. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Drucker, vektorisometrische Illustration. Additive...

3D-Drucker, flache isometrische Vektorillustration. Additive Fertigungstechnologie und Prototypenkonzept.

generatives design, entwicklung 3d-modell-stahlteil auf cad-system. industriedesign mechanische elemente durch computer-künbemediktinationalen erzeugt. engineering technology concept banner. cad software. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Generatives Design, Entwicklung 3d-Modell-Stahlteil auf Cad-System

3d-drucker. icon für design. leere, weiße und schwarze hintergründe - liniensymbol - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Drucker. Icon für Design. Leere, weiße und schwarze Hintergründ

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Low Poly Zukunft industrielle Revolution Konzept. Industrie 4.0...

3d-drucker-symbol, 3d-drucker-technologie-zeichen - lagervektor - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Drucker-Symbol, 3D-Drucker-Technologie-Zeichen - Lagervektor

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Medizinischer 3D-Druck. Robotermaschine druckt Herz. Schaffung...

einfache satz von 3d-druck-technologie verwandte vektor linie icons. umrisssymbol-auflistung - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Einfache Satz von 3D-Druck-Technologie verwandte Vektor Linie...

bioprinting-symbole gesetzt. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Bioprinting-Symbole gesetzt.

abstrakter drahtmodellhintergrund. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Abstrakter Drahtmodellhintergrund.

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künstliche Lebensmittel

Kultiviertes Kunstfleisch - im Labor gezüchtetes vitro-Zellkultur-Rindfleisch-Produktionskonzept

gesundes zahnvektor-linearsymbol auf weißem hintergrund isoliert. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Gesundes Zahnvektor-Linearsymbol auf weißem Hintergrund isoliert.

3d-prototyping und 3d-druck - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Prototyping und 3D-Druck

3d-druck-symbol-set mit additiver fertigung (am) drucktechnologie-glyphensymbole: druckermaschine, digitaler computer-cad-prototyp, kunststoff-würfel-design-modell, produktionsprozess, technische teile. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Druck-Symbol-Set mit additiver Fertigung (AM) Drucktechnologie-

3d printing technology concept vector illustration für website banner, werbe- und marketingmaterial, online-werbung, business presentation etc. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D Printing Technology Concept Vector Illustration für Website...

3d druck konzept symbolsatz mit verschiedenen symbolen - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D Druck Konzept Symbolsatz mit verschiedenen Symbolen

sla- oder dlp 3d-drucker auf dem desktop. laptop mit interface-cad-system und 3d-objekt auf dem bildschirm. stereolithographische technologie 3d-druck. gedrucktes dreidimensionales modell aus photopolymermaterial. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

SLA- oder DLP 3D-Drucker auf dem Desktop. Laptop mit Interface-Cad

3d druck prozess konzept vektor-illustration - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D Druck Prozess Konzept Vektor-illustration

business-infografiken treppenschritt erfolg isoliert auf weißem hintergrund. designvorlage 5 schritte. kann verwendet werden, um als workflow-diagramm dargestellt zu werden. vektorillustration flaches design. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Business-Infografiken Treppenschritt Erfolg isoliert auf weißem...

3d druck symbole - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D Druck Symbole

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3D-Heimmodellierungskonzept, 3D-Druckerkopf Design der Wohngebäude

abstrakter weißer 3d-vektorhintergrund mit geometrischen elementen aus weißer und grauer papierschicht - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Abstrakter weißer 3D-Vektorhintergrund mit geometrischen...

3d-drucker, technologie und innovation, icon-design. elektronische drei dimensionale kunststoff drucker, fertigungsautomatisierung, mechanismus und gerät, vektor-design und illustration - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Drucker, Technologie und Innovation, Icon-Design. ...

3d drucker-icon-set - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D Drucker-Icon-set

modell auf 3d-drucker - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Modell auf 3D-Drucker

Prototypmodell eines 3D-Druckers in grauen und weißen Farben. Einfaches Platzieren im Drucker eines beliebigen Produkts, um die neue 3D-Drucktechnologie zu demonstrieren.

isometrische illustration des 3d-druckers - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Isometrische Illustration des 3D-Druckers

zwei geschäftsleute schaffen haus per 3d-drucker - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Zwei Geschäftsleute schaffen Haus per 3D-Drucker

3d-drucktechnologie verwandte objekte und elemente. handgezeichnete vektor-doodle-illustrationssammlung. handgezeichnete symbole set. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Drucktechnologie Verwandte Objekte und Elemente. ...

3d drucker im cartoon-stil, die isoliert auf weißem hintergrund. typografie symbol lager vektor illustration web - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D Drucker im Cartoon-Stil, die isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund....

medizinischer 3d-druckprozess des menschlichen herzens - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Medizinischer 3D-Druckprozess des menschlichen Herzens

Medizinisches 3D-Druckverfahren des menschlichen Herzens: Projekt, Druck und Endprodukt

3d-drucker handgezeichnete illustration - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Drucker handgezeichnete Illustration


3 d drucker vektor-icons-set - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3 D Drucker Vektor-icons-set

trends im gesundheitswesen und innovative technologien - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Trends im Gesundheitswesen und innovative Technologien

3d-druck doodle konzept - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Druck Doodle Konzept

premium icons pack für engineering, produktentwicklung und kreation. solche linienzeichen wie prototyping, 3d-modellierung, 3d-scanning. vektorsymbole, die für web und app in konturbearbeitbarem strich festgelegt sind - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Premium Icons Pack für Engineering, Produktentwicklung und...

roboter arm icon mit editierbaren strich und pixel perfekt. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Roboter Arm Icon mit editierbaren Strich und Pixel perfekt.

mint-bildung von kindern durch internet auf laptop. kinder studieren ingenieurberufe, softwareentwicklung, robotik-technologie, 3d-druck, spieleentwicklung. computer tech remote-schule für junge geeks. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

MINT-Bildung von Kindern durch Internet auf Laptop. Kinder...

kubischer rahmen mit 3d-druckmodell im inneren. 3d-drucksymbol mit abstrakter geschweifter linie - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Kubischer Rahmen mit 3D-Druckmodell im Inneren. 3D-Drucksymbol...

Kubikrahmen mit 3D-Druckmodell im Inneren. 3D-Drucksymbol mit abstrakter geschweifter Linie.

3d vr designlinie symbole. vektor-illustration enthalten symbol - virtuelle augmented reality, brille, ar simulator, drucker, prototyp umriss piktogramm für ar. 64 x 64 grün farbe editierbaren strich - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3d vr DesignLinie Symbole. Vektor-Illustration enthalten Symbol -

3D VR Design Line Symbole. Vektorillustration inklusive Symbol - Virtual Augmented Reality, Brille, Ar-Simulator, Drucker, Prototyp-Umriss-Piktogramm für ar. 64x64 Green Color Editable Stroke.

3 d drucker - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3 d Drucker

isometrischer 3D-Drucker Drucktextblock

vektor 3d menschliches herz aus dreieckigen polygonen auf blauem hintergrund - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Vektor 3D menschliches Herz aus dreieckigen Polygonen auf blauem. ..

3d set drucken futuro linie icons - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D Set drucken Futuro Linie Icons

Moderne Thin Line Icons Set von 3D-Druck, 3D-Modellierung und Scan-Technologie. Hochwertige Kontursymbol-Kollektion. Einfache monolineare Piktogrammpackung. Strichvektor-Symbolkonzept für Webgrafiken.

medizinischer 3d-druckprozess der zahnprothese - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Medizinischer 3D-Druckprozess der Zahnprothese

Medizinisches 3D-Druckverfahren von Zahnersatz und Implantaten: 3D-Modellierung mit Software, Druck und Endprodukten

3d-druck und modellierung doodle icon set - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

3D-Druck und Modellierung Doodle Icon Set

vektorsatz von bildflachen symbolen. enthält symbole foto, vektorbild, druck, galeriebilder, filter, bilder synchronisieren, fokus und mehr. pixel perfekt. - 3d printing stock-grafiken, -clipart, -cartoons und -symbole

Vektorsatz von bildflachen Symbolen. Enthält Symbole Foto,...

von 96

3D Printer designs, themes, templates and downloadable graphic elements on Dribbble

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How to make a 3D model for printing on a 3D printer from an ordinary picture / 3D printers, machines and accessories / iXBT Live

If you want to make a 3D model from a regular drawing on a 3D printer, this instruction may help you. In a couple of steps, it is quite easy to convert any image from JPG into a three-dimensional model for printing on a 3D printer. Of course, we will talk about simple drawings, not portraits, etc. Make a logo, 3D text, a 3D diagram and print it. Well, you never know, sometimes it is necessary. So today I was puzzled by such a question. And it turns out that the answer is not so easy to find.

I'll tell you right away. This instruction is more suitable for beginners who are just mastering 3D printing and 3D modeling of people. Any specialist, of course, knows everything that I will show below. But we all started from scratch. Therefore, I hope that this information will be useful for beginners.

Owning a 3D printer, I'm slowly mastering Fusion 360. And I wanted to print a pretty nice motor club logo. Here it is frozen. But for instructions, I'll take a simpler option. So. We have an image. And we want to make a 3D model out of it for printing on a 3D printer.

Something like this:

Yes, I took the IXBT logo. The first one, found in jpg in a search engine:

I throw the file into CorelDRAW. In it, first we convert the JPG to a raster (the “Raster Images” tab, select “Convert to a Bitmap Image”), then we perform the “Quick Trace” action:

At the output, we get a file ready for export. Now select "Save As" and save our file in DXF format ( this is important ):

Then open the Autodesk Fusion 360 program. I make 3D models in this program, since it is quite easy to learn, and it is also free for non-commercial use.

In Fusion, open the previously saved file, and see this:

Well, now everything is simple. Hold down the CTRL button and select each element with the mouse. Then we press the E button and choose at what height we need to make the text in volume:

Well, that's all. The volume text is ready. It remains only to export the model to an STL file, feed it into Cura (or your 3D printing program) and print

This is what I got:

I chose a quick print, without a substrate. Before printing, I didn’t calibrate the table, so the dot before com was lost (fell off), but it’s not scary, because I printed only for example and clarity.

In the same way, you can convert not only text, but also a simple picture, logo, design element, etc. into an STL file for printing. And where it can then be applied, depends only on your imagination. The main thing is that now you have an implementation tool.

I hope this instruction was useful, and I did not in vain transfer a few grams of plastic.



Among the many models of e-readers, most of them have a screen diagonal of 6 or 8 inches. As practice shows, the first ones are very compact, but the screen size leaves much to be desired....

Beginning of cryptocurrency sanctions Back in April, the EU introduced the fifth package of sanctions against the Russian Federation, which contained the first "cryptocurrency" restrictions that prohibited residents of the Russian Federation from owning. ..

This article will focus on the June novelty Genio Laser L700. This is a light version of the flagship Laser L800 with a light package and a cheaper battery (3200 instead of 5200 mAh). For...

Just after the announcement of the AK4493S, SMSL presented its new D-6 DAC based on two such converters. Then everyone is already a little tired of the abundance of solutions on ESS, so ...

Have you ever noticed that the runway markings are completely different from the usual car markings. Of course, it has parallel lines that...

Starwind produces a variety of household appliances that help with everyday household chores, and also suits many for the price. If you are thinking about healthy eating or...

comics, gif animation, video, the best intellectual humor.

bright future0

via function.3d


09/12/2022 21:27link113. 9


10 points to Gryffindor!

When I first started getting acquainted with 3D printing, I thought that an angular figurine with traces of underextrusion and a layer of 0.3 mm was the limit of perfection, now in the days of cheap photopolymers I can no longer think like before.
A friend asked me to find a figure of Hermione, I found this model in the open spaces of telegram chats, it is very convenient because it is divided into parts, there are also several NSFW versions for the reactorers. I also liked the model so I have already printed the second one for my collection.


07/01/2022 20:34 link101.3


I request the help of fag 3D printers

A friend started printing anything on a printer and says, I can make you, but you need drawings. Share sites where you can see free drawings of all kinds of figures. Thank you all in advance!)




MIT researchers learned how to grow and print wood on a 3D printer (no)

Researchers have developed a new technology that could one day allow wood products to be 3D printed directly from plant matter. MIT scientists have made a breakthrough in a process that will one day allow us to 3D print wood or grow it directly into the shape of furniture and other items.

Wood is a renewable resource, but we consume it much faster than we replenish it. Deforestation has a serious impact on wildlife and exacerbates the effects of climate change. And since our demand for wood products is unlikely to change anytime soon, our production methods will have to change.

In recent years, researchers have turned to growing wood in the laboratory. Not trees as such, but wood, just as work is currently being done on culturing animal cells to obtain laboratory meat. And now, a team of MIT scientists has demonstrated a new technique to grow wood-like plant material in the lab, making it easy to adjust properties such as weight and strength as needed.

"The idea is that you can grow these plant materials in exactly the form you want, so there's no need for subtractive production, which greatly reduces energy and waste," says Ashley Beckwith, lead author of the study. "There is great potential to scale up this process and grow 3D structures."

The team began by extracting cells from the leaves of a plant known as Zinnia elegans. These cells were then cultured in a liquid medium for two days, after which they were transferred to a thicker gel-like mixture. This substance contained nutrients and two types of plant hormones, the level of which could be adjusted to adjust the physical and mechanical properties of the material.

The team then 3D printed this cell gel into a specific shape (just like classical 3D printing of plastic objects). After three months of incubation in complete darkness, the material was dehydrated. As a result, an object was obtained, from the plant mass in its structure resembling wood. In one of the tests, for example, the team formed a tree model from the material.

Diagram showing how plant cells can be grown and 3D printed into individual shapes that differ in strength depending on the concentration of hormonal components

By experimenting with different levels of hormones, the team found that lower concentrations resulted in a material that was less dense, with rounded, open cells. At higher concentrations, fine, dense structures were formed that were more rigid due to increased growth of the organic lignin polymer. This difference can be used to create both softer and lighter products, as well as stronger and stiffer products.

Ultimately, the goal is to advance the technology to the point where wooden objects can essentially be 3D printed and grown, rather than carved, shaped, and joined from large pieces of wood obtained from cutting down trees. . The process can start with small wooden items such as pegs or decorative pieces and then move on to furniture or building boards.

The next step, the team says, will be to develop a way to apply this method to other plants. Zinnia is not a wood source, but adapting the process to work with something like pine could be a big breakthrough.

The study was published in Materials Today.

Sources: MIT, Journal Materials Today.





PORTAL style lamp

I liked that I decided to make myself a lamp out of it. I found an old broken bicycle light with a good LED, took it out, screwed up the radiator with a cooler so that it would not heat up, took measurements from the optics and cut a hole for it in the model. I printed it, sanded it, puttyed it, but unfortunately my indirect hands did not allow me to properly bring the matter to beauty, and at the painting stage I messed up, streaks, shagreen, garbage under the varnish, alas.

Inserted another old Soviet LED in the housing. I ran the wiring from an old guitar cable, it turned out to be the perfect thickness.

I made an external remote control for dimming from a DC-DC converter, and nailed it to the wall.

Unfortunately, photos from the manufacturing process did not have


05/21/202217: 14 School16.4



20.05.202222: 40 Dry45.00055 A short story about the creation of a homemade 3D printer. A couple of tips.

At the very bottom of the link to the project - do it yourself.

I did this without knowing a damn thing about the printer, boards and stuff.
I will describe what I remember, what I encountered, and what solution I found.
I will say right away, if you just need a 3D printer - buy it. If you need a large, scalable printer but don't have the money, make it. If you have a printer, print spare parts for your neighbor. If you want to be able to upgrade, repair, change, just know how it works - do it. If you just want to print without worrying, it won’t work with 3D printers, but it’s better to buy.

Well, as an example: a person burned out Ender 3 (a cheap rumbler that needs to be upgraded at half the cost). The board just flew. And it has drivers. soldered. You have to change everything if you can’t solder yourself.

Actually, I printed CoreXY for myself on the printed CoreXY, which was temporarily allocated to me by a stranger. Despite the fact that I had a sample in front of my eyes - it was that fuss. Since the printer arrived disassembled, I spent a couple of weeks just to connect it, which is not an obvious task, given that the citizen soldered the wires without worrying about their colors, and the result of the first connection of the Arduino Mega from different manufacturers + drivers from the same led to random result: the carriage can go anywhere. I ordered spare parts on Ozon, instead of Ali, otherwise I would still have collected this case.

About plastic parts . Initially, I wanted to use as many plastic parts as possible, like pulleys and bearings - don't do this dirty perversion. The result will be outrageous.

About profiles. I used 40x40 profiles because I had them and they are free. If you do not want to mark and drill a couple of hundred holes, it is better to buy an aluminum profile for machine tools. The savings are not worth it - you will kill more time. I did this for the sake of interest - how much you can not buy. As for accuracy - it depends more on the tension of the belts than on the perpendicularity of the profiles.

Do not use SBS . They brought me a couple of coils with SBS plastic, with which I began to print spare parts. Without baking, it began to delaminate after a month, because of which I had to reprint everything on Petg , when the printer literally fell apart and was held on cable ties

About table heating and adhesion: Petg does not need it. In addition, heating only helps with the adhesion of the first layer (sticking). 12V is simply not enough to heat the table to operating temperature. For good adhesion - use glass (not fiberglass). Its only drawback is not to tear off the part. That's why I use regular pencil glue. Leaves no traces, sticks moderately. You can find an aluminum substrate for free.

The Ramps board has a problem - when high voltage is connected, the plastic parts can melt and a couple of parts come off. That's why I only use power for the hotend.

About the plastic feeder I use Bulldog. Of the advantages - the thread does not fly out, there is no over-extrusion. Of the shortcomings - there is no overextrusion. That is, a 0.4 nozzle with a width of 0.8 and a height of 0.3 cannot be printed. It is also impossible to print at speeds of 140 and so on. + Once I got married.

About power supplies I managed to burn two power supplies before starting the printer. One is due to the fact that you should not use hot ends with unknown voltage parameters and try to flip the phases on the box in order to warm them up. It was terribly stupid. The second one blew a fuse.

How to burn the Arduino + Ramps The simplest solution is to connect the limit sensors incorrectly. Don't care about drivers. But the limit switches, when triggered, lead to some changes in the board. With a bit of luck, it can also be used. I have temperature sensors stopped working and for a long time I thought that it was in them. Well, the screen stops working without USB at any jamb.

How to get home When you first start the carriage, if the carriage goes where you want - to the limit switches - it will be a miracle. You will most likely have to flip the wires for the drivers to achieve the desired result. Although you can just move the limit switches and not bathe.
But this is in XY. According to Z, the carriage simply will not go to the desired height, which will have to be corrected in program Pronterface :
We start the printer and through the settings menu we initialize the EEPROM;
Connect slicer and send command M851 Z0;
Enter G28;
After homing, lower the nozzle, using the axis control panel in the slicer, to the desired height, checking the distance with a sheet of A4 paper between the table and the nozzle;
After setting the desired height, look at the printer display and write down the resulting negative height along the Z axis, for example, I have Z-1. 29;
Enter value in command M851 Z-1.29;
We save the entered values ​​in EEPROM with the M500 command;
Checking if the offset is set correctly. We send the G28 command, after homing we put the leaf on the center of the table, we send the G1 Z0 command and check the height of the nozzle with the leaf.
About the Z axis I advise you to install 2 motors, otherwise sooner or later there will be a warp, and you will have to constantly adjust the desktop, putting coins on one side.

Cracks between Z layers Since I use a propeller coupled to the motors, cracks appear when I print vertically at 0.2 scale. Here are the corrective actions:
- Buy an engine with a screw, abandoning the couplings. Haven't tried it, but got advice
- Adjusts the plastic feed in the Marlin. That is, when applying by 1 cm, the plastic should come out by 1 cm. This is obvious, but I didn’t bother with it at first, because it works like that, and you can also adjust the feed programmatically.
- Tighten the straps. This will flatten the walls slightly.
- Increase temperature. I use 240 against manufacturer advice. At the same time, plastic is perfectly fused, so that the lines are not visible. The only thing is that the power supply can not pull out 245 degrees, and sometimes the temperature "leaves" at 240. Well, since my extruder is "weak", it helps him push the plastic.
- Increase feed. At 10%, see if not satisfied, continue to increase. up to 150%
- If the problem persists at 150%, the nozzle is clogged.

About changing and cleaning nozzles Since I'm too lazy to unscrew the nozzle, I just bought two hot ends, and set the nozzles to 0.2 and 0.4. Given that the nozzles are made of brass, they gradually turn from hexagonal to round.
The nozzle must be removed at a temperature higher than the printing temperature, if you do not want the plastic to flood the model. Well it is clear. The nozzles themselves are not expensive, and this is a consumable, but they can be heated on a gas stove to red - all the garbage will burn out and they can be reused.

The perpendicularity of the model To check, just print a cube and measure the hypotenuses of the corresponding angles. They must be equal. If the problem is in XY:
- I typed a square - just a couple of lines. Checked their parallelism to the axes. They are not parallel, but it's not scary ... I loosened the straps and tightened them so as to compensate for the distortion. That is, one of them needs to be pulled a little harder, and then carefully tighten the whole thing.
If there is a problem in the Z axis: - With a high degree of probability, the pulley on the engine spun. This infection can work normally with you, but during the printing process, skip part of the belt forward, gradually distorting the part.
Well, in general, everything should be tightly screwed ideally. Although I still scored on some "extra screws" in the design.

Printing paused in the middle of printing Causes:
- USB connection to PC. I don't know how it is with 1000 units, but mine at 500 regularly disconnected equipment that could not power. So I connect the printer through the docking station.
- The box for Arduino presses on the reset button. I have an opening box, and the lid is just opposite the reset button. The hole for her is displaced and I generally scored on it.

In general about printing other people's models: This applies to mechanics and old projects. If you can use, say, Blender, print test patterns for teeth, holes, grooves. the prospect of grinding holes in a project that has been printed for at least 5 hours is of little interest.

For the price of : If you have tools, nothing will burn out, everything will work out the first time, do not experiment, but do not buy profiles - you can meet 20-25 thousand for 2021. Get an accurate, scalable printer that prints meter by meter.

If anyone wants to try their luck, link, respectively, to the project, connecting the board, setting up the firmware:

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