3D printer filament sensor
Practical 3D printing: The importance of filament runout sensors
FDM (fused deposition modeling) 3D printers, better known as filament 3D printers, come in a wide range of models, at a wide range of prices, with many different features.
The feature we're going to talk about is the filament runout sensor. As you might imagine, this sensor tells the printer when it runs out of filament.
On printers with a smaller build area, this might not be all that important. That's because it's less likely that you'll run out of a spool of filament with a printer that can't print anything particularly large.
But what about large printers with large build areas? It's entirely possible you'll want to print something that will take more than one spool of filament.
Filament typically comes in 1kg spools. Yes, there are smaller spools available, as well as larger ones, but larger spools tend to get unwieldy. Remember that the spool has to unwind to feed the filament. The bigger the spool, the greater the pull force required. Also the bigger the spool, the larger the spool holding rig required.
I like to keep one of my printers loaded with ColorFabb's PLA Economy White, which comes in a 2.2kg spool. It's convenient for some of the bulk printing I do for some of our family projects.
That said, a good 90% of the time, I'm using a 1kg spool. As the attached video shows, a 1kg spool doesn't hold enough filament for some prints.
The problem is, many printers don't know when you run out of filament. They just pull in filament using a geared mechanism. That mechanism does no reporting back to the printer. It just feeds, melts, and extrudes.
Some printers, though, do have a sensor -- called a filament runout sensor or a filament break sensor -- that tells when a spool is empty or no filament is feeding. These sensors report back to the printer's internal processor. When a runout is reported, the printer moves the print head away from the print and lets everything cool down until you replace the filament.
Once you load a new spool and thread the filament through the extruder, you can tell the printer to continue. If everything works, printing picks up right where it left off.
Aria the Dragon ran out of white filament, so a little silver filament finished off her wings nicely.
The printer in the attached video is the $6,000 Ultimaker S5. But you don't need a super-expensive printer to have a filament runout sensor. The Creality Sermoon D1 is one-tenth the price, at $599, but it also comes with a filament runout sensor. Stay tuned. I'll have a full review on the Sermoon D1 up soon.
Even if your printer doesn't come with such a sensor, you can often add it. I'm linking to an $8 BIQU sensor that you can add to most printers.
I'm usually pretty good at working with the slicing program to estimate the amount of filament needed for my prints. But I have found myself relying on runout sensors, both for big prints and for spools that just happen to be near their end, as was the case with my print of Aria the Dragon.
My practical 3D printing advice is simple: if you're buying a new 3D printer, get one with a filament runout sensor. If you don't have one, see if it can be added and invest a few bucks to upgrade your printer. It's an inexpensive upgrade that can save you both time and money.
What's your favorite 3D printer feature? Do you have a filament runout sensor? Do you have a 3D printer? Let's talk 3D printing in the comments below.
You can follow my day-to-day project updates on social media. Be sure to follow me on Twitter at @DavidGewirtz, on Facebook at Facebook.com/DavidGewirtz, on Instagram at Instagram.com/DavidGewirtz, and on YouTube at YouTube.com/DavidGewirtzTV.
3D Printing
Should Your 3D Printer Have A Filament Run-Out Sensor?
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When a 3D printing project takes up the better part of a day (or even more), there’s a very good chance that your spool will run out of filament mid-print. This would not be a problem if you happen to be there at the right moment to swap in a fresh spool. However, missing that crucial moment will likely result in a failed print.
If you want to avoid the anxiety of such a situation, then you should consider getting a filament run-out sensor. What does this sensor do and how does it work? Is buying a third-party sensor an option for your 3D printer?
How does a filament run-out sensor work?
First off, we’re going to manage your expectations. If your 3D printer does not already have a built-in filament run-out sensor, then you will have to do a bit of work. There is no such thing as a “plug and play” filament run-out sensor. You will have to install the sensor to your printer, connect the cables to the printer’s motherboard, and make a few changes to the firmware.
Virtually all run-out sensors have a basic mechanical leaf switch sensor. This leaf switch is triggered by the motion of the filament. This means that there are two possible events that will cause the sensor to be triggered – the filament running out, or the filament getting stopped due to extrusion problems.
The leaf switch is integrated into a simple board that is housed inside a plastic casing for protection. Also integrated into this casing is a filament guide that ensures that the filament moves along the leaf switch.
The board can then be connected to a specific channel in the motherboard of the 3D printer. If the board is compatible with the 3D printer’s firmware, it can send an overriding G-Code command to the motherboard if the sensor gets triggered. This will cause the 3D printer to pause the current job so you can step in and make a filament swap.
Not all 3D printers play well with third-party filament run-out sensors. In such a case, some filament run-out sensors incorporate sound alarms or LED lights that will warn you if filament stops moving. Of course, this is only effective if you are within earshot or line of sight of the 3D printer. It’s not quite as worry-free as automatically pausing your 3D printer, but it’s better than nothing.
You will need a bit of coding know-how to make the necessary changes to your firmware. If you can do this via Octoprint, then that is the most convenient option. This isn’t incredibly tough, as some sensors already have plugins that you can simply download. If you have worked with a Raspberry Pi before, then you should not struggle much with a run-out filament sensor.
Best practices in installing a filament run-out sensor
Works best with Marlin firmware
Most third-party filament run-out sensors are designed to run with the Marlin firmware. Before buying one, make sure that your 3D printer runs on Marlin. Some sensors are also quite selective with the version number of Marlin that they can run on. As with any hardware, check compatibility before buying.
Install the sensor before the extruder
This should be fairly obvious, but we have seen one too many examples of Bowden extruders where the run-out sensor is installed after the extruder. Theoretically, the sensor will still work because it will still get triggered when the filament runs out. However, placing it after the extruder means that you have much less wiggle room to intervene and make a filament swap.
Use a PTFE tube to guide the filament from the sensor to the extruder
In most cases, the run-out sensor is installed at the top of the 3D printer right beside the spool. From the sensor, the filament runs directly to the extruder that is mounted on the moving print head (if you have a direct extruder).
The PTFE tube is a necessary measure because it avoids “false alarms.” Without a PTFE tube, the filament tends to get pulled along as the print head moves around the frame. This results in very short periods when there is no filament motion inside the sensor, thus a “positive” signal.
By placing a PTFE tube between the sensor and extruder, the filament moves along a constrained path with a set length. This prevents the filament from getting pulled along unnecessarily.
Recommended filament run-out sensors
1. BIGTREETECH SFS Smart Filament Sensor
The most widely used filament run-out sensor is this Smart Filament Sensor from BIGTREETECH. It works best with a BIGTREETECH motherboard but any model that comes with a break detection interface should work – the manufacturers specify a few SKR and MKS motherboards that should be compatible. This could mean having to replace the stock board of your 3D printer and compiling your own firmware. It can interface with any Marlin 2.0.X version.
The housing of the BIGTREETECH Smart Filament Sensor is significantly bigger than most other run-out sensors. This can make mounting it a bit challenging, especially for smaller 3D printers.
2. TriangleLab Filament Run-Out Sensor
This filament run-out sensor from TriangleLab is a cheaper and more compact option. As with other run-out sensors, this one comes with a 3-pin connector, the appropriate cables, and a PTFE tube to act as a filament guide. A nice feature of this sensor is that it allows for daisy-chaining in case your 3D printer comes with multiple extruders.
This sensor is designed to work with Marlin firmware with version 1. 1.0-RC7 or newer. If your board has an older version, you can update it manually using Octoprint. You will also need a filament runout plugin and specify the pin number to which the sensor is connected.
3. Sienoc 3D Filament Detection Module
This is likely one of the cheapest filament run-out sensors that you can buy, just in case you want to experiment with one and don’t want to spend too much. This sensor works well with an SKR board, but you will certainly need to update or modify the firmware.
While the sensor has a housing, it does not have a convenient means to mount it onto your 3D printer. As with other third-party sensors, the Sienoc Filament Detection Module does not come with instructions. You will have to figure out how to hook this up to your 3D printer yourself or look up instructional videos online.
One thing that complicates the setting up of this sensor is the fact its pins are mislabeled. According to user feedback, the signal and 5V terminals are swapped based on the labels. This is something to keep in mind when you buy this sensor, as you may end up frying your mainboard.
Final thoughts
A filament run-out sensor is one of the best and cheapest ways to upgrade your 3D printer. If you use your 3D printer heavily for large projects, then this sensor can help save some of your prints from failing.
Installing a filament run-out sensor is not something we can recommend for beginners. Not all mainboards are compatible with these sensors. There is a good chance that you will have to swap out the stock board of your 3D printer for something generic and modify its firmware. It would be worth the time to check out instructional videos on how to install a specific run-out sensor before buying it.
Warning; 3D printers should never be left unattended. They can pose a firesafety hazard.
Plastic break sensor (plastic end sensor)
This sensor is an excellent solution for those who print a lot, as well as perform 3D printing on order.
The sensor is compatible with MKS touchscreens and can be installed on Prime X 3D printers.
The sensor is normally closed.
Firmware Setting
The required changes are similar to how you would set up a mechanical servo sensor.
Step1. Open your firmware in Arduino IDE. Find the following code in Configuration.h: Modify the code in the red box into:
// Number of servos
// If you select a configuration below, this will receive a default value and does not need to be set manually
// set it manually if you have more servos than extruders and wish to manually control some
// leaving it undefined or defining as 0 will disable the servo subsystem
// If unsure, leave commented / disabled
#define NUM_SERVOS 1 // Servo index starts with 0 for M280 command
// Servo Endstops
// This allows for servo actuated endstops, primary usage is for the Z Axis to eliminate calibration or bed height changes.
// Use M206 command to correct for switch height offset to actual nozzle height. Store that setting with M500.
#define SERVO_ENDSTOPS {-1, -1, 0} // Servo index for X, Y, Z. Disable with -1
#define SERVO_ENDSTOP_ANGLES {0.0, 0.0, 10.90} // X,Y,Z Axis Extend and Retract angles
Step2. Find the codes regarding to Bed Auto Leveling in Configuration.h.
//============================Bed Auto Leveling=============== ========
#define ENABLE_AUTO_BED_LEVELING // Delete the comment to enable (remove //at the start of the line)
- define Z_PROBE_REPEATABILITY_TEST // If not commented out, Z-Probe Repeatability test will be included if Auto Bed Leveling is Enabled.
// set the rectangle which to probe
Step3: scroll down to find the codes to Define the probe offset
Step4. Find the following code in pins.h If you do not find the pins.h tab on Arduino IDE, please open it separately, after the modification, please save it.
Find the code as shown in the red box:
/**************************************** *******************************
- Ultimaker pin assignment
- /
- define KNOWN_BOARD
… #define Z_MAX_PIN -1 //32
- define Z_ENABLE_PIN 35
- define SUICIDE_PIN 54 //PIN that has to be turned on right after start, to keep power flowing.
#define SERVO0_PIN 32//13 // untested
Now, we have finished the firmware; please upload the modified firmware to your control board.
When the 3DTouch is first powered up it does a self test – Starting with the pin up it them goes down/up 3 times and ends up the the LED on solid. Continuous flashing means that there is an obstruction or fault.
The 3DTouch acts on the following gcode that can be used manually to diagnose faults etc but you don’t need to normally worry about them.
M280 P0 S10; pushes the pin down
M280 P0 S90 ; pulls the pin up
M280 P0 S120 ; Self test – keeps going until you do pin up/down or release alarm
M280 P0 S160; Release alarm
Alarm – The 3DTouch can sense when something is wrong and then goes into alarm mode which is continuous flashing. Alarm can be triggered like an obstruction that stops the pin going up and down freely, it could be dirt etc.
Printer setting
Providing the firmware is correctly configured, the sensor responds to the same codes as any other sensor eg inductive, capacitive or IR. The Start Code in you slicer should contain the sequence G28 followed by G29to do the auto levelling.
- Don't put another G28 after the G29 as it will just remove the G29 results.
Open Slicer>printer setting
Add G29 command right after G28
- Don’t put another G28 after the G29 as it will just remove the G29 results.
The G29 command should be added every time.
Here is a video of using the 3DTouch Auto Leveling Sensor on Geeetech Prusa I3 pro B 3d printer.
These instructions are written to explain how to calibrate using a computer connected through the USB port to your printer. This process also assumes that the EEPROM has been enabled in Marlin.
From the command window of Repetier Host or Simplify3D etc enter the following:
M851 ; note the number
M851 Z0; set the offset to zero
G1 Z0
The LCD display should show Z = 0
From the display go to the Menu then Prepare/Move axis/0. 1mm/Move Z
Now move the Z axis slowly down until the nozzle is the right distance from the build plate (folded piece of paper or thin card).
*Note the Z axis value on the display it should be something like -1.5
M851 Z-1.5; to set the offset you got in the previous step.
M500; Stores the values in EEPROM so that it is not reset when you power the printer off and on.
Now you are ready to print.
If you find that you need to increase or decrease the gap then do:
M851 Z-1.4; this would make the gap bigger or
M851 Z-1.6 ; this would make the gap smaller
M500 ; to save the value to EEPROM
*Remember the -1.4, -1.5 and -1.6 are just examples , yours will be different.
Plastic feed 404 - The requested item does not exist!
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 yellow
Material: PLA Colour: yellow Diameter…
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 yellow Yellow PLA 1.75 filament from SEM is…
2000. 00 RUB
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3D Printer Key
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metal cord width 6 mm.
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Cooling Fan 4010 DC 2Pin 12V 40mm 0.11A (for 3D Printer)
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PLA Plastic SEM 1.75 Pink Pastel
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2000.00 RUB
Gear for plastic feeding Mk7 MK8, brass 27 teeth
Size: Length 11mm Diameter 10.9mm…
Size: Length 11mm Diameter 10.9mm
RUB 130.00
Bearing 608ZZ
Size 8x22x7 mm
120. 00 RUB
Titan Extruder Hotend Feed Kit for 1.75mm 3mm RepRap Bar, Prusa i3, Bowden E3D J-Head V6 Makerbot MK8 MK10
No Motor!
TITAN feed kit
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PTFE Teflon Tube for Bowden Extruder RepRap VN Ф3mm HP Ф4 mm
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PLA plastic SEM 1.75 black
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Knife for cutting PTFE tube (wire stripper)
RUB 100.00
Steel nozzle 0.

150.00 RUB
Arduino Laser Sensor 650nm Module 6mm V 5V MW.
Operating voltage: 5V Current consumption: 30mA Wavelength: 650 nm Beam color: red Module dimensions: …
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Anti-play nut T8 (pitch 8mm)
Under T8 trapezoid. Step…
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Wrench for V6 nozzle
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Thermistor 100k ohm NTC 3950 (extruder temperature sensor)
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150.00 rub
Sensor for Arduino barrier module IR and photoelectric sensor
"Infrared barrier sensor"
It works like this: in standby mode, (while there is no obstacle, the sensor outputs a logical unit - and lights up ...
RUB 150.00
Belt GT2 (closed) 110mm.
RUB 200.00
Nozzle for 3D printer 0.2mm
Nozzle allows you to change the print quality…
90. 00 RUB
Idler pulley for GT2 (for 5mm shaft)
Idler (freely rotating) pulley width…
RUB 160.00
Hotend MK8 (hotend Prusa i3) heating element kit
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RUB 800.00
Cleaning nozzle for 3D printer 0.4mm.
Nozzle cleaner 3D…
90.00 RUB
Ch440 nodemcu V3 Lua WI-FI based on ESP8266
V3 Lua WI-FI Integration module…
support WiFi protocols 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft -AP built-in TCP/IP stack built-in TR switch,…
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Resistor (resistance from 10Ω to 1MΩ)
In Assortment 10Ω 22Ω 47Ω…
Select the required resistance when ordering. Type: Fixed Resistor Technology: Metal Film Colour: Blue
RUB 12.00
Nozzle for 3D printer 0.3mm
Nozzle allows you to change the print quality…
RUB 90.00
Lightweight 3 Layer Super Grease
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280.00 rub.
Material Brass For 100 kΩ therm. or HT-NTC100K Screws included.
RUB 400.00
3D Printer Bar Sensor
Module triggers when the plastic bar ends…
If properly integrated, the sensor will help to pause the 3D printer if the bar for printing is over.…
RUB 700. 00
Stepper motor adapter (nameplate for A4988; DRV8825)
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1. If the jumper is in position on the DP, This means 16 segments (4988) or 32…
Rs. Price:
RUB 7850.00
Hercules 2018 3D printer
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FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication) printing technology Purpose Printer for home use Working area size, mm…
104000.00 RUB
Servo tester (CCPM SERVO)
Output: ≤ 15 mA (5.0) Input: 4.2-6.0 V DC Output signal: 1.5 ms ± 0.5 msSize:…
RUB 300.00
WI-FI module ESP8266 type ESP-12E
WiFi module based on ESP8266. …
- Support for wireless standard 802.11 b/g/n; - Support for 2 modes of operation Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-AP; …
RUB 800.00
Arduino Nano Shield V3.0 Expansion Board
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RUB 600.00
Filter spacer for TMC2100 drivers; A4988; Drv8825
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RUB 210.00
PVA plastic SEM 1.75 0.5 kg natural
Material: PVA Thread diameter: 1.75…
PVA plastic SEM 1.75 0.5 kg Supports printing ...
RUB 4990. 00
Aluminum heating block MK7;MK8 (hot end)
20x20x10mm Thread-M6
RUB 230.00
Nozzle for 3D printer 0.5mm
Nozzle allows you to change the print quality…
NEMA 17 17HS4401
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1800.00 RUB
Optical Endstop (Resistop) FZ0640
The optical limit switch is reliable…
RUB 150.00
Silicone cover for 3D printer (hot end sock)
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In the range, select the required size.
RUB 200. 00
PET-G - White
PTEG plastic has: high impact resistance;…
Net weight – 1 kg (+/-50 g). Bar diameter 1.75 mm (+/- 0.05 mm). Recommended…
RUB 1700.00
Mechanical Endstop (limit switch)
Limit switch for any type…
190.00 RUB
V-Slot rail v-wheel eccentric bushing
Allows roller to be pressed against…
RUB 35.00
Spring for 3D printer (for table, for direct)
Spring which is used in the construction of…
Material diameter: 1.2 mm Outer diameter: 7.5 mm Inner diameter: 5 mm Length: 20 mm
RUB 40. 00
PLA Plastic SEM 1.75 Gold Metallic
Material: PLA Color: Gold Metallic…
PLA Plastic SEM 1.75 Gold Metallic Yellow PLA filament 1.75 from SEM –…
2000.00 RUB
TMC2208 driver (v 3.0)
TMC2208 - stepper motor driver,…
Only two wires are used to transmit commands - STEP (step) and DIR (direction of rotation). Possibly…
RUB 700.00
Nozzle for 3D printer 0.4mm (E3D V6)
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Linear ball bearing LM8UU
Linear ball bearing LM8UU for…
8 mm 8 x 15 x 24 mm
RUB 160. 00
Plastic Feed Gear Mk7 MK8 Brass 40 teeth
Plastic Feed Gear…
RUB 140.00
3D Printer Z Splitter
3D… Z-Axis Splitter
Used to connect two NEMA 17 stepper motors to one connector on the 3D… control board
Rs. DC12V-DC24V, 5A-15ASize: …
6500.00 RUB
Arduino Line Sensor TCRT5000
Using TCRT5000 Infrared Reflection Sensors Test distance: 1mm to 25mm Current 15mA.…
RUB 150.00
Thermal tape
Temperature resistant tape for winding…
Width - 12mm Length - 33m
RUB 300. 00
Kit for extruder BMG
Kit of plastic feed gears, shaft, needle bearings. Model for printing extruder - REF
RUB 620.00
PLA Plastic SEM 1.75 Purple
Material: PLA Colour: Purple Diam…
2000.00 RUB
Nano 3.0 controller Nano Ch440
Arduino Nano is a full featured…
Miniature module based on the popular ATMEGA328P microcontroller. Ideal for breadboarding with solderless breadboards…
950.00 RUB
DRV8825 stepper motor driver
RUB 500.00
Tension spring for GT2 belt
Tension spring for belt 6…
Rs. Cable length: 1 meter. This sensor is universal and can…
RUB 350.00
BMG extruder (dual drive)
1600.00 RUB
V-Groove Roller with 624VV 4mm Bearing
Specifications:Type: 624VVSize: (Inner Diameter) 4mm/0.15" x (Outer Diameter) 13mm/0.51inchx (Thickness) …
RUB 60.00
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 Red
Material: PLA Colour: Red Diam…
PLA Plastic SEM 1.75 Red Yellow PLA 1.75 from SEM is…
2000.00 RUB
Knife for plastic (secateurs for 3D rod)
Secateurs for plastic
150. 00 rub
Hercules Strong
Hercules Strong 2017 - updated…
FDM Printing Technology Print media ABS, PLA, HIPS, flexible materials (rubber, FLEX), WATSON, composites and…
RUB 180,000.00
Pneumatic fitting PC4-01 for PTFE Teflon tube. Plastic 1.75mm
Pneumatic Connector PC4-01 1.75mm…
180.00 RUB
M3 Stud screw thermistor 100K NTC 3950
M3 Stud screw thermistor 100K…
An interesting solution in the form of a thermistor with an M3 head thread. Fits most heating cubes, serves…
RUB 150.00
Roller for 3D printer POM 3D0004
Two bearings, metal washer. For…
POM plastic wheels with MR105 bearing.
190.00 RUB
Nozzle cleaning drill 0.4mm
To clean the nozzle…
RUB 50.00
Pulley 16 teeth
Pulley for GT2 belt. 16…
270.00 RUB
Gear for plastic feeding Mk7 MK8,BMG 40 teeth
Size: Length 12mm Diameter 11.8mm…
Size: Length 12mm Diameter 10.9mm
RUB 160.00
RFID RC522 card reader
The kit contains several parts that allow you to…
Power Voltage 3.3 V Current consumption in modes: standby 80 µA standby 12 mA normal…
RUB 500. 00
RAMPS 1.4 3D printer control board
RAMPS - RepRap Arduino Mega…
Mega 2560 REV3 ATmega2560-16AU Board + USB Cable
1000.00 rub
Heating table (Headbed) MK2B
RUB 1500.00
Nozzle cleaning brush
Stiff brush for removing sticky plastic on the nozzle of a 3D printer.
RUB 160.00
HOTEND insulation for 3D printer
Cotton insulation for hotend. Will help…
RUB 25.00
Thermal barrier for V6 1.75mm (assorted)
Thermal barrier for extruder heatsink connection…
130. 00 RUB
E3D V6 (1.75mm) included
V6 j-head hotend included…
RUB 1350.00
Trapezoidal screw T8 for 3D printer with nut
Stud or threaded axle for…
Trapezoidal screw allows you to convert rotational motion into translational.
RUB 1500.00
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 Gray
Material: PLA Colour: gray Diameter…
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 Gray Yellow PLA filament 1.75 from SEM is…
RUB 2000.00
PL2303 USB UART TTL Module (PL2303HX) with cable
Cable length 90 cm.
RUB 900.00
Ceramic heater 12V /24V 40w
Ceramic heater for 3D printers…
RUB 230. 00
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 transparent
Material: PLA Color: transparent Diameter…
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 transparent PLA plastic SEM 1.75 transparent is a high-quality filament of domestic…
2000.00 RUB
DIY kit MK8 aluminum extruder
RUB 550.00
Nozzle Cleaning Drill 0.5mm
To clean the nozzle…
RUB 50.00
Radial fan AV-5015S 12v
Type: centrifugal fan Size: 50*50*15mm Plain bearing.
280.00 RUB
HT-NTC100K Thermistor (B3950)
Temperature measurement head size: 3*15mm Temperature measurement range: -50℃~+350…
200. 00 RUB
Bowden extruder E3D V6 (1.75mm)
V6 j-head Hotend for 1.75…
RUB 1200.00
PLA Plastic SEM 1.75 Chocolate
Material: PLA Colour: Chocolate Diam…
PLA Plastic SEM 1.75 Chocolate Yellow PLA 1.75 from SEM is…
2000.00 RUB
PET-G - Transparent
PTEG plastic has: high impact resistance;…
Net weight - 1 kg (+/-50 g). Bar diameter 1.75 mm (+/- 0.05 mm). Recommended…
RUB 1700.00
Wireless radio module nRF24L01+ . Transmission frequency - 2.4GHz
nRF24L01+ - one of the options…
Supply voltage: 1.9V … 3.6V Current consumption at 0dBm power: 11.3 mA Current consumption at…
400. 00 RUB
Plastic gear coupling for MK8, stainless steel
Plastic gear coupling…
RUB 90.00
NodeMCU Motor Shield L293D for ESP8266 ESP-12E
The expansion board is based on…
Characteristics: Chip – L293; Number of channels for connection - 2: 2 DC motors; 1…
RUB 350.00
Bearing 625Z
Dimensions 16x5x5 mm.
RUB 60.00
Cooling fan for E3D V6 extruder
Fan with cooling mount…
RUB 400.00
PTFE Teflon Tube for RepRap Extruder VN Ф 2mm HP Ф4 mm
PTFE Teflon Tube for Bowden…
RUB 185. 00
Flanged bearing F623ZZ
Flanged bearing F623ZZ
RUB 90.00
Belt GT2 (closed) 200 mm.
RUB 180.00
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 blue
Material: PLA Colour: blue Diam…
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 blue PLA plastic SEM 1.75 blue is a polylactide thread for …
2000.00 rub. Thread M6.…
RUB 210.00
PET-G - Silver
PTEG plastic has: high impact resistance;…
Net weight - 1 kg (+/-50 g). Bar diameter 1.75 mm (+/- 0.05 mm). Recommended…
1700. 00 RUB
A4988 Stepper Motor Driver
RUB 250.00
3d TOUCH Sensor (auto level sensor for 3D printer)
Analogue of the BLTouch auto level contact sensor.
Automatic correction touch sensor for 3d printer, which can accurately measure the slope of the table surface. He…
1500.00 RUB
Kee Pang Mk8 3D printer extruder, red
RUB 800.00
Heating Cube V6 (20x16x12mm)
Heating Cube for V6 Hot End.
Material aluminum For 100 kΩ therm. Screws included.
RUB 120.00
Radiator Ender 3 CR10
Dimensions: Length - 27mm Width - 20mm Thickness - 13mm Diameter for thermal barrier - 7…
RUB 170. 00
MKS CD 57/86 Stepper Motor Driver
Expansion board for connecting an external…
The proposed board is installed in a standard slot for a stepper driver. Wire included.
RUB 500.00
Head Bad table for 3D printer 220x220mm. 3mm.
2500.00 RUB
Nozzle for 3D printer 0.4mm
Nozzle allows you to change the print quality…
RUB 90.00
Pneumatic fitting PC4-M6 for PTFE Teflon tube. Plastic 1.75mm
Pneumatic Connector PC4-M6 1.75mm…
180.00 RUB
CNC Shield V4.0 for Nano Board CNC
Compatible controllers: Arduino Nano Number of axes: 3 (X, Y, Z) Logic part supply voltage: 3. 3 -…
RUB 600.00
PLA plastic SEM 1.75, white
Material: PLA Color: white Diameter…
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 white Proprietary plastic for 3D printing — PLA plastic SEM 1.75…
2000.00 RUB
Radiator V6 (in stock)
There are several types, available in stock - Under fitting for bowden material supply. For Direct submission.
RUB 400.00
NodeMCU Lua Board (ESP8266 CP2102)
NodeMCU on ESP8266 module is… -20…
RUB 1200.00
Cube MK8 mini (16x16x12mm)
Small heating cube for hotend…
Material aluminum For thermistor 100kOM
Rs. Throat diameter: 7mm Throat thread: M6 Diameter: for 1.75mm
RUB 145.00
Sensor SN04-N NO
Inductive sensor (4 mm) If…
RUB 780.00
Nozzle cleaning drill 0.2 mm
To clean the nozzle…
RUB 70.00
Hotbed sticker (Adhesive table pad for 3D printer)
Size 200x200 mm.
RUB 500.00
PLA filament SEM 1.75 silver
Material: PLA Colour: silver Diameter…
PLA filament SEM 1.75 silver Branded PLA filament SEM 1.75 silver is a quality filament…
RUB 2000. 00
PET-G - Black
PTEG plastic has: high impact resistance;…
Net weight - 1 kg (+/-50 g). Bar diameter 1.75 mm (+/- 0.05 mm). Recommended…
RUB 1700.00
Airbrush nozzle for 3D printer (assorted)
Brass nozzle with steel tip.…
RUB 370.00
Chimera double extruder. Complete kit 2 nozzles 0.4 + fan
Double head bowden extruder…
1940.00 rub
Ceramic heater 50W 24v
3D printer hotend heater
F - 5mm Power - 50W Voltage - 24V Total length - 1 m
RUB 250.00
Pulley 20 teeth
Pulley for GT2 belt. 16…
RUB 150.00
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 green
Material: PLA Colour: green Diameter…
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 green Green polylactide filament for 3D printing, diameter 1.75mm is…
2000.00 RUB
Thermal barrier V6, MK8, CR-10 dual hotend 30mm
Assortment: Full metal Limited with PTEE
Material: stainless steel. Length - 30mm Neck diameter: 6mm Throat thread: M6 Diameter: for…
RUB 150.00
PET-G - Khaki
PTEG plastic has: high impact resistance;…
Net weight - 1 kg (+/-50 g). Bar diameter 1.75 mm (+/- 0.05 mm). Recommended…
1700. 00 RUB
Charger for 18650 Shield V3 Micro USB Port Type-USB 0.5A
Charger for 18650 Shield V3 Micro USB Port Type-USB 0.5A for Arduino, Raspberry…
RUB 550.00
Hercules G2
Printer productivity - 100 cm3/h.…
Maximum productivity - up to 100 cm3/h, flexible materials - up to 55 cm3/h Printer dimensions, mm…
219000.00 RUB
CR-10 Hotend
(1): Radiator Heatsink: Suitable for CR-10 Hotend Extruder For 1.75mm (2): Heater Block Suitable…
RUB 800.00
3 In 1 Diamond Hotend Extruder Nozzle 0.4 mm for 1.75 mm
This nozzle allows you to print simultaneously…
To work, you need to purchase the nozzle itself and separately three V6 extruders. Or three thermal barriers for…
900.00 RUB
Servo MG995 Metal Gear High Torque Servo
Servo for various applications…
Dimensions: 40mm x 19mm x 43mm Net weight: 69g Packing weight: 75gColor:…
RUB 1200.00
PLA plastic SEM 1.75 orange
Material: PLA Color: orange Diameter…
PLA SEM 1.75 orange Bright orange FDM material is PLA SEM…
2000.00 RUB
SKR V1.4 Board (32-bit Controller) for 3D Printer
Brand Name: BIGTREETECH Model Number: SKR V1.4rboard Board: 4-layer Microprocessor: ARM cortex-M3 CPU Input Voltage: DC12V-DC24V, 5A-15ASize: …
RUB 9000. 00
PET-G - Lilac
PTEG plastic has: high impact resistance;…
Net weight – 1 kg (+/-50 g). Bar diameter 1.75 mm (+/- 0.05 mm). Recommended…
1700.00 rub
Two-axis joystick XY module
260.00 RUB
Display for 3D printer LCD 12864
3000.00 RUB
Mega 2560 REV3 ATmega2560-16AU Tip + USB cable
Apduino ATmega2560-16AU is a common solution…
This board differs from other Apduinos by more inputs and outputs, more memory and…
RUB 2250.00
Heating block CR8 CR10
Dimensions 20x20x10mm.
RUB 300.