3D printed hand spinners
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Take a loook at these 110 3D Printable Fidget Spinner Designs List! (Part I)
Fidget Spinners suddenly emerged this spring to become the biggest gadget trend of 2017.Part of the craze around any fidget spinner is they are about as simple and inexpensive as can be. Basically, these are small, ball-bearing devices you can rotate between your fingers, which means they don’t require gross body movements; The challenge of tossing, transferring and twirling the spinners has spawned an entire universe of instructional YouTube videos.
The momentum of the toy provides a pleasing sensory experience, according to users reviews, and many sources even claim fidget spinners provide potential relief for some people who suffer from anxiety and attention deficit disorders. Depending on the version you get, the fidget spinner could keep spinning for a few minutes in your hand, either placing it on a table and put it to spin away. However, not everyone is a fan of the fidget spinner; Schools in several states have already banned the toys, claiming they’re “too distracting for classrooms”.
Personally, I found them really funny and visually distracting so I can not tell whether a fidget spinner is a relaxing tool or a Toy.
The Spinners List
You can buy most versions for less that $5 (although some made with copper or other metals can be much pricier). But, why purchasing when you can 3D print it?
Better start trying with one of the designs in the list below and tell us your experience!
Print your own fidget spinner and use it while you’re working, hanging out with friends or trying to relax!
I included some videos showing how fidget spinners work so you can easily make a choice of your favorite. Every single design in the list comes with a briefly description and a link to download the printable file(s). Most of them have free download version (you’ll find most free version designs on the second half of the list below).
I must clear Not all designs are 100% printable. There are some parts needed that are not 3D Printable so I’ll let you guys know in that case. Other few are designs available on Amazon.
1. Adafruit Hand SpinnerA very cute fidget spinner made by adaFruit, this spinner is a basic toy meant for mindless fidgeting. It’s also very helpful for people with ADD / ADHD and even anxiety according to many sources.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeDCAS0-q9w?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable- Radial Ball Bearing 608ZZ
Other material
- Reel Butter – Bearing Lubrication
- Alcohol
- Paper Towels
2. Anti-Anxiety 360 Spinner
Focus Toy for Kids and Adults is the best at reducing stress. It comes with a metal and gold case and blue bearings. Available on Amazon.
Buy it HERE ($14.99)3. Axle by Destroyer Brands
Not designed to be elegant. Not designed to spin forever. Simply designed to be the ultimate fidgeter. Finish it off with a Bada** beastly look.Design Based off of the The AXLE Fidget Spinner.
Download printable file HERE
Some of the holes for the bearings will need sanded to fit. Comes with caps also. You can also make changes to you liking. The Autocad File Can Be found at
If files turn out tiny then scale by 2540% to convert the file units to inches.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqd3XnUPN64?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- Radial Ball Bearings 608 zz
4. Ball Bearing Fidget Spinner Toy
Cool and simple spinner made by Keshyden using a standard 608 skateboard bearing printed with Hatchbox ABS with gives a tight friction fit for the bearings.
Download printable file HERE[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLL-T4Z_TNo?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- Radial Ball Bearings 608 RS
This Batman spinner designed by TenDutch came from Gotham city and posted under the attribution license this design is ready for being printed and sell it, just remember to give attribution.
Download printable file HERE
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IALqV1huU1I?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:
- Radial Ball Bearings 608 RS
6. Beyblade Fidget Toy
Let’s print this mechanism to turn our spinner a Beyblade made by Eugene Pentland, there are two options to downloads to print, choosing between the BearingCover_Pointy, BearingCover_Flat, as well as the Spinner_NoGrip or Spinner_Grip. Every other part is required for printing. The pointy and grip model is so that it can be used as a top, while the flat and NoGrip are using for holding it in the hand.
Download printable file HERE[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL2poEdcdjw?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- Made using Bones Reds bearings, but any 22 mm diameter bearings will fit inside.
7. Bio-hazard Tri-Spinner
Biohazard Spinner Toy with Caps made by Addictive Fidget Spinner. This spinner is made with a quality 3D printer using PLA plastic. All bearings are pressure fit and will stay in.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cB9P2BgZ5U?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- Bearing option Dark Wolf Abec 9
8. Cog Triple Spinner
This little hand spinner offers you something to fidget with that’s silent, so as not to annoy those around you. Made by LoveWaflle This hand spinner is just like the classic hand tri spinner, but with some tactile enhancements on the end.
Download printable file HERE[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0OJFyHZ7V8?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- standard skateboard 608 bearings
- Bearing option Dark Wolf Abec 9
9. Customizable Hand Spinner
Fidget spinners are all the rage! all the fidget spinners are designed only for very specific sizes of bearings, that’s why agweber decided to create one with customizability in mind. Use the customizer on Thingiverse to put specifications for the bearings you want to use, the number of legs of the spinner, and how long the legs are!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCCXCJO4FDE?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- Adjust the parameters to fit the bearings you have at hand.
10. Dirt Resistant Tri-Spinner
The classic one hand spinner design, made with sturdy injection molded plastic. is very smooth to the touch and resistant to dirt (at least that’s what the manufacturer says). Bearings are high-quality ABEC-9, plus and optional bearing cap.
Buy it HERE ($7.95)[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDpkRwFo1Wo?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- 3 Ball bearings ABEC-9
Simple and minimalist hand spinner design with some smooth curves by Morrow_TBS. It requires only three bearings to operate and the smaller size should add some variety to the spinning style, made by simple folks who enjoy spinning in a simple way.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qiyJBPsURs?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- skate bearing holes 22.1mm in diameter
12. EWR Spinner Fidget Toy
Currently one of the best selling fidget spinner toys on Amazon, it’s made bt EWR products. It has a hybrid ceramic center bearing and three steel bearings in the outer spokes. It comes in a very simple design, yet it provides incredible spin.
Buy it HERE ($17.95)[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZd0fcgn-FI?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- Black Spinner Fidget Toy
- Premium R188 Bearing + 3 Black Outer Bearings
13. Fidget Hand Quintuple Spinner
Made by Iniertie_3D. Here is a quintuple spinner used with 1 standard 608 skateboard ball bearing (Ø22mm) in the middle and 5 M14 Hex nuts on the outside.
- Standard 608 skateboard ball bearing (Ø22mm
- 5 M14 Hex nuts on the outside.
- add optional M3 Hex nuts (x3 on each nut holes max).
14. Fidget Hand Spinner V.1
A Spinner made by Mcl0vin. This is a planetary gear train. You can download this spinner on Thingiverse the body is modified so the gears don’t rub, you can print this with a .3mm nozzle and will come out great.
Download printable file HERE[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67AzghKb8QU?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- 1/8″ acrylic for the gears
- 3/16″ acrylic for the body
- Standard 608 skateboard ball bearing (Ø22mm
15. Fidget Hand Spinner Toy
A simple Hand Spinner Fidget Toy For Ball Bearing 625z made by 3DIYOriginal this spinner is only for ball bearing 625Z and the slicer settings for this print are:
Layer Height: 0. 15mm
Infill: 100 %
No Supports
No Rafts
Don’t Scale
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDcMnZAZyVs?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- Ball Bearing 625Z
16. Revolver Fidget Spinner
Designer made the bullet caps separate from the main body of the spinner because he couldn’t get a good print from it. Just super glued them onto the spinner. For the thumb grips, he used Dished Fidget Spinner Caps.
Published on Thingiverse by iTzOminousTic.
Download printable file HEREParts needed that are not 3D Printable:- 608 Bearing.
17. Fidget Toy
A simple Spinner toy you can 3D print, this design was made by Cema_92 and you can download it from thingiverse the slicer options are the next.
Spinner and bottons :
Filling density : 20%
[youtube https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=LZjEhnG3hS4?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:
- Bearings 625z
18. Knurled Fidget Tri Spinner
Second fidget spinner made it by CarretTheWhat a ton of fun to play with, the design was made in OpenSCAD, so the original parametric model can be easily modified. This version of the Tri-Spinner has knurling all around the sides to make it a little easier to grip with one hand. This spinner has a peg cap, which allows you to grip the spinner with a pinch grip, and also spin it like a top!
Tri Spinner KnurledDownload printable file HERE
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB4WBj8TMDg?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- 4 Bearings 608.
19. Giggle Hands Stress Reducer
Perfect toy for Fidgeters. Flick and spin for hours (at least that’s what the manufacturer says) with just one or Both Hands.
Made by Toy & Games
Buy it HERE ($5.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ6wg_p18oU?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- Core 608 Hybrid Ceramic Bearing with ZrO2 Balls For Incredibly Long Frictionless Spins
20. Glaive Spinner from Krull
I think you are remembering those moments when you were watching Krull one of my favorites movies of all time. this design spinner widget is no the exception, so if you are looking feeling nostalgic this is the right spinner for you. Made it by bLITzJoN, so you don’t have to insert your hand into molten lava just be ready to 3D print.
Download printable file HERE
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoQcVHG6SZ0?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- (5) 3/16″ x 1″ Woodruff keys (polish them if you want shiny blades) – Amazon
- (5) .11″ x .3″ Neodynium disc magnets
- (1) 608 Skate bearing
- Super glue

One of the many version of Hand Spinners made by Luciobea.
Download printable file HERE[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R27iz4FhmPc?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- Bearings used 608zz or 608rs
22. Hand Spinner
Just another hand spinner/fidget toy/whatever you want to call it. It is designed to fit four 22mm OD ball bearings. Made by XYZAidan
Download printable file HERE[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQo0uiOk048?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:- 22mm OD Ball bearings.
23. Hand Spinner Warped
3D Printed Hand Spinner made with 20% infill. The holes for the bearings are purposely tight. Use a hammer and slowly tap them in. Once in they should move at all. The outside caps are optional, the center cap is also tight again use a hammer to gently tap it into place.
Made by nath5.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWvkSVLfmcI?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:24. Holisouse Tri-Spinner
High performance, this sinner is injection molded from ABS Plastic, Stronger and Environmental Material, not easy to break when compared to ceramic Bearing.
Download printable file HEREParts needed that are not 3D Printable:
25. Mini Ninja Star
Compact revision of the original BG.3D Ninja Star Spinner: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1814282
Print flat with or without a raft.
Download printable file HEREParts needed that are not 3D Printable:
26. Naruto Shuriken Hand Spinner
Badass Naruto 3D Print3d Shuriken. This spinner is perfect for cosplay. Made by GreekGadgetGuru.
Download printable file HERE[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8ExDcvRCKQ?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:27.
Pennywise Hand Spinner
HauntFreaks Designed this spinner.He saw most of currently spinners were wasting 3 bearings, just for weight, so he made “PENNYwise” and it uses 15 pennies (37.5g total) (5 in each arm) seems to spin pretty well.
Download printable file HereParts needed that are not 3D Printable:
28. Porda Tri-Spinner v3
Made by Porda, it is his third and favorite tri-spinner. The bumps on the outside are fun to run your fingers along as it spins.
Download printable file HEREParts needed that are not 3D Printable:
29. Syha Hand Spinner
Fidget Spinners with a simple and clean design.
Made them with Fusion 360 by diogorsergio.
Download printable file HEREParts needed that are not 3D Printable:
30. Spinning Fidget Toy
Fun mindless spinning toy made by pizzatheif
Download printable file HERE[youtube https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=JAakiO9tyZc?ecver=2]
31. The Newton
Though it might not look like it, this fidget spinner maintains a center of mass at the center bearing. Try it out and discover that it still spins smoothly!
Made by pcrowlz
Download printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:
32. Idle Hands
Made by hodginsa. Here is a fidget spinner in the shape of the Idle Hands Dev. logo.
Download printable file HERE[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP-wCNDS2kg?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:33. The Triplex
A new redesign version of the hand spinner made by hodginsa; If you want to support him on patreon clic here.
Download printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:34. Tri Star Spinner
Made by jzavits , this spinner doesn’t need adjustment will fit tight if the chamfered inset is keeping the bearing centered.
35. Triple Hex Nut Cat Spinner
A spinner easy to customize just select the number of cats, select type of weight: 608 bearings; 5/16″, 3/8″, 1/2″, M8, M10, or M12 hex nuts; 3/8″, 1/2″, or 5/8″ loose ball bearings and print. This design was made by Lucina
Download printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:36. TYZEST Spinner Fidget EDC
Dowload printable file HERE[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAakiO9tyZc?ecver=2]
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:37. VICTOREM Metal Hand Spinner
This is a Tri-Hex fidget spinner made by . It has a standard 608 bearing with 3x M14 Hex nuts for balance.
Dowload printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:38. Bronze Spinner
This design follows the Design Now | Hour of Making In Motion Lesson 1 from Fusion 360. Jon-A-Tron’s Instructable How-to-Design-a-Fidget-Spinner.
Made by Pilla
Download printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:
39. Hello Kitty Fidget Spinner
As per a request, here’s another Hello Kitty fidget spinner. This spinner uses (4) 608 skate bearings. This spinner is only about 3-1/2″ in diameter overall. Definitely, need supports on this print. When you print it with the bearing holes facing down, you will need the supports. Made by James Robison
Download printable file HERE
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:40. GoT Hand of King Fidget Spinner
Also made by James Robison. This is his attempt of a Game of Thrones Fidget Spinner. He fashioned it off the Hand of King. This fidget spinner uses (4) 608 bearings. This spinner is only about 3-1/2″ in diameter overall.
Download printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:41.
Dab Spinner
Here’s is a dap spinner. What do you want to know? it’s the dab! works with 608 bearings.
Made by Three Dee
Download printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:42. 1/2″ Ball Bearing Star Fidget Spinner
This spinner uses (3) 1/2″ ball bearings and one 608 bearing. This spinner is only about 3″ in diameter overall.
Designed by James Robison.
Download printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:
43. 1/2″ Ball Bearing Fidget Spinner
Here’s a geometric design Fidget Spinner. This spinner uses (6) 1/2″ ball bearings and one 608 bearing. This spinner is only about 3-1/2″ in diameter overall. Designer suggests heating up the print and ball bearing with warm water and the bearings will slip in.
Also made by James Robison
Download printable file HEREParts needed that are not 3D Printable:44.

Here’s a geometric design Fidget Spinner. This spinner uses (6) 1/2″ ball bearings and one 608 bearing. This spinner is only about 3-1/2″ in diameter overall. Designer suggests heating up the print and ball bearing with warm water and the bearings will slip in.
Also made by James Robison
Download printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:Summary This is a “bearing” for fidget spinners. It was modeled to be the same size as the 608 bearings commonly used in fidget spinners. The center hole is 8mm, so you should still be able to use thumb pads. The outer diameter is 22mm and therefore should pop into any spinner you might want to put it in. Finally, the “bearing” is 7mm tall. There are 3 different versions. A loose version (called “bearing”), a tighter version (“bearing-tighter”), and a version with 4 cutouts (“bearing-slots”). Designed by Primarily Print3d
Download printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:Made by Nick Rimmer He designed the new tri-spinner. In this time, it’s very nice balanced, thanks to new construction. Easy to print, easy to assembly. Without supports, with small infill ( use 15%).
Made by Jesse Z. Press tight so there’s no glue required! No sanding or filing required. Designed for use with 608zz bearings. Print Settings Printer Brand: Prusa Printer: Prusa Steel Rafts: No Supports: No Resolution: .1mm Infill: 20%.
Download printable file HEREDesign is available for USD $1.30.
Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:Fidget Toy, fits perfectly with 608 skateboard bearings that measure 22mm outside diameter 8mm inside diameter and 7mm thickness. Designed by CFrank17
Download printable file HEREDesign is available for USD $0.99.
Parts needed that are not 3D PrintableThis product is designed for people with larger hands. A smaller option will be released soon according to the source. If you do not have access to a 3D printer or you want a higher quality print, you can buy it from here. Bearing Size is 22mm x 7mm x 8mm. About 25 second spin times using a cheap steel ball bearing. For better results, use with a white ceramic ball bearing.
Designed by Gilson Fabrication
Download printable file HEREDesign is available for USD $1.30.
Parts needed that are not 3D PrintableMicro Fidget Spinner, easy to print and fun, just add a Skateboard bearing.
Designed by nicholas_gardner
Download printable file HEREDesign is available for USD $0.65
Parts needed that are not 3D PrintableDesigned by Ovys. Printed in PLA at 0.2 layer high, 15% infill, generated with Simplify3d. the ball bearing covers are printed at 0.1 layer high, 100% infill. all put together with superglue. https://goo.gl/photos/4vikj6a8…
Download printable file HEREDesign is available for USD $1. 0.
52. Mickey Fidget Spinner
Summary This uses 1/2″ nuts as well as 5/16″ nuts and a 608 bearing. Printing with a single wall works best with a higher infill to help with weight and to make sure it could hold the weight of the nuts. Designed by Abuzz Designs
Download printable file HEREParts needed that are not 3D Printable:53. Star Spinner Fidget
Designed by jörgen_isaksson fun easy spinner that works great with 608-2RS bearings , 22mm and 7 mm thick. For more spin you can do your own version without the stars and add bearings even there. Easy to spin between your fingers.
Download printable file HERE Parts needed that are not 3D Printable:Designed by madmahx. Used 7/16 – 14 nuts in adapters for counter weights. The center bearing is a common 608 series bearing. printed with a Robo 3D R1+plus. There is nothing fancy with the settings, quality was set on low, used PLA, 0. 3 mm for the layer height, fill density was set at 0.15%, infill type was on “Grid” but explore your own print settings.
Kyocera FS-1325MFP universal laser device rdveikals.lv
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What are spinners and what are they for. Fidget Hand Spinner - the history of the appearance of an anti-stress toy
More recently, a new hobby has appeared among young people and schoolchildren - to twist, rotate a hand spinner. This toy is called differently, and a fidget, and a hand spinner, and a hand spinner. She quickly became popular all over the world. The fashion trend of 2017, hand spinner for hands, is designed for children and adults. What is this miracle toy, where did it come from and how to use a hand spinner?
Where did the hand spinner come from?
The invention of the hand spinner is credited. In 1993, she applied for a device that looked like a hand spinner. But then no one was interested in it. And in 2014, the patent expired, and Katherine did not renew it.
In 2016, the first publications on the fidget hand spinner were published. James Ploughk of Forbes called this fidget "the must-have office toy". Manufacturers and buyers turned their attention to it.
At the beginning of 2017, review videos appeared on YouTube and Reddit about the merits of this turntable. Since April, the popularity of spinners has increased dramatically. In May of this year, several phone factories in China switched to producing this gadget, and on Amazon, a new spinner toy became one of the most sought-after products.
How to use the hand spinner?
Hold the toy by its center between the thumb and middle finger. To spin the spinner, you need to make one push with the finger of the other hand. Having become a little more experienced, you can click on the blade with your middle finger.
Many tricks have already been mastered and invented using this toy. Here is the simplest trick - you need to spin the turntable and throw it from finger to finger. A more difficult trick is a blind throw behind your back. It is necessary to throw a rotating toy so as not to touch its blades, otherwise they will stop. And the ability to juggle several rotating gadgets is considered the height of skill.
Video how to use spinner:
This is how the spinner is used to perform tricks, video:
Why do we need a hand spinner, what is its use?
Initially, the hand spinner fidget was conceived as an anti-stress device that would relieve nervous irritation and excitement. Many people have bad habits such as finger tapping, nail or ballpoint pen biting, and smoking. The spinner distracts people from this and helps to get rid of these habits. This fashionable toy can also be used as a hand trainer. It develops the motor skills of the fingers and their sensitivity well, especially after injuries.
Hand spinner, when used correctly, helps children to get rid of excess energy, and adults to concentrate on solving certain tasks. But it is not recommended to use it during lessons at school, as students begin to be distracted by the toy.
How does a newfangled gadget work?
Spinner translated into Russian means - hub fairing, spinner, spider, top, spinner. In the central axis of the toy there is a bearing, a small ring with ceramic or metal balls inside. From above the bearing is closed by a cover, a plug. The speed and time of its rotation depend on the quality rating of the ABEC bearing. Many gadgets have additional bearings located closer to the center. They play the role of balance - the distribution of weight. If they are removed, then the spinner will rotate more slowly.
Pictured spinner hand toy
Three spinner, single, quad and other types of spinner toy use 608 and R188 bearings.
Hand fidget bearings:
- Ceramic bearings - well soften the vibration, the rotation is smoother. They are more expensive than steel types and are suitable for silent spinners.
- Steel bearings are easy to maintain, easy to clean, used for simple models.
- Hybrid bearings is a combination of ceramic and steel balls that strikes the perfect balance between vibration and value.
What are hand spinners?
- Single This design consists of a solid bar with a bearing in the center.
- Three-spinner - this gadget model is the most popular, consists of three blades and a bearing in the middle, reminiscent of a propeller.
- Quadra spinner - a model with four blades, similar to a cross or windmill.
They have good stability and smooth rotation, but this increases the weight and size of the gadget.
- Wheel - This spinner model has a round shape and resembles a cart wheel.
- Original, exotic models, such as shuriken, in the form of a ninja star, luminous, equipped with LEDs, use of cartridge cases as counterweights and others.
- A special type of 3D printed spinner. A lot of drawings have appeared on social networks, according to which you can print and assemble a fashionable toy in just one hour.
Model toys for hands are made of metal, wood, plastic. The surface of the gadget can be smooth or textured, the colors are very different. Light weight and convenient dimensions, aesthetic original design of the model make it pleasant to use.
Photo of a hand spinner with an unusual shape:
How to choose a hand spinner?
The appearance of the model matters a lot. A wide range of spinners allows you to choose a simulator toy, both for everyday use and for an original gift.
When choosing a fashionable gadget, you should pay attention to the volume of vibration when it rotates. Vibration is greatly affected by the bearings and the material from which the spinner is made. The faster the toy spins, the stronger the vibration sound.
Gadgets with ceramic and hybrid bearings rotate smoothly and vibrate quieter. The weight of the model also affects the vibration volume. Spinners made of plastic tend to be quieter than metal hand spinners.
Before you buy a turntable, you should try to scroll it to feel its ergonomics. Many beautiful, original hand spinners give a feeling of inconvenience and stiffness when rotated. Using heavy models during the day can cause discomfort in the hands, so it is better to use toys made of wood or plastic.
High-speed models with R188 bearing differ in speed and duration of rotation. These turntables can spin for up to ten minutes. This is achieved by combining the use of a high rating R188 bearing and the metal from which the spinner is made (copper, brass, steel). The time of use of gadgets or their durability depends on the material from which they are made and the care of the bearing.
How much does a hand spinner cost?
The cost of a fashionable toy is very different. The price for them directly depends on the material from which the hand spinner is made and ranges from one to seven hundred dollars.
The most popular hand toys are $5-$20 and are made in China or 3D printed. The average price of twenty to fifty dollars are gadgets made of metal with high quality bearings. Unique, high quality spinners will cost fifty dollars or more. Cheap gadgets in a large assortment are presented on aliexpress. You can also buy them in online stores and vape shops.
Hand spinner is a great toy for both children and adults. It can occupy our hands while being in traffic jams of a modern city, distract us from sad thoughts and calm our nerves. The positive toy will be useful for all ages.
Fidget spinner, video:
Video review of spinners:
A few months ago, Fidget Cube was discussed on the Internet - an interesting anti-stress device that allows you to cope with nervous tension. Well, or just have fun by clicking buttons, switches, rotating the ball and performing other calming actions. By the way, it’s even easier to perform in front of an audience with such a contraption - just don’t show everyone what exactly you are twisting in your hands. We already wrote about how the Fidget Cube appeared and what it is.
Now everyone has spinners on their lips (and in their hands too), the full name of which looks like this - Fidget Hand Spinner. It may seem that this thing was invented recently. But no, its history is richer than that of the "cubes" that were invented by a couple of creative engineers. Spinners appeared in the last century, and in 1993 a patent for a spinner was registered. The author of the invention is the chemist Katherine Hettinger.
The fact that it was Hettinger who invented the spinner was written by such well-known publications as The Guardian, The New York Times and New York Post.
She herself calls different versions of the creation of the spinner. Giving an interview to one of the newspapers, Katherine said that she got the idea to make a toy to relieve stress and nervous tension when she learned that Israeli teenagers were throwing stones at the police. According to the inventor, she decided to make a thing that can absorb the nervous energy of youth and "promote peace."
But in another interview, she said that she created the toy for her daughter when she suffered from Erb-Goldflam's myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune disease that causes pathological muscle fatigue syndrome). Catherine could not play with her daughter, so she made a toy for her with her own hands. She collected it from improvised materials. But after the daughter showed the toy to her friends, they wanted something similar for themselves.
As a result, the invention began to be manufactured and shipped in small batches in Florida. On May 28, 1993, Hettinger received a patent for a spinner. The patent expired in 2014 and she did not renew it.
The authorship of a chemical engineer raises some doubts among a number of patent specialists. These doubts were voiced, for example, in one of the Bloomberg News materials. The fact is that the spinners that appeared in 2017 are somewhat different from the Hettinger patented toy. True, she herself does not claim authorship of the current version.
One version of spinners, at rest and during rotation
Spinners in their modern form did not appear in 2017, but earlier. At the end of 2016, one of the authors of Forbes called the toy “a must-have for the office.” It is clear that after this publication, a huge number of readers drew attention to the gadget. Already in March 2017, spinner reviews began to appear on YouTube and Reddit. Entrepreneurial companies began to produce their own versions of spinners, which received a wide variety of colors and shapes. In May of this year, spinners became one of the top-selling items on Amazon. In ordinary stores, spinners sold like hot cakes. In fact, this trend continues to this day.
There are really many different spinners. A lot of? Yes, there are just too many of them!
Well, well, but is there an effect?
As a toy, the Fidget Hand Spinner draws attention. But is there a real effect - does the toy relieve stress? A number of publications at different times checked toys, interviewed doctors of various specialties. As it turned out, they still relieve stress. For some people, spinners help to concentrate on thinking about a task. Not everyone can concentrate with a spinner in their hand, but the toy still helps most.
This is a great gift for a child - a spinner helps children get rid of excess energy, which some people have too much. Even such an authoritative publication as U.S. News & World Report, and
It is believed that the first inventor of the fidget spinner was Katherine Hettinger. It was she who invented the spinner. She was a chemical engineer by education. This invention was first published in the New York Post, The Guardian and The New York Times. In an interview, she said that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a spinner came to her in Israel when she watched how the boys threw stones at the police. She immediately began to think about how to make such a “toy” that would help children release negative emotions and concentrate on other, safe things.
Another story about the interview is that Katherine designed the turntable for her daughter. Unfortunately, she herself could not often play with her daughter due to illness, so she invented an interesting replacement. The popularity of such a toy caught on, and Katherine began to make spinners at home (although they did not look like today's turntables), and sold them at fairs in Florida USA.
Fidget spinner patent
On May 28, 1994, Katherine filed a patent for a fidget spinner. It was a round device with soft plastic and an extension in the center to hold it with your fingers. Unfortunately, no manufacturer agreed in the production of such toys. In 2005, her patent expired and she did not renew it.
At present, the spinner created by Katherine and the "modern fidget spinner" are completely different. Therefore, there is no clear creator of this toy. Just like there is no clear understanding of the patent status of the product.
Who is the inventor of the spinner?
But in 2014, a similar spinner was invented by Scott McCoskery, but for personal purposes. She helped him cope with stress at business meetings. She then represented an iron rotating device. Many of his friends also learned about this anti-stress toy, and orders for personal production went on. And in 2016, Scott and a friend filed for a patent for a modern fidget spinner.
What is the meaning of rotation?
It is generally accepted that a spinner is an anti-stress toy that helps people with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to focus. They even say that the vibrations and sound of a spinning spinner create a kind of therapeutic effect. Such a little thing is made quite simply. All you need is a bearing and a few body lugs. Usually the spinner is held by the middle finger and spun with a small click.
Now there are hundreds of varieties of spinners. They differ in color, size, design. Their prices range from a few dollars to hundreds.
It is difficult to say exactly who is the inventor of the spinner. Initially, the creation of the spinner was attributed to Katherine Hettinger, a chemical engineer. In one of the interviews for the American media, she said that the idea of the toy came to her mind when she was in Israel. She saw Arab boys throwing stones at the police. She also wanted to come up with something that could help children release the accumulated energy. Then in another interview this version was changed. Katherine said that she created a toy for her daughter, who suffers from myasthenia gravis (an autoimmune disease that causes pathological muscle fatigue syndrome. Approx. Editorial). After the spinner became known to the public, Katherine began to manufacture it at home with the aim of selling it at art fairs.
Scott McCoskery invented his version of the spinner. In an interview, he revealed that he invented a spinning metal device to help him deal with the excitement of meetings and conferences.
New - well forgotten old
Still, it is a mistake to say that a spinner is a toy of the 21st century. Its prototypes were known in antiquity. After all, the essence of a spinner is the rotation of an object that maintains stability at one point of support. The most famous examples are top and top.
By the way, the Soviet teacher Efim Arkin wrote a book about the history of children's play in the 1930s, including a list of items called "original toys". And a spinning top, an analogue of a spinner, was included there.
An interesting thing was found during excavations of the sanctuary in Thebes. These clay cubes of the 5th century BC untwisted not with fingers, but with the help of a rope, like a yo-yo. Now they are kept in the Louvre collection.
Spinner prototypes were not always used as toys. Suffice it to recall the Japanese hira-shuriken used by the ninja. These blades were not considered the main weapons of battle, but often they played a decisive role in the battle.
Another ancient "spinner" was found during the excavations of the Mesopotamian city of Eshnunna. This triangular clay figurine was the top of an ancient mace. True, why make it from a fragile material is not clear.
A kind of spinning top was discovered at the excavations of Novgorod. According to historians of Moscow State University, these tops were used in the children's game of wooden tops-kubar. In the upper part of the top there was a special recess, on which the string was wound. With a sharp jerk, the string unwound and gave rotation to the pointed toy on the plane. With certain skills, and the boys possessed such, it was possible to spur the spinning top with a string, prolonging its rotation. The winner was determined by the duration of the rotation of the toy. There are about seven hundred such tops in the Novgorod collection. So we can say that Russians have love for spinners in their blood.
Natural propeller
Finding a spinner of natural origin is not easy. But it turned out that nature is also in the subject.
If you have ever paid attention to the Norway maple, you may have noticed that its fruits vaguely resemble a spinner with two blades. When the fruit starts to fall from the tree, it spins. As a result, complex aerodynamic effects arise. It is not for nothing that these fruits are popularly called helicopters. Thanks to the rotation, the maple fruit descends slowly, it is picked up by the wind and carried away from the mother tree. In this way, maples can spread their seeds over a much larger area. Many trees and shrubs have similar adaptations, there is even such a type of dry fruit - lionfish.
Most likely, you have recently seen that someone is spinning a strange object in their hands, similar to a small propeller, this is called spinner (English fidget spinner).
Spinners, fidget spinners, spinners is an anti-stress toy consisting of a bearing in the center and several body petals. It is usually held by the thumb and middle fingers, and untwisted with a small click.
There are hundreds of varieties of spinners, each different in color, size, design, and the price can vary from a couple to hundreds of dollars. Spinners can be found everywhere and in many, ranging from a bored child in the yard to people in expensive suits with unusual, luminous gadgets in their hands.
In this article, we'll tell you everything you need to know about your new hobby - how spinners work, how to find the right one for you, and why you need them.
Toy? Why and for what spinners are needed
Nervous people or just fidgets who fidget all the time, click with a ballpoint pen, tap the table with their fingers, tap the floor with their feet, bite their nails, etc. The list is endless, everyone knows such people, and many themselves have similar habits that annoy others. Spinners are designed to channel this strange energy and need to do something in a completely harmless direction. Although people who do not have such habits say that spinners help them focus.
Spinners perform the same function as the traditional “Chinese health balls”. Spinners are reported to help people with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder to focus. It is believed that the vibrations and sound from a spinning spinner create a therapeutic effect. In any case, everyone finds something of their own in spinners.
How the spinner works and works
Spinners do not require batteries to spin, although many are equipped with LEDs. Each spinner has a bearing in the central axis (more on bearings later) and it takes just one click of a finger to make the spinner spin. Basically, the central part is held between the thumb and middle finger, and “turned on” with the index finger, although you can start to rotate with the other hand, or in general, in any way and in any direction. Sometimes the spinners are not even in the hands, but are spinning in the palm of your hand or on the table, one hand presses the spinner and the other spins it, this allows you to noticeably speed up and increase the rotation time.
Part that is inserted or screwed into the center of the bearing, which allows you to securely hold the spinner with your fingers. Without a bearing cap, it will be very difficult to hold the spinner while spinning.
Frame or housing
The part of the spinner that rotates around the central bearing. About body types and petals are described in more detail below.
The bearing is located in the center of the spinner and looks like a small ring with metal or ceramic balls inside. Bearings have their own quality rating - ABEC, the higher the rating, the faster and longer it will rotate. The spinner uses only the central bearing, the outer bearings serve more as a decorative function and additional weight distribution for better balance.
Rotation time matters
Spinner rotation time, after spinning, may not matter to you, but for enthusiasts, this is the main indicator of the quality of a spinner. These hardcore players use high quality bearings, precise balance and the right materials just to keep the spinner spinning for as long as possible.
It may not seem like much, but trust me, once you spin your first spinner, you'll be surprised at how fast you want your spinner to spin faster and longer.
Of course, most people will be happy with the standard features, but enthusiasts are just trying to get a lot more out of it. Although the initial $5 spinner can spin for a minute or two if you're lucky. While the highest quality and most expensive models rotate for tens of minutes.
Spinner types
This is the simplest spinner design, which consists of one small bar with a bearing in the center. This design has the advantage of being compact, as it is much smaller than a typical tri-spinner. These spinners stand out from the rest, but don't let their size fool you, some of these little spinners can spin within five minutes!
This is the most common design of all spinners. Outwardly, it resembles a clover with three leaves, in the center of which there is a bearing. It often happens that the bearings are on each petal, all this is done for the balance and weight of the spinner. The designs are very different, some resemble a propeller or a ninja star, and so on. Tri-spinners are assembled, usually made of plastic, metal and wood, although there are also leather options.
Quad spinner
With the success of the tri-spinner design, it was only a matter of time before someone created a four-leaf spinner. They may look like crosses, windmills, or more complex designs. The quad spinner has better stability and smoother spin, but the greater weight and size may not be to everyone's liking.
Instead of petals, the spinner is completely round, like a wheel. Such spinners look like wheels from a cart or car.
Unique spinners that are difficult to classify. Some of them are triangular or have rounded shapes, some are even asymmetrical. Others may even have small, built-in, freely rotating steel balls or mechanisms. The only thing they have in common is their originality. Some of them may be small, like a coin, while others are huge and may resemble a miniature medieval torture device.
Many of these spinners are made from exotic metals such as mokume gane, Damascus steel, zirconium, tungsten and others.
3D printed
A special type of spinners, the frame of which is printed on a 3D printer, can be any of the above types. Printed and collected in just half an hour or an hour. There are hundreds of ready-made drawings on the net, a bunch of groups on Facebook and VKontakte, where people share ready-made spinners or print them to order.
Things to consider when buying a spinner
As with any hobby, people want to be able to express their individuality. Spinners come in a variety of styles, from the standard and most common tri-spinner to stars like ninja and batman. Some spinners will be more comfortable, but looks and aesthetics make a huge difference when choosing your first spinner.
Vibration and rotation sensation
Regardless of the materials of manufacture, spinners vibrate during rotation, some may like it more, some vice versa. The only thing that greatly affects the vibrations is the bearings and the material of the spinner, the faster the spinner rotates, the more vibrations and the louder the sound. Another option is slow and fast-extinguishing spinners when you need silence and want to irritate others as little as possible. In any case, you will have to choose between these two options, but if you want a minimum of vibration, look towards ceramic and hybrid bearings.
The weight of the spinner also affects the spinning volume. Cheap plastic spinners are usually quieter than heavier metal spinners, but as mentioned above, a lot depends on the bearing.
While enthusiasts are looking for spinners with a long spin, on the other hand there are people who, on the contrary, want to feel the vibration of spinners and spin them as often as possible, they like the process of spinning and feeling. Such people choose spinners primarily by their appearance or the feeling of vibration, in any case, only by twisting the spinner can you understand whether it suits you or not.
There is one thing that cannot be ignored about a spinner, and that is its ergonomics. Some designs are designed more for an amazing look, while others are more for a comfortable hold, finding a balance between them is quite difficult. For example, there are many spinners that look amazing but feel stiff and uncomfortable when unrolled. Heavy spinners can feel uncomfortable after a full day of use, so plastic and wood are better suited if you're looking for a quiet spin.
Price of spinners
Cheap $5-$20 spinners will most likely be 3D printed or assembled in China, but that doesn't mean they're bad, they're simple and work well. For $20-50, you can count on the middle segment of spinners, which use expensive and high-quality bearings and expensive metals: copper, brass, aluminum, etc. Anything over $50 is considered high-quality, sometimes unique, hand-assembled limited edition spinners.
There are many types of bearings and it is very easy to get confused, so we introduced the ABEC rating for bearings. The higher it is, the faster and longer the spinner will rotate. However, the faster it spins, the potentially louder it can be.
608 and r188 bearings
The most common type of bearing is 508, also found in roller skates and skateboards. Another type of bearing is called R188 and is faster but less stable due to the smaller inner diameter, such as are commonly found on high speed spinners. Despite their impressive rotation times, R188 bearings tend to be harder to clean and maintain. They are also more expensive because they are not as common as 508 bearings.
Most bearings are made of steel and contain steel balls inside. Such bearings are placed on simple spinners and require little maintenance and attention.
Ceramic bearings contain tiny ceramic balls inside that dampen vibrations and make rotation smoother. Ceramic bearings are more expensive than steel bearings and are great for quiet spinners and minimal vibrations.
Hybrid bearings are a cross between steel and ceramic bearings. Balls can be either steel or ceramic. Great balance between price and vibes.
You may have noticed that many spinners have three or four bearings that are closer to the edge. These bearings don't work and serve for weight distribution and aesthetics. If you pull them out, you will notice how slowly the spinner began to rotate.
Video showing how bearings affect rotation time:
Cheap vs expensive spinners
The difference isn't really that big, but the features listed below will probably make you want to spend a little more money than you bargained for.
Rotation time
For hardcore enthusiasts, spin time matters the most. High speed spinners can spin for five to ten minutes. As a rule, this is achieved by using heavy metals in the construction: steel, copper, brass. Add to that the quality and precision bearings and you'll see why they spin faster and longer than cheap ABEC-1 rated tri-spinners.
Smooth running
Quality spinners spin smoothly thanks to high ABEC R188 bearings. Some of them may have ceramic bearings and a well-thought-out design, which affects the smooth running and rotation of the spinner. And affects the time and smoothness of rotation.
Quality and precision
As already mentioned, the process of creation, material processing and accuracy, all this affects the speed of rotation of the spinner. High-quality spinners are made on CNC machines, which allow you to process surfaces with high precision. Not to mention the appearance and unusual designs.
The use of metals such as aluminium, steel or brass in spinners allows them to last longer and be more resistant to mechanical damage than cheap plastic spinners. As long as you maintain or replace bearings as needed, metal spinners can last a lifetime.
Rare and beautiful appearance
While there are beautiful spinners in the middle price range, when you look at the most expensive models, you will understand what a unique design is. Such spinners are more personalized, made from exotic materials and have individual original designs.
Where to buy spinners
Why spinners are sold in vape shops
People who are trying to quit smoking or switch to vaping use fidget spinners to facilitate this not so pleasant process. Nervousness and irritability are standard symptoms, so it is useful to keep yourself busy, just not to reach for a cigarette, spinners are ideal for such moments. In addition, spinners are produced by large companies that produce mods and electronic cigarettes.