3D print wargaming terrain
Wargaming Terrain best 3D printer models・Cults
Skrap Bitz for Sci-fi kitbashing 1
Necropolis Arch
FlipDungeon: Necropolis floor tile
Slender Skull Pillars
Necropolis Floor Tiles (horizontal printing variant)
Batch O Bulkheads for Scenic Crafting [SEPARATED]
Batch O'Bulkhead walls! - For Scenic Crafters
Legio Block Tank Trap Barrier for Wargaming (stackable)
Skull Bridge
Skull Plinths/Braziers
Skull Altar
Idol of Unholy Symmetry
Skull Great Pillar
Skull Pillar
Punching Vapors
ScatterBlocks: Steel Framework
Star Wars: Legion Terrain - Imperial resettlement camp "Tarkin Town"
Chemical Tanks
Alien Rock Formations
Industrial Hatch Counters (Version 2)
Caution Sign
Numeric Objective Markers: Small Mag-Crate
Caution Sign
Industrial Hatch Counters
Arcane Energy Collector
Shield Maiden Casualty
Large Rock Formation
Felled Evergreen Tree
Trollstone 10
Trollstone 9
Fish Drying Rack
Linnormr Nest
Tabletop - Castle Tower
Trollstone 8
Tabletop - Church buildings
Trollstone 6
Trollstone 7
Trollspawn Casualty
Trollstone 4
Gothic Terminals
SM Support Pillars (61mm)
SM Wall Link 2
Smokestack addon for Sector Mechanicus
Wall Addon for Sector Mechanicus
Imperial Platform / Bunker / Building tiles
Remix of Energy Generator by HardRockinAmigo
3d Printed Terrain - Etsy.

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3D File Box for wargames and role-playing games on the ground・3D printer model for download・Cults
Fence for miniature military and role-playing games
1 €
Modular fence for miniature wargames and role-playing games
2 €
Industrial terrain PACK for miniature military and role play
8 €
War games and role-playing games with container terrain
3 €
Field MEGAPACK! Azelum +60 files
22. 50 €
Industrial terrain PACKAGE for miniature military and role-playing games
8 €
UndergroundAirflow, terrain wargame
3 €
War games and role-playing games with container terrain
3 €
SANDBOX Bulding terrain 28mm For Wargame! 22 files!
modular platform, wargame terrain scifi tabletop wargame
12.50 €
Gascan for miniature wargames and role-playing games
1 €
Fence Terrain wargame and RPG
1.50 €
Best 3D printer files in Game category
Umberlee - Tabletop Miniature
Kuzya - flexible toy cat
2 €
600mm RC Airplane Cart
1. 15 €
Xxray Plus Brown (LINE FRIENDS)
5,76 €
Thwomp Magnet (New Super Mario Bros U)
Fred Weasley's wand - Harry Potter
3.99 €
Fortnite STL Morty Ax Life Size
9.61 €
Thin War Chest Control Markers
Bestsellers in the Game category
Flying unicorn
1.77 €
Lev Fu
5.50 €
Snake and rattlesnake
3.83 €
Octopus 2.0
3.83 €
Articulated snowman
2. 87 €
RC 1/10 Dodge Challenger
7,50 €
Emberfolk Fighters
9.61 €
Articulated dragon
3.83 €
Iron warrior heads and shoulder pads MK 3
4.28 €
4.25 €
Chopper motorcycle print-in-place
1 €
Lazy Cat
3.83 €
Altair Amberwatch
9.61 €
CRAMER Truggy RC 4x4 Full 3D Printed
7,50 €
Abandoned damaged spaceship compatible kill team in the dark or boarding action game
€14. -fifty% 7.20 € 41
Hrafnagud and ROKSS divisions
9.61 €
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PnP with their own claws Author - Mikhail Kropotov Hello friends. For all the time that I have been doing P&P building, subscribers sent me different recipes for making, they all had their pluses and minuses, but I never found the ideal way. So how do you do the PnP of your dreams, it’s up to you to decide, and in this article I will share my experience, and at least you won’t step on my rake. Most likely, those who have been pirating for more than a day will not read anything new. So what are the components of a game? Map of the area, deck of cards, rules + memos, tokens. Let's start from simple to complex: the rules.
1 of 2 I liked the brochures better in use, they are compact, convenient and economical.
1 of 2 Next we print the map of the area. Here, too, everything is simple, if there is a breakdown into small sheets - we print, then we glue it together, if not ... well then we knock on the public, good people will not refuse. However, I still recommend printing the card on paper, I personally suffered with glued cards that are constantly moving apart, or glued unevenly, it is much more pleasant to play on a solid card.
1 of 2 Card deck.
1 of 3 This is how my face looked when the printer misprinted the cards again.
And then someone will shout: “Hey! stop with the obvious things, you know why we are all here! How to make fucking COUNTERS!!!???”. First things first! Never mess with glue! It might be obvious to some! But I have to say it! PVA glue is evil! Glue stick fiend! NENADA! We buy self-adhesive A4 paper and print on it. The next step is to choose the basis for the token. Ordinary cardboard will not work, it is too thin and it will not be convenient for them to play.
1 of 2 So we have two ways. Make expensive-rich, or bum-style. Expensive-rich - we buy printed cardboard 1.5-2 mm thick and glue our printed self-adhesive on it. Then we take something spicy and cut into tokens.
1 of 3 I do not recommend cutting such thick cardboard with scissors, because they spoil the edge, you need to do this either with a scalpel or a clerical knife. I must say right away that this is not an easy task, and sometimes accidents happen.
1 of 2 Model scalpel, served me for five years in the modeling hobby, but fell from LnLT.
Homeless style. So, how do you make a token without too much trouble, so that it is thick enough, strong enough, and so that you don’t have to fiddle with complicated cardboard? Sit back, now the old pirate will share his sea secret... Are you ready? It's corrugated cardboard! What are you laughing at? Come on you . I know that such cardboard is sold anyway, but I use lids from office paper (homeless style).
1 of 2 In terms of thickness, as can be seen above, it is not inferior to ordinary cardboard, but it is much easier to cut it, without much difficulty it can be cut with scissors. However, tokens with this method are ugly. If someone is afraid that such tokens will delaminate, then I hasten to reassure you, my friends and I played two campaigns in Nuklear Winter 68 and there were no problems with them.
1 of 3 Another trick that applies to both types of token construction - do not try to stick both sides at once. If you try to combine two A4 formats at once, then you will most likely be mistaken. Even if it seems to you that you have adjusted everything exactly, even one degree of error is enough for a fatal shift to appear, which will ruin half of the printed tokens. I do this - I cut out a strip in two rows of counters, stick it on cardboard, then cut off this strip with cardboard and glue the back side. |