3D print adult toys
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3D printed sex toys - How to create a sex toy with 3D printing
What are the benefits of 3D printing for the sex toy industry?
A few specialized websites allow users to create custom sex toys online. Users can then download or stream the STL file to 3D print it at home using a desktop 3D printer.
It is also possible to design and purchase a 3D printed dildo online. The manufacturer 3D prints the object and then ships it to the customer. Companies that offer this type of 3D printing service can often produce 3D models and prints from pictures.
These are the main advantages of 3D printed sex toys:
- Customization: 3D printing offers unique personalization capacities, which is a powerful advantage for sex toys.
- Homemade: Sex toys can be 3D printed in the comfort of your own home. However, homemade 3D printed sex toys require some preparation to be safe for use.
Creating 3D printed sex toys at home
Downloading and 3D printing sex toy designs
Many online platforms offer a wide choice of 3D designs for adult toys. Cults3D, for instance, offers dozens of different sex toy designs, downloadable for free or at a low price. There is a large choice of shapes, colors, and sizes available.
Eccentric 3D designs (like celebrity busts) can also be found, along with penises of the most famous porn stars. The files can then be 3D printed on your own 3D printer. Before 3D printing a design, the most important things to check are the scale of the model and its orientation on the printing bed. Upwards is most of the time the best option.
A few examples of 3D printed sex toys available on SexShop3D.com3D print a mold for casting a silicon dildo
With a 3D sex toy design, it is possible to either 3D print a sex toy or 3D print a mold to create a silicone dildo. 3D dildos can also be purchased on the SexShop3d website, accessible only to a mature audience.
One of their creations, the Viper silicon dildo mold, is available for around $5 and the size of the printable mold can be resized according to one’s needs. The molds can be 3D printed even without support structures.
Dragon Skin® High-Performance Silicone Rubber material, a food-grade silicone, is recommended by most companies.
The Helisex by Castomized.com.Getting a good finish on 3D printed sex toys
There are several recommendations for making the 3D printed sex toy safe for intimate use:
- Make sure the material is non-toxic and safe for intimate interactions. Polished ABS coated with silicone is a very good option.
- Make sure the surface is smooth and nonporous: remember to carefully polish your 3D printed sex toy after 3D printing it using sandpaper to make the surface as smooth as possible. Then you can spray the 3D printed dildo with a silicone-based coating spray. Make sure the silicone spray you use to cover your 3D printed sex toy is food-safe.
- And of course, don’t forget to wash your 3D printed sex toy before and after every use 🙂
Services for 3D printing customized sex toys
Designing your own sex toy online
Online 3D software allows customers to create their own custom sex toys in 3D, such as dildo-generator. com. Such websites and services specializing in 3D printed sex toys are often easy to use and offer a preview of the object in the browser window.
Once completed, the 3D design can either be 3D printed and delivered (in an unmarked package!) by the merchant or downloaded by the customer in order to be 3D printed directly at home.
This unique approach could be the future of the sex toy industry, where digitally downloaded dildos could become an increasingly tempting alternative to the embarrassing trip to the local sex shop.
The dildo design experience on dildo-generator.com.Paris-based SexShop3D is among the most advanced in this niche but fast-growing sector. The company does not sell physical dildos or sex toys: they sell the 3D designs of these objects. Customers can easily customize, buy and securely stream the sex toys’ 3D file directly to their 3D printer. The platform even allows designers to sell their 3D sex toy creations.
This unique approach could be the future of the sex toy industry, where digitally downloaded dildos could become an increasingly tempting alternative to the embarrassing trip to the local sex shop.
You just need to get the free software OpenSCAD to open the Dildo Generator .scad script. This generator of sex toys for 3D printing allows you to change parameters such as the dildo length and diameter, before easily generating the STL file of the sex toy ready to be 3D printed!
Accessories for 3D printed sex toys
Bullet vibrators
It is easy to design 3D printed sex toys compatible with vibrators. Bullet vibrators are inexpensive and simple to integrate into plastic 3D printed sex toys. With a simple hole of 18 mm diameter and 60 mm in depth, the design will be compatible with most of the bullet vibrators available on the market.
The 3D printed sex toy will simply be turned into a vibe with different speed and power options. Some vibrators can be remotely controlled and offer multiple vibrating speeds.
For more information about this subject, a student started a DIY project and made an interesting mapping of the possibilities of vibrating 3D printed sex toys. Some technical details are discussed.
SexTech startups and 3D printed sex toys
Failed 3D printed sex toys startups
As explained in this ModelViewCulture article, SexTech startups live in a hostile business world. Those focusing on 3D printed sex toys are no exceptions.
One of the best examples of what could go wrong is what happened to intiimi, a startup whose mission was to develop a new kind of “Sexual Wellness Devices” intended to disrupt the 12-billion-dollars-per-year sex toy industry.
Intiimi wanted to offer mass customizable, cloud-enabled, robotized sex toys, offering the ability to measure and respond to one’s body states of arousal in real-time. Even if it was very promising, the project failed after a few months.
Another 3D printing startup on the sex toy segment that failed to deliver was FrenchCoqs. fr (cool name, huh?). They went bankrupt within one year of their launch.
The option to create a personalized 3D printed dildo shaped from real-life pictures was what you might call a killer app, but this did not bring in enough clients.
3D printing and safe DIY sex toys (18+)
3D printing
joke about this topic, and some http://witbox.ru/ even publicly
But the guys from SexShop3D took this topic to a serious level by creating a service that deals with the additive production of full-fledged products for sex.
The service offers a really wide range of ready-made products, as well as the opportunity to personally make an exclusive sex toy in the silence and comfort of your home. nine0003
Production is possible in two different ways:
First method
A 3D printer is taken (in the video above, in particular, a desktop 3D printer is used, in particular in the video - Ultimaker2, on which a two-part blank of the future product is printed Standard PLA is used for printing
The parts are then tightly bonded together and filled with silicone from Smooth-On The Dragon Skin 2 silicone rubber material used by SexShop3D is phthalate-free, non-toxic and generally hygiene, which makes it the optimal material for the production of such products. 0003
When mixed, flesh-colored dye is added to it, as a result of which we get an output that is indistinguishable from the factory blank for a future sex toy.
Method two
PLA is not used at all - instead the product is printed directly with silicone Using the same 3D printer, on which a special extruder is installed, a completely silicone mold is created. The principle, however, is the same. The only difference is that in this case the material does not linger in the extruder, but is applied very smoothly, as a result of which, layer by layer, we get an impeccable model of the desired product. nine0003
In addition to the commercial direction, the service makes instructions for DIY toys at home.
Free services for creating models include http://www.dildo-generator.com/ More information can be found at http://www.aniwaa.com/3d-printed-sex-toys/
Above all In addition, SexShop3D willingly cooperates with independent 3D model designers and offers anyone who wants the opportunity to use its platform to promote their projects on very favorable terms (from 50 to 80 percent of revenue - depending on the number of sales and commission on a particular workpiece). nine0003
Turning a blind eye to all ethical prejudice, the company positions itself as a service based on innovative 3D technologies, and proves time after time that even sex products can be more accessible and specialized if they are made using additive manufacturing.
In a matter of minutes, customers are able to select and customize a product that will meet the highest requirements. Thus, the adult industry keeps pace with the times, and 3D technologies occupy another niche in the market of goods and services. nine0003
Subscribe to the author
Adult toys are always a product so individual and intimate that even just discussing it causes a lot of inconvenience. 3D printing was bound to reach this industry sooner or later. But because of such moral barriers, it may never develop in this direction. nine0003
SexShop3D took a decisive step to overcome this problem.
Using 3D technology, Pocket Pussy created the first customizable and toy for men using 3D scanning modeling. The company hopes that the potential of 3D with the help of their development will begin to expand significantly towards intimate accessories.
3D printing has a lot of advantages that are necessary to create such a product. Understanding the basics of modeling, you can create a purely individual product that you need. In addition, you do not have to visit intimate shops, which many are simply embarrassed to enter. nine0003
Researchers confirm that when any entertainment technology is used in sex, interest in it begins to grow.
SexShop3D is a fairly thriving company founded by Thomas Sankelot that has found its niche in the 3D technology field. Its strategy is based on selling adult toy printables. Now the company has about a hundred models of such a product.
In addition, they decided to start producing silicone accessories themselves, which definitely guarantees a better performance of existing models. nine0003
It's now clear that the next step for SexShop3D will be to create their own low-priced merchandise that will be distributed over the Internet.
The first step was the manufacture of Pocket Pussy - individual adult toys for our females. Experts agree that instead of printing at home, most people will prefer the cheap production of necessary products through companies like SexShop3D.