Top 3d printer manufacturers
5 Biggest 3D Printing Companies
DDD, PRLB, and FARO lead the 5 biggest 3D printing companies list
Nathan Reiff
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Nathan Reiff has been writing expert articles and news about financial topics such as investing and trading, cryptocurrency, ETFs, and alternative investments on Investopedia since 2016.
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Updated August 01, 2022
Reviewed by
Thomas Brock
Reviewed by Thomas Brock
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Thomas J. Brock is a CFA and CPA with more than 20 years of experience in various areas including investing, insurance portfolio management, finance and accounting, personal investment and financial planning advice, and development of educational materials about life insurance and annuities.
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The manufacturing process known as 3D printing is one of the most promising and rapidly developing technologies with applications across a multitude of industries. 3D printing involves the additive layering of thin sheets of material that are fused together to create a physical product from a digital design. While the industry is currently hampered by relatively slow production times, advocates believe that 3D printing ultimately will have the capability to mass produce everything from medical equipment to automotive parts to airline components. Below, we look at the 5 biggest 3D printing companies by 12-month trailing (TTM) revenue. This list is limited to companies that are publicly traded in the U.S. or Canada, either directly or through ADRs. Some foreign companies may report semiannually, and so may have longer lag times. All data are from YCharts as of September 8, 2020.
- Revenue (TTM): $566.6 million
- Net Income (TTM): -$78.4 million
- Market Cap: $632.3 million
- 1-Year Trailing Total Return: -24.6%
- Exchange: New York Stock Exchange
3D Systems invented 3D printing in 1989 with the development and patenting of its stereolithography technology, which uses ultraviolet lasers to help create highly precise parts. DDD built on that by developing new technologies, including selective laser sintering, multi-jet printing, film-transfer imaging, color jet printing, direct metal printing, and plastic jet printing. 3D Systems has three business units: products, materials, and services. The products category offers 3D printers and software and includes small desktop and commercial printers that print in plastics and other materials.
- Revenue (TTM): $451.0 million
- Net Income (TTM): $58.6 million
- Market Cap: $3.9 billion
- 1-Year Trailing Total Return: 58.2%
- Exchange: New York Stock Exchange
Proto Labs was founded in 1999 with a focus on building automated solutions to develop plastic and metal parts used in the manufacturing process. The company expanded to launch an industrial-grade 3D printing service that allowed developers and engineers to move prototypes into the production process. The company's primary business services include injection molding, sheet metal fabrication and 3D printing.
- Revenue (TTM): $334.7 million
- Net Income (TTM): -$79.7 million
- Market Cap: $1.0 billion
- 1-Year Trailing Total Return: 20.6%
- Exchange: NASDAQ
FARO specializes in 3D measurement and other services for the fields of architecture, engineering, and construction. With a 40-year history, FARO' began before the advent of 3D printing. The company's products include coordinate measuring machines, laser trackers and projectors, mappers, scanners, and software. FARO also serves the aerospace, automotive, and power generation industries.
- Revenue (TTM): $205.3 million
- Net Income (TTM): -$2.7 million
- Market Cap: $1.9 billion
- 1-Year Trailing Total Return: 94.8%
- Exchange: NASDAQ
Belgian company Materialise has a 30-year history providing 3D printing solutions and related software. It provides platforms to facilitate the development of 3D printing applications in industries such as healthcare, automotive, aerospace, and art and design. Some of the company's first 3D printing activities included anatomical models in both dental and hearing aid products. Materialise also produces eyewear and automobile products.
- Revenue (TTM): $52.9 million
- Net Income (TTM): -$14.5 million
- Market Cap: $238.2 million
- 1-Year Trailing Total Return: 48.3%
- Exchange: NASDAQ
ExOne specializes in manufacturing 3D printing machines for customers across various industries. It also produces 3D printed products to specification for industrial customers. ExOne 3D printers utilize binder jetting technology, fusing powder particles of materials like metal or sand into molds, cores, and other products.
Article Sources
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YCharts. "YCharts."
3D Systems. "Our Story."
Materialise. "Timeline."
24 Top 3D Printing Companies You Should Know 2022
Think of 3D printing as erosion in reverse. Bodies of water wear substances down layer by near-imperceptible layer; 3D printers build substances up in a similar way. Like all technology, of course, 3D printing isn’t nearly as old as the tides.
The concept dates back to the early ‘80s, when Dr. Hideo Kodama almost patented it in Japan. Due to a bureaucratic issue, though, Kodama’s patent never went through. Consequently, credit for 3D printing typically goes to Charles Hull, an American engineer who founded 3D Systems, the original 3D printing company, back in 1986. It made the first machines that could translate digital designs into 3D cured-resin artifacts.
Nowadays, 3D printing is a thriving industry. Modern printers range from desktop models to industrial giants to “bioprinters,” which can create human tissue. That’s not to mention the 3D-printing software, where objects get designed and optimized, and on-demand printing shops.
Here are 24 companies that are thriving in the 3D printing space.
Top 3D Printing Companies to Know
- HP
- Stratasys
- 3D Systems
- Makerbot
- Stratasys
- nTopology
- Desktop Metal
- Protolabs
- Xometry
- Glowforge
24 3D Printing Companies to Know
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
The GE Additive team specializes in hardware, software and consulting services for 3D-printed metal parts. Utilizing direct metal laser melting and electron beam melting processes, the company’s additive machine hardware melt and layer metal powders to build custom part solutions. GE Additive products have created parts for use in orthopedic implants, aircrafts, automobiles and industrial manufacturing tools.
Location: Palo Alto, California
Known for its PC and related hardware, HP also offers personal 3D printers as well as 3D-printing software, services and varied materials. HP’s Jet Fusion printer series are multi-material compatible and scalable to manufacturing needs, with its Jet Fusion 5210 model able to print approximately 550 parts per week. The company’s 3D printing services have come in handy for industries ranging from aerospace to consumer goods and electronics.
Location: Somerville, Massachusetts
Formlabs makes various 3D printers, which range from desktop to industrial formats. The Form 3 and Form 3L, two of the smaller styles, rely on laser light and a flexible tank of resin to print quickly and precisely. Both can create features as narrow as one thousandth of an inch, which comes in handy for printing New Balance’s new midsoles. Made from a substance called Rebound Resin, these bouncy creations look less like traditional foam and more like sprays of Spiderman’s webbing.
Location: Watertown, Massachusetts
Many 3D printers use plastic filament, but not those made by Markforged. Its industrial printers can print hardier substances, including nylon, carbon fiber and even metal — hence the “forge” in Markforged. (Continuing the metal theme, it also makes AI manufacturing software called Blacksmith.) Integrated into factories worldwide, this company’s printers reportedly have helped transform supply chains by accelerating prototype and replacement part manufacturing.
Location: Gaithersburg, Maryland
Xometry began as a way to simplify prototyping. Its software eliminated the need for companies to slowly and laboriously gather quotes from manufacturers. Instead, they could access six different types of 3D printers on demand and at instantly-quoted rates. That model has attracted high-profile clients like car manufacturer BMW, which relies on Xometry for custom trim, logos and other unique and tooling-heavy touches that are printed from carbon fiber tubing.
Location: New York, New York
Focused less on 3D printing hardware than software, nTopology’s NTop Platform can be integrated into 3D printing engineering workflows. A standout feature: It can autonomously tweak and streamline existing designs, removing clunkiness and excess weight so designers can focus on more important problems and avoid busywork — whether they’re printing medical devices or rocket nozzles.
Location: New York, New York
Shapeways 3D prints designs on demand in a choice of more than 50 materials, including plastic, sandstone and platinum. Customers simply log in to the site, upload a design and place an order, which prints in one of the two Shapeways factories and arrives via mail. It’s online shopping, really, but instead of browsing the wares, shoppers design them. Shapeways also has a team of designers on hand to help users bring their visions to fruition.
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More on 3D PrintingPros and Cons of 3D Printing
Location: Rock Hill, South Carolina
The original 3D printing company remains on the cutting edge of the field. 3D Systems Corporation makes a broad spectrum of 3D printers, which work via stereolithography, a liquid-to-solid process, and a powder to solid process called selective laser sintering. Printers make everything from metal artifacts to plastic filaments to custom dental implants. 3D Systems also offers a constellation of related products, like 3D scanners and design software.
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Location: Seattle, Washington
This company’s namesake 3D printer, Glowforge, can print with almost any material. Kid-friendly and intended for home use, it creates custom designs from plastic, wood and even chocolate. Though it allows for creativity, that’s not required; the hardware comes pre-loaded with a catalog of cool designs for everything from monogrammed macarons to a wooden Settlers of Catan game board.
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Fast Radius has replaced old-school, centralized factories with a network of smaller “manufacturing lighthouses” — a move for which the company was named one of the globe’s leading factories by the World Economic Forum. At each of its fabrication plants, the company 3D-prints and injection-molds parts for industrial use and quickly ships them off. Its partnership with UPS, paired with the company’s distributed structure, means it can often offer next-day delivery, even on custom builds.
Location: Redwood City, California
This startup has a minimal web presence — it’s still in stealth mode — but it focuses on 3D printed buildings. Specifically, Mighty Building makes tiny-house-esque “backyard studios” with a massive printer that barely fits in a warehouse. The company offers three studio models so far, which max out at less than 600 square feet. That’s smaller than many studios, but the pint-sized standalone structures are surprisingly stylish and functional, outfitted with floor-to-ceiling windows and working bathrooms.
Location: Redwood City, California
Every 3D printing process involves fusing layers into a whole, but Carbon has reinvented the fusing process. Called Digital Light Synthesis, the technique smooths away the “seams” that 3D printing often produces. This creates a seamless finish, and a stronger product — traditionally 3D-printed objects’ strength can vary, depending on whether the nozzle moved clockwise or counterclockwise in production.
Location: Los Angeles, California
Divergent 3D aims to streamline and decentralize car manufacturing. That means moving production out of multi-million-dollar factories and into a networked cluster of 3D printing shops. In these smaller, warehouse-like spaces, the Divergent 3D team relies on end-to-end design software and industrial printers to create light, safe, fast cars. As of 2017, the company had prototyped two vehicle models: a motorcycle called the Dagger, and a sleek low-riding sports car called the Blade. (Cutting-edge, indeed!)
Location: Los Angeles, California
SprintRay is a 3D printing company specializing in dental products. The company’s RayWare software is specifically designed with dental professionals in mind as it pairs CAD automation and allows for connection to SprintRay’s printers, making modeling dental products more streamlined. The software also allows users to save edited models and export to other CAD services. In addition, SprintRay offers a host of 3D dental printers as well as cloud solutions that reduce the need for hardware and allow for more mobile printing.
Location: Burlington, Massachusetts
Desktop Metal condensed a steel mill into a box smaller than a refrigerator that easily fits through an office door. No special ventilation is required, and there’s no open flame, laser light or loose powder involved. It just needs power and an internet connection to 3D-print with steel. More specifically, this company’s printer extrudes rods of a powdered steel alloy, wax and polymer binder. (The company is developing copper and nickel filaments, too.) The printer first cooks away the binding. It then welds steel layers together in its furnace. Though it’s a very contained process, it’s also transparent — users can watch it unfold via livestream.
More on 3D PrintingFive 3D Printing Applications in Construction
Location: Waltham, Massachusetts
Nano Dimension’s combines 3D printing products with AI to create streamlined 3D-printed circuits and devices. Imbued with its DeepCube neural network, the company’s printers are able to detect and correct manufacturing errors in real-time, improving part quality and reducing material costs. In addition, Nano Dimension hosts surface-mount technology hardware and software for automated assembly needs.
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Location: Solana Beach, California
With 3D-printed tissue, this company takes lab testing to the next level. Organovo’s bioprinting technology builds fabricated multicellular tissues, giving a wider three-dimensional view of cellular function and structure in comparison to views in a two-dimensional petri dish. Specialists can utilize these tissue creations to assess pharmacology and structural factors of a disease, and have already been able to simulate liver, kidney, bone and other cellular environments.
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Location: Miami, Florida
Rokk3r has helped more than 30 companies streamline their business plans with “exponential technologies.” (That means tech that helps them outperform competition by a factor of at least ten.) Those technologies include blockchain, Internet of Things connectivity, and, you guessed it, 3D printing. The latter can exponentially reduce the number of parts required in complex manufacturing, which accelerates and simplifies the whole process.
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Location: New York, New York
Though MakerBot printers have many industrial applications, the company also makes a newbie-friendly desktop printer, the Replicator+, that’s found in more than 7,000 classrooms. Makerbot complements that popular hardware with free lesson plans that incorporate 3D printers and are available via download or book form. In one suggested earth science lesson plan, for instance, students print models of different cloud types to literally grasp the distinction between cumulus and cirrus. And that’s just one of the new options Replicator+ opens up for students who learn best through touch and action.
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Location: San Mateo, California
This company specializes in 3D printing for gamers. Whether clients want custom board game pieces or 3D-printed replicas of their ship in the Star Trek video game, Mixed Dimension’s printer can make it happen. Capable of more than 10 million colors, it’s high-resolution enough for photo-caliber projects. Users can upload screenshots or CAD designs of their desired spaceship, or work with staff artists to turn imagined gaming tableaus into 3D realities.
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Location: Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Stratasys has been in the 3D printing industry since 1988 — almost as long as 3D printing has existed. During that time, it has racked up more than 250 granted or pending patents worldwide. Today, the company helps clients like Audi and Lockheed Martin perfect their manufacturing process with 3D printing. It also manufactures printing hardware for Hewlett-Packard as well as its own brands. Ever the industry leader, Stratasys remains on the cutting edge, especially when it comes to recycling. Clients can send used cartridges, print engines and other parts back to the company for green disposal.
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Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
CELLINK focuses on “bioprinting,” the 3D printing of bone, cartilage, and, maybe someday, functioning human organs. Any and all of that is possible with the company’s patent-pending universal bioink — a soup of stem cells and alginate derived from brown seaweed. More than 700 labs worldwide currently use the substance. The company also makes complementary technology: 3D printers, software and specialty inks designed for specific types of tissue.
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Location: Maple Plain, Minnesota
Protolabs speeds up the manufacturing process. As its name suggests, the business began as a quick-turnaround prototyping company. In 2014, however, it added a 3D printing shop to speed the transition between the prototyping phase and small batch testing. That shop now has more than 100 printers that can print metal, plastic and other materials.
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Location: Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium
Materialise focuses on 3D printing software, which makes complex printing hardware accessible to engineers, healthcare professionals and even fashion designers. Designer Anoul Wipprecht, for example, used Materialise software to print a surreal, bubble-wrap-like dress that also tracks the wearer’s mood. The company’s comprehensive digital suite includes tools for drafting and optimizing designs, controlling printers mid-job and managing 3D printing workflows.
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top 10 rating according to KP
A 3D printer opens up incredible opportunities for a person. The first prototype of such a device was born back in 1984. The idea of the invention belongs to the American Charles Hull, he received a patent for it only two years after development. The printer was a rather massive industrial installation and, despite many inaccuracies and shortcomings in operation, the technology was used.
Hal co-founded 3dsystems, a leader in industrial 3D printers. However, this material is not dedicated to these large machines. 3D printing is becoming more and more part of everyday life. Thus, the technology is used to create unique toys, various models, figurines, packaging, clothes, shoes and jewelry. For these purposes, it is not at all necessary to purchase a large-sized printer. You can get by with a small device. It has a compact size, and its technology is completely identical to the industrial one. Heated plastic is fed through the nozzle (spout) of the device, which is laid out on the surface in accordance with the drawing specified in the program. And if earlier such a device was a luxury that only a few can afford, today a 3D printer is available to everyone.
Top 10 rating according to KP
1. Creality3D Ender 3
Creality3D Ender 3. Photo: Our rating opens with a model from the world's largest manufacturer of 3D printers. The Ender 3 features an elegant and thoughtful design, excellent print quality and a wide build area. Manufacturers have provided a good arrangement of wires that do not get confused during operation. The small control unit of the device is located to the right of the work surface. The gadget prints perfectly with various types of plastic. In particular, we are talking about varieties of ABS, PLA, TPU and PETG. The scope of this printer is quite wide. It can be used to produce minifigures, do artistic modeling, and make small prototypes of parts and functional elements.
Main characteristics
Print technology | fdm/fff/pjp |
Field | PLA, Wood |
Workspace width | 220 mm |
Workspace height | 250 mm |
The depth of the workspace | 220 mm |
Features | Heated table, displays, active cooling, nozzle change, USB, Micro SD |
Press speed | 180 mm/sec | Number of extruders | 1 |
Pros and cons
Possibility of using various types of plastic, high quality of parts, reliable design
A small display that displays only basic information
2. FlashForge Adventurer 3
FlashForge Adventurer 3. Photo: The model from the Chinese developer FlashForge took the second position in our rating. The device is equipped with a Wi-Fi receiver, a removable heated pad for printing. In addition, manufacturers have provided a built-in webcam, a closed case and a color touch-screen display. The latter, although it does not support the Russian language, is intuitively understandable. The ergonomics of the device is provided by the filament sensor: if the printer runs out of plastic, it automatically goes into standby mode and does not idle.
Pros and cons
Webcam and Wi-Fi receiver allows you to monitor work, devices from anywhere in the world in the setting, the presence of a filament sensor
Despite the rather wide functionality, this model is hardly suitable for an experienced printer or a small production due to the small area of the working space, high price

Main characteristics
Print technology | fdm/fff/pjp | ||
Field | for house/DIY, Essential level | ||
Open Cam | Open Cam | ABS, PLA, Wood, HIPS | |
Workspace width | 255 mm | ||
Workspace height | 210 mm | ||
Working space | 210 mm | ||
Features | Heated table, display, active cooling, nozzle adjustment, temperature control | ||
Connection | Wi-Fi, SD | , SD , SD 9001||
Print speed (extruder speed) | 150mm/s | ||
Number of extruders | 1 | ||
Printing accuracy | X, Y 0.![]() | ||
Positioning accuracy | Z 0.002 mm |
Pros and cons
Short power cord, inaccuracies in the Russian-language menu, weak airflow system.
4. Anet N4
Anet N4. Photo: market-yandex.ruThe budget model from the Chinese manufacturer Anet N4 is equipped with all the necessary functions for a small domestic production. The base of the device is made of cast aluminum alloy. The weight of the gadget does not exceed 9kg. A transparent tinted hood protects the work surface from external sources of ultraviolet radiation. It can be removed to remove the finished product and clean the printer. Also, manufacturers have provided a removable resin bath and a working platform, which greatly facilitates the use of the device.
Key Features
Print Technology | LCD | |
Application | Home/DIY Professional | 30 mm/h |
Pros and cons
Ability to use photopolymer resins from any manufacturer, high polymer curing speed
Small work surface, slightly inferior to competitors in some parameters
Photon Scu0bic0 Anycu0bic08 5.
In the middle of our rating is the Anycubic Photon S model. It is equipped with an advanced optical system and a large working camera. The device has a matrix light source that provides a uniform luminous flux over the entire plane of the desktop. This allows a very high curing speed of the layers to be achieved. In addition, the printer has an original function that allows you to simultaneously print eight identical models. According to the developers, the target audience for this device are orthodontists and jewelers. Most parts of the device are made of plastic. This factor significantly reduces the weight of the device and makes it convenient to transport.
Plus and minuses
High printing quality
Small worktop
6. ELEGOO Mars Pro
ELEGOO Mars Pro.
This model is significantly different from its predecessor Elegoo Mars. Thanks to the advanced Z-axis mechanics and directional UV light from the diode array, it is suitable not only for hobbies, but also for fields of activity such as dentistry and jewelry. In addition, the developers moved the USB connector to the front of the device. Now there is no need to constantly rotate the gadget in the process. The weight of the device is only 7.5 kg, which makes it very convenient for transportation. A translucent plastic cover will reliably protect against extraneous radiation and will allow you to monitor the production process.
The main characteristics
Print technology | LCD |
Scope | for home/diy, for medicine |
Print speed: (layer build-up) | 22.![]() |
Print precision | X, Y 0.047 mm |
Positioning accuracy | Z 0.125 mm |
The wavelength of light source | 405 Nm |
PLASS AND MINCOUS COUREDENDENT, LIGHT price, good UF-Room Light 9,0008 7. Two Trees Bluer
Two Trees Bluer. Photo: This is one of the most popular home models of 3D printers. It is ideal for getting acquainted with technology, various experiments, training and prototyping. Distinctive features of Two Trees Bluer are: "quiet" drivers, which are the engine of the device, a heated table, two-way airflow and a thread break sensor. The mechanics of the printer is quite simple, and at the same time very effective. The open type case will be very convenient when cleaning the work surface. The firmware of the device provides the functions of auto-calibration and automatic resumption of printing in case the power was accidentally turned off.
Pros and cons
Low price, easy and convenient to use
Lack of protection for the work surface, poor quality of spare parts
8. Wanhao Duplicator i3 Mini
Duplicator Mini i3. Photo: market-yandex.ruMiniature 3D printer does not look like other devices. However, this feature does not affect its technical characteristics. The plastic spool is located on the right side of the bracket. Wanhao branded coating is pasted over the table. There is no platform heating, so it is recommended to use PLA plastic for printing. The manufacturer clearly states in the manual that the printer is designed to work only with PLA material and nothing else. The body of the gadget is made of sheet steel. The memory card slot and all printer control elements - a monochrome liquid crystal display, a universal knob-button and a Reset micro-button - are placed on the front panel of the printer.
The main characteristics
Print technology | FDM/FFF/PJP | ||||||||||||||||||
Field | Educational, for House/DIY, for medicine | ||||||||||||||||||
Openly Camera | Open | PLA | |||||||||||||||||
Working space width | 120 mm | ||||||||||||||||||
Working space height | 100 mm | ||||||||||||||||||
The depth of the workspace | 135 mm | ||||||||||||||||||
Features | displays, active cooling, speed control, temperature control | ||||||||||||||||||
USB, SD card | ) | 70 mm/s | |||||||||||||||||
Number of extruders | 1 | ||||||||||||||||||
Printing accuracy | X, Y 0.![]() |
Print technology | FDM/FFF/PJP |
Scope | Educational, for the house/DIY, Industrial, Professional Material |
ABS, Flex, Nylon, PLA, PETG, SBS, CopperFILL, DuraForm TPU | |
Working width | 220 mm |
The height of the workspace | 250 mm |
Dent of the workspace | 220 mm |
Features | Heated table, Active streaming, Control adjustment, Tempension |
USB, micro-SD | |
Print speed (extruder speed) | 150 mm/s, |
Number of extruders | 1 |
Pros and cons
Spacious work surface, robust housing
Little functionality for a rather high price, lack of work surface protection, few functions on the control screen.
10. Tianfour Sparkmaker
Tianfour Sparkmaker. Photo: market-yandex.ruThis model is ideal for beginners, as it does not require additional settings at all before starting work. Externally, the printer has the shape of a cylinder with a height of 27.5 cm and a diameter of 17 cm. The realistic contours and smooth curves of the figures are ensured by LCD technology. The printer works with any photopolymer resins for 3D printing with a flash length of 405nm.
How to choose a 3D printer
Choosing a 3D printer is not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance. Despite the relentless interest in 3D printing and the incredible number of devices on the market, the basic requirements for models remain unchanged. Komsomolskaya Pravda turned to Svyatoslav Vulf, a blogger and host of a YouTube channel about modern technologies and experiments, for help in this matter. He regularly monitors new products on the 3D technology market and tests them at home.
Product size
Initially, you should decide what size of products you expect to receive in the end. The required area of the working surface depends on this. Note that the price of the device also depends on the size of the latter. For work at home, there will be enough indicators: 200 × 250 × 200 (WxHxD).
Today, there are several technologies for printing on a 3D printer. They differ significantly from each other. Let's consider some of them.
SLA-technology — works on the basis of a liquid photopolymer, which under the influence of laser light changes its physical properties and hardens. It allows you to create figurines with the highest precision of microforms.
DLP technology is an alternative SLA method. However, instead of laser systems, LED projectors are used here, which significantly reduce the cost of 3D printers. When using this technology, the future prototype is formed layer by layer.
The FDM method is ideal when prototypes are required that will be actively used and not just sitting on a shelf. Here, high-strength industrial plastics will be used for production. Please note that there are other technologies, but they are very similar to the above.
Before buying a printer, you should also pay attention to what materials it works with, as they have significant differences from each other. For example, ABS can take many different polymeric forms. This is a very durable plastic. It is easily sanded and processed. PLA plastic is considered more environmentally friendly. It is made from agricultural products - corn, potatoes, beets and others. In its original form, it is transparent and can be colored. PLA is just as strong but tougher than ABS. The ductility and heat resistance of SBS make it the material of choice in engineering and mechanical applications.
Noise level and drivers
An important factor when choosing a 3D printer are drivers - device engines (not to be confused with software). They affect the overall noise level of the device. For example, if you buy a printer with cheap A4988, then even neighbors will hear its work. In this case, you should pay a little more and purchase a gadget with more expensive drivers.
Some manufacturers prepare the model completely before sale. The buyer can only get the printer out of the box and connect the power. However, there are some models that require self-assembly. Be sure to consider this factor before purchasing. If you are purchasing such a device for the first time, then it will not be easy for you to assemble it.
3D Printer Manufacturers: Quality 3D Printers
3D Printer Manufacturers
If you are interested in 3D printing and want to buy your own 3D printer, you might be wondering which 3D printer manufacturers are out there. In this article, we will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible and list the existing manufacturers.
Of course, it makes no sense to talk about all the developers, because there are a lot of them. Manufacturers of 3D printers today are divided not only by the type of technology used by their devices, but also by the class of devices.
In general, all 3D printer manufacturers can be divided into three groups:
- Professionals. They produce the highest quality equipment, including industrial ones. The cost of their goods, respectively, is significantly higher than the average market prices, but the buyer pays not only for the brand, but also for reliability;
- Middle segment. The vast majority of 3D printer manufacturers fall into this category. These are companies that have already established themselves in the market, but have not yet reached a certain point. It produces good quality products at an affordable price;
- Start-up producers. Basically, these are young enthusiastic developers who are eager to bring their product into circulation. It is possible that their products can be quite good, but often such 3D printers are very raw and unfinished.
Other questions and answers about 3D printers and 3D printing:
Quality 3D printer
Of course, if you want to buy your own device for 3D printing, you want to buy the highest quality 3D printer. But what if all the manufacturers of 3D printers are touting their products? How to decide? Let's figure it out.
First of all, you should trust only proven equipment developers. See which 3D printer manufacturers have been on the market for a long time and what they offer.
Secondly, analyze the proposed options. Compare prices and features of 3D printers, see reviews. It is also a good option to get professional advice from distributors. For example, in 3DDevice you will always be helped to make a choice.
Popular 3D printers
In order to bring some clarity and help you make your choice, it is worth mentioning the most popular 3D printers. Well-known 3D printer manufacturers such as Stratasys, 3D Systems, MakerBot, Formlabs, CreatBot, Ultimaker offer good options and the market is flooded with their products. The advantage of choosing a popular 3D printer is its ease of use. After all, there is probably a training video or a review on the desired model on the network.
Of course, when choosing a 3D printer, you should not focus solely on the manufacturer. There are many selection criteria to consider. However, 3D printer manufacturers are not the last factor to consider.
If you have additional questions that we have not covered, write to us by e-mail and we, if necessary, will add your questions! Best regards, 3DDevice team.
We would like to remind you that in our store you will find a large number of equipment for 3D printing - desktop and professional 3D printers. We also have 3D scanners, 3D plastic and photopolymer resins, as well as spare parts and accessories at the best prices on the market with delivery throughout Ukraine. In addition, we provide 3D modeling, 3D printing and 3D scanning services. For all questions, please contact us in any of the ways convenient for you using these contacts.