Rubik's cube 3d print model
Rubiks best STL files for 3D printer・Cults
Brain teaser puzzle
Square-1 Cover
Rubiks Clock Cover
Rubik's Cube Box - big size
Rubiks Cube Storage Box
Rubiks Cube Stand
Rubiks Cube stand
Penrose Cube 1x1
Bullet Bill - Rubik´s 2x2
Crazy Split 1x2x3 Core + Lego 4M axles (370526)
Sun Cuboid Core
Cube Solver
Cube solver 2.
Rubik's Cube Broken Pendant
Ghost Cube
rubik's cube
Rubiks Cube Stand Quick Print
Pokeball + Rubik's Cube [3x3].
Minimal Rubik Cube Stand
Rubik's cube stand
Rubik's Cube Wall Mounts
Pokeball + Rubik's Cube [Square-1].
Mini Ghost Square-1 3 cm!

Mini Fisher Square-1 3 cm!
Square-1 Giant 18 cm!
Box for Rubik's Race
Mini Square-1 of 3 cm!
Mini Megaminx of 4.5 cm!
Cube d'essaie
Rubik's Snake
PopUp Cube Box
Slide Up Rubik's Cube Box
PiMat Rubiks Cube Timer
2-Layer Triangular Prism Puzzle
Cubo di Rubik
rubik's cube machine
3x3 cube edge
€0. 69
Norbuk's Cube
Rotary Ball Puzzle
Cubo Rubik con texturas
Cubing Phone Stand
Center Remix V2
Rubik's cube abstract stand
"Rubiks" Cube_Holder Zauberwürfel Ständer
How to 3D Print Your Own Rubik’s Cube
To celebrate the classic toy’s 40th birthday Techlife has posted a great how to guide for downloading and 3D printing a rubik’s cube from Thingiverse, even walking you through fixing corrupted files, and optimising the model for 3D printing.
With worldwide sales of over 350 million pieces, the Rubik’s Cube is widely considered the best selling puzzle game of all time and is certainly the most recognizable. While the Cube’s heyday was the 1980’s, it’s still a widely popular toy, and has organised competitions and events all over the world. There are official world records monitored and awarded by an international governing body called the World Cube Association. And famously someone even managed to turn it into an extremely creepy cartoon:
Naturally nostalgia is a big part of the ongoing popularity of the puzzle game, and with the nature of 3D printing there are of course going to be 3D printable Rubik’s Cubes. Thingiverse alone has over 80 of them, each of varying design and quality. So Techlife decided to use one of those models to walk its readers through repairing any manifold errors and optimising the model to print.
Techlife selected this model, as it had the easiest design to work with, and the file is not manifold, offering them the perfect opportunity to show readers how to correct that type of error. Because Thingiverse is all free, user-generated content, some models often will not print correctly without some tweaking and this Rubik’s Cube file is a good example.
First Techlife suggests that you download Repetier-Host, a host-controlling program for your 3D printer, this is going to tell you if there are any problems with your model. In this case the cube is not manifold, meaning that there is one or more flaws in the STL file that will prevent it from printing correctly. Manifold errors used to be a pain to repair, but thankfully it’s getting easier than ever to correct them. Techlife suggests that you use Microsoft’s cloud-based Model Repair Service from NetFab because you do not need to download or install anything. Just upload your file, wait a few minutes while the problem is corrected, and then simply download and replace the old file with the fixed one.
They even walk you through splitting the model up so each individual square will print separately, which may take more time, but will result in a better model. Not only will the extruder be cleaner because it doesn’t need to start and stop on each peice on the print bed, but if a square does print incorrectly you’re only wasting a very small amount of filament.
The walk through is really quite in-depth, and covers everything from selecting an orientation that will result in the best print, and holding your hand as you try to print extremely small and complex objects.
This is not a quick guide that leaves you on your own to figure out how to make any repairs, they walk you through the entire process and teach you several great tricks that any active 3D printer should be using. So if you’re new to 3D printing, or an old pro looking to beef up your skills, this 3D printed Rubik’s Cube project is really worth taking a look at.
Scott J Grunewald
Scott J Grunewald often writes about comics, pop culture, technology and social issues and has a keen interest in what happens when the needs of commerce, art and science inevitably intersect. He also likes writing about bacon. This isn't the greatest bio in the world. This is just a tribute.
Free 3D file Rubik's Cube
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10 models for 3D printer calibration. Set up your printer
Before you start printing on a 3D printer, you need to test it. For this, special models are most often used to diagnose and calibrate the device. Next, we will list the top 10 models for calibration, in our opinion. nine0006
3D Benchy
Among all 3D printing tests, the flagship is 3D Benchy. This model is a boat that can test everything from protrusions to extrusion. If you want to test your 3D printer, then the bench will help you determine the optimal settings for the ideal result. On Thingiverse, more than three thousand users posted photos with their samples, and the boat itself was printed by more than a hundred machines and no fewer materials.
Link to model
A very interesting model, which is called “all-in-one”. Everything is presented in the model: canopy, bridge, string, temperature and belt tension test, extrusion. This is an ideal model for testing the device at several levels at once. A manual is included with the model to help you troubleshoot any issues you find. On Thingiverse, more than 75 users have posted test results on different 3D printers and different materials. nine0006
Model Reference
XYZ Calibration Cube
Very simple and fast model for testing. This is a cube with a side of 20mm. It helps to gain dimension by adjusting the steps in millimeters. Also, the model allows you to test extrusion, vibration, temperature. This cube was printed simply by countless 3D printers and a variety of materials.
Model Link
Cali Cat
Nice little calibration cat or just Cali Cat is a simple model that allows you to test the accuracy of the device, as well as detailing, lugs, bridges, vibration and extrusion. And all this in just one hour. More than 2.5 hundred users have submitted their test results on the service. nine0006
Model Reference
Phil A. Ment
The MatterHackers Mascot is a Phil A. Ment test model. It was originally intended for manufacturers. The description mentions the fact that Phil has several functions. And they were originally designed specifically for 3D printers. The model has small inserts, relief details, cylinders of vertical and horizontal orientation, ledges. In addition, the model contains chamfers, bridges and fillets. And this miracle is performed by a domed helmet. The record size on the service is 5,1397mm. A total of 84 models were published.
Model Link
Calibration Temperature Tower
You can use this model to adjust the heat of your 3D printer. You can also test for different materials at what temperature the print comes out better.
NEW model Autodesk
This is a new model, or rather not even a model, but a whole procedure that will allow 3D printer manufacturers to show all the capabilities of devices to Kickstarter supporters. And of course, calibrate. The test was developed by Andreas Bastian and is a consolidated STL file that is able to test the system for the following indicators:
- authorization;
- alignment;
- precision;
- bridge, etc.
The model has it all. For example, if the 3D printer is set up well, then the horizontal function will be performed with a minimum of problems.
Model Link
PolyPearl Tower
If you want to test curves, cuts, bridges, cuts, then this model can be a great solution. In the description for this test model, the name "torture tower with a twist" appears. It is worth trying to use it for calibration. nine0006
Model Link
Rapid Screening
This model is a very quick test to check temperature, cooling, and retract function. Among the advantages of the model is its cost-effectiveness. The model will weigh only 0.23g. With its help, you can immediately remove the "strings".