Metal detector 3d scanner
Gold Star 3D Scanner Discover Treasures using 8 completely new systems
Gold Star 3D Scanner
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€ 9,500
Gold Star 3D Scanner is a first entry in a new set of professional metal detectors from Mega Detection that brings a new detection technologies, powerful new tools and more reliable results.
Gold Star 3D Scanner offers professional treasure hunters, gold seekers, archaeologists and even mining companies a most complete set of tools with completely new technologies such as M.G.S, I.M.T.U, VST and more, integrated into 8 search systems for all metal detection applications.
Mega Detection, through Gold Star 3D Scanner, brings a practical and professional device that combines ease of use, on-screen 2D visualization, 3D visualization on bundled Android tablet, a comfortable work experience, and a modern multilingual device software with smooth and visual experience in choosing and adjusting all detection settings and options.
Availability: 350 in stock SKU: MG/GM/101-225 Category: Metal Detectors
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Device Features
The new Long-Range Locator technology incorporated into Gold Star 3D Scanner through a new powerful detection probe called Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit or I.M.T.U
I.M.T.U generate a high-frequency wave signals in search direction, these waves intersect with the signals of magnetic fields released from buried metal targets, then reflected signals are received through a pair of antennas, these received signals are converted into digital signals inside main unit of device and analyzed and visualized on screen.
In MANUAL LRL system, many of scan settings can be adjusted manually by the user according to his preferences before starting the long-range scan, here are the available settings:
- Target
User can choose here the target type, or a type of metal the target is made of, he can choose from preset search programs that include all types of ferrous and non-ferrous metals including:
Gold Treasure- Gold Ore – Silver – Copper – Platinum – Bronze – Iron – Diamond – Gemstones – Gold Veins – Cavity
- Distance
The distance value reflects the scanning field in the forward direction, this value can be set within a range between 0 – 3000 meters from pre-set values:
250 – 500 – 750 – 1000 – 1250 – 1500 – 1750 – 2000 – 2250 – 2500 – 2750 – 3000 m
- Depth
It is the value of the maximum search depth that can be reached using the current search settings, and the value can be set precisely within the range from 0 to 50 meters.
After adjusting the previous search settings, the screen displays a summary of selected settings and user can press (Start Scan) button to start actual scan process.
Result screen display in upper-left corner a digital compass, containing an indicator indicating the geographic direction of the device (for example, towards the north).
In middle of screen there is semi-circle graded scale with direction angle values , zero degree in center and a range of 0-90 degrees in both left and right, an arrow-shaped indicator pointing to specific angle value the represents the direction of movement of the antennas according to the user’s movement when searching.
On the right of result screen Inclination Indicator, this indicator is an important feature allow the user to accurately and correctly adjust the angle of inclination of the device from the horizon, the values with green color – in middle – indicates the correct values, on the other hand the values with red color indicates the wrong values of the inclination angle during scan.
AUTO LRL search system uses I.M.T.U and long-range antennas to search for signals of potential targets within the long-range scan field.
It is advanced search system that covers large areas in open fields of the determined area, this system has the ability to identify all types of buried metals by analyzing captured signals.
Here the user can adjust following settings:
- Distance
It is the distance in front-range (forward direction), can be set in 0 – 3000 m range as explained before in Manual LRL system.
- Depth
It is the maximum depth of possible targets that the device can reach to find potential targets, its value can be set in 0 – 50 m range also like before.
After selecting of previous settings, the user can start the search process, and during search the antennas will move left or right depending on possible nearby targets, a visual indicator on screen will guide the user as it displays a left or right progress bar with gradient colors from green (minimum) to red (maximum value) based on target position.
The user must track the movement of antennas tell he got a best signal and after finishing he can move to “Report” screen that will display a visual report about possible target as four horizontal bars (gold – silver – iron – diamond), every bar will display an estimated percentage value that indicate probability of target composition.
CTRL LRL system is one of the new technologies and important features that have been integrated into Gold Star 3D Scanner, that enables the user to set the exact value of the search frequency in order to search for a specific type of metal or alloy of metals based on specific frequency value and thus ensure more accurate results when searching.
In this system, user can set many search-related settings including:
- Soil Type
It is the type of soil of the ground in scan field, can be set to one of following types:
Rock – Mixed – Neutral – Clay – Metallic – Sandy – Mineral – Chalky – Salty
- Frequency
It is the custom frequency the user can set manually using this option.
Values range in the 250-5000 MHz range, and can be set from predefined values like 250 – 500 – 750 …. 5000 MHz
- Distance
It is the maximum distance between user location and the target position during the scan process. It means that user can search custom circular distance around himself and this distance start from 0 to 3000 m and can be set like in previous systems.
- Depth
It is maximum depth of possible targets that the device can reach to find, its value can be set in 0 – 50 m range as explained previously.
After adjusting all of previous settings the user moves to scan screen and press “Start Scan” button to begin the search process.
The results screen will display a circular indicator, the direction arrow reflects the direction of antennas in degrees, on the right the inclination indicator that explained previously.
Ionic system uses a new developed technology incorporated into a new probe named Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit or I. M.T.U.
The I.M.T.U technology is the first of its kind in metal detectors, and it constitutes a major development from the traditional ionic fields detection system found in previous Mega Detection devices or competing devices.
The new technology allows more accurate detection of ionic fields resulting from metallic targets buried under the ground thanks to I.M.T.U that ensures accurate receiving and processing of coming signals, with the ability to control some signal settings on the screen for more accurate results.
After selecting the ionic system, the device will start searching directly, here are the possible settings that can be adjusted by the user:
- Sensitivity
During the search process and according to the target scanning, the ionic system
will generate variable audio tone, it represents the target ability or the distance between user and the target.
The user can change the value of signal sensitivity to analyze the output sound, its value range is between 0 and 100, the selected value shown on Sensitivity circular scale.
- Gain
It is the signal gain or in other words signal strength, the user can control the signal strength using this setting, and it presented as percentage value (0-100) on circular scale like sensitivity.
Generally, it is recommended to reduce this value for detecting of large-size targets, and increase gain value for small-size targets detection.
In the middle of the screen there is a circular indicator, in the center of it there is a circle whose diameter and color change according to the received signal and the distance of the target from the location of the device, where it shrinks and expands with changing color to one of the following colors (red, blue or green) depending on the type of target.
Based on the received signal, the device also makes an audio tone with pitch and strength related to the position of the target and the nature of the signal.
Bionic system is similar to the Ionic system in terms of how it is work and use of Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit (I. M.T.U) to perform the scan process.
But the difference is that here, ionic signals are captured from a particular metal object. for example, from golden ring or coin, and then the search is directed towards capturing ionic signals similar to metal objects buried underground within the surrounding area.
That mean in the ionic search system, the search is random and free, but in the bionic system the search is directed according to predefined signals.
After selecting the Bionic system and pointing the I.M.T.U to specific target made of the metal that will be searched, the device will start scan for ionic fields in direction of user movement and there are same options as in Ionic system can be adjusted:
- Sensitivity
The user can change the value of signal sensitivity to analyze the output sound, its value range is between 0 and 100, the selected value shown on Sensitivity circular scale.
- Gain
It is the signal gain or in other words signal strength, the user can control the signal strength using this setting, and it presented as percentage value (0-100) on circular scale like sensitivity.
The previous values presented in result screen as circular percentage indicators on right and left sides similar to indicators in Ionic system.
Here there is also a Signal Power or strength indicator displayed below presented as variable-length bars with variable colors and heights based on received signal.
In the center of the screen there is a circular indicator whose movement and colors change according to the type of target and the signal captured with three color possibilities, which are green, red, and blue, related to the type of target.
Based on the received signal, the device also makes an audio tone with pitch and strength related to the position of the target and signal strength.
Live Stream is a system developed to detect various ferrous and non-ferrous metals
in the real time, in form of a live transmission with a visual representation of received signal as specific color stream that reflects the type of the target.
For example: precious metal like gold or bronze – ferrous metal like iron – cavities such as tunnel.
The process of measuring signals or scanning process is carried out by a Vertical High Signal Transceiver (V.S.T) probe, which is a special developed probe, at the end of it there is a quadrilateral cone on both sides of cone there is a set of LEDs that change its colors according to the type of the target , for example the LEDs will emit a red light if the targets is a golden object or blue if it is a tunnel.
The signals captured by V.S.T after calibration represented on the device screen as continuous color stream that changes its color according to the type of possible target , similarly the color is Red when capturing a precious metal signal and green for normal ground , a numeric value related to the target displayed on screen beside the color stream.
In conjunction with the color indicator the device will generate audio tones based on the target type whose signal is captured.
Also, the user can see a visual representation of the signals on the bundled tablet that came with the device within Mega Detection Multi Visual Analyzer app that displays the signal scheme in a graph and the color of the graph will change in a similar way depending on the nature of the signal in other words the type of metal or target.
This powerful search system is a new system with completely new technology designed and developed especially for Mega Detection devices with latest technologies in 3D ground scanning technologies.
This 3D ground scan technology uses a new powerful and unique probe called Multi Ground Scanner (M.G.S) with four built-in sensors and large surface area offering more coverage of ground during scan and reduce the time and effort of scanning large areas quickly with more accurate results.
3D Ground Scan system helps the user to scan the ground and create visual representation on both the device screen or bundled tablet. this system can make searching and find burials and artifacts and even cavities under the ground easy to the user with greater speed and more accuracy.
The settings that can be adjusted on device screen:
- Result Display
The user can select one of two options:
- Device: in this case a scan results will be presented visually on device screen
- Tablet: the scan results will be presented visually on bundled tablet screen using Multi Visual Analyzer app.
- Mode
It is the method of performing the scan procedure and can be set to:
- Manual: here the user will record the measurement of signals in every scan point manually.
- Automatic: in this case the device will record the measurements of every scan point automatically.
- Path
Path value present how user will move in search are to complete the scan process and there are two options:
- One Direction: in one-direction scan the user will move and record the measurements in every point in a scan line and at end of every line, he will return to near the start of previous line but with offset distance to start scanning another line and so on. That mean the direction of scan will be in one direction on every line or all scan lines will be parallel to each other.
- Zig Zag: in this case the start point of next search line is near the end point of previous line or in other words the direction of movement will be opposite for each consecutive lines.
- Size
Here user can set following settings:
- Width: it presents the number of scan lines and can be set to desired value using arrows controls in control panel.
- Height: it is the number of points in every scan line or scan points , it can be set like previous value.
- Start Point
User can set the point in search area (rectangular area that include scan lines and points) where the scan procedure will begin.
- Left: in this case the scan process begins from bottom – left corner of search area
- Right: the scan process will begin from bottom – right corner of search area
After settings of all previous setting the Scan tab will display a summary of previous selected settings and user can press OK on device control panel to start the scan process.
During the scan process the measurement in every scan point will be presented visually on screen on 2D grid consisting of number of rows (scan points) and columns (scan lines) of cells and every cell presented in specific color that reflect the structure of related ground area.
The table below show the type of ground related to each color:
Green | Light Blue | Blue | Yellow | Red |
Normal Ground | Small Cavity | Cavity | metal objects | gold |
On the right side of 2D grid there are many values presented:
current x (current scan line number) – current y (current scan point) – search value
After completing the scan in every scan line and point, the scan data can be saved as a file to the device memory for later analysis.
In case that user choose to complete the scan via the tablet, the same settings are set within the Multi Visual Analyzer app installed on tablet, and the scanning is performed by the device in the same way, and the results are displayed directly inside the app in the form of a three-dimensional graphics based on structure of the scanned ground and what it contains of different target types that presented in different colors like in the previous table.
Multi Visual Analyzer app gives the user a more accurate possibility to illustrate and know the buried targets, their type, depth and exact position within the scanned area via its powerful analysis tools.
This system is used to determine the presence of a metal target or cavity with the precise location in which the buried metal or cavity is located via an audio or visual feedback presented on the screen, the process of scanning for possible targets is performed via the V.S.T probe.
In the result screen of this system there are many options:
- Sensitivity
During the search process and according to the target scanning, the pin pointer system will make special scan sound with specific tone and the visual graph on the screen presents the target presence under the ground.
The user can change the value of sensitivity at any time to be able to analyze the output
sound and the accompanied graph.
The value can be set in 0 – 10 range.
- Calibration
User can use this option to calibrate the sensor sensitivity at any time according to the ground type and terrain.
- Reset
Reset the calibration process to default value.
The visual representation of received signals on device screen is a curved bar graph based on type of the target.
For example, in case of receiving metal signals the bar graph will be consisted of rectangles facing upward, of different length, with graded colors from green to red in the center at the maximum values, and then graded towards green with low values.
In the case of receiving cavity signals – such as a tunnel – it will be made of rectangles facing downwards, of different length, ranging from green to dark blue in the middle at the maximum values, and then graded towards green at lower values.
Modern Software Program
Gold Star 3D Scanner user interface software program was designed according to the latest modern software technologies in the field of interface design according to an attractive modern design with a consistent color theme and graphical icons that present the search systems, options and settings of the device in an easily understandable way for the novice or professional user alike.
The design of the screens and controls has been taken into account the best guidelines of user experience that provide the user with the best possible, flexible and easy use of the device while providing ease of control to adjust the different values and settings related to the various search systems available in the device.
Search Systems Screen
It allows the user to choose the search system by selecting the search system icon from the list via the buttons on the control panel.
User can choose between 8 different search systems, which were previously explained in detail.
Language Select Screen
In order to provide a Gold Star 3D Scanner for all prospectors around the world, the device’s program and interfaces are available in different and most spoken international languages, including the most important languages in the world.
The user interface language can be easily changed within the device’s settings and user can choose from 12 languages to cover most countries around the world.
Supported languages includes:
1- German 2- English 3- French 4- Spanish 5- Russian 6- Italian 7- Arabic 8- Hebrew 9- Persian 10- Turkish 11- Urdu 12- Chinese
Date & time Settings
One of the useful features for the user of the Gold Star 3D Scanner is the ability to set the date and time to match the real date and time, and the device keeps these values even if it is turned off.
The device displays a digital clock that includes the current time and appears continuously at the top right of the screen to enable the user to know the time when he searching in the fields, especially with the knowledge that when searching, the user should not carry metal objects such as a wristwatch or a mobile phone because they affect the capture of magnetic signals .
The importance of the possibility of the date and time subject is also evident when saving the search files or the values of the ground scanning process, as they are automatically saved with a name that includes the date of the day and the time at which the file was saved, and this guarantees the user the ability to return and analyze the search process that was conducted in a specific place on a specific date.
Screen Settings
In this screen user can control some useful settings related to the device’s screen, namely:
- Energy Saving Mode
In the case of activating it, the value of the time that the device needs to turn off the screen can be set (in the event that no button is pressed for a while), and this ensures that the battery power is saved for a longer use.
- Screen Brightness
The screen brightness value can be controlled within a specific value to suit the user’s conditions in terms of time during the day or night and weather conditions like in foggy or rainy days.
This option can be useful to save battery power when it is set to low values.
Audio Settings
The device features various audio alerts depending on the search system used.
Within the device’s settings, you can adjust the volume of the sound and various alerts:
- General sound: It controls the general volume of the device sound (speaker sound volume).
- Keypad sound: to adjust the sound volume of control panel buttons
- Scan sound: adjust the sound volume of sound issued when conducting the ground scan via the scanning tools
Use this option to save power and energy of battery during device usage.
By using this option, the battery life time will be extent 50% at least ant it depends on the type of searching system and type of connected sensor.
Scan Files
When performing 3D ground scans, the user can save the scan results to files stored in the device’s memory.
The user can, through a simple easy to use interface, review all previously saved files and open them to view the stored results, or a previously stored file can be deleted to save space in memory for future searches.
Here the user can set the following options
- Reset Settings: reset general settings without deleting previously saved scan files.
- Factory Settings: reset to the factory values (the values when purchasing the device from the factory) while deleting the saved files
- Clear Memory: clean memory to free up the device’s memory of all saved files.
Device information
This screen displays the device information, which are:
- Device Version
- Software version
- Device Model
- Serial Number
- Manufacturer Country
- QR code: the user can read it to obtain useful information about the device, including the manufacturer website
Security settings
- Pin Lock: activate or deactivate the screen lock
- Set Pin: here user can set a pin number (a number that without entering it correctly any person can’t access and login to the device software program)
Specifications | ||
Package | Package Dimensions | 68 x 51 x 28 cm |
Package Weight | 17 Kg | |
Material | ABS Plastic | |
CPU | Processor Type | ARM 64 Bit |
Processor Frequency | 1.![]() | |
Memory | Storage Memory | 32 GB |
Memory Type | SD Card | |
Screen | Screen Type | High Resolution TFT LCD |
Screen Size | 5 Inch | |
Screen Resolution | 1024 x 860 | |
Colors | 16 million | |
Wi-Fi Connection | 2.4 Ghz | |
Sound | Output | Speaker – Headset |
Jack Type | 3.5 mm | |
Headset | Wired Headphones | |
Internal Speaker | Yes | |
Power | Battery Type | Lithium-Ion |
Battery Capacity | 21000 mAh | |
Fast Charging | No | |
Removable Battery | Yes | |
Languages | German – English – French – Spanish – Russian – Italian – Arabic – Hebrew – Persian – Turkish – Urdu – Chinese | |
Temperatures | Operation temperature | 0°C – 40°C |
Storage temperature | –20°C – 60°C | |
Humidity | 5% – 75% | |
Gold Star 3D Scanner Metal Detector
Gold Star 3D Scanner
Gold Star 3D Scanner is a multi-system and multi-purpose metal detector for multiple uses
and applications for beginner and professional prospectors and treasure hunters.
It is the latest release in 2022 from Mega Detection a German company specialized in metal detection devices,
that includes the latest technologies and innovations in the field of metal detection, gold prospecting
and archaeological treasure detection.
Gold Star 3D Scanner is considered the most complete device in terms of functionality and applications
that can be used for, thanks to the eight search systems available in the device that provide beginners
and professional prospectors alike with all the tools necessary to find buried treasures and ancient monuments.
Gold Star 3D Scanner is the first device from the German company in which the ground scanning technology
has been integrated in order to provide a powerful search mechanism with guaranteed results, with visual results
displayed on the device’s screen or via a tablet bundled with device.
Gold Star 3D Scanner FeaturesLatest Metal Detection Technologies
Gold star 3D Scanner includes a variety of metal detection technologies and the latest German technology in this field
through measuring tools, 3D ground surveying and long-range detection through several probes, sensors and antennas.
Here we list available tools:
IMTU (Intelligent Multi Transceiver Unit)
This unit is installed at the front of the Gold Star 3D Scanner device and its function is to send electromagnetic waves
at a high frequency in the direction in which the user is searching.
These signals intersect with the electromagnetic fields emanating from underground metal targets and turn into reflected
signals that are received through antennas and the signal is converted after being processed into digital signals.
VST (Vertical High Signal Transceiver)
It is a sensor installed via a special connection at the front of the device. The sensor captures the magnetic field signals
resulting from various buried metal targets (precious such as gold and non-precious such as iron, for example).
The sensor is characterized by the presence of a quadruple cone at its end that contains on both sides a rows of light emitting diodes (LED)
that light up in different colors according to the received signals and the nature of the target
(example: the LEDs will light up in a red color if the VST probe passes over a metal target such as gold or copper).
The signals captured through the sensor are transformed into digital signals that are processed and displayed on the device screen
or the tablet screen in the form of a colored graph that reflects the nature and type of potential target’s metal.
It is the probe that is used to conduct a 3D imaging scan of the ground in search for metal targets and potential treasures,
and it has included the latest patented ground scanning technology from the German company Mega Detection and includes
the feature of covering a larger area when scanning at each point, which ensures that the prospector reduces time and effort ,
and to ensure a more accurate result compared to the point-type scanning sensors available in other devices.
8 Search Systems
Gold Star 3D Scanner is the first device in the world that includes 8 search systems with multiple search technologies,
including long-range detection systems, 3D imaging scanning and other technologies.
The eight search systems provide multiple ways to search for different types of metal targets, ancient and
archaeological treasures at different and deep depths.
The appropriate search system can be used for the purpose of the search, and more than one search system
can be used to ensure more reliable and accurate results.
The device includes the following search systems:
1 – Long Range Manual System / MANUAL LRL /
To use this system, the user must install the IMTU as well as the antennas.
The manual system means the possibility of adjusting the long-range scanning settings manually
according to the user’s preferences, before actually conducting the search.
Here are the settings that can be adjusted:
- Target
The type of metal of the targets to be searched can be set from a list that includes search programs
for all types of metals like: Gold – silver – copper – iron – diamonds – platinum – bronze …
- Distance (Front Scan Range)
It is the distance that expresses the maximum range that the device scans for different targets
and can be set according to specific values within the range from 0 to 3000 meters
(250 – 500 – 750 – 1000 – 1250 – 1500 – 1750 – 2000 – 2250 – 2500 – 2750 – 3000 m)
- Depth
This value specifies the maximum depth to search for targets within it through the
current search settings, and can be set in the 0 to 50 meters range.
After setting the previous options, the device searches for targets within the selected scanning
field and depth, the search screen appear that displays a compass-shaped indicator whose
pointer points to the direction of the device (north or south …) and also displays within the same
screen a semicircular indicator that expresses the direction of movement of the two antennas,
as the direction of the cursor changes according to their movement when searching.
Among the important features that allow the user to correctly adjust the angle of inclination of the device
with respect to the horizon is the gradient tilt indicator on the right of the screen, the green color indicates
the correct acceptable values and the red color for the wrong values of the inclination angle.
2 – Automatic Long-Range System / AUTO LRL /
The IMTU unit, as well as the antennas, are used to search for signals of potential targets within the scanning field.
The difference from the manual long-range system is that in the automatic system, the device performs a fully
automatic scan in search of potential metal targets within the search range.
So, the user only has to choose the system from the list and the device will scan and update the data on the display
screen automatically so that it includes automatically leading the user towards the target location, and the user can
choose to show the following options from the screen (in the form of tabs):
- Target type
Here, the metal type of the buried target is shown , user can select from following target types:
Gold Treasure- Gold Ore – Silver – Copper – Platinum – Bronze – Iron – Diamond – Gemstones – Gold Veins – Cavity. .
- Distance
This value is the front scan range distance, and can be set to any value in 0 – 3000 m
- Tracking Target (Direction)
It is an indicator displayed in the form of a semicircle with a pointer indicating the possible direction that the user should follow to reach the target buried underground
- Depth
It presents value of the depth range , and can be set in 0-100 meter range.
- Report
This option provides the ability to display a report that includes a summary of the target’s characteristics
including previous values (distance – depth …)
3 – Long Range Control System / CTRL LRL /
This system provides an unprecedented feature in long-range metal detectors as it enables the user to control
the frequency of searching for different metals, i.e. allocating the frequency value accurately to detect a specific
type of metal, for example gold – copper or any other metal alloys.
The user can adjust a set of related settings before performing the search process, namely:
- Soil Type
Soil type refers to the nature of the soil in the land being searched, and predetermined soil types can be chosen:
rocky soil – sandy soil – clay soil – neutral soil …
- Search frequency
Here, the search frequency value is precisely adjusted according to the type of metal to be found
within a specific frequency range (the frequency value is measured in MHz)
- Distance
In addition to the frequency, the scan distance can be set in the forward direction by choosing
a value from predefined values within the range 0 to 3000 meters (250 – 500 – 750 – 1000 – 1250 – 1500 – 1750 – 2000 – 2250 – 2500-2750 – 3000)
- Depth
To limit the search for targets within a specific search depth, the value is set here
by choosing a value within the range between 0 to 50 meters
After setting the previous settings, the user can start searching and the device will move to the target tracking screen,
which includes the semicircular indicator that represents the direction of movement of the antennas (explained earlier).
4 – Ionic system / IONIC /
The Ionic System includes a completely new search technology to search for signals from ionic fields resulting
from long-buried metal targets thanks to the previously mentioned IMTU.
This unit ensures receiving ionic field signals with greater accuracy, with the ability to control some signal settings
to reach accurate results, and after capturing the signals, they are digitally processed inside the device.
After starting the search by the user, the following information is displayed on the screen:
- Signal strength indicator
This indicator is a bar graph with a gradient bar that varies in terms of length
and color according to the strength of the captured signal related to the target distance, the nature of the terrain, and other factors.
- Signal Sensitivity Indicator
It is a circular indicator that displays the signal sensitivity as a percentage value,
for example 60%, and this value can be changed by the user
- Signal Gain Indicator
It is a circular indicator similar to the previous one that represents the signal strength according
to a value represented as a percentage between 0 – 100% and can also be adjusted.
- Target Depth Icon
It is an icon displayed on the top left of the screen, and by clicking on it, the target depth
measurement screen is shown, which provides a visual depth measurement process for the buried target.
- Save Icon
By clicking on this icon at the top right of the screen, the search results
are saved as a file in the device’s memory according to the selected values.
5 – Bionic System / BIONIC /
This search system is very similar to the Ionic Search System as it uses the same IMTU for conducting searches and work in similar way.
But the difference here is that the search is directed according to predefined signals that are captured by directing the IMTU towards
a target made of a metal, for example gold or silver, and in this case the search unit will only capture similar signals and ignore other ion field signals.
In other words: in the ionic search system, the search is random and free to search for any kind of targets.
In the bionic system, the search is directed according to predefined signals, and this is better and faster for the prospector.
Likewise, the search screen displays the same previous options:
- Signal Strength indicator
- Sensitivity Indicator
- Gain Indicator
- Depth Icon
- Save Icon
it has the same functions that were explained in the ionic system.
6 – Live Stream System
This system is an advanced scanning system that measures the changes in magnetic fields via a high-vertical transmitter and receiver unit or VST.
The sensor is moved after being installed vertically on the ground and the sensor picks up the signals of any metal target present under the ground,
whether it is magnetic metal such as iron or precious metal such as gold and copper.
The probe contains at its conical end, on either side, a group of colored LED lights that change their lighting according to the type of target
, as it lights up in red, for example in case of the target that the probe passes over it, is a precious metal, such as copper or gold.
The signals of the magnetic fields captured on the device screen can be represented directly in the form of a continuous color flow
that changes color depending on the type of metal that the sensor passes over, where green represents normal soil, yellow color is metal and red color is gold
The user can also choose to represent the signals on the bundled tablet through the installed application (android app),
where it displays a changing color gradient similar to the chart on the screen with the same color legends.
7 – Ground Scan System
It is a powerful and accurate imaging system and the first of its kind in Mega Detection devices.
The deep scanning of the ground is performed through a specially designed probe with powerful built-in sensor
called the Multi Ground Scanner or MGS60 for short.
The scanner includes a relatively large scanning surface that ensures coverage of larger area of ground
when perform scanning at each scanning point, thus making the scanning process faster for a large area
compared to the point probes available in traditional ground scanners.
To conduct a ground scan, the process can be controlled and the results can be viewed either via
the device screen or via the tablet device via the analysis application installed on it.
1 – In the case of choosing the first option (on the device), the device will provide,
via its screen, the ability to adjust the scan settings according to the screens that appear sequentially, namely:
- Scanning Mode
present how to perform the scanning process, either manually by recording each scan point
manually or automatically by the device according to a specific time or a certain distance.
- Scanning Path
There are two options available, the first of which is a One Direction mean parallel scanning lines, including
a spacing (usually 30 cm) , the second is Zigzag, meaning that the next scan line starts at the
end of the previous line while leaving a spacing.
- Size
These values express the method for dividing the scan area to be scanned with MGS,
as the area is theoretically divided into cells, the Width and Hight values indicate the number
of rows and columns of scan area (or lines count and steps count).
For example, in the case of choosing 4 and 5 , there will be 20 cells for the scan area( scan lines = 4 , steps = 5)
- Starting Point:
It presents the point from which the scan is started.
There are two options to start from the right (the lower right corner of the rectangular scanning area)
or start from the left (the lower left corner)
After adjusting the previous settings, the results screen is displayed and includes a rectangular area divided into cells
according to the number of columns and rows previously specified, as each cell represents one scanning point,
and with the scanning by the user, each cell is filled with a specific color according to the area that the scanner passes over,
and each color has a specific indication, Example: The blue color represents a void, and the yellow color is a precious metal … etc.
The results screen also contains three rectangular indicators in three colors that express the percentage of the presence
of each type of targets within the specified cell, and these indicators are: the red indicator indicates the proportion
of ferrous (magnetic) metals – yellow indicates the percentage of precious metals (non-magnetic) – the blue the percentage of cavity.
A numeric value representing the target type is also displayed, and also the target depth value within the specified cell.
2 – In the case of tablet the search and scanning settings that were previously detailed are controlled similarly through
the installed analysis application and after setting the options, the scanning is done via the MGS scanner and the scanning
results are displayed on the tablet screen within the application, and here the scanning data is represented in the form of a 3D drawing.
In multiple colors, the drawing expresses the composition of the scanned ground and its contents from different
targets (minerals – natural ground – spaces and tunnels – gold boxes …) and each type has a different color similar to the above (blue for voids, yellow for metals …).
The analysis app on the tablet gives the prospector more accurate possibilities to analyze the detected targets
and know detailed information such as the metal type, depth and location within the scan area.
8 – Pinpointer System
This system is used to perform a fast, accurate and direct scan through the VST, as it measures the changes
in the magnetic field in a region and displays on the device screen a curve that is in the case of receiving metal signals
consisting of rectangles facing upwards of different lengths gradient from green to red in the middle at the maximum
values and then gradient green with lower values on both sides of the chart.
In the case of receiving signals of spaces – such as a tunnel or a basement – the curve consists of rectangles facing
downward of varying lengths gradient from green to dark blue in the middle at maximum values, and then gradient
towards green with lower values on both sides
On the screen of the Gold Star 3D Scanner device, it is possible to control some values that affect the scanning process,
such as the value of sensitivity and ground balance, and the scan result can also be saved.
Integrated Results Display & Feedback System
Gold Star 3D Scanner provides the user with the best integrated system to display the results resulting from the various search technologies included within the device.
This integrated system provides comprehensive and complete information for the prospector about the nature of buried targets and all their details.
The results display & feedback system combines an integration between sound, image and light to provide the best experience for the prospector. this is done through the following tools:
Colored LCD Screen
The main unit includes a high-definition color liquid crystal display (LCD) screen with a large size that secures
a better view when adjusting the various settings such as selecting the search system and the ground scanning
settings and provides reading numbers and charts representing the results clearly.
Gold Star 3D Scanner ‘s screen provides visual presentation of the results within the device’s program with
useful information for the prospector, including the direction of search and a report on the type of metal,
like in long-range systems, and a two-dimensional representation of the scanning area and its contents
of possible targets in the imaging systems.
Android Tablet & Analysis App
Gold Star 3D Scanner comes bundled with a tablet computer running on an Android system and a pre-installed 3D analysis app
to visually represent the results resulting from the scanning in the imaging systems in the form of a multi-color three-dimensional
graphics, which gives the prospector the ability to analyze the data and know all the information about the detected targets
such as depth and precise location , through the tools it provides with an easy and simple interface that enables the prospector
to analyze the graphics to obtain detailed information about all the targets within the scan area.
Sound Feedback
Most of the search systems available in the Gold Star 3D Scanner device provide an audio output through audio tones
via built-in speaker, the audio tones direct the user and give him an idea about the progress of the search process.
Example: In a live stream system, the device emits sounds related to the type of target metal, and the sound intensity
varies according to the proximity and distance from the target.
Light Feedback
VST sensor, which is used in the PINPOINTER and LIVE STREAM search systems, contains LED lights that illuminate
in a variable color according to the type of the target near the sensor (iron or metal, precious metal or space)
and this provides the prospector with an idea about the type of target.
Easy to Use Multi-Language Program
Gold Star 3D Scanner software program is designed according to the latest design standards for modern user interfaces
and user experience with a modern, attractive and practical design that combines clear texts, expressive icons, consistent colors, and animation.
The program provides an easy-to-use experience for beginners and professionals alike, as they enable them to set various search-related settings
such as search systems, search programs, depth field and forward distance in long-range systems, ground scanning settings, and others.
Gold Star 3D Scanner program provides a visual display of the search results for most of the eight search systems and their various
options in the form of graphics, charts and indicators accompanied by the various sounds that are associated with choosing
a specific button or moving between settings and others.
One of the important features of Gold Star 3D Scanner program – to provide access to the largest segment of prospectors around the world
is its availability in 12 international languages that represent the most widespread languages in the world (English – French – Spanish – Arabic – Chinese …)
Powerful External Battery
Power is supplied to the device through a 12-volt lithium-ion rechargeable battery,
designed with a special design in the form of an external box with an on / off button.
Gold Star 3D Scanner battery guarantees a long operation time, that is related to several factors,
including the search system, the search tools used, and the power saving settings available in the device program.
Gold Star 3D Scanner
Specifications | ||
Package | Package Dimensions | 68 x 51 x 28 cm |
Package Weight | 17 Kg | |
Material | ABS Plastic | |
CPU | Processor Type | ARM 64 Bit |
Processor Frequency | 1.![]() | |
Memory | Storage Memory | 32 GB |
Memory Type | SD Card | |
Screen | Screen Type | High Resolution TFT LCD |
Screen Size | 5 Inch | |
Screen Resolution | 1024 x 860 | |
Colors | 16 million | |
Wi-Fi Connection | 2.4 Ghz | |
Sound | Output | Speaker – Headset |
Jack Type | 3.5 mm | |
Headset | Wired Headphones | |
Internal Speaker | Yes | |
Power | Battery Type | Lithium-Ion |
Battery Capacity | 21000 mAh | |
Fast Charging | No | |
Removable Battery | Yes | |
Languages | German – English – French – Spanish – Russian – Italian – Arabic – Hebrew – Persian – Turkish – Urdu – Chinese | |
Temperatures | Operation temperature | 0°C – 40°C |
Storage temperature | –20°C – 60°C | |
Humidity | 5% – 75% |
Depth metal detector Nocta Macro
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- metal detectors
- Nokta Makro metal detectors
from 24577 RUR/month
The metal detector can find and identify all types of metal, such as gold, silver, steel, copper and iron. With this instrument, you will see cavities such as ditches, rooms, bunkers, caves, tunnels, pipes, etc.
Warranty: 2 years.
Manufactured in: Turkey
3D Earth Scan
This detector can safely be called the most advanced device for detecting non-ferrous metals and underground voids. Stable operation in difficult ground, real-time 3D visual identification, exceptional depth of detection and an intuitive interface - this device is suitable for both search professionals and beginners.
You can identify metals and voids on scan images. You will also get more information about the types of metals.
You can find out if an object contains valuable precious metal or non-valuable (iron) metal.
But in many cases you will be able to read the actual type of metal on the display, such as "gold" or "iron".
Jeohunter 3D even eliminates fine ferrous metals completely from the localization process.
With LED illumination, you can search quickly and efficiently in places where standard coils cannot be used (eg walls or vertical slopes).
In addition to the light warning, this detector has an advanced audio identification system (two tones) that allows the user to work equally efficiently in any conditions.
Jeohunter 3D Dual System - works with 3 different search coils - it's almost like having three different detectors: which have been underground for a very long time and have already oxidized, which eventually led to the creation of a magnetic field around them (search depth up to 12 meters) The Makro Jeohunter 3D Dual System metal detector can be bought by installments or on credit, get a discount when paying online for an order in an online store. Your purchase will be convenient and fast! All equipment presented in the store is certified, with a guarantee. 30 days to return or exchange goods. Specifications Makro Jeohunter 3D Dual System
..13 kHz
Complete set
Brand Nokta Makro Series Jeohunter 3D Dual System Type Deep
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Hello everyone!
I present my project of a 3D printed metal detector. It's been a year since I completed it and only today I found the time to put it on the Internet.
This is my first metal detector project. Before that, I have never held such devices in my hands and have an idea about them only from reviews and publications on the Internet. But, despite my amateurish approach, I liked the result. The metal detector works great (IMHO). Tin cans, nails, beer corks are easy to find.
Video of the assembly process.
Bearing element - polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 25 mm. It was she who set the design of the entire device, because. except for the white color, such pipes cannot be found in the public domain.
In general, it turned out something in the style of "Star Wars". It seems to me that if you print everything from white plastic and put it in the hands of an attack aircraft, it will look harmonious. Or maybe I'm just flattering myself.
The electronic filling is not mine. I ordered a ready-made kit from one of the online stores. The set includes a printed circuit board and a set of a scattering of radio elements. He entrusted Pike to his 12-year-old son (naturally, after briefing). For him - entertainment, for me - the educational process. If you build carefully, and we did just that, then everything should work right away, without dancing and tambourines.
I invented the metal detector coil myself. None of the homemade solutions were to my liking. It seems that my version is the most convenient for assembly. Another question - how effective is it in work? There is nothing to compare with. But according to subjective sensations, everything works great.
The handle was largely copied from a trekking pole, for this reason it is comfortable to hold and does not slip out of your hands.
There are also disadvantages, where without them ...
I think the first drawback is the weight. Still, polypropylene poles are heavy, perhaps ski poles would be suitable for my task, but this is a topic for another project. Personally, I do not participate in long-term searches, so weight does not play a significant role. Yes, and in the village, the kids ran with him all day and did not complain about fatigue.
The second drawback is that the metal detector is difficult to put on the ground in a horizontal position. The stops were not as stable as we would like. If I made them more, the problem would be solved, but in this case the aesthetics will suffer. And it's like a sickle for me ... It's not acceptable for me. The metal detector rests perfectly on a wall or a car, there are no problems. In the field, I put it on a reel, vertically. It's not very stable, but quite workable. Or I just lay down on the ground as I have to - also an option.
I hope you liked my project. Well, if someone decides to repeat it, then in general there will be no limit to joy.
Write criticism in the comments, but remember the main thing - do not kick!
Project page with 3D models: https://www.
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Metal detector
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