Makerbot replicator mini compact 3d printer 5th generation
MakerBot Replicator 5th Generation Review
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MakerBot’s Replicator is among the top well-known 3D printers on the market. There are various different versions available, but it goes without saying that some are better than others. Today, we’ll be taking a closer look at one of the lesser-known models – the Replicator 5th Generation.
We’ll be keeping an eye out for any strengths or weaknesses this printer might have. Who knows – while it’s been replaced by the Replicator+, maybe it has benefits that later models don’t. You’ll have to read our full review below to find out.
Filament Diameter | 1.75mm |
Extruders | 1 |
Supported Materials | PLA |
Connectivity | USB, WiFi |
Printing Speed | 150mm/s |
Build Volume | 9. |
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It’s easy to be intimidated by the large, looming frame of the 5th Generation. However, it’s designed to be accessible and easy to use. Take the chassis, for instance. It’s built to accommodate an enclosure, in case you’re having difficulty maintaining a consistent temperature during a print.
Of course, because of the printer’s size, the build area looks relatively small. In actuality, it’s larger than most, except for when it comes to depth. Still, there’s a lot of potential here, especially if you’d like to print models larger than most 3D printers will allow.
Let’s be clear: this printer is probably too big for your desktop. It’s pretty clearly designed for professionals, so you’re really expected to have a designated printing area set up. Since the extruder can move up to 150mm/s, you can expect it to be a little louder than most, too.
Overall, the Replicator 5th Generation has average-to-good print quality. We were a little underwhelmed by the 0.5mm minimum layer size, but for general day-to-day printing, it’ll do just fine. The problem is that this printer is intended for experienced users, yet offers very little to draw these people in.
For instance, you’re limited to PLA filament. We’ve seen open-source, $200 printers that can handle more materials than this one, and for a company like MakerBot, that’s just embarrassing. Its speed might have helped redeem it, but 150mm per second hardly makes it the fastest printer around.
For what it’s worth, it does replicate models pretty well. Mechanical gears, for instance, rarely need any post-processing in order to work properly. That said, at this price, you really expect it to excel in some way, and that’s simply not the case.
It’s not all bad, though. The LCD screen is an absolute joy to use, with clean, well-organized menus and a control dial to save space on the unit itself. There are even WiFi capabilities so you can print while away from the machine. There’s also the option to print from a USB stick, but not an SD card.
We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the smart extruder. The Replicator series claims to be the only range of printers with a hot-swappable extruder, meaning if one stops working, you don’t have to halt production. It’s also more reliable than traditional extruders, which can only be a good thing.
The print bed, unfortunately, isn’t heated. This means that you’ll be relying on tape or other sticky surfaces to keep your prints stable. We were pleased to see that there is an automatic leveling function, though, so you don’t have to waste time getting set up for a print every single time.
So far, the Replicator 5th Generation sounds decent for a mid-range printer. There’s an issue, though: it’s priced like a premium one. While it’s no longer available directly from MakerBot, it retails on third-party sites for around $2000. Even after a couple of years, this price stays too high to be viable.
On the plus side, PLA is about as cheap a filament as you can get. You can actually use a third-party filament, but you might have to download a user-created print mode in order to do so. It’s a bit of a shame: if users can build these on their own, MakerBot could easily have just included them as standard. Of course, this would hurt their bottom line, so they didn’t.
The Replicator 5th Generation really struggles to justify its high price. It has decent performance across the board, but nothing particularly stands out about it. If you’re a collector or 3D printing enthusiast, by all means, buy one, but most people can find something better at a lower price.
MakerBot’s website has tutorials and support for all of its printers… except for the 5th Generation. If you need help, you can search for general information using keywords, or you can call them on the phone during office hours. There used to be email support, but we’ve heard reports that they no longer reply.
There’s a little confusion regarding this product’s warranty, too. In the user manual, it claims that the 5th Generation is covered by a limited warranty and links to the terms. However, while most other printers are referred to specifically, there’s no mention of this one. You should still qualify for some kind of third-party warranty, but it might be worth trying your luck regardless.
This simply isn’t good enough. Even for a model that’s no longer actively sold, users should know up front if they’re protected should something go wrong. While we can overlook this from smaller manufacturers, MakerBot has the money and legal resources to take better care of its legacy customers.
Not the MakerBot 3D printer that you want? Check our review about the MakerBot Replicator 2, this one might be the one that you’re looking for.
MakerBot Replicator Mini Compact 3D Printer Begins Shipping Today -
Back in January the MakerBot Replicator Mini 3D Printer was unveiled to the world at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. It immediately won several technology awards, including Popular Mechanic’s coveted ‘CES 2014 Editor’s Choice Award’. It also was selected as the ‘CES 2014 Best in Show’ by Zdnet and Digital Trends.
Today, over five months later and after a tremendous amount of anticipation, the first printers have begun shipping. Those who ordered earliest will get their printers first. It is recommended that they update the firmware upon receiving their printers, to ensure that they are running the latest version, and are able to unlock any new features that are available. Makerbot’s CEO, Bre Pettis issued the following statement hours ago, in a press release announcing the commencement of the first shipments:
“As soon as we announced the MakerBot Replicator Mini, we received calls and orders from customers who couldn’t wait to purchase this easy and affordable 3D printer,”stated Pettis. “We see the MakerBot Replicator Mini as a turning point in the 3D printing industry. Much like the transition of the computer moving into the home 30 years ago, the MakerBot Replicator Mini is one of the first 3D printers to shift from the office to the home.
We’re excited to have the MakerBot Replicator 3D Printing Platform and our Fifth Generation 3D printing technology inspire creativity and innovation in adults and children alike. Everyone can benefit from having a MakerBot Replicator Mini, but we expect to see the largest impact of having this 3D printer in the home with children. We believe that exposing children to 3D printing with a MakerBot Replicator Mini will change the way they think about the world and help prepare them for the jobs of the future.”
The Makerbot Replicator Mini has the following general specifications:
- Printing Technology: FDM
- Build Volume: 10 L x 10 W x 12.5 H cm (3.9 L x 3.9 W x 4.9 H in)
- Layer Resolution: 200 Microns
- Filament Diameter: 1.75 mm
- Nozzle Diameter: 0.4 mm
- Camera Resolution: 320X240 pixels
- File Types Supported: STL, OBJ, Thing, MakerBot
The printer currently retails for $1375, and can be purchased at the Makerbot website, or any Makerbot retail location. The Makerbot mobile app will be released shortly and will allow users to stream a video of their prints to their mobile devices via an on board camera within the Replicator Mini. Makerbot’s other 5th generation printer, the large Z18, will also begin shipping in the next few weeks.
Are you considering a purchase of the Makerbot Replicator Mini? Let’s hear your thoughts on the device at the Makerbot Mini forum thread at Watch the video below with Makerbot’s CEO Bre Pettis giving an overview of this new machine:
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MakerBot Replicator 3D Printerfrom MakerBot Industries, LLC The Makerbot Replicator is one of the most popular desktop 3D printers and has spawned many imitations around the world.

About the MakerBot Replicator
MakerBot welcomed 2014 with a new range officially classified as "5th Generation". This includes the new compact MakerBot Mini printer, its exact opposite of the MakerBot Z18 (the name directly refers to the height of the working area of 18 inches, i.e. 455mm) for printing large objects and, of course, the updated flagship and golden mean - MakerBot Replicator.
Here it is, handsome
Don't be confused by the name of the model - the new Replicator is the development of the Replicator 2 printer. The company deliberately did not call it Replicator 3, but instead introduced the concept of generations. Thus, the Replicator 2 belongs to the fourth generation, and the new printer - to the fifth.
This option has a lot of interesting and quite rational ideas, although the result can hardly be called ideal. So:
The appearance of the printer gives the impression of a high-tech gadget, which is what the Replicator is. While maintaining the black, matte severity of the Replicator 2, the new device was “licked” - the panels disappeared, the supporting steel frame was hidden in a smoothed plastic lining. The first optimization is visible to the naked eye: the control module has moved from its usual place in the lower right corner to the top, which makes its use much more convenient. Despite rumors about the touch screen, the display remained just liquid crystal, but color. But the large rotary knob is very convenient, reminiscent of the smoothness of the volume controls on expensive stereos.
Smart extruder mounted on magnets
The new version of the extruder has become "smart": built-in electronic components allow the printer to detect when the consumable is running out and warn the user about it. This moment alone deserves huge praise for the designers. No printing "over the air" and decommissioned semi-finished models - received a warning, changed the coil, continued printing. Wonderful.
The “jumping nozzle” is also interesting: when changing the horizontal position without printing (for example, when layering individual fragments on the same level), the platform movement is no longer required to distance the layer from the nozzle and prevent smearing of freshly applied plastic. Instead of a platform, the nozzle itself comes into motion. The extrusion stops, the nozzle rises, separating from the applied plastic, the print head moves to a new position, the nozzle lowers and printing continues. This approach theoretically allows for higher Z-axis accuracy and higher print speeds. As for the mechanism of movement of the nozzle, it is extremely simple: the feed mechanism simply turns on the “reverse speed”, and the plastic thread pulls the nozzle up with it.
The third interesting element was the Hall sensor built into the print head. The platform calibration procedure has become much easier. Now tilt adjustment is carried out using two large, comfortable handles. The sensor in the head tells you when one or another edge of the platform reaches the optimal position. The light came on - it means that the slope is eliminated. The same for the perpendicular axis, and the calibration is complete. But why not put two servomotors instead of handles and make the process fully automatic?
The downside of the new extruder is its relative complexity. In fact, it is not designed to be repaired on its own. If the nozzle becomes clogged, then the entire extruder will most likely have to be replaced with a new one or the old one should be sent to a service center, which is a problem in Russia. The good news is that detaching the assembly is exceptionally simple: the extruder is held in place with fairly powerful magnets. You just need to apply enough force, and the whole assembly separates. I stuck a new extruder in its place, threaded the thread, continued working.
Glass platform covered with blue masking tape. An illuminated light near the nozzle indicates that the stage is properly calibrated. MakerBot deliberately sticks to the flagship concept of printing with one filament and one extruder. On the one hand, this allows you to slightly increase the size of the working area while maintaining the dimensions of the printer - after all, the more extruders, the larger the printed assembly. On the other hand, polylactide is one of the easiest materials to print, does not suffer from high shrinkage and does not emit harmful fumes due to its organic origin. Since PLA plastic is almost not subject to deformation during curing, the Replicator is not equipped with a heated platform. On the other hand, fans of "replicators" often misuse these printers, printing with ABS plastic, polystyrene, nylon and other alternative materials. Many of them require platform heating. Fortunately, purchasing such an upgrade from a third-party manufacturer is quite simple. The previous model used an acrylic worktop, but on the new version, the designers decided to use glass. In principle, both options are excellent for printing with polylactide.
Built-in camera allows you to transfer images of the printing process to remote computers and mobile devices
Finally, for the first time, the "replicator" was equipped with a camera. The idea is to be able to control the printing process remotely. What if there's a crash? To receive images and control using a mobile device, you will have to connect the printer to the network, for which an Ethernet interface was provided. The USB port remained in place and became multifunctional, as the developers abandoned the use of memory cards in favor of flash drives. By the way, branded flash drives, as in the case of CubeX, are not required. Any drive with standard formatting will do. True, the drive is not supplied in the kit. Remote control is carried out using the MakerBot Mobile mobile application or the standard MakerBot Desktop software, and within the office, you can also use a Wi-Fi connection.
Plastic filament spools have been resized. All fifth generation MakerBot printers use thinner, larger diameter spools. This was done so that the coils fit more ergonomically into the dimensions of the devices themselves, because they are stored inside. You don't have to turn the entire printer around to change the spool: the spool slides into a drawer at the back of the printer with the mount facing forward. After installing the spool, the section drops down and the printer looks neat.
Spools of filament are inserted into the drawer
Of course, no one else, except MakerBot, produces such spools. But! The company does not break the hands of users by forcing them to use branded cartridges, as 3D Systems did. Those who wish can use standard coils, they just have to be installed outside the printer. And the drawer section, with the guide tube attached, has a latch that holds it in the raised position. It will not look particularly attractive, but the functionality is provided. Branded thread is sold at a price of about $40 per kilogram, which is about 20% more expensive than consumer goods. But the quality is guaranteed - no dust or oval profile. Unfortunately, a rather complicated filament feed path, coupled with a narrow nozzle, creates an additional load on the pulling mechanism of the extruder. Although the designers have spring-loaded the roller, there are times when the printer simply cannot grab onto the filament. As a rule, such problems do not appear immediately.
Despite all the tricks, such as optimizing algorithms, using an ARM9 processor and a jumping nozzle, the new printer is noticeably slower than the Replicator 2. In one of the comparative tests, the task was to print a Lego brick. The Replicator 2 completed the task in 18 minutes, while the 5th generation "replicator" took 25! Even the inclusion process is quite long - the download takes about three minutes.
Not practical, but glamorous!
And yet, if everything works as expected, the Replicator is pleased with the good quality of the models. The printer allows you to print with a resolution of 100 microns vertically, although the thickness of the applied layer can be increased to speed up the process. Back at the office, the MakerBot team prints mostly in 200-micron layers, which is enough for most tasks, according to CEO Bree Pettis. Positioning accuracy has remained at the level of the fourth generation printers, which is good in itself: 11 microns in the X and Y axes, 2.5 microns in the Z axis.
And yes, the new Replicator informs you about the progress of the print and estimates the remaining time. This feature has been enabled due to persistent user requests. As Pettis explained, there was simply no room for it on the old hardware.
The platform has undergone significant changes. The dimensions have changed: the area of the table has slightly increased and become “square”: 252x199mm versus 285x153mm for the Replicator 2. The material of the table has been replaced with more and more popular glass, and the table itself is now attached to the platform using skids instead of clips. So it's safer and more convenient. For better adhesion of plastic to the table, a time-tested solution is used - masking tape.
MakerBot Desktop software. The status bar at the bottom indicates that the model being printed is 98 percent complete.
The software used is the MakerBot Desktop software package. This includes MakerWare, which made its debut on the Replicator 2 and is responsible for model processing, slicing, and other functions and settings related directly to printing. In addition, networking features have been added, including access to the Thingiverse website, which features many digital models, including free ones, uploading your own digital designs for the benefit of the community, the ability to order additional consumables, and more and more. With it, you can also receive pictures from the built-in camera or remotely control the printer. To use the software, you will have to open an account on Thingiverse, but it is not at all difficult and completely free.
The MakerBot Digitizer Desktop 3D Scanner and MakerBot Replicator Printer is a Chinese engineer's dream. Copy, copy!
It's worth noting that MakerBot is seriously aiming to create a 3D "ecosystem" tested by 3D Systems. This means the integration of hardware, software and networking into a single whole. If in the case of 3D Systems the ecosystem consists of Cube 3D printers, Sense 3D scanner and Cubify online service, then in the case of MakerBot we have Replicator, Digitizer and Thingiverse, respectively. Adding to the intrigue is the fact that MakerBot is actually an independent division of 3D Systems' main competitor, Stratasys.
The new "replicator" has become friendlier due to an optimized design and user-friendly software. It's still a favorite of seasoned 3D enthusiasts, but the new version is easy enough to use for inexperienced users. A lot of convenient innovations and improvements are pleasantly surprising. Unfortunately, the first batches of delivered printers clearly showed the dampness of the design: there were problems with the extruder, bugs in the firmware, and a surprisingly slow print speed, which, on the contrary, should have increased. If the designers bring this wonderful machine to mind, then it will have every right to the title of "best among equals." The cost of the device is high, although this printer is primarily intended for serious users and design companies, for which the manufacturer's selling price of almost three thousand dollars will not be prohibitive.
- Stylish, ergonomic design
- Convenient control module and software
- High print quality
- MakerBot 3D Ecosystem Integration
- Fairly large number of shortcomings
- Slow print speed
- High price
New 3D printers and programs from MakerBot « 3D « Knowledge base MultiChernil.

MakerBot has announced 3 new 3D printers and a series of software products that will be showcased at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas today.
All new fifth generation 3D printers have a 3.5-inch color screen, can be connected via Wi-Fi or Ethernet, and can be operated via a mobile application. Also, new items come with an updated extruder (essentially a print head), which warns of the end of the plastic filament and can continue to complete the job after loading the consumable. Another plus is that the extruder is now mounted on magnets, and not on complex latches, and is compatible with PLA plastic filament.
New MakerBot Magnetic Mount Extruder
The next general improvement is an improved platform-to-printhead calibration-matching process. For example, on the initial model - Mini - it is fully automated.
MakerBot Replicator Mini
Compact yet fast enough, the MakerBot Mini 3D printer addresses consumer demand for printing 3D models with a maximum size of 10 x 10 12. 5 cm.
MakerBot Replicator Mini
Designed for beginners, it has 200 µm resolution per layer and a rather high price of $1375 (available for order now).
MakerBot Replicator
The classic and world-famous MakerBot Replicator 3D printer has been upgraded again. The print area is 25.2 x 19.9 x 15 cm. The fifth generation model has increased print speed, resolution up to 100 microns per layer and a slightly reduced price, now it is offered for $ 2899 (already available for order).
MakerBot Replicator Z18
MakerBot claims the new Replicator Z18 is the fastest “3D” printer in the world, capable of printing large models up to 30.5 x 30.5 x 45.7 cm. It has a camera that can real-time display of the printing process and is designed specifically for professionals, its price is 6499 US dollars (will be available for order in the spring of 2014).
MakerBot 3D Ecosystem
Proprietary software environment (“ecosystem”) for 3D printing includes:
- Updated mobile and desktop apps;
- MakerBot PrintShop for easy creation of unique 3D models: bracelets, plaques, signs and other typical items.
Learn more