Lisa harouni 3d printing

Lisa Harouni: A Primer on 3D Printing

Thought Food Body of Knowledge

3D printing entrepreneur Lisa Harouni is the co-founder of Digital Forming – a company operating in the “additive manufacturing” or 3D printing space. In this eye-opening TED Talk, Harouni introduces us to the world of 3D printing; past, present and future. Harouni highlights the fact that the 3D printer, while a new concept to most, is actually over 30 years old. However, it’s only now that they are becoming accessible to the public. She goes on to explain how and why this development is set to revolutionize manufacturing, business, our lives, and the lives of our children. At the end of the day, this isn’t difficult to believe, considering the public are already able to download products (or product data) from the web, thanks to 3D printing.

To watch more, click here.

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The TOP 9 you should see.

Posted By Hilmiyati Kusnadi on Aug 23, 2017 |

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Discover a recent example of 3D printing in the construction industry from one of our customers, XtreeE “3D Printing Concrete to Push the limits of Construction.“


For our French Speaker readers, here is also a special TED talk from our UX designer Alex Gryson that will enrich your knowledge of 3D Printing.


9. L’Impression 3D by AlexGryson, Sculpteo’s UX Leader

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Learn more about additive manufacturing thanks to Alex Gryson.


There you have the 9 must-see TED Talks on 3D Printing which I hope you will get so many inspirations from it. But this time is your turn to create your own 3D printing story. With Sculpteo’s online 3D printing service, it’s easy and fast. Start by uploading your 3D file here. 

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