Gloomhaven 3d printed
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Gloomhaven best 3D printer models・Cults
Gloomhaven Attack Modifier Deck Holder
€0. 89
Gloomhaven Map Markers
Kenku Monk - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Kenku Bard - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Kenku Barbarian - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Kenku Rogue - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
MagHex Linked tiles and risers generic, for Gloomhaven JotL and others
Battle Masters - Tower
Gloomhaven Monster Base Mega Pack
Gloomhaven-orchid brewstir
Halloween Ork-o'-lantern on a bale of hay
Heroquest Classic - Smiuty the (Immortal) Imp
Gloomhaven :Demolitionist from Jaws of the Lion.
Gloomhaven Insert with card filing system
Simple RPG Pine Tree
Halloween Jack-o'-lantern on bale of hay
Kobold Hatchet - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Kobold Archer - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Kobold Spearman - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Kobold Trapper - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Giant Boar Piglets - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Goose Hydra - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Green Hag - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
€2. 81
Sorrowsworn - The Wretched Mob - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
yet another Gloomhaven Player dashboard !
Heroquest Classic - Crossbow for Orcs
Chibi Brute - Gloomhaven
Red Wizard Cultists - Tabletop Miniatures (Pre-Supported)
Bandit Mob - Tabletop Miniatures (Pre-Supported)
Tressym Bundle - Tabletop Miniatures (Pre-Supported)
Ettercap - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Bullywug - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Gibbering Mouther - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
€2. 81
Qalupalik - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Demonic Windsock - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Rakshasa - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Twig Blight Bundle - Tabletop Miniatures (Pre-Supported)
Basilisk - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported STL)
Giant Boar + Piglets- Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported STL)
Cockatrice - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported STL)
Sharkenbear - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported STL)
Heroquest Classic - Female Barbarian of Ashra
Wooden Barrel
€0. 50
Forest Set - "HEX" Tiles for a highly detailed 3D game board.
Flail Snail - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Gluttony Demon - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
Snow Imp
Dire Bat - Tabletop Miniature (Pre-Supported)
The fall of the giants of Silicon Valley, the economic crisis in IT corporations
The US Federal Reserve and its head do not believe that there is a recession in the US, despite the fact that official statistics show the highest inflation rate in 40 years. Prices for everyday goods are rising, companies shrink and start saving on promoting their services or the same goods, the outlook is bleak. The fall of the world's largest economy is developing according to the canons of Hollywood films, the script, written by life, unwittingly copies the antics of screenwriters. Perhaps such parallels arise due to the fact that the main participants grew up in the cultural context of Hollywood and use exactly the same techniques. nine0003
The beginning of 2022, the first months have passed and corporate reports for the previous year and the fourth calendar quarter appear. I flip through endless pages, the figures hide the worsening economic conditions, the crisis is already visible in certain parameters, but there is room for broad interpretations and they are offered for every taste. “Temporary deterioration of the market situation”, “one-time write-off of assets”, “revaluation of assets” and other equivocals that describe the reality - the market is in crisis. The stock market receives an influx of unsecured money, stocks again rise by leaps and bounds, but growth is periodically replaced by a fall, as whiners break through the pages of newspapers and magazines asking stupid questions about the crisis. nine0003
My favorite unanswered question is how can Apple keep iPhone sales growing when the cost of the iPhone is rising and the purchasing power of people around the world is falling? The dilemma inherent in this issue is obvious to anyone, when people have less money, they begin to save and cannot spend on the usual benefits of civilization. Many non-professional and even professional investors think that technical analysis can replace common sense and the basic laws of economics. Let's try to explain on the fingers how the economy of large IT corporations works. nine0003
In the digital world, on the very Internet, Google promotes this or that content, while the main income is from the sale of advertising. It was the advertising model that made Google the corporation we know. When the economic situation worsens, advertising budgets are reduced, the explanation lies in the lack of money for those who usually spend it on their own promotion. Let's put it even simpler - companies do not take money out of thin air, the marketing budget is a part of their sales. You sold goods for 100 million, bit off a few percent of this for promotion. We sold goods for 50 million, bit off the same percentage, maybe even increased it, but in absolute numbers it will be less spending. I think that this moment is clear and does not raise questions. nine0003
Let's take a look at the Google report, it turned out to be amazing for the market. Growth in advertising sales has slowed to the slowest pace in recent years.
A year ago, revenue grew by 62%, which was due to the previous pandemic year, this time an increase of only 13%. The report says that almost 4% of growth was eaten by a strong dollar, American companies will have to reckon with this all year. America's monetary policy is not very pleasant for them, but it is the cost of trying to curb inflation. On the other hand, the decision will not provide relief for the market, as it triggers an increase in the cost of all goods in foreign markets, China, in accordance with the dollar, raises selling prices for all goods. The trade war continues with no end in sight. nine0003
Okay, let's look at another ad monster, Meta*. Mark Zuckerberg said that the quarter turned out to be much worse than forecasts, the macroeconomic situation is putting pressure on the company, there is less advertising. The company for the first time did not show revenue growth in its history. The forecast for the third quarter is moderately gloomy, but it has already spooked investors. The augmented reality division of Reality Labs sold $452 million worth of glasses and other products, and its losses increased to $2.81 billion in the quarter. Investments in virtual reality continue to bring some costs. nine0003
The Oculus Quest 2 VR headset cost $299, new price $399. Such a significant growth is associated with a change in the cost of components, a different cost of logistics (not from China, but within the United States, these are overhead costs for the high cost of energy, including fuel). It is important to note here that a container in China now costs the wrong 16-20 thousand dollars, prices have fallen to 5-6 thousand dollars. That is, logistics from China is not so expensive, but internal logistics costs decent money. nine0003
To add another dimension to this crisis, corporations stop hiring new employees, many start-ups start laying off people. The crisis is growing and it is impossible to hide behind ornate phrases, you need to get rid of people at any cost, they are pulling companies down. And this is the first thing that corporations do, they try to improve their balance sheet at the expense of employees.
No corporation wants to be the first when it comes to bad news, companies leave it to their peers in the market. Elon Musk recently spoke about the crisis, but everyone is used to it and does not attach much weight to his words. Another thing is when industry leaders, the unshakable pillars of Silicon Valley, begin to slur and cautiously talk about the increasingly difficult macroeconomic situation. And here you need to understand that already now everything is so bad that companies have switched to crisis mode, they are trying to find internal reserves in order not to show a drop in sales, to keep revenue at an acceptable level. nine0003
For those who live mostly in the digital world, the situation is not as critical as for companies that also produce iron, the latter will face a noticeable increase in production costs, logistics and so on. Yes, of course, the giants of Silicon Valley have data centers, equipment costs, but still their product is often virtual, they will feel a less catastrophic increase in cost and will be able to hide parts of it. But iron manufacturers are already faced with the fact that they will have to raise prices by 10-30% this year alone or worsen the characteristics of their devices. The most curious is the launch of the new iPhone 14 in September, here you can expect various surprises. For objective reasons, the price cannot remain at the old level - it must rise at least for external markets, since the dollar has become stronger. You can lower the price for buyers by abandoning the usual Apple margin, but inside the company this is a sacred cow, especially since in this case there will be a loss in income. Most likely, the company will choose an intermediate path, slightly reduce its margins, slightly increase prices in foreign markets. But in any case, sales of the 14th iPhone of any model will be the lowest in recent years, as the market cannot digest such expensive models.
Operators are also no longer ready to subsidize such devices. And this is just one of the examples, albeit quite revealing. Exactly the same thing will happen to most manufacturers, the cost of goods for them will change and the question is how they will begin to change the cost of goods on the shelf. The main thing is that their opportunities for marketing promotion will be reduced, and we will get a crisis in Silicon Valley, and on a scale that is now hard to imagine. nine0003
There will be nomads who will start looking for a place to apply their forces, laid-off people will be drawn from Silicon Valley in all directions, looking for work somewhere else. This will not destroy this place at all, but the number of specialists will decrease, for sure someone will call the events of 2023 a great exodus. Outwardly, it will be exactly like this - empty offices, where there are no more crowds of employees, half-empty parking lots. There will be expanse for journalists, they will be able to photograph this temporary desolation, scribble reports about the fate of people and companies. nine0003
It irritates me that they try to present this crisis as something temporary, as if in the race one of the athletes stumbled and immediately ran again, and everyone pretends that this is normal. We no longer have a race, the crisis is such that companies need to consider the possibility of preserving themselves, their achievements. The exodus of IT-specialists from the same America is becoming more and more real, they will begin to look for a new home. And this is also about the crisis and attempts to maintain their old way of life.
Sooner or later, investors will realize the size of the crisis, stocks will fall. For the year they fell not enough, they are still inflated and inflated.
All the fun is just beginning, take a seat in the front row and look, there will be a lot of interesting things and Hollywood will be put to shame by real stories of falls, human passions. Against the backdrop of these disasters, Russia is already perceived as a safe haven, which to some extent reassures us that we are far from this storm and even benefit from it.
*Meta Platforms, which includes the social networks Facebook and Instagram, has been recognized as an extremist organization and banned in the Russian Federation.
From knowledge to creativity. How the humanities can change the world. - M. - SPb., 2016
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