Abstract for 3d printing
The Role of 3D Printing in Medical Applications: A State of the Art
. 2019 Mar 21;2019:5340616.
doi: 10.1155/2019/5340616. eCollection 2019.
Anna Aimar 1 , Augusto Palermo 2 , Bernardo Innocenti 3
- 1 Aid4Med S.r.l., Udine 33100, Italy.
- 2 Head 3 Orthopaedic Department, Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS Capitanio Hospital, Milan 20122, Italy.
- 3 BEAMS Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles 1050, Belgium.
- PMID: 31019667
- PMCID: PMC6451800
- DOI: 10.1155/2019/5340616
Free PMC article
Anna Aimar et al. J Healthc Eng. .
Free PMC article
. 2019 Mar 21;2019:5340616.
doi: 10.1155/2019/5340616. eCollection 2019.
Anna Aimar 1 , Augusto Palermo 2 , Bernardo Innocenti 3
- 1 Aid4Med S.
r.l., Udine 33100, Italy.
- 2 Head 3 Orthopaedic Department, Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS Capitanio Hospital, Milan 20122, Italy.
- 3 BEAMS Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles 1050, Belgium.
- PMID: 31019667
- PMCID: PMC6451800
- DOI: 10.1155/2019/5340616
Three-dimensional (3D) printing refers to a number of manufacturing technologies that generate a physical model from digital information. Medical 3D printing was once an ambitious pipe dream. However, time and investment made it real. Nowadays, the 3D printing technology represents a big opportunity to help pharmaceutical and medical companies to create more specific drugs, enabling a rapid production of medical implants, and changing the way that doctors and surgeons plan procedures. Patient-specific 3D-printed anatomical models are becoming increasingly useful tools in today's practice of precision medicine and for personalized treatments. In the future, 3D-printed implantable organs will probably be available, reducing the waiting lists and increasing the number of lives saved. Additive manufacturing for healthcare is still very much a work in progress, but it is already applied in many different ways in medical field that, already reeling under immense pressure with regards to optimal performance and reduced costs, will stand to gain unprecedented benefits from this good-as-gold technology. The goal of this analysis is to demonstrate by a deep research of the 3D-printing applications in medical field the usefulness and drawbacks and how powerful technology it is.
Figure 1
3D-printing workflow.
Figure 1
3D-printing workflow.
Figure 13D-printing workflow.
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What Is 3D Printing?
Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an additive manufacturing process that creates a physical object from a digital design. The process works by laying down thin layers of material in the form of liquid or powdered plastic, metal or cement, and then fusing the layers together.
Key Takeaways
- Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an additive manufacturing process in which a physical object is created from a digital design by printing thin layers of material and then fusing them together.
- Some industries, such as hearing aids manufacturers, airline manufacturers, and car manufacturers, use 3D printing to create prototypes and mass produce their products using custom scans.
- While it is currently too slow to be used in mass production, 3D printing technology is still evolving and has the potential to massively disrupt both the manufacturing logistics and inventory management industries.
Understanding 3D Printing
Since it was introduced, 3D printing technology has already increased manufacturing productivity. In the long-term, it has the potential to massively disrupt both the manufacturing, logistics, and inventory management industries, especially if it can be successfully incorporated into mass production processes.
Currently, 3D printing speeds are too slow to be used in mass production. However, the technology has been used to reduce the lead time in the development of prototypes of parts and devices, and the tooling needed to make them. This is hugely beneficial to small-scale manufacturers because it reduces their costs and the time to market, that is, the amount of time from a product being conceived until its being available for sale.
3D printing can create intricate and complex shapes using less material than subtractive manufacturing processes, such as drilling, welding, injection molding, and other processes. Making prototypes faster, easier, and cheaper allows for more innovation, experimentation, and product-based startups.
Industrial Uses
Car and aircraft manufacturers have taken the lead in 3D manufacturing, using the technology to transform unibody and fuselage design and production, and powertrain design and production. Boeing is using 3D-printed titanium parts in the construction of its 787 Dreamliner airliner. In 2017, General Electric created a helicopter engine with 16 parts instead of 900–an indication of how big an impact 3D printing could potentially have on supply chains.
In medical sciences, 3D printing is being used to customize implants. In the future, organs and body parts may be created using 3D printing techniques. In the fashion world, Nike, Adidas, and New Balance are using 3D printing to create their shoes. In the construction industry, companies around the world are making breakthroughs in 3D printing of the materials need to build homes. Using layers of concrete, homes can be built in 24 hours, which are stronger than regular cinder blocks and cost a fraction of the price.
In the manufacturing of hearing aids, 3D printing is now customary. The use of 3D printing accelerates the process of manufacturing and enables manufacturers to make custom hearing aids. Audiologists can use 3D scanners to create a custom prototype using reference points from the scan. Manufacturers can feed the scan into a 3D printing machine and after fine-tuning the materials and the ear shapes, print the entire hearing aids.
Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
Norsk Titanium. "Norsk Titanium to Deliver the World’s First FAA-Approved, 3D-Printed, Structural Titanium Components to Boeing." Accessed Aug. 23, 2021.
General Electric. "An Epiphany Of Disruption: GE Additive Chief Explains How 3D Printing Will Upend Manufacturing." Accessed Aug. 23, 2021.
Nike. "Nike Flyprint is the First Performance 3D Printed Textile Upper." Accessed Aug. 23, 2021.
Adidas. "4DFWD: Data-Driven 3D Printed Performance Technology Designed to Move You Forward." Accessed Aug.23, 2021.
New Balance. "New Balance Launches a Premium 3D Printing Platform." Accessed Aug. 23, 2021.
"3D Printing Technology for Improved Hearing." Accessed Aug. 23, 2021.
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