3D printing basic concepts mathematics and technologies
[PDF] 3D printing: Basic concepts mathematics and technologies
- DOI:10.1109/BIBE.2013.6701672
- Corpus ID: 21793768
@article{Anastasiou20133DPB, title={3D printing: Basic concepts mathematics and technologies}, author={Athanasios Anastasiou and Charalambos Tsirmpas and Alexandros Rompas and Kostas Giokas and Dimitris Koutsouris}, journal={13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering}, year={2013}, pages={1-4} }
- Athanasios Anastasiou, Charalambos Tsirmpas, D. Koutsouris
- Published 1 April 2013
- Materials Science
- 13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering
3D printing is the process of being able to print any object layer by layer. But if we question this proposition, can we find any three dimensional objects that can't be printed layer by layer? To banish any disbeliefs we walked together through the mathematics that prove 3d printing is feasible for any real life object. 3d printers create three dimensional objects by building them up layer by layer. The current generation of 3d printers typically requires input from a CAD program in the form…
View on IEEE
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3D printing mathematics | plus.maths.org
When learning about existing mathematics, and especially when trying to produce new mathematics, we spend a lot of time thinking about examples. How do parts of the example interact with each other? What are the regularities and symmetries? Does it come in a family of examples, or does it live on its own? In many cases, the first thing to do is to try and draw a picture. We are both geometric topologists, working mostly with two and three-dimensional objects. As such, two-dimensional pictures are important currency in our field. These pictures are typically drawn on blackboards, on pieces of paper, and even on tablecloths and napkins, as famously depicted in Douglas Adams' discussion of Bistromathics.
A natural extension of drawing in two dimensions is drawing in three dimensions. In this direction, we have been using 3D printing as an aid to visualising mathematical objects. We design sculptures that help us and others to understand the mathematics better. Also, these sculptures are beautiful in their own right!
Here are a few favourite examples.
Half of a 120-cell
Half of a 120-cell depicts a projection of the 120-cell, one of the four-dimensional regular polytopes (from the Greek — "poly" for many, "topos" for place).
Figure 1: Half of a 120-cell, with views showing the 2-, 3- and 5-fold symmetries.
The familiar pentagon is a two-dimensional polytope having five facets, all of which are edges. The dodecahedron is a three-dimensional polytope having 12 pentagonal facets. Finally the 120-cell is a four-dimensional polytope having 120 dodecahedral facets. In each case the facets are polytopes of one dimension lower.
Figure 2: Polytopes of dimensions zero through four: point, interval, pentagon, dodecahedron, 120-cell.
To understand how to project this four-dimensional object into three-dimensional space, we need to develop some intuition from lower dimensions.
In dimension two the corners of a square sit on a circle which contains the whole shape. If we place a light at the center of the circle, the edges of the square cast shadows on the circle.
In dimension three, a cube sits inside a sphere. We arrange the cube so that one of its square facets is horizontal, with the North pole directly above the facet's center. Now we place a light at the centre of the sphere. The edges of the cube cast shadows onto the sphere, making a "beach ball cube". We delete the cube, and concentrate on the beach ball version. Move the light to the North pole. The edges of the beach ball cube cast their shadows on the horizontal plane: the plane the sphere is sitting on. This last step is called stereographic projection, from the sphere to the plane. See figure 3 below for pictures of this process.
Figure 3: Projecting a cube onto the plane.
Finally, in dimension four, the 120-cell sits inside a three-sphere (the unit sphere in four-dimensional space). By casting shadows out from the center of the three-sphere we make a "beach ball 120-cell". We use stereographic projection to get the beach ball 120-cell into our ordinary three-dimensional space. This gives the rightmost image in figure 2.
Note the massive complexity near the center. This cannot be printed using current technology — at least not within our budget! We came up with the following idea: we cut the projection of the 120-cell in half along a sphere, and we threw away the outside. The result is shown in figure 1. You can find out more in this movie:
The internal structure is now visible. In addition, the ratio between the diameter and the smallest features is much more reasonable, making the sculpture printable.
After playing with Half of a 120-cell for quite a while, we were inspired to design a family of interlocking puzzles which we call Quintessence; here chains of dodecahedra living in the Half of a 120-cell are combined to build various structures.
Figure 4: Quintessence; copies of the six "rib" pieces shown in the top left can make all of these puzzles.
See how the puzzles work in this movie:
Figure 5: The reverse of a two pound coin.
Triple helix
Triple Helix (figure 6) is a mechanism with three helical gears, meshing in pairs, all at right angles to each other. There is an amusing mistake in graphic design, where three (or any odd number) of planar gears are arranged in a circle. Perhaps the best known example is the reverse of the two-pound coin (see figure 5), designed by Bruce Rushin, which shows 19 gears that symbolise the Industrial Revolution. The mistake comes from the fact that neighbouring gears must rotate in opposite directions. Thus any circle with an odd number of planar gears is frozen! Triple helix is one solution to this paradox.
Figure 6: Triple helix.
Watch the triple helix move:
Triple gear
Another, more complicated, solution titled Triple gear (figure 7) involves using three toothed-rings, all pairwise linked. Unlike our other work, these sculptures move. For much more on Triple gear and related mechanisms, check out our paper on the subject, which appeared in the Proceedings of the 2013 Bridges conference on mathematics, music, art, architecture and culture.
Figure 7: Triple gear.
The triple gear in action:
Round Möbius strip
Round Möbius strip answers another puzzle — it is a Möbius strip with a circular boundary! Famously, the Möbius strip can be made by taking a long strip of paper, giving it a half-twist (twist by 180 degrees), and gluing the two short edges together (see this Plus article for more information). The resulting object has a single edge and one side. Unlike an ordinary piece of paper, you do not need to cross an edge to get from one side to the other side. The boundary of the paper Möbius strip describes a curve in space; this curve is not geometrically a circle, but it can be deformed into one. This movie illustrates the idea:
Our sculpture shows what happens when you drag the surface of the Möbius strip along as you "straighten out" the circle. We have also dragged one point of the strip to infinity to bring out the symmetries of the Möbius strip, but you can see the round circle at the centre — this is the boundary of the original Möbius strip.
Figure 8: The "round" Möbius strip.
3D printing
3D printing is a term that covers a number of closely related technologies, also known as additive manufacturing. In all of these the idea is to build a physical object up, layer by layer, starting from nothing. This contrasts with more traditional subtractive manufacturing, such as lathing or carving. Complicated internal structures are difficult to make in subtractive manufacturing, but are easy in additive manufacturing. When subtracting, the object can get in the way of the carving tool. When adding, the print head always works from above, and at each moment the printed layers are below. Intricate details are now just a matter of persistence on the part of the designer; at the manufacturing stage it is as easy to print a block as it is to print a delicate filigree occupying the same volume.
The printing process is almost entirely automated, which means that the printed object very closely approximates the computer design. For us, this means that our prints are very close to the mathematical ideal. Many of our sculptures are entirely or almost entirely generated by (Python) code that directly expresses the desired geometry. Thus the mathematics described by our programs gets translated into physical objects with very few choices or possibilities of error.
However, there are limits to what 3D printers can do. There is a basic tension between the minimum feature size and the overall size of a sculpture. As we learned from the 120-cell, if some features are too small then the sculpture will have parts that are fragile or perhaps just unprintable. The easiest solution to this problem is to scale the design up -- however if the resulting volume is too large the sculpture will be too expensive and perhaps again unprintable (if it does not fit inside the printer).
Getting into 3D printing is becoming easier and easier. These days many schools and universities, and even hobbyists have 3D printers. There are also many 3D printing services that let you upload a model, which they then 3D print and send to you. In addition one of us (Segerman) has given a workshop on 3D printing, using the programs Mathematica and Rhinoceros. The workshop materials are available here.
These include a preprint of the paper 3D printing for mathematical visualisation that appeared in the Mathematical Intelligencer.
Ideas for the future
We are currently thinking about objects that move, or that can be taken apart and played with. Such sculptures play to the strengths of physical objects as opposed to pictures or even computer animations. As an example of cool stuff that wants to be 3D printed we mention planar linkages — a fascinating piece of engineering along these lines is the Chaos machine of Robert MacKay. We are also thinking of sculptures based on hyperbolic rather than spherical geometry, and about the favourite knot of hyperbolic geometers, the figure-eight knot.
About the authors
Saul Schleimer is a geometric topologist, working at the University of Warwick. His other interests include combinatorial group theory and computation. He is especially interested in the interplay between these fields and additionally in visualisation of ideas from these fields.
Henry Segerman is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Oklahoma State University. His mathematical research is in 3-dimensional geometry and topology. He also makes mathematical artwork, often about geometry and topology, but also involving procedural generation, self-reference, ambigrams and puzzles.
3D Printing Technologies - FDM, FFF, SLA, DLP, PolyJet, CJP, SLS, SLM
One of the most popular, simple and cheap 3D printing technologies is Fused Depsition Modeling. The technology was invented more than 20 years ago and implemented by Stratasys, and still it remains the most popular. The principle of building a prototype using this method is simple and clear. The simulated 3D object in STL format is transferred to the 3D printer software. After placing the model in a virtual working chamber (automatically or manually), cutting the model into horizontal layers, the 3D printing process begins. The extruder print head melts the filament, laying down layer by layer according to the model data. If necessary, before starting printing, auxiliary structures (supports) are automatically or manually placed on a virtual 3D model, which, after printing, can be removed with a special solution or manually.
There are many types of equipment that print using this technology. They differ in terms of accuracy, the number of print heads, the size of the working platform, the presence or absence of a closed working chamber, consumable options, etc. There are models that support the ability to use different materials when printing. There are also industrial FDM 3D printers and personal ones.
The following materials can be used in FDM 3D printing:
- SBS plastic
- Nylon
- Polycarbonate
- HIPS support material
- PVA support material
- PETG plastic
- FLEX rubber-like plastic
- RUBBER plastic with rubber properties
The most popular materials are ABS and PLA. Products printed using FDM technology are characterized by elasticity, strength and stable physical characteristics, depending on the selected material. The construction accuracy varies from 0.027mm to 1mm. As a rule, the printed object has a layered (ribbed) surface, the severity of which depends on the thickness of one layer. This effect can be eliminated by post-processing with chemicals or grinding.
The advantages of FDM 3D printing technology include sufficient speed and ease of manufacture of products, safety, high accuracy, a wide choice of materials, as well as ease of use and maintenance of equipment. In addition, consumables for printing in this way are affordable. All this together makes this technology the most highly competitive and affordable in economic terms.
FDM 3D printing technology can be used for rapid prototyping and even small series production. Depending on the selected consumable material, this technology can be used to create parts of mechanisms, toys, interior items, jewelry, souvenirs and much more. The use of high-strength engineering thermoplastics makes it possible to apply this 3D printing method to products used in the aerospace industry.
Our company has several 3D printers working on this technology. You can order high-quality 3D printing using FDM technology from us with any of the available materials and in any available color option. We guarantee you the quality and efficiency of order execution of any degree of complexity.
To order 3D printing using FDM technology, you need to send us a file in STL format. Trust our professionalism and take advantage of the most affordable 3D printing.
SLA 3D printing technology or laser stereolithography is based on the layer-by-layer curing of a liquid photopolymer under the action of a laser beam. The technology was invented in 1986 by Charles W. Hull, who founded 3D Systems, which manufactures 3D printers that print using this technique.
Photopolymer, which in this case acts as a consumable, is a resinous substance that changes its properties under the influence of ultraviolet radiation - it polymerizes and hardens. In this case, the wavelength and time of exposure to radiation will depend on the environmental conditions and the specific material.
The principle of building a model using laser stereolithography technology at the initial level is similar to any other - the modeled object in STL format is loaded into the 3D printer software, placed in a virtual working chamber and cut into layers. Photopolymer resin is poured into a special container. It contains a working platform on which the part will be built. Initially, the working platform is set so that it is covered with the thinnest layer of photopolymer (0.05-0.13 mm). This will be the size of the layer when printed. Then the laser is turned on, it irradiates the areas that will later become parts of the finished product. As a result of irradiation, the material hardens and the working platform sinks to the extent of the layer. The algorithm repeats again until all programmed layers are exhausted. Then the finished product is immersed in a special bath, into which a composition is poured to remove excess elements. And at the end, the product is again irradiated so that it gains maximum strength.
Stereolithography, like most other 3D printing technologies, requires support. After printing is completed, they are removed manually.
The main advantages of stereolithography technology are the highest precision and the ability to create the smallest and thin-walled objects. The technique is distinguished by easy post-processing of products and their almost perfect surface. The disadvantage of this technology is the impossibility of using several materials at once. Color printing is also not possible. The properties of the model and its color will determine the initial characteristics of one photopolymer. In addition, the cost of such printing and equipment is not cheap.
Due to the fact that stereolithography allows you to get a model of almost any degree of complexity, the main scope of this 3D printing is research. And due to the highest accuracy and detail, this technique is used in medicine, in particular in dentistry. Also, printed models are in demand in art, jewelry, museum work and restoration. There are photopolymers that can be used to print molded models. The model printed on a 3D printer, in this case, is poured with molding sand and placed in an oven for annealing at a temperature of 1000 degrees. As a result, the polymer burns out without leaving a trace, and the resulting form can be used for pouring metal under vacuum. As the metal cools, the mold breaks and the metal part is removed.
In our company you can order 3D printing using SLA technology. We have in our arsenal professional 3D printers using this technology and a wide range of photopolymer resins with various characteristics for 3D printing. We guarantee you high quality and prompt execution of the order. To order 3D printing using the laser stereolithography method, you need to provide us with a file in STL format.
Get the most out of high-precision and highly detailed stereolithographic 3D printing.
DLP 3D printing is one of the most accurate and fastest 3D printing methods. It is based on the technology that Larry Hornbeck invented for multimedia projectors. The peculiarity lies in the use of a special mirror matrix. Each individual pixel of this matrix is a microscopic mirror.
DLP stands for Digital Light Processing, which means "Digital Light Processing". Thus, this technology is one of the varieties of photopolymer 3D printing and photopolymer resin is used as a consumable. This resin is irradiated with projected light from the LEDs and hardens. The technology is very similar to stereolithography. However, with SLA 3D printing, each layer is, as it were, loomed with laser beams. And in DLP technology, the layer is completely projected onto a photopolymer using the same matrix with micromirrors, that is, this method is more like stamping. Thus, while maintaining the highest accuracy of 3D printing, it was possible to significantly increase its speed. At the moment, the speed of DLP printing is several times higher than FDM, SLM and SLA printing. For this reason, the DLP 3D printing technique is one of the most promising.
The thickness of one layer when printing using DLP technology is 10-15 microns, which is basically similar to the indicators for SLA 3D printing technology. For comparison, the FDM method implies a minimum thickness of at least 50 microns.
Since DLP printers are the main competitors of SLA printing, their application is about the same. They can print products for dentistry, jewelry, complex designs and even souvenirs. The technology is also in demand in the research area.
Photopolymers used in 3D printing with this method are diverse, and you can choose a material with the desired characteristics. For example, there are materials that mimic the properties of ABS plastic, hard engineering plastics, and even rubber. However, it is important to know that in some cases, under the influence of light, photopolymer products can crack and become brittle. This technology implies the impossibility of using several materials at once. Color printing is also not possible. The properties of the model and its color will determine the initial characteristics of one photopolymer.
However, there is also a drawback to DLP technology - as in the case of SLA 3D printers, the cost of equipment is very high, as in principle the price of photopolymers. Not every, even a large company, can afford such a 3D printer.
But this does not mean at all that you will not be able to take advantage of the speed and advantages of DLP printing, because you have the opportunity to order 3D printing on such a 3D printer in our company. To do this, you just need to provide us with an STL file with the desired model. We guarantee you prompt execution of the order and high quality.
Enjoy high-quality, fast, high-precision DLP printing.
One of the varieties of DLP 3D printing technology is LED 3D printing. That is, this method is based on the same digital light processing (as Digital Light Processing stands for). However, in devices for LED 3D printing, instead of a mirror chipped matrix, there is an LED display that immediately highlights a whole layer on the material, like a kind of light stamp. Using an LED display allows you to increase the speed of 3D printing. So it takes about 10-15 minutes to 3D print 2.5 cm along the Z-axis, and it's really fast. Although the print speed in any case will directly depend on the thickness of one layer.
As a consumable material, a photopolymer resin is used, which polymerizes under the action of ultraviolet light, that is, it changes its qualities, passing from a semi-liquid state to a solid one. There are many options for photopolymers, among which there are materials that, after the polymerization process, imitate the characteristics of solid, including engineering plastics. There are also those that are very similar to classic rubber after hardening, that is, they have the same strength and elasticity indicators. You can also choose biocompatible photopolymers. When choosing a material for printing, you should be guided by the technical characteristics and scope of a particular photopolymer.
Like any other photopolymer 3D printing, LED technology is characterized by the highest precision and detail. The thickness of one layer is only 10-15 microns. With its help, you can print thin-walled products, objects with complex geometry. Photopolymers practically do not shrink and do not change their geometry after hardening, and this is also an advantage, especially when it is necessary to print anatomically accurate models. The DLP LED 3D printing technology itself, although it provides for a layer-by-layer method for creating a model, still does not differ in pronounced layering of the finished model. The surface is almost perfectly smooth, requiring no additional processing.
If complex objects are printed, support must be used. They can be set in automatic or manual mode immediately before printing during the positioning of the model in the virtual working chamber. These supports are subsequently removed manually.
LED technology implies the impossibility of using several materials at once. Color 3D printing is also not possible. The properties of the finished prototype and its color will determine the initial characteristics of the photopolymer used.
The field of application of LED 3D printing is basically the same as the field of use of DLP printing, since this technology is, in fact, its improvement. The technology is in demand in the production of hearing aids and earmolds, in dentistry and orthodontics, as well as in jewelry. Due to the high accuracy and detail of 3D objects printed using this technology, products will also be in demand in the field of research and engineering activities.
LED 3D printer is very expensive. However, this does not mean that its benefits are not available to you. You can order 3D printing using LED technology in our company. We offer you a large selection of photopolymer resins for printing and guarantee the high quality of models, in full compliance with the provided STL-file, and the prompt execution of the order.
Take full advantage of LED technology with our help.
PolyJet is a revolutionary 3D printing technology that is a powerful tool for high performance additive manufacturing. The technique was invented and patented by Stratasys. The operation of a PolyJet 3D printer is very similar to a conventional, well-known inkjet printer, but printing is carried out not on paper and not with simple ink, but on a special substrate in the chamber, and an acrylic-based liquid photopolymer acts as a material.
The PolyJet-enabled 3D printer is equipped with a special print head with nozzles. There can be several printheads, which allows you to print faster and even prototyping several objects at once. The printing process is carried out by dosed deposition of a photopolymer. One layer of 16 microns is sprayed at a time. Then this layer is exposed to an ultraviolet lamp and the photopolymer turns into a hard plastic. After that, the working platform with the substrate is lowered, and the algorithm is repeated again. When printing complex geometric shapes, a support material is used. For this technology, a special gel-like material has been created, which is easily removed with plain water or hands.
A key feature of PolyJet 3D printing technology is the ability to use multiple materials in one print run. At the same time, there are models of 3D printers that can mix photopolymers in various proportions, obtaining a variety of composite materials with certain characteristics. Also, this technology is characterized by the possibility of complex color reproduction. That is, it is possible to use color printing, the palette of which includes about 1000 colors and shades. In fact, it is the only additive manufacturing technology that supports these capabilities.
Other advantages of the method include: high printing speed, high accuracy and detail, perfect surface and generally excellent quality of printed objects. In addition, a wide range of materials allows you to create objects of almost any kind. More than 100 different photopolymer resins can be used as a base, mixing of which allows obtaining materials from transparent to completely opaque, from hard to elastic and rubbery. This is truly a new standard for realism in the most complex prints. PolyJet technology allows you to achieve perfect surface smoothness and imitate any even the most subtle texture. The camera of the PolyJet 3D printer is quite large, but if you need to print a large object, then it can be broken into parts, which are then simply glued together.
The only disadvantage of the technology is its high cost. The equipment is very expensive, and photopolymer resins are not cheap. But this does not mean that you cannot use this technology, because you have the opportunity to order 3D printing using PolyJet technology in our company. In a short time, we will implement your project on our own 3D printer. All you need is to provide us with the STL file.
PolyJet 3D printing technology is truly limitless.
Color inkjet 3D printing - CJP (ColorJet Printing) technology - a patented technique invented by 3D Systems. It consists in layer-by-layer gluing and coloring of the powder gypsum composite. 3D printing of this type is based on a technique called 3DP, which is its improvement.
3D printing by this method is based on the use of two materials: base and binder. To create the base layer, a consumable of the main type is used. It consists of gypsum mixed with a polymer. And the binder is used for gluing and staining the layers.
ColorJet Printing 3D printer has two cameras. A gypsum composite is poured into one of them, and the second chamber is used to remove excess material. The model is "grown" in layers. A special roller distributes a thin layer of material on the working platform. The print head applies the adhesive and colors the main consumable particles. All this is carried out in accordance with the loaded mathematical 3D model. The working surface is lowered by the amount of the layer (0.1016 mm), and the roller again applies a layer of gypsum composite powder, and so on until the model is printed to the end.
ColorJet Printing technology has a relatively low cost of printed models. Its advantage is the absence of the need for supports, since the non-glued material will act as supporting structures. In addition, the material that was not used during printing can be reused. It turns out that this method of additive manufacturing is waste-free.
The CJP technology is the only one that uses the CMYK printing color palette. This palette includes 390 thousand colors and shades. The material is dyed during the gluing of the layer, resulting in details with excellent color reproduction.
The accuracy of building a model by this method is very high, the minimum printed element has dimensions of 0.1-0.4 mm. The thickness of the walls of the prototype, which will not collapse under their own weight, is 0.102-0.089 mm.
Models printed using ColorJet Printing technology have a typical gypsum rough surface, characterized by a high degree of hygroscopicity. The strength of the models is average. However, finished models are easy to sand, paint and glue. To improve the characteristics of the model and protect them from moisture, you can cover the surface with varnishes, waxes, resins, as well as all kinds of fixatives.
The technology can be used for 3D printing of architectural models, product presentations, souvenirs, miniatures, etc. Despite the fact that the products are of low strength, they allow you to visually evaluate the prototypes.
CJP 3D printer has impressive dimensions and is quite expensive, despite the fact that the cost of printed prototypes is low, not everyone can afford such pleasure. In our company, you can order 3D printing using ColorJet Printing technology. We guarantee you prompt execution of the order and full compliance of the prototype with the modeled object. All you need is to provide us with an STL file with a 3D model.
Take advantage of CJP 3D printing technology with our help and appreciate all its advantages in practice.
Selective, that is, selective, laser sintering is a 3D printing technology that was created back in 1979. However, for a long time it was not available to the market until DTM was created in 1996. In 2001, 3D Systems bought this company, and in 2014 the patent expired, and now this technology is available to a wide range of consumers.
The SLS 3D printing technique consists in the fact that the material is heated by a laser beam until the particles are sintered, that is, not completely. As a result, the model turns out not to be solid, but as if “sintered” from individual tiny particles. If we consider the structure under magnification, then individual particles of the material will be visible, as if glued to each other.
The operation of a 3D printer that prints using SLS technology is as follows. Powder material is poured into the chamber. A 3D model in STL format is loaded into the software. The working platform is exposed and a thin layer of material (thickness about 120 microns) is applied to it, leveled with a roller. The laser sinters the powder particles according to the loaded model. After the layer is completed, the platform is lowered and a new layer of material is applied. The procedure will be repeated until the very last layer is completed.
Since there is unused material in the working chamber, the need for supports simply disappears, because complex and overhanging parts will be supported by unused material. This allows you to get models of any, even very complex geometry.
Powder polymers, metals and their alloys, ceramics, glass, composite materials can be used as consumables. But in any case, the material must be in powder form. Due to the fact that the power of laser radiation can be adjusted, the degree of melting of the material can change, and, accordingly, the strength and uniformity of the structure of the resulting model. Currently, the most popular material for 3D printing using SLS technology is polyamide. This is a versatile powder material that can be used in almost any field. If powdered metal is used for printing, it is preheated to make printing faster and easier.
As a result of 3D printing, models are obtained with a surface that requires processing, in particular grinding. Models made of polyamide are sensitive to moisture, so they must be coated with a protective compound, such as moisture-resistant paint, if outdoor use is planned.
Selective laser sintering shows excellent results when used in small-scale production, as well as for the manufacture of master models. This 3D printing technology is in demand in the aerospace industry, in manufacturing, etc.
The disadvantages of SLS 3D printing technology are the high cost of equipment. In addition, the powder material is potentially harmful to the human body, so a separate room with air conditioning and an air filter is equipped for such 3D printers. All this imposes difficulties for additive manufacturing using this technique. But this does not mean that you cannot take advantage of the possibilities of selective laser sintering technology, because our company provides professional 3D printing services on such equipment. You can order 3D printing using SLS technology from us. All you need is to provide us with a file with a 3D model in STL format. We guarantee you high quality printing in full accordance with the provided 3D model.
Selective (selective) laser melting - SLM is a 3D printing method from a mathematical CAD model, which is used to create 3D objects by melting metal powders. For this, high-power lasers are used.
Using this technology, it is possible to create precise metal parts that will later be used in various units and assemblies, including non-separable structures that change their geometry during use. This type of printing is becoming more and more widespread, because the parts created by this method are in many ways superior in their mechanical and physical characteristics to products produced by traditional methods.
The advantages of 3D printing using SLM technology are: the ability to solve the most complex production problems, including in the aerospace industry, where parts and assemblies have a hard load and serious requirements are imposed. Also, SLM printing is used in experimental and scientific and technical activities, where it is possible to significantly reduce the R&D cycle, because the most complex mechanisms and products can be created without serious equipment.
The technology also allows you to print objects with internal cavities, which can significantly reduce the weight of products.
The essence of the method lies in the layer-by-layer application of metal powder on a special heated platform and its subsequent processing with a high-power laser, in accordance with the CAD model. The working chamber of the 3D printer, where the melting process itself takes place, is filled with argon or nitrogen. The choice of gas will depend on which consumable is selected for printing. Inert gas will be mainly consumed in preparation for printing, when the chamber is purged, because it is necessary to achieve conditions so that the percentage of oxygen in the chamber is no more than 0.15%. This is a necessary condition in order to avoid the oxidation of metals. Consumables can be: powdered metals and alloys. It can be tool or stainless steel, titanium and its alloys, aluminum, platinum, gold, as well as cobalt-chromium alloys.
The model is fused layer by layer. After the printing of the prototype is completed, it is removed from the chamber with the working platform and separated from it mechanically. In the future, it may require processing, because the surface of the product may not be ideal. However, the product will be very strong and uniform in structure, similar to cast.
One of the advantages of the technology is its economy and non-waste. After all, unsintered material can be reused. The thickness of one layer is 20-100 microns. Thus, SLM 3D printing is a very precise and highly detailed additive manufacturing technique.
The cost of 3D printers using this method is very high. And in general, their operation is by no means a simple matter, requiring special conditions. But you have a great opportunity to use 3D printing using selective laser fusion technology with the help of our company. All you need is just to order 3D printing using this technique in our company. To do this, you need to provide us with an STL file with a CAD model for printing.
Take advantage of the innovative method of creating high-precision metal products - SLM printing.
One of the most reliable metal 3D printing methods is EBM printing or electron beam melting. This is an additive manufacturing technology that is used to create high-strength, comparable to cast, metal products. Pure (without impurities) metal powder acts as a consumable. Printing is carried out in a vacuum chamber, which minimizes the oxidation of the material, such as pure titanium.
Electron beam melting is very similar to SLS 3D printing technology, that is, selective laser melting. However, it does not use powerful lasers, but electron emitters, which serve as sources of powerful energy used to melt metal. So-called electron guns fire high power electron beams that fuse metal powder. The method is similar to other 3D printing methods - the layering of consumables. A layer of metal powder is applied, and electron beams, following the contour of the model, fuse the material. Then the algorithm is repeated again until all layers are created and a finished three-dimensional object is obtained in accordance with the mathematical 3D model.
As a result of such 3D printing, a high-density metal model is obtained, and the porosity of the structure is absent. This means that additional processing by the method of firing for a strong fusion of the material in the model is not required. And the model itself will have high strength characteristics initially, that is, it will not differ in any way from cast products.
Electron beam melting is printed at high background temperatures of 700-1000 degrees Celsius. This avoids a strong temperature difference between the already cooled printed layer and the fresh hot layer. Therefore, printed parts will not suffer from residual mechanical stress. This is how the highest possible strength of EBM-printed products is achieved.
This 3D printing technology is used to create high-precision titanium prostheses and implants, such as hip and knee implants, skull parts, etc. Titanium combines strength and biocompatibility.
EBM printing is also used in the aerospace industry. With the help of this technology, load-bearing structural elements of various devices (aircraft, rockets), as well as parts of their engines, are printed. For this purpose, strong and light powder metals are used.
EBM printing equipment is very expensive. However, you can order 3D printing using the technology of electron beam melting of powder metal. We are ready to fulfill your order in the shortest possible time, and we guarantee the high quality of printed products, in full accordance with the provided STL file.
Take advantage of high-precision and high-strength metal 3D printing - electron beam melting (EBM).
3D printers in education: the coming future / Newtonew: online education news
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3D printing technology turns any digital image into a three-dimensional physical object that can be reproduced "at home". If you think about it, over time, these technologies should radically change the behavior of the average user: instead of passively consuming what mass production of items gives him, he can create the items he needs on his own and exactly in the form in which they completely satisfy him. The material world that surrounds a person has every chance of becoming unique and author's, and someday Ikea furniture in every home will become a thing of the past. Just like similar cars.
The body of the EDAG Light Cocoon, shown at the Geneva Motor Show in March this year, is "printed" on a 3D printer
Actually, 3D printing is not a new technology. Its history began about 20 years ago in the United States, when the process of layer-by-layer creation of three-dimensional objects from photopolymerizable composite materials was invented. The technology is called stereolithography (SLA). A little later, volumetric models learned to form from layers of various materials. Then other 3D printing methods appeared, but they were used mainly in industrial and highly specialized production, and all this was called prototyping.
Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) was invented in the late 1980s, and already in 1995, the concepts of "3D printer" and "3D printing" appeared. The fact is that it was this method that made it possible to use rapid prototyping at home: devices of a relatively small size appeared, which thus created models from a polymer thread.
The use of 3D printers "pulls" a whole string of necessary knowledge in modeling, physics, mathematics, and programming. 3D printing is a powerful educational tool that can instill in a child the habit of not only using ready-made, but creating for themselves. Here are the two main benefits that education has from the advent of new technology:
- now the teacher himself creates three-dimensional visual aids, without which it is difficult to understand the material;
- 3D printers put learning into practice: students can create prototypes and necessary parts on their own, embodying their design and construction ideas.
“When you are proud that you created something yourself, you don’t have a question: why study?” — says Sean Carlton, science teacher at New Technology High School (Napa, California)
We do not undertake to predict when a 3D printer in a Russian school will become the same familiar tool as a computer or an interactive whiteboard. At this stage, examples of the introduction of this technology are rare, and the figures of additional education are more enthusiastic.
For example, at the time of this video, the only 3D printer in educational institutions of the Tyumen region was donated to the "School of the Gifted" mug at Tyumen State University.
Astrakhan schoolchildren use 3D printing at the Regional School Technopark of the Astrakhan Civil Engineering Institute. This organization works with schools in the Astrakhan region, and children who are passionate about technology have a chance to get involved in high technology by working on group projects in robotics and design.
Source: pixabay.com
Pioneers in introducing children and adults to 3D printing - hackspaces (hackerspace), special creative spaces for those who are passionate about high technologies: electronics, IT, robots, etc.. There are such spaces in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg. So, in Yekaterinburg, there was even a school techno-marathon for assembling 3D printers, organized by the MakeItLab hackspace. Such a marathon perfectly proves to both children and their teachers that technology that seems like a fairy tale to many, in fact, can be mastered by everyone.
With the help of a 3D printer, you can "print" the world of Minecraft
Source: carl.jalbum.net
Copies of the Spanish Prusa I3 printer, designed for home assembly, participated in the Yekaterinburg marathon. Astrakhan engineers, teachers of the technopark mentioned above, went further and developed their own printer for self-assembly, which should cost schools much cheaper than existing analogues. And teacher of Tomsk State University Nikolai Bulakhov announced this summer that he would soon create an online course on assembling a 3D printer from improvised materials.
As you can see, the technical problem of the availability of 3D printing for schools is being actively solved: people are eager to use relevant technologies, despite some inertia in the education system. But methodological issues will not only be addressed by technical enthusiasts.
3D printing at school allows for the development of interdisciplinary connections, requires more time for independent creative work, and opens up great opportunities for project-based learning. This is another case where the introduction of new technology is ineffective without systemic changes.
13 August 2015, 15:00
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